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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The selective removal of components from gasoline using membrane technology

Robinson, John January 2004 (has links)
Membrane technology is a potential method for upgrading gasoline quality, with respect to its tendency to promote fouling of engine inlet-systems. This thesis investigates the transport and separation mechanisms of dense polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes in nanofiltration applications relating to the filtration of gasoline fuels. Simulated fuels were created which comprised representative organic solvents with organometallic and poly-nuclear aromatic solutes. The flux and separation behaviour of the solvent-solute systems were studied using several apparatus and a range of operating regimes. Tests were performed with real fuels and refinery components to verify the mechanisms observed with the model solvent-solute systems, and several strategies were developed by which the process could be optimised or improved. Parallel to this work, a project was undertaken to assess the suitability of the technology on an industrial scale and to identify any scale-up issues. The key factors influencing flux were found to be the viscosity and swelling-effect of the solvent or solvent mixture. The dense membrane was shown to exhibit many characteristics of a porous structure when swollen with solvents, with the separation of low-polarity solutes governed principally by size-exclusion. It is postulated that swelling causes expansion of the polymer network such that convective and diffusive flow can take place between polymer chains. In general terms, a higher degree of swelling resulted in a higher flux and lower solute rejection. The separation potential of the membrane could be partly controlled by changing the swelling-effect of the solvent and the degree of membrane crosslinking. The transport of polar/non-polar solvent mixtures through PDMS was influenced by swelling equilibria, with separations occurring upon swelling the membrane. Separation of the more polar solvent occurred in this manner, and the solute rejection in multicomponent polar/non-polar mixtures deviated significantly from the behaviour in binary mixtures. The results obtained from a pilot-plant scale apparatus were largely consistent with those from laboratory-scale equipment, and engine tests showed that fuel filtration with PDMS is a technically-viable means of upgrading gasoline quality.

A study of membrane swelling and transport mechanisms in solvent resistant nanofiltration

Cliff, Kevin Terry January 2011 (has links)
Recently a large amount of interest has developed around separating out impurities of small size; pertinent examples are found within fuel and solvent processing. For such applications a leading candidate process is nanofiltration. This thesis focuses on SRNF (solvent resistant nanofiltration) composite membranes consisting of a dense polymer active layer bonded to a stronger, but ultimately more porous, support layer. The composite membranes that have been produced during the course of this work consist of a PDMS (polymdimethylsiloxane) active layer bonded to a commercially available support layer of PAN (polyacrylonitrile). To create the membrane a monomer was spread over the support layer and then polymerised to form the matrix which was responsible for separation. Commercially, either heat or radiation is often applied to cause polymerisation, however the membranes in the current work have been formed by the used of a homogeneous catalyst. This thesis investigates the transport and separation dynamics of the produced membranes for a series of fuel simulants composed of organometallics and poly-nuclear aromatic solutes dissolved in aromatic and alkane solvents. Membrane composition and the extent of polymer swelling were found to be the two key factors which had the greatest influence on solvent flux and solute rejection. By increasing catalyst concentration it was found that the dual effects of increased rejection and reduced flux occurred, with the converse also being true. The effective pore size of the membrane could also be controlled by varying the catalyst amount during manufacture as this directly affected the limit of crosslinking which formed. Polymer swelling was the most pronounced using solvents with a solubility parameter close to that of the polymer. The membrane transport mechanism was most accurately forecast by the solution diffusion model for flux predictions and the convection diffusion model for rejection predictions, however all the models tried were in close agreement. This was postulated to be due to the swelled polymer matrix which allows for both convective and diffusive transport to occur.

Pervaporation de composés purs : approche expérimentale du couplage entre transfert de matière et transfert de chaleur / Pervaporation of pure compounds : experimental approach of the coupling between mass and heat transfer

Toudji, Sid-Ali Amine 10 April 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est l'étude du procédé de pervaporation et plus particulièrement la compréhension des mécanismes de transfert de masse et de chaleur dans une membrane en polymère qualifiée de dense. Une meilleures compréhension des mécanismes permettrait de lever les verrous limitant le développement de ce procédé, comme les faibles flux de matière ainsi que l'origine et la quantité de chaleur nécessaire au transfert à travers la membrane. Pour cela, nous avons développé un dispositif expérimental qui permet de mesurer en simultané les densités de flux de matière et de chaleur. La configuration frontale statique de perméation du dispositif mis en place donne accès au profil de température du liquide d'alimentation. Ces données de température ont permis de calculer les densités de flux de chaleur engagées durant les expériences de pervaporation grâce à un calcul par méthode inverse couplé à une simulation STAR CCM+. La densité de flux de matière est mesurée par une nouvelle méthode. La nouvelle méthode utilise un capteur de pression situé dans le réservoir d'alimentation permettant de mesurer en continu la densité de flux de matière synchronisée avec la mesure des températures. Afin de simplifier au maximum les contraintes expérimentales, nous nous sommes restreints à la perméation de composés purs. La corrélation des deux flux mesurés nous a conduit à observer que la quantité de chaleur prise au fluide en amont pour pervaporer une unité de masse de liquide pur est inférieure à la quantité de chaleur nécessaire pour vaporiser ce même liquide. Elle représente 50 % de celle-ci dans le cas de l’eau et seulement 25 % dans le cas de l’éthanol. / The aim of this work is to study the pervaporation process and specifically to understand the mass and heat transport mechanisms in a dense polymeric membrane. A better understanding of these mechanisms would make it possible to improve the limiting parameters for the development of this process, such as the low mass fluxes as well as the origin and the quantity of heat required for transport through the membrane. In order to answer these questions, we have developed an experimental setup that allows simultaneous measurement of mass flux and heat flux density. The dead-end permeation of the setup developed gives access to the temperature profile of the liquid feed. These temperature data make possible the estimation of the heat flux densities engaged during the pervaporation experiments by means of an inverse computation coupled with a STAR CCM + simulation. The mass flux is measured by a new method in addition to the gravimetric method used as a reference. The new method uses a pressure sensor located in the feed tank to continuously measure the mass flux with 1Hz raw acquisition frequency synchronized with the temperature measurement. In order to simplify the experimental constraints, we applied only permeation of pure liquids. The correlation of the two fluxes (mass and heat density) measured led us to observe that the amount of heat taken to the feed side to pervaporate a unit mass of pure liquid is less than the amount of heat required to vaporize the same liquid. It represents 50% of it in the case of water and only 25% in the case of the ethanol.

Contacteurs à membranes denses pour les procédés d'absorption gaz-liquide intensifiés : application à la capture du CO₂ en post combustion. / Dense membrane contactors for intensified gas-liquid absorption processes : application to CO₂ capture by post combustion.

Nguyen, Phuc Tien 11 March 2011 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la recherche de procédés d'absorption gaz-liquide intensifiés, cette étude vise au développement des contacteurs membranaires pour la capture du CO₂ en post combustion, comparativement aux colonnes garnies. Les contacteurs à membranes fibres creuses microporeuses permettent un transfert de matière élevé mais sont confrontés à des problèmes de mouillage entraînant une dégradation importante des performances dans le temps. Notre but est de concevoir des fibres composites constituées d'une structure microporeuse et d'une peau dense fine et fortement perméable au CO₂ afin d'établir une barrière au passage du liquide et de limiter la résistance au transfert de matière. Pour cela, nous avons sélectionné des polymères super vitreux comme le PTMSP et le Téflon AF2400 qui se caractérisent par une très forte perméabilité au CO₂ et une bonne compatibilité chimique avec la MEA (liquide d'absorption de référence). Les fibres composites ont été réalisées par un procédé de recouvrement conduisant à une faible épaisseur de peau dense (1 à 2 microns). Des modules à fibres composites ont été testés pour séparer un mélange CO₂/N2 avec une solution aqueuse de MEA. Les fibres composites présentent des efficacités de capture similaires à celles des fibres microporeuses mais assurent en plus le maintien des conditions de non mouillage. Des simulations, reposant sur une modélisation 2D du transfert de matière, ont permis de prédire les performances des contacteurs membranaires à fibres composites dans des conditions plus proches de la réalité industrielle et ont mis en évidence un facteur d’intensification pouvant aller jusqu’à 6 par rapport aux colonnes garnies / The present work aims to explore the intensification of gas-liquid absorption processes. This study is applied to post combustion CO₂ capture by means of membrane contactors in comparison to packed columns. Microporous hollow fiber membrane contactors lead to high mass transfer but wetting problems are likely to occur and result in tremendous deterioration in performances with time. Our objective is to develop composite hollow fibers based on a microporous structure and a thin dense layer highly permeable to CO₂, in order to create a real barrier to liquid penetration and to limit mass transfer resistance. Super glassy polymers as PTMSP and Teflon AF2400 were selected for their extremely high CO₂ permeability and their chemical resistance to MEA (reference absorption liquid). Composite hollow fibers were made by coating and the dense layers obtained are thin (1 to 2 microns). Composite hollow fiber membrane contactors were tested for the separation of a CO₂/N2 mixture with an aqueous solution of MEA. Capture ratios achieved by composite hollow fibers are similar to those measured for microporous membranes and the dense layer prevents from wetting problems. Simulations based on 2D modeling of the mass transfer, show that the performances of composite hollow fiber membrane contactors, under operating conditions close to the industrial case, can lead to an intensification factor up to 6 compared to packed columns

Étude expérimentale et modélisation d'un procédé de captage en CO2 en postcombustion par l'ammoniaque à l'aide de contacteurs membranaires : du matériau à l'évaluation de l'intensification de l'absorption / Experimental study and modeling of an ammonia based CO2 capture process using hollow fiber membrane contactors : from the material selection to the absorption intensification assessment

Makhloufi, Camel 06 December 2013 (has links)
L'absorption du CO2 à l'ammoniaque au sein d'une colonne garnie est une technologie prometteuse pour capter le CO2 en postcombustion. La fuite d'NH3 engendrée par la volatilité de ce solvant gêne néanmoins le déploiement de ce procédé. Dans cette étude, la faculté des contacteurs membranaires à permettre des performances d'absorption du CO2 intensifiées et des pertes en NH3 réduites par rapport au procédé conventionnel est évaluée. Pour cela, l'emploi de fibres composites innovantes constituées d'une peau dense assurant un transport sélectif du CO2 vis-à-vis de NH3 a été proposé. Compte tenu des propriétés de ces molécules, aucun matériau ne présentait jusqu'alors de sélectivité de séparation favorable au CO2. Des essais de temps-retards ont permis de révéler 6 matériaux fluorés présentant les propriétés de sélectivités inverses recherchées. Le Teflon AF2400, polymère hautement perméable au CO2, a été choisi pour constituer les fibres creuses composites employées lors d'expériences d'absorption. Leurs performances ont été comparées à celles de contacteurs commerciaux microporeux (Oxyphan) et composites (Oxyplus) pour différentes conditions opératoires. Alors qu'aucune expérience stable n'a pu être achevée avec les contacteurs microporeux du fait de la précipitation de sels d'ammonium, les contacteurs composites ont permis des performances de capture supérieures aux objectifs fixés. La modélisation 2D du transfert de matière a permis de révéler le rôle prépondérant du support microporeux dans les performances d'absorption observées. Enfin, une intensification élevée des performances d'absorption du CO2 et des pertes en NH3 fortement réduites par rapport au procédé conventionnel ont pu être démontrées / Aqueous ammonia as a solvent for post-combustion CO2 capture in a packed column is seen as a promising technology. Nevertheless, ammonia volatility is a considerable drawback for its large scale deployment. In this study, the ability of hollow fiber membrane contactors to significantly improve CO2 mass transfer performances while mitigating ammonia losses when compared to packed column is evaluated. In that purpose, the use of innovating composite fibers made of a thin dense layer selective for CO2 over NH3 is proposed. Up to now, a faster permeation of CO2 compared to NH3 in dense polymers was totally unexpected and to our knowledge unexplored. Time-lag experiments have revealed a series of 6 fluorinated structures showing the desired reverse selectivity properties. Teflon AF2400 has been selected as the dense skin of composite fibers used during absorption experiments. Their performances have been compared, for different operating conditions, to those given by commercial microporous (Oxyphan) and composite (Oxyplus) membrane contactors. Due to ammonium salt precipitation issues, no stable experiment has been achieved using microporous membrane contactors. At the opposite, absorption efficiencies higher than post-combustion capture standards have been reached using composite membrane contactors. 2D mass transfer modeling has revealed the controlling role of the microporous support in the observed absorption performances. Finally, high CO2 mass transfer intensification factor and drastically reduced ammonia losses have been shown

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