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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An ex post facto research study of the relationship between juvenile exploitation and work-related stress experienced by staff members /

Farmer, James A. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

The juvenile justice system in Florida and its interaction with public schools in deterring juvenile crime

Jones, Adriana L. 01 July 2002 (has links)
No description available.

The provision of special education and related services to incarcerated handicapped youth of Virginia

Fernandez, Linda A. January 1982 (has links)
Public Law 94-142, The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, mandates that all handicapped children, including those housed in correctional facilities, receive special education and related services as required by the law. Literature has suggested that services are not being provided as mandated. Factors inherent in correctional education and/or unclear, absent or conflicting policies of multiple agencies sharing responsibilities for incarcerated handicapped youth may inhibit delivery of special education and related services as required by federal and state regulations. Through interviews with personnel of the Virginia Rehabilitative School Authority (RSA) and examination of policies of the RSA, the Virginia Department of Education Office of Special and Compensatory Education (SEA), and the Virginia Department of Corrections, three questions were addressed: (1) What are the processes used by the RSA to implement SEA regulations governing the education of handicapped children? (2) What are the factors which affect the implementation of delivery of special education and related services as perceived by RSA personnel? (3) Are absent, unclear or conflicting policies of agencies (SEA, DOC, RSA) related to the provision of mandated services to incarcerated handicapped youth? It was found that state regulations were not fully addressed by RSA processes and that processes being implemented did not comply totally with state regulations. Factors found to inhibit the development and implementation of processes within state regulations included the precedence of DOC custody and treatment considerations over educational concerns, inadequate numbers of special education personnel, paucity of placement options within youth school programs and outside of the correctional setting, and inadequate training of DOC and RSA personnel in preparation for special education responsibilities. Absence of SEA policy relating to assignment of surrogate parents and absence of local and state agencies' policies addressing transfer of student information restrained development and conduct of required procedures. Conflict between policy foci of the DOC and RSA was a primary contributor to special education procedural and programmatic limitations. / Ed. D.

Boot camps as korrektiewe inrigting

Du Toit, Pauline 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In the following theoretical study the phenomenon of boot camps is described within a penological perspective, as it has originated and developed and is applied in the United States of America. The primary aim of this study is to obtain the Magister Artium degree. Secondly, it sheds light on an alternative method of dispensation of offenders, more specific juvenile offenders, in the criminal justice system. The investigation is intended to make a modest contribution to the content of penology. Knowledge and insight obtained can serve as guidelines for future research in respect of and application of boot camps in South Africa. The planning and functioning of boot camps is taken into account and the rationale behind boot camps as an effective institution of punishment is investigated. This was done against the background of the elements of punishment, over-population of prisons, cost-effectiveness, residivism and rehabilitation. The study is of importance for South African circumstances, because of the increasingly over-population of prisons and the negative effect of imprisonment, especially on juveniles. / In die hieropvolgende teoretiese studie word die verskynsel van boot camps soos wat dit in die Verenigde State van Amerika ontstaan en ontwikkel het en toegepas word, binne 'n penologiese perspektief beskryf. Die beskrywing het in die eerste plek ten doel om die graad Magister Artium te verwerf. Ten tweede werp dit Jig op 'n alternatiewe beskikkingsmetode vir oortreders, veral jeugoortreders, in die regsplegingstelsel. Die doel van die ondersoek is om 'n beskeie bydrae tot die vakinhoud van die penologie te lewer. Kennis en insig wat ingesamel is kan as rigtingwyser dien virtoekomstige navorsing met betrekking tot en toepassing van boot camps in Suid-Afrika. Die beplanning en funksionering van boot camps word in oenskou geneem en die rasionaal van boot camps as 'n effektiewe strafinrigting is ondersoek. Dit is gedoen teen die agtergrond van die elemente van straf, gevangenisoorbevolking, koste-effektiwiteit, residivisme en rehabilitasie. Die studie is van belang vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede weens die toenemende oorbevolking in gevangenisse en nadelige uitwerking van gevangenisstraf op veral jeugoortreders. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)

The application of the Child Care Act in respect of the assessment and sentencing of juvenile offenders

Gildenhuys, Marianne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is concerned with children and youths in conflict with the law, who are additionally at risk of becoming or being in need of care. The study eventuated from concern for neglected children and youths from poor, disadvantaged and violent communities in the Western Cape Province, who inevitably lapsed into crime. Child and youth care, including juvenile justice, in South Africa is presently in a process of transformation, managed by the inter-ministerial committee on young people at risk. As an outcome of the transformation of the juvenile justice system, assessment centres were established at juvenile courts. Probation officers were appointed in terms of the Probation Services Act (Act 116 of 1991) to assess arrested children and youths before their first court appearance in view of a suitable awaiting trial placement and possible diversion of the criminal case. The researcher investigated how arrested children and youths, being in need of care, are managed within the criminal justice system. The research study showed that in spite of the implementation of policies and legislation to protect children and youths from detention in prison, the number of children and youths in prisons awaiting trial have steadily increased. A continuous shortage of vacancies in awaiting trial places of safety exists. It has further been established that professionals such as magistrates, prosecutors and probation officers recognize the needs of arrested children and youths who are additionally at risk of being or becoming in need of care. Factors such as the existing lack of vacancies in awaiting trial places of safety however result in children and youths not being protected in terms of care in all instances. The research study also indicated that arrested children and youths who are current subjects of the Child Care Act (Act 74 of 1983) as amended are often not effectively managed within the criminal justice system. A lack of sufficient knowledge of the said Child Care Act by especially prosecutors appears to be a contributing factor. A comprehensive criminal justice system for children and youths in South Africa is being envisaged, as contained in the draft Bill (Bill B), which will enable individualized but holistic services in respect of children and youths in conflict with the law. The role and tasks of probation officers carrying out assessments have as such become a key element in the management of arrested children and youths, as contained in the draft Bill (Bill B). Probation officers therefore playa significant role in advising the court regarding the appropriate management of arrested children and youths who are at risk of becoming or being in need of care. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het betrekking op kinders en jeudiges in botsing met die gereg, wat bykomend in gevaar is om sorgbehoewend te raak of sorgbehoewend is. Die studie het voortgevloei uit besorgdheid oor verwaarloosde kinders en jeugdiges van arm, agtergeblewe en geweldadige gemeenskappe in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie, wie noodwendig in misdaad verval het. Kinder- en jeugsorg, insluitend jeugreg in Suid-Afrika is tans in 'n proses van transformasie, wat deur die inter-ministeriële komitee vir jong persone in gevaar, bestuur word. As 'n uitkoms van die transformasie van die jeugregsisteem, is asseseringsentrums by jeughowe tot stand gebring. Proefbeamptes is in terme van die Wet op Proefdienste (Wet 116 van 1991) aangestel om gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges te asseseer voor hulle eerste hofverskyning in die lig van 'n geskikte aanhouding terwyl verhoofafwagtend en moontlike afwending van die kriminele saak. Die navorser het ondersoek ingestel na die wyse waarop gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges wat sorgbehoewend is, binne die kriminele jeugregstelsel hanteer word. Die navorsingstudie het getoon dat ten spyte van die implementering van beleid en wetgewing om kinders en jeugdiges van aanhouding in gevangenisse te beskerm, die hoeveelheid kinders en jeugdiges verhoorafwagtend in gevangenisse voortdurend toegeneem het. 'n Deurlopende tekort aan vakatures in plekke van veiligheid kom voor. Dit is verder vasgestel dat die behoeftes van gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges wat bykomend in gevaar is om sorgbehoewend te raak of sorgbehoewend is, deur professionele persone soos landdroste, aanklaers en proefbeamptes erken word. Faktore soos die bestaande tekort aan vakatures in plekke van veiligheid veroorsaak egter dat kinders en jeugdiges nie ten alle tye beskerm word nie. Die navorsingstudie het ook aangedui dat gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges wat steeds onderhewig is aan die Wet op Kindersorg (Wet 74 van 1983) soos gewysig dikwels nie doeltreffend binne die kriminele jeugregsisteem hanteer word nie. Gebrek aan voldoende kennis van die genoemde Wet op Kindersog deur veral aanklaers, blyk 'n bydraende faktor te wees. 'n Omvattende kriminele jeugregsisteem vir kinders en jeugdiges in Suid-Afrika word beoog, soos vervat in die konsep Wetsontwerp (Wetsontwerp B), wat die geleentheid vir individuele maar holistiese dienste ten opsigte van kinders en jeugdiges in botsing met die gereg sal bied. Die rol en take van proefbeamptes wat assesserings uitvoer het as sulks 'n sleutel element geword in die hantering van gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges, soos vervat in die konsep Wetsontwerp (Wetsontwerp B). Proefbeamptes speel gevolglik 'n belangwekkende rol ten einde die hof te adviseer oor die gepaste hantering van gearresteerde kinders en jeudiges wat in gevaar is om sorgbehoewend te raak of sorgbehoewend is.

A life-skills intervention programme addressing the selfconcept of Afrikaans-speaking youth offenders

Wicomb, Priscilla Zenobia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Life orientation is fundamental in empowering learners to live meaningful lives. Life-skills education and training forms part of life orientation and helps to address the abovementioned aspect. Life-skills education and training falls under the most recent and powerful approaches in handling psychological problems. It strives to adapt the principles of psychology and social science into teachable skills to ensure intra-personal effectiveness and improve the general quality of peoples' lives. The aim of this pilot study was to alter The Path programme to design and develop an intrapersonal life-skills programme aimed at enhancing the self-concept of youth offenders. The intervention research model of Rothman and Thomas (1994) was employed as foundation for the design and development of The Altered Path programme. The intervention research model was chosen as it aimed at creating a means to address problems experienced by individuals and society. It strives to improve the life, health and well-being of individuals and society. This purposeful sampling consisted of six Afrikaans-speaking, male youth offenders from the Drakenstein Juvenile Centre. The Altered Path programme was implemented in three stages. The first stage consisted of sessions one to seven. The following topics were covered during this stage: introduction and programme orientation, conceptualisation of mission statements and elements, past personality influences and Cup of Sorrow, the Positive Prophecy and Talent Shield, the mission statement, the vision statement and goal setting. The second stage, which consisted of sessions eight and nine, entailed the training of the participants for service learning. The third stage entailed the implementation of the service learning process. The study found that The Altered Path programme could contribute towards a growth in intra-personal skills with regard to self-awareness, personal goal setting, spirituality, morals and values, self-esteem and self-regulation (both emotional and cognitive). The result of the intra-personal growth was that the interpersonal skills with regard to communication and helping skills of participants improved. In answer to the research question the finding was made that the intra-personal development positively affected the following dimensions of their self-concept: personal, ideal, cognitive, spiritual, social self and psychological self. In the light hereof the statement can be made that The Altered Path programme seems to have a positive effect on the overall self-concept of the participants. Conscious development of self-knowledge was identified as an element of the programme that could be refined to ensure that all participants develop self-knowledge in the same way during the field study.

The operation of youth schemes in Hong Kong Police Force

Ip, Chun-wing, Kelvin., 葉春榮. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Sociology / Master / Master of Social Sciences

An enquiry into the attitudes of youth towards law and the legal system and their relationship with youth delinquency

Chan, Tsui-san, Loretta., 陳翠珊. January 1992 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work

An exploratory study on the adjustment problems and characteristics ofyoung Chinese immigrant offenders in a probation setting

Wong, Po-yuen., 黃保源. January 1992 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work

A history of the Ottery School of Industries in Cape Town: issues of race, welfare and social order in the period 1937 to 1968

Badroodien, Azeem January 2001 (has links)
The primary task of this thesis is to explain the establishment of the 'correctional institution', the Ottery School of Industrues, in Cape Town in 1948 and the programmes of rehabilitation, correctional and vocational training and residential care that the institution developed in the period until 1968. This explanation is located in the wider context of debates about welfare and penal policy in South africa. The overall purpose is to show how modernist discourses in relation to social welfare, delinquency and education came to South Africa and was mediated through a racial lens unique to this country. In doing so the thesis uses a broad range of material and levels from the ethnographic to the documentary and historical. The work seeks to locate itself at the intersection of the fields of education, history, welfare, penalty and race in South Africa.

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