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The microstructure of superhard material compactsWalmsley, J. C. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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Taiwan's TFT-LCD equipment industry competitive analysisHo, Feng-lin 06 August 2009 (has links)
Japan and Korean¡¦s TFT-LCD industries consider the competitiveness of the cost. So their proportion of local equipment setting is more popular than Taiwan.Instead, Taiwan¡¦s equipment industries development priority need to increase the number of productions by new equipment and shorten the lead time and achieve the high quality of productions. However, TFT-LCD factories can save the cost of investment and raise the investment efficiency of operating cost to improve the ROI (Return On Investment).
This thesis compares and analyzes the competitiveness of the industry in TFT-LCD equipment among Taiwan, Japan and Korea. In the Porter¡¦s (1990) book ¡§The ompetitive Advantage of Nations¡¨ that mentioned about the ¡§Diamond Structure¡¨. So, we have to nalyzeand realize totally at the industry of the equipment¡¦s inside factor with six aspects ¡§ Demand Conditions¡¨, ¡§Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry¡¨, ¡§Factor Conditions¡¨ and ¡§Related and Supporting Industries¡¨ and the other outside factors ¡§Government¡¨ and ¡§Opportunity¡¨. The research of this paper shows that how the equipment industries of Taiwan use their own resources and competition advantages to compete with Japan country which quite maturity in TFT-LCD equipments. And Korea country with strong support by their government, for this reason, they can earn their own stage and further surpasses the others among the intense of competition industries. Therefore, widely collecting research paper, industry's news, specialized periodical and interviewing the important grades of personages of related industrial by the questionnaire, with that results. Then we can understand Korea and Japan¡¦s TFT-LCD equipment industry's mpetitiveness deeply. At the end, we can put forward the conclusion and suggestions by these studies and we can take it for our references on industry's development strategy of the equipment and afford the suggestion of consulting to our government's policy for Taiwan.
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A Study on the Development and the Analysis of Competitive Advantages of Semiconductor Industries across Taiwan StraitsChao, Ying-Chen 05 July 2002 (has links)
A Study on the Development and the Analysis of Competitive Advantages of Semiconductor Industries across Taiwan Straits
Semiconductor Industry, as frequently referred to as ¡§sangyo no kome¡¨ or ¡§the rice of industries¡¨, plays a critical role in providing most value-added components to all sorts of digital electronic products, and thus, is also the ideal and priority industry to many countries. Taiwan has achieved an important position in the wave of disintegration in global semiconductor industry after its development for tens of years. And it will continue to be substantial to Taiwan¡¦s economic growth and nation¡¦s competitiveness in the foreseeable future.
Lately, two noteworthy incidents brought about our attention to the issue of their impacts on the pace of continuous evolution of Taiwan¡¦s semiconductor industry; the former being the WTO accession of both Taiwan and China, and the latter China¡¦s endeavor fostering its semiconductor industry.
This paper first studies the characteristics and status quo of global semiconductor industry, as well as that in Taiwan and China. It then explores the impact of WTO accession and three related international agreements on the semiconductor industries on both shores of Taiwan Straits.
This study continues to analyze the difference in the intensity of industry competitiveness between Taiwan¡¦s semiconductor industry and that of China, making use of five kinds of analysis models. The author found that the combinational use of Value-Chain Analysis and Diamond Analysis (plus the concept of Clusters) is most suitable and complete for this purpose; the former can be used to judge the relative competitiveness between two industries (with properly defined indices), and the later can be complementarily used to understand the sources of competitiveness, and competitive position, of an industry at certain location.
This article also predicts the changes in terms of industry competitiveness, and the scenario of connections and interaction, between Taiwan¡¦s semiconductor industry and that of China in the 5-year future. Within every analysis attempt, suggestions are also made as references to authorities and industry leaders for policy making and strategy formulation.
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A Study on Taiwan LCD Driver IC Industry-Case Study on NovatekWang, Tien-ming 04 July 2009 (has links)
Human beings always keep seeking for a better life ,our civilization also keeps moving forward grounded on this momentum .Each economic booming implies a new application or technology developed. Liquid crystal was found by a Austrian scientist, F.REINITZER in 1968 .Japanese companies applied it into large scale display started in 90s,which urged us moving into LCD era .
In this study, we will discuss the competitive advantage of Taiwanese LCD driver IC industry ,the key component of LCD supply chain . Also we will take Taiwanese LCD driver IC design house-Novatek for example . By using five-forces framework , diamond structure and co-opetition theory ,we will dig out Taiwanese LCD driver IC industry¡¦s competitive advantage and its own position among world market .
This study found Taiwanese LCD driver IC industry has competitive advantages of industry cluster ,high competition ,world-class customers ,quality human resources and government¡¦s support . With those advantages , Taiwanese LCD driver IC industry plays an important role of world market . We also propose strategies to Taiwanese LCD driver IC industry based on the result of this study .
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On iteration-based security flaws in modern hash functionsKortelainen, T. (Tuomas) 28 November 2014 (has links)
The design principles proposed independently by both Ralph Merkle and Ivan Damgård in 1989 are applied widely in hash functions that are used in practice. The construction reads the message in one message block at a time and applies iteratively a compression function that, given a single message block and a hash value, outputs a new hash value.
This iterative structure has some security weaknesses. It is vulnerable, for instance, to Joux's multicollision attack, herding attack that uses diamond structures and Trojan message attack.
Our principal research topic comprises the deficiencies in hash function security induced by the Merkle-Damgård construction. In this work, we present a variant of Joux's multicollision attack. We also develop a new, time-saving algorithm for creating diamond structures. Moreover, two new efficient versions of Trojan message attack are introduced.
The main contribution of the thesis is the analysis of generalized iterated hash functions. We study the combinatorial properties of words from a new perspective and develop results that are applied to give a new upper bound for the complexity of multicollision attacks against the so called q-bounded generalized iterated hash functions. / Tiivistelmä
Vuonna 1989 Ralph Merkle ja Ivan Damgård ehdottivat toisistaan riippumatta hash-funktioille suunnitteluperiaatteita, joita käytetään tänä päivänä laajasti. Niin kutsuttu Merkle-Damgård -rakenne lukee viestin sisään viestiblokki kerrallaan ja käyttää tiivistefunktiota, joka liittää hash-arvoon ja viestiblokkiin uuden hash-arvon.
Tällä iteratiivisella rakenteella on joitakin turvallisuusheikkouksia. Se on haavoittuva esimerkiksi Joux’n monitörmäyshyökkäykselle, timanttirakenteita hyödyntävälle paimennushyökkäykselle ja Troijan viesti -hyökkäykselle.
Väitöskirjan pääasiallinen tutkimusaihe on Merkle-Damgård -rakenteen aiheuttamat puutteet tietoturvassa. Tässä työssä esitetään uusi versio Joux’n monitörmäyshyökkäyksestä, luodaan uusi aikaa säästävä algoritmi timanttirakenteiden kehittämiseksi ja kaksi uutta tehokasta versiota Troijan viesti -hyökkäyksestä.
Väitöskirjan tärkein kontribuutio on yleistettyjen iteratiivisten hash-funktioiden turvallisuuden analysointi. Sanojen kombinatorisia ominaisuuksia tutkitaan uudesta näkökulmasta, jonka pohjalta kehitettyjä tuloksia soveltamalla luodaan uusi yläraja niin kutsuttujen q-rajoitettujen yleisten iteratiivisten hash-funktioiden monitörmäyshyökkäysten kompleksisuudelle.
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