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Problema de Noether não-comutativo / Noncommutative Noether´s problemSchwarz, Joao Fernando 12 February 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho, temos o objetivo de introduzir o Problema de Noether Clássico e sua versão não- comutativa introduzida por J. Alev e F. Dumas em [AD06]. Discutiremos os principais casos co- nhecidos nos quais os problemas têm solução positiva, observando um forte paralelo entre os casos comutativo e não-comutativo. Cobriremos os tópicos preliminares necessários para entendimento dos enunciados: álgebras de Weyl, anéis de operadores diferenciais, extensões de Ore, localização em domínios não-comutativos, e corpos de Weyl. No Capítulo 5 deste trabalho, o aluno apresenta duas contribuições originais, obtidas em colaboração com seu orientador V. Futorny e F. Eshmatov: o Teorema 5.5, que é um resultado folclórico sobre invariantes de ações livres de grupos finitos no anel de operadores diferenciais de variedades afins; e o Teorema 5.6, que até onde sabemos é iné- dito, sobre invariantes dos Corpos de Weyl sob a ação de grupos de pseudo-reflexão. Todo material algébrico preliminar para a demonstração destes dois teoremas é incluído no texto da dissertação: um básico de teoria de invariantes, vários resultados da teoria de grupos de pseudo-reflexão, alguns conceitos básicos de geometria algébrica e álgebra comutativa, e uma discussão detalhada do quo- ciente de variedades afins sob ação de grupos finitos. / In this work we aim to introduce the Classical Noether´s Problem, and its noncommutative version introduced by J. Alev and F. Dumas in [AD06]. We discuss the most well known cases of positive solution of these problems, pointing out a strong similarity between the cases of positive solution for the classical and noncommutative versions of the Problem. We cover the preliminary topics to understand the statement and solutions of these problems: Weyl algebras, differential operators rings, Ore extensions, noncommutative localization, and Weyl Skew-Fields. In the Chapter 5 of this dissertation, the student shows two original contributions, obtained in collaboration with his advisor V. Futorny and F. Eshmatov: Theorem 5.5, a result belonging to the folklore of the area of differential operators, describing its invariants under the free action of a finite group on an affine variety; and Theorem 5.6, about the invariants of the Weyl skew-fields under the action of pseudo-reflection groups. As far as we know, this result is new. All preliminary algebraic facts to prove these two facts are included in the body of this text. It includes some basic facts on invariant theory, many results about pseudo-reflection groups, some basic concepts of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, and a detailed discussion of the quotient of an affine variety under the action of a finite group.
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Invariantes de anéis de operadores diferenciais: racionalidade de Gellfand-Kirillov, categorias de módulos, aplicações / Invariants of rings of differential operators: Gelfand-Kirillov rationality, categories of modules, aplicationsSchwarz, João Fernando 13 November 2018 (has links)
Esta tese aborda, como a despeito da rigidez da álgebra de Weyl An(k), suas subálgebras de invariantes possuem uma rica teoria de invariantes: do ponto de vista de estrutura, se fizermos um estudo de equivalência birracional dentro da filosofia de Gelfand-Kirillov, temos o Problema de Noether Não-Comutativo, sobre o qual obtemos vários novos resultados (Capítulo 4). Do ponto de vista de representações, obtemos que suas subálgebras de invariantes, em vários casos, herdam de maneira natural a estrutura de módulos de Gelfand-Tsetlin da álgebra de Weyl (Capítulo 5), assim como uma noção natural de módulos holonômicos (Capítulo 6). Analisaremos resultados similares para outras álgebras semelhantes a Álgebra de Weyl, como anéis de operadores diferenciais no toro e álgebras de Weyl generalizadas (Capítulos 2, 4 e 5). Como aplicações, temos uma Conjectura de Gelfand-Kirillov para subálgebras esféricas de Cherednik (Capítulo 4); para a Conjectura de Gelfand-Kirillov para várias álgebras de Galois (Capítulos 5 e 7); e o problema de realizar U(L), em que L é uma algebra de Lie simples de tipo B,C,D, como uma ordem de Galois generalizando o caso de gln (Capítulo 5). Um Capítulo sobre o Problema de Noether Quântico e um resumo do artigo de Futorny e Schwarz, \"Quantum Linear Galois Algebras\", encerram a tese. / This thesis discussess how, given the rigidity results on the Weyl Algebra An(k), its invariant subrings can nonetheless have an interesting invariant theory: from the structural point of view, a birrational equivalence study under the Gelfand-Kirillov philosophy gives us the Noncommutative Noether Problem, of which we obtain many new results (Chapter 4). From the point of view of representations, we obtain that their invariant rings, in many cases, have a natural theory of Gelfand-Tsetlin modules just like the Weyl Algebra (Chapter 5), and a natural notion of holonomic modules (Chapter 6). We discuss analogues results for algebras which are similar to the Weyl Algebra, such as the ring of differential operators on the torus and the generalized Weyl algebras (Chapters 2,4,5). As applications, we have a Gelfand-Kirillov Conjecture for spherical subalgebras of Cherednik (Chapter 4); for the Gelfand-Kirillov Conjecture of many Galois algebras (Chapter 5 and 7); and the problem to give a Galois structure to the algebra U(L), where L is a simple Lie algebra of type B,C,D -generalizing the case A (Chapter 5). A chapter about the Quantum Noether Problem and a resume of the article Quantum Linear Galois Algebras\" ends the thesis.
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Étude des opérateurs différentiels globaux sur certaines variétés algébriques projectives / On global differential operators on some projective algebraic varietiesDejoncheere, Benoît 14 December 2016 (has links)
Initiée indépendamment par Beilinson et Bernstein et par Brylinski et Kashiwara, l'étude des opérateurs différentiels sur les variétés de drapeaux complets a permis de répondre à une conjecture de Kazhdan et Lusztig. Ayant été poursuivie notamment par les travaux de Borho et Brylinski, cette étude a mis à jour plusieurs propriétés intéressantes sur les opérateurs différentiels sur les variétés de drapeaux. Cependant, en dehors du cas des variétés de drapeaux et du cas des variétés toriques projectives, qui a été étudié de manière combinatoire, les opérateurs différentiels sont plutôt mal compris sur les variétés projectives.Dans cette thèse, nous nous pencherons sur le cas de certaines compactifications magnifiques Y d'espaces symétriques G/H de petit rang, et nous comparerons les résultats obtenus avec ceux connus sur les variétés de drapeaux. Nous allons commencer par construire un opérateur différentiel global sur Y qui ne provient pas de l'action infinitésimale de l'algèbre de Lie de G, ce qui constitue une différence avec le cas des variétés de drapeaux.Ensuite, nous nous intéresserons à trois cas particulier que nous exprimerons comme des quotients GIT d'une certaine grassmannienne X. Grâce à cette description, nous verrons plusieurs similitudes avec le cas des variétés de drapeaux : nous montrerons que l'algèbre des opérateurs globaux sur Y est de type fini, et que pour tout faisceau inversible L sur Y, ses sections globales forment un module simple pour l'algèbre des opérateurs différentiels globaux de Y tordus par L. Enfin, en utilisant des arguments de cohomologie locale, nous montrerons que c'est également le cas pour les groupes de cohomologie supérieurs / Started independently by Beilinson and Bernstein, and by Brylinski and Kashiwara, the study of global differential operators on complete flag varieties has been very useful to answer a conjecture of Kazhdan and Lusztig. In their subsequent work, Borho and Brylinski have discovered many interesting properties on differential operators on flag varieties. But apart from the case of flag varieties, and the case of projective toric varieties, which has been investigated with combinatorial methods, differential operators on projective varieties are rather badly known.In this thesis, we will investigate the case of some wonderful compactifications Y of symmetric spaces G/H of small rank, and we will compare our results with what is known in the case of flag varieties. We will first construct a differential operator on Y which does not come from the infinitesimal action of G, which is different from the case of flag varieties.We will then look at three particular cases, which will be expressed as GIT quotients of some Grassmannian X. With this description, we will find some similarities with the case of flag varieties : we will show that the algebra of global differential operators is of finite type, and that for each invertible sheaf L on Y, the module of its global sections is simple as a module over the algebra of global differential operators of Y twisted by L. Finally, using arguments of local cohomology, we will show that it is still the case for higher cohomology groups
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An iterative approach to operators on manifolds with singularitiesAbed, Jamil January 2010 (has links)
We establish elements of a new approach to ellipticity and parametrices within operator algebras on manifolds with higher singularities, only based on some general axiomatic requirements on parameter-dependent operators in suitable scales of spaes. The idea is to model an iterative process with new generations of parameter-dependent operator theories, together with new scales of spaces that satisfy analogous requirements as the original ones, now on a corresponding higher level.
The "full" calculus involves two separate theories, one near the tip of the corner and another one at the conical exit to infinity. However, concerning the conical exit to infinity, we establish here a new concrete calculus of edge-degenerate operators which can be iterated to higher singularities. / Wir führen einen neuen Zugang ein zu Elliptizität und Parametrices in Operatorenalgebren auf Mannigfaltigkeiten mit höheren Singularitäten, nur basierend auf allgemeinen axiomatischen Voraussetzungen über parameter-abhängige Operatoren in geeigneten Skalen von Räumen. Die Idee besteht darin, ein iteratives Verfahren zu modellieren mit neuen Generationen von parameter-abhängigen Operatortheorien, zusammen mit neuen Skalen von Räumen, die analoge Voraussetzungen erfüllen wie die ursprünglichen Objekte, jetzt auf dem entsprechenden höheren Niveau.
Der „volle“ Kalkül besteht aus zwei separaten Theorien, eine nahe der Spitze der Ecke und eine andere am konischen Ausgang nach Unendlich. Allerdings, bezüglich des konischen Ausgangs nach Unendlich, bauen wir hier einen neuen konkreten Kalkül von kanten-entarteten Operatoren auf, der für höhere Singularitäten iteriert werden kann.
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Covariant Weyl quantization, symbolic calculus, and the product formulaGunturk, Kamil Serkan 16 August 2006 (has links)
A covariant Wigner-Weyl quantization formalism on the manifold that uses
pseudo-differential operators is proposed. The asymptotic product formula that leads
to the symbol calculus in the presence of gauge and gravitational fields is presented.
The new definition is used to get covariant differential operators from momentum
polynomial symbols. A covariant Wigner function is defined and shown to give
gauge-invariant results for the Landau problem. An example of the covariant Wigner
function on the 2-sphere is also included.
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Local spectral asymptotics and heat kernel bounds for Dirac and Laplace operatorsLi, Liangpan January 2016 (has links)
In this dissertation we study non-negative self-adjoint Laplace type operators acting on smooth sections of a vector bundle. First, we assume base manifolds are compact, boundaryless, and Riemannian. We start from the Fourier integral operator representation of half-wave operators, continue with spectral zeta functions, heat and resolvent trace asymptotic expansions, and end with the quantitative Wodzicki residue method. In particular, all of the asymptotic coefficients of the microlocalized spectral counting function can be explicitly given and clearly interpreted. With the auxiliary pseudo-differential operators ranging all smooth endomorphisms of the given bundle, we obtain certain asymptotic estimates about the integral kernel of heat operators. As applications, we study spectral asymptotics of Dirac type operators such as characterizing those for which the second coefficient vanishes. Next, we assume vector bundles are trivial and base manifolds are Euclidean domains, and study non-negative self-adjoint extensions of the Laplace operator which acts component-wise on compactly supported smooth functions. Using finite propagation speed estimates for wave equations and explicit Fourier Tauberian theorems obtained by Yuri Safarov, we establish the principle of not feeling the boundary estimates for the heat kernel of these operators. In particular, the implied constants are independent of self-adjoint extensions. As a by-product, we affirmatively answer a question about upper estimate for the Neumann heat kernel. Finally, we study some specific values of the spectral zeta function of two-dimensional Dirichlet Laplacians such as spectral determinant and Casimir energy. For numerical purposes we substantially improve the short-time Dirichlet heat trace asymptotics for polygons. This could be used to measure the spectral determinant and Casimir energy of polygons whenever the first several hundred or one thousand Dirichlet eigenvalues are known with high precision by other means.
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Unicidade de hipersuperfÃcies tipo-espaÃo com curvatura mÃdia de ordem superior constante em espaÃo-tempo de Robertson-Walker generalizado. / Uniqueness of spacelike hypersurfaces with constant higher order curvature in generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimesJonatan Floriano da Silva 26 March 2007 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Estudaremos, de acordo com Alias e Colares em [11], o problema de unicidade para hipersuperfÃcies tipo-espaÃo com curvatura mÃdia de ordem superior constante em um
espaÃo-tempo de Robertson-Walker generalizado (GRW). Em particular, consideraremos a seguinte pergunta: Sob quais condiÃÃes deve uma hipersuperfÃcie tipo-espaÃo compacta
com curvatura mÃdia de ordem superior constante em um espaÃo-tempo GRW espacialmente fechado ser uma fatia tipo-espaÃo? Provaremos que isto ocorre, essencialmente,
sob a entÃo chamada condiÃÃo de convergÃncia nula. Nossa abordagem à baseada no uso das transformaÃÃes de Newton (e seus operadores diferenciais associados) e nas fÃrmulas
de Minkowski para hipersuperfÃcies tipo-espaÃo.
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Invariantes de anéis de operadores diferenciais: racionalidade de Gellfand-Kirillov, categorias de módulos, aplicações / Invariants of rings of differential operators: Gelfand-Kirillov rationality, categories of modules, aplicationsJoão Fernando Schwarz 13 November 2018 (has links)
Esta tese aborda, como a despeito da rigidez da álgebra de Weyl An(k), suas subálgebras de invariantes possuem uma rica teoria de invariantes: do ponto de vista de estrutura, se fizermos um estudo de equivalência birracional dentro da filosofia de Gelfand-Kirillov, temos o Problema de Noether Não-Comutativo, sobre o qual obtemos vários novos resultados (Capítulo 4). Do ponto de vista de representações, obtemos que suas subálgebras de invariantes, em vários casos, herdam de maneira natural a estrutura de módulos de Gelfand-Tsetlin da álgebra de Weyl (Capítulo 5), assim como uma noção natural de módulos holonômicos (Capítulo 6). Analisaremos resultados similares para outras álgebras semelhantes a Álgebra de Weyl, como anéis de operadores diferenciais no toro e álgebras de Weyl generalizadas (Capítulos 2, 4 e 5). Como aplicações, temos uma Conjectura de Gelfand-Kirillov para subálgebras esféricas de Cherednik (Capítulo 4); para a Conjectura de Gelfand-Kirillov para várias álgebras de Galois (Capítulos 5 e 7); e o problema de realizar U(L), em que L é uma algebra de Lie simples de tipo B,C,D, como uma ordem de Galois generalizando o caso de gln (Capítulo 5). Um Capítulo sobre o Problema de Noether Quântico e um resumo do artigo de Futorny e Schwarz, \"Quantum Linear Galois Algebras\", encerram a tese. / This thesis discussess how, given the rigidity results on the Weyl Algebra An(k), its invariant subrings can nonetheless have an interesting invariant theory: from the structural point of view, a birrational equivalence study under the Gelfand-Kirillov philosophy gives us the Noncommutative Noether Problem, of which we obtain many new results (Chapter 4). From the point of view of representations, we obtain that their invariant rings, in many cases, have a natural theory of Gelfand-Tsetlin modules just like the Weyl Algebra (Chapter 5), and a natural notion of holonomic modules (Chapter 6). We discuss analogues results for algebras which are similar to the Weyl Algebra, such as the ring of differential operators on the torus and the generalized Weyl algebras (Chapters 2,4,5). As applications, we have a Gelfand-Kirillov Conjecture for spherical subalgebras of Cherednik (Chapter 4); for the Gelfand-Kirillov Conjecture of many Galois algebras (Chapter 5 and 7); and the problem to give a Galois structure to the algebra U(L), where L is a simple Lie algebra of type B,C,D -generalizing the case A (Chapter 5). A chapter about the Quantum Noether Problem and a resume of the article Quantum Linear Galois Algebras\" ends the thesis.
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Problema de Noether não-comutativo / Noncommutative Noether´s problemJoao Fernando Schwarz 12 February 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho, temos o objetivo de introduzir o Problema de Noether Clássico e sua versão não- comutativa introduzida por J. Alev e F. Dumas em [AD06]. Discutiremos os principais casos co- nhecidos nos quais os problemas têm solução positiva, observando um forte paralelo entre os casos comutativo e não-comutativo. Cobriremos os tópicos preliminares necessários para entendimento dos enunciados: álgebras de Weyl, anéis de operadores diferenciais, extensões de Ore, localização em domínios não-comutativos, e corpos de Weyl. No Capítulo 5 deste trabalho, o aluno apresenta duas contribuições originais, obtidas em colaboração com seu orientador V. Futorny e F. Eshmatov: o Teorema 5.5, que é um resultado folclórico sobre invariantes de ações livres de grupos finitos no anel de operadores diferenciais de variedades afins; e o Teorema 5.6, que até onde sabemos é iné- dito, sobre invariantes dos Corpos de Weyl sob a ação de grupos de pseudo-reflexão. Todo material algébrico preliminar para a demonstração destes dois teoremas é incluído no texto da dissertação: um básico de teoria de invariantes, vários resultados da teoria de grupos de pseudo-reflexão, alguns conceitos básicos de geometria algébrica e álgebra comutativa, e uma discussão detalhada do quo- ciente de variedades afins sob ação de grupos finitos. / In this work we aim to introduce the Classical Noether´s Problem, and its noncommutative version introduced by J. Alev and F. Dumas in [AD06]. We discuss the most well known cases of positive solution of these problems, pointing out a strong similarity between the cases of positive solution for the classical and noncommutative versions of the Problem. We cover the preliminary topics to understand the statement and solutions of these problems: Weyl algebras, differential operators rings, Ore extensions, noncommutative localization, and Weyl Skew-Fields. In the Chapter 5 of this dissertation, the student shows two original contributions, obtained in collaboration with his advisor V. Futorny and F. Eshmatov: Theorem 5.5, a result belonging to the folklore of the area of differential operators, describing its invariants under the free action of a finite group on an affine variety; and Theorem 5.6, about the invariants of the Weyl skew-fields under the action of pseudo-reflection groups. As far as we know, this result is new. All preliminary algebraic facts to prove these two facts are included in the body of this text. It includes some basic facts on invariant theory, many results about pseudo-reflection groups, some basic concepts of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, and a detailed discussion of the quotient of an affine variety under the action of a finite group.
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Propriétés spectrales des opérateurs non-auto-adjoints aléatoires / Spectral properties of random non-self-adjoint operatorsVogel, Martin 10 September 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux propriétés spectrales des opérateurs non-auto-adjoints aléatoires. Nous allons considérer principalement les cas des petites perturbations aléatoires de deux types des opérateurs non-auto-adjoints suivants :1. une classe d’opérateurs non-auto-adjoints h-différentiels Ph, introduite par M. Hager [32],dans la limite semiclassique (h→0); 2. des grandes matrices de Jordan quand la dimension devient grande (N→∞). Dans le premier cas nous considérons l’opérateur Ph soumis à de petites perturbations aléatoires. De plus, nous imposons que la constante de couplage δ vérifie e (-1/Ch) ≤ δ ⩽ h(k), pour certaines constantes C, k > 0 choisies assez grandes. Soit ∑ l’adhérence de l’image du symbole principal de Ph. De précédents résultats par M. Hager [32], W. Bordeaux-Montrieux [4] et J. Sjöstrand [67] montrent que, pour le même opérateur, si l’on choisit δ ⪢ e(-1/Ch), alors la distribution des valeurs propres est donnée par une loi de Weyl jusqu’à une distance ⪢ (-h ln δ h) 2/3 du bord de ∑. Nous étudions la mesure d’intensité à un et à deux points de la mesure de comptage aléatoire des valeurs propres de l’opérateur perturbé. En outre, nous démontrons des formules h-asymptotiques pour les densités par rapport à la mesure de Lebesgue de ces mesures qui décrivent le comportement d’un seul et de deux points du spectre dans ∑. En étudiant la densité de la mesure d’intensité à un point, nous prouvons qu’il y a une loi de Weyl à l’intérieur du pseudospectre,une zone d’accumulation des valeurs propres dûe à un effet tunnel près du bord du pseudospectre suivi par une zone où la densité décroît rapidement. En étudiant la densité de la mesure d’intensité à deux points, nous prouvons que deux valeurs propres sont répulsives à distance courte et indépendantes à grande distance à l’intérieur de ∑. Dans le deuxième cas, nous considérons des grands blocs de Jordan soumis à des petites perturbations aléatoires gaussiennes. Un résultat de E.B. Davies et M. Hager [16] montre que lorsque la dimension de la matrice devient grande, alors avec probabilité proche de 1, la plupart des valeurs propres sont proches d’un cercle. De plus, ils donnent une majoration logarithmique du nombre de valeurs propres à l’intérieur de ce cercle. Nous étudions la répartition moyenne des valeurs propres à l’intérieur de ce cercle et nous en donnons une description asymptotique précise. En outre, nous démontrons que le terme principal de la densité est donné par la densité par rapport à la mesure de Lebesgue de la forme volume induite par la métrique de Poincaré sur la disque D(0, 1). / In this thesis we are interested in the spectral properties of random non-self-adjoint operators. Weare going to consider primarily the case of small random perturbations of the following two types of operators: 1. a class of non-self-adjoint h-differential operators Ph, introduced by M. Hager [32], in the semiclassical limit (h→0); 2. large Jordan block matrices as the dimension of the matrix gets large (N→∞). In case 1 we are going to consider the operator Ph subject to small Gaussian random perturbations. We let the perturbation coupling constant δ be e (-1/Ch) ≤ δ ⩽ h(k), for constants C, k > 0 suitably large. Let ∑ be the closure of the range of the principal symbol. Previous results on the same model by M. Hager [32], W. Bordeaux-Montrieux [4] and J. Sjöstrand [67] show that if δ ⪢ e(-1/Ch) there is, with a probability close to 1, a Weyl law for the eigenvalues in the interior of the pseudospectrumup to a distance ⪢ (-h ln δ h) 2/3 to the boundary of ∑. We will study the one- and two-point intensity measure of the random point process of eigenvalues of the randomly perturbed operator and prove h-asymptotic formulae for the respective Lebesgue densities describing the one- and two-point behavior of the eigenvalues in ∑. Using the density of the one-point intensity measure, we will give a complete description of the average eigenvalue density in ∑ describing as well the behavior of the eigenvalues at the pseudospectral boundary. We will show that there are three distinct regions of different spectral behavior in ∑. The interior of the of the pseudospectrum is solely governed by a Weyl law, close to its boundary there is a strong spectral accumulation given by a tunneling effect followed by a region where the density decays rapidly. Using the h-asymptotic formula for density of the two-point intensity measure we will show that two eigenvalues of randomly perturbed operator in the interior of ∑ exhibit close range repulsion and long range decoupling. In case 2 we will consider large Jordan block matrices subject to small Gaussian random perturbations. A result by E.B. Davies and M. Hager [16] shows that as the dimension of the matrix gets large, with probability close to 1, most of the eigenvalues are close to a circle. They, however, only state a logarithmic upper bound on the number of eigenvalues in the interior of that circle. We study the expected eigenvalue density of the perturbed Jordan block in the interior of thatcircle and give a precise asymptotic description. Furthermore, we show that the leading contribution of the density is given by the Lebesgue density of the volume form induced by the Poincarémetric on the disc D(0, 1).
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