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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Fox Game

Janshagen, Anton, Mattsson, Olof January 2022 (has links)
This report explores if Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) can perform well in Fox Game, a classic Scandinavian strategy game. MCTS is implemented using a cutoff in the simulation phase. The game state is then evaluated using a heuristic function that is formulated using theoretical arguments from its chess counterpart. MCTS is shown to perform on the same level as highly experienced human players using limited computational resources. The method is used to explore how the imbalance in Fox Game (favoring sheep) can be mended by reducing the number of sheep pieces from 20 to 18. / I denna rapport undersöks om Monte-Carlo trädsökning (MCTS) kan prestera väl i rävspel, ett klassiskt skandinaviskt strategispel. MCTS implementeras med en cutoff i simuleringsfasen. Speltillståndet utvärderas där med hjälp av en heuristisk funktion som formuleras med hjälp av teoretiska argument från dess motsvarighet i schack. MCTS med endast begränsade beräkningsresurser visas kunna prestera på samma nivå som mycket erfarna människor. Metoden används för att utforska hur obalansen i rävspel (som gynnar får) kan förbättras genom att minska antalet fårpjäser från 20 till 18. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

Instabilités de flammes de prémélange en cellule de Hele-Shaw / Premixed flames instability in Hele-Shaw cell

Al Sarraf, Elias 19 December 2017 (has links)
La combustion pré mélangée a été depuis longtemps un domaine vaste d’étude au niveau appliqué et fondamental. Bien que la plupart des applications industrielles en combustion aient lieu dans des régimes turbulents, le passage par l’étude laminaire est indispensable pour comprendre les mécanismes fondamentaux des flammes turbulentes. Ce travail de thèse porte essentiellement sur l’étude des différentes instabilités agissant sur un front de flamme laminaire de pré mélange pour des mélanges de propane-air et méthane-air, enrichis ou non en azote. L’étude consiste à mesurer les taux de croissance des perturbations dans un brûleur d’Hele-Shaw formé par deux plaques de verre ($150\times50cm$) très rapprochées (brûleur 2D). Grâce à un système de forçage constitué par des plaques modulées spatialement avec différentes longueurs d’onde, le taux de croissance peut être mesuré même en présence du développement spontané de l’instabilité avec la longueur d’onde la plus instable. A richesse constante et pour des valeurs croissantes de la dilution en oxygène le vecteur d'onde de coupure augmente avec la vitesse de flamme qui devient plus instable. Pour des mélanges de propane ce nombre d’onde augmente également lorsqu'on augmente la richesse à vitesse constante et il diminue dans le cas des mélanges de méthane, cela est en relation avec l'évolution des effets thermodiffusifs dans chacun des cas. Une augmentation de l’épaisseur de la cellule d’Hele-Shaw, aboutit à une augmentation du taux de croissance pour les petits nombres d’onde ainsi que du nombre de Markstein, et à une diminution du taux de croissance pour les grands nombres, du fait des effets des pertes thermiques. / Premixed combustion has been the subject of extensive work, concerning both applications and fundamental aspects. Although in most practical applications combustion occurs in a turbulent environment, the study of laminar flames is important to understand the fundamental mechanisms of turbulent flame propagation. The objective of this work is to study the various instabilities acting on a laminar premixed flame for mixtures of propane-air and methane-air, enriched or not with nitrogen. it consists in measuring the linear growth rates of disturbances in a Hele-Shaw burner formed by two glass plates ($150\times50cm$) separated by a thin gap width (2D burner). Using spatially modulated plates with different wavelengths, the linear growth rate of perturbations can be measured even in the presence of the most unstable wavelength. The experimental values of the linear growth rate as a function of wavenumber are fitted by a linear dispersion relation to estimate the Markstein number and the cutoff wavenumber. For a constant equivalence ratio with increasing values of the dilution in oxygen, the cutoff wavenumber grows with the flame velocity and it is becoming more unstable. The cutoff wave number rises also when the equivalence ratio increases for propane-air mixture and decreases for methane-air mixture, in relation to the evolution of thermal diffusive effects. An enlargement in the thickness of the Hele-Shaw cell results in an increase of the growth rate for small wavenumbers thus in the Markstein number, and in a decline in the growth rate for the large wavenumbers, in relation with the effects of heat losses.

Model for a fundamental theory with supersymmetry

Yokoo, Seiichiro 15 May 2009 (has links)
Physics in the year 2006 is tightly constrained by experiment, observation, and mathematical consistency. The Standard Model provides a remarkably precise de- scription of particle physics, and general relativity is quite successful in describing gravitational phenomena. At the same time, it is clear that a more fundamental theory is needed for several distinct reasons. Here we consider a new approach, which begins with the unusually ambitious point of view that a truly fundamental theory should aspire to explaining the origins of Lorentz invariance, gravity, gauge fields and their symmetry, supersymmetry, fermionic fields, bosonic fields, quantum mechanics and spacetime. The present dissertation is organized so that it starts with the most conventional ideas for extending the Standard Model and ends with a microscopic statistical picture, which is actually the logical starting point of the theory, but which is also the most remote excursion from conventional physics. One motivation for the present work is the fact that a Euclidean path integral in quantum physics is equivalent to a partition function in statistical physics. This suggests that the most fundamental description of nature may be statistical. This dissertation may be regarded as an attempt to see how far one can go with this premise in explaining the observed phenomena, starting with the simplest statistical picture imaginable. It may be that nature is richer than the model assumed here, but the present results are quite suggestive, because, with a set of assumptions that are not unreasonable, one recovers the phenomena listed above. At the end, the present theory leads back to conventional physics, except that Lorentz invariance and supersymmetry are violated at extremely high energy. To be more specific, one obtains local Lorentz invariance (at low energy compared to the Planck scale), an SO(N) unified gauge theory (with N = 10 as the simplest possibility), supersymmetry of Standard Model fermions and their sfermion partners, and other familiar features of standard physics. Like other attempts at superunification, the present theory involves higher dimensions and topological defects.

銀行住宅擔保品鑑估價格與契約價格之關係 / The relationship between the contract price and the estimated price of residential collateral by financial institutions

丁嘉言, Ting, Chia Yen Unknown Date (has links)
銀行在面對借款人以不動產申請抵押貸款時,產生對住宅擔保品估價之需求,以為債權之確保。然銀行的估價過程與一般估價最大不同,肇因於其估價前,擔保品本身已先產生一組買賣契約價格。過去研究指出,估價會嘗試以某些較易取得的價格資訊作為定錨點(anchor),藉以調整並成為最後的價格。而我國不動產交易價格資訊不透明,契約價格往往由借款人提供的情況下,銀行內部估價人員可能因資訊不易取得、定錨效果,在擔保品的鑑估結果上受到契約價格影響,倘有心人士欲藉此獲得高額貸款、牟取不法利益,將損及銀行債權,即使採用自動估價系統降低人為影響因素,因資料來源不佳,只會產生所謂「garbage in garbage out」的結果。據此,如何分辨契約價格是否具有參考力變成為關鍵,亦為本文欲補足的研究缺口。 本文採用國內某銀行臺北市不動產擔保品8,348筆估價資料為樣本,建立以挑選契約價格是否具有參考力的機率預測模型,尋求影響能判定契約價格是否具有參考力的主要因素,並研究在最適的機率界限下,篩選出具有參考力的契約價格樣本。而研究結果所建立的模型,其預測並篩選出的契約價格樣本均較未經模型篩選者,對擔保品價格之估計有顯著提升。因此本研究所建立的契約價格篩選模型確能提升銀行估價準確性,使不動產擔保品鑑估價格的形成過程中,獲得更多可靠的參考資訊,降低人為操縱的空間,並在成交價格資訊不足的情況下,提升估價人員對契約價格的辨識能力。 / In the face of the borrower to apply for a mortgage of real estate, financial institutions have estimated the price of the collateral requirements to protect the debt claim. However, the biggest difference with the general valuation and that of financial institutions, valuation of its causes before the collateral itself has produced a first sale contract price. In the past research that one attempts to estimate the price of some greater access to information act to anchor in order to adjust and become the final price. Because financial institutions are not easy to obtain price information on real estate transactions in Taiwan, price information is often provided by the borrower. A small number of loans borrower deliberate fraud to forgery or false irrigation Contract price sale and purchase agreement in order to obtain high credit. Even with the automatic valuation system to reduce the human impact factor, due to poor data sources, it will only produce so-called "garbage in garbage out" of the results. Accordingly, how to tell whether the contract price to a reference force becomes critical, and also in this article want to complement the research gap. We adopt 8,348 estate collateral valuation data in Taipei City of a domestic bank for the sample to establish a binary logistic regression model. And we try to seek the main factors that determine whether the contract price of the reference force, and find out the optimal cutoff point, filter out of a sample of the contract price of the reference force. The results confirm the model in this paper. The selected samples of the contract price is estimated that the price of collateral significantly improved compared with those without filtering. Therefore, the model established in this study can really improve the accuracy of bank valuation. Enhance the recognition ability of the bank's internal appraisers on the contract price in the lack of transaction price information.

2D quantum Gravity in the Kähler formalism / Gravité quantique bidimensionnelle dans le formalisme de Kähler

Leduc, Lætitia 21 March 2016 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier lagravité quantique bidimensionnelle. Nousnous intéressons plus particulièrement auxapproches dans le continu. Ces dernièresreposent principalement sur l'action deLiouville qui décrit le couplage entre théorieconforme et gravité. Si cette action, bienconnue, est très bien comprise, la mesure del'intégrale fonctionnelle sur l'espace desmétriques pose plus de problèmes. Toutefois,sous l'hypothèse simplificatrice d'une mesurede champ libre, la dépendance en l'aire de lafonction de partition de la gravité quantiqueen présence de matière conforme a pu êtreétablie. Malgré l'hypothèse assez forte sur lamesure d'intégration, cette formule (diteKPZ), a été confirmée par des calculs issusde méthodes discrètes, et ce dans plusieurscas particuliers. Grâce à une nouvelle méthode derégularisation spectrale en espace courbe,cette mesure d'intégration a récemment puêtre proprement définie. Dans cette thèse,un calcul perturbatif de la fonction departition à aire fixée est mené, jusqu'à troisboucles, en considérant l'action de Liouvilleet des surfaces de Kähler de genrequelconque (qui coïncident avec l'ensembledes surfaces à deux dimensions). Desdivergences apparaissant dans les calculs, ilest nécessaire de renormaliser les actions.Cette renormalisation peut être interprétéecomme une renormalisation de la mesured'intégration. Nos résultats à deux bouclessont finis, indépendants de la régularisationet compatibles avec le résultat KPZ, maisdépendent d'un paramètre libre. L'étude àtrois boucles suggère que la théorie resterenormalisable aux ordres supérieurs maisdépend de nouveaux paramètres à chaqueordre. Ces résultats ont été généralisé dansle cas du tore au couplage à de la matièrenon-conforme. / Nowadays, two-dimensional quantumgravity can be studied in two differentapproaches, one involving discrete theories(triangulation, matrix model...), the othercontinuous ones, mainly based on the socalled Liouville action which universallydescribes the coupling of any conformal fieldtheory to gravity. While the Liouville action isrelatively well understood, the appropriatefunctional integral measure is however rathercomplicated. Nevertheless, a formula for thearea dependence of the quantum gravitypartition function in the presence of conformalmatter has been obtained, under thesimplifying assumption of a free-fieldmeasure. Notwithstanding its non-rigorousderivation, this formula, often referred to asthe KPZ formula, has since been verified inmany instances and has scored manysuccesses. Recent developments of efficient multiloopregularization methods on curved spacetimesopened the way for a precise and welldefinedperturbative computation of the fixedareapartition function in the Kählerformalism. In this work, a first-principlescomputation of the fixed-area partitionfunction in the Liouville theory is performed,up to three loops. Among other things, therole of the non-trivial quantum gravityintegration measure is highlighted.Renormalization is required and may beinterpreted as a renormalization of theintegration measure. This leads to a finite andregularization-independent result at two loops,that is more general than the KPZ result,although compatible. Finiteness andregularization-independence seem alsopossible at three loops. These results aregeneralized to the coupling to non-conformalmatter on the torus.

Linear and Nonlinear Motion of a Barotropic Vortex

Gonzalez, Israel 25 February 2014 (has links)
The linear Barotropic Non-Divergent simulation of a vortex on a beta plane is consistent with Willoughby’s earlier shallow-water divergent results in that it produced an unbounded accelerating westward and poleward motion without an asymptotic limit. However, Montgomery’s work which yielded finite linear drift speeds for his completely cyclonic vortex was inconsistent with ours. The nonlinearly-forced streamfunction exhibited a beta-gyre like structure, but with opposite polarity phase to the linear gyres. Utilization of the linear model with time-dependent, but otherwise beta-like, forcing revealed increasing magnitude and phase reversal in the neighborhood of a low cyclonic frequency. Here, the mean bounded vortex has an outer waveguide that supports Vortex Rossby Wave propagation that is faster than the mean flow and confined to a very narrow band of frequencies between zero and the Vortex Rossby Wave cutoff. The low frequency waves constitute the beta-gyre mode described previously by Willoughby.

Propagação e convolução do fluxo primário de raios cósmicos ultra-energéticos segundo a resolução de energia estimada do Observatório Pierre Auger / Propagation and convolution of the ultra-high energy cosmic ray spectrum due to the estimated energy resolution of the Pierre Auger Observatory

Rodrigues, João Paulo Caminha Cascudo 26 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Carola Dobrigkeit Chinellato / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T01:00:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigues_JoaoPauloCaminhaCascudo_M.pdf: 7322384 bytes, checksum: e50136f5ec9d16fff8fd6a15ba64b5f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Neste trabalho estuda-se a propagação pelo meio intergaláctico de raios cósmicos ultra-energéticos partindo de fontes com distribuição espacial uniforme, considerando as perdas de energia ocasionadas pela expansão adiabática do universo e pelas interações com a Radiação , Cósmica de Fundo (produção de pares e-e+ e fotoprodução de píons), o que resulta no aparecimento do corte GZK (Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin). A degradação de energia no espectro primário da radiação cósmica que chega ao topo da atmosfera terrestre é então analisada para diferentes redshifts das fontes injetoras. São utilizadas simulações de Monte Carlo bem como uma abordagem analítica, com a posterior comparação dos resultados obtidos em cada método. Uma vez conhecido o fluxo propagado, é feita uma estimativa da forma da resolução de energia do Observatório Pierre Auger, com a decorrente convolução desta resolução com o fluxo propagado, novamente utilizando-se ambos os métodos. Os resultados mostram que o corte GZK pode se mostrar severamente atenuado no fluxo convoluído, o que dificulta a sua constatação experimental / Abstract: In this work, we study the propagation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) which are injected into the intergalactic medium by sources with flat spatial distribution for several redshifts. The energy spectrum of UHECR observed on the Earth is directly influenced by the energy losses due to both the adiabatic expansion of the universe and interactions with the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (e-e+ pair production and photoproduction of pions), which cause the so-called Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff. We perform Monte Carlo simulations and also consider a semi-analytical approach and compare the results obtained by each method. Once the propagated primary flux is known, we make a simple estimate of the shape of the Pierre Auger Observatory energy resolution. This resolution is folded with the propagated primary flux again utilizing both methods. The results show the GZK cutoff may be severely smeared and might not be detected as sharp as predicted. / Mestrado / Teorias Especificas e Modelos de Interação ; Sistematica de Particulas ; Raios Cosmicos / Mestre em Física

Řiditelné kmitočtové filtry s moderními aktivními prvky / Controllable Frequency Filters with Modern Active Elements

Preclík, Milan January 2010 (has links)
The work deals with design of transformation cells suitable for realization of higher orders frequency filters with possibility of cutoff frequency control. At first, there is a common description of frequency filters and active elements like current and voltage conveyors. Furthermore assumptions of cutoff frequency control are defined which result in a convenient characteristical equation. Phylosophy of synthetic elements DP , EP , DS , ES including a possibility of change of cutoff frequency is next in line. By exploitation of synthetic elements theory new circuit’s schemes of transformation cells are searched. The work continues with the choice of appropriate transformation cells for resulting circuit’s solutions of frequency filters with possibility of cutoff frequency control by using transfer coefficients of active elements or with help of passive elements. The work concludes with verification of its proper function based on a simulation executed in OrCAD and with practical implementation of choosen circuit’s solution.

Full-wave Electromagnetic Modeling of Electronic Device Parasitics for Terahertz Applications

Karisan, Yasir 15 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Thermal Properties of Nuclei and Their Level Densities

Al Mamun, Md. Abdullah January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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