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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A solid state laser system for high resolution spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition in muonium

Cornish, Simon Lee January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

A solid state laser system for Doppler-free spectroscopy of muonium

Bakule, Pavel January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Charakterizace vibračních módů složek nukleových kyselin pomocí variabilní proton-deuteriové výměny / Vibrational modes of nucleic acids components characterized by means of variable proton-deuterium exchange

Zoul, David January 2010 (has links)
Although the nucleon acid oscillatory spectra have been studied for a long period of time, many of oscillating modes have not been properly explained regarding their geometric sensitivity and weak binding. One of the possibilities how to acquire experimental data for interpretation of theese modes is to confront oscillating spectra of isotopes. The simplest is proton - deutron exchange. When molecules dissolve in heavy water they rapidly exchange the heteroatoms, but this is simultaneous for more stages, which leads to dynamic equilibrium state among various isotope forms. Statistic analysis of temporal progression of Raman spectra give us the possibility to analyze the spectra and to obtain unique experimental data. This technique is very promising for more complex nucleon acid segments to gain more structural information. This diploma thesis represents pilot study of introduced methodics. The objective is to implement adaptation of Raman spectrometr for given types of expiments and undertake first series of measurements. The results should clarify application bounds of proposed method refering to sensitivity, time constant of incident isotope exchange, severity of read-out in comparasion of achieved accuracy of the measurement.

Panagrolaimus superbus tolera troca total, homogênea e instantânea de sua matriz de H2O por D2O: estudos de sua aquaporina / Panagrolaimus superbus tolerates the total, homogeneous and immediate exchange of its H2O matrix to D2O: studies on its aquaporin

De Carli, Gabriel José 20 September 2018 (has links)
O nematoide de vida livre Panagrolaimus superbus é uma espécie anidrobiótica, ou seja, possui a capacidade de sobreviver ao estresse hídrico extremo adentrando no estado de anidrobiose. Durante tal estado adquiri tolerância a extremos de temperatura (~0 K a +151 °C), pressões hidrostáticas (1,2 GPa) e radiação ionizante. Entretanto, não se sabe qual a tolerância a água deuterada, molécula que possui dois átomos de deutério (isótopo estável e natural do hidrogênio) ao invés do hidrogênio, que em altas concentrações afeta negativamente sistemas biológicos. Além disso, uma vez que o processo de anidrobiose depende do movimento de moléculas de água pela membrana plasmática da célula, não se sabe se os canais responsáveis por este transporte, as aquaporinas, de espécies anidrobióticas possuem alguma particularidade na sua estrutura. Em vista disso, o objetivo deste trabalho visa investigar se em concentrações de 10%, 40% e 99,9% D2O, tanto de modo crônico quanto agudo, P. superbus tem sua viabilidade, crescimento populacional e desenvolvimento alterados. Além disso, a comparação in silico da sequência de aminoácidos (estrutura primária) entre aquaporinas de espécies anidrobióticas e não anidrobióticas, com ênfase nas sequências genéticas de P. superbus foi feita. Os resultados encontrados demonstram a alta tolerância de P. superbus a concentrações relativamente elevadas de D2O, não tendo sua viabilidade e desenvolvimento alterados em nenhum cenário, mesmo com uma troca total, homogênea e instantânea de sua matriz aquosa. Efeitos negativos foram encontrados apenas no crescimento populacional após exposição 10%, 40% e 99,9% D2O, contudo não o inviabilizaram. Ademais, não foram encontradas grandes diferenças entre as sequências primárias de aquaporinas de anidrobiotos e não anidrobiotos, sugerindo que estes canais de água não divergem em estrutura terciária entre tais grupos. Dos dois ESTs encontrados em P. superbus (números de acesso no NCBI: GW411914.1 e GW408200.1) o primeiro deles é o provável representante do gene da aquaporina na espécie, enquanto que o segundo aparenta ser um transcrito não codificante de proteínas. / The free-living nematode Panagrolaimus superbus is an anhydrobiotic species, it means that this species has the capacity to survive extreme water stress entering into the state of anhydrobiosis. During such a state, it acquires tolerance to extremes of temperature (~ 0 K to +151 °C), hydrostatic pressures (1.2 GPa) and ionizing radiation. However, the tolerance to deuterium oxide is poorly investigated. This molecule has two atoms of deuterium (natural and stable isotope of hydrogen) rather than hydrogen and in high concentrations negatively affects biological systems. Furthermore, since the process of anhydrobiosis depends on the movement of water molecules across the cell membrane, it is unclear whether the channels responsible for this transport, aquaporins, of anhydrobiotic species have some particularity in their structures. In view of this, the work aims to investigate whether P. superbus has its viability, population growth and development altered at concentrations of 10%, 40% and 99.9% D2O in chronic and acute expositions. In addition, the in silico analyses of amino acid sequence (primary structure) of aquaporins between anhydrobiotic and non-anhydrobiotic species, with emphasis at the P. superbus genetic sequences, were performed. The results demonstrated the high tolerance of P. superbus at high concentrations of D2O, their viability and development did not change in any scenario, even with a total, homogeneous and instantaneous exchange of their aqueous milieu. Negative effects were found only on population growth after exposure to 10%, 40% and 99.9% D2O, although not hindering the procedure. Furthermore, no significant differences were found between the primary aquaporin sequences of anhydrobiotic and non-anhydrobiotic species, suggesting that these water channels do not differ in tertiary structure between such groups. Two ESTs found in P. superbus, (NCBI access numbers: GW411914.1 and GW408200.1): the first likely corresponds to the aquaporin gene in the species, while the second appears to be a noncoding transcript.

Composição corporal, status inflamatório e nutricional de cães em pós-cirúrgico alimentados com dieta formulada com altos teores de gordura, proteína e ácidos graxos poli-insaturados ômega-3 / Body composition, inflammatory and nutritional status in post- surgical dogs fed with diet formulated with high levels of fat, protein and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

Bonder, Brana Sanctos Alô 02 June 2017 (has links)
Os ácidos graxos poli-insaturados da família Ω-3 são classificados como possíveis agentes anti-inflamatórios devido à formação de eicosanóides inflamatórios menos potentes. Cães no período pós-cirúrgico ou com câncer podem desenvolver resposta inflamatória exacerbada, o que pode ser danoso ao organismo. Assim, a intervenção nutricional é parte da terapia para suporte do sistema imune e da modulação da inflamação. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a modulação da resposta inflamatória, o status nutricional e a composição corporal de cadelas no período pós- cirúrgico consumindo dieta com alto teor de proteína, gordura, EPA e DHA. Doze animais foram incluídos e divididos em dois grupos experimentais que receberam dietas distintas: grupo A - ração para cão adulto em manutenção sem EPA e DHA; grupo B - ração teste com alto teor de proteínas, gordura e EPA/DHA por meio de enriquecimento da dieta com óleo de peixe. Mensurações séricas de TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10, IGF-1, proteína C reativa (PCR); determinação da composição corporal por deutério; e parâmetros nutricionais laboratoriais foram realizados em intervalos periódicos ao longo de 51 dias. Testes estatísticos paramétricos e não paramétricos foram utilizados para comparar a quantidade de nutrientes ingeridos e efeito da ingestão de óleo de peixe nos parâmetros inflamatórios, nutricionais e na porcentagem de massa muscular (MM) e gordura corporal (GC). Não foram observadas diferenças nas concentrações de citocinas (pgt;0,05) nem de PCR (p= 0,51) entre as dietas. Quando considerado o tipo de dieta independente do tempo de análise, pôde-se constatar que o grupo B teve maior concentração de IGF-1 (p=0,04), MM (p<0,01) e menor GC (p<0,01), no qual os dois últimos parâmetros tiveram correlação positiva com escore de condição corporal e muscular avaliados no exame físico. Conclui-se que o teor de EPA e DHA na concentração avaliada neste estudo não foi suficiente para modular a inflamação, mas apresenta potencial efeito benéfico na manutenção da massa muscular. / Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids family are said to be anti-inflammatory agents due to the formation of less potent inflammatory eicosanoids. Dogs in the post-surgical or with cancer can develop an unwanted inflammatory response, which can be harmful to these. Thus, nutritional intervention is part of the therapy for the support of the immune system and the modulation of inflammation. The objective of this study was to verify the inflammatory response modulation, nutritional status and body composition of bitches in the post-surgical period consuming diet with high protein, fat, EPA and DHA content. Twelve bitches were included and divided into two groups receiving different diets: group A extrused dry feed for adult dogs in maintenance without EPA and DHA; Group B - extrused dry feed with high protein, fat and EPA/DHA levels through dietary enrichment with fish oil. Serum measurements of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10, IGF-1, C-reactive protein (CRP); determination of body composition by deuterium; and nutritional laboratories parameters were performed at periodic intervals over 51 days. Parametric and non-parametric statistical tests were used to compare the amount of nutrients ingested and the effect of fish oil intake on inflammatory, nutritional parameters and percentage of muscle mass (MM) and body fat (BF). There were no differences in cytokines (p> 0.05) or CRP (p = 0.51) concentrations between diets. When considering the type of diet independent of the time of analysis, it can be seen that group B had a higher concentration of IGF-1 (p = 0.04), MM (p < 0.01) and lower BF (p <0.01), which the last two parameters had a positive correlation with body and muscle condition score assessed on physical examination. It is concluded that the EPA and DHA content of this study can not modulate the inflammation, but has a potential beneficial effect on the maintenance of the body composition.

Variações paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas durante o holoceno no Rio Grande do Norte a partir do estudo de registros geoquímicos de sedimentos de lagos e cavernas / Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic variations during the Holocene at Rio Grande do Norte inferred from studies about sediment geochemistry of lakes and caves

Utida, Giselle 22 January 2016 (has links)
A porção norte da região Nordeste do Brasil é uma das áreas mais interessantes para estudo dos mecanismos e processos relacionados à variação de pluviosidade dos trópicos, pois a maior parte da precipitação anual está associada à migração meridional da Zona de Convergência Intertropical do Atlântico (ZCIT). O clima no Nordeste sofreu alterações durante o Holoceno, no entanto, as interpretações paleoclimáticas são ainda muito controversas devido a pequena quantidade de estudos. De forma a contribuir para a discussão sobre mudanças paleoclimáticas e paleoambientais do Nordeste brasileiro, este estudo realizou análises geoquímicas, micropaleontológicas, biogeoquímica e de isótopos de deuterium e carbono em sedimentos lacustres e guano, e análises de isótopos de oxigênio e carbono em espeleotemas do Holoceno Médio e Tardio. Os estudos da Lagoa do Boqueirão sugeriram que sua formação ocorreu devido a dinâmica fluvio-eólica, que resultou em barramentos dos canais fluviais durante o período úmido do Holoceno. A transição entre o sistema fluvial e lacustre, que marca o barramento, foi definido em torno de 4.500 anos BP pela substituição de espículas de esponjas, tipicamente fluviais, pelas diatomáceas lacustres, predominantemente Mastogloia smithii var. lacustres. Foi demonstrado que a formação e as flutuações da profundidade da Lagoa do Boqueirão não estavam associadas a precipitação regional. As variações paleoclimáticas da Lagoa do Boqueirão e da Caverna do Trapiá puderam ser acessadas através dos dados de \'delta\'D em ácidos n-alcanóicos de 28 carbonos, produzidos por vegetação terrestre e macrófitas aquáticas, e dados de \'\'delta\'POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas. Valores mais positivos (negativos) desses isótopos indicaram que durante o MCA (LIA) a região apresentava condições de seca (umidade), devido ao posicionamento mais ao Norte (Sul) da ZCIT, que migrou em direção ao Hemisfério mais aquecido de acordo com a correlação observada com a Oscilação Multidecadal do Atlântico (OMA). A porção norte do NEB apresentou paleoclima diferente em relação ao da porção sul do NEB durante o LIA, que estava seco devido ao deslocamento da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS) mais para sul, assim como a ZCIT, que não afetou a porção sul do NEB. Mudanças paleoambientais foram também definidas com base na idade de sequências sedimentares clásticas datadas por LOI e pelos depósitos de guano em condutos de cavernas em Felipe Guerra-RN. A deposição de sedimentos terrígenos na caverna Urubu entre 7 to 4 ky B.P. cave foi cronologicamente associada a clima mais úmido, o que é apoiado pelo baixos valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O values de espeleotemas. Esse período também foi marcado pelo aumento da contribuição de de carbono orgânico do solo como indicado por valores mais baixos de \'\'delta\'POT.13\'C dos mesmos espeleotemas. Uma transição abrupta para clima mais seco pode está associada ao final da sedimentação clástica na caverna por volta de 4.2 ky devido a interrupção do fluxo do rio subterrâneo e completa erosão do solo ao redor da caverna. A erosão do solo é ressaltada por altos valores de \'\'delta\'POT.13\'C dos espeleotemas próximos aos da rocha encaixante (~0 %0). Estes resultados demonstraram uma relação entre preenchimento sedimentar da caverna Urubu com a formação e erosão de solo na sua volta. Esse aumento de aridez, particularmente nos últimos três mil anos na região, foi também importante para preservação de depósitos de guano sobre os sedimentos clásticos, visto que esse material é bastante solúvel. As idades das camadas de guano foram utilizadas para definir períodos de alta ocupação das cavernas por morcegos entre 1730 and 677 cal. anos A.P. e 200 cal anos A.P. até o recente. Durante o evento MCA houve redução na acumulação de guano que levou a um hiato deposicional por conta que o clima seco desfavoreceu a sobrevivência dos morcegos na região. A acumulação de guano voltou a ocorrer a 200 anos atrás, provavelmente porque a população de morcegos foi reestabelecida, devido a clima mais úmido. / The northern sector of Nordeste of Brazil (NEB) is one of the most interesting regions to study mechanisms and processes related to fluctuations tropical rainfall, as the majority of annual precipitation is associated to the meridional migration of Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Climate in NEB changed during the Holocene, although paleoclimatic interpretations are still controversial due to small number of studies. This study contribute to the discussion about paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes of NEB by using geochemistry, micropaleontological, biogeochemistry and deuterium and carbon isotope analyses in lacustrine sediments and bat guano, and also speleothem isotope records from middle to late Holocene. Studies from Boqueirão Lake suggested that its formation occurred due to the fluvio-eolian dynamic, which resulted in blockage of fluvial channels during the holocenic humid period. Transition between fluvial and lacustrine system recorded the barrage formation and was defined around 4,500 years BP and suggested by the substitution of fluvial sponge spicules to lacustrine diatoms, mainly Mastogloia smithii var. lacustres, preserved in sediments. These data demonstrated that depth fluctuations of Boqueirão Lake were not associated to local precipitation accumulation. Paleoclimatic changes were reconstructed from Boqueirão Lake and Trapiá Cave based on \'delta\'D of n-alkanoic acids of 28 carbons, which are produced by terrestrial vegetation and macrophytes, and from \'\'delta\'POT.18\'O of speleothems. More positive (negative) isotope ratios indicate persistent dry (wet) climatic conditions during the MCA (LIA) there, due to a north (south) displacement of ITCZ. This climate system migrated toward the warmest ocean according to the correlation with Atlantic Multidecal Oscillation (AMO). The northern portion of the NEB (nNEB) presented different paleoclimate conditions when compared to the southern NEB portion (sNEB) during the LIA. LIA in sNEB was dry due to the displacement of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) to a southernmost position. Paleoenvironmental changes were attested by determining the age of clastic sequences filling cave conduits dated by OSL method and also by radiocarbon in bat guano. The deposition of terrigenous sediments in Urubu cave from 7 to 4 ky B.P. cave was chronologically associated with more humid climate indicated by low \'\'delta\'POT.8\'O values in speleothems. In addition, this period was marked by increased contribution of organic carbon from soil indicated by negative values of \'\'delta\'POT.13\'C of the same speleothems. An abrupt transition to dry climate was indicated by the end of clastic sedimentation at about 4.2 ky because interruption of underground river flow and complete erosion of soil surrounding the cave as indicated by abrupt enrichment of \'\'delta\'POT.13\'C values of speleothems, reaching values similar to the carbonate bedrock (~0 %o). These data demonstrated the relationship between the sedimentary filling of the Urubu Cave and the formation and soil erosion in the region. These predominant dry conditions during last three millenniums in the region were also important for preservation ofbat Guano deposits above terrigenous sediments. The chronological data of guano was also used to indicate two periods of high accumulation associated with intense occupation of caves by bat colonies between 1,730 and 677 years cal BP and 200 cal years BP until recently. During the MCA occurred a reduction in guano accumulation until a complete hiatus, because dry conditions did not favor bats survival. Guano deposit accumulated again only 200 years ago, when the population of bats restored with stabilization of relatively humid conditions.

Kinetics and mechanisms of hydrogen isotope exchange over solid storage media

Owens, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Hydrogen isotope separation systems using palladium (Pd) are currently being designed for both reactor designs with the aim of separating and purifying the reactor exhaust products which contain valuable unspent hydrogen isotopes. Hydrogen isotope exchange in Pd offers an efficient, ambient condition process that can produce pure isotopic species in a process far simpler and less costly than the current state of the art cryogenic distillation processes. The method is applicable whether separating hydrogen (protium), deuterium or tritium and any combination of these. If practical fusion devices are ever to be realised it is essential to produce an economical and efficient fuel cycle capable of separating and purifying hydrogen isotopes. Hydrogen isotope exchange in Pd is also of interest to the waste separation and purification industries, in particular those using hydrogen separation membranes which used Pd and Pd-alloy membranes. Understanding hydrogen isotope exchange, with particular regard to the formation of the intermediate (and often unwanted) hydrogen deuteride (HD), will aid significantly in future designs of hydrogen isotope separation systems. Novel hydrogen isotope exchange experiments involving hydrogen and deuterium at a number of temperatures (208 K, 293 K and 373 K) and pressures (1.3 bar – 8 bar) not yet explored are presented in this thesis. The experiments were carried out on a unique piece of laboratory apparatus provided to and further developed at the University of Bath. Alongside experimentation, a novel comprehensive multidimensional multi-physics model has been created to analyse the experimental data obtained using the new apparatus and elucidate the kinetics and mechanisms of the reactions occurring between hydrogen isotopic species and Pd during hydrogen isotope exchange based on Langmuir-Hinshelwood surface reaction mechanism. The surface reaction rates, kinetic rate constants and heat effects have been examined in detail, and in tandem, for the first time.

Vapor phase photochemistry of cyanopyridines and pyridine. Deuterium labeling studies

Laohhasurayotin, Somchoke 05 May 2005 (has links)
The vapor phase photochemistry of the three isomeric cyanopyridines and the three methylpyridines was studied by irradiating their vapors at 254 nm. It was found that direct irradiation of any one cyanopyridine isomer resulted in the formation of the other two isomers of cyanopyridine or methylpyridines respectively. The reactivity of each isomer was found to be different. This was suggested to be based on the stability of their azaprefulvene intermediates formed during interconversion. The phototransposition of these molecules was suggested to result from 2,6-bonding, nitrogen migration around the five sides of cyclopentenyl ring followed by rearomatization. This mechanism was found to be consistent with the results of deuterium labeling studies of cyanopyridines These result suggest that cyanopyridines undergo phototransposition via the intermediacy of azaprefulvenes instead of Dewar-pyridine and azaprismane. Thus, photochemical studies showed that the six trideuteriopyridine isomers constitute two separate photochemical triads. Each triad consists of three isomers that are photointerconverting upon irradiation at 254 nm in the vapor phase. Similary, it was found that the three isomeric tetradeuteriopyridine isomers also constitute a photochemical triad and are interconverting upon irradiation at 254 nm in the vapor phase. These phototranspositions are best explained by the cyclization, nitrogen migration, and rearomatization mechanism. These results are in contrast to the long-held belief that pyridine is photostable in the vapor phase. Instead, unlabeled pyridine undergoes a hidden phototransposition leading back to itself.

Crescimento de grafeno por cvd e sua interação físico-química com hidrogênio / Graphene growth by CVD and its physicochemical interaction with hydrogen

Feijó, Tais Orestes January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho estuda a produção e modificações físico-químicas do grafeno frente a tratamentos térmicos. Em uma primeira etapa, foi investigada a síntese de grafeno pela técnica de Deposição Química a partir da fase Vapor (CVD) sobre fitas de cobre. Nós variamos quatro parâmetros que influenciam no crescimento de grafeno: fluxo de metano (CH4), fluxo de hidrogênio (H2), tempo de crescimento e grau de pureza do cobre. Usando as técnicas de caracterização de espectroscopia Raman e microscopia óptica, observamos que fluxo menor de H2 e fluxo intermediários de CH4 favorecem o crescimento de grafeno de alta qualidade. Além disso, vimos que 15 minutos de crescimento de grafeno é suficiente para cobertura do substrato de cobre com grafeno. Por fim, foi visto que o maior grau de pureza do cobre permite a produção de monocamadas de grafeno mais homogêneas. Numa segunda etapa, foi realizado um estudo com objetivo de entender a interação de hidrogênio com monocamadas de grafeno. Nós usamos amostras de grafeno depositadas em filmes de SiO2 (285 nm)/Si e tratadas termicamente em atmosfera controlada de deutério (99,8%) em temperaturas entre 200 e 800 °C. Nós também investigamos a dessorção de hidrogênio do grafeno usando amostras previamente tratadas em deutério a 600 °C e depois tratadas em atmosfera controlada de nitrogênio em temperaturas entre 200 e 800 °C. Após os tratamentos, análise por reação nuclear (NRA) foi realizada para quantificar o deutério, onde nós observamos uma grande incorporação de deutério no grafeno acima de 400 °C, tendo um aumento moderado até 800 °C. Nós também observamos que a dessorção do deutério do grafeno ocorre apenas em 800 °C, embora a dessorção de deutério do óxido de silício ocorra a partir de 600°C. Espectroscopia Raman também foi realizada após cada tratamento térmico. Os resultados mostram que os defeitos na estrutura do grafeno têm um grande aumento para as etapas de maior temperatura na incorporação de deutério. Análises realizadas com Espectroscopia de Fotoelétrons Induzidos por Raios X (XPS) mostraram que a incorporação de deutério para maiores temperaturas causa o "etching" do grafeno. Por fim, caracterizações usando Espectroscopia de Absorção de Raios X (NEXAFS) mostraram que o deutério liga-se ao grafeno sem orientação preferencial. / The present work studies the production and physical-chemical modifications of the graphene under thermal annealings. In a first study, the graphene synthesis by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) on copper foils was investigated. We varied four parameters that influence the growth of graphene: methane flow (CH4), hydrogen flow (H2), growth time and copper purity. Using Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy, we observed that lower flux of H2 and intermediate flux of CH4 leads to the growth of high quality graphene. In addition, we observed that 15 minutes growth of graphene is sufficient to cover the copper substrate. A higher copper purity allows the production of homogeneous graphene monolayers. In a second step, a study was carried out to understand the interaction of hydrogen with graphene monolayers. We used graphene samples deposited on SiO2 (285 nm)/Si films and annealed in a controlled atmosphere of deuterium (99.8%) at temperatures between 200 and 800 °C. We also investigated the hydrogen desorption of graphene using samples previously treated in deuterium at 600 °C and then annealed in a controlled atmosphere of nitrogen at temperatures between 200 and 800 °C. After the annealings, nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) was performed to quantify the deuterium, where we observed a large incorporation of deuterium in graphene above 400 °C, with a moderate increase up to 800 °C. We also observed that desorption of deuterium occurs only at 800 °C, although deuterium desorption from silicon oxide occurs at 600 °C. Raman spectroscopy was also performed after each annealing. The results show that defects in the structure of graphene have a large increase for deuterium incorporation. Analyzes carried out with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) showed that the deuterium incorporation at higher temperatures leads to graphene etching. Finally, characterizations using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (NEXAFS) showed that deuterium binds to graphene without preferential orientation.

Carbon burning in stars : an experimental study of the 12C(12C, p)23Na reaction towards astrophysical energies

Morales Gallegos, Elia Lizeth January 2018 (has links)
Fusion reactions between 12C nuclei are among the most important in stellar evolution since they determine the destiny of massive stars (> 8 M). At thermonuclear energies (Ecm=1.5 ± 0.3 MeV), the 12C+12C reactions mainly proceed through 20Ne+α and 23Na+p channels. Since these energies are much lower than the height of the Coulomb barrier (Ecm= 6.1 MeV), the direct measurements of the 12C+12C reactions are very challenging because of the extremely small cross sections involved and the high beam-induced background originating from impurities in the targets. In addition, the 12C+12C reaction forms 24Mg at relatively high excitation energies (above the 12C 13.93 MeV thresholds) where molecular configurations are possible. Theoretical models fail to reproduce such structures and as a result, the extrapolation of high-energy cross section data towards the energy of astrophysical interest remain uncertain by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Further experimental efforts to measure at the lowest accessible energies are therefore in need. However, additionally to the extremely low cross sections and the resonant structure, the measurements at stellar energies of the 12C+12C reactions are troublesome due to natural hydrogen and deuterium contamination in the carbon targets. These target contaminants hamper the measurement of the 12C+12C process in all exit channels given that the 12C+1,2H reactions cross sections are considerably higher than that of the reaction of interest. In consequence, the use of ultra-low H content graphite targets and a study of the target behaviour under beam bombardment are necessary. This work focused on the experimental measurements of the 12C(12C,p)23Na and 12C(12C,α)20Ne reactions using charge particle detection. Although both channels were measured, only the proton channel was analysed and discussed in this thesis due to time constrains. The experiment was performed at the 3 MV pelletron tandem accelerator of the CIRCE (Centre for Isotopic Research on the Cultural and Environmental heritage) laboratory in Caserta, Italy. The experimental approach involved the development of optical calculations for optimal beam transportation (using the software COSY), the use of a four ΔE-Erest detectors system (a variable pressure CF4 ionization chamber used as the ΔE detector and a 300 mm2 Si detector used as the Erest) called GASTLY (GAs Silicon Two-Layer sYstem) and a study of the deuterium (hydrogen does not contribute to the beam-induced background at the detection angles and beam energies used here) contamination in graphite targets. The GASTLY detectors were placed at backward angles (121, 143 and 156o respect to the beam axis) and the 12C+12C reactions were investigated using carbon beams of Ecm=4.30 - 2.52 MeV with intensities of the order of μA. Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) and highly pure (99.8%) natural graphite targets were used for the deuterium contamination study. A thermocamera was used to constantly monitor the target temperature during beam bombardment, allowing the investigation of target's deuterium content as a function of target temperature. Results showed a decrease in target's deuterium content of 53-80% in the target's temperature range of 200-1200 °C, depending on the type of target and detection angle. Furthermore, it was found that surrounding the scattering chamber with a nitrogen atmosphere while measuring low counting rate reactions (such as 12C+12C at low energies), the HOPG target's deuterium content decreases to about half its original value for a target temperature in the range between 800-1100 °C. For the 12C+12C reactions measurements, the HOPG target was used, maintaining high target temperatures. The p0-6 proton groups of the 12C(12C,p)23Na reaction were analysed and their yields, cross sections and astrophysical S-factors were obtained and are presented in this thesis. A comparison with previous data available in the literature is also presented, together with an indication for possible improvements in future investigations.

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