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Uma contribuição ao estudo do processo de recuperação de empresas em dificuldades financeiras no Brasil / A contribution to research into the turnaround process of financially troubled companies in BrazilPerez, Marcelo Monteiro 26 February 2008 (has links)
Inúmeras razões podem levar uma empresa até então saudável a enfrentar dificuldades financeiras. Entretanto, as pesquisas demonstram que a falta de liquidez, geralmente, não é o problema central, mas apenas uma conseqüência de outros fatores que, possivelmente, já manifestaram seus sintomas antes da crise financeira se instalar. Se os primeiros indícios desta situação puderem ser percebidos em tempo hábil, talvez a espiral decrescente possa ser evitada ou revertida, desde que haja um trabalho consciente de detecção dos reais problemas enfrentados pela empresa, conjugado com intervenções rápidas e eficazes que restabeleçam o seu equilíbrio econômico e financeiro. Esta tese estuda todo este processo de recuperação de empresas em dificuldades financeiras, desde os sinais de uma eventual deterioração, o diagnóstico que identifique suas causas, a formulação de um plano de recuperação e a sua negociação com os stakeholders em circunstâncias de fortes conflitos de interesses, até o turnaround em si. Os objetivos centrais foram identificar fatores críticos que mais podem contribuir para o sucesso de uma recuperação e propor um modelo teórico que sirva de referência para a estruturação destes processos. Para tanto, esta tese desenvolveu uma significativa pesquisa qualitativa, com características descritivas, explicativas e exploratórias. A técnica utilizada como estratégia de coleta de dados foi a entrevista individual e em profundidade, visto que se buscava conhecer detalhes de um processo e o universo da pesquisa é composto por experts profissionais. Todas as entrevistas foram conduzidas com base em um formulário de pesquisa semi-estruturado e flexível, o que permitiu grande interação ao longo de diálogos orientados. A amostra da pesquisa se baseou no critério da representatividade, permitindo aprofundamento, abrangência e diversidade na compreensão das múltiplas dimensões de um turnaround. Foram entrevistados conceituados consultores com vasta experiência nesta atividade, além de outros importantes agentes envolvidos neste processo, como investidores, gestores, advogados e administradores judiciais. Trata-se de uma amostra representativa, cujo valor provém do conhecimento, da experiência e da reputação dos profissionais ouvidos. Os resultados da pesquisa distinguem causas e sintomas das crises financeiras e evidenciam a existência de problemas recorrentes, padrões de atitudes, erros e comportamentos que precedem o insucesso das empresas. Foram identificados dez fatores críticos de sucesso para a recuperação de empresas em dificuldades financeiras; são eles: negociação, estabilização, tempo, atitude, os fundamentos do negócio, credibilidade, informação, unidade de comando, implementação e uma oportunidade. Por fim, foi proposto um modelo conceitual com três dimensões básicas: estratégica, organizacional e financeira, cujas fases em cada dimensão evoluem ao longo do tempo e afetam a função-objetivo da empresa. / A previously healthy company can find itself in financial difficulty for countless reasons. Research shows, however, that lack of liquidity is generally not the central problem, but a consequence of other factors, whose symptoms may have already started to appear before the financial crisis began. If the first signs of this situation can be recognized far enough in advance, the downward spiral may be avoided or even reversed, as long as there is a conscious effort to detect the company\'s real problems, together with quick, effective interventions to reestablish economic and financial balance. This thesis examines the whole turnaround process of companies in financial difficulty, from the first signs of deterioration, through a diagnosis of the causes, the formulation of a recovery plan and negotiations with stakeholders in a situation where there are strong conflicts of interests, to the actual turnaround itself. Our main objectives were to identify the critical factors that most contributed to the success of a recovery and to propose a theoretical model to serve as a reference for the structuring of these processes. To this end, this thesis involved an extensive qualitative study, which was descriptive, explanatory, and exploratory. We used in-depth, individual interviews as a data collection strategy, since we were interested in the details of the process, and the interviewees were all experts. All of the interviews were based on a loosely structured, flexible questionnaire, which allowed a great deal of interaction throughout the prompted conversations. Study participants were chosen for their representativeness, allowing for depth, breadth, and diversity in the understanding of the multiple dimensions of a turnaround. We interviewed highly respected consultants with extensive experience in the area, as well as other important agents in the process, such as investors, managers, lawyers, and legal administrators. It is a representative sampling, whose value is derived from the knowledge, experience, and reputation of the professionals interviewed. The results of the study distinguish between causes and symptoms of financial crises and show that there are recurrent problems and patterns of attitudes, errors, and behaviors that precede such crises within companies. We identified ten factors critical to the successful recovery of companies experiencing financial difficulties, these being: negotiation, stabilization, time, attitude, business foundations, credibility, information, unity of command, implementation, and an opportunity. Finally, we propose a conceptual model with three basic dimensions - strategic, organizational, and financial - whose phases in each dimension develop over time and affect the objective function of the company.
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'I'm confused about what my problems actually are' : managing King-Kopetzky syndromePryce, Helen January 2009 (has links)
Why do some people complain of hearing difficulties when their hearing esholds are normal? How should Audiology professionals respond to their presentation? This problem will be considered in the light of the literature from audiology, psychology, and medical sociology disciplines. The different evidence for and implications of bio-medical and bio psychosocial explanations for such experiences are discussed. In particular the role of help seeking is considered as a coping mechanism and as a key part of the diagnostic case definition applied to this population of audioiogy patients. Two original studies will be presented which consider this phenomenon from different viewpoints. The first explored the lived experience of the patients.Two original studies will be presented which consider this phenomenon from different viewpoints. The first explored the lived experience of the patient who is coping with hearing difficulties and investigated how seeking help forms part of the process of coping.
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Fluency as a bridge to comprehension: an efficacy study of the RAVE-O literacy programSchmidt, Maxine Katarina 30 April 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a theoretically-grounded reading intervention in children with reading difficulties. Participants were between the ages of 8 to 10 years from a community-based program for children with learning disabilities and a single-case research (SCR) design was employed. An adapted version of the RAVE-O intervention was delivered which focused on instruction in phonology, orthography, semantics, syntax, and morphology in building children’s word-level fluency skills. Norm-referenced word-level reading, decoding, and reading comprehension measures were collected at pre- and post-test, and progress monitoring data via curriculum-based measures were also collected. Overall results based on percentage of non-overlapping data (PND) analyses indicated moderate effects for decoding fluency and reading comprehension and small effects for decoding accuracy and reading fluency. Implications for educators and professionals working with elementary school students identified with reading difficulties are discussed. / Graduate
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An investigation into the academic writing difficulties of Saudi postgraduate studentsAlharbi, Noof Saleh M. January 2017 (has links)
This interpretive study aims to investigate the difficulties in English academic writing as perceived by Saudi postgraduate students and their English supervisors in an English-speaking country. In accordance with the exploratory nature of the methodological approach adopted in this study, the research design of the current study employs a sequential mixed-methods design. The quantitative phase is represented by the questionnaire whereas semi-structured interviews and document analysis constitute the qualitative phase. From the sample, 275 students were asked to fill in the prepared questionnaire whilst 15 students, of both genders, and 9 supervisors were asked to participate in an interview. Ten samples of students’ written feedback from their supervisors were provided. Data were analysed quantitatively using SPSS descriptive statistics and qualitatively using MAXQDA software. The findings of the current study revealed that Saudi postgraduate students face the following difficulties in their English academic writing: not having sufficient academic vocabulary, avoiding plagiarism, using cohesive devices properly, constructing logical arguments, making coherent links between ideas, and demonstrating critical thinking in their academic writing. Furthermore, the current study highlighted that the difficulties could be attributed to a number of factors, including those related to learners, context, and instruction. Several strategies were proposed that could assist Saudi students in improving their academic writing. Additionally, the lack of academic preparation in the KSA had a negative influence on the proficiency of Saudi postgraduate students in their English academic writing, resulting in disparities between the expectations placed on students in their postgraduate studies in the UK and the actual results achieved by Saudi students. The findings also revealed that EAP courses in the UK often aided students in learning writing techniques; however, these courses have certain limitations. According to the findings of the current study, a theoretical model is suggested to help Saudi postgraduate students in their English academic writing. Based on the study findings, implications are drawn for policy makers and for practice in the education system in Saudi Arabia. Finally, suggestions for further research are provided.
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Middle-aged Lebanese women's construction of sexuality and sexual difficulties : a multiphase qualitative inquiryAzar, Mathil January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: This multiphase qualitative study explored the understanding of middle-aged women’s sexuality and sexual difficulties and the way they address these difficulties. Nurses’ and midwives’ role in sexuality-related care was also explored. The need to address the subject was triggered by the multidimensional nature of female sexuality that could not be limited to one single definition; the medicalisation of female sexual problems that is based on the standards of sexual function and dysfunction; the scarcity of research that reflects on women’s subjective views on sexuality and sexual difficulties and the way they address these difficulties. This is particularly crucial at the middle-age where women undergo hormonal and psychosocial changes that may affect their sexual life. Methods: Interviews and focus group discussions were used to capture the narratives of 52 middle-aged women of 40-55 years in phases one and two of the study. They were chosen purposively by education and menopausal status from clinical and non-clinical settings regardless of their marital status and sexual orientation. Additionnally, a sample of 11 nurses and midwives working in the hospital and primary healthcare centres participated in two focus group discussions. Results: Women’s narratives led to a comprehensive understanding of sexuality and sexual problems and the implications for help-seeking. Findings showed how women’s interpretation of sexuality resonates within bio-psychosocial and cultural perspectives driven by double standards and inhibiting sexual socialisation. Women’s sexuality is ‘muted’, conflicting between frustrating experiences, personal expectations and the perception of sexual selves as affected by the middle-age and social myths. Yet, sexuality is central to women’s life where they tend to play a sacrificing role and gain agency. Their sexual difficulties are multifaceted mirroring their inhibitions, relational conflicts, husbands’ sexual problems and contextual burdens. Women would firstly rely on their husbands to discuss together their common sexual issues as nobody can understand their needs more than both of them. In parallel, the gynaecologist is reportedly the first one they consult as they are familiar with him/her. Yet, some do not know who else to turn to for help. Women highlighted many personal, relational and contextual barriers to help-seeking focusing on their husbands’ negative attitude. They also criticised the services offered and the lack of resources. Within this context and in focus group discussions, 11 nurses and midwives reflected on their attitude and behaviour towards sexuality-related care. They had opposing views concerning their involvment in the assessment of patients’ sexual health and identified many barriers to having an effective role in the field. Discussion and implications: This study has a unique contribution in voicing women’s views and concerns as sexuality is underreported and poorly researched in Lebanon. Women’s narratives shed light on many aspects of their sexuality, sexual difficulties and the facilitators and barriers to help-seeking focusing on the role of nurses and midwives in this field. This comprehensive perspective that is contextually based has implications on education, clinical practice and research. It is particularly important to provide middle-aged Lebanese women with a culturally sensitive professional assistance to satisfy their sexual life. In addition, the publication of two papers from the study enriches knowledge in the field. It is of note that in this study sexuality and sexual life are interchangeably used. Nevertheless, sexuality has a broader meaning and encompasses all the thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviour, practices, roles and relationships (WHO, 2006), whereas sexual life is more related to sexual relationships and activities (Segen's Medical Dictionary, 2012).
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Upper Elementary Teachers' Use of Pedagogical Content Knowledge With Nonfiction Reading InstructionPiper, Silke 01 January 2019 (has links)
After a shift in upper elementary reading instruction that emphasized complex learning using nonfiction text, Texas schools showed low reading comprehension scores among upper elementary students. The purpose of this exploratory single case study was to examine the pedagogical content knowledge of Texas upper elementary teachers who teach nonfiction reading comprehension strategies to at-risk students who do not qualify for special education services. The central research question focused on how teachers view their pedagogical content knowledge while instructing students. The conceptual framework for this study was a combined Shulman's (1986) pedagogical content knowledge model and Thomlinson's (2000) differentiated instruction learning model. Data sources included online questionnaires (N=161), open-ended scenario-based phone or Skype interviews (N=10), and public documents on reading professional development in the state of Texas. Findings from open coding and inductive analysis indicated that the paradigm shift from reading to learn to learning to read is a challenge in the upper elementary classroom, teachers are relying on inadequate professional development to develop their pedagogy and content knowledge, and teachers may be rescuing struggling students rather than differentiating them. Findings may help Texas educators make more informed decisions on pedagogy to promote expository reading comprehension among upper elementary at-risk students and to increase their opportunities for success.
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Developmental Approaches to Reading Comprehension in Children with Reading Difficulties.Kingham, Patricia Hope January 2003 (has links)
Previous studies have shown some students with good word recognition skills and high levels of reading fluency fail to comprehend what they read.This study examined the explicit teaching of the rule based Question Answer Response (QAR) strategies to overcome specific learning difficulties in reading comprehension. Case study methods were used on five Year 4 students in Western Australia who were at different developmental levels in reading comprehension.The study revealed that within the conceptual framework of the transactional model of reading, the Question Answer Response strategies were effective in improving literal, inferential, critical and creative comprehension at varying levels for each of the five students in the study. The strategies also proved to be an effective way to teach the resolution of anaphoric pronouns that are particularly problematic for students with poor comprehension.The study indicates that the teaching of reading comprehension skills to students with reading comprehension problems through explicit rule based instruction is an important component of classroom-based instruction in the literacy learning area.
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Teachers' Perceptions of Behaviour Difficulties in Primary Schools: A Madang Province Perspective, Papua New GuineaSaun, Gabriel John January 2008 (has links)
Behavioural difficulty is probably the least understood area of special education as it is very problematic to identify a specific cause. Behavioural difficulties are those behaviours that students sometimes exhibit that are inappropriate and unacceptable in the classrooms or schools, as they disrupt the smooth process of teaching and learning. This study investigated primary school teachers' perspectives of the causal factors of students' behavioural problems and what can be done to minimise this problem. The study was carried out in the Madang Province involving two primary schools. From the two schools, twelve teachers (six from each school) participated in the study. The same participants were involved in both the questionnaire and the semi structured interview. The data gathered for the questionnaire and interview were analysed and transcribed respectively. The findings discovered that the family and school factors contributed substantially towards students' inappropriate behaviours. Family factors include parental problems, abuse in the families, and the constant struggle to provide the basic necessities due to the high living cost. School factors, on the other hand, include negative teacher attitudes, teacher lack of knowledge and skills to adapt the curriculum to include social skills, lack of teacher support and encouragement, and peer influences. The findings also discovered that teachers were more bothered about externalising behaviours such as disruption and aggression than internalising behavioural problems like withdrawal and depression displayed by students. Further, teachers' limited pre-service and in-service training and lack of experience in teaching students with behavioural problems contributed significantly for teachers not attending to students who behave inappropriately. Based on the findings identified in the study, several recommendations were made on how to intervene to alleviate this problem. Of particular importance is teacher training at both the pre-service and in-service level. Also government support is needed in terms of funding for training, involving specialists and other resources to respond to student behavioural problems effectively and efficiently. The findings may have particular relevance to future studies in this area and provide teachers with effective and workable intervention strategies for students' behavioural problems in the classrooms.
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Women's experience of the effects of breast cancer treatment on sex and the couple relationshipGray, Jeannie, Jeannie.Gray@canberra.edu.au January 1998 (has links)
Sex after breast cancer treatment has hitherto been studied chiefly by quantitative
methods, which have found that at least a third of women concerned have sexual
difficulties. The reasons for this were not clearly identified, but were usually held to be
associated with depressed mood and negative body image. This study gathered
information about sex and the couple relationship by means of in-depth interviews with
fdteen women, and reports their experiences as they recounted them. All had been
treated with breast surgery, four with radiotherapy, nine with chemotherapy and eight
with the hormone treatment, tamoxifen. Fourteen had had sex since their treatment, and
twelve of these had sexual difficulties they had not been having before the treatment,
These difficulties were not connected with either mood changes or body image concerns,
but were mainly due to problems with desire and orgasm and to vulva1 and vaginal
symptoms. Most women attributed these problems to menopause, whether natural,
induced by the chemotherapy or exacerbated by tamoxifen. The couple relationship in
this circumstance has not been intensively studied until now. The study found that a
positive shift commonly took place in the less stable relationships, so that the couple
became closer, and sex, including heterosexual intercourse, became more acceptable to
the woman. There was no change in the stable relationships. In both stable and less
stable relationships, though intercourse was wished for by the heterosexual women, the
sexual difficulties described above inhibited its successful accomplishment. The study
also reports the coping methods used by the women and their experience of trying to find
information about the subject of sex and sexual difficulties, from health professionals and
other sources.
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Preferences of pupils and teachers for service delivery of learning assistance in ACT High SchoolsOsborne, Sally, n/a January 1993 (has links)
Students who have learning difficulties generate a resource to assist
them with their schoolwork. This resource has been delivered in a number
of different ways. In the last decade the introduction of inclassroom
assistance has been adopted in several states in Australia including the
Australian Capital Territory. This method of service delivery of the
resource has been considered to be helpful as it allows the student to
remain in the classroom while still receiving the necessary assistance.
The proponents of this delivery method believe that the students prefer
remain in the classroom. Critics of this delivery method consider that it
is not easy to address basic skill deficits in the classroom and that
students find being helped in the classsroom embarrassing. This study
examines the preference for service delivery model of three groups of
population, students, classroom teachers and teachers of students with
learning difficulties. A survey was used to ascertain the preference of
these three groups, why they preferred a model, which model they
regarded as most efficacious and why. Other specific questions were
asked of each group. Interviews were also conducted with ten percent of
each group and also with the principal and the counsellor from each
school. Some illumination of school climate and other variables which
may affect data was sought from the interviews. Teachers were found to
prefer a mixed model of service. Students' results showed a preference
for two models over a third, small classes, which was not favoured.
Students also saw these two models as most efficacious. Interviews
revealed a satisfaction with the service amongst students but some
concerns about the delivery of the service and the decision making
processes amongst teachers.
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