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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Classics teachers, comprehensive reorganisation and curriculum change

Forrest, M. St. J. January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

The concept of the spiritual in secondary school worship and its potential relationship with the function of art in contemporary society

Broughton, Ann Watson January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of students' understanding of photography in the public authority for applied education and training in the State of Kuwait

Al-Shatti, Ali Abdul-Kareem January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Gender differences in the factors influencing option choice

Stroud, C. A. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Women, music & culture : equality issues in music education at Key Stage Three

Costley, Carol January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

The English Canadian liberal arts curriculum: an intellectual history, 1800-1950

Jasen, Patricia Jane January 1987 (has links)
The liberal arts curriculum is the product of the intellectual, political, and social climate of its age. The "traditional" curriculum of the mid-nineteenth century derived from Victorian religious attitudes and beliefs about character development. As the century progressed and state power gradually displaced clerical power in the universities, the ideal of a balanced, unified arts program in which all students learned to place their knowledge in a Christian context gave way to a variety of specialized programs and an emphasis on job-training rather than than character development. The scientific method became an accepted mode of inquiry, and arts disciplines multiplied as new methodologies (such as those used in the social sciences) were created and as society discovered a need for new kinds of expertise. From the late nineteenth century onwards, there were a number of competing theories regarding the nature of the university and the proper content and structure of the arts course. The sciences and social sciences benefited from the utilitarian emphasis in some respects, but professors in the humanities felt their prestige diminishing. Many of them embraced a theory about the importance of culture which was based on the teachings of Matthew Arnold, and they also took the lead in campaigns to reintroduce the kind of order and certainty which the traditional arts course had possessed by attempting to create a "common learning" or "core" of general education. This thesis analyzes the development of the arts curriculum over a period of one hundred and fifty years, and examines the reasons why the quest for unifying principles in liberal education remained unfulfilled in the secular university of the twentieth century.

Les lignes de force des programmes d'études de chimie 11e et 12e années au Manitoba français depuis 1974: une analyse comparative du contenu officiel

Asselin, Madeleine 12 September 2014 (has links)
Les objectifs de ce mémoire étaient de déterminer les orientations curriculaires du contenu manifeste des programmes d'études manitobains de chimie depuis 1974 et de démontrer l'évolution de ces orientations, en ce qui a trait aux quatre thèmes de la culture scientifique: (1) la science en tant que savoir, (2) la science en tant que démarche de recherche, (3) la science en tant que façon de penser et (4) la science et ses interactions avec la technologie et la société. Une analyse de contenu a donné un excellent niveau de concordance et les résultats ont révélé que le programme d'études de 1974 favorisait les thèmes 1 et 2 et négligeait les thèmes 3 et 4. En 1988, l'orientation favorisait le thème 4. Aujourd'hui, l'orientation favorise le thème 2 et traite des thèmes 1, 3 et 4 plus également. L'évolution curriculaire depuis 1974 démontre un éloignement de l'apprentissage par le rappel des informations pour favoriser l'expérimentation, la résolution de problèmes et les enjeux socio-scientifiques.

Remembering thirty years: an exploration of the changes in values experiences over three decades by three Chinese laid-off workers

Wang, Qian January 2014 (has links)
This study uses a life history qualitative methodology to explore the changes invalues of Chinese who belonged to a special group—the glorious workers of the 1970swho were once thought of as the proud owners of the country. However, in late 1980s,after the Opening and Reforming Policy in China, these workers were laid off. This studytraces the lives of three participants who attempted to adapt to the drastic social andeconomic changes that took place in China over a 30-year period, from Mao's era, toDeng's era, to present day China. The study contains excerpts from more than 10interviews with the three participants, translated (from Chinese to English) andtranscribed; some interviews lasted as long as 10 hours. Distinctive to the study'smethodology is the combination of photo elicitation interviews with life historyinterviews, supported by the researcher's field notes, researcher's reflective notes and narratives. Thestudy is organized chronologically, starting with the participants' youth in Mao's time,their middle age in Deng's time, and their present lives.The phenomenon of laid-off workers, as a product of the Opening and ReformingPolicy, has aroused the interest of some scholars, but little research has focused on thechanges in their personal values based on their life histories. This study has highlighted acomplex pattern of interactions between the life history and changes in values of theparticipants who experienced an abrupt and highly contrasting social status in a changingChina. Thus, this dissertation addresses the influences on a lifetime of living in rapidlychanging historical eras impacted by the contrasting values of collectivism andindividualism, traditional and modern (Western) values, and situates its findings withinthe recent work in curriculum studies. / Cette étude use d'une méthodologie qualitative d'histoire biographique pourexplorer les changements des valeurs de Chinois qui ont appartenu à un groupeparticulier: les glorieux travailleurs des années 1970 qui ont été considérés comme lesfiers détenteurs du pays. Toutefois, vers la fin des années 1980, après les politiques deréforme et d'ouverture en Chine, ces travailleurs furent mis à pied. Cette étude se penchesur la vie de ces participants qui tentèrent de s'adapter aux drastiques changementssociaux et économiques qui eurent lieu en Chine sur une période de trente ans, de l'èreMao, à la Chine contemporaine, en passant par l'ère Deng. Cette étude contient desextraits tirés de plus d'une dizaine d'entrevues avec trois participants, traduits (du chinoisà l'anglais) et retranscrits, certaines entrevues durant jusqu'à dix heures. La combinaisonde la « photo elicitation interview » avec les entrevues de récit de vie constitue lecaractère distinctif de la méthodologie de cette étude, supportée par les notes du/de lachercheur (euse) recueillies sur le terrain, les notes réflectif de recherche et les narratifs. Cette étude est organisée chronologiquement, débutant par la jeunesse des participants autemps de Mao, leur âge moyen à l'époque de Deng et leur vies présentes.Le phénomène des travailleurs mis à pied, en tant que produit de la politique desréformes et d'ouverture, a suscité l'intérêt de certains chercheurs, mais peu de recherchesont porté sur les changements des valeurs personnelles en se basant sur l'histoire de vie.Cette étude a souligné un processus complexe d'interaction entre l'histoire vécue et leschangements dans les valeurs des participants, qui ont expérimenté des status sociauxhautement contrastants au sein d'une Chine changeante. Cette dissertation adresse lesinfluences sur toute une vie provenant du fait de vivre à une ère historique de rapideschangements portant l'empreinte des contrastes entre les valeurs de collectivisme etd'individualisme, valeurs traditionnelles et modernes (occidentales), et situe sesconclusions au sein des récents travaux dans le domaine des études de curriculum.

A Social Skills Curriculum Designed for Implementation in Elementary Schools

Campbell-Comerford, Timothy January 2013 (has links)
Note: / Social skills instruction is a key component to intervening with students with emotionaland behavioral disorders (EBD). The behavior of students in the elementary school levels shouldbe assessed in order to implement behavioral intervention strategies because as they progressinto high school and later, the risk for negative life-long impact increases. The two main goalsare perceived by their friends, siblings, parents, and teachers, and to allow them to generalize theskills that they learn, being able to use the positive social skills outside of the training setting. Inorder to do so, it is crucial to assess students' behavior, to train students through directinstruction, teacher modeling, student role play, and skill review, and to allow students toevaluate themselves on their proficiency of using the newly learned skill. In the project thatfollows, a review of literature justifying social skills instruction as a valid intervention method,as well as a proposed social skills curriculum, are presented.

The effect of the Manitoba grade 11 and 12 high school physical education curriculum on fitness-related health, academic and behavioural outcomes

Sdrolias, Peter 14 September 2009 (has links)
There is universal agreement that school physical education (PE) and school-community sports participation (SCSP) enhance adolescent health and well-being. However, virtually no study has objectively evaluated the effects for grade 11 and 12 high school students. The primary aim of this study was to assess the impact of a newly implemented PE curriculum on health-related fitness, psychological well-being and academic performance for grade 11 and 12 students (n=101). Secondary aim was to evaluate the influence of students involved in SCSP (n=44) with those not involved in SCSP (non-SCSP) (n=57). In-school PE (IN, n=22); out-of-school PE (OUT, n=65); and no-PE (CONTROL, n=14) were assessed with the following tests [20-meter shuttle run (20MSR), push-ups (PU), sit-ups (SU), and modified pull-ups (MPU), body fat percent (BF%), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) and grade point average (GPA). Testing was conducted in September and again in December of 2008. Repeated measures ANOVA controlling for sex for IN revealed significant increases for 20MSR (p<0.001), PU (p=0.033), MPU (p=0.004), aggregate strength (AS) (p=0.017), and height (p<0.001); in addition to significant decreases for GPA (p=0.001) and BF% (p=0.003). OUT reported significant increases for 20MSR (p=0.002), PU (p<0.001), AS (p<0.001), height (p<0.001); and PSDQ variables of coordination (CO) (p=0.038), strength (ST) (p=0.043) and flexibility (FL) (p=0.013). CONTROL reported significant decreases in PA (p=0.006), WC (p=0.05), MPU (p=0.034) and GPA (p=0.028); and significant increases in PU (p=0.039) and height (0.039). The IN group scored significantly higher than both OUT (p=0.019) and CONTROL (p=0.019) groups with respect to the mean (95% CI) change in maxVO2. For testing in September, SCSP scored significantly higher (p<0.001) for the fitness variables of CVF, PU, SU, MPU and AS; and the PSDQ variables of CO, PA, BF, SP, GP, ST, EN and SE. PSDQ variable of appearance was also significantly higher (p=0.003) for SCSP. In addition, SCSP scored significantly lower for BF% (p<0.001) and WC (p=0.013). Follow up testing in December between SCSP and non-SCSP produced identical results except for WC becoming insignificant (p=0.058). Significant improvements in health-related fitness and psychological well-being warrant continued efforts to provide quality PE and SCSP programming for all high school students.

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