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Biomarkers of Knee Joint Healing in Adolescents with Anterior Cruciate Ligament InjuriesEk Orloff, Lisa 25 February 2022 (has links)
Objective: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are increasing in adolescents and increase the risk for early-onset knee osteoarthritis (OA). Biomarkers can be a non-invasive measure to assess physiological properties following knee injury or trauma. The objective of this thesis was to i) perform a systematic review to determine the most studied biomarkers of knee healing following ACL reconstruction (ACLR), and age of these patients, and ii) explore the feasibility of measuring these biomarkers in adolescents with ACL injuries.
Design: Studies were included if i) participants underwent ACLR, and ii) at least one biomarker of healing was measured. Participant age, sample(s) collected, and biomarker(s) studied were recorded. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), c-terminal crosslinking telopeptide of type II collagen (CTX-II) and procollagen type II collagen propeptide (PIICP) were then measured using ELISA in adolescents prior to ACLR in urine (u) and synovial fluid (sf). Spearman’s Rho (rs) coefficients were calculated to determine the association between uCTX-II/sfCTX-II, and uIL-6/sfIL-6. A ratio of PIICP: CTX-II was calculated to represent the ratio of cartilage synthesis to degradation.
Results: The review produced six studies evaluating healing following ACLR. IL-6 and CTX-II were the most studied (3/6 studies), and only one study included adolescents (age 19.6±4.5). Due to multiple undetectable biomarker levels, we could only report rs for uCTX-II/sfCTX-II (rs = -.200, p-value = .800, n=4). We also reported a ratio for sfPIICP: sfCTX-II (23.06 ±19.23).
Conclusion: Exploring biomarkers in adolescents was motivated by their unique physiology due to puberty, and this was the first study to do so. The findings from this pilot study indicate that further analysis is required to determine optimal sample preparation. This will allow for reliable results while studying the feasibility of these biomarkers during ACLR recovery. This insight can ensure more informed decision making by clinicians clearing patients for return-to-activity.
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Elektrostatické zvlákňování modifikovaných biopolymerů pro medicínské aplikace / Electrospinning of Modified Biopolymers for Medical ApplicationsPavliňáková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá přípravou a charakterizací nových biokompatibilních nanovláken s potenciální aplikací v medicíně. V této práci byl výběr jednotlivých složek pro přípravu nanovlákenného materiálu zvolen tak, aby vyhovoval nárokům tkáňového inženýrství. Literární rešerše shrnuje poznatky o elektrostatickém zvlákňování a o jeho parametrech. Dále se věnuje možnostem elektrostatického zvlákňování proteinů kolagenu a želatiny a jejich směsmi se syntetickými polymery a biopolymery a anorganickými plnivy. Teoretická část řeší také různé postupy síťování nanovláken vedoucí ke zlepšení jejich hydrolytické stability a mechanických vlastností. Poslední část je zaměřena na anorganické nanotrubky halloysitu (HNT), které získaly svou pozornost díky svým vynikajícím fyzikálním a biologickým vlastnostem. V experimentální části byly zpracovány dvě případové studie, z nichž každá se zabývá přípravou nanovlákenných biomateriálů s potenciální aplikací v medicíně. První studie je zaměřena na přípravu a charakterizaci nových hydrolyticky stabilních antibakteriálních želatinových nanovláken modifikovaných pomocí oxidované celulózy. Unikátní inhibiční účinky nanovláken byly testovány na kmenu bakterie Escherichia coli pomocí metody chemické bioluminiscence. Kultivované buňky lidského papilárního adenokacinomu plic prokázaly dobrou adhezi a proliferaci k povrchu nanovláken. Druhá část popisuje vliv zdroje a množství anorganických halloysitových nanotrubek na strukturu a vlastnosti amfifilních nanovláken ze směsi želatiny a syntetického polykaprolaktonu. Přídavek HNT zlepšil tepelnou stabilitu, mechanické vlastnosti (jak tuhost, tak prodloužení) a snížil krystalinitu nanovláken. HNT z různých zdrojů neměl vliv na chování buněk, ale mírně ovlivnil proliferaci a životaschopnost buněk na povrchu nanovláken.
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A Study of Various Parameters Affecting Adhesion of Coatings to Metal Substrates / En studie av olika parametrar som påverkar ytbeläggningars adhesion till metallsubstratPathanatecha, Worabhorn January 2019 (has links)
The adhesion of coatings is of high importance in the coating industry and a more thorough understanding of adhesion behavior is required. In this thesis work, seven parameters affecting adhesion of silane-modified poly(urethane urea) (PUSi) coatings on pretreated steel and aluminum substrates were studied. These parameters include substrate type, dry film thickness (20-30 and 60-70 μm), solid content (40, 60, and 70 wt%), resin ratio between two different types of PUSi (PUSi-A: PUSi-B = 70:30, 50:50, and 30:70 wt ratio), crosslinking density, additive, and curing condition. The different pretreatments of substrates include solvent wiping, sandblasting, phosphating, and galvanizing. A commercial paint product (‘yellow topcoat’) was used as a reference for the study of substrates and additives. Several formulations of clearcoat, prepared from the same PUSi resins as the commercial paint product, were mainly used in every experiment. The obtained coatings were tested for their adhesion properties using cross hatch adhesion test, bending test, and humidity resistance test. The film hardness and thermo-mechanical properties were evaluated with König pendulum hardness test and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), respectively. Surface energies of all substrates were analyzed with Contact Angle Measurement (CAM). The PUSi-A and PUSi-B resins used in the coating formulations were characterized with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The results showed a correlation between poor adhesion properties and the relatively low surface energies of some substrates, namely cold-rolled steel (CRS), industrial ACE aluminum, and standard Q aluminum. The use of silane-functional crosslinking agent and silane adhesion promoters in the coatings has greatly enhanced adhesion. The increase in film hardness via increased crosslinking density also did not hinder the adhesion due to the presence of silane groups in the crosslinker. Additionally, increased time and temperature during curing showed positive effects. However, the variation of resin ratio, solid content, and film thickness did not offer significant adhesion improvement in this study. / Adhesionsegenskaperna hos ytbeläggningar är av stor betydelse i färg- och lackindustrin och en djupare förståelse av vidhäftning är av stor betydelse. I detta uppsatsarbete studerades sju parametrar som påverkar vidhäftning av silanmodifierad poly(uretan-urea) (PUSi)-beläggningar på stål- och aluminiumsubstrat. Dessa parametrar inkluderar substrattyp, torr filmtjocklek (20-30 och 60-70 μm), torrhalt (40, 60 och 70 viktprocent), mängdförhållandet mellan två olika typer av PUSi (PUSi-A: PUSi-B = 70:30, 50:50 och 30:70 viktprocent), tvärbindningsdensitet, tillsatsmedel och härdningsbetingelser. Förbehandlingen av substraten inkluderar lösningsmedelsavtorkning, sandblästring, fosfatering och galvanisering. En kommersiell ytbehandlingsprodukt innehållandes gula pigment (gul topplack) användes som referens. Flera formuleringar av klarlack, framställda av samma PUSi-hartser som den kommersiella produkten, användes i det experimentella arbetet. Beläggningarna testades med avseende på deras vidhäftningsegenskaper med ’cross-hatch’-test, böjningstest och fuktbeständighetstest. Filmhårdhet och termomekaniska egenskaper utvärderades med König pendelhårdhetstest respektive Dynamisk Mekanisk Analys (DMA). Ytenergier för alla substrat analyserades med kontaktvinkelmätning (CAM). PUSi-A- och PUSi-B-hartserna som användes i ytbeläggningarna karaktäriserades med Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) och Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). Resultaten visade en korrelation mellan dålig vidhäftning och låga ytenergier för vissa underlag, främst kallvalsat stål (CRS), industriellt ACE-aluminium och standard Q-aluminium. Användningen av silan-funktionell tvärbindare och en silan-baserad primer förbättrade vidhäftningen avsevärt. Ökningen i filmhårdhet genom högre tvärbindningsdensitet resulterade inte i sämre vidhäftning eftersom tvärbindaren innehåller silan-grupper vilket bidrog till att upprätthålla vidhäftningen. Längre tid och högre temperatur vid härdning gav generellt bättre vidhäftning, liksom tillsats av urea. Att variera mängden bindemedel, torrhalt eller filmtjocklek gav inte någon signifikant påverkan på vidhäftning i denna studie.
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Synthese von immobilisierbaren p-Dotierungsmitteln und deren kovalente Anbindung an einen polymeren HalbleiterEnders, Simon 04 December 2023 (has links)
Im Zuge der voranschreitenden Entwicklung neuartiger polymerer und molekularer Halbleiter besteht ein großer Bedarf an starken p-Dotierungsmitteln, welche in der Lage sind, organische Halbleiter mit hoher Austrittsarbeit bzw. Elektronenaffinität zu oxidieren. Bekannte und etablierte p-Dotierungsmittel wie CN6-CP bringen jedoch für lösungsbasierte Methoden zur Schichtbildung aufgrund ihrer niedrigen Löslichkeit viele Probleme mit sich. Weiterhin stellen Diffusion und Migration von Dotierungsmitteln durch die polymeren Halbleiter ein Problem dar, welches zum einen die Ausbildung von scharfen p-n-Übergängen erschwert, zum anderen die Lebensdauer von organischen elektrischen Bauteilen stark einschränkt. Eine Möglichkeit, diese Hürden zu überwinden, wäre die kovalente Anbindung des Dotierungsmittels an den polymeren Halbleiter, jedoch gibt es bisher kaum Forschungsergebnisse zu diesem Thema.
Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Struktur des Dotierungsmittels CN6-CP modifiziert, wodurch dessen Löslichkeit in organischen Lösemitteln signifikant verbessert und gleichzeitig die elektronischen Eigenschaften der Substanz nur geringfügig verändert wurden. Es wurde eine allgemeingültige Methode zur Synthese asymmetrisch substituierter Radialene etabliert und angewendet. Weiterhin wurden erstmals funktionelle Gruppen in die Struktur eines Dotierungsmittels eingebaut, welche eine kovalente Anbindung via Click-Chemie an polymere Halbleiter erlauben. Dies ermöglicht die Immobilisierung des Dotierungsmittels. Durch den Austausch von Gegenionen konnten die für die hergestellten Dotierungsmittel geeigneten Lösemittel gezielt eingestellt werden. Eine vollständige chemische Analyse und Charakterisierung der hergestellten Substanzen wurde durchgeführt.
Im zweiten Teil wurde die Synthese des literaturbekannten polymeren Halbleiters PPPC (Polypropargyloxyphenylcarbazol) durchgeführt und optimiert sowie die hergestellten Batches charakterisiert. Über mehrere Modellversuche wurden Methoden entwickelt, um die hergestellten immobilisierbaren Dotierungsmittel an PPPC kovalent zu binden. Eine Reihe von Polymeren mit unterschiedlich hohem Anteil des Dotierungsmittels wurde synthetisiert und diese auf ihre Löslichkeit hin untersucht. Nach der Optimierung einer für alle diese PPPC-Derivate gültigen Methode zur Bildung dünner Polymerfilme und zur photochemischen Vernetzung wurden diese auf ihre elektrische Leitfähigkeit hin untersucht. Nach Oxidation mit NOSbF6 wurde die Stabilität der oxidierten Schichten gegenüber äußeren Einflüssen untersucht und deren elektrische Leitfähigkeit in Abhängigkeit des Anteils des Dotierungsmittels charakterisiert.:I INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ........................................................................... 1
II THEORETISCHER TEIL ......................................................................... 5
1 Motivation und Zielstellung .................................................................... 7
2 Theoretische Grundlagen ................................................................... 10
2.1 Organische Halbleiter ....................................................................... 10
2.1.1 Elektrische Leitfähigkeit ................................................................. 11
2.1.2 Elektrische Leitfähigkeit in Polymeren ........................................... 13
2.1.3 Konjugierte Polymere .................................................................... 17
2.1.4 Synthese von polymeren Halbleitern ............................................. 21
2.2 Dotieren ........................................................................................... 23
2.2.1 Molekulares Dotieren .................................................................... 24
2.2.2 Dotierungsmechanismen .............................................................. 25
2.2.3 Effizienz von Dotierungen.............................................................. 29
2.2.4 Moderne Dotierungsmittel ............................................................. 30
2.3 CN6-CP ............................................................................................ 32
2.3.1 Allgemeines ................................................................................... 32
2.3.2 Mechanismus der Synthese .......................................................... 34
2.3.3 Modifizierung ................................................................................. 35
2.4 Vernetzungsreaktionen ..................................................................... 37
2.4.1 Huisgen-Cycloaddition und CuAAC ............................................... 38
2.4.2 Photochemische Vernetzung ......................................................... 40
3 Analysemethoden ................................................................................ 41
3.1 Gelpermeationschromatographie (GPC) ........................................... 41
3.2 Leitfähigkeitsmessungen .................................................................. 42
3.3 Cyclovoltammetrie ............................................................................. 47
3.4 UV-Vis-Spektroskopie ........................................................................ 50
III RESULTATE UND DISKUSSION ............................................................ 53
1 Synthese von Dotierungsmitteln ........................................................... 55
1.1 CN4-CP-NEt3 .................................................................................... 56
1.1.1 Synthese ........................................................................................ 56
1.1.2 Analytik ........................................................................................... 58
1.2 CN5Et-CP .......................................................................................... 63
1.2.1 Dianionen ....................................................................................... 64 Synthese CN5Et-CP-2Na ............................................................. 64 Synthese CN5Et-CP-2TBA .......................................................... 66 Analytik ....................................................................................... 67
1.2.2 Radikal-Anion CN5Et-CP-K ............................................................ 75
1.2.3 Neutralform .................................................................................... 79
1.3 CN5HexN3-CP ................................................................................... 84
1.3.1 Zweitstufige Synthese von HexN3OAcCN ....................................... 85
1.3.2 Dianionen ...................................................................................... 89 Synthese CN5HexN3-CP-2Na ..................................................... 89 Synthese CN5HexN3-CP-2TBA ................................................... 90 Analytik ....................................................................................... 91
1.3.3 Radikal-Anion CN5HexN3-CP-K ..................................................... 96
1.4 Zusammenfassung ............................................................................ 99
2 Selbstkompensierende Polymere ....................................................... 102
2.1 Synthese von PPPC .........................................................................102
2.1.1 Synthese der Monomere .............................................................. 103
2.1.2 Suzuki-Polykondensation .............................................................. 106
2.1.3 Entschützung ................................................................................ 110
2.1.4 Propargylierung zu PPPC ............................................................. 111
2.2 Modell-Versuche .............................................................................. 124
2.2.1 Huisgen-Cycloaddition .................................................................. 124
2.2.2 CuAAC .......................................................................................... 130
2.3 Modifizierung des Polymers ............................................................. 133
2.4 Oxidation und Dotierung .................................................................. 143
2.4.1 Voruntersuchungen ...................................................................... 143
2.4.2 Optimierung der Polymerfilmpräparation ...................................... 149
2.4.3 Leitfähigkeitsmessungen .............................................................. 160
3 Zusammenfassung ............................................................................. 167
4 Ausblick .............................................................................................. 171
IV EXPERIMENTALTEIL ......................................................................... 173
1 Allgemeine Angaben .......................................................................... 175
1.1 Analytische Methoden ..................................................................... 175
1.2 Chemikalien und Lösungsmittel ....................................................... 178
1.3 Sonstiges ........................................................................................ 180
2 Synthesen .......................................................................................... 182
2.1 Derivate von CN6-CP ...................................................................... 182
2.1.1 Synthese von CN4-CP-NEt3 ......................................................... 182
2.1.2 Synthese von CN5Et-CP-2Na ....................................................... 184
2.1.3 Synthese von CN5Et-CP-2TBA .................................................... 185
2.1.4 Synthese von CN5Et-CP-K .......................................................... 187
2.1.5 Synthese von HexBrOAcCN ......................................................... 188
2.1.6 Synthese von HexN3OAcCN ........................................................ 189
2.1.7 Synthese von CN5HexN3-CP-2Na ............................................... 190
2.1.8 Synthese von CN5HexN3-CP-2TBA ............................................. 191
2.1.9 Synthese von CN5HexN3-CP-K .................................................... 192
2.2 Polymersynthese ............................................................................. 193
2.2.1 Synthese von THP-DBP ............................................................... 193
2.2.2 Synthese von EH-DBC ................................................................. 194
2.2.3 Synthese von Bor-EH-C ............................................................... 195
2.2.4 Synthese von Pd/PtBu3 ............................................................... 196
2.2.5 Suzuki-Polykondensation zu P-THP-PC ....................................... 197
2.2.6 THP-Entschützung zu P-OH-PC ................................................... 198
2.2.7 Propargylierung zu PPPC ............................................................. 199
2.3 1,3-Dipolare Cycloadditionen .......................................................... 200
2.3.1 Synthese 1,3,5-Tris(azidomethyl)benzol (TAMB) .......................... 200
2.3.2 Thermische Huisgen-Cycloaddition .............................................. 201
2.3.3 Kupfer-katalysierte Azid-Alkin-Cycloaddition ................................ 202
2.3.4 Filmpräparation ............................................................................ 203
V ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS ............................................................. 204
VI LITERATURVERZEICHNIS ................................................................. 207
VII ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS ..............................................................222
VIII TABELLENVERZEICHNIS ................................................................. 234
IX PUBLIKATIONSVERZEICHNIS ............................................................ 236
X ANHANG ............................................................................................. 237
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Comparison of Corn and Rye Arabinoxylans for the Production of Bio-based Materials / Jämförelse av arabinoxylaner från råg och majs för tillverkning av biobaserade materialChen, Chen January 2020 (has links)
Enzymes and subcritical water can be used for the extraction of hemicelluloses from cereal by-products, making the processes eco-friendly. The polysaccharides extracted from cereal by-products can be used as matrices for development of materials for various applications. This includes bio-based materials such as films and hydrogels, which offer alternatives to existing materials produced from petrochemicals. The polymeric structure of cereal hemicelluloses contains functional groups which enable the modification of their structure by cross-linking, resulting in the formation of hydrogels. This project aims to use subcritical water extraction (SWE) to extract arabinoxylans (AXs) from corn and rye bran meanwhile the enzymatic treatment is done for purifying the samples during both pre- and post-treatment. AXs were further crosslinked by enzyme (laccase) for hydrogel preparation. During the whole project, the characterization included moisture and yield determination, starch and protein content which were tested using a spectrophotometer, monosaccharide content was analyzed by high performance anion exchange chromatography followed by pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) and phenolic acid content was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The pretreatment for destarching and SWE process was successful. The result showed that arabinoxylans form corn bran were having higher content of arabino substituents, arabino toxylans ratio and ferulic acid content than rye samples. The enzymatic crosslinking could form strong gels in the condition that the AXs had high ferulic acid content. In terms of forming strong hydrogels or to improving the properties of AXs gel, the pre- and post-treatment should be optimized to increase the purity of the extracted feruloylated AX content. / Enzymer och subkritiskt vatten kan användas för extraktion av hemicellulosa från spannmålsbiprodukter, vilket gör extraktionen miljövänlig. Polysackariderna extraherade från spannmålsprodukter kan användas som matriser för utveckling av material för diverse applikationer. Detta inkluderar biobaserade material som filmer och hydrogeler, där petrokemikalier kan ersättas som råvara. Den polymera strukturen hos spannmålshemicelluloser innehåller funktionella grupper som möjliggör formation av tvärbindningar vilket resulterar i bildandet av hydrogeler. Syftet med detta projekt är extraktion av arbinoxylaner (AXs) från majs och rågkli genom att använda subkritiskt vatten-extraktion (SWE) där rening under för- och efterbehandling utförs enzymatiskt. AX modifierades därefter enzymatiskt (laccas) med tvärbindningar för hydrogelframställning. Under hela projektet karakteriserades hydrogelen utifrån fuktinnehåll, bestämmelse av utbyte, stärkelse och proteininnehåll som testades med en spektrofotometer, monosackaridhalten analyserades med högpresterande anjonsutbyteskromatografi följt avpuls-amperometrisk detektion (HPAEC-PAD), samt kvantifierades fenolsyrahalten med högupplöst vätskekromatografi (HPLC). Resultatet visade att arabinoxylaner från majskli hade högre innehåll av arabinosubstituenter, där förhållandet mellan arabino och xylans, samt arabino och ferulsyra innehållet var högre än för rågproverna. Den enzymatiska tvärbindningen kunde bilda starka geler i det tillståndet där AX hade en hög ferulsyrahalt. När det gäller att bilda starka hydrogeler eller att förbättra egenskaperna hos AXs-gel, bör för-och efterbehandlingen optimeras för att öka renheten fördet extraherade feruloylerade AX-innehållet.
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Protein-based injectable hydrogels towards the regeneration of articular cartilagePoveda Reyes, Sara 03 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] Articular cartilage is a tissue with low capacity for self-restoration due to its avascularity and low cell population. It is located on the surface of the subchondral bone covering the diarthrodial joints. Degeneration of articular cartilage can appear in athletes, in people with genetic degenerative processes (osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis) or due to a trauma; what produces pain, difficulties in mobility and progressive degeneration that finally leads to joint failure. Self-restoration is only produced when the defect reaches the subchondral bone and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) invade the defect. However, this new formed tissue is a fibrocartilaginous type cartilage and no a hyaline cartilage, which finally leads to degeneration. Transplantation of autologous chondrocytes has been proposed to regenerate articular cartilage but this therapy fails mainly to the absence of a material support (scaffold) for the adequate stimulation of cells. Matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation uses a collagen hydrogel as scaffold for chondrocytes; however, it does not have the adequate mechanical properties, does not provide the biological cues for cells and regenerated tissue is not articular cartilage but fibrocartilage. Different approaches have been done until now in order to obtain a scaffold that mimics better articular cartilage properties and composition. Hydrogels are a good option as they retain high amounts of water, in a similar way to the natural tissue, and can closely mimic the composition of natural tissue by the combination of natural derived hydrogels. Their three-dimensionality plays a critical role in articular cartilage tissue engineering to maintain chondrocyte function, since monolayer culture of chondrocytes makes them dedifferentiate towards a fibroblast-like phenotype secreting fibrocartilage.
Recently, injectable hydrogels have attracted attention for the tissue engineering of articular cartilage due to their ability to encapsulate cells, injectability in the injury with minimal invasive surgeries and adaptability to the shape of the defect. Following this new approach we aimed at synthesizing two new families of injectable hydrogels based on the natural protein gelatin for the tissue engineering of articular cartilage.
The first series of materials consisted on the combination of injectable gelatin with loose reinforcing polymeric microfibers to obtain injectable composites with improved mechanical properties. Our results demonstrate that there is an influence of the shape and distribution of the fibers in the mechanical properties of the composite. More importantly bad fiber-matrix interaction is not able to reinforce the hydrogel. Due to this, our composites were optimized by improving matrix-fiber interaction through a hydrophilic grafting onto the microfibers, with very successful results.
The second series of materials were inspired in the extracellular matrix of articular cartilage and consisted of injectable mixtures of gelatin and hyaluronic acid. Gelatin molecules in the mixtures provided integrin adhesion sites to cells, and hyaluronic acid increased the mechanical properties of gelatin. This combination demonstrated ability for the differentiation of MSCs towards the chondrocytic lineage and makes these materials very good candidates for the regeneration of articular cartilage.
The last part of this thesis is dedicated to the synthesis of a non-biodegradable material with mechanical properties, swelling and permeability similar to cartilage. This material intends to be used as a platform in a bioreactor in which the typical loads of the joint are simulated, so that the hydrogels or scaffolds would fit in the recesses in the platform. The function of the platform is to simulate the effect of the surrounding tissue on the scaffold after implantation and could reduce animal experimentation by simulating in vivo conditions. / [ES] El cartílago articular es un tejido con baja capacidad de auto-reparación debida a su avascularidad y baja población celular. Se encuentra en la superficie del hueso subcondral cubriendo las articulaciones. La degeneración del cartílago articular puede aparecer en atletas, en personas con procesos genéticos degenerativos o debido a un trauma; lo que produce dolor, dificultades en la movilidad y degeneración progresiva que lleva al fallo de la articulación. La auto-reparación sólo se produce cuando el defecto alcanza el hueso subcondral y las células madre (MSCs) de la médula ósea invaden el defecto. Sin embargo, este nuevo tejido es un cartílago de tipo fibrocartilaginoso y no un cartílago hialino, el cual finalmente lleva a la degeneración. El trasplante de condrocitos autólogos ha sido propuesto para regenerar el cartílago articular pero esta terapia falla principalmente por la ausencia de un material soporte (scaffold) que estimule adecuadamente a las células. El implante de condrocitos autólogos mediante un hidrogel de colágeno no tiene las propiedades mecánicas apropiadas, no proporciona las señales biológicas a las células y el tejido regenerado no es cartílago articular sino fibrocartílago. Se han realizado diferentes enfoques para obtener un scaffold que mimetice mejor las propiedades y la composición del cartílago articular. Los hidrogeles son una buena opción ya que retienen elevadas cantidades de agua, de forma similar al tejido natural, y pueden imitar de cerca la composición del tejido natural mediante la combinación de derivados de hidrogeles naturales. Su tridimensionalidad juega un papel crítico para mantener la función de los condrocitos, ya que el cultivo en monocapa de los condrocitos hace que desdiferencien hacia un fenotipo similar al fibroblasto secretando fibrocartílago.
Los hidrogeles inyectables han acaparado la atención en la ingeniería tisular de cartílago articular debido a su capacidad para encapsular células, su inyectabilidad en el daño con cirugías mínimamente invasivas y su adaptabilidad a la forma del defecto. Siguiendo este nuevo enfoque hemos sintetizado dos nuevas familias de hidrogeles inyectables basados en la proteína natural gelatina para la ingeniería tisular del cartílago articular.
La primera serie de materiales combina una gelatina inyectable con microfibras poliméricas sueltas de refuerzo para obtener composites inyectables con propiedades mecánicas mejoradas. Nuestros resultados demuestran que hay una influencia de la forma y la distribución de las fibras en las propiedades mecánicas del composite. Además, la mala interacción entre las fibras y la matriz no es capaz de reforzar el hidrogel. Debido a esto, nuestros composites han sido optimizados mediante la mejora de la interacción fibra-matriz a través de un injerto hidrófilo sobre las microfibras, con resultados muy exitosos.
La segunda serie de materiales se ha inspirado en la matriz extracelular del cartílago articular y ha consistido en mezclas inyectables de gelatina y ácido hialurónico. Las moléculas de gelatina proporcionan los dominios de adhesión mediante integrinas a las células, y el ácido hialurónico aumenta las propiedades mecánicas de la gelatina. Esta combinación ha demostrado la habilidad para la diferenciación de MSCs hacia el linaje condrocítico y convierte a estos materiales en buenos candidatos para la regeneración del cartílago articular.
La última parte de esta tesis se dedica a la síntesis de un material no biodegradable con propiedades mecánicas, hinchado y permeabilidad similar al cartílago. Este material pretende ser empleado como plataforma en un biorreactor en el que se simulan las cargas típicas de las articulaciones, de forma que los scaffolds encajarían en los huecos de la plataforma. Su función es simular el efecto del tejido circundante en el scaffold después de su implantación y podría reducir la experimentación anim / [CA] El cartílag articular es un teixit amb baixa capacitat d'auto-reparació deguda a la seua avascularitat i baixa població cel·lular. Es troba en la superfície de l'ós subcondral cobrint les articulacions. La degeneració del cartílag articular pot aparèixer en atletes, en persones amb processos genètics degeneratius o degut a un trauma; produeix dolor, dificultats a la mobilitat i degeneració progressiva que finalment porta a la fallida de l'articulació. L'auto-reparació es produeix quan el defecte arriba fins a l'ós subcondral i les cèl·lules mare (MSCs) de la medul·la òssia envaeixen el defecte. No obstant això, aquest nou teixit format es un cartílag de tipus fibrocartilaginós i no un cartílag hialí, el qual finalment porta a la degeneració. El transplantament de condròcits autòlegs ha sigut proposat per a regenerar el cartílag articular però aquesta teràpia falla principalment per la absència d'un material de suport (scaffold) que estimuli adequadament a les cèl·lules. L'implant de condròcits autòlegs en un hidrogel de col·lagen per als condròcits no té les propietats mecàniques apropiades, no proporciona les senyals biològiques a les cèl·lules i el teixit regenerat no és cartílag articular sinó fibrocartílag. Diferents enfocs han sigut realitzats fins ara per a obtenir un scaffold que mimetitzi millor les propietats i la composició del cartílag articular. Els hidrogels son una bona opció ja que retenen elevades quantitats d'aigua, de forma similar al teixit natural, i poden imitar acuradament la composició del teixit natural mitjançant la combinació d'hidrogels naturals. La seua tridimensionalitat juga un paper crític per a mantenir la funció dels condròcits, ja que el cultiu en monocapa dels condròcits fa que aquests desdiferencien cap a un fenotip similar al fibroblàstic secretant fibrocartílag.
Recentment, els hidrogels injectables han acaparat l'atenció en l' enginyeria tissular de cartílag articular degut a la seua capacitat per a encapsular cèl·lules, la seua injectabilitat en el dany amb cirurgies mínimament invasives i la seua adaptabilitat a la forma del defecte. Seguint aquesta nova aproximació hem sintetitzat dues noves famílies d'hidrogels injectables basats en la proteïna natural gelatina per a l'enginyeria tissular del cartílag articular.
La primera sèrie de materials combina una gelatina injectable amb microfibres polimèriques soltes de reforç per a obtenir compòsits injectables amb propietats mecàniques millorades. Els nostres resultats demostren que hi ha una influència de la forma i la distribució de les fibres en les propietats mecàniques del compòsit. Més importantment, la mala interacció entre les fibres i la matriu no és capaç de reforçar l'hidrogel. Degut a això, els nostres compòsits han segut optimitzats mitjançant la millora de la interacció fibra-matriu a traves d'un empelt hidròfil sobre les fibres, amb resultats molt exitosos.
La segona sèrie de materials està inspirada en la matriu extracel·lular del cartílag articular i ha consistit en mescles injectables de gelatina i àcid hialurònic. Les molècules de gelatina proporcionen els dominis d'adhesió mitjançant integrines a les cèl·lules, i l'àcid hialurònic augmenta les propietats mecàniques de la gelatina. Esta combinació ha demostrat l'habilitat per a la diferenciació de MSCs cap al llinatge condrocític i converteix a aquests materials en bons candidats per a la regeneració del cartílag articular.
L'última part d'aquesta tesi és dedicada a la síntesi d'un material no biodegradable amb propietats mecàniques, inflat i permeabilitat similar al cartílag. Aquest material pretén ser utilitzat com a plataforma a un bioreactor que simula les cargues típiques de les articulacions, de manera que els hidrogels o scaffolds encaixarien als buits de la plataforma. La seua funció es simular l'efecte del teixit circumdant al scaffold després d / Poveda Reyes, S. (2016). Protein-based injectable hydrogels towards the regeneration of articular cartilage [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61392 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales
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Novel Modifications of Styrene-Butadiene and Isoprene RubberSchmitz, Nathan David 14 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Typ III Restriktionsendonuklease EcoP15IWagenführ, Katja 13 March 2009 (has links)
EcoP15I gehört zu den heterooligomeren Typ III Restriktionsendonukleasen. Der multifunktionale Enzymkomplex ist aus zwei Modifikations- und zwei Restriktions-Untereinheiten aufgebaut und katalysiert sowohl die Spaltung als auch die Methylierung der DNA. Für die effektive Spaltung der doppelsträngigen DNA benötigt EcoP15I zwei invers orientierte Erkennungsorte mit der DNA-Sequenz 5’-CAGCAG. Die Spaltung erfolgt im oberen Strang 24 bis 26 Basen in 3’-Richtung nach dem Erkennungsort und im unteren Strang 26 bis 28 Basen in 5’-Richtung nach dem Erkennungsort. Aufgrund des bislang größten definierten Abstandes zwischen Erkennungs- und Spaltort ist EcoP15I ein wichtiges Werkzeug in der funktionellen Genomanalyse. Die Aufklärung der Domänenstruktur beider EcoP15I-Untereinheiten durch limitierte Proteolyse zeigte, dass die Restriktions-Untereinheit modular aufgebaut ist. Sie besteht aus zwei stabil gefalteten Domänen, der N-terminalen Translokase- und der C-terminalen Endo-Domäne. Beide Domänen sind durch einen flexiblen Linker verbunden. In der Modifikations-Untereinheit dagegen wurden keine Domänen identifiziert. Durch Insertion von Aminosäuren in und um den Linkerbereich konnten Enzymmutanten hergestellt werden, die bevorzugt die Positionen mit größten Abstand zum Erkennungsort spalteten. Wurden dagegen in dieser Region Aminosäuren deletiert, verloren die Enzymmutanten ihre DNA-Spaltaktivität. Die photochemische Vernetzung von EcoP15I mit spezifischer DNA ergab, dass EcoP15I drei Kontakte zum Phosphatrückgrat des ersten Adenins im Erkennungsort ausbildet. Ein Kontakt wird dabei über die Aminosäure S635 im C-terminalen Teil der Modifikations-Untereinheit hergestellt, zwei weitere entstehen durch die Aminosäuren Y248 und K421 der Restriktions-Untereinheit. Die transmissionselektronenmikroskopische Abbildung des negativ kontrastierten EcoP15I-Enzym zeigte einen symmetrischen Aufbau und stellt somit eine Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines dreidimensionalen Modells dar. / EcoP15I belongs to the hetero-oligemeric type III restriction endonucleases. The multifunctional enzyme complex consists of two modification and two restriction subunits and catalyses both the cleavage and methylation of the DNA. For effective cleavage of the double stranded DNA EcoP15I needs two inversely oriented recognition sites with the DNA sequence 5’-CAGCAG. The cleavage occurs 24 to 25 bases in 3’-direction from the recognition sequence in the top strand and 26 to 28 bases in 5’-direction from the recognition sequence in the bottom strand. Because of the largest known distance between recognition and cleavage site so far EcoP15I is an important tool in functional genomics. The elucidation of the domain structure of EcoP15I restriction as well as the modification subunit by limited proteolysis showed that the restriction subunit has a modular structure. It consists of two stable folded domains, the N-terminal translocase domain and the C-terminal endonuclease domain. Both domains are connected by a flexible linker. In contrast to the restriction subunit no domains could be detected in the modification subunit. Enzyme mutants that were constructed by insertion of amino acids in and around the linker region cleaved preferentially the position with the largest distance between recognition and cleavage site. The enzyme mutants lost their DNA cleavage activity when the amino acids in this region were deleted. The photochemical crosslinking of EcoP15I with specific DNA showed that EcoP15I forms three contacts to the phosphate backbone of the first adenine of the recognition site. One contact is made by amino acid S635 in the C-terminal part of the modification subunit. Two others are made by amino acids Y248 and K421 of the restriction subunit. The transmission electron microscope picture of the negatively stained EcoP15I enzyme showed a symmetric form and therefore it constitutes a basis for the development of a three dimensional model.
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Preparação e caracterização de amidos termoplásticos / Preparation and characterization of termoplastic starchesRóz, Alessandra Luzia da 21 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o processo de plasticização do amido via mistura física e por reação química para a produção de novos materiais. A plasticização via mistura física foi realizada empregando-se como agentes plasticização diferentes compostos hidroxilados. Os amidos termoplásticos (TPS) foram processadas em misturador intensivo a 150°C, a partir de misturas contendo de 15 a 40% de agente plasticizante. A plasticização via reação química foi realizada com isocianatos monofuncionais e difuncionais, os quais levaram a obtenção de produtos de enxertia e entrecruzamento, respectivamente. Os produtos obtidos foram caracterizados por difração de Raios X, Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Termogravimetria (TG), Análise Dinâmico-Mecânica (DMA), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (SEM) e Cromatografia de Permeação em Gel (HPSEC). O estudo dos diferentes plasticizantes propiciou a determinação das características que estas substâncias devem possuir para a preparação de amidos termoplásticos. O cisalhamento desenvolvido durante o processamento em misturador intensivo levou à perda da estrutura cristalina e à desestruturação dos grânulos de amido. O processamento do TPS em misturador intensivo não provoca mudanças significativas na massa molar do amido termoplasticizado. Os amidos termoplasticizados com sorbitol foram aqueles que apresentaram menores valores de absorção de água. Os valores de módulo de Young das amostras plasticizadas com propilenoglicol aumentaram com o aumento do conteúdo de plasticizante. Para as amostras plasticizadas com etilenoglicol o módulo aumenta até 30% de conteúdo de plasticizante, quando ocorre uma diminuição do valor do módulo. Os TPS plasticizados com propilenoglicol, 1, 4-butanodiol, sorbitol e dietilenoglicol apresentaram um aumento da temperatura de transição vítrea com o aumento do tero de plasticizante. Os diferentes TPS obtidos via mistura física apresentaram estabilidade térmica similares à exibida pelo amido in natura. As propriedades mecânicas destes materiais variaram de acordo com o tipo e a quantidade de plasticizante empregado. A análise dos produtos obtidos via reação química (amidos enxertados e entrecruzados) revelou que estas reações promoveram a desestruturação dos grânulos de amido e, independentemente do regente empregado, a modificação produziu derivados mais hidrofóbicos que o amido in natura. A reação do amido com o oligômero de poli-óxido de propileno tolueno di-isocianato permitiu a obtenção de um derivado com propriedades de material elastomérico e elevada capacidade de intumescimento. Os derivados enxertados ou entrecruzados apresentaram perda de cristalinidade, redução do caráter hidrofílico e estabilidades térmicas semelhantes à apresentada pelo amido in natura. / This main of this work was to study of the cornstarch granules plasticization by means of physical or chemical treatments in order to prepare new materials. The plasticization by physical processing was performed in an intensive mixer at 150°C using ditferent hydroxylated compounds as plasticizers. The production of thermoplastic starch (TPS) by chemical reaction was carried out using mono and di-isocyanates to obtain grafted and cross linked derivatives, respectively. All the products were characterized by X Ray Diffraction, Ditferential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetry (TG), Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), High Pressure Size Exclusion Chromatography (HPSEC). The utilization of ditferent plasticizer permitted determining which characteristics the substances must present to be used in the TPS preparation. The shear developed in the processing step lead to the loss of crystalline pattern and disruption of the starch granules. The utilization of intensive mixer does not produce significant changes in the molar mass of the thermoplastic starch. TPS produced using sorbitol as plasticizer presented the lowest level of water uptake. The valous of Young modulus for TPS produced with propylene glycol increased with the content of plasticizer. To samples produced with ethylene glycol the values of Young modulus increased until 30% and after the modulus decrease. TPS prepared with propylene glycol, 1, 4-butanediol, sorbitol and diethyleneglycol showed an increase in the glass transition temperature with the increase in the plasticizer content. The ditferent TPS produced by physical mixture shoed thermal stabilities similar to the one exhibited by in natura starch. The mechanical properties of these materials were dependent of the type and amount of plasticizer. The analysis of the derivatives obtained by chemical reaction (grafted and cross linked) revealed the occurrence of disruption of the starch granules and, independent1y of isocyanate, the products presented higher hydrophobic character than that one presented by in natura starch. By reaction starch with propylene toluene polyoxide oligomer, it was obtained a derivative with elastomeric properties and high swelling capability. The grafted or cross linked derivatives showed loss of crystallinity, decrease in hydrophilic character, and thermal stability similar to the one exhibited by in natura starch.
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Production and characterisation of self-crosslinked chitosan-carrageenan polyelectrolyte complexesAl-Zebari, Nawar January 2017 (has links)
Macromolecular biomaterials often require covalent crosslinking to achieve adequate stability and mechanical strength for their given application. However, the use of auxiliary chemicals may be associated with long-term toxicity in the body. Oppositely-charged polyelectrolytes (PEs) have the advantage that they can self-crosslink electrostatically and those derived from marine organisms are an inexpensive alternative to glycosaminoglycans present in the extracellular matrix of human tissues. A range of different combinations of PEs and preparation conditions have been reported in the literature. However, although there has been some work on complex formation between chitosan (CS) and carrageenan (CRG), much of the work undertaken has ignored the effect of pH on the consequent physicochemical properties of self-crosslinked polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) gels, films and scaffolds. Chitosan is a positively-charged polysaccharide with NH3+ side groups derived from shrimp shells and, carrageenan is a negatively-charged polysaccharide with OSO3- side groups derived from red seaweed. These abundant polysaccharides possess advantageous properties such as biodegradability and low toxicity. However, at present, there is no clear consensus on the cell binding properties of CS and CRG or CS-CRG PEC materials. The aim of this study was to explore the properties of crosslinker-free PEC gels, solvent-cast PEC films and freeze-dried PEC scaffolds based on CS and CRG precursors for medical applications. The objective was to characterise the effect of pH of the production conditions on the physicochemical and biological properties of CS-CRG PECs. Experimental work focused on the interaction between PEs, the composition of PECs, the rheological properties of PEC gels and the mechanical properties of PEC films and scaffolds. In addition, cell and protein attachment to the PEC films was assessed to determine their interactions in a biological environment. For biomedical applications, these materials should ideally be stable when produced such that they can be processed to form either a film or a scaffold and have mechanical properties comparable to those of collagenous soft tissues. FTIR was used to confirm PEC formation. Zeta potential measurements indicated that the PECs produced at pH 2-6 had a high strength of electrostatic interaction with the highest occurring at pH 4-5. This resulted in stronger intra-crosslinking in the PEC gels which led to the formation of higher yield, solid content, viscosity and fibre content in PEC gels. The weaker interaction at pH 7-12 resulted in higher levels of CS incorporated into the complex and the formation of inter-crosslinking through entanglements between PEC units. This resulted in the production of strong and stiff PEC films and scaffolds appropriate for soft tissue implants. The PECs prepared at pH 7.4 and 9 also exhibited low swelling and mass loss, which was thought to be due to the high CS content and entanglements. From the range of samples tested, the PECs produced at pH 7.4 appeared to show the optimum combination of yield, stability and homogeneity for soft tissue implants. Biological studies were performed on CS, CRG and PECs prepared at pH 3, 5, 7.4 and 9. All of the PE and PEC films were found to be non-cytotoxic. When the response of three different cell types and a high binding affinity protein (tropoelastin) was evaluated; it was found that the CS-CRG PEC films displayed anti-adhesive properties. Based on these experimental observations and previous studies, a mechanistic model of the anti-adhesive behaviour of PEC surfaces was proposed. It was therefore concluded that the CS-CRG PECs produced might be suitable for non-biofouling applications.
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