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Experimental Host-Parasite Co-Evolution in a Changing EnvironmentDusi, Eike 31 March 2016 (has links)
Parasites with exclusive vertical transmission from host parent to offspring are an evolutionary puzzle. Any fitness costs for infected hosts risk the selective elimination of these parasites because their fitness is linked to host reproduction. One of the main evolutionary transitions from parasitism towards beneficial or mutualistic associations may therefore encompass a change from horizontal transmission to vertical transmission. In this thesis, the experimental evolution study on Paramecium and Holospora supports this hypothesis. The parasite nearly entirely lost horizontal transmission capacity in a treatment favouring vertical transmission and low virulence. However, many vertically transmitted parasites e.g. Caedibacter taeniospiralis impose detectable costs to their hosts. This endosymbiont imposes context-dependent costs to its host Paramecium tetraurelia. Fitness of infected paramecia was reduced in resource-limited conditions at all experimentally tested temperatures (16-32°C).
These universal fitness costs along the temperature gradient necessitate universal cost compensation that can be the ‘killer trait’ that eliminates uninfected competitors. At acute heat stress the loss of infection indicates that cost compensation is impossible, thereby restricting conditions for parasite persistence. Surprisingly, the parasite persists in permanent stress and optimal temperature conditions. Caedibacter was able to adapt to high temperature conditions by increasing its number in the populations but without reducing virulence in high temperature conditions. Acute and intense stress harms the parasite and causes its extinction but the parasite was able to evolve and adapt to stress conditions. Moreover, the parasite reacts exactly in the opposite direction as it was expected. They do not suffer from stressful conditions, they benefit.
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Photogrammetric techniques for across-scale soil erosion assessment: Developing methods to integrate multi-temporal high resolution topography data at field plotsEltner, Anette 01 June 2016 (has links)
Soil erosion is a complex geomorphological process with varying influences of different impacts at different spatio-temporal scales. To date, measurement of soil erosion is predominantly realisable at specific scales, thereby detecting separate processes, e.g. interrill erosion contrary to rill erosion. It is difficult to survey soil surface changes at larger areal coverage such as field scale with high spatial resolution. Either net changes at the system outlet or remaining traces after the erosional event are usually measured. Thus, either quasi-point measurements are extrapolated to the corresponding area without knowing the actual sediment source as well as sediment storage behaviour on the plot or erosion rates are estimated disrupting the area of investigation during the data acquisition impeding multi-temporal assessment. Furthermore, established methods of soil erosion detection and quantification are typically only reliable for large event magnitudes, very labour and time intense, or inflexible.
To better observe soil erosion processes at field scale and under natural conditions, the development of a method is necessary, which identifies and quantifies sediment sources and sinks at the hillslope with high spatial resolution and captures single precipitation events as well as allows for longer observation periods. Therefore, an approach is introduced, which measures soil surface changes for multi-spatio-temporal scales without disturbing the area of interest. Recent advances regarding techniques to capture high resolution topography (HiRT) data led to several promising tools for soil erosion measurement with corresponding advantages but also disadvantages. The necessity exists to evaluate those methods because they have been rarely utilised in soil surface studies.
On the one hand, there is terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), which comprises high error reliability and retrieves 3D information directly. And on the other hand, there is unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology in combination with structure from motion (SfM) algorithms resulting in UAV photogrammetry, which is very flexible in the field and depicts a beneficial perspective. Evaluation of the TLS feasibility reveals that this method implies a systematic error that is distance-related and temporal constant for the investigated device and can be corrected transferring calibration values retrieved from an estimated lookup table. However, TLS still reaches its application limits quickly due to an unfavourable (almost horizontal) scanning view at the soil surface resulting in a fast decrease of point density and increase of noise with increasing distance from the device. UAV photogrammetry allows for a better perspective (birds-eye view) onto the area of interest, but possesses more complex error behaviour, especially in regard to the systematic error of a DEM dome, which depends on the method for 3D reconstruction from 2D images (i.e. options for additional implementation of observations) and on the image network configuration (i.e. parallel-axes and control point configuration). Therefore, a procedure is developed that enables flexible usage of different cameras and software tools without the need of additional information or specific camera orientations and yet avoiding this dome error. Furthermore, the accuracy potential of UAV photogrammetry describing rough soil surfaces is assessed because so far corresponding data is missing.
Both HiRT methods are used for multi-temporal measurement of soil erosion processes resulting in surface changes of low magnitudes, i.e. rill and especially interrill erosion. Thus, a reference with high accuracy and stability is a requirement. A local reference system with sub-cm and at its best 1 mm accuracy is setup and confirmed by control surveys. TLS and UAV photogrammetry data registration with these targets ensures that errors due to referencing are of minimal impact. Analysis of the multi-temporal performance of both HiRT methods affirms TLS to be suitable for the detection of erosion forms of larger magnitudes because of a level of detection (LoD) of 1.5 cm. UAV photogrammetry enables the quantification of even lower magnitude changes (LoD of 1 cm) and a reliable observation of the change of surface roughness, which is important for runoff processes, at field plots due to high spatial resolution (1 cm²). Synergetic data fusion as a subsequent post-processing step is necessary to exploit the advantages of both HiRT methods and potentially further increase the LoD.
The unprecedented high level of information entails the need for automatic geomorphic feature extraction due to the large amount of novel content. Therefore, a method is developed, which allows for accurate rill extraction and rill parameter calculation with high resolution enabling new perspectives onto rill erosion that has not been possible before due to labour and area access limits. Erosion volume and cross sections are calculated for each rill revealing a dominant rill deepening. Furthermore, rill shifting in dependence of the rill orientation towards the dominant wind direction is revealed.
Two field plots are installed at erosion prone positions in the Mediterranean (1,000 m²) and in the European loess belt (600 m²) to ensure the detection of surface changes, permitting the evaluation of the feasibility, potential and limits of TLS and UAV photogrammetry in soil erosion studies. Observations are made regarding sediment connectivity at the hillslope scale. Both HiRT methods enable the identification of local sediment sources and sinks, but still exhibiting some degree of uncertainty due to the comparable high LoD in regard to laminar accumulation and interrill erosion processes. At both field sites wheel tracks and erosion rills increase hydrological and sedimentological connectivity. However, at the Mediterranean field plot especially dis-connectivity is obvious. At the European loess belt case study a triggering event could be captured, which led to high erosion rates due to high soil moisture contents and yet further erosion increase due to rill amplification after rill incision. Estimated soil erosion rates range between 2.6 tha-1 and 121.5 tha-1 for single precipitation events and illustrate a large variability due to very different site specifications, although both case studies are located in fragile landscapes. However, the susceptibility to soil erosion has different primary causes, i.e. torrential precipitation at the Mediterranean site and high soil erodibility at the European loess belt site.
The future capability of the HiRT methods is their potential to be applicable at yet larger scales. Hence, investigations of the importance of gullys for sediment connectivity between hillslopes and channels are possible as well as the possible explanation of different erosion rates observed at hillslope and at catchment scales because local sediment sink and sources can be quantified. In addition, HiRT data can be a great tool for calibrating, validating and enhancing soil erosion models due to the unprecedented level of detail and the flexible multi-spatio-temporal application.
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Reactive transport modeling at hillslope scale with high performance computing methodsHe, Wenkui 07 November 2016 (has links)
Reactive transport modeling is an important approach to understand water dynamics, mass transport and biogeochemical processes from the hillslope to the catchment scale. It has a wide range of applications in the fields of e.g. water resource management, contaminanted site remediation and geotechnical engineering. To simulate reactive transport processes at a hillslope or larger scales is a challenging task, which involves interactions of complex physical and biogeochemical processes, huge computational expenses as well as difficulties in numerical precision and stability.
The primary goal of the work is to develop a practical, accurate and efficient tool to facilitate the simulation techniques for reactive transport problems towards hillslope or larger scales. The first part of the work deals with the simulation of water flow in saturated and unsaturated porous media. The capability and accuracy of different numerical approaches were analyzed and compared by using benchmark tests.
The second part of the work introduces the coupling of the scientific software packages OpenGeoSys and IPhreeqc by using a character-string-based interface. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the coupled tool were discussed based on three benchmarks. It shows that OGS#IPhreeqc provides sufficient numerical accuracy to simulate reactive transport problems for both equilibrium and kinetic reactions in variably saturated porous media.
The third part of the work describes the algorithm of a parallelization scheme using MPI (Message Passing Interface) grouping concept, which enables a flexible allocation of computational resources for calculating geochemical reaction and the physical processes such as groundwater flow and transport. The parallel performance of the approach was tested by three examples. It shows that the new approach has more advantages than the conventional ones for the calculation of geochemically-dominated problems, especially when only limited benefit can be obtained through parallelization for solving flow or solute transport. The comparison between the character-string-based and the file-based coupling shows, that the former approach produces less computational overhead in a distributed-memory system such as a computing cluster.
The last part of the work shows the application of OGS#IPhreeqc for the simulation of the water dynamic and denitrification process in the groundwater aquifer of a study site in Northern Germany. It demonstrates that OGS#IPhreeqc is able to simulate heterogeneous reactive transport problems at a hillslope scale within an acceptable time span. The model results shows the importance of functional zones for natural attenuation process. / Modellierung des reaktiven Stofftranports ist ein wichtiger Ansatz um die Wasserströmung, den Stofftransport und die biogeochemischen Prozesse von der Hang- bis zur Einzugsgebietsskala zu verstehen. Es gibt umfangreiche Anwendungsgebiete, z.B. in der Wasserwirtschaft, Umweltsanierung und Geotechnik. Die Simulation der reaktiven Stofftransportprozesse auf der Hangskala oder auf größeren Maßstäbe ist eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, da es sich um die Wechselwirkungen komplexer physikalischer und biogeochemischen Prozesse handelt, die riesigen Berechnungsaufwand sowie numerischen Schwierigkeiten bezogen auf die Genauigkeit und die Stabilität nach sich ziehen. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, ein praktisches, genaues und effizientes Werkzeug zu entwickeln, um die Simulationstechnik für reaktiven Stofftransport auf der Hangskala und auf größeren Skalen zu verbessern.
Der erste Teil der Arbeit behandelt die Simulation der Wasserströmung in gesättigten und ungesättigten porösen Medien. Das Anwendungspotential und die Genauigkeit verschiedener numerischer Ansätze wurden mittels einiger Benchmarks analysiert und miteinander verglichen.
Der zweite Teil der Arbeit stellt die Kopplung der wissenschaftlichen Softwarepakete OpenGeoSys und IPhreeqc mit einer stringbasierten Schnittstelle dar. Die Genauigkeit und die Recheneffizienz des gekoppelten Tools OGS#IPhreeqc wurden basierend auf drei Benchmark-Tests diskutiert. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass OGS#IPhreeqc die ausreichende numerische Genauigkeit für die Simulation reaktiven Stofftransports liefert, welcher sich sowohl auf die Gleichgewichtsreaktion als auch auf die kinetische Reaktion in variabel gesättigten porösen Medien beziehen.
Der dritte Teil der Arbeit beschreibt zuerst den Algorithmus der Parallelisierung des OGS#IPhreeqc basierend auf dem MPI (Message Passing Interface) Gruppierungskonzept, welcher eine flexible Verteilung der Rechenressourcen für die Berechnung der geochemischen Reaktion und der physikalischen Prozesse wie z.B. Wasserströmung oder Stofftransport ermöglicht. Danach wurde die Leistungsfähigkeit des Algorithmus anhand von drei Beispielen getestet. Es zeigt sich, dass der neue Ansatz Vorteile gegenüber die konventionellen Ansätzen für die Berechnung von geochemisch dominierten Problemen bringt. Dies ist vor allem dann der Fall, wenn nur eingeschränkter Nutzen aus der Parallelisierung für die Berechnung der Wasserströmung oder des Stofftransportes gezogen werden kann. Der Vergleich zwischen der string- und der dateibasierten Kopplung zeigt, dass die erstere weniger Rechenoverhead in einem verteilten Rechnersystem, wie z.B. Cluster erzeugt.
Der letzte Teil der Arbeit zeigt die Anwendung von OGS#IPhreeqc für die Simulation der Wasserdynamik und der Denitrifikation im Grundwasserleiter eines Untersuchungsgebietes in NordDeutschland. Es beweist, dass OGS#IPhreeqc in der Lage ist, reaktiven Stofftransport auf der Hangskala innerhalb akzeptabler Zeitspanne zu simulieren. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen die Bedeutung der funktionalen Zonen für die natürlichen Selbstreinigungsprozesse.
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Data Fusion in Spatial Data InfrastructuresWiemann, Stefan 28 October 2016 (has links)
Over the past decade, the public awareness and availability as well as methods for the creation and use of spatial data on the Web have steadily increased. Besides the establishment of governmental Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs), numerous volunteered and commercial initiatives had a major impact on that development. Nevertheless, data isolation still poses a major challenge. Whereas the majority of approaches focuses on data provision, means to dynamically link and combine spatial data from distributed, often heterogeneous data sources in an ad hoc manner are still very limited. However, such capabilities are essential to support and enhance information retrieval for comprehensive spatial decision making.
To facilitate spatial data fusion in current SDIs, this thesis has two main objectives. First, it focuses on the conceptualization of a service-based fusion process to functionally extend current SDI and to allow for the combination of spatial data from different spatial data services. It mainly addresses the decomposition of the fusion process into well-defined and reusable functional building blocks and their implementation as services, which can be used to dynamically compose meaningful application-specific processing workflows. Moreover, geoprocessing patterns, i.e. service chains that are commonly used to solve certain fusion subtasks, are designed to simplify and automate workflow composition.
Second, the thesis deals with the determination, description and exploitation of spatial data relations, which play a decisive role for spatial data fusion. The approach adopted is based on the Linked Data paradigm and therefore bridges SDI and Semantic Web developments. Whereas the original spatial data remains within SDI structures, relations between those sources can be used to infer spatial information by means of Semantic Web standards and software tools.
A number of use cases were developed, implemented and evaluated to underpin the proposed concepts. Particular emphasis was put on the use of established open standards to realize an interoperable, transparent and extensible spatial data fusion process and to support the formalized description of spatial data relations. The developed software, which is based on a modular architecture, is available online as open source. It allows for the development and seamless integration of new functionality as well as the use of external data and processing services during workflow composition on the Web. / Die Entwicklung des Internet im Laufe des letzten Jahrzehnts hat die Verfügbarkeit und öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Geodaten, sowie Möglichkeiten zu deren Erfassung und Nutzung, wesentlich verbessert. Dies liegt sowohl an der Etablierung amtlicher Geodateninfrastrukturen (GDI), als auch an der steigenden Anzahl Communitybasierter und kommerzieller Angebote. Da der Fokus zumeist auf der Bereitstellung von Geodaten liegt, gibt es jedoch kaum Möglichkeiten die Menge an, über das Internet verteilten, Datensätzen ad hoc zu verlinken und zusammenzuführen, was mitunter zur Isolation von Geodatenbeständen führt. Möglichkeiten zu deren Fusion sind allerdings essentiell, um Informationen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in Bezug auf raum-zeitliche Fragestellungen zu extrahieren.
Um eine ad hoc Fusion von Geodaten im Internet zu ermöglichen, behandelt diese Arbeit zwei Themenschwerpunkte. Zunächst wird eine dienstebasierten Umsetzung des Fusionsprozesses konzipiert, um bestehende GDI funktional zu erweitern. Dafür werden wohldefinierte, wiederverwendbare Funktionsblöcke beschrieben und über standardisierte Diensteschnittstellen bereitgestellt. Dies ermöglicht eine dynamische Komposition anwendungsbezogener Fusionsprozesse über das Internet. Des weiteren werden Geoprozessierungspatterns definiert, um populäre und häufig eingesetzte Diensteketten zur Bewältigung bestimmter Teilaufgaben der Geodatenfusion zu beschreiben und die Komposition und Automatisierung von Fusionsprozessen zu vereinfachen.
Als zweiten Schwerpunkt beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit der Frage, wie Relationen zwischen Geodatenbeständen im Internet erstellt, beschrieben und genutzt werden können. Der gewählte Ansatz basiert auf Linked Data Prinzipien und schlägt eine Brücke zwischen diensteorientierten GDI und dem Semantic Web. Während somit Geodaten in bestehenden GDI verbleiben, können Werkzeuge und Standards des Semantic Web genutzt werden, um Informationen aus den ermittelten Geodatenrelationen abzuleiten.
Zur Überprüfung der entwickelten Konzepte wurde eine Reihe von Anwendungsfällen konzipiert und mit Hilfe einer prototypischen Implementierung umgesetzt und anschließend evaluiert. Der Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf einer interoperablen, transparenten und erweiterbaren Umsetzung dienstebasierter Fusionsprozesse, sowie einer formalisierten Beschreibung von Datenrelationen, unter Nutzung offener und etablierter Standards. Die Software folgt einer modularen Struktur und ist als Open Source frei verfügbar. Sie erlaubt sowohl die Entwicklung neuer Funktionalität durch Entwickler als auch die Einbindung existierender Daten- und Prozessierungsdienste während der Komposition eines Fusionsprozesses.
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Impact of fine sediment and nutrient input on the hyporheic functionality:: A case study in Northern MongoliaHartwig, Melanie 11 April 2016 (has links)
The hyporheic interstitial was recognized as an integral zone within the aquatic ecosystem bearing important functions for both adjacent compartments, surface and ground water, about 50 years ago. Since then, rather disciplinary works gained knowledge on the organismic community of this ecotone, its spatial extent, the role of distinct parameters such as hydrology and morphology, temporal characteristics, process dynamics, the role for stream or groundwater quality and restoration measures. However, a systematic study on the risks to the hyporheic functions was missing to date.
This thesis combined existing methods in order to gather an integrated set of information allowing for the assessment of the ecotonal status. This approach was applied to investigate the functional behavior towards stressors like increasing nutrient and fine sediment input into a rather pristine environment. An interdisciplinary risk assessment and the establishment of adapted measures was called for as land-use scenarios for the studied catchment area indicated progressive onland erosion.
Therefore firstly, an integrated monitoring scheme was drawn up and conducted at three sites along a river that underlay a stressor gradient such as mentioned before. Secondly, the data sets were analysed in order to evaluate the status of the hyporheic funtions at the riffles. Thirdly, a coupled surface-subsurface modelling approach was set up to further study the impact of the stressors on the ecotonal integrity. And fourthly, an interdisciplinary consideration combined with studies on the catchments sediment budget and the rivers ecological status was applied to identify measures for the restoration and protection of the aquatic ecosystem.
The analysis of the data gathered with the help of the established monitoring scheme revealed that elevated nutrient or fine sediment input lead to biological or physical clogging, respectively, with consequences for the hyporheic zone functions. The surface - ground water connectivity was either lowered in summer months, when biofilm growth was highest, or permanently, as fine sediment particles infiltrated into the interstices of the riverbed sediment. Scouring did not seem to take place as high amounts of fine particles were found in the matrix after discharge events of snowmelt and summer precipitation. With respect to the biogeochemical regulation function, biofilm material appeared to provide an autochthonous carbon source boosting microbial substance turnover. The sediment underneath the physical clogged layer was cut off from carbon and oxygen rich surface water and thus was not reactive. However, the enhanced surface area provided by the fine sediment within the topmost sediment layer seemed to support microbial processing. The inclusion of the results of a study concerning the ecological status at the investigated reaches lead to the deduction that biological clogging at the present degree was not affecting habitat quality. Whereas the physical clogging had tremendeous and lasting effects on the macroinvertebrate community which carries to the conclusion that sediment management within the studied catchment is of uttermost importance. A scenario analysis reflecting distinct clogging degrees and types with a calibrated model of a studied riffle within a pristine reach proved the observed loss of hydrologic connectivity due to physical and biological clogging. Further, a treshold of oxygen consumption rates above which the reproduction of salmonid fish would be unsuccessful was identified for the settings of the middle reaches. In summer month with low discharge it seemed to be likely that this treshold might be reached. Following, a dynamic discharge may be decisive to protect the ecotonal integrity.
The integration with the outcome of an investigation regarding the sediment sources within the catchment allowed for two suggestions. On the one hand, river bank restoration and protection within the middle reaches need to be prioritised, and on the other hand, the conservation of the natural vegetation at the steep slopes within the mountaineous areas need to be undertaken in order to secure the pristine aquatic environment of this area.
Hyporheic zone research of the last decade was driven by testing hypotheses on the functional significance of distinct spatial and temporal configurations in the field and by new modelling approaches. However, data on the quantification of the ecological impact of clogging processes were lacking. The thesis contributed to the systemic understanding of the hyporheic zone being affected by physical and biological clogging and new field data within a degrading pristine environment were generated, accessible for further hyporheic research. The interdisciplinarity enabled comprehensive statements for the usage of an Integrated Water Resources Management plan.
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Road Condition Mapping by Integration of Laser Scanning, RGB Imaging and SpectrometryMiraliakbari, Alvand 16 August 2017 (has links)
Roads are important infrastructure and are primary means of transportation. Control and maintenance of roads are substantial as the pavement surface deforms and deteriorates due to heavy load and influences of weather. Acquiring detailed information about the pavement condition is a prerequisite for proper planning of road pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. Many companies detect and localize the road pavement distresses manually, either by on-site inspection or by digitizing laser data and imagery captured by mobile mapping. The automation of road condition mapping using laser data and colour images is a challenge. Beyond that, the mapping of material properties of the road pavement surface with spectrometers has not yet been investigated.
This study aims at automatic mapping of road surface condition including distress and material properties by integrating laser scanning, RGB imaging and spectrometry. All recorded data are geo-referenced by means of GNSS/ INS. Methods are developed for pavement distress detection that cope with a variety of different weather and asphalt conditions. Further objective is to analyse and map the material properties of the pavement surface using spectrometry data.
No standard test data sets are available for benchmarking developments on road condition mapping. Therefore, all data have been recorded with a mobile mapping van which is set up for the purpose of this research. The concept for detecting and localizing the four main pavement distresses, i.e. ruts, potholes, cracks and patches is the following: ruts and potholes are detected using laser scanning data, cracks and patches using RGB images. For each of these pavement distresses, two or more methods are developed, implemented, compared to each other and evaluated to identify the most successful method. With respect to the material characteristics, spectrometer data of road sections are classified to indicate pavement quality. As a spectrometer registers almost a reflectivity curve in VIS, NIR and SWIR wavelength, indication of aging can be derived. After detection and localization of the pavement distresses and pavement quality classes, the road condition map is generated by overlaying all distresses and quality classes.
As a preparatory step for rut and pothole detection, the road surface is extracted from mobile laser scanning data based on a height jump criterion. For the investigation on rut detection, all scanlines are processed. With an approach based on iterative 1D polynomial fitting, ruts are successfully detected. For streets with the width of 6 m to 10 m, a 6th order polynomial is found to be most suitable. By 1D cross-correlation, the centre of the rut is localized. An alternative method using local curvature shows a high sensitivity to the shape and width of a rut and is less successful. For pothole detection, the approach based on polynomial fitting generalized to two dimensions. As an alternative, a procedure using geodesic morphological reconstruction is investigated. Bivariate polynomial fitting encounters problems with overshoot at the boundary of the regions. The detection is very successful using geodesic morphology. For the detection of pavement cracks, three methods using rotation invariant kernels are investigated. Line Filter, High-pass Filter and Modified Local Binary Pattern kernels are implemented. A conceptual aspect of the procedure is to achieve a high degree of completeness. The most successful variant is the Line Filter for which the highest degree of completeness of 81.2 % is achieved. Two texture measures, the gradient magnitude and the local standard deviation are employed to detect pavement patches. As patches may differ with respect to homogeneity and may not always have a dark border with the intact pavement surface, the method using the local standard deviation is more suitable for detecting the patches. Linear discriminant analysis is utilized for asphalt pavement quality analysis and classification. Road pavement sections of ca. 4 m length are classified into two classes, namely: “Good” and “Bad” with the overall accuracy of 77.6 %.
The experimental investigations show that the developed methods for automatic distress detection are very successful. By 1D polynomial fitting on laser scanlines, ruts are detected. In addition to ruts also pavement depressions like shoving can be revealed. The extraction of potholes is less demanding. As potholes appear relatively rare in the road networks of a city, the road segments which are affected by potholes are selected interactively. While crack detection by Line Filter works very well, the patch detection is more challenging as patches sometimes look very similar to the intact surface. The spectral classification of pavement sections contributes to road condition mapping as it gives hints on aging of the road pavement. / Straßen bilden die primären Transportwege für Personen und Güter und sind damit ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Infrastruktur. Der Aufwand für Instandhaltung und Wartung der Straßen ist erheblich, da sich die Fahrbahnoberfläche verformt und durch starke Belastung und Wettereinflüsse verschlechtert. Die Erfassung detaillierter Informationen über den Fahrbahnzustand ist Voraussetzung für eine sachgemäße Planung der Fahrbahnsanierung und -rehabilitation. Viele Unternehmen detektieren und lokalisieren die Fahrbahnschäden manuell entweder durch Vor-Ort-Inspektion oder durch Digitalisierung von Laserdaten und Bildern aus mobiler Datenerfassung. Eine Automatisierung der Straßenkartierung mit Laserdaten und Farbbildern steht noch in den Anfängen. Zudem werden bisher noch nicht die Alterungszustände der Asphaltdecke mit Hilfe der Spektrometrie bewertet.
Diese Studie zielt auf den automatischen Prozess der Straßenzustandskartierung einschließlich der Straßenschäden und der Materialeigenschaften durch Integration von Laserscanning, RGB-Bilderfassung und Spektrometrie ab. Alle aufgezeichneten Daten werden mit GNSS / INS georeferenziert. Es werden Methoden für die Erkennung von Straßenschäden entwickelt, die sich an unterschiedliche Datenquellen bei unterschiedlichem Wetter- und Asphaltzustand anpassen können. Ein weiteres Ziel ist es, die Materialeigenschaften der Fahrbahnoberfläche mittels Spektrometrie-Daten zu analysieren und abzubilden.
Derzeit gibt es keine standardisierten Testdatensätze für die Evaluierung von Verfahren zur Straßenzustandsbeschreibung. Deswegen wurden alle Daten, die in dieser Studie Verwendung finden, mit einem eigens für diesen Forschungszweck konfigurierten Messfahrzeug aufgezeichnet. Das Konzept für die Detektion und Lokalisierung der wichtigsten vier Arten von Straßenschäden, nämlich Spurrillen, Schlaglöcher, Risse und Flickstellen ist das folgende: Spurrillen und Schlaglöcher werden aus Laserdaten extrahiert, Risse und Flickstellen aus RGB- Bildern. Für jede dieser Straßenschäden werden mindestens zwei Methoden entwickelt, implementiert, miteinander verglichen und evaluiert um festzustellen, welche Methode die erfolgreichste ist. Im Hinblick auf die Materialeigenschaften werden Spektrometriedaten der Straßenabschnitte klassifiziert, um die Qualität des Straßenbelages zu bewerten. Da ein Spektrometer nahezu eine kontinuierliche Reflektivitätskurve im VIS-, NIR- und SWIR-Wellenlängenbereich aufzeichnet, können Merkmale der Asphaltalterung abgeleitet werden. Nach der Detektion und Lokalisierung der Straßenschäden und der Qualitätsklasse des Straßenbelages wird der übergreifende Straßenzustand mit Hilfe von Durchschlagsregeln als Kombination aller Zustandswerte und Qualitätsklassen ermittelt.
In einem vorbereitenden Schritt für die Spurrillen- und Schlaglocherkennung wird die Straßenoberfläche aus mobilen Laserscanning-Daten basierend auf einem Höhensprung-Kriterium extrahiert. Für die Untersuchung zur Spurrillen-Erkennung werden alle Scanlinien verarbeitet. Mit einem Ansatz, der auf iterativer 1D-Polynomanpassung basiert, werden Spurrillen erfolgreich erkannt. Für eine Straßenbreite von 8-10m erweist sich ein Polynom sechsten Grades als am besten geeignet. Durch 1D-Kreuzkorrelation wird die Mitte der Spurrille erkannt. Eine alternative Methode, die die lokale Krümmung des Querprofils benutzt, erweist sich als empfindlich gegenüber Form und Breite einer Spurrille und ist weniger erfolgreich. Zur Schlaglocherkennung wird der Ansatz, der auf Polynomanpassung basiert, auf zwei Dimensionen verallgemeinert. Als Alternative wird eine Methode untersucht, die auf der Geodätischen Morphologischen Rekonstruktion beruht. Bivariate Polynomanpassung führt zu Überschwingen an den Rändern der Regionen. Die Detektion mit Hilfe der Geodätischen Morphologischen Rekonstruktion ist dagegen sehr erfolgreich. Zur Risserkennung werden drei Methoden untersucht, die rotationsinvariante Kerne verwenden. Linienfilter, Hochpassfilter und Lokale Binäre Muster werden implementiert. Ein Ziel des Konzeptes zur Risserkennung ist es, eine hohe Vollständigkeit zu erreichen. Die erfolgreichste Variante ist das Linienfilter, für das mit 81,2 % der höchste Grad an Vollständigkeit erzielt werden konnte. Zwei Texturmaße, nämlich der Betrag des Grauwert-Gradienten und die lokale Standardabweichung werden verwendet, um Flickstellen zu entdecken. Da Flickstellen hinsichtlich der Homogenität variieren können und nicht immer eine dunkle Grenze mit dem intakten Straßenbelag aufweisen, ist diejenige Methode, welche die lokale Standardabweichung benutzt, besser zur Erkennung von Flickstellen geeignet. Lineare Diskriminanzanalyse wird zur Analyse der Asphaltqualität und zur Klassifikation benutzt. Straßenabschnitte von ca. 4m Länge werden zwei Klassen („Gut“ und „Schlecht“) mit einer gesamten Accuracy von 77,6 % zugeordnet.
Die experimentellen Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die entwickelten Methoden für die automatische Entdeckung von Straßenschäden sehr erfolgreich sind. Durch 1D Polynomanpassung an Laser-Scanlinien werden Spurrillen entdeckt. Zusätzlich zu Spurrillen werden auch Unebenheiten des Straßenbelages wie Aufschiebungen detektiert. Die Extraktion von Schlaglöchern ist weniger anspruchsvoll. Da Schlaglöcher relativ selten in den Straßennetzen von Städten auftreten, werden die Straßenabschnitte mit Schlaglöchern interaktiv ausgewählt. Während die Rissdetektion mit Linienfiltern sehr gut funktioniert, ist die Erkennung von Flickstellen eine größere Herausforderung, da Flickstellen manchmal der intakten Straßenoberfläche sehr ähnlich sehen. Die spektrale Klassifizierung der Straßenabschnitte trägt zur Straßenzustandsbewertung bei, indem sie Hinweise auf den Alterungszustand des Straßenbelages liefert.
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Swimming pool water treatment with conventional and alternative water treatment technologiesSkibinski, Bertram 22 February 2017 (has links)
To mitigate microbial activity in swimming pools and to assure hygienic safety for bathers, pool systems have a re-circulating water system ensuring continuous water treatment and disinfection by chlorination. A major drawback associated with the use of chlorine as disinfectant is its potential to react with organic matter (OM) present in pool water to form potentially harmful disinfection by-products (DBP).
In this thesis, the treatment performance of different combinations of conventional and novel treatment processes was compared using a pilot scale swimming pool model that was operated under reproducible and fully controlled conditions. The quality of the pool water was determined in means of volatile DBPs and the concentration and composition of dissolved organic carbon (DOC).
Further, overall apparent reaction rates for the removal of monochloramine (MCA), a DBP found in pool water, in granular activated carbon (GAC) beds were determined using a fixed-bed reactor system operated under conditions typical for swimming pool water treatment. The reaction rates as well as the type of reaction products formed were correlated with physico-chemical properties of the tested GACs.
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Geochemische Prozesse in Halden des Kupferschieferbergbaus im südöstlichen HarzvorlandMibus, Jens-Uwe 04 May 2001 (has links)
Es werden Prozesse der Verwitterung und des Stoffaustrages aus Halden des Kupferschieferbergbaus untersucht. An zwei Halden unterschiedlichen Typs und Alters wurden mineralogische und geochemische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse belegen eine geringe Mobilität der Schwermetalle in den älteren Armerzhalden. In den modernen Großhalden stellt die Salinität ein mobilisierendes Moment für die Metalle dar. Aus den erhobenen standort- und stoffspezifischen Daten wurden unter Einbeziehung des Ionenwechselwirkungsansatzes nach PITZER geochemische Modellvorstellungen entwickelt, die eine adäquate Beschreibung der Lösungs- und Mischungsprozesse in der Halde sowie eine Prognose der künftigen Sickerwasserqualität erlauben. Die Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf die Umweltrelevanz und Möglichkeiten des weiteren Umgangs mit den Halden diskutiert.
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Quantitative petrographic investigations of porphyritic rhyolitic laccoliths of the Halle Volcanic Complex, GermanyMock, Alexander 02 July 2004 (has links)
Felsic phenocrysts of the laccoliths have straight size distributions (characteristic lengths 3.4 to 36 mm) and R-values from 1.34 to 0.78 (randomly distributed, no touching frameworks). Laccoliths have crystallinities from 10 to 30%. Textural coarsening possibly played a role in crystallization history. Serial sectioning reveals true shapes, sizes and three dimensional size distributions, non-touching frameworks, aspect ratios from 1.7:1.5:1 to 8.7:1.9:1 and a minimum sampling size of ~200 crystals. Different textural varieties develop late in system evolution and differed in density (~1%), viscosity and, thus, level of emplacement. Phenocryst populations formed on a timescale between 10 days and 2000 years, growth during emplacement is negligible. Models for filling and cooling of laccoliths suggest timescales from few 100 to ~20000 years. Contacts of laccoliths appear brecciated and sometimes show intercalation of magma and host sediment under ductile deformation. Dimensions of laccoliths plot in the field for such intrusions on a logarithmic width vs. thickness plot. Laccoliths intruded as distinct magma batches. More laccoliths than recognised before can be distinguished. Comparing felsic laccolith complexes in Late Palaeozoic transtensional basins, gives rise to new types of laccolith complexes termed Donnersberg and Halle type.
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Numerical simulation of production from tight-gas reservoirs by advanced stimulation technologiesFriedel, Torsten 06 July 2004 (has links)
The present thesis focusses on two main issues: (i) the development of a multi-phase simulation tool for the characteristics of tight-gas reservoirs, and (ii) the investigation of advanced stimulation techniques. The latter mainly implies the analysis of certain damaging mechanisms, as well as the derivation of general modelling guidelines for fractured wells and underbalanced drilling. A special simulation tool is developed, realised in a Fortran-MATLAB coupling. The numerical model is based on the control-volume method with finite differences. It accounts for inertial non-Darcy effects, non-Newtonian fluid rheology and stress dependency of permeability via a simplified approach. The discretisation framework is fully unstructured, using the connection list approach and the common two-point flow stencil. Wells and boundary conditions can be handled very flexible in the code. Contrary to conventional treatment in simulators, wells are discretely included in the simulator. Inertial non-Darcy flow and stress dependency of reservoir permeability are shown to affect the accuracy of simulation models, despite low gas rates. Considering a realistic scenario, with non-Darcy flow and permeability (stress) dependent non-Darcy flow coefficients, stress dependency of reservoir permeability and fracture closure, a total reduction of 40 % is possible in a 10 year production period under realistic conditions. New type-curves are presented for non-Darcy flow in fracture and reservoir, allowing for the determination of non-Darcy flow related parameters. The stress sensitivity of tight-gas rocks is crucial when simulating such reservoirs. The stress dependency of the reservoir permeability impacts the productivity to a much higher degree than the fracture closure. A two-phase model is presented for the simulation of cleanup processes in terms of load water recovery. The fracturing fluid is treated as the water phase. The load water, causing hydraulic damage, hardly curtails productivity. To get considerable reductions in productivity, permeability in the fracture vicinity needs to be severely impaired. Due to the flow pattern, fractured wells are generally less sensitive against near wellbore damage than radial wells. An enhanced three-phase cleanup model is presented for the investigations of the polymer gel cleanup, incorporating a yield power law rheology (the Herschel-Bulkley model). The combined occurrence of loadwater recovery including capillary forces and the gel cleanup, are investigated for the first time. First results indicate that both processes are only weakly coupled. A new simulation methodology is presented to investigate underbalanced drilling, taking into account multi-phase reservoir flow with capillary forces. A sensitivity analysis points out that the degree of water encroachment is the key factor for a successful UBD operation. Countercurrent imbibition, causing water encroachment is also analysed. Hydraulic damage turns out to be far more pronounced in tight-gas formations.
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