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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anomalias dentárias como extensão fenotípica das fissuras orais: estudos moleculares de genes e regiões candidatas / Dental anomalies as phenotypic extension of oral clefts: molecular studies of candidate genes and chromosomal regions

Ariadne Machado Gonçalves Letra 04 May 2007 (has links)
A fissura labial com ou sem fissura palatina (FL/P) é uma anomalia craniofacial muito comum em humanos, e pode ocorrer como característica de um quadro sindrômico ou isolada, quando os indivíduos afetados não apresentam qualquer anomalia estrutural associada. A etiologia da FL/P isolada é complexa, com a contribuição de componentes genéticos e ambientais. Diversos genes/loci candidatos a FL/P foram sugeridos nos últimos anos, apesar de discrepâncias entre resultados. Alguns autores consideram a FL/P como parte de um fenótipo mais amplo, e sugerem que características clínicas adicionais, como a presença de anomalias dentárias, poderiam ser utilizadas para uma melhor descrição do fenótipo individual em investigações genéticas da FL/P. Quinhentos indivíduos com FL/P e quinhentos indivíduos sem FL/P e não relacionados entre si foram examinados com relação ao tipo de fissura e anomalias dentárias apresentadas e amostras de saliva foram coletadas de cada indivíduo para estudos moleculares. A freqüência das anomalias dentárias foi significativamente maior nos indivíduos com FL/P e as associações preferenciais observadas para algumas anomalias e determinados subfenótipos de FL/P foram consideradas novos subfenótipos de FL/P e incluídos nas análises moleculares. Um total de 30 polimorfismos distribuídos nos genes MMP1, MMP3, MMP9, TGFA, IRF6 e no cromossomo 6q foram estudados com relação à associação com a FL/P e seus subfenótipos através de restrição enzimática, PCR cinético e método Taqman. As diferenças observadas para as freqüências dos genótipos e alelos de cada polimorfismo estudado em casos e controles foram avaliadas estatisticamente através do teste Qui-quadrado e correção de Bonferroni para múltiplos testes. O padrão de desequilíbrio de ligação entre os polimorfismos estudados também foi avaliado. Os genes MMP3, TGFA, IRF6, e outros e três genes (PRSS35, SNAP91 e CYB5R4) e dois polimorfismos localizados no cromossomo 6q mostraram-se associados a FL/P e seus subfenótipos na população estudada. / Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is a common craniofacial anomaly in humans, and may occur as part of a syndrome or isolated, when the affected individuals do not present any associated structural anomalies. The etiology of CL/P is complex, with both genetic and environmental factors involved. Several genes/loci have been suggested in the past years although discrepancies among results are often found. Some investigators consider CL/P as part of a broader phenotype, and suggest that additional clinical characteristics, such as the presence of dental anomalies, could be used for a better description of the individual phenotype in genetic studies. Five hundred individuals with CL/P and five hundred non-related individuals without CL/P were examined regarding type of cleft and dental anomalies and saliva samples were collected from each individual for molecular analysis. The frequencies of the dental anomalies were significantly higher in CL/P individuals than controls, and the preferential associations observed for certain anomalies in specific cleft subphenotypes were considered new subphenotypes and included in the molecular analyses. A total of 30 polymorphisms distributed in MMP1, MMP3, MMP9, TGFA, and IRF6 genes and in chromosome region 6q were assayed regarding association with CL/P and its subphenotypes through restriction-fragment length polymorphism, kinetic PCR and Taqman methods. Differences in allele and genotype frequencies observed in cases and controls for each polymorphism were assessed using Chi-square test and Bonferroni correction. The pattern of linkage disequilibrium among the markers was also evaluated. Associations between CL/P and markers in MMP3, TGFA, and IRF6 genes were observed. Additionally, three genes (PRSS35, SNAP91 and CYB5R4) and two polimorphisms in chromosome 6q region also demonstrated association to CL/P and its phenotypes in the population studied.

Caracterização odontológica dos indivíduos com síndrome de Kabuki: estudo clínico e radiográfico retrospectivo / Odontological characterization of individuals with Kabuki syndrome: a retrospective clinical and radiographic study

Lidiane de Castro Pinto 05 August 2014 (has links)
Objetivos: Investigar anomalias dentárias, presença de fissura de lábio e/ou palato e higiene bucal em indivíduos com síndrome de Kabuki (SK) e listar as alterações sistêmicas presentes. Metodologia: Grupo 1: 46 prontuários de indivíduos com SK matriculados no HRAC/USP analisados quanto a presença de fissura de lábio e/ou palato e listadas as alterações sistêmicas presentes (cardiopatias, doenças infecciosas e imunológicas, nefropatias, comprometimento neurológicos e repercussões, aspectos genéticos). Grupo 2: formado por 15 indivíduos com SK matriculados no HRAC/USP submetidos aos exames clínicos para a investigação das alterações bucais (anomalias dentárias, presença de fissura de lábio e/ou palato e avaliação da higiene bucal índice de placa) e doenças sistêmicas existentes. Resultados: Grupo 1 43 (93,47%) indivíduos apresentaram fissura de lábio e/ou palato, 36 apresentaram fissura de palato; 17 (36,95%) indivíduos apresentaram cardiopatia congênita, 36 (76,59%) indivíduos tiveram doenças infecciosas ou imunológicas, 8 (17,39%) indivíduos apresentaram nefropatias, 40 (86,95%) indivíduos tinham deficiência intelectual e 1 (2,77%) indivíduos apresentou cariótipo com alteração. Grupo 2 todos os indivíduos com SK apresentaram fissura de lábio e/ou palato, 11 (73,33%) indivíduos apresentaram anomalias dentárias, todos os indivíduos apresentaram comprometimento da higiene bucal, 5 (33,33%) indivíduos apresentaram cardiopatias congênitas, 12 (80%) tiveram doenças infecciosas ou imunológicas, em um indivíduo foi notada nefropatia, 14 (93,33%) indivíduos demonstraram deficiência intelectual e 1 (6,66%) apresentou cariótipo alterado. Conclusões: Os indivíduos com SK apresentaram anomalias dentárias, fissura de lábio e/ou palato, higiene bucal comprometida, cardiopatias congênitas, doenças infecciosas e deficiência intelectual. / Aim: To investigate dental anomalies, presence of lip and/or cleft palate and dental hygiene in individuals with Kabuki Syndrome (KS) as well as detail their systemic alterations. Methodology: GROUP 1: 46 prontuaries of individuals with KS (patients from HRAC/USP) were analyzed concerning to the presence of lip and cleft palate and their systemic alterations were described (cardiopathies, infectious and immunological diseases, nephropathies, neurological disorders and genetical aspects). GROUP 2: 15 individuals with KS (patients from HRAC/USP) submitted to the clinical examination to investigate buccal alterations (dental anomalies, presence of lip and/or cleft palate and dental hygiene - plaque index) and systemic alterations. Results: Group 1 - 43 (93.47%) individuals showed lip and/or cleft palate, 36 showed cleft palate; 17 (36.95%) individuals showed congenic cardiopathies, 36 (36.95%) individuals showed infectious or immunological diseases, 8 (17.39%) individuals showed nephropathies, 40 (86.95%) individuals had intellectual disability and 1 (2.77%) individuals showed cariotip with alteration. Group 2 - all the individuals with KS showed lip and/or cleft palate, 11 (73.33%) individuals showed dental anomalies, all the individuals showed compromised dental hygiene, 5 (33.33%) individuals showed congenic cardiopathies, 12 (80%) showed infectious or immunological diseases, in only 1 individual nephropathy was observed, 14 (93.33%) had intellectual disabilities and 1 (6.66%) showed a cariotip with alteration. Conclusions: Individuals with KS showed dental anomalies, presence of lip and/or cleft palate, compromised buccal hygiene, congenic cardiopathies, infectious diseases and intellectual disability.

Identification and characterization of predisposing genetic factors in patients with oral cleft and/or dental anomalies / Identification et caractérisation de facteurs génétiques prédisposant à l’apparition d’une fente orale et/ou d’anomalies dentaires chez l’Homme

Quentric, Mickaël 26 November 2013 (has links)
Toutes altérations génétiques ou environnementales survenant lors du développement craniofacial et de l’odontogenèse peut aboutir à une fente orale et/ou à des anomalies dentaires. Un des syndromes les plus courants comprenant une fente orale est le syndrome de van der Woude (VWS) / des ptérygiums poplités (PPS) causé par des mutations du gène IRF6. Nous avons séquencé IRF6 dans 16 familles VWS et 2 familles PPS et analysé le phénotype dentaire des patients avec une mutation identifiée. Les individus atteints présentaient des fentes (76%), des dépressions de la lèvre inférieure (86%), des agénésies dentaires (68%) ainsi que des anomalies de morphologie dentaire (58%), telles que des dents fusionnées ou porteuses de cuspides supplémentaires, démontrant que la fréquence élevée des anomalies dentaires constatées chez les patients VWS/PPS avec une mutation IRF6 pourrait se révéler utile dans la pose du diagnostic, dans la mesure où les dépressions de la lèvre inférieure ne sont pas toujours présentes. Malgré le nombre considérable de gènes identifiés dans les fentes orales et/ou anomalies dentaires, la cause génétique de bon nombre de cas isolés reste sans réponse. Partir de patients syndromiques avec fente, porteurs d’anomalies chromosomiques, a permis la découverte de nouveaux gènes associés aux fentes : HDAC4, HIPK2, RBFOX1, SWSWAP et MMP17. En plus des mutations touchant la partie codante des gènes et des variants introniques prédisposants, l’altération d’éléments régulateurs distants peut aussi conduire à l’apparition de fentes, comme nous le montrons dans ce travail avec l’altération d’éléments régulateurs de SOX9. D’autre part, le tri minutieux de patients syndromiques basé sur un phénotypage précis et associé à des techniques de séquençage haut-débit peut conduire à l’identification de la cause génétique sous-jacente. En procédant ainsi, nous avons montré que des mutations récessives de FAM20A sont à l’origine du syndrome rein-dent (ERS). Les patients atteints présentent un phénotype oral pathognomonique caractérisé par une amélogénèse imparfaite, des retards d’éruption, des calcifications intra-pulpaires, des follicules dentaires surdéveloppés, une hyperplasie gingivale et une néphrocalcinose. Les mutations de FAM20A conduisent à une augmentation de chondroïtine sulfate et de la concentration de calcium extracellulaire ionisé, entraînant l’apparition de calcifications ectopiques. Notre travail montre qu’un phénotypage précis combiné à des méthodes d’investigations génétiques à haut-débit, contribue de manière significative à une meilleure compréhension des facteurs génétiques des fentes orales et/ou des anomalies dentaires. / Any genetic or environmental disturbances during craniofacial development and odontogenesis can lead to orofacial clefts (OFC) and/or dental anomalies. One of the most common cleft syndrome is the Van der Woude / popliteal pterygium syndrome (VWS/PPS) caused by IRF6 mutations. We screened IRF6 in sixteen VWS and two PPS families and analyzed the dental phenotype of IRF6-mutated patients. Affected individuals had clefts (76%), lower lip pits (86%), dental agenesis (68%), and abnormal dental morphology (58%) such as fused teeth and additional cusps, demonstrating that the high frequency of dental anomalies in VWS/PPS patients mutated for IRF6 could be a useful clinical clue for correct diagnosis, as lips pits are not always present. Despite the large number of genes identified in oral cleft and/or dental anomalies, the genetic causes of many sporadic cases remain unknown. Starting from syndromic cleft patients presenting chromosomal abnormalities, new genes associated with oral cleft were discovered: HDAC4, HIPK2, RBFOX1, SWSWAP, and MMP17. In addition to protein coding mutations and predisposing intronic variants, alterations of long-range gene regulatory elements can also lead to OFC, illustrated in this work with the alteration of SOX9 regulatory elements. Careful stratification of syndromic patients based on a precise phenotype can lead to the identification of the underlying genetic causes, when combined with high-throughput sequencing. We identified FAM20A recessive mutations to be causative of the Enamel Renal Syndrome (ERS). Affected patients present a pathognomonic oral phenotype characterized by generalized hypoplastic enamel, delayed tooth eruption, pulp calcifications, hyperplastic dental follicles, gingival hyperplasia, and nephrocalcinosis. FAM20A mutations resulted in increased chondroitin sulfate and increased extracellular ionized calcium concentrations, eventually leading to ectopic calcification. Our work illustrates that precise phenotype combined with the power of high throughput genetic technologies contributes significantly to the understanding of the genetic factors underlying oral cleft and/or dental anomalies.

Influence du groupe pronostique et du protocole de traitement sur le développement d’anomalies dentaires des enfants traités pour la leucémie aigüe lymphoblastique

Boutin, Cynthia 07 1900 (has links)
Objectifs. L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’évaluer l’influence du groupe pronostique auquel le patient est attribué au moment du diagnostic et du protocole de traitement sur le développement d’anomalies dentaires et leur sévérité chez les enfants traités pour la leucémie aigüe lymphoblastique (LAL). L’étude comporte un objectif secondaire : confirmer les résultats des études précédentes ayant montré un nombre et une sévérité plus élevée d'anomalies dentaires chez le groupe 0-5 ans. Hypothèse. Chez des enfants ayant été traités pour la LAL, la prévalence et la sévérité des anomalies dentaires seront plus élevées chez ceux ayant fait partie du groupe pronostique de très haut risque, ayant reçu une combinaison de chimiothérapie, de radiothérapie et de greffe de moelle osseuse et ayant eu leur diagnostic avant l’âge de 6 ans. Méthodes. Des patients âgés entre 14 et 25 ans et ayant reçu un diagnostic de LAL avant l’âge de 11 ans ont été recrutés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine. Un examen dentaire et radiologique ont été effectués. Des données concernant le diagnostic, le groupe pronostique et le type de traitement reçu ont été notées à partir du dossier médical des participants. Résultats. Des défauts dentaires ont été observés chez 26 (50,98%) des 51 sujets, la microdontie étant l’anomalie la plus prévalente (39,22%). Les participants des catégories haut risque et très haut risque ayant reçu de la chimiothérapie haute dose étaient significativement plus à risque de présenter une anomalie dentaire comparé à ceux de la catégorie risque standard ayant reçu la chimiothérapie conventionnelle (p=0.046). Un âge ≤ 5 ans au diagnostic augmentait significativement la prévalence et la sévérité des anomalies dentaires (p<0.001). Conclusion. Le traitement de la LAL pédiatrique affecte l’odontogénèse. Le groupe pronostique et le protocole de traitement ont augmenté le risque de développer au moins une anomalie dentaire. L’âge au diagnostic a affecté la prévalence et la sévérité des anomalies dentaires. / Objective. The main objective of this study is to assess the influence of the risk group to which the patient is assigned at diagnosis and the treatment protocol on the development and severity of dental anomalies in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The secondary aim was to confirm the results of previous studies that showed an increased number and severity of dental defects in children aged 0 to 5 years old at diagnosis. Hypothesis. In children treated for ALL, the prevalence and severity of dental anomalies will be the highest in those who were in the very high risk prognostic group, who received a combination of chemotherapy, total body irradiation and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and who were diagnosed before the age of 6 years old. Methods. Patients aged between 14 and 25 years old who received diagnosis of ALL before the age of 11 years were recruited at the Sainte-Justine Mother and Child University Hospital Center. Dental and radiographic examinations were performed. Data about the diagnosis, risk group and type of treatment received were collected from medical records. Results. Dental anomalies were recorded in 26 (50.98%) out of 51 subjects and microdontia was the most prevalent dental defect (39.22%). Participants in the high risk and very high risk categories receiving high-dose chemotherapy were significantly more likely to show a dental anomaly compared to those in the standard risk group receiving conventional chemotherapy (p=0.046). Age ≤5 years at diagnosis significantly increased the prevalence of dental anomalies and the severity rating (p<0.001). Conclusion. Therapy for childhood ALL affects the developing dentition. Risk group and treatment protocol influenced the odds of developing at least one dental anomaly. Age at diagnosis affected both the prevalence and severity of dental defects.

Dental and otologic problems in cleft lip and palate patients from Northern Finland:cleft associated problems

Lehtonen, V. (Ville) 23 August 2016 (has links)
Abstract Patients with orofacial clefts must overcome problems associated with their deformity including multiple surgeries, facial scarring, speech difficulties, dental problems and hearing loss. This study considered dental and hearing problems faced by cleft lip and palate patients in Northern Finland. The research aimed to determine prevalence of dental anomalies in cleft children, assess restorative treatment need and examine dental treatment necessary under general anesthesia. Other aims were to identify middle ear problems, need for ventilation tubes (VTs) among cleft children and examine the relationship between cleft severity, palatoplasty technique and hearing outcomes in cleft children aged between 3 and 9-years. The material comprised 214 cleft patients treated at Oulu University Hospital. In the dental study 26.6% had at least one dental anomaly while 17.9% had 2 or 3, most commonly missing or supernumerary teeth. In the general anesthesia study 11.5% had a syndrome and 52.4% of those with a syndrome aged 6-years-old needed restorative treatment. General anesthesia was required for dental treatment in 17.5% of cleft patients, mostly in those with a syndrome. In the middle ear study 79% had secretions in the middle ear during the study period. On average 3 VTs were placed in each patient. The prevalence of tympanic perforation was 35.9% and cholesteatoma occurred in 3.3%. In the hearing study pure tone average did not significantly differ between right and left ears and was unrelated to cleft severity or palatoplasty technique. Based on the dental study the severity of clefting increased with the prevalence of dental anomalies. The general anesthesia study found that need for restorations increased with cleft severity. The presence of a syndrome increased the need for dental treatment under general anesthesia. The middle ear study found that patients with cleft lip and palate and isolated cleft palate had more extensive clefts affecting Eustachian tube function with more frequent middle ear problems requiring more VTs than isolated cleft lip patients. Continuous presence of VTs increased the prevalence of tympanic perforation and cholesteatoma. The hearing study concluded that most of the 3 to 9 year-old cleft patients had normal hearing thresholds unaffected by cleft severity or palatoplasty technique. / Tiivistelmä Huuli- ja suulakihalkioihin liittyy monia haasteita kuten useita leikkauksia, näkyviä arpia, puheongelmia, hampaiston ongelmia ja kuulonalenemaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa perehdyttiin halkiolasten hampaiden ja kuulon ongelmiin Pohjois-Suomessa. Tutkimus selvitti halkiopotilaiden hampaiden anomalioiden esiintyvyyttä, hampaiden korjaavan hoidon tarvetta sekä hampaiden hoidon tarvetta yleisanestesiassa. Lisäksi selvitettiin välikorvaongelmia, ilmastointiputkien tarvetta sekä kuulontutkimustulosten yhteyttä halkion vakavuuden ja suulaen leikkaustekniikan välillä 3-9-vuotiailla halkiolapsilla. Aineisto koostui 214 halkiopotilaasta jotka hoidettiin Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Potilaista 26,6%:lla oli vähintään yksi ja 17,9%:lla kaksi tai kolme hammasanomaliaa. Yleisin anomalia oli puuttuvat tai ylilukuiset hampaat. Yleisanestesiassa hoidetuista potilaista 11,5%:lla oli syndrooma eli oireyhtymä, kaikkiaan yleisanestesiaa tarvitsi 17,5%. 6-vuotiaista syndroomapotilaista 52,4% tarvitsi hampaiden korjaavaa hoitoa. Korvien tutkimuksessa 79%:lla potilaista oli eritettä välikorvissa tutkimusjakson aikana. Jokaiselle potilaalle laitettiin ilmastointiputket keskimäärin 3 kertaa. Tärykalvon perforaatio havaittiin 35,9%:lla ja kolesteatooma todettiin 3,3%:lla. Oikean ja vasemman korvan välillä ei ollut merkittävää eroa kuulontutkimustuloksissa eikä niillä havaittu yhteyttä halkion vakavuuden tai suulaen leikkaustekniikan kanssa. Halkion vakavuus lisäsi hammasanomalioiden esiintyvyyttä sekä korjaavan hoidon tarvetta yleisanestesiassa. Syndrooma lisäsi myös korjaavan hoidon tarvetta yleisanestesiassa. Huuli- ja suulakihalkiopotilailla sekä suulakihalkiopotilailla laaja halkio vaikutti voimakkaasti korvatorven toimintaan ja näin ollen se lisäsi putkituksia vaativia korvaongelmia toisin kuin huulihalkiopotilailla joilla suulaki oli ehjä. Jatkuva ilmastointiputkien läsnäolo lisäsi tärykalvon perforaatioita ja kolesteatoomia. Kuitenkin enemmistöllä 3-9-vuotiaista halkiopotilaista kuulotutkimustulokset olivat normaalit.

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