Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derivatives action""
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Corporate law, derivative actions : a comparative approachCabral, Harsha, n/a January 1999 (has links)
This thesis is a culmination of a research of a particular branch of Corporate Law, which
has grown in several major parts of civilized jurisdictions. The thrust of the study was to
evaluate the past, present and the future of a particular type of action known in Corporate
Law under the umbrella of shareholder remedies - the 'Derivative Action' with emphasis
to develop the law in one jurisdiction profiting from another. The research thus reveals
how, when and where the so called action originated, the initial effects these actions had on
the corporate world including shareholders, companies and related persons natural or
juristic. Though much has been written by way of books, treatises and articles and several
researches have dealt with the common topic shareholder remedies in its broad perspect,
there is no separate study carried out on this topic in its global context with a comparative
focus. This study has therefore given me the drive, initiative and courage to look at the
conceptual view or the macro view of the so called 'Derivative Action' with of course
special emphasis on the Australian and Sri Lankan jurisdictions in its micro aspects. This, I
believe is the first time anyone has undertaken such a task. The study thus travels through
distant roads of common law action to the statutory form of the action in the relevant
jurisdictions and finds it driving with much purpose in jurisdictions such as Australia and
Sri Lanka which are both in the transitional era from the common law action to the
statutory action.
The research is based on the collection of material namely, case law - Australian, Sri
Lankan and international on the matters in issue, Legal treatises on the subject matter local
and international, Law reform material - Australian, Sri Lankan and international on the
topic, Bills and Statutes available on the topic in Australia, Sri Lanka and other countries.
I have met resource personnel with regard to Law Reform in several jurisdictions on the
matters in issue and visited the Australian Stock Exchange and the Colombo Stock
The research findings depend mainly on the electronic data available in addition to
resources available at the University of Canberra, the Australian National University,
Colombo Law Library, The Colombo Law Society Library and the Sri Lanka Supreme
Court Judges' Chambers Library and the Sri Lanka Attorney General's Department
Library. Visits to the McGill University in Montreal, Canada and the corporate law sector
in New Zealand, including Universities and Law Offices in Christchurch and Auckland too
has helped me considerably in the process.
Review of the literature of the proposed statutory Derivative Action in Australia and the
proposed statutory Derivative Action in Sri Lanka, are based mainly on; Enforcement of
the duties of directors and officers of a company by means of a statutory derivative action
(Report No. 12) Companies and Securities Law Review Committee. (November 1990.),
Corporate Practices and the Rights of Shareholders (Report of the House of
Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs) Parliament of
the Commonwealth of Australia. (November 1991.), Report on A Statutory Derivative
Action Companies and Securities Advisory Committee. (July 1993.), Corporate Law
Economic Reform Program (CLERP) Proposal Paper No 3 (1997), the CLERP draft
legislative provisions (1998), Australian case law on the application of the common law
Derivative Action, both in the High Court and in individual States and Australian articles
on Derivative Action as a common law remedy and on the introduction of the statutory
action. In the Sri Lankan context, the proposals in Sri Lanka for the statutory Derivative
Action and the case law in Sri Lanka on the application of the common law remedy has
been referred to. Other literature include, material available on the Canadian formula of
Derivative Action, including Statutes, Rules, case law, articles and other relevant data,
material available on the Derivative Actions in the United States, material available in New
Zealand on Derivative Actions, material available in England on Derivative Actions,
namely on the common law approach, case law, articles, Bills, Rules and other connected
material, Statutes on Derivative Actions in other jurisdictions at present and Hong Kong
proposals for a statutory Derivative Action, to name some.
The aforesaid material and the review of the same have assisted the study as follows:
-To place the past, present and the future of the common law Derivative Action.
-Examine the objectives of the Derivative Action.
-The operation of the common law aspects of the action.
-The benefits of the statutory form of the action.
-Experiences of other countries in the recent past on the subject.
-The Australian reform process presently underway.
-The best experiences in Australia with regard to case law.
-To evaluate whether the remedy should be limited to fraud on the minority or whether it
should be extended further even to negligence.
-How best Sri Lanka could benefit from the Australian formula of the statutory form of the
-To evaluate whether the proposed model of the statutory action in Sri Lanka is adequate in
view of the Australian and other accepted formulae on the subject.
-Whether the common law action should be expressly abolished in Sri Lanka.
-Consider the possible introduction of the best methods to Sri Lanka.
Finally, the research speaks for itself the need for a statutory Derivative Action for Sri
Lanka in the future, to be an improvement on the Canadian, New Zealand and Australian
models. The research findings, especially in its conclusions and recommendation in
Chapter 8, will no doubt help to improve the proposed statutory Derivative Action in Sri
Lanka in a small way.
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Ochrana práv menšinových akcionářů / The protection of minority shareholders' rightsVostřel, Michal January 2011 (has links)
(The protection of minority shareholders' rights) The theme of this thesis is the protection of minority shareholders' rights. This problem of joint-stock companies is very comprehensive. So that this thesis is focused on rights belonging to shareholders with qualified share in stated capital of company which are situated in § 181 and § 182 in the Czech Commercial Code. The thesis consists of eight chapters. In the first chapter the comment of basic terms connecting to this topic is presented. The term of joint-stock company and its characteristic features are briefly engaged. Further the terms shareholder and minority shareholder are specified. The second chapter is focused on historical development of minority shareholders' rights from 1991 when the Commercial Code was enacted to the future. Special attention is given to amendments to the Commercial Code by Acts No. 142/1996 Coll., No. 370/2000 Coll. and No. 420/2009 Coll. In the third chapter the general comment about reasons of protection of minority shareholders' rights is given and areas of protection of these shareholders are specialized. The fourth chapter is concentrated on the right of minority shareholders to convence an extraordinary general meeting to discuss the program which is suggested. The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic has a...
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Le renouveau de l'action oblique / The revival of the derivative actionTa, Isabelle 10 December 2018 (has links)
L'action oblique, ou la faculté pour le créancier de préserver son droit de gage général en exerçant les droits et actions négligés par son débiteur, est de ces mécanismes simples que l'on n'interroge plus. Le simple toilettage du texte du Code civil opéré par l'ordonnance du 10 février 2016 conforte cette attitude. La stabilité de son analyse n'est cependant due qu'à d'insatisfaisants compromis. Irréductible à une qualification unique de mesure conservatoire ou de voie d'exécution, la protection du droit de gage général que poursuit le créancier est en réalité duale : le créancier de somme d'argent cherche tantôt à assurer l'efficacité ultérieure de son droit de saisie, tantôt à obtenir immédiatement paiement. Ces fonctions traditionnelles, pour lesquelles l'action oblique est inadaptée, coexistent aux côtés d'une fonction nouvelle : prémunir le créancier d'obligation en nature et le titulaire de droits assimilés de toute atteinte à leurs droits. Mécanisme d'exécution forcée par obligation tierce préexistante, elle peut alors être utilisée en lieu et place de la responsabilité délictuelle du débiteur défaillant à l'égard de certains tiers. Cette évolution de la fonction de l'action oblique était contenue en germe dans son mécanisme. Le renouveau des fonctions s'explique par un renouveau de l'analyse de sa nature. Autorisant l'exercice des droits d'autrui, l'action oblique ne repose pas sur la représentation mais sur un droit propre original de substitution. Sans qu'ils soient réellement modifiés, cette qualification confère une acception nouvelle au domaine et une justification inédite au régime de l'action oblique, et ce tant dans ses conditions que dans ses effets. / The derivative action or the right for a creditor to claim the rights and actions of their neglectful debtor to protect their ulterior payment seems so familiar one no longer pays attention to it. This lack of attention seems all the more justified in light of the reform of February 10th 2016, which rewrote the article of the Civil Code without any real modification. But in truth, this understanding of the derivative action rests on unfulfilling compromises. Its understanding is obvious only at first glance. The derivative action can neither be reduced to a conservatory or a binding measure only, as the holder of the derivative action seeks at times to guarantee an ulterior seizing of property, and at other times to recover a debt of money. But these traditional functions, for which the derivative action may not be entirely appropriate, coexist with a newer one : allowing performance for the creditor of a debt in kind and holders of similar rights. Here the derivative action could be an answer to a debtor's liability towards specific third parties. This evolution could already be foreseen in the very mechanism of the derivative action. Actually, the renewed functions of the mechanism can be explained by the renewed attention paid to the analysis of its nature. By allowing one to exert a third party’s rights, the derivative action relies not on representation but on an original right of substitution. This new analysis brings along a new definition of the extent to which one is allowed to exert a third party’s rights, as well as a new explanation about both the circumstances and effects of the derivative action.
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Společnická žaloba / Action filed by company memberTrtková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Action filed by Company Member Diploma thesis Action filed by Company Member is focused on analysis of the problematic areas concerning action by a member followed by a suggestion of possible solutions to such issues. The thesis is also focused on alternative mechanisms inside the company and consideration concerning the (non-)usage of the institute in practice. The first chapter defines the nature and objectives of the action by a member. Subsequently concrete types of occurrence are briefly defined and the institute is put into historic connection with the rules stated in Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code. The second chapter focuses on analysis of the main problematic areas of the institute. The thesis focuses on problems concerning active legitimation and its consequences when it is lost during the proceedings. Chapter also deals with the issues concerning representation of the company during the proceedings and the loss of the right to represent the company. The duty to pay judicial fees and expenses of the legal representation (attorney's expenses) or the issues concerning limitation period are also important. The chapter discusses the influence of the reflective loss, which is stated in Section 213 of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. The third chapter deals with the...
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Le préjudice de l'actionnaire / Shareholder damagesKoray, Zoé Zeynep Can 06 December 2018 (has links)
Le préjudice de l'actionnaire est un sujet encore peu étudié en France alors qu'il soulève de nombreuses interrogations. A l'inverse de nombre de solutions reçues dans les droits étrangers, le droit français n'admet que peu sa réparation tant il reste lié à la distinction jurisprudentielle fondamentale entre préjudice purement personnel (réparable) et préjudice simple corollaire du préjudice social (non réparable). Pourtant, cette distinction n'est pas des plus satisfaisantes ni sur le plan théorique, ni sur le plan pratique. Elle est en outre remise partiellement en cause dès lors que le préjudice trouve sa source dans une infraction pénale, telle que la communication d'informations mensongères. Par ailleurs, l'internationalisation des mouvements de capitaux soulève de plus en plus fréquemment la question de la loi applicable ou du juge compétent (judiciaire ou arbitral également) relativement aux actions en justice des actionnaires. Cette étude se propose dès lors de fournir une appréciation critique du droit positif afin de tenter l'élaboration d'un droit prospectif. Les solutions existantes peuvent-elles et doivent-elles changer ? Pour adopter quel type de solutions ? / The subject of shareholder damages has seldom been studied in France. Nonetheless, it is a topic of much discussion and debate in legal circles. Unlike under some foreign laws, French law rarely permits the direct compensation of shareholder damages because of the summa divisio between the personal damage (recoverable) and the damage of the company (not recoverable). However, this distinction is not relevant both in terms of theory and practice. More doubt is cast on this distinction where the potential damage arises from an infringement of the penal law, such as the use of false or misleading information to induce shareholder reliance or action. Furthermore, the internationalisation of capital introduces conflicts of law and jurisdictional questions, asking the courts to first determine whether they are the proper authority to hear a shareholder’s case, and which nation’s laws to apply.This study presents a critical analysis of the positive law and proposes avenues of reforming French laws concerning shareholder damages. Should the existing remedies be changed ? Which remedies should be adopted to reverse the strict trends in French law against adequately compensating shareholders’ losses ?
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Robustness versus performance tradeoffs in PID tuningAmiri, Mohammad Sadegh 11 1900 (has links)
Proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller tuning guidelines in process industry have been in place for over six decades. Nevertheless despite their long design history PID tuning has remained an ‘art’ and no single comprehensive solution yet exists. In this study various considerations, with new and different perspectives, have been taken into account in PID tuning design. This study explores the issue of PID tuning from a practical point of view with particular focus on robust design in the presence of typical problems in process industry: process changes, valve stiction effects and unmeasured disturbances.
The IMC tuning rule is recommended for setpoint tracking, while in the case of regulation, a newly proposed tuning rule, based on a combination of IMC and Ziegler-Nichols method, is demonstrated to give satisfactory results. The results were evaluated by simulation and were also validated on a computer-interfaced pilot scale continuous stirred tank heater (CSTH) process. / Chemical Engineering
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Robustness versus performance tradeoffs in PID tuningAmiri, Mohammad Sadegh Unknown Date
No description available.
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