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Goodwill Reklambyrå på Internet : två webbapplikationer / Goodwill Reklambyrå on the Internet : two webbapplikationsFlodkvist, Julia, Forsberg, Hanna January 2002 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är gjort för Goodwill Reklambyrå i Norrköping. Uppgifterna var att skapa en hemsida och en företagsportal åt företaget. Med företagsportal menas en applikation upplagd på Internet där företagets anställda kan läsa, uppdatera, radera och skapa poster som är lagrade i databaser. I huvudsak har Flash använts för att skapa hemsidan och ASP (Active Server Pages) för att bygga upp företagsportalen. Resultatet blev en underhållande och informativ hemsida och en säker och användbar företagsportal. I denna rapport får läsaren en utförlig redogörelse för arbetet. / This degree project is made for Goodwill Reklambyrå in Norrköping. The task was to create a homepage and a business community for the company. By business community we mean an application on the Internet where the company staff are able to read, update, delete and create posts which are stored in databases. Mainly have Flash been used to create the homepage and ASP (Active Server Pages) to build the business community. The final result was an entertaining and informative homepage and a secure and useable business community. In this report the reader gets a detailed statement of our work.
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OLED : Evaluation and clarification of the new Organic Light Emitting Display technologyStark, Patrik, Westling, Daniel January 2002 (has links)
Organic Light Emitting Displays (OLEDs) are a new type of thin emissive displays predicted to possess superior properties to existing techniques e.g. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The main advantages are low power consumption and a thin display structure. This report contains an explanation of the emissive OLED technology, its functionality and the physics of the organic layer structure in an OLED. The technology is described with respect to the two classes of organic materials used in displays, small molecules and conjugated polymers. The information is derived from a study of literature and from different measurements performed on a full-colour OLED microdisplay, based on colour filters. The evaluation of the OLED revealed the main disadvantage of an unsatisfactory lifetime of approximately only one week. The results of the measurements and study are furthermore compared to the traditional LCD technology. A conclusion with the advantages and drawbacks with the OLED technology summarises the report together with a short analysis of the future for OLEDs, partly achieved through a written enquiry sent to approximately 20 possible OLED manufactures.
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Verktyg för mätning av tjänstekvalitet på bredbandsnät / Tools for measurement of service quality in broadband netShahraki, Homan January 2002 (has links)
Operators and Internet service providers invest in broadband to be able to deliver new services that require higher data transmission rate. A way to make this possible is to use ADSL, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, as the access technology. To be able to handle this technology, the service providers should do a pre-qualification. Methods and tools are needed to analyze the local copper lines and decide if these qualify for ADSL with respect to service availability and possible bandwidth through the lines. This report brings up some methods for pre-qualification of ADSL, the important quality parameters and how to gather them from the available services today. Further is the usage of quality parameters discussed for future demands on pre-qualification methods and tools.
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Mikrolitografi för rastrerade Gobos / Microlithography for halftoned GobosNilsson, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
Beacon AB has been producing Gobos for some time. A Gobo is a small round sheet used in projectors almost like a slide. It is used mostly in the commercial and entertainment business. Today these Gobos are created by using a film (also called mask). A digital exposure machine called LIOS has been developed to make it possible to create Gobos using direct exposure. This means a film will no longer be necessary and it will also make the process faster and cheaper. To be able to use LIOS in the industry a lot of work still has to be done. An image is sent to the display in LIOS. This image comes from a computer connected to LIOS and at the end of the process it will be reproduced on the Gobo. This image can be modified before it is sent to LIOS so that a better result can be achieved in the end. The problem is that once the process is complete the image will be binary, which means halftoning is going to be used. The goal of the research described in this paper is first to test the properties of LIOS, second to create a halftoning method especially designed for those properties. The resultof this thesis is an AM (Amplitude Modulated) method that uses a modified threshold matrix. Using this method would not give a satisfying result unless some of the distortions could be corrected somehow. This can however be done using a property available for the display in LIOS. The display can handle grayscales but since etching is used later in the process the final result will be a binary image (only black and white). This means that even though the image will be binary in the end, these grayscales can still be used to improve the result. The equipment that was available when this thesis was done was not fully developed why the grayscales are used to correct distortions. The resulting method will most likely be good enough to produce Gobos with a satisfying quality. The method has never been used before and it introduces a new way of making corrections for halftoning. There are still some practical problems left to solve before LIOS can be used to reliably produce Gobos. Using better equipment can solve several of these problems but not all of them.
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Evaluation of Methodology for Parallel Scheduling / Utvärdering av metoder för parallellschemaläggningSöderquist, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
In the rapidly progressing evolution of technology, more and more emphasize is put on developing proper tools for the task of designing new and revolutionary systems. These tools are required in order to allow for a designer to fully utilize the power of new architectures and techniques. This thesis examines the current state of available scheduling tools for embedded systems, by evaluating and analyzing a number of di erent tools. An attempt is made to provide an overview of how the tools are constructed, and what types of methodology have been used.
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2.4G ~ 10.4G Hz CMOS programmable Frequency DividerKang, Shi-Yun, Wen, Hsiang-Chih January 2005 (has links)
This master thesis is as a final project in the Division of Computer Engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköpings University, Sweden. The purpose of the project is to design a wide frequency range programmable frequency divider used in a PLL circuit for ultra wide band system. 0.18 um tsmc CMOS technology is used in this project. A brief introduction of PLL circuits and UWB specifications are given in the report and the circuit design issue is presented. Post-layout simulation results are shown in the later part of the report. The focus of this project is to make the frequency divider work well in wide range and high speed. Therefore, how to shorten feedback circuits’ latency and how to reduce complexity of the circuits are the main problems. Logic gate merged technique is used to reduce transistor number and carefully drawing layout makes the circuit work well in post-layout simulation.
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IEEE 802.11b Frequency Translation / Frekvenstranslation av IEEE 802.11bHarju, Janne January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates the IEEE 802.11b standard that describes radio communication for networks. The standard is carefully explained and the limitations of the standard are presented. To put the system in its context and to study the effects from the frequency translation, surrounding areas such as radio propagation and networks in general are presented. For radio communications the carrier frequency gives the basic properties for the application, long distance communication uses low frequencies and the opposite for short-range communication. The report investigates the possibilities to translate the frequency for an IEEE 802.11b system to move the limits of IEEE 802.11b Three alternative solutions are compared. A final solution evolves from one of them. The resulting solution is based on existing hardware and is ready for testing. One major conclusion is that 802.11b is a well developed standard where the development of the hardware is focussed on the physical size. This miniaturization makes alteration more complex. Finally other interesting wireless techniques that could give the desired properties and other possible further work are presented.
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Naturlig haptisk kraftåterkoppling från volymdata / Natural haptic feedback from volumetric density dataLundin (Palmerius), Karljohan January 2001 (has links)
As the volumes are entering the world of computer graphics the pure volume visualisation becomes a more important tool in for example research and medical applications. But the advance in haptics --- force feedback from the computer --- is behind. In volume haptics no equal to the proxy method so popular in surface haptics has yet emerged. Some implementations of volume haptics even use surfaces as intermediate representations so that surface haptics can be used. The intention of this work was to create natural feeling haptic feedback from volumetric density data using pure volume haptics. The haptic algorithm would be implemented in Reachin API for the Reachin Desktop Display, together with other parts to build up a usable volume visualisation environment. To achieve the feeling of stiffness and friction dependent on tissue type, a proxy based method was developed. In the volume the proxy is constrained by virtual surfaces defined by the local gradient. This algorithm was implemented in a volume haptics node and for visualisation a volume renderer node was implemented. These nodes can be used to setup different volume visualisation environments using VRML.
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A Domain Specific DSP Processor / En domänspecifik DSP-processorTell, Eric January 2001 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of a domain specific DSP processor. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part gives some theoretical background, describes the different steps of the design process (both for DSP processors in general and for this project) and motivates the design decisions made for this processor. The second part is a nearly complete design specification. The intended use of the processor is as a platform for hardware acceleration units. Support for this has however not yet been implemented.
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Design av en användarvänlig Androidapplikation för trådlös kommunikation med Electronic Control Unit för bil eller testmiljöÖsterberg, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This is a study about software usability and information presen-tation in an Android application. The application is meant topresent the information coming being sent on the CAN buss ofa car or to listen to the messages being sent by just a few ECUconnected via a CAN buss. The study aims to evaluate the usabi-lity of the application based on an exploratory research method.The study was conducted using an iterative processes, where wefirst created a prototype. The prototype was then presented to anumber of users and they were asked to do a number of simpletasks within the application. We then used the feedback from thisexamination to improve the usability of the application. After thiswe did a second presentation of the application and compared itto the results to the results from the previous tests to see if wesucceeded in increasing the usability of the application.The first study tests showed that there were several weaknesses inthe application that we ourselves did not see. It showed that ourbackground was too prominent and that the text became hard toread, along with several other small things that we corrected. Wethen saw in our second tests that most parts of the applicationhad improved. There were still some parts of the application thatcould still use some development, and all people what differentthings in an application. / I vårt examensarbete så har vi gjort en undersökning på hur viska utforma en Android applikation för att få den att presenteradata på ett lätt och användarvänligt sätt. Applikationen är me-nad att presentera den data som skickas mellan ECU:erna i enbil eller testmiljö. Undersökningen som görs kommer testa hurpass användarvänlig, lättförståelig och tilltalande applikationenär, och utifrån det förbättra den.Under utvecklingen och undersökningen så använde vi oss av eniterativ process, med denna process så började vi att skapa enprototyp av applikationen. Denna prototyp användes sedan föratt utföra en användarutvärderingar där vi bad ett antal per-soner att testa applikationen, sedan fick de svara på ett antalfrågor angående applikationen. Data ifrån detta användes sedanför att uppdatera applikationens utseende och funktion. Efterdetta gjorde vi en till utvärdering där vi ställde samma frågorsom tidigare. Vi jämförde därefter de nya svaren med svaren frånden första utvärderingen för att se om vi lyckats förbättra appli-kationen.Den första studien visade att det fans flera svagheter i den ur-sprungliga applikationen. Till exempel så tog bakgrunden förmycket fokus och texten var svårläslig, det var utöver detta mångamindre detaljer som anmärktes på. Vi märkte efter vårt andratest att applikationen hade färre och mindre svagheter. Använ-darnas helhetsintryck av applikationen var bättre och mer posi-tivt.
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