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Hur upplevs det att arbeta som kontakttolk respektive som kulturtolkHalili, Qendresa January 2014 (has links)
Tidigare forskning kring tolkarbetet visar att tolkyrket har utvecklats och spelar en viktig roll i samhället. Tolkarbetet anses vara en stressframkallande aktivitet. En tolk genomför en kommunikation mellan två partner som inte tillämpar samma språk. Kulturtolk förklarar informationen mer djupgående medan kontakttolken tolkar endast det som sägs utan vidare förklaring. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur kontakttolkar och kulturtolkar upplever sina arbeten. Fyra kvinnor och fyra män med olika modersmål som arbetade som tolk i Mellansverige intervjuades. Resultatet visade att tolkyrket upplevdes ganska trivsamt trots att det kunde innebära stress, svårigheter och känslomässiga situationer. Stress upplevdes i samband med tidsbrist. Känslomässiga situationer uppstod med förmedling av jobbiga besked. Trivsamhet upplevdes med arbetsmiljö. Individer som var analfabeter samt med skilda dialekter, försvårade tolkningen. Kontakttolkar upplevde vissa begränsningar i sina arbeten, medan kulturtolkar ansåg vara mer flexibla. Med tanke på den ständiga förändringen i omvärlden behövs en kontinuerlig utveckling av tolkarbetet.
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O bibliotecário como mediador cultural: concepções e desafios à sua formação / he librarian as a cultural mediator: concepts and challenges to their trainingLima, Celly de Brito 21 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho interroga a formação do bibliotecário como um mediador cultural, sujeito comprometido com processos de apropriação e de protagonismo cultural no país. A pesquisa parte da hipótese de que a mediação cultural, intrínseca à profissão de bibliotecário, é tratada de forma insuficiente e confusa em normas, diretrizes e orientações para a sua formação. Desenvolve pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para compreender e aprofundar questões em torno dos conceitos estudados. Identifica e analisa documentos orientadores que manifestam representações do profissional bibliotecário - manifestos da International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions e Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, além da lei brasileira que regulamenta a profissão de bibliotecário e de diretrizes do Ministério da Educação. Também desenvolve pesquisa documental em propostas brasileiras e francesas de cursos de mediação cultural - graduação e pós-graduação - no sentido de embasar a ideia do \"bibliotecário mediador cultural\", já que as propostas permitem inferir descrições de mediador cultural. Percebe que nas normas, diretrizes e nos documentos orientadores o bibliotecário não é colocado de forma clara como um mediador cultural, tampouco como negociador cultural, mas como um educador e difusor de cultura, que oferta serviços direcionados à assimilação e ao consumo cultural, deixando de responder à demanda da apropriação e protagonismo cultural. Considera que o desafio que precede todos os outros, para a formação do bibliotecário como mediador cultural, é o de refletir, discutir, teorizar e explicitar os conceitos de formação, superando a visão dualista (tecnicismo x humanismo, técnica x prática, fazer x pensar...) que vem orientando historicamente a Ciência da Informação e a Biblioteconomia. / This work interrogates about the formation of a librarian as a cultural mediator, a person committed to processes of appropriation and cultural protagonist in the country. The research starts from the hypothesis that cultural mediation, intrinsics to the occupation of librarian is treated improperly and confusingly in standards and guidelines for their training. It carries out bibliographical and documentation research to understand and deepen issues around the concepts studied. It identifies and analyzes prescriptive documents showing representations of professional librarian - manifest of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and Unesco, as well as Brazilian law that regulates the occupation of librarian and guidelines Ministry of Education. It also develops documentary research in Brazilian and French proposals of cultural mediation courses - graduate and postgraduate studies -in order to support the idea of \"Librarian cultural mediator\", since the proposals allow us to infer descriptions of cultural mediator. It realizes that the standards, guidelines and policy documents librarian is not placed clearly as a cultural mediator, neither as a negotiator, but as an educator and diffuser of culture, that offer services aimed at assimilation and cultural consumption, failing to respond to the demand of appropriation and cultural protagonism. It considers that the challenge that precedes all others, for the formation of the librarian as a cultural mediator, is to reflect, discuss, theorize and explain the concept of formation, surpassing the dualistic view (technicality x humanism, technical x practice, do x think...) which has historically guiding the Information Science and the Librarianship.
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O bibliotecário como mediador cultural: concepções e desafios à sua formação / he librarian as a cultural mediator: concepts and challenges to their trainingCelly de Brito Lima 21 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho interroga a formação do bibliotecário como um mediador cultural, sujeito comprometido com processos de apropriação e de protagonismo cultural no país. A pesquisa parte da hipótese de que a mediação cultural, intrínseca à profissão de bibliotecário, é tratada de forma insuficiente e confusa em normas, diretrizes e orientações para a sua formação. Desenvolve pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para compreender e aprofundar questões em torno dos conceitos estudados. Identifica e analisa documentos orientadores que manifestam representações do profissional bibliotecário - manifestos da International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions e Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, além da lei brasileira que regulamenta a profissão de bibliotecário e de diretrizes do Ministério da Educação. Também desenvolve pesquisa documental em propostas brasileiras e francesas de cursos de mediação cultural - graduação e pós-graduação - no sentido de embasar a ideia do \"bibliotecário mediador cultural\", já que as propostas permitem inferir descrições de mediador cultural. Percebe que nas normas, diretrizes e nos documentos orientadores o bibliotecário não é colocado de forma clara como um mediador cultural, tampouco como negociador cultural, mas como um educador e difusor de cultura, que oferta serviços direcionados à assimilação e ao consumo cultural, deixando de responder à demanda da apropriação e protagonismo cultural. Considera que o desafio que precede todos os outros, para a formação do bibliotecário como mediador cultural, é o de refletir, discutir, teorizar e explicitar os conceitos de formação, superando a visão dualista (tecnicismo x humanismo, técnica x prática, fazer x pensar...) que vem orientando historicamente a Ciência da Informação e a Biblioteconomia. / This work interrogates about the formation of a librarian as a cultural mediator, a person committed to processes of appropriation and cultural protagonist in the country. The research starts from the hypothesis that cultural mediation, intrinsics to the occupation of librarian is treated improperly and confusingly in standards and guidelines for their training. It carries out bibliographical and documentation research to understand and deepen issues around the concepts studied. It identifies and analyzes prescriptive documents showing representations of professional librarian - manifest of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and Unesco, as well as Brazilian law that regulates the occupation of librarian and guidelines Ministry of Education. It also develops documentary research in Brazilian and French proposals of cultural mediation courses - graduate and postgraduate studies -in order to support the idea of \"Librarian cultural mediator\", since the proposals allow us to infer descriptions of cultural mediator. It realizes that the standards, guidelines and policy documents librarian is not placed clearly as a cultural mediator, neither as a negotiator, but as an educator and diffuser of culture, that offer services aimed at assimilation and cultural consumption, failing to respond to the demand of appropriation and cultural protagonism. It considers that the challenge that precedes all others, for the formation of the librarian as a cultural mediator, is to reflect, discuss, theorize and explain the concept of formation, surpassing the dualistic view (technicality x humanism, technical x practice, do x think...) which has historically guiding the Information Science and the Librarianship.
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Le traducteur en tant que médiateur culturel - L'exemple de Rifâ'a Al-Tahtâwî (1801-1873) / The Traslator as Cultural Mediator - The example of Rifâ'a At-Tahtâwî (1801-1873)Azab, Lamiss 15 January 2015 (has links)
Malgré l’ancrage de la médiation et de la médiation culturelle en traductologie surtout depuis le Tournant Culturel, il manque encore à ces notions une définition traductologique arrêtée. Partant des apports provenant de différents domaines – notamment la communication culturelle – et prenant appui sur une théorie causale de la traduction, nous proposons une réflexion en trois temps sur le traducteur comme médiateur culturel et sur ses interventions délibérées, dans une approche identitaire, textuelle et fonctionnaliste. Nous sondons la particularité de la construction identitaire du traducteur, acteur marqué par sa formation linguistique et par ses normes socioculturelles d’origine, mais très empathique envers l’Autre et son système normatif. Dans ce premier volet, les stratégies traductives sont étudiées en miroir des stratégies identitaires déployées par le traducteur pour préserver cohérence et valorisation de sa construction identitaire. Ensuite, nous considérons le texte et le type de texte à traduire comme des créations culturelles que le traducteur re-présente à sa communauté, en lui rendant la différence abordable aux niveaux formel, lexical et discursif. Pour ce faire, il déploie une panoplie de stratégies traductives variant de la norme rédactionnelle la plus conformisante à la plus différenciatrice. Dans ce deuxième volet, la préface du traducteur est étudiée comme un lieu de médiation directe, pour informer et recommander la lecture. Enfin, nous analysons deux finalités traductives par lesquelles le traducteur agit sur l’identité culturelle de sa communauté par le biais de sa re-présentation : la formation intellectuelle et la déconstruction/re-construction identitaire. Que ce soit à travers de simples textes ou des institutions à caractère éducatif, l’objectif premier du traducteur est d’informer le lecteur et, par cette information, il agit sur la re-définition de fondements essentiels de sa construction identitaire. / Though mediation and cultural mediation seem to be enrooted in Translation Studies especially since the Cultural Turn, a specialized definition of these notions is still missing. Based on their definitions in other different domains – especially cultural communication – and on a causal theory of translation, we present a three-fold thesis on the translator as a cultural mediator and on his deliberate interventions. The three axes we develop here are based on identity, textual and functionalist approaches. First, we analyze the specificity of the identity of the translator seen as a construction that is not only marked by the linguistic formation and the sociocultural norms of his original community, but also by the actor’s empathy towards the Other and his system of norms. In this first fold, translation strategies are studied as mirrors of identity strategies the translator follows in order to keep the coherence and the valorization of his identity construction. Then, the texts and types of texts are considered as cultural creations that the translator re-presents to his community through making cultural differences understandable on the formal, lexical and discourse levels. To do so, he uses different writing norms from the most conforming to the most differentiating one. In this second fold, the translator’s preface is seen as a privileged place for a direct mediation, in which he already informs his reader about the translation he’s about to read and recommends the reading. Finally, we study two translation functions through which the translator acts on the cultural identity of his community based on his re-presentation of the text: the intellectual formation of the reader and the de-construction/ re-construction of his identity. By the means of a simple text or of an educational institution, the translator’s first aim is to inform the reader, and through this information, he acts on the re-definition of essential foundations of his identity construction.
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