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Multimorbidade em pacientes com HIV acima dos 50 anos de idade : descrição de comorbidades não relacionadas à AIDS em uma coorte e comparação com a população geralMaciel, Rafael Aguiar January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica: A infecção pelo HIV tornou-se uma doença crônica com o uso de terapia antiretroviral combinada, e a expectativa de vida de pessoas vivendo com HIV aproxima-se da população geral. Entretanto, à medida que a população com HIV envelhece, um número elevado de comorbidades crônicas é descrito. Objetivo: comparar a prevalência de multimorbidade entre indivíduos HIV-positivos e controles HIV-negativos. Métodos: Em um estudo transversal, pacientes HIV-positivos com idade superior a 50 anos foram selecionados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) e pareados a controles da Unidade Básica de Saúde do HCPA. A prevalência de multimorbidade e o número de comorbidades crônicas foi comparada entre os grupos. Um modelo de regressão foi utilizado para analisar fatores associados a ocorrência de multimorbidade na amostra de pacientes com HIV Resultados: Foram incluídos 416 pacientes no estudo. A prevalência de multimorbidade foi maior em pacientes com HIV (63% vs 43%, p<0.001). O número médio de comorbidades nos pacientes HIV-positivos e HIV-negativos foi de 2 e 1.4, respectivamente (p<0.001). A quantidade de comorbidades crônicas em pacientes com HIV foi comparável a controles 10 anos mais velhos. Duração de infecção pelo HIV (p=0.02) e de terapia antiretroviral (p=0.015) foram associadas a maior prevalência de multimorbidade, após ajuste para idade. Conclusão: Demonstramos maior prevalência de multimorbidade em pacientes com HIV. Além disso, as comorbidades estão presentes em pacientes com HIV em idades inferiores em comparação aos controles. Duração da terapia antiretroviral e de infecção pelo HIV estão associadas à ocorrência de multimorbidade. Uma rede de cuidado necessitará ser construída para manejo adequado da população que envelhece com HIV. / Background: HIV became a chronic disease with the use of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), with life expectancy approaching that of general population. However, as HIV individuals are ageing, a large number of chronic comorbidities are being reported. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare disease burden between HIV-positive individuals with non-HIV matched controls in Brazil. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 1:1 ratio, HIV-positive patients older than 50 years of age were enrolled at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. HIV negative controls were from the Health Basic Unit. Prevalence of multimorbidity and number of non-AIDS related comorbidities were compared between groups. A regression model was used to analyze multimorbidity risk factors in HIV individuals Results: A total of 416 individuals were recruited. Multimorbidity prevalence was higher in HIV-positive patients (63% vs 43%, p<0.001). The mean number of comorbidities in HIV population and in HIV-negative controls was 2 and 1.4, respectively (p<0.001). Disease burden in HIV patients was comparable to that of patients 10 years older in the control group. After adjusting for age, duration of HIV infection (p=0.02) and time on ART (p=0.015) were associated with greater prevalence of multimorbidity in HIV-positive individuals. Conclusion: We demonstrate a high multimorbidity prevalence in HIV-positive patients. Furthermore, these comorbidities were present at younger age compared to non-HIV controls. Length of cART exposure and duration of HIV infection were associated with multimorbidity in HIV individuals. The world will need to construct a network to deal with the ageing of HIV population.
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Exploring the diffusion of e-learning : general and enabling guidelines for implementation of computer-aided teaching in developing countries.Blom, Olof, Salomonsson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to create guidelines regarding effective diffusion of elearningto and within developing countries. Another aim of the study was to identifychallenges and problems related to the diffusion of e-learning, as well as identifying whatcharacterizes a successful ICT diffusion project. To achieve the purpose of the study acase study was performed in Thailand, where two different schools, i.e. two cases thathad been targeted by ICT diffusion projects were studied. In combination to studying theschools, the donor side of the project were also included in the study. The study wasconducted with a qualitative research approach, and was divided into one inductive andexploratory phase, which generated a theory, and one deductive phase where the theorywas both theoretically and empirically validated. To gather the empirical material, eightsemi-structured interviews were conducted of which six included staffs from the twoschools, and two included donors that were involved in one of the studied ICT diffusionprojects. Yet another semi-structured interview was performed with a person involved inan ICT diffusion project, which helped to perform the empirical validation of thegenerated theory. With the help of the collected empirical material as well as throughexisting theories it was possible to identify numerous of challenges regarding diffusion ofe-learning to and within developing countries. The challenges were primarily connectedto language, culture, governmental, lack of computer knowledge and infrastructural. Totackle the challenges a number of characteristics regarding effective ICT diffusionprojects in developing countries were identified. These characteristics included theimportance of doing a proper investigation about the recipients, follow ups, providedright amount of computers, provided software that had been adapted and providededucation about how computers should be used. Based on the challenges andcharacteristics guidelines for effective diffusion of e-learning to and within developingcountries were designed. The knowledge about challenges and characteristics led to theidentification of two important findings. The first was that the diffusion of e-learning todeveloping countries is highly dependant on the diffusion of ICT to the schools, as anevident problem that existed was that the schools lacked the proper technicalinfrastructure to be able to support computer-aided teaching. The other finding was thatin order for the diffusion process to be effective, it is vital to provide information andeducation about the technology in advance of the implementation. These two findingslead to that the 19 created guidelines were divided into two categories; basic guidelinesfor diffusion of ICT and enabling guidelines for diffusion of e-learning. / Program: Dataekonomutbildningen
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IT-Outsourcing to China : In what way can ICT help manage challenges?Esmaily, Sahand, Garrote, Emil January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the current IT-outsourcing situation in China, find out what challenges exist and figure out ways of managing these challenges with the help of ICT.To achieve the purpose of the study a case study was performed in Shanghai, China. The case study was built around several interviews with the representatives of three IT-Outsourcing companies that work globally from Shanghai, China. All of the companies that were involved in the process of conducting the study were big established companies that are experts in their respective field. All of the interviewees were either from a management part of the company or selected by the management to represent their companies in the interviews.The study was performed with a qualitative research approach and was divided into a theoretical section where the current IT-Outsourcing situation was displayed and thereby the theoretical challenges were presented. This presented a need for verification on the theoretical elements and also created information gaps that needed to be filled by conducting an empirical study.The empirical study was then built around the gaps that needed to be filled in order for ICT to become an even more efficient enabler for IT-Outsourcing. Thereby four semi-structured interviews were conducted with three different companies. With the help of the theoretical and empirical studies an analytic approach were applied to then answer the research questions that are directly connected to the purpose of the study, making it possible to identify the challenges that needed to be addressed and mapping the current IT-outsourcing situation in China. These challenges then addressed and displayed in six different tables with an explanatory text attached to each table for further validation and clarification on the table content.Based on the findings, the research could then be validated with a theoretical and empirical analysis that gave grounds for the conclusions that part take in answering the research questions that give ground for the purpose of the study. / Program: Systemvetarutbildningen
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Introducing a tentative framework for adopting e-learning systems in developing countriesHasan Khan, Md. Mahmudul, Atiqur Rahman, Muhammad, Ahmed, Maruf January 2011 (has links)
In order to develop quality and excellence in e-Learning environment, manyinitiatives have been carried out in developing countries. In Bangladesh Informationand communication technologies (ICTS) are considered valuable tools for educationbut there is no proper framework for the country to develop a quality e-Learningsystem. Though it is somewhat used in higher level of studies but it is still new inprimary education system. If primary education system can be developed through elearning,then it will be more beneficial for higher level of studies.Our goal is to introduce a possible framework to adopt a quality e-Learning system inprimary educational institutes. So that the primary level education system can bedeveloped and take the advantages of e-Learning system.The result of this study would create an impact for the community who are stillindifferent about the development of primary education system and prompt thedecision makers of the primary educational institute to introduce e-Learning system intheir institutes through quality framework for e-learning. / Program: Magisterutbildning i informatik
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Problems when implementing e-governance systems in developing countries : a quantitative investigation of implementation problems in BangladeshAlam, Md. Shariful, Hassan, Md. Shoeb January 2011 (has links)
This research addresses the issues affecting e-governance implementation indeveloping countries. Implementing e-governance has always been a challenge eitherit is social, economical or political. Beside this there are many technological problemswhich should be understood and meet so that a user accepted e-governance systememerges.This research provides a quantitative investigation of e-governance implementationproblems with emphasis on analyzing quantitative data gathered in a survey using astructured questionnaires that was generated on the basis of our theoretical study.Furthermore this research will provide a clear conception about those problems whichshould be considered at the time of implementing an e-governance in developingcountries. / Program: Magisterutbildning i informatik
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Collaborative and partnership opportunities in the area of research and development for paediatric antiretroviral drugs for low income countriesMartin, Gregory 28 June 2011 (has links)
This research was motivated by the urgent need for global health institutions like the World Health Organization and UNITAID to adopt an informed, market based approach to engaging with the research and development pipeline for drugs that treat children infected with the HIV virus. As the market size for these products declines over the next decade, the usual incentives for pharmaceutical and biotech companies to invest in the development of new drugs and new formulations of existing drugs is likely to dwindle. Innovated solutions are needed if a business case is to be made that addresses this important public health need. The objectives of the research include firstly, describing the public health need for research and development into paediatric Antiretroviral drugs; secondly describing the various stakeholders and their interests; and finally exploring and indentifying potential collaborative / partnership opportunities that can be employed to address the existing public health need while satisfying the various stakeholder interests at play.
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Distorted and lower forms of capitalist industrial production in underdeveloped countries : contemporary artisan shops and workshops in Eskişehir and Gaziantep, Turkey.Bademli, Raĩit Raci January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Bibliography: leaves 412-433. / Ph.D.
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Housing need and housing finance in Jamaica, 1975-1985.Robotham, Kingsley Oliver January 1976 (has links)
Thesis. 1976. M.C.P.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. / Microfiche copy available in Archives and Rotch. / Bibliography: leaves 357-359. / M.C.P.
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Exploring the use of e-government/online social network in the Government of OmanAl Bulushi, Ali Salim January 2018 (has links)
The rapid development of information and telecommunication technologies (ICTs) in the 21st century has changed society at all levels: individual, group, company and government. As a result, there has been a significant rise in the availability of ICTs and related technologies around the globe, including in developing countries. ICTs include internet infrastructure such as the use of mobile devices, the internet connection and the affiliated platforms of online social networks (OSNs). The provision of online products and services by the government is known as electronic e-government. From a theoretical literature review it was found that research emphasising the use of OSNs in e-government and OSNs in Oman was scarce. Further, studies investigating and explaining the use of OSNs in the public sector and government were few. This motivated the researcher to explore and understand this issue, leading to the formation of the aim of this research: To explore and understand the use of e-government/OSNs in a public sector organisation in a developing country, in this case, government organisations in Oman. To achieve this, a comprehensive and detailed literature review of e-government/OSN research in developed, developing and Gulf countries was completed. Additionally, related theories on ICT diffusion and adoption, institutional theory and culture theory were used as a lens through which a better understanding of e-government/OSNs would be provided and to develop the initial conceptual framework that was then applied in practice. To acquire the data for this research a qualitative research approach involving the use of a case study was employed. The data collection techniques used included observations, interviews and a review of related archival documents. A total of 44 people were interviewed and an additional 37 participants assisted with the observational part of this study. The research results revealed that government organisations adopted OSNs to explore the use of the technology and to cope with the increasing public demands of government. The study revealed many benefits for government organisations after OSNs were adopted, including greater public interaction and participation, increased information transparency, better understanding and increased public awareness of government services, leading to better work efficiency and effectiveness. Further, public interaction and participation was noted to be important for the government as it helped government employees be more responsible and accountable for their work actions. Additionally, due to the application of OSNs, organisational and national cultural changes were identified that led to government work process and procedures being amended such that there was more public participation and interaction. This led to an influence of government policies and decision-making with regards to public services. After the applied part of this study, the initial conceptual framework was revised to reflect the practical aspects of this research. The contributions of this study are: for e-government research, it will add to the increasing body of knowledge in this area. For Omani theoretical literature, it will widen the boundaries of knowledge and OSN use, particularly for the Omani government and other governments in developing countries that seek to use e-government solutions. In countries where cultural aspects are important, this study can provide insights that may not have been considered before. Further, this study has shown that understanding organisational changes and the cultural contexts with respect to e-government and OSN use is important; therefore, more knowledge in this area can be provided by this study. For policymakers, the contribution of this research is the provision of an understanding of a wide range of issues surrounding the adoption of new technologies. In turn, this can assist policymakers with policy-formation such that their institutional purposes and roles can be fulfilled. This study contributes to private sector organisations including internet and OSN providers by explaining and illustrating the benefits of using OSNs in a developing country with an autocratic regime that seeks to provide citizen benefits.
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Preliminary evaluation for road network improvement alternatives in less developed countries.Tsamboulas, Dimitrios Andreou January 1975 (has links)
Thesis. 1975. M.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil Engineering. / Includes bibliographical references. / M.S.
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