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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Behovsanalys av vad som efterfrågas vid rekrytering av ekonomer : Arbetsgivarnas investering i humankapital

Lukina, Victoria, Nilsson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem:      </strong>Vad anser arbetsgivare om vikten av att investera i humankapital genom att anställa välutbildad personal?</p><p>Vilka kunskaper har rekryterare om ekonomiutbildningarnas innehåll och examensnivåer?</p><p> </p><p><strong>Syfte:            </strong>Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda arbetsgivarnas policy vad gäller investering i humankapital vid anställning, examensnivåns betydelse vid anställning till ekonomitjänster samt rekryterarnas kunskaper om ekonomiutbildningarnas innehåll.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Metod:          </strong>En kvalitativ studie som bygger på sekundärdata genomfördes med fem personer som rekryterar ekonomer inom olika branscher. Dessa personer ansågs kunna bidra med relevant information för att besvara studiens syfte. Primärdata sammanställdes vilket sedan ledde till analys och studiens slutsats.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Slutsats:        </strong>Högskoleutbildning är grundkravet för att få ett arbete som ekonom men examensnivån har en mindre betydelse. Personlighet och erfarenhet är viktigare och det som premieras är prestationer och ansvarstagande. Arbetsgivare tycker att det är viktigt att investera i humankapital. Graden av hur insatta rekryterare är i ekonomiutbildningarnas innehåll skiljer sig åt.</p> / <p><strong>Problem:      </strong>What do employers think about the importance of investment in human capital by hiring well-educated staff?</p><p>Which knowledge do recruiters have about the content of economy education and degree levels?</p><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose:       </strong>The purpose of this study is to investigate employer’s policy when it comes to investment in human capital when hiring, the importance of degree level when hiring employees to economy jobs and the recruiters’ knowledge about the content of economy education.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Method:       </strong>A qualitative study, based on secondary data, was carried out with five persons who recruit economists to different industries. These people were believed to be able to contribute to answer the purpose of the study. Primary data were compiled which then lead up to the analysis and the conclusions of the study.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Conclusion:  </strong>University education is the basic request to get a job as economist but the degree level has a minor significance. Personality and experience are more important and what’s rewarded is performance and responsibility taking. Employers think that it’s important to invest in human capital. The degree of how much the recruiters are informed about the content of economy education varies.</p>

Behovsanalys av vad som efterfrågas vid rekrytering av ekonomer : Arbetsgivarnas investering i humankapital

Lukina, Victoria, Nilsson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Problem:      Vad anser arbetsgivare om vikten av att investera i humankapital genom att anställa välutbildad personal? Vilka kunskaper har rekryterare om ekonomiutbildningarnas innehåll och examensnivåer?   Syfte:            Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda arbetsgivarnas policy vad gäller investering i humankapital vid anställning, examensnivåns betydelse vid anställning till ekonomitjänster samt rekryterarnas kunskaper om ekonomiutbildningarnas innehåll.   Metod:          En kvalitativ studie som bygger på sekundärdata genomfördes med fem personer som rekryterar ekonomer inom olika branscher. Dessa personer ansågs kunna bidra med relevant information för att besvara studiens syfte. Primärdata sammanställdes vilket sedan ledde till analys och studiens slutsats.   Slutsats:        Högskoleutbildning är grundkravet för att få ett arbete som ekonom men examensnivån har en mindre betydelse. Personlighet och erfarenhet är viktigare och det som premieras är prestationer och ansvarstagande. Arbetsgivare tycker att det är viktigt att investera i humankapital. Graden av hur insatta rekryterare är i ekonomiutbildningarnas innehåll skiljer sig åt. / Problem:      What do employers think about the importance of investment in human capital by hiring well-educated staff? Which knowledge do recruiters have about the content of economy education and degree levels?   Purpose:       The purpose of this study is to investigate employer’s policy when it comes to investment in human capital when hiring, the importance of degree level when hiring employees to economy jobs and the recruiters’ knowledge about the content of economy education.   Method:       A qualitative study, based on secondary data, was carried out with five persons who recruit economists to different industries. These people were believed to be able to contribute to answer the purpose of the study. Primary data were compiled which then lead up to the analysis and the conclusions of the study.   Conclusion:  University education is the basic request to get a job as economist but the degree level has a minor significance. Personality and experience are more important and what’s rewarded is performance and responsibility taking. Employers think that it’s important to invest in human capital. The degree of how much the recruiters are informed about the content of economy education varies.

The lived experience of economic migration in the narratives of migrants from post-communist Poland to Britain

Kozlowska, Olga January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the lived experience of economic migration of young and degree level educated migrants from Poland to Britain. The main aim is to explore how the participants of economic migration within the borders of the European Union experience migrating. The special feature of this migration is the fact that they leave a postcommunist country and come to a country with a well established capitalist economy and long-standing democracy. The particular questions are: how these migrants construct their experience of migrating, are they faced with any problems while doing it, and if so - how do they resolve them? The data comes from twenty-two semi-structured interviews with migrants educated to degree level who were residents and worked in one of the regions of England at a professional level or below their qualifications (manual or simple clerical work). The research utilises the critical discourse analysis perspective; the data is approached with analysis focused on linguistic choices (lexical and grammatical) evident in the respondents’ statements. This kind of analysis enables observation and in-depth interpretation of the way experiences of migrating are constructed. The migrants’ narratives were full of discursive struggle while constructing their experience of migrating. Firstly, the interviewees made an effort to present their migration as rational. Secondly, they were trying to rationalise their financial needs to refute accusations of greed for money. Thirdly, the underemployed migrants justified their employment choices by distancing themselves from work below that which they were qualified for. Fourthly, the interviewees were making an attempt to withdraw from a multicultural community by constructing the negative Other. Exploring lived experience of living and working abroad reveals competitive discourses and ways of coping with ambivalence. Understanding these discursive practices requires knowledge of their beliefs and values that underpin the discourses available in the Polish postcommunist society. Overall, the narratives overflowed with dilemmas that showed this migration as more complicated on an individual level than the official discourse of free movement of people in the EU suggests. This thesis captures the migrants’ lived experience within one year after the EU enlargement; it reflects on the narratives being shaped when migrants were given the opportunity to introduce the new discourses on migration or re-think the old ones as a result of new macro-processes in the European Union. This research complements other studies exploring migrants’ voices in search of insight into what their experiences were and how they made sense out of them. However, with the methodology used, it focuses more on uncovering the struggle over arguments available to build their stories. It offers explanation to their discursive practices by analysing them against the discourses as being products of postcommunism. The study’s results may shed more light on recent processes within this group of migrants and also inform institutional policy and practice about problems affecting members of this group, reported in this thesis.

Kuntoutuksen muutosagentit:tutkimus työelämälähtöisestä oppimisesta ylemmässä ammattikorkeakoulutuksessa

Jämsä, U. (Ulla) 12 August 2014 (has links)
Abstract This study describes work-based learning in a Master’s Degree Programme in Rehabilitation at a University of Applied Sciences. The study describes students’ individual learning and the development tasks they implemented in their work communities. The first study focused on worklife-based learning on the level of the individual. The research data consisted of individual interviews with students. The second study explored worklife-based learning in the students’ work communities. The material consisted of individual interviews with supervisors and students, group interviews with workers, a group interview with teachers and joint development meetings at the students’ work communities. The different studies were analysed using the content analysis method. According to the survey the students’ learning resulted in the development of a service-oriented agency, which was founded on a customer-oriented work approach, a multi-layered development vision and a communal cooperative and research-oriented development approach. The service-oriented agency consisted of both the rules and tools of rehabilitation activity and of the factors defining the community and the distribution of work that the development of changing rehabilitation requires. The students felt that the multiprofessional student group played a significant role in the work-based learning. The students’ development tasks demonstrated that in the work communities both customer-oriented rehabilitation, a common frame of reference for rehabilitation work, multi-professional work and the cost-effectiveness of service were all developed. The results of the development effort could be seen in the improved work-related well-being of the workers. In the work communities the development approach to rehabilitation work was research-oriented. The learning was based on theoretical foundations and communality and resulted in finding both solutions for practical problems and new tools. The study produced new knowledge about work-based learning that takes place at the activity system level. It corroborated earlier studies on the need for developing both the cooperation between universities of applied sciences and worklife and customer-oriented rehabilitation activity. The results can be utilised both in the development of cooperation with working life and the development of curriculum in a Master’s Degree Level education at Universities of Applied Sciences. / Tiivistelmä Tämä tutkimus kuvailee työelämälähtöistä oppimista ylemmässä ammattikorkeakoulutuksessa kuntoutuksen koulutusohjelmassa. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan opiskelijoiden yksilöllistä oppimista ja kehittämistehtäviä, jotka he toteuttivat työyhteisöissään. Ensimmäinen osatutkimus keskittyi työelämälähtöiseen oppimiseen yksilötasolla. Aineisto koostui opiskelijoiden yksilöhaastatteluista. Toinen osatutkimus tutki työelämälähtöistä oppimista opiskelijoiden työyhteisöissä. Aineisto koostui esimiesten ja opiskelijoiden yksilöhaastatteluista, työntekijöiden ryhmähaastatteluista, opettajien ryhmähaastattelusta ja opiskelijoiden työyhteisöjen yhteiskehittelypalavereista. Osatutkimukset analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Haastattelututkimuksen mukaan opiskelijoiden oppimisen tulokseksi kiteytyi palvelutoimijuus, joka rakentui asiakaslähtöisestä työotteesta, monitasoisesta kehittämisnäkemyksestä sekä yhteisöllisestä ja tutkimuksellisesta kehittämisotteesta. Palvelutoimijuus koostui kuntoutustoiminnan säännöistä ja välineistä sekä yhteisöä ja työnjakoa määrittävistä tekijöistä, joita muuttuvan kuntoutuksen kehittäminen edellyttää. Opiskelijat kokivat, että moniammatillisella opiskelijaryhmällä oli merkittävä rooli työelämälähtöisessä oppimisessa. Opiskelijoiden kehittämistehtävät osoittivat, että työyhteisöissä kehitettiin asiakaslähtöistä kuntoutustyötä, rakennettiin yhteistä kuntoutustyön viitekehystä ja edistettiin moniammatillista työskentelyä ja palvelun kustannustehokkuutta. Kehittämistyön tulos näkyi työntekijöiden työhyvinvoinnin lisääntymisenä. Työyhteisöissä kuntoutustyön kehittämisote oli tutkimuksellinen. Oppiminen pohjautui teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja yhteisöllisyyteen, ja johti käytännöllisten ongelmien ratkaisuun ja uusien välineiden löytämiseen. Tutkimus tuotti uutta tietoa toimintajärjestelmätasolla tapahtuvasta työelämälähtöisestä oppimisesta. Se vahvisti aikaisempia tutkimuksia ammattikorkeakoulun ja työelämän yhteistyön ja asiakaslähtöisen kuntoutustoiminnan kehittämisen tarpeesta. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää ylemmän ammattikorkeakoulutuksen työelämäyhteistyön ja opetussuunnitelman kehittämisessä.

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