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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sňatkové chování v České republice od počátku 90. let do současnosti

Foltýnová, Alice January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo popsat a zdůvodnit hlavní trendy sňatkového chování v České republice po roce 1989. První a druhá kapitola je teoretickým vstupem do problému - zákon o rodině, ukazatele, kterými je možno postihnout vývoj v oblasti sňatkového chování, demografický přechod, literatura k tématu a vývoj sňatečnosti ve 20. století. Třetí kapitola se již zabývá samotnou analýzou sňatkového chování v ČR od počátku devadesátých let do současnosti. Čtvrtá část práce je zaměřena na sledování meziregionálních rozdílů a nalezení určitých souvislostí územního rozložení sňatečnosti s dalšími ukazateli. Poslední část práce se věnuje aktuálnímu tématu registrovaného partnerství. Je zde rozebrán zákon č. 115/2006 Sb., o registrovaném partnerství a také úpravy, které bylo, v souvislosti s novým zákonem, nutno provést v zákonech jiných.

Demografický vývoj zemí Evropské Unie / Demographic analysis of the European Union

Valeš, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the demographic analysis of the European Union member countries. In the first part, various demographic measures regarding natural and mechanical changes of population are described. Moreover, each indicator is illustrated with practical calculations and graphical display of the development between years 1960 and 2007. Second part focuses on the construction of demographic projections of the European Union until the year 2060, including theoretical background. In the last part, the impact of demographic trends on the economy is considered.

Komparace demografického vývoje České republiky a Slovenské republiky / Comparison of demographic development in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic

Drahotová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is an analysis and comparison of basic demographic processes, both in Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, in the years 1993-2014. The subject is the status of the population, especially in terms of structure by age, sex and economic activity. Thesis makes a comparison of demographic processes - birth rate, mortality, abortion, marriage, divorce rate and migration. The thesis analyzes the resulting differences and looks for their causes. Selected demographic processes are predicted into the future; the next development is estimated with help of basic trend functions. The conclusion proposes some possible recommendations which could revert the negative future trends.

Komparace demografického vývoje České republiky se sousedními státy / Comparison of demographic development in the Czech republic and neighboring countries

Lukavcová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the comparison of demographic development in the Czech Republic with neighboring countries, namely Slovakia, Poland, Germany and Austria in 1989 - 2014. Comparisons were made also with the demographic indicators of the European Union. On the basis of demographic indicators, which reflect the state of the structure and movement of population in each selected states, these states compared with the Czech Republic. Comparison were subjected to partial indicators of natural recovery of the population and spatial mobility of the population, causing changes in the population. They were also compared the structure of the population and median age. Comparison was supplemented by analysis of the causes of differences in the trends and predictions on selected demographic indicators. They were found in direct relation to demographic change with changes in the economy of the Czech Republic. At the conclusion they were formulated suggestions and recommendations for the Czech Republic and its future demographic trends.

Statistická analýza úrovně sociálních služeb pro seniory v Hlavním městě Praha / Statistical analysis of social services level for the elderly in capital city Prague

Brezováková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on analyzing the development and level of social services for the elderly in Prague. Examined facilities of social services for the elderly were daycare centers and day centers for the elderly, retirement homes and special regime homes for the elderly with Alzheimer's disease. For the processing and analysis of selected indicators, the number of social services, distribution of homes by type, number of capacities in social institutions and social services funding through subsidies and grants for the monitored period 2007 - 2015, elemental characteristics of time series and future economic developments for the following years forecasted by suitable function are used. The thesis includes its own survey among providers of special homes for the elderly with Alzheimer's disease. Based on the analysis there are formulated recommendations that could contribute to the further development of social services and maintain quality of care for seniors in Prague.

Sňatečnost a rozvodovost v ČR a význam manželství v pojetí české veřejnosti / Marriage and divorce rates in the Czech Republic and the importance of marriage in the concept of Czech public

Hrabáková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of the demoraphic indicators marriage and divorce rate in years 2000 to 2014. Then the analysis is focused on qualitative characteristics in connection with the problem. The first half of the work explains the theoretical concepts and metodological part. The second part is then focused on the actual analysis of selected indicators and the analysis of the qualitative characteristics. The analysis shows that the nuptiality and divorce rate have declaining trend of development. In case of nuptiality the lowest values in Czech republic were recorded in 2013, most marriages were then concluded in 2000. The divorce rate recorded the highest decline in 2012, while the most marriages were divorced in 2004. Qualitative analysis shows that the persons who want to get married the most in the future are single persons. The most negative responses were recorded for persons widowed and divorced. The most common reason for marriage is starting a family and children.

Analýza sociálního a ekonomického rozvoje MČ Praha 3 / Analysis of Social and Economic Development of the City Quarter Prague 3

Cuřínová, Radka January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Analysis of Social and Economic Development of the City Quarter Prague 3. This thesis is focused on analysis of the selected indicators of social and economic development of the City Quarter Prague 3. On the basis of found information, it assesses present situation of the areas that its development influence most. The attention is devoted to the development of number of citizens, their migration and population structure. Part of this work evaluates the availability of local facilities and economy of Prague 3. The employed data come from the database of the Czech Statistical Office and from the City of Prague 3. Even the representatives of Prague 3 were interviewed in order to complete obtained information. At the end of the work, the SWOT analysis based on the works findings is created. It indicates its strong and weak parts and opportunities and threats of Prague 3. According to the analysis, the areas, the Prague 3 should support more or stop supporting, are identified.

Demografický vývoj v České republice v rámci regionů soudržnosti / Demographic development in the Czech Republic in the frame of territorial solidarity

Pánková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Demographic development of population is the important phenomenon within the cohetion regions of the Czech Republic. It helps to evaluate social, economic and political level in the Czech Republic. The objective of my Thesis is the evaluation of the demographic development of 8 regions in a Framework of the European Union since the origin of the Czech Republic regional system in 2000 up to 2014. I have also described the basic demographic elements for this development evaluation-gender amount of population, new born, diseased people and also their abortion, number of marriages and divorces with the emphasis of migration. The Thesis is focused on natural population growth in particular regions. Surplus value of the population growth has always been the positive phenomenon for peopleś quality life judgement. On the other hand the minus value has shown the decrease of population caused by the higher amount od diseased than new born.

Diferencovanost demografického vývoje v severozápadním regionu ČR / Differences of demographic development in the northwest region of the Czech Republic

Císařová, Adriana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the demographic development in the Usti nad Labem region and Karlovy Vary region from the year 1993 up to the present. It captures the evolution of demographic processes in the regions using the time series, compares their development and explains the differences between the two regions. It also compares the development of selected socio-economic indicators that have significant impact to the demographic situation in the regions. The conclusion provides evaluation and selected recommendations aiming at improvement of the socioeconomic aspects that affect the entire region most importantly.

Problém podvýživy a potraviny z vodních zdrojů / Problem of the undernourishment and the food water resources

Polzová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The main focus of the final thesis are the problems related to the problem of undernourishment in affected regions of the world, sea fishing and aquaculture. In the beginning, the definition of the food problem in the world is introduced. The potential contribution of proteins from the sea production to human dietary is emphasized. Further, the exponential population growth is mentioned, influencing the future development and the food problem itself. The second part of thesis is dedicated to fisheries and aquaculture. The importance and benefits of sea water resources as well as aquaculture is mentioned from the nutritional and livelihood point of view. Sea management and international regulations are playing crucial role in the sustainability of the fisheries stocks. These are needed to eliminate the problems of fisheries and aquaculture and the degradation of sea ecosystems due to unsuitable fishing techniques. At the end of the thesis a summary of all important information is listed. Followed by possible solutions of these global problems.

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