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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atividades antinociceptiva e antiinflamatÃria da lectina da alga marinha verde Caulerpa cupressoides (Vahl) C. Agardh var. lycopodium em animais / Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of the lectin from the green marine alga Caulerpa cupressoides (Vahl) C. Agardh var lycopodium (CcL) in animals.

Edfranck de Sousa Oliveira Vanderlei 19 November 2008 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / A busca de novos compostos alternativos no controle da dor e da inflamaÃÃo, com mÃnimos efeitos colaterais, tem despertado o interesse pelas algas marinhas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar o potencial antinociceptivo e antiinflamatÃrio da lectina da alga marinha verde Caulerpa cupressoides (Vahl) C. Agardh var. lycopodium (LCc) em animais. A LCc, apresentando atividade hemaglutinante contra eritrÃcitos tripsinizados de coelho, foi obtida a partir da aplicaÃÃo do extrato protÃico total em procedimentos cromatogrÃficos de troca-iÃnica em coluna de DEAE-celulose e de afinidade em coluna de Sephadex G-100. A seguir, foi utilizada nos ensaios de nocicepÃÃo e inflamaÃÃo, usando camundongos Swiss e ratos Wistar, respectivamente. A LCc foi administrada 30 min antes de cada estÃmulo nocigÃnico, ou seja, antes da injeÃÃo i.p. de Ãcido acÃtico a 0,8% (10 Âl/ml), da injeÃÃo intraplantar da formalina a 1% (20 Âl/pata) ou do teste da Placa Quente (51Â1 ÂC), e seu efeito comparado a dos animais nÃo tratados (Salina) ou prÃ-tratados s.c. com Indometacina ou Morfina, ambas a 5 mg/kg. Observou-se que a LCc (3, 9 e 27 mg/kg; i.v.) reduziu significantemente o nÃmero de contorÃÃes abdominais induzidas por Ãcido acÃtico em 37,2%; 53,5% e 86,0%, respectivamente. LCc (27 mg/kg) tambÃm reduziu (p<0,05) a fase 1 (neurogÃnica) e a fase 2 (inflamatÃria) induzidas pela formalina, em 45,3% e 86,3%, respectivamente. A LCc (27 mg/kg), entretanto, nÃo foi capaz de reduzir a nocicepÃÃo avaliada no teste da Placa Quente, quando comparada à morfina. Para confirmar a atividade da LCc, verificou-se que os efeitos antinociceptivos foram abolidos quando a LCc foi prÃ-incubada com a glicoproteÃna mucina (2 mg/ml), inibidora de sua atividade hemaglutinante. Sugere-se, portanto, que a atividade antinociceptiva observada foi, de fato, devido à LCc e que essa atividade ocorra predominante via inibiÃÃo de mecanismos perifÃricos. Em seguida, realizou-se o ensaio da migraÃÃo de leucÃcitos na cavidade peritoneal induzida por Carragenina (Cg-tipo &#955; ; 700 Âg/cavidade), onde se observou que a administraÃÃo da LCc (9 mg/kg; i.v.) 30 min antes da Cg, reduziu significativamente a contagem do nÃmero de neutrÃfilos em 65,9%. Finalmente, a LCc (9 mg/kg), foi administrada em camundongos machos Swiss diariamente por 7 dias e no 8 dia amostras sanguÃneas foram coletadas para dosagens sÃricas de urÃia e transaminases (TGO e TGP), e remoÃÃo de ÃrgÃos para avaliaÃÃo da relaÃÃo peso ÃrgÃo/peso corporal. Observou-se que a LCc nÃo causou alteraÃÃes hepÃticas ou renais, visto que nÃo determinou alteraÃÃes, de forma significante, nas atividades das transaminases TGO (Salina=29,44Â3,193; LCc=36,00Â21,98 U/l) e TGP (Salina=13,59Â3,373; LCc=17,64Â2,676 U/l), nem dos nÃveis de urÃia (Salina=224,3Â10,84; LCc=270,0Â24,00 U/l), alÃm de nÃo determinar variaÃÃo significante do peso Ãmido dos respectivos ÃrgÃos: fÃgado (Salina=5,23Â0,195; LCc=6,02Â0,100), rim (Salina=0,840Â0,015; LCc=0,851Â0,065) e coraÃÃo (Salina=0,568Â0,055; LCc=0,639 0,039). Em resumo, conclui-se que a LCc possui propriedades antinociceptiva e antiinflamatÃria perifÃrica, podendo ser uma ferramenta importante e candidata a novos estudos complementares / The search of new alternative compounds in the control of the pain and inflammation, with minima collateral effects, it has been aroused from marine algae. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory of the lectin from the green marine alga Caulerpa cupressoides (Vahl) C. Agardh var lycopodium (CcL) in animals. The CcL, presenting haemagglutinating activity against trypsin-treated erythrocytes from rabbit, was purified by application of crude extract on ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose followed by affinity chromatography on Sephadex G-100 column. To proceed, it was used in the nociception and inflammation assays, using male Swiss mice and male Wistar rats, respectively. CcL was administered 30 min before each nocigenic challenge, that is, before the injection i.p of acetic acid 0.8% (10 &#61549;l/ml), of the intraplantar injection of 1% formalin (20 &#61549;L/paw) or of the Hot Plate test (51&#61617;1 ÂC), and compared to non treated animals or to pre-treated by Indomethacin or Morphine, both at 5 mg/kg; s.c. It was observed that the LCc (3, 9 or 27 mg/kg) reduced significantly the number of writhes induced by acetic acid 37.2%; 53.5% e 86.0%, respectively. CcL (27 mg/kg) also reduced (p<0.05) the 1st phase (neurogenic) and the 2nd phase (inflammatory) observed after administration of the formalin (45.3% and 86.3%, respectively). However, the CcL (27 mg/kg) was not capable to reduce the nociception evaluated by Hot Plate test, compared to morphine. The antinociceptive effects were abolished when the CcL was pre-incubated with mucin (2 mg/ml), inhibitory glycoprotein of its haemagglutinating activity. Therefore, it is suggested that the antinociceptive activity of the CcL can be predominant by inhibition of peripheric mechanisms. After this, was realized the assays of neutrophil migration for peritoneal cavity by Carrageenan (Cg-type &#955;; 700 Âg/cavity or paw), where was observed that the administration of the CcL (9 mg/kg) 30 min before Cg reduced the neutrophil counts significantly by 65.9%. Finally, the CcL (9 mg/kg) was administered daily in male mice for 7 days and in the 8th, blood samples were collected for and transaminases (TGO and TGP) dosages, and organs remotion to evaluate the of the organ weight /body weight relation. It was observed that CcL not caused hepatic or renal alterations, because it was not determined significant changes in the activities of TGO (Saline=29,44Â3,193; CcL=36,00Â21,98 U/l) and TGP (Saline=13,59Â3,373; CcL=17,64Â2,676 U/l) and urea levels (Saline=224,3Â10,84; CcL=270,0Â24,00 U/l). In addition, it was not determined significant variation on the wet weight of the organs: liver (Saline=5,23Â0,195; CcL=6,02Â0,100), kidney (Saline=0,840Â0,015; CcL=0,851Â0,065) and heart (Saline=0,568Â0,055; CcL=0,639 0,039). In summary, we conclude that the CcL has peripheral antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties and may be an important tool and candidate for new complementary studies

Polissacarídeos sulfatados de macroalgas verdes: correlação com parâmetros ambientais e obtenção de glucogalactanas sulfatadas anticoagulantes

Costa, Mariana Santana Santos Pereira da 19 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automação e Estatística (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-07-30T20:49:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarianaSantanaSantosPereiraDaCosta_TESE.pdf: 2604285 bytes, checksum: 563b33c5f5f7b6ae4ce07fe8a3655789 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-07-30T20:58:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarianaSantanaSantosPereiraDaCosta_TESE.pdf: 2604285 bytes, checksum: 563b33c5f5f7b6ae4ce07fe8a3655789 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-30T20:58:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarianaSantanaSantosPereiraDaCosta_TESE.pdf: 2604285 bytes, checksum: 563b33c5f5f7b6ae4ce07fe8a3655789 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Polissacarídeos de algas podem ter sua síntese, sua estrutura e propriedades farmacológicas modificadas devido a alterações de fatores ambientais. Contudo, poucas algas já foram analisadas com essa ótica. A alga verde C. cupressoides var. flabellata Børgesen é uma alga abundante na costa do Rio Grande do Norte e já foi demostrado que esta alga coletada na mesma época, mas em praias com grau de salinidade diferentes, sintetizava polissacarídeos sulfatados (PS) com propriedades diferentes, inclusive atividade anticoagulante. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente foi avaliar a influência do período de coleta e de parâmetros ambientais na composição química e atividade anticoagulante de PS obtidos de algas verdes do litoral potiguar, bem como obter e avaliar o potencial anticoagulante de PS purificados da alga C. cupressoides. Inicialmente, foram obtidos extratos ricos em polissacarídeos sulfatados (ERPS), por proteólise seguido por precipitação com metanol, da alga C. cupressoides coletada mensalmente, durante um ano na praia de Búzios, Nísia Floresta/RN. Observou-se que havia variações no rendimento da extração, composição química e atividade anticoagulante dos ERPS da C. cupressoides de acordo com o mês de coleta, sendo o mês de março aquele em que se obteve ERPS com maior potencial anticoagulante, vale salientar que esta atividade foi maior que a do Clexane®, uma heparina de baixo peso molecular comercial. Ao se analisar a influência de fatores ambientais do local de coleta no rendimento, composição química e atividade anticoagulante observou-se que existe uma correlação positiva significativa (p < 0,05) entre o rendimento da extração dos ERPS e a salinidade da água do mar e a insolação; para a quantidade de sulfato observou-se uma correlação negativa significativa (p < 0,05) com a salinidade da água do mar. Já a quantidade de açúcares totais teve uma correlação negativa significativa (p < 0,05) com: sólidos totais, sódio, cloreto e insolação. Como o mês de março foi o mês com ERPS com maior potencial anticoagulante, resolveu-se purificar, caracterizar e avaliar o potencial anticoagulante de PS extraídos neste mês. Após proteólise e fracionamento com volumes crescentes de acetona obteve-se quatro frações polissacarídicas da C. cupressoides (CCB-0.3, CCB-0.5, CCB-1.0 e CCB-2.0), como a CCB-0.5 apresentou maior atividade anticoagulante, esta foi submetida a cromatografia de troca-iônica e eluída em duas novas frações (FI e FII), após eletroforese em gel de agarose, coloração da lâmina com azul de toluidina e descoloração, observou-se o aparecimento de uma única banda em ambas as subfrações, o que indica a presença de uma única população de PS, o que permite inferir que estes PS foram purificados. Análises por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) indicam que os PS FI e FII tratam-se de glucogalactanas. Estas glucogalactnas sulfatadas exibiram atividade anticoagulante pela via intrínseca (teste de aPTT), pela via extrínseca (teste PT) e pela via comum (teste TT) da cascata de coagulação. Um resultado interessante foi que a atividade no teste de aPTT das glucogalactanas sulfatadas foi similiar a atividade do Clexane®. Além disso, estes PS foram capazes de inibir parcialmente a trombina. Isto é indicativo que os PS da C. cupressoides podem estar agindo em diversas proteases da cascata de coagulação. Entretanto, mais estudos são necessários para explicar detalhadamente quais os alvos de ação destes polímeros. Por fim, analisou-se a influência do período de coleta e de fatores ambientais em ERPS de outras algas verdes do litoral do RN (Caulerpa prolifera, Caulerpa racemosa var. occidentalis, Caulerpa sertularioides e Codium isthmocladum) coletadas também mensalmente, durante um ano na praia de Búzios, Nísia Floresta/RN; e observou-se que, da mesma forma da C. cupressoides, houve variações no rendimento, composição química e atividade anticoagulante para os ERPS algas verdes C. prolifera, C. racemosa, C. sertularioides e C. isthmocladum. No entanto, um fato interessante é que cada alga responde de forma diferente as condições ambientais do local de coleta. Estes dados indicam que dependendo do período do ano que a alga é coletada, os PS extraídos destas espécies de algas podem ter suas estruturas químicas afetadas e, consequentemente, suas atividades biológicas poderão ser distintas. Estes tipos de estudos levam ao esclarecimento de quais seriam as melhores condições para se obter o PS com as características estruturais e biológicas de interesse, o que é fundamental para o uso destes polímeros na indústria. / Polysaccharides of seaweeds can have their synthesis, structure and pharmacological properties modified due to changes in environmental factors. But few algae have been analyzed in this light. The green seaweed C. cupressoides var. flabellata Børgesen is an abundant alga in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte and it was already shown that this seaweed collected at the same time in beaches with different degree of salinity synthesized sulfated polysaccharides (PS) with different properties, including anticoagulant activity. Therefore the objective of this study was to obtain and characterize PS of green seaweed of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte evaluating the influence of the collection period and environmental parameters in the chemical composition and anticoagulant activity of PS as well as purify, characterize and evaluate the anticoagulant potential of at least one PS of the seaweed C. cupressoides. Initially, extracts rich in sulfated polysaccharides (ERPS) were obtained by proteolysis followed by precipitation with methanol of the seaweed C. cupressoides collected monthly for one year on the beach in Búzios, Nísia Floresta/RN. It was noted that there were variations in performance of extraction, chemical composition and anticoagulant activity of ERPS C. cupressoides according to the month of collection, with the month of March being the one in which they obtained more anticoagulant potential of ERPS. It is worth noting that this activity was greater than that of Clexane®, a low molecular weight commercial heparin. When analyzing the influence of environmental factors in the collection site in regards to performance, chemical composition and anticoagulant activity it has been observed that there is a significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) between the performance of the extraction of ERPS and salinity of sea water and insolation; for the amount of sulfate it was observed a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) with the salinity of the seawater. The amount of total sugars had a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) with: total solids, sodium, chloride and insolation. Since the month of March was the month with ERPS with more anticoagulant potential, it was decided to purify, characterize and evaluate the PS anticoagulant potential extracted on that month. After proteolysis and fractionation with increasing volumes of acetone four fractions of polysaccharide C. cupressoides (CCB-0.3, CCB-0.5, CCB-1.0 e CCB2.0) were obtained. Since the CCB-0.5 had higher anticoagulant activity, it was submitted to a chromatography ion-exchange column and eluted in two new fractions (FI and FII) after agarose gel electrophoresis, slide staining with toluidine blue and discoloration it was observed the appearance of a single band on both SP which indicates the presence of a single population of PS, which allows inferring that these PS were purified. Analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) indicate that SP FI and FII are glucogalactanas. These sulfated glucogalactans exhibited by the intrinsic pathway anticoagulant activity (APTT assay) the extrinsic pathway (PT test) and common pathway (TT test) of the coagulation cascade. An interesting result was that activity in the aPTT test of sulfated glucogalactans was similiar activity of Clexane®. In addition, these PS were able to partially inhibit thrombin. This is an indicative that the PS C. cupressoides may be acting on various proteases of the coagulation cascade. But more studies are needed to explain in detail which are the targets of action of these polymers. Finally, we analyzed the influence of the period of collection and environmental factors in ERPS of other green seaweeds RN coast (Caulerpa prolifera, Caulerpa racemosa var. occidentalis, Caulerpa sertularioides and Codium isthmocladum) also collected monthly for one year on the beach of Búzios, Nísia Floresta/RN; and it was observed that, like the C. cupressoides, there were variations in the performance, chemical composition and anticoagulant activity for ERPs green seaweeds C. prolifera, C. racemosa, C. sertularioides and C. isthmocladum. However, an interesting fact is that each alga responds differently to environmental conditions of the collection site. These data indicate that depending on the time of the year that the algae are collected, the PS extracted from these species of algae may have their chemical structures affected hence its biological activity may be different. These types of studies lead to the clarification of which would be the best conditions to obtain the PS with the structural and biological characteristics of interest, which is essential for the use of these polymers in the industry.

Carbon dynamics and woody growth in Fitzroya cupressoides forests of southern Chile and their environmental correlates, from seasonal to decadal timescales

Urrutia Jalabert, Rocio Beatriz January 2015 (has links)
Among the most compelling and least well-understood tree species growing in the temperate forests of southern South America is Fitzroya cupressoides, a high biomass species and the second longest-lived tree species in the world. This thesis quantified the main components of the carbon cycle in Fitzroya forests (i.e. net primary productivity (NPP) and soil respiration) and evaluated the environmental variables that are most related to them. The study was focused on medium-age and old-growth forests growing in the Coastal Range (Alerce Costero National Park, AC) and the Andean Cordillera (Alerce Andino National Park, AA) of southern Chile, respectively. The specific objectives of this thesis were to: 1) assess the forest structure, species composition and characterise the environmental conditions of these forests; 2) assess biomass, aboveground NPP, carbon allocation and mean wood residence time in these forests; 3) assess soil respiration and relate it to soil environmental conditions. Additionally, to use a mass balance approach to estimate fine root productivity; 4) estimate total NPP using biometric and indirect estimates of productivity; 5) evaluate the climatic factors mainly related to Fitzroya stem radial change on an intra-annual basis; and 6) evaluate changes in Fitzroya's tree growth and carbon isotopes during recent decades, and determine which environmental factors are more related to them. The last two objectives focus on Fitzroya as the dominant species and the subject of this study. Two 0.6 ha plots were installed within each national park; NPP was estimated for a year and soil respiration and high resolution stem growth measurements were monitored over almost two years. Aboveground biomass estimates for the Andean site are among the most massive reported in the world and carbon fluxes in Fitzroya forests are among the lowest reported for temperate wet forests worldwide. The longevity as well as the particularly rainy and nutrient poor soil conditions where these ecosystems grow may influence their exceptionally slow carbon dynamics. Differences in carbon fluxes between sites seem most probably driven by different environmental conditions rather than by developmental stage. Moreover, carbon fluxes were more sensitive to interannual climate variability in AC than AA. Warmer and drier summer conditions, likely to become more common under future climate change, more significantly affected stem growth and soil respiration in the Coastal Range than in the Andes. Regarding long-term changes, tree growth has been decreasing in the coastal site in the last 40 years and increasing in the Andes since the 1900s. These trends have been accompanied by an increase in intrinsic water use efficiency which is likely caused by rises in CO<sub>2</sub> and changes in climate conditions in both sites. Although Fitzroya grows in particularly wet and cool areas, projected drier and warmer conditions may have a negative effect on Fitzroya stem growth and carbon sequestration in both study sites. This effect would be more critical in the Coastal Range though, because of its more Mediterranean climate influence and more restrictive soil conditions in this area. Adequate resources are needed for the monitoring and conservation of these slow growth and massive forests especially in the Coastal Range, in order to avoid ongoing illegal cuttings and threatening forest fires.

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