Spelling suggestions: "subject:"das"" "subject:"dass""
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Enabling energy-awareness for internet videoEjembi, Oche Omobamibo January 2016 (has links)
Continuous improvements to the state of the art have made it easier to create, send and receive vast quantities of video over the Internet. Catalysed by these developments, video is now the largest, and fastest growing type of traffic on modern IP networks. In 2015, video was responsible for 70% of all traffic on the Internet, with an compound annual growth rate of 27%. On the other hand, concerns about the growing energy consumption of ICT in general, continue to rise. It is not surprising that there is a significant energy cost associated with these extensive video usage patterns. In this thesis, I examine the energy consumption of typical video configurations during decoding (playback) and encoding through empirical measurements on an experimental test-bed. I then make extrapolations to a global scale to show the opportunity for significant energy savings, achievable by simple modifications to these video configurations. Based on insights gained from these measurements, I propose a novel, energy-aware Quality of Experience (QoE) metric for digital video - the Energy - Video Quality Index (EnVI). Then, I present and evaluate vEQ-benchmark, a benchmarking and measurement tool for the purpose of generating EnVI scores. The tool enables fine-grained resource-usage analyses on video playback systems, and facilitates the creation of statistical models of power usage for these systems. I propose GreenDASH, an energy-aware extension of the existing Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP standard (DASH). GreenDASH incorporates relevant energy-usage and video quality information into the existing standard. It could enable dynamic, energy-aware adaptation for video in response to energy-usage and user ‘green' preferences. I also evaluate the subjective perception of such energy-aware, adaptive video streaming by means of a user study featuring 36 participants. I examine how video may be adapted to save energy without a significant impact on the Quality of Experience of these users. In summary, this thesis highlights the significant opportunities for energy savings if Internet users gain an awareness about their energy usage, and presents a technical discussion how this can be achieved by straightforward extensions to the current state of the art.
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Improving quality of experience in multimedia streaming by leveraging Information-Centric Networking / Améliorer la qualité d'expérience du streaming multimédia en tirant parti des réseaux centrés sur l'informationSamain, Jacques 19 March 2019 (has links)
Les réseaux centrés sur l’information (ICN) sont une architecture prometteuse pour faire face à l’explosion du trafic multimédia sur internet et à la mobilité croissante des utilisateurs: non seulement ICN peut améliorer la qualité d’expérience de l’utilisateur, mais ICN peut également étendre naturelle et de façon transparente la prise en charge du trafic vidéo dans les fonctions réseau. Cependant, à notre connaissance, une évaluation approfondie des avantages apportés par ICN à la diffusion multimédia n’a pas encore été réalisée. Dans cette thèse, nous voulons réduire l’écart qui nous sépare d’une telle évaluation en prenant en compte ICN dans divers scénarios de diffusion multimédia.Tout d’abord, nous évaluons les avantages apportés par du DAS (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming) basé sur ICN par rapport au streaming basé sur TCP/IP, au moyen d’une campagne expérimentale comprenant plusieurs canaux (des émulations Wi-Fi et LTE, des traçes 3G/4G), plusieurs clients (mélange homogène et hétérogène, arrivées synchrones et asynchrones) et des logiques d’adaptation DAS soigneusement sélectionnées pour couvrir les deux grandes familles d’algorithmes disponibles. Nous mettons aussi enexergue les pièges potentiels qui sont néanmoins facilement évitables.Ensuite, nous montrons comment l’assistance du réseau contribue à améliorer la qualité d’expérience des utilisateurs. Pour ce faire, nous tirons parti de la fonctionnalité de mise en cache réseau d’ICN et proposons un signal re ́seau simple envoyé périodiquement par le cache à exploiter par l’algorithme d’adaptation DAS pour optimiser la qualité d’expérience de l’utilisateur en évitant le phénomène bien connu des oscillations induites par le cache. Des expériences nous permettent de valider le bien-fondé de notre approche.Enfin, puisque la diffusion multimedia en direct gagne du terrain, nous proposons hICN-RTC, en intégrant hICN (hybrid ICN), une solution ICN-dans-IP, à WebRTC, accompagné du protocole RICTP (Realtime Information Centric Transport Protocol), un protocole de transport basé sur le contenu, qui minimise la latence. Bien que toujours en développement, les résultats des premières expériences sont prometteurs car ils montrent que le trafic induit par hICN-RTC ne croit qu’avec le nombre de locuteurs actifs plutôt qu’avec le nombre total de participants. / Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a promising architecture to address today Internet multimedia traffic explosion and increasing user mobility: not only to enhance the user’s quality of experience, but also to naturally and seamlessly extend video sup- port deeper in the network functions. However, to the best of our knowledge, a thorough assessment of the benefits brought by ICN to multimedia delivery has not been done yet. In this thesis, we aim at reducing the gap to such assessment, by considering ICN in various multimedia delivery scenarios.First, we assess the benefits brought by an ICN-based Dynamic Adaptive Streaming (DAS) compared to TCP/IP based streaming, by means of an experimental campaign that includes multiple channels (e.g., emulated Wi-Fi and LTE, real 3G/4G traces), multiple clients (homogeneous vs heterogeneous mixture, synchronous vs asynchronous arrivals) and carefully selected DAS adaptation logics to cover the broad families of available adaptation algorithms. We also warn about potential pitfalls that are nonethelesseasily avoidable.Second, we show how network assistance helps im- proving the users’ quality of experience. To do so, we leverage the in-network caching feature of ICN and propose a simple periodical network signal from the cache (i.e., per-quality hit ratio) to be exploited by DAS adaptation logic to enhance further the user’s quality of experience by avoiding the known cache-induced quality oscillations. We confirm the soundness of our approach through experiments.Finally, as live multimedia delivery is gaining momentum, we propose hICN-RTC by integrating hICN (hybrid ICN), an ICN-in-IP solution, to WebRTC and we design RICTP (Realtime Information Centric Trans- port Protocol), a content-aware transport that minimizes the communication latency. Although still in development, the results we gathered from early experiments are promising as they show that hICN-RTC scales with the number of active speakers rather than the total number of participants.
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Erstellung von Referenzwerten für das isokinetische Training im Rahmen der Rehabilitation nach Schulteroperationen und Bestimmung der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit und der kardiopulmonalen Belastung während der SchulterrehabilitationStandtke, Susanne 21 April 2015 (has links)
Nach Operationen am Schultergelenk ist die Rehabilitation von entscheidender Bedeutung, um das operative Ergebnis zu sichern und die Schulterfunktion wiederherzustellen. Die dafür erforderliche funktionelle Kraft, Mobilität, Stabilität und Schmerzfreiheit soll mittels adäquater Maßnahmen im Therapieprozess entwickelt werden. Einen Untersuchungsschwerpunkt dieser Arbeit stellte die Erhebung von indikationsspezifischen isokinetischen Referenzwerten dar, die als schädigungsfrei erreichbare Steigerungsraten der Kraft innerhalb eines definierten Rehabilitationsprogrammes anzusehen sind. Dafür wurden jeweils 30 Patienten mit ventraler Schulterstabilisierung, arthroskopisch subakromialer Dekompression und Rekonstruktion der Rotatorenmanschette unter Verwendung des Seilzugisokinetikgerätes „Moflex®“ für die Bewegungen Adduktion, Innen- und Außenrotation untersucht. Zusätzlich galten die tägliche Schmerzquantifizierung, die Erfassung der aktiven Beweglichkeit und die subjektive Einschätzung mittels Fragebögen zum Gesundheitszustand (SF-36-Health-Survey) und zur Schulterfunktion (DASH-Score) zu definierten Zeitpunkten der Rehabilitation als obligate Bestandteile der Untersuchung. Auf der Grundlage der ermittelten Referenzwerte werden Empfehlungen für die praktische Anwendung eines therapeutischen Aufbautrainings mit dem Therapieband und dem Seilzugsystem abgeleitet. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildete die Leistungsdiagnostik mit der Überprüfung der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit und der kardiopulmonalen Belastung während einer orthopädisch ausgerichteten Rehabilitation. Dafür absolvierten 20 männliche Patienten nach einer Operation am Schultergelenk zu Beginn und zum Abschluss der Rehabilitation einen Spiroergometrietest auf dem Fahrradergometer und eine Spirometrieuntersuchung mit dem „K4b2“ während der Krankengymnastik und der Medizinischen Trainingstherapie. Mit den Resultaten ist erstmalig eine Beurteilung der kardiopulmonalen Belastung von Patienten bei differenten Therapiemaßnahmen möglich. Die Ergebnisse können als Handlungsanleitung für die Belastungsgestaltung im Rahmen der postoperativen Rehabilitation von Schulterpatienten betrachtet werden.
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eHälsa som stöd för att förbättra kostvanor hos patienter med hypertoni : En digital interventionsstudie med DASH-kost / The use of eHealth to improve dietary habits of patients with hypertension : A digital DASH-diet interventionMedhammar, Elinor January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) är en väletablerad icke-farmakologisk behandling vid hypertoni men används sällan inom traditionell hälso-och sjukvård på grund av tids- och resursbrist. Digitala metoder kan vara bättre lämpade för att ge långsiktigt stöd. Denna studie är den första digitala kostinterventionen med DASH-kost i en total digital vårdmiljö. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka följsamhet till DASH-kost samt upplevelse av digital kostbehandling vid hypertoni. Material och metod: Studien har en experimentell design och utgick från den digitala vårdgivaren Blodtrycksdoktorns plattform. Nitton patienter med lätt förhöjt blodtryck fick digital kostbehandling utifrån DASH-kost under 8 veckor utöver standardbehandling. Videosamtal i kombination med asynkron textkommunikation användes som kommunikationsverktyg. Kostförändring mättes via livsmedelsfrekvensformulär (FFQ) före och efter behandling och sammanställdes i ett DASH-index. Patientupplevelse mättes via enkät efter behandling. Studien undersökte även förändring av vikt, BMI, midjemått och blodtryck. Statistisk analys genomfördes med Parat t-test samt Wilcoxons ranksummetest. Resultat: DASH-index förbättrades med 1,4 poäng (p = <0,001). Patienterna hade i genomsnitt haft diagnosen hypertoni under 6 år ± 8 SD (median 2 år) där endast 2 av 19 tidigare fått kostråd för hypertoni. Patienterna hade överlag en positiv upplevelse av digital kostbehandling. Vikt och BMI minskade med 1,9 kg (p = <0,001) respektive 0,7 kg/m2 ( p = <0,001). Midjemåttet minskade med 3,2 cm för manliga patienter (p = 0,007) och 4 cm för kvinnliga patienter (p = 0,027). Systoliskt blodtryck (SBT) minskade med 8,7 mmHg (p = <0,001) och diastoliskt blodtryck (DBT) med 4,6 mmHg (p = 0,004). Slutsats: Den 8 veckor långa digitala kostinterventionen förbättrade kostvanor hos patienter med hypertoni samt ledde till minskad vikt, BMI, midjemått och blodtryck. Patientupplevelse av behandlingen var god. Digital kostbehandling kan utgöra ett alternativ till traditionell kostbehandling för patienter med hypertoni. / Background: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is a well-established non-pharmacological treatment for hypertension but is rarely used in traditional health care due to lack of time and resources. Digital methods may be better suited to provide long-term support. This study is the first digital nutrition intervention with DASH diet in a total digital health care environment. Aim: The purpose of the current study is to investigate adherence to DASH diet and self-reported experience of a digital nutrition intervention for patients with hypertension. Material and methods: The study has an experimental design and was based on the platform of the digital healthcare provider “Blood Pressure Doctor”. Nineteen patients with primary hypertension received digital nutrition therapy based on the DASH diet for 8 weeks in addition to standard care. Video calls in combination with asynchronous text communication were used as communication tools. Dietary change was measured by food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) at baseline and after treatment and compiled in a DASH index. A questionnaire was used to assess patient experience. Secondary outcomes were changes in body weight, BMI, waist measurement and blood pressure. Statistical analysis was performed with Pared t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: DASH index improved by 1,4 points (p = <0,001). The patients had on average been diagnosed with hypertension for 6 years ± 8 SD (median 2 years) where only 2 of 19 had previously received dietary advice for hypertension. The patients generally had a positive experience of the digital nutrition intervention. Body weight and BMI decreased by 1,9 kg (p = <0,001) and 0,7 kg / m2 (<0,001), respectively. Waist decreased by 3,2 cm for male patients (p = 0,007) and 4 cm for female patients (p = 0,027). Systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased by 8,7 mmHg (p = <0,001) and diastolic blood pressure (DBT) by 4,6 mmHg (p = 0,004). Conclusion: The 8-week digital nutrition intervention improved dietary habits, body weight, BMI, waist and blood pressure of patients with hypertension. Patients were overall satisfied with the treatment. Digital nutritional therapy can be an alternative to traditional nutritional therapy for patients with hypertension.
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Webbapplikation för filtrering och visualisering av data : utvecklad med Pythonramverket Dash / Web application for data filtration and visualization : developed with the Python framework DashBlomqvist, Andreas, de Brun Mangs, William, Elfstrand, Tobias, Grahn, David, Holm, Hampus, Matstoms, Axel, Mersh, Jamie, Ngo, Robin, Wåtz, Christopher January 2023 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar skapandet av en webbapplikation för filtreraring och visualisering av data i Pythonramverket Dash. Rapporten ger en översikt av gruppens arbetsmetodik och projektets utveckling. Webbapplikationen utvecklades inom kursen TDDD96 Kandidatprojekt i programvaruutveckling av nio studenter som studerar civilingenjör Datateknik och civilingenjör Mjukvaruteknik. Detta uppdrag fick projektgruppen av företaget Ericsson. Projektets resultat blev en fungerade webbapplikation efterfrågad funktionalitet. Resultatet och arbetsmetodiken, bland annat testdriven utveckling, diskuteras i rapporten med fokus på hur utvecklingsprocessen förbättrades. Rapportens slutsatser är att ramverket Dash lämpar sig för webbutveckling i ett mindre projekt, särskilt för datavisualisering, och att produkten skapar värde för kunden.
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Changes in Food Sources of Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium in the Diets of Adolescents with Hypertension in Response to a Behavioral Nutrition Intervention Emphasizing Fruit, Vegetable, and Low-fat Dairy FoodsThomas, Ingrid M. 23 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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This paper reviewed the mechanisms of systemic inflammation and the nutritional status
of the individuals who suffer from chronic diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
lupus erythematous, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, irritable bowel diseases include
ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, asthma, and atherosclerosis. Treatment modalities such
as diet regimens will also be discussed. The Anti-Inflammatory diet, Mediterranean Diet, and the
Dash diet will be discussed. Nutritional status and inflammation go hand in hand according to
the findings available today. There is still more research required to completely understand the
mechanisms that occur in inflammation.
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Reliability and diagnostic validity of clinical examination and patient self-report measures in carpal tunnel syndromeBath, Brenna 21 April 2006
Study Design: A blinded, prospective diagnostic test study was conducted.<p>Objectives: To assess the inter-tester reliability of clinical examination items for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), to assess the validity of individual clinical test items and self-report measures for the diagnosis of CTS and to assess the accuracy of an optimum test item cluster for the diagnosis of CTS.<p>Study Rational: Examination of the diagnostic validity of various clinical tests for the diagnosis of CTS has shown mixed results and the reliability of many of these tests has not been determined. The majority of the diagnostic validity research for CTS has examined tests individually which is in contrast to clinical practice where the results of multiple tests are combined as part of the clinical reasoning process in order to formulate a differential diagnosis: the test item cluster, derived through logistic regression, is proposed as a means to integrate the validity of multiple tests.
Methods: 37 subjects (74 hands) were recruited from a convenience sample of consecutive patients referred to for electrodiagnostic (EDX) testing due to upper extremity symptomatic complaints. Subjects underwent EDX testing followed by completion of self-report questionnaires and a standardized clinical examination by examiners blinded to EDX results. Diagnostic validity was determined for both general and restricted CTS classification groupings. <p>Results: Out of 18 clinical test items, 12 had reliability coefficients (i.e. ICC or Kappa) of .40 or greater. There were 10 clinical exam and self-report items that were found to have likelihood point estimates above 2 or below 0.50 for the general diagnostic classification and 6 items had acceptable validity for the restricted classification. The test item cluster (TIC) derived for the general classification included hand numbness and symptom reproduction with the upper limb neurodynamic test 1. The TIC derived for the restricted classification included hand numbness and the overall score of the symptom component of the Bringham Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire. The 95% confidence intervals for most likelihood ratio point estimates were wide. <p>Conclusions: The TICs for both classification groupings did not yield improved diagnostic validity beyond that found with the single best test item (hand numbness). The value of the single best test item hand numbness was in a negative response. Further investigation is required to validate the TIC and the single best test item and to improve the point estimate precision.
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Reliability and diagnostic validity of clinical examination and patient self-report measures in carpal tunnel syndromeBath, Brenna 21 April 2006 (has links)
Study Design: A blinded, prospective diagnostic test study was conducted.<p>Objectives: To assess the inter-tester reliability of clinical examination items for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), to assess the validity of individual clinical test items and self-report measures for the diagnosis of CTS and to assess the accuracy of an optimum test item cluster for the diagnosis of CTS.<p>Study Rational: Examination of the diagnostic validity of various clinical tests for the diagnosis of CTS has shown mixed results and the reliability of many of these tests has not been determined. The majority of the diagnostic validity research for CTS has examined tests individually which is in contrast to clinical practice where the results of multiple tests are combined as part of the clinical reasoning process in order to formulate a differential diagnosis: the test item cluster, derived through logistic regression, is proposed as a means to integrate the validity of multiple tests.
Methods: 37 subjects (74 hands) were recruited from a convenience sample of consecutive patients referred to for electrodiagnostic (EDX) testing due to upper extremity symptomatic complaints. Subjects underwent EDX testing followed by completion of self-report questionnaires and a standardized clinical examination by examiners blinded to EDX results. Diagnostic validity was determined for both general and restricted CTS classification groupings. <p>Results: Out of 18 clinical test items, 12 had reliability coefficients (i.e. ICC or Kappa) of .40 or greater. There were 10 clinical exam and self-report items that were found to have likelihood point estimates above 2 or below 0.50 for the general diagnostic classification and 6 items had acceptable validity for the restricted classification. The test item cluster (TIC) derived for the general classification included hand numbness and symptom reproduction with the upper limb neurodynamic test 1. The TIC derived for the restricted classification included hand numbness and the overall score of the symptom component of the Bringham Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire. The 95% confidence intervals for most likelihood ratio point estimates were wide. <p>Conclusions: The TICs for both classification groupings did not yield improved diagnostic validity beyond that found with the single best test item (hand numbness). The value of the single best test item hand numbness was in a negative response. Further investigation is required to validate the TIC and the single best test item and to improve the point estimate precision.
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Improving quality of experience for mobile video streamingYusuf, Lateef 08 June 2015 (has links)
Thanks to their increasing sophistication and popularity, mobile devices, in the form of smartphones and tablets, have become the fastest growing contributors to Internet traffic. Indeed, smartphones are projected to account for 50% of global Internet traffic by 2017, with the share of mobile video increasing to about 40% of total Internet traffic. As users embrace Internet streaming of video, several studies have found that a small decrease in video quality leads to a substantial increase in viewer abandonment and disengagement rates. To handle the explosive growth in video traffic, Adaptive HTTP streaming, which exploits the prevalence of commodity web servers and content distribution networks, has emerged as the key technology for delivering video to end users. Although a number of systems have been proposed for HTTP video streaming in traditional environments and for fixed clients, existing platforms for video streaming on mobile devices are still in their infancy and do not address the additional challenges often experienced by mobile clients: high fluctuations in network conditions, heterogeneous networking interfaces, multiple form-factors, and limited battery life.
In this dissertation, we propose a number of solutions for improving the Quality of Experience of HTTP video streaming on mobile devices. We begin by evaluating the performance of several existing video quality adaptation schemes when deployed on mobile platforms. Through experiments with smartphones in wide-area environments, we assemble several key findings. First, we show that the high fluctuations in network throughput on cellular and Wi-Fi networks impose significant challenges for efficiently architecting the video adaptation scheme. Second, we find significant differences between the performance of the current state-of-the-art schemes in controlled experimental settings and their performance in mobile settings on key quality metrics such as inefficiency, instability, rebuffering ratio, and startup latency. We also find noticeable differences in the behavior of the schemes under Wi-Fi and cellular network access, with most of the schemes performing worse when the network access is cellular. Given these observations, we hypothesize on the possible causes of these inefficiencies. We also identify the best practices of existing schemes and key insights from experimental results that can serve as foundations for addressing many of the limitations.
Armed with these measurement-driven insights, we propose a novel video quality adaptation scheme, called MASS, which is more robust to the vagaries of the wireless networking conditions. We implement and evaluate our solution on commodity Android smartphones, and demonstrate significant performance gains over existing schemes. To further improve the streaming experience, we introduce an extension to HTTP video streaming that leverages the synergy between social network participation and video streaming to optimize end-user Quality of Experience. Our system, called SDASH, integrates and applies well-known concepts such as cooperative caching, prefetching, and P2P streaming for reducing bitrate fluctuations and optimizing the viewing experience. Finally, we develop a general infrastructure for constructing temporally and spatially localized P2P communities of mobile devices sharing similar interests. The platform enables on-demand cooperation among mobile clients based on device context and client preferences. We use a concrete implementation of the mobile P2P infrastructure for evaluating the performance of SDASH.
This dissertation addresses the challenges facing Adaptive HTTP Streaming under mobile networking conditions. Through experimentation with commodity mobile devices, we show that the proposed techniques for bitrate adaptation and cooperative streaming can significantly improve the video viewing experience.
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