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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Convenience to the Cataloger or Convenience to the User?: An Exploratory Study of Catalogers’ Judgment

Hasenyager, Richard Lee, Jr. 05 1900 (has links)
This mixed-method study explored cataloger’s judgment through the presence of text as entered by catalogers for the 11 electronic resource items during the National Libraries test for Resource Description and Access (RDA). Although the literature discusses cataloger’s judgment and suggests that cataloging practice based on new cataloging code RDA will more heavily rely on cataloger’s judgment, the topic of cataloger’s judgment in RDA cataloging was not formally studied. The purpose of this study was to study the differences and similarities in the MARC records created as a part of the RDA National Test and to determine if the theory of bounded rationality could explain cataloger’s judgment based on the constructs of cognitive and temporal limits. This goal was addressed through a content analysis of the MARC records and various statistical tests (Pearson’s Chi-square, Fisher’s Exact, and Cramer’s V). Analysis of 217 MARC records was performed on seven elements of the bibliographic record. This study found that there were both similarities and differences among the various groups of participants, and there are indications that both support and refute the assertion that catalogers make decisions based on the constructs of time and cognitive ability. Future research is needed to be able to determine if bounded rationality is able to explain cataloger’s judgment; however, there are indicators that both support and refute this assertion. The findings from this research have implications for the cataloging community through the provision of training opportunities for catalogers, evaluating workflows, ensuring the proper indexing of bibliographic records for discovery, and recommended edits to RDA.

A proposed inventory method for analyzing the visual resources of Alaska's north slope

Laurizio, Daniel Gerard January 2011 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas State University Libraries

Computer architecture simulation using a register transfer language

Bartel, Lester. January 1986 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1986 B368 / Master of Science / Computing and Information Sciences

Display of arbitrary subgraphs for HPCOM-generated networks

Slipp, Walter Whitfield, 1964- January 1989 (has links)
Hardware description languages provide digital system designers with a convenient, compact method for describing complex circuits. A Hardware Programming Language (AHPL) is a powerful description language based on the APL programming language. AHPL circuit descriptions can be unambiguously translated into a logic gate network using the HPCOM hardware compiler. The initial discussion section covers the conversion of the VAX version of HPCOM into a version which will run on MS-DOS microcomputers. The major portion of the research focuses on the development, use, and application of a graphics display tool for HPCOM-generated networks. The display package, SUBGRAPH, allows selected subgraphs of a network to be viewed and/or printed. The discussion of this research concludes with an extensive example of the complete circuit generation and graphics display sequence. The printed graphics examples feature cases of particular interest for test generation.

Tractable reasoning with quality guarantee for expressive description logics

Ren, Yuan January 2014 (has links)
DL-based ontologies have been widely used as knowledge infrastructures in knowledge management systems and on the Semantic Web. The development of efficient, sound and complete reasoning technologies has been a central topic in DL research. Recently, the paradigm shift from professional to novice users, and from standalone and static to inter-linked and dynamic applications raises new challenges: Can users build and evolve ontologies, both static and dynamic, with features provided by expressive DLs, while still enjoying e cient reasoning as in tractable DLs, without worrying too much about the quality (soundness and completeness) of results? To answer these challenges, this thesis investigates the problem of tractable and quality-guaranteed reasoning for ontologies in expressive DLs. The thesis develops syntactic approximation, a consequence-based reasoning procedure with worst-case PTime complexity, theoretically sound and empirically high-recall results, for ontologies constructed in DLs more expressive than any tractable DL. The thesis shows that a set of semantic completeness-guarantee conditions can be identifed to efficiently check if such a procedure is complete. Many ontologies tested in the thesis, including difficult ones for an off-the-shelf reasoner, satisfy such conditions. Furthermore, the thesis presents a stream reasoning mechanism to update reasoning results on dynamic ontologies without complete re-computation. Such a mechanism implements the Delete-and-Re-derive strategy with a truth maintenance system, and can help to reduce unnecessary over-deletion and re-derivation in stream reasoning and to improve its efficiency. As a whole, the thesis develops a worst-case tractable, guaranteed sound, conditionally complete and empirically high-recall reasoning solution for both static and dynamic ontologies in expressive DLs. Some techniques presented in the thesis can also be used to improve the performance and/or completeness of other existing reasoning solutions. The results can further be generalised and extended to support a wider range of knowledge representation formalisms, especially when a consequence-based algorithm is available.

Tools for enterprises collaboration in virtual enterprises

Kumar, Sri K. January 2013 (has links)
Virtual Enterprise (VE) is an organizational collaboration concept which provides a competitive edge in the globalized business environment. The life cycle of a VE consists of four stages i.e. opportunity identification (Pre-Creation), partner selection (Creation), operation and dissolution. The success of VEs depends upon the efficient execution of their VE-lifecycles along with knowledge enhancement for the partner enterprises to facilitate the future formation of efficient VEs. This research aims to study the different issues which occur in the VE lifecycle and provides a platform for the formation of high performance enterprises and VEs. In the pre-creation stage, enterprises look for suitable partners to create their VE and to exploit a market opportunity. This phase requires explicit and implicit information extraction from enterprise data bases (ECOS-ontology) for the identification of suitable partners. A description logic (DL) based query system is developed to extract explicit and implicit information and to identify potential partners for the creation of the VE. In the creation phase, the identified partners are analysed using different risks paradigms and a cooperative game theoretic approach is used to develop a revenue sharing mechanism based on enterprises inputs and risk minimization for optimal partner selection. In the operation phases, interoperability remains a key issue for seamless transfer of knowledge information and data. DL-based ontology mapping is applied in this research to provide interoperability in the VE between enterprises with different domains of expertise. In the dissolution stage, knowledge acquired in the VE lifecycle needs to be disseminated among the enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. A DL-based ontology merging approach is provided to accommodate new knowledge with existing data bases with logical consistency. Finally, the proposed methodologies are validated using the case study. The results obtained in the case study illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of proposed methodologies in each stage of the VE life cycle.

Σχεδίαση και υλοποίηση ψηφιακού ολοκληρωμένου κυκλώματος για τον έλεγχο αντλίας ελέγχου φαρμάκου

Πασακαλίδης, Δημήτρης-Εμμανουήλ 28 May 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής ήταν η δημιουργία ενός testbench για το ηλεκτρονικό τμήμα της φορητής αντλίας έγχυσης φαρμάκου με χρήση σύριγγας. Η αντλία έγχυσης φαρμάκου με χρήση σύριγγας υπάρχει σε προγραμματιζόμενη και σε μη προγραμματιζόμενη έκδοση. Για την περίπτωση της προγραμματιζόμενης συσκευής χρησιμοποιείται, για τον έλεγχο, ένα TRIPLEX LCD σε συνδυασμό με τρία πλήκτρα (up, down, enter) και ένα Buzzer. Για τη μη προγραμματιζόμενη, που θα έχουμε σταθερό ρυθμό παλμοδότησης - έγχυσης φαρμάκου, δεν θα υπάρχουν τα εξωτερικά πλήκτρα και το display. Αρχικός στόχος ήταν η δημιουργία μιας μονάδας που να ενεργοποιεί τη συσκευή, να είναι ικανή να αλλάζει τις καταστάσεις της, να ενεργοποιεί όλα τα πιθανά σφάλματα και κάποια πιθανά mismatches, ώστε να διαπιστώνεται η σωστή λειτουργία της. Προφανώς για το σκοπό αυτό ήταν απαραίτητη η “αποκωδικοποίηση” όλων των πιθανών καταστάσεων της συσκευής. Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση, λοιπόν, ήταν η δημιουργία μιας οντότητας που να μπορεί, βάση προεπιλεγμένων εισόδων, να μεταβάλει την τρέχουσα κατάσταση της συσκευής. Η δυνατότητα επιλογής των εισόδων γίνεται με 3 διανύσματα εισόδων (λέξεις), το καθένα από τα οποία θα μεταβάλλει αντίστοιχα τη κατάσταση της συσκευής. Πρωταρχικός στόχος ήταν η δυνατότητα ενεργοποίησης της συσκευής, επιλογής του mode της (προγραμματιζόμενη ή μη) και εναλλαγής των καταστάσεών της. Για τη μη προγραμματιζόμενη συσκευή οι πιθανές καταστάσεις λειτουργίας της είναι η ΟΝ (ενεργοποιημένη) και η OFF (απενεργοποιημένη). Το μοτέρ λειτουργεί με σταθερό ρυθμό παλμοδότησης επομένως δεν υπάρχουν άλλες πιθανές καταστάσεις. Η προγραμματιζόμενη έχει τη δυνατότητα αλλαγής του ρυθμού κίνησης του μοτέρ. Η δυνατότητα αυτή παρέχεται από τα πλήκτρα UP και DOWN. Κάθε αλλαγή στην τιμή του ρυθμού κίνησης του δρομέα γίνεται αποδεκτή αν και μόνον αν πατηθεί το πλήκτρο ENTER. Οι καταστάσεις, λοιπόν, στις οποίες μπορεί να βρεθεί η συσκευή είναι οι: ΟΝ, ΟFF, UP, DOWN, ENTER, NO_ENTER, MODE 0, MODE 1. Οι καταστάσεις MODE 0, MODE 1, έχουν να κάνουν με την επιλογή της συσκευής. Η MODE 0 αφορά την επιλογή της προγραμματιζόμενης ενώ η MODE 1 τη μη προγραμματιζόμενη. Η NO_ENTER επιλέχθηκε για την περίπτωση που κατά τη μετάβαση σε μια UP ή DOWN κατάσταση δεν έχει πατηθεί τo ΕΝΤΕR. Η ενεργοποίηση των παραπάνω καταστάσεων θα γίνεται με επιβολή του αντίστοιχου bit στην τιμή “1”. Κατά την ενεργοποίηση της προγραμματιζόμενης συσκευής, πραγματοποιούνται κάποιοι έλεγχοι. Στην κατάσταση ΟΝ, το κύκλωμα επίβλεψης της μπαταρίας ανιχνεύει την κατάσταση low battery και dead battery, ενώ ταυτόχρονα ελέγχεται αν οι συχνότητες παλμοδότησης του κινητήρα f1και f2 διαφέρουν περισσότερο από 5%. Πραγματοποιούνται , λοιπόν, κάποιοι έλεγχοι που σαν στόχο έχουν την ανίχνευση σφάλματος στη λειτουργία της συσκευής. Σκοπός, λοιπόν, του δεύτερου διανύσματος ελέγχου είναι η ενεργοποίηση αυτών των σφαλμάτων ώστε να διαπιστωθεί η εύρυθμη λειτουργία των διεργασιών ανίχνευσής των από τη συσκευή. Επιλέχθηκε για το σκοπό αυτό ένα διάνυσμα εισόδου, ενεργοποίησης αυτών των σφαλμάτων, 7 bits. Για να γίνει η συσκευή ΟΝ πρέπει, εκτός των άνω επιτυχών ελέγχων, όλες οι διπλές είσοδοι (mode1-mode2, run1-run2, pause1-pause2) να μην έχουν διαφορετική τιμή (mismatch). Aν συμβεί οποιοδήποτε mismatch error στις εισόδους αυτές χτυπά το buzzer. Η πρόκληση αυτού του σφάλματος έγινε με ένα διάνυσμα εισόδου 5 bits. Υλοποιήθηκαν, λοιπόν, τρεις οντότητες καθεμία εκ των οποίων προκαλούσε μεταβολή στην τρέχουσα κατάσταση της συσκευής, είτε σφάλμα είτε απλώς μετάβαση από OFF σε ON κλπ. Η τελική σύνδεση των τριών οντοτήτων σε μία και η επικοινωνία αυτής της οντότητας με τη συσκευή αποτέλεσε το τελικό στάδιο της διπλωματικής. Η καταγραφή των εξομοιώσεων και η όλη συμπεριφορά του υλοποιηθέν μοντέλου απέδειξε τη σωστή επικοινωνία του με τη συσκευή . Ο κώδικας περιγραφής του μοντέλου εκσφαλμάτωσης της συσκευής έγινε σε VHDL ενώ για τις εξομοιώσεις χρησημοποιήθηκε ο εξομοιωτής της Model Technology V-System και Model Sim. / --

Transient observations : the textualizing of St Helena through five hundred years of colonial discourse

Schulenburg, Alexander Hugo January 1999 (has links)
This thesis explores the textualizing of the South Atlantic island of St Helena (a British Overseas Territory) through an analysis of the relationship between colonizing practices and the changing representations of the island and its inhabitants in a range of colonial 'texts', including historiography, travel writing, government papers, creative writing, and the fine arts. Part I situates this thesis within a critical engagement with post-colonial theory and colonial discourse analysis primarily, as well as with the recent 'linguistic turn' in anthropology and history. In place of post-colonialism's rather monolithic approach to colonial experiences, I argue for a localised approach to colonisation, which takes greater account of colonial praxis and of the continuous re-negotiation and re-constitution of particular colonial situations. Part II focuses on a number of literary issues by reviewing St Helena's historiography and literature, and by investigating the range of narrative tropes employed (largely by travellers) in the textualizing of St Helena, in particular with respect to recurrent imaginings of the island in terms of an earthly Eden. Part III examines the nature of colonial 'possession' by tracing the island's gradual appropriation by the Portuguese, Dutch and English in the sixteenth and early seventeenth century and the settlement policies pursued by the English East India Company in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. Part IV provides an account of the changing perceptions, by visitors and colonial officials alike, of the character of the island's inhabitants (from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century) and assesses the influence that these perceptions have had on the administration of the island and the political status of its inhabitants (in the mid- to late twentieth century). Part V, the conclusion, reviews the principal arguments of my thesis by addressing the political implications of post-colonial theory and of my own research, while also indicating avenues for further research. A localised and detailed exploration of colonial discourse over a period of nearly five hundred years, and a close analysis of a consequently wide range of colonial 'texts', has confirmed that although colonising practices and representations are far from monolithic, in the case of St Helena their continuities are of as much significance as their discontinuities.

A grammar of Sierra Popoluca (Soteapanec, a Mixe-Zoquean language)

De Jong Boudreault, Lynda Juliet 19 August 2010 (has links)
This dissertation is a comprehensive description of the grammar of Sierra Popoluca (SP, aka Soteapanec), a Mixe-Zoquean language spoken by approximately 28,000 people in Veracruz, Mexico. This grammar begins with an introduction to the language, its language family, a typological overview of the language, a brief history of my fieldwork, and the methodology undertaken in this study. The grammar continues with a description of the phonology of SP, followed by an overview of the word classes, including verbs, nouns, relational nouns/postpositions, adjectives, adverbs, and numbers, and formative types. The bulk of this grammar is devoted to the morphosyntax of Sierra Popoluca, including nouns and nominal morphology, verbs and verbal morphology, and the mechanisms for expressing tense, aspect, mood, and modality. The grammar also describes the complex predicate formation strategies and sentence-level syntax. A compilation of interlinearized texts appears in the appendix. Sierra Popoluca is an agglutinating, polysynthetic, head-marking language with a complex verbal system. It has ergative-absolutive alignment and its grammar is sensitive to animacy and saliency hierarchies, evident in the case marking and `split' plural systems. Its constituent order is verb-initial, although word order is pragmatically determined. Sierra Popoluca has a number of strategies to form complex predicates, which include verb serialization, noun incorporation, and dependent verb constructions. The data available in this grammar contributes a body of data and descriptive analysis to broad theoretical areas of linguistics as well as existing research on the Mixe-Zoquean language family, languages throughout Mesoamerica, and especially the Gulf branch of the Zoquean family. / text


吳宗鍵, Wu,Adison Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的蓬勃發展帶動了電子商務的興起以及後續而來的許多技術。在電子商務中,企業希望能夠利用網路的特性加速商業流程、降低交易成本,換句話說,企業希望能夠做到資訊系統的動態整合。ebXML是一以此為目標的發展計畫。其所用的技術包括了SOAP、UDDI、WSDL和XML等技術。其中的UDDI是一應用於服務搜尋的技術,其目的是幫助企業尋找網路服務。透過UDDI,企業能夠尋找到網路上符合需求的網路服務,之後才能開始進行後續動作。但是目前的UDDI僅提供了最基礎的搜尋指令,和一般使用者的搜尋習慣並不相同。 本研究藉由分析UDDI規格和使用者習慣,嘗試設計出一套能夠幫助使用者在UDDI上更快速、有效地尋找到相關資訊的系統。

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