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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isolation of early stages of germ cells in pikeperch (\kur{Sander lucioperca})

GÜNGÖR, Ege January 2015 (has links)
A practical technique for enzymatic dissociation and isolation of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) (Percidae, Teleostei) early stage germ cells (eGC), including spermatogonia and spermatocytes, is reported in this study. Their potential to differentiate into functional gametes, and transmit genetic information to the next generations makes them suitable for cryopreservation and surrogate reproduction studies by germline chimera. Two different age groups (14 month old and 18 month old) of pikeperch were used to adjust the correct stage of eGC isolation. Finally the 18 month old samples were selected due to their high average gonadal volume (0.513 g). 10 ml PBS + 0.3% trypsin (304 mOsm/kg, pH 8) were used for enzymatic dissociation of testicular cells and they were sorted by centrifugation in Percoll density gradient. eGCs were identified on the basis of their ploidy level by CYSTAIN DNA 1 steps kit (PARTEC) and morphological characteristics trough by light microscopy. Cell counting was performed on histological sections and Percoll gradient layers whit the method of random square counting. The method of isolation enriched the number of eGC from 41.3% to 84.7%, obtained from the 33% of Percoll concentration.

Variabilita \kur{Calamagrostis phragmitoides} v ČR a srovnání s morfologicky podobnými druhy / The variability of \kur{Calamagrostis phragmitoides} in the Czech Republic and its comparison with morphologically similar species

SCHAABOVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Calamagrostis phragmitoides belongs to taxonomically complex C. purpurea aggregate with circumpolar distribution area. The relations between morphologically similar taxa of this aggregate are not clear. Populations of C. purpurea agg. from Central Europe, Scandinavia and Siberia (including one plant from the North America) were genetically studied (cpDNA, ITS, ploidy level by FCM). Allozyme and morfological variability of populations C. phragmitoides and morphologically similar C. canescens was also studied in the Czech Republic. This study was supported by grant SGA PrF JU in 2014.

Optimization and application of in vitro techniques in selected members of the family Brassicaceae

Hilgert-Delgado, Alois Antonín January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the application and optimization of biotechnological methods within the family Brassicaceae. Most of this thesis is focused specifically the genus Brassica. The main objective of this dissertation thesis was to optimize and apply selected biotechnological methods in the resynthesis of oilseed rape (B. napus) from its baseline species (B. oleracea, CC and B. rapa, AA) and subsequently create valuable genetic plant materials. The optimized procedure implemented in my work have exhibited better results of hybrid production (resynthesis) than in similar published experiments and provides a simplified and less laborious method via simple ovule culture and early hybrid verification. The next accomplished step was to work with a wider range of materials using a broader source of different and contrasting genotypes from Brassica rapa (spring and winter oilseed and vegetable turnips) and B. oleracea (green and purple curly kales and cabbages) for new combinations and wider genetic diversity. It was concluded that the optimized ovule culture protocol with early verification, developed in the framework of this thesis, is satisfactorily sufficient enough to be applicable in breeding programmes, aimed at diversity expansion of winter oilseed rape gene pool, as the resynthesized embryos were derived in most combinations. New resynthesized verified lines were colchicine treated in order to obtain diploid regenerants and the fertile plants were self-pollinized and crossed with elite oilseed rape lines for further research and breeding.

Mapování chromozomů smrku (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) pomocí chromozomově specifických sond

Überall, Ivo January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Découverte de marqueurs immunologiques permettant d’évaluer l’innocuité des nouveaux vaccins / Immunological markers to predict vaccine safety

Leite Pereira, Adrien 11 September 2018 (has links)
La vaccination est souvent mal perçue par la population générale. Pour rassurer cette dernière, il serait intéressant de créer une plateforme vaccinale pouvant prédire, in vitro, les risques associés à la prise d’un vaccin. L’objectif de cette thèse est de mettre au point les prémices de cette plateforme. Le principe est simple: obtenir la signature inflammatoire d’un vaccin candidat pour évaluer son innocuité. Pour cela, cette signature sera comparée à celles obtenues par des vaccins actuellement sur le marché ou induites par des pathogènes.Durant cette thèse, nous avons sélectionné une liste de biomarqueurs pouvant être utilisés pour déterminer la signature inflammatoire d’un vaccin. Pour mettre au point cette liste, nous avons utilisé différents modèles inflammatoires (VIH et ligands TLR) et la cytométrie de masse. Par la suite, nous avons mis au point des tests in vitro pour obtenir les signatures inflammatoires induites par le Vaccinia Virus ou le Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara, tous deux utilisés pour éradiquer la variole. Nous avons identifié des signatures inflammatoires spécifiques pour chacun de ces virus, à la fois chez des individus sains et chez des patients infectés par le VIH.La poursuite de ces études, par l’obtention d’un grand nombre de signatures provenant de vaccins sur le marché ou induites par des pathogènes, pourrait permettre de finaliser la mise en place de cette plateforme. En effet, l’obtention de ces dernières permettrait d’obtenir des signatures de référence qui pourraient prédire la dangerosité d’un vaccin. / Vaccination is often not well regarded by the general population. To reassure this latest, it will be interesting to set up an in vitro platform predicting the vaccine safety. The aim of this thesis is to develop the beginnings of this platform. The principle is simple, to get inflammatory signature of a candidate vaccine to evaluate it safety. For that, this signature will be compared with those obtained by vaccine currently on the market or by pathogens.During this thesis, we selected a list of biomarkers that can be used to determinate the inflammatory signature of a vaccine. To obtain this list, we used different inflammatory models (HIV and TLR ligands) and the mass cytometry. Then, we had developed in vitro test to obtain inflammatory signatures induced by Vaccinia Virus or Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara, each used to eradicate the smallpox. We identified specific inflammatory signatures for each virus, both in healthy individuals and HIV-infected humans.The continuation of these studies, by obtaining a large number of signatures coming from vaccines on the market or induced by pathogens, could make it possible to finalize the setting up of this platform. Indeed, the obtaining of the latter would make it possible to obtain reference signatures which could predict the dangerousness of a vaccine.

Deep characterization of the Modified Vaccinia Ankara vaccine induced B cell response in the context of prime-boost immunization / Caractérisation approfondie de la réponse des lymphocytes B après vaccination avec Modified Vaccinia Ankara dans le cadre d'un primovaccination et une vaccination de rappel

Rodriguez Pozo, Andre 01 April 2019 (has links)
Les anticorps sont des corrélats de protection pour différents vaccins qui sont sur le marché. Une meilleure connaissance des modes d’action des vaccins au cours de la primo-vaccination et des rappels sont nécessaires pour améliorer ceux déjà disponibles et ceux en cours de développement.En développant un pipeline d’analyse des données de cytométrie en masse, nous avons étudié l’hétérogénéité des cellules B de macaques et établi un atlas des cellules B dans diffèrent organes.Nous avons démontré que les cellules B du sang sont enrichies au cours du temps après la primo vaccination et/ou le rappel. Quand nous comparons la réponse humorale de 2 stratégies de vaccination, nous découvrons qu’à différence du rappel précoce (2 semaines après la primo-vaccination), le rappel classique (2 mois après la primo-vaccination) permet le développement des IgA, de la maturation d’affinité, des nAbs, d’ADCC et des cellules B spécifique du vaccin. Ces résultats montrent le rôle principal du décalage entre la primo vaccination et rappel. / The exact immunological event involved in the induction of long-term humoral memory induced by vaccines remain unknown. Antibody and B lymphocyte responses are dynamics and change progressively over time after a first antigen encounter. A second immunization perturbates this continuous evolution and modifies these cells and proteins tremendously. My goal was to characterize in depth vaccine-induced B cell response in the context of prime-boost immunizations because the optimal vaccine schedule is not precise enough and we lack a clear knowledge of the mechanisms behind this assumption. I utilize a model of non-human primates (NHP) immunized with Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA). I was interested in different events concerning the humoral immune response induced by MVA and used complementary tools to generate high throughput data, such as mass cytometry, and serology. It was developed tools to study macaque B cells longitudinally, including vaccine-specific B cells, using high-dimensional cytometry data (by developing a mass cytometry Ab panel and analytical tools). I mapped the phenotypic diversity of B cells across relevant tissues (blood, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow), analyzed the Ab and B cell subsets dynamics over time and after one or two immunizations, and compared the Ab response after a short vs. a longer delay between prime and boost. Thus, these data point to a direct role for longer delay between prime and boost that allow better maturation of the humoral immune response, providing insights into how vaccine specific memory B cells may be enhanced to drive affinity maturation in new vaccine approaches.

Určení mechanismu vstupu F. tularensis do B lymfocytů / Determination the mechanism of entry F. tularensis into B lymphocytes

Hadámková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
Barbora Hadámková Determination the mechanism of entry F. tularensis into B lymphocytes Diploma thesis Charles University, Faculty Of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Study program: Pharmacy Background: Besides processing the research with basics knowledge of the problem, the main aim of the study was the analysis of mechanism of entrance of intracellular bacteria Francisella tularensis into B cells. Methods: The B cells, which we obtained through peritoneal lavage from mice Balb/c, we blocked using antibodies individual complement receptors, B cell receptor and Fcƴ receptor. The population of the cells was infected by bacteria F. tularensis LVS/GFP opsonized by complement and/or by antibodies. Using flow cytometry we measured the percentage of infection of individual subpopulations of B cell B1a, B1b and B2 and we evaluated the influence of blocking and opsonization on the infection. Results: From the measured data, we can say that the percentage of infected B cells after infection by F. tularensis opsonized by complement is increased. This increase was more distinct in subtype of B cells B1b and B2. On the other hand, the opsonization F. tularensis by antibodies did not affect the infection. We also found out, that blocking of Fcƴ receptor has decrease the infection, if we used for infection of B cells...

Izolace krevních monocytů skotu pro účely kultivace dendritických buněk

Coufalová, Karmela January 2019 (has links)
Monocytes are a population of mononuclear lekocytes. The aim of this thesis was to select a suitable methodology for the isolation of monocytes and their cultivation into dendritic cells. For the experiment, bovine blood was taken from vena jugularis externa. This blood was used to isolate monocytes based on the density gradient of OptiPrep solution and Histopaque solution. The results showed that the method of isolation based on the density gradient of the Histopaque solution and the magnetic separation appeared to be a more efficient method. The monocyte population was cultured for 72 hours. Cells were analyzed by light microscopy and CD14 positive cells appeared to be transformed into dendritic cells. The purity of these cell population was determined by flow cytometry. Dendritic cells have a wide range of utility mainly in immunotherapy of various diseases and also play an important role in cancer therapy.

Kritické zhodnocení hybridizace mezi zástupci rodu Nymphaea pomocí cytometrických a morfometrických metod / An assessment of interspecific hybridization between Central-European taxa from the genus Nymphaea: insights from flow cytometry and multivariate morphometrics

Kabátová, Klára January 2012 (has links)
Although the genus Nymphaea (waterlily) includes only two native species (N. alba and N. candida) in Central Europe, it poses a great challenge to taxonomy and biosystematics. The determination of both species is hampered by their phenotypic similarities, and species boundaries can be further blurred by interspecific hybridization. In addition, ornamental cultivars of different parentage often escape from cultivation and make the situation even more complex. To get insight into the caryological and phenotypic variability of czech waterlilies, the DNA flow cytometry and both distance-based and geometric morphometrics were used. Collections showed two different groups of fluorescence intensities, corresponding to N. alba and N. candida, respectively. In addition, intermediate values of nuclear DNA amount were found in some plants from South Bohemia, indicating their hybrid origin. Surprisingly, ornamental cultivars possessed the smallest genome sizes. The amount of nuclear DNA therefore seems to be a promising species-specific marker that enables not only native species but also cultivars to be distinguished. Cytometrically-proven individuals have been subjected to multivariate morphometrics, and high differenciation was discovered especially between native species. More complicated seems the distinction...

Mikroevoluční procesy a meziploidní interakce v sympatrických populacích více cytotypů / Microevolutionary processes and inter-cytotype interactions in mixed-ploidy populations

Trávníček, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
[Abstract] This thesis is aimed at better understanding of cytotype co-existence in mixed- ploidy populations with an emphasis on a microevolutionary processes behind it. Our past knowledge was based on a few thoroughly investigated model taxa like Chamerion angustifolium and Heuchera grossulariifolia, but some generalizations seem to be premature in the light of new findings. A detailed research of other taxa included in the thesis showed that polyploid complexes can vary dramatically in their ability to cope with the co-existence of cytotypes in mixed-ploidy popu- lations. Whereas mixed-ploidy populations are virtually lacking in some species (an example being Vicia cracca, Paper III.), ploidy-heterogeneous populations are very common in others, maintained by free mating interactions and the absence of reproductive isolation among cytotypes (e.g. Pilosella echioides, Paper II.). The strenght and cumulative effect of various breeding barriers (both pre- or post- zygotic) govern the position of a particular multi-ploidy complex between these two extremes and co-determine the type of cytotype co-existence in its mixed- ploidy populations. Despite the fact that the number of studies revealing cytotype co-existence has been increasing rapidly, evolutionary background and consequences of such co-...

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