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Working methods and different ways to teach : a study made on a school in Barbados. / Arbetssätt och arbetsmetoder : en studie gjord på en skola i Barbados.Johansson Lorentsson, Alexander, Lindroth, Simon January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att redogöra för de olika arbetssätt och arbetsformer som används under matematikundervisningen på en grundskola i Barbados. Vi har undersökt om det fokuseras på abstrakt eller konkret matematik samt hur de använder sig av det matematiska språket i sin matematikundervisning, då vi anser att språket har en stor roll i inlärningen. Vi har observerat matematiklektionerna samt intervjuat utvalda pedagoger på skolan, utifrån dessa undersökningsmetoder har vi fått fram ett resultat som analyseras och diskuteras i slutet av rapporten. Resultatet av undersökning visar att den abstrakta matematiken, individuellt arbete med matematikboken, är den undervisningsmetod som används mest på skolan.
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The adverse effects of bureaucracy for the hotel industry in China : the investment behaviors changed by different ownershipsLiao, Wang, Zeng, Le, Zhang, Luxin January 2013 (has links)
Purpose/aim The aim is to examine the distribution of hotel ownerships and star-rated levels in different regions. This thesis depends on the analysis of the examination to find out if the change of investment behaviors can decrease or avoid the adverse effects of bureaucracy in the Chinese hotel industry. Design/methodology/approach Data has been collected through the third-party electronic distribution channel. The analysis includes a description of the samples and statistical tests. Findings The analysis showed that there is a connection between hotel ownerships, star-rated levels, and different regions. The adverse effects of bureaucracy in the second-tier cities and third-tier cities are stronger than that in the first-tier cities and tourist cities. The state-owned hotels also can do the enterprise transformation in the tourist cities to avoid or decrease the adverse effects of the bureaucracy. Originality/value The original idea is using the hotel ownerships distribution in different regions to find out the different levels of adverse effects of the bureaucracy in different regions. This thesis should be a meaningful contribution to knowledge development.
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Depressionsdiagnosens betydelse för patienten ur terapeutens synvinkelNord, Lina January 2012 (has links)
I de flesta fall är diagnosen en välkommen orsaksförklaring till individens symtom men den kan också komma att bli en mall med förväntningar som individen anpassar sig efter. Det finns risk att individen låter sig påverkas negativt av diagnosen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur terapeutiskt verksamma personer upplever att patienten påverkas av att få diagnosen depression. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med deltagare som valdes målinriktat utifrån följande kriterium: kliniskt verksamma terapeuter med minst fem års erfarenhet inom utredning och/eller behandling av patienter med depressionstillstånd. Resultaten visade att den formella diagnosen enligt terapeuterna sällan upplevdes negativt av patienten utan att den istället normaliserade och förklarade individens tillstånd. Detta kan förklaras av att diagnosen depression idag är relativt utbredd i samhället. Det hade dock varit intressant att se den här problematiken ur patientens perspektiv, huruvida diagnosen upplevs normaliserande i samma grad som terapeuterna i denna studie visat på.
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Mesurable determinants of method of payGash, Egzona January 2012 (has links)
Aim of the study: The aim of this study in to determine if different methods of pay arerelated to the cost of monitoring the workforce in a predictable way. Thisis done by measuring the effect of variables that are hypothesized toaffect firm’s choice of method of pay. Data and model: The data used in the study originates from the European CompanySurvey, 2009, and the countries of interest in the study were Sweden,France, Germany and the United Kingdom. By using data on differentdeterminants of method of pay, a multinomial probit (MNP) model wasfitted, using a maximum likelihood procedure. The specified, dependentvariables in the model are standard rate, individual piece rate and grouppiece rate. Results: The variables four the four countries have similar effect on the method of pay. Size has the largest impacts on the probability of the method of payamong the variables and presents a negative impact between size andstandard rate in the manufacturing industry. Interestingly, the newlyapplied variable, the proportion of fixed term contract had significanteffects in United Kingdom and may be a determinant of the method ofpay, positively related to the group piece rate scheme. Further, proportionof high skilled sector, the compared productivity to establishments in thesame sector and within the establishment and proportion of femaleworkers provides significant results for the probability of the differentmethods of pay. Conclusions: The results of the determinants of method of pay seem to be fairly in linewith the theoretical predictions in Sweden, Germany, France and theUnited Kingdom, apart from systematic differences between thecountries. The study indicates that the method of pay is, in fact, related tothe cost of monitoring the workforce in a predictable matter.
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A study of the different understanding of the equal sign and error types of quadratic equation of one variableLiu, Pei-chi 23 June 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to investigate eighth-grade students¡¦ understanding of the equal sign and analyzed error types of quadratic equation in one variable. To achieve this purpose, the investigator did a survey and development instruments. Participants were 215 eighth-grade students who formed a convenient sample. There are three results. First, participants with a relational definition of the equal sign added to about 80% of the sample. Second, the performance of students with relational definitions is higher than the performance of students with operational definitions. Third, students¡¦ understanding of the equal sign was related to their respective problem-solving performance on quadratic equation in one variable. In this study, participants with an operational definition of the equal sign tended to guess randomly or leave a blank. Problem-solving performance of participants with a relational definition of the equal sign involved multiple strategies. The researcher suggested that teachers should strengthen students¡¦ understanding of equal sign and related students¡¦ prior algebraic knowledge.
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The Study of relationship on Organizational performance with Service innovation , Different industries learning¡GA Case Study of Chunghwa PostLai, Ting-han 09 July 2012 (has links)
¡@¡@In the early of Taiwan's financial markets are stable and less change. At the time, the State-operated enterprises are indispensable contribution for Taiwan's economic development. But with changing times, the competition in the financial markets started to become intense, general the State-operated enterprises are the overstaffing huge carry on inefficient production. And in recent years, due to the people's sense of autonomy and demand are slowly improve, in regard the public to the traditional post office began to demand more convenience, perfect. In order to response to such changes, based on the internal " innovative products and services ", external " Peer are not the enemy, different industries as a teacher. ", the research will by service innovation, different industries learning and organizational performance as measured by indicators to explore both the impact of for organizational performance, and further examines the relative impact of relationship.
¡@¡@In this study, questionnaire are first through preliminary interviews, construction of the questionnaires basic structure. Second, detection of questionnaires by expert validity. Finally, through item analysis with the reliability and validity analysis, complete a formal questionnaire. In this study, questionnaires to investigate in Chunghwa Post employees. Sampling method to take a quota sampling, use of the mail survey method and send them to the Administration 270 and branch offices 270. In the period, recovered 265 questionnaires, of which 238 valid questionnaires, 27 invalid questionnaires.
¡@¡@In conclusion, staff for the Chunghwa Post implementation of service innovation ¡§Innovative technology options¡¨ and different industries learning ¡§Continuous improvement¡¨ will have a strong positive cognitive, privatization operating performance improvement is helpful. Suggestions for the implications of the research results, provide reference for future operations to Chunghwa Post.
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Development of Large-Scale FDFD Method for Passive Optical DevicesWang, Sheng-min 06 July 2005 (has links)
In this thesis, we demonstrated the effectiveness and the accuracy of the FD-FD method for complex optical waveguide structures such as the micro ring resonator, micro disk resonator, tapered waveguides and waveguides terminated with tilted facets. We are able to achieve the goals by deriving the following modification/extension of the original FD-FD methods.
In frequency domain, we can build an accurate frequency-domain modal absorbing boundary condition (ABC) for both the homogeneous region and for the layered background. This allows us to connect the analytical modal solutions with FD solutions and thus reduce the area of the FD domain.
In addition, we adopt an effective index averaging method for representing equivalent material for grid cells containing more than one kind of materials. For the TM case, for each grid cell we need to compute effective indices for all four surrounding cells (left, right, up, and down). For the TE case, we need to compute just one effective index within each grid cell. Note that we employ two different averaging schemes for the TE and the TM cases.
To solve the huge block tri-diagonal matrix equation (derived from the FD-FD approximation) we modified the Thomas method and we were able to obtain the solutions of linear equations involving more than a hundred thousand variables under a few minutes. We used our method to analyze optical micro-ring waveguides, micro-disk cavities, adiabatic tapered waveguides and waveguides terminated with tilted facets. The simulated results include the reflection coefficients, transmission coefficients and field distribution.
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This research mainly combines: Police policy, transportation, fire control, news, and public affairs. - Use Kaohsiung Wireless platform as a starting point.Huang, Shih-Feng 13 February 2007 (has links)
This research mainly combines:
Police policy, transportation, fire control, news, and public affairs.
- Use Kaohsiung Wireless platform as a starting point.
- PWLAN technology will become the mainstream for the strategic integrated platform.
- M-City is able to change people¡¦s original life style; increase life¡¦s mobility and conveniences.
- The government wants to develop a wireless service platform in order to promote development of a mobile city.
Kaohsiung City Wireless shared platform has three aspects: technology, public service and marketing.
This research uses two ways to gather related data.
1. Key interview: interviewing professional scholars.
2. Conducting Survey: internet users are the target.
- To analyze how to attract citizens to use related policies in order to promote the development of wireless industry.
- To expect a fast development with a positive cycle, and upgradethe city¡¦s competitiveness.
Conclusion is divided into five parts:
1. Conclusion and basic information from the replied surveys
2. descriptive statistics
3. interceptive analysis
4. elements analysis
reports in depth
The conclusion has discovered,
Regarding to the technological aspect, people will consider three elements when they choose to use wireless internet: the maturity of the wireless technology, the dissemination of wireless internet and the creation of the needs of wireless internet.
Aspect of public service:
1. Information related to location
2. Information related to prevention of disasters
3. Involvement of residents
4. Police and Fireman¡¦s Priority
5. Residents hope: Government can prevent crimes or salve disasters by the construction of wireless internet.
In the aspect of marketing:
Citizens wish to receive different information through wireless internet.
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Fritidspedagogens möte med ett barn som har koncentrationssvårigheter : Reflektioner utifrån egna erfarenheterArikan, Dilek January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to explore how I can meet children with different kinds of attention deficit disorders. What can I do when the child kicks me and makes me cry? How can I handle it right so that the child and I can feel good? In my text I am writing about how I can prioritize my way when I am angry. I wonder how to prioritize my feelings and feel safe with the other person. I am developing these questions in my text. My method is to reflect and question the knowledge I acquired during my work at the school. In the text I use literatures to the problem and have a short discussion with an old pedagogue. I am discussing myself when I meet the troublesome child and how I can deal with my own emotions. In the hard situation I have to look at the problem. I can’t see the bigger picture in this situation. For a good situation we need a solution and need to meet the child professionally with our own wise choices. I have not found a solution and I need to learn how I can handle my own emotions at work and what skills I need to learn when I get angry in a difficult situation.
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Vaikų, augančių vienoje šeimoje, skirtingos mokymosi motyvacijos, savitumai / The peculiarities of different motivations in learning process of the children growing in the same familyTartilienė, Aldona 07 June 2006 (has links)
The main subject – the reasons of different motivations in learning process of children growing in one family.
That lead me to chose the subject – children living together in one family with different learning motivation.
In order to improve the child education and the family influence to the person there is a need to know that in scientific view. The main goal – to discover the peculiarities of different motivations in learning process of the children growing in one family in the secondary schools of Utena district.
In order to achieve that goal I have these targets:
1. To describe the conception of motivations and theories of motivation, to highlight the connection between the demands and inner motivation;
2. To find out what influence of different motivations in the learning process of the children have micro level and the educational position of parents, the school.
3. To investigate peculiarities of different motivations in learning process of children growing in one family.
In oder to go more deep in this subject of interest these methods of research were used: the study of the scientific literature; the analysis of the archival documents; questionnairing; statistical analysis.
The methodology of this research is grounded on the theory of self – determination stresses inner motivation based on appropriate organizing of social environment where the person feels competent, autonomous and that helps him to keep terms with others.
Research description: This research... [to full text]
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