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Toxické kovy ve vodě a sedimentech vodní nádrže Brno / Toxic metals in water and sediments of Brno water reservoirBořek, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with usage of the diffusive gradients in thin films technique (DGT) for the determination of labile metal species in the surface water and sediments of Brno water reservoir. Sediment and water samples were collected on the selected sides of Brno water reservoir on September and October 2008. The DGT technique was used for determination of depth profiles of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni and Al. The DGT probes with three different thicknesses of diffusive layer were applied into the sediment samples. The obtained results gave the information about release of metals from solid phase into the pore water of sediment. The concentrations of Fe, Mn, Pb and Cd in sediments were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry after microwave decomposition. The DGT technique was used also for determination of Fe, Mn, Pb and Cd in surface water from Brno water reservoir.
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A Pilot Study of Small-Scale Spatial Variability in Aldehyde Concentrations in Hillsborough County, Florida, to Establish and Evaluate Passive Sampling and Analysis MethodsEvans, Amanda M 17 June 2010 (has links)
Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are listed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) as urban air toxics. Health effects due to significant exposure to these air toxics include increased incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer, myeloid leukemia, and exacerbation of asthma. Determining the spatial variation of air toxics, such as acetaldehyde and formaldehyde, is important for improving health risk assessment and evaluating the effectiveness of source control and reduction programs.
Here, a pilot study was designed and performed to investigate small-scale spatial variability in concentrations of aldehydes using passive samplers. A literature review was first completed to select and evaluate current passive sampling and analysis methods. Radiello Aldehyde Samplers and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were selected for sampling and analysis, respectively. An HPLC instrument was then set-up for separation with an Allure AK (aldehyde-ketone) column and for detection of aldehyde-derivatives via ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrometer at 365 nm. Samplers were deployed in an (approximately) 0.7 km resolution grid pattern for one week in January 2010. Collected samples and blanks were eluted with acetonitrile and analysis was performed with the HPLC. Aldehyde samples were quantified using calibration standards.
Mean aldehyde concentrations were 3.1 and 1.2 =/ mg/m³ for formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, respectively, and mean acetaldehyde/formaldehyde concentration ratios were 0.4. The concentration ratios showed very little variation between sites, and correlation of aldehyde concentrations by site was high (r=0.7). Therefore, it is likely that both aldehydes have similar sources.
Spatial variation of aldehyde concentrations was small within the sampling area, as displayed by low coefficients of variation (13 and 23% for formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, respectively) and small concentration differences between sites (average of both aldehydes less than 0.5 mg/m³). Thus, one sampler may be representative of this sampling area and possibly other areas of the same spatial scale. Methods established during this pilot study will be used in a larger field campaign to characterize the spatial distribution of concentrations throughout the county, for analysis of environmental equity and health impacts.
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Laser Spark Ignition of Counter-flow Diffusion Flames: Effects of diluents and diffusive-thermal propertiesSegura, Fidelio Sime 01 January 2012 (has links)
A pulsed Nd:YAG laser is used to study laser spark ignition of methane counter-flow diffusion flames with the use of helium and argon as diluents to achieve a wide range of variations in transport properties. The global strain rate and Damkohler number on successful ignition were investigated for the effects of Lewis number and transport properties, which are dependent on the diluent type and dilution level. A high-speed camera is used to record the ignition events and a software is used for pre-ignition flow field and mixing calculations. It is found that the role of effective Lewis number on the critical global strain rate, beyond which ignition is not possible, is qualitatively similar that on the extinction strain rate. With the same level of dilution, the inert diluent with smaller Lewis number yields larger critical global strain rate. The critical Damkohler number below which no ignition is possible is found to be within approximately 20% for all the fuel-inert gas mixtures studied. When successful ignition takes place, the ignition time increases as the level of dilution of argon is increased. The ignition time decreases with increasing level of helium dilution due to decreases in thermal diffusion time, which causes rapid cooling of the flammable layer during the ignition process. However, the critical strain for ignition with helium dilution rapidly decreases as the dilution level is increased. The experimental results show that with the increase of strain rate the time to steady flame decreases, and that with the increase of dilution level time for the flame to become steady increases. For the same level of dilution, the time for steady flame is observed to be longer for He-diluted flames than for Ar-diluted flames due to its thermal diffusivity being larger than that of Ar.
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Prediction of Non-Equilibrium Heat Conduction in Crystalline Materials Using the Boltzmann Transport Equation for PhononsMittal, Arpit 21 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of Fuel Effects on the Diffusive Flame Structure Using Advanced Optical Techniques in a Single Cylinder Optical EngineTejada Magraner, Francisco José 15 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] El aumento de las emisiones de CO2 en el sector del transporte ha sido continuo en estos últimos años debido principalmente a la carbonización del sector junto al aumento de la flota de vehículos. Este hecho tiene efectos adversos en la calidad medioambiental, siendo este gas uno de los principales constituyentes de los gases de efecto invernadero, contribuyendo así al calentamiento global.
Para mitigar las emisiones de CO2, es necesario una política con estrictas regulaciones que conduzcan a la descarbonización del sector del transporte. En este sentido, la electrificación del sector del transporte es la principal vía para conseguir tales objetivos. Lamentablemente, pasar a la electrificación total del sector en un periodo relativamente corto de tiempo presenta ciertas dificultades, como son la alta demanda de electricidad renovable, la baja capacidad de las baterías, y la falta de estaciones de repuesto. Por ello, el uso de combustibles sintéticos obtenidos a partir de fuentes de energía renovables se presenta como una opción complementaria para ayudar a alcanzar los objetivos de reducción de emisiones de CO2, debido a que puede implementarse de forma más rápida.
En la presente tesis doctoral se aborda la caracterización de dos combustibles sintéticos, OME1 y OMEX. Primeramente, se realizó un estudio para caracterizar la estructura de alta y baja temperatura de la llama de ambos combustibles bajo condiciones de referencia de la Engine Combustion Network (ECN) en una instalación de alta presión y temperatura. Posteriormente, se realizaron medidas en un motor óptico, evaluando el efecto que tiene la combinación del uso de mezclas de OMEX/diésel junto a geometrías de pistón no convencionales en la formación de hollín dentro del cilindro. El uso de geometrías de pistón no convencionales se usó debido a que en estudios usando diésel se consiguen reducciones de hollín al mejorar el proceso de mezcla aire-combustible. Por ello, se pretende analizar si ese efecto se obtiene igualmente en presencia de un combustible sintético como es el OMEX.
Las instalaciones en las que se han realizado los distintos estudios presentan accesos ópticos. A través de ellos se han usado distintas técnicas de visualización, tanto basadas en laser, como en la propia radiación emitida por la llama.
Como conclusiones, se podría resumir en que se ha visto que lo ya conocido sobre el proceso de combustión diésel puede ser aplicado a la combustión del OMEX, con el beneficio de que este es un combustible que no presenta estructura de precursores de hollín haciéndolo idóneo para aplicaciones reales de motor. A pesar de las incompatibilidades de este combustible con la infraestructura del motor, esta se soluciona usando mezclas con diésel, que, además, combinándolo con geometrías no convencionales de pistón se obtienen reducciones importantes de formación de hollín dentro del cilindro. / [CA] L'augment de les emissions de CO¿ en el sector del transport ha sigut continu en aquests últims anys degut principalment a la carbonització del sector al costat de l'augment de la flota de vehicles. Aquest fet té efectes adversos en la qualitat mediambiental, sent aquest gas un dels principals constituents dels gasos d'efecte hivernacle, contribuint així al calfament global.
Per a mitigar les emissions de CO¿, és necessari una política amb estrictes regulacions que conduïsquen a la descarbonització del sector del transport. En aquest sentit, l'electrificació del sector del transport és la principal via per a aconseguir tals objectius. Lamentablement, passar a l'electrificació total del sector en un període relativament curt de temps presenta unes certes dificultats, com són l'alta demanda d'electricitat renovable, la baixa capacitat de les bateries, i la falta d'estacions de suministre. Per això, l'ús de combustibles sintètics obtinguts a partir de fonts d'energia renovables es presenta com una opció complementària per a ajudar a aconseguir els objectius de reducció d'emissions de CO¿, pel fet que pot implementar-se de forma més ràpida.
En la present tesi doctoral s'aborda la caracterització de dos combustibles sintètics, OME1 i OMEX. Primerament, es va realitzar un estudi per a caracteritzar l'estructura d'alta i baixa temperatura de la flama de tots dos combustibles sota condicions de referència de la Engine Combustion Network (ECN) en una instal·lació d'alta pressió i temperatura. Posteriorment, es van realitzar mesures en un motor òptic, avaluant l'efecte que té la combinació de l'ús de mescles de OMEX/dièsel al costat de geometries de pistó no convencionals en la formació de sutge dins del cilindre. L'ús de geometries de pistó no convencionals es va usar pel fet que en estudis usant dièsel s'aconsegueixen reduccions de sutge en millorar el procés de mescla aïre-combustible. Per això, es pretén analitzar si aqueix efecte s'obté igualment en presència d'un combustible sintètic com és el OMEX.
Les instal·lacions en les quals s'han realitzat els diferents estudis presenten accessos òptics. A través d'ells s'han usat diferents tècniques de visualització, tant basades en laser, com en la pròpia radiació emesa per la flama.
Com a conclusions, es podria resumir en què s'ha vist que el ja conegut sobre el procés de combustió dièsel pot ser aplicat a la combustió del OMEX, amb el benefici que aquest és un combustible que no presenta estructura de precursors de sutge fent-lo idoni per a aplicacions reals de motor. Malgrat les incompatibilitats d'aquest combustible amb la infraestructura del motor, aquesta se soluciona usant mescles amb dièsel, que, a més, combinant-ho amb geometries no convencionals de pistó s'obtenen reduccions importants de formació de sutge dins del cilindre. / [EN] The increase in CO2 emissions in the transport sector has been continuous in recent years, mainly due to the carbonization of the sector, together with the increase in the vehicle fleet. This fact has adverse effects on environmental quality, being this gas is one of the main constituents of greenhouse gases, thus contributing to global warming.
To mitigate CO2 emissions, a policy with strict regulations leading to decarbonizing the transport sector is necessary. In this regard, electrification of the transport sector is the main way to achieve such goals. Unfortunately, moving to full electrification of the sector in a relatively short time presents certain difficulties, such as high demand for renewable electricity, low battery capacity, and lack of refueling stations. Therefore, using synthetic fuels obtained from renewable energy sources is presented as a complementary option to help achieve CO2 emission reduction targets because it can be implemented more quickly.
This doctoral thesis deals with characterizing two synthetic fuels, OME1 and OMEX. First, a study was carried out to characterize both fuels high and low temperature flame structures under reference conditions of the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) in a high-pressure and high-temperature installation. Subsequently, measurements were performed on an optical engine, evaluating the effect of combining the use of OMEX/diesel blends and unconventional piston geometries on in-cylinder soot formation. Non-conventional piston geometries were used because, in diesel studies, soot reductions are achieved by improving the air-fuel mixing process. Therefore, it is intended to analyze whether this effect is also obtained in the presence of a synthetic fuel such as OMEX.
The facilities where the different studies have been carried out have optical accesses. Through them, different visualization techniques have been used based on laser and the radiation emitted by the flame.
In conclusion, it could be summarized that it has been seen that what is already known about the diesel combustion process can be applied to the combustion of OMEX, with the benefit that this is a fuel that does not present a soot precursor structure, making it suitable for real engine applications. Despite the incompatibilities of this fuel with the engine infrastructure, this is solved by using blends with diesel, which, in addition, by combining it with non-conventional piston geometries, significant reductions in in-cylinder soot formation are obtained. / Tejada Magraner, FJ. (2023). Analysis of Fuel Effects on the Diffusive Flame Structure Using Advanced Optical Techniques in a Single Cylinder Optical Engine [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202376
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A comparative study of cosmic ray modulation models / Jan Louis RaathRaath, Jan Louis January 2015 (has links)
Until recently, numerical modulation models for the solar modulation of cosmic rays have
been based primarily on finite difference approaches; however, models based on the solution
of an appropriate set of stochastic differential equations have become increasingly
popular. This study utilises such a spatially three-dimensional and time-stationary model,
based on that of Strauss et al. (2011b). The remarkable numerical stability and powerful
illustrative capabilities of this model are utilised extensively and in a distinctly comparative
fashion to enable new insights into the processes of modulation. The model is
refined to provide for both the Smith-Bieber (Smith and Bieber, 1991) and Jokipii-Kota
(Jokipii and Kota, 1989) modifcations to the Parker heliospheric magnetic field (Parker,
1958) and the implications for modulation are investigated. During this investigation
it is conclusively illustrated that the Parker field is most conducive to drift dominated
modulation, while the Jokipii-Kota and Smith-Bieber modifcations are seen to induce
successively larger contributions from diffusive processes. A further refinement to the
model is the incorporation of a different profile for the heliospheric current sheet. This
profile is defined by its latitudinal extent given by Kota and Jokipii (1983), as opposed
to the profile given by Jokipii and Thomas (1981). An extensive investigation into current
sheet related matters is launched, illustrating the difference between these current
sheet geometries, the associated drift velocity fields and the effect on modulation. At
high levels of solar activity, such that the current sheet enters deep enough into the polar
regions, the profile of Kota and Jokipii (1983) is found to significantly reduce the effective
inward (outward) drifts of positively (negatively) charged particles during A > 0 polarity
cycles. The analogous effect is true for A < 0 polarity cycles and the overall effect is of
such an extent that the A > 0 and A < 0 solutions are found to coincide at the highest
levels of solar activity to form a closed loop. This is a result that has never before been
achieved without having to scale down the drift coefficient to zero at solar maximum,
as was done by e.g. Ndiitwani et al. (2005). Furthermore, it is found that the drift
velocity fields associated with these two current sheet profiles lead to significant differences
in modulation even at such low levels of solar activity where no difference in the
geometries of these profiles are yet in evidence. The model is finally applied to reproduce
four observed galactic proton spectra, selected from PAMELA measurements (Adriani
et al., 2013) during the atypical solar minimum of 2006 to 2009; a new proton local interstellar
spectrum was employed. The results are found to be in accordance with that
found by other authors and in particular Vos (2011), i.e. the diffusion was required to
consistently increase from 2006 to 2009 and, in addition, the rigidity dependence below ~
3 GV was required to change over this time so that the spectra became increasingly softer. / MSc (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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A comparative study of cosmic ray modulation models / Jan Louis RaathRaath, Jan Louis January 2015 (has links)
Until recently, numerical modulation models for the solar modulation of cosmic rays have
been based primarily on finite difference approaches; however, models based on the solution
of an appropriate set of stochastic differential equations have become increasingly
popular. This study utilises such a spatially three-dimensional and time-stationary model,
based on that of Strauss et al. (2011b). The remarkable numerical stability and powerful
illustrative capabilities of this model are utilised extensively and in a distinctly comparative
fashion to enable new insights into the processes of modulation. The model is
refined to provide for both the Smith-Bieber (Smith and Bieber, 1991) and Jokipii-Kota
(Jokipii and Kota, 1989) modifcations to the Parker heliospheric magnetic field (Parker,
1958) and the implications for modulation are investigated. During this investigation
it is conclusively illustrated that the Parker field is most conducive to drift dominated
modulation, while the Jokipii-Kota and Smith-Bieber modifcations are seen to induce
successively larger contributions from diffusive processes. A further refinement to the
model is the incorporation of a different profile for the heliospheric current sheet. This
profile is defined by its latitudinal extent given by Kota and Jokipii (1983), as opposed
to the profile given by Jokipii and Thomas (1981). An extensive investigation into current
sheet related matters is launched, illustrating the difference between these current
sheet geometries, the associated drift velocity fields and the effect on modulation. At
high levels of solar activity, such that the current sheet enters deep enough into the polar
regions, the profile of Kota and Jokipii (1983) is found to significantly reduce the effective
inward (outward) drifts of positively (negatively) charged particles during A > 0 polarity
cycles. The analogous effect is true for A < 0 polarity cycles and the overall effect is of
such an extent that the A > 0 and A < 0 solutions are found to coincide at the highest
levels of solar activity to form a closed loop. This is a result that has never before been
achieved without having to scale down the drift coefficient to zero at solar maximum,
as was done by e.g. Ndiitwani et al. (2005). Furthermore, it is found that the drift
velocity fields associated with these two current sheet profiles lead to significant differences
in modulation even at such low levels of solar activity where no difference in the
geometries of these profiles are yet in evidence. The model is finally applied to reproduce
four observed galactic proton spectra, selected from PAMELA measurements (Adriani
et al., 2013) during the atypical solar minimum of 2006 to 2009; a new proton local interstellar
spectrum was employed. The results are found to be in accordance with that
found by other authors and in particular Vos (2011), i.e. the diffusion was required to
consistently increase from 2006 to 2009 and, in addition, the rigidity dependence below ~
3 GV was required to change over this time so that the spectra became increasingly softer. / MSc (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Étude de l'accélération des rayons cosmiques par les ondes de choc des restes de supernovae dans les superbulles galactiquesFerrand, Gilles 18 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions l'accélération des rayons cosmiques (RC), ces particules très énergétiques qui emplissent l'univers. Il est admis que les RC galactiques sont produits par accélération diffusive par onde de choc dans les restes de supernovae. La théorie linéaire explique la formation de spectres en loi de puissance, mais elle doit être modifiée du fait de la rétroaction des RC. Nous nous concentrons sur l'accélération répétée par chocs successifs, qui durcit les spectres, et qui dépend du transport des rayons cosmiques entre les chocs.<br />Pour cette étude nous avons développé un outil numérique qui couple l'évolution hydrodynamique du plasma et le transport cinétique des RC. Nous l'avons validé grâce à des résultats déjà connus. Pour résoudre toutes les échelles induites par la dépendance en énergie du coefficient de diffusion des RC nous avons implémenté une technique de grille adaptative. Pour réduire le temps de calcul nous avons aussi parallélisé notre code, dans la dimension d'énergie. Cela nous permet de présenter les premières simulations de l'accélération non-linéaire par chocs multiples. <br />Nous appliquons notre outil aux superbulles, les vastes structures chaudes et peu denses entourant les associations OB, car c'est probablement là que la plupart des supernovae explose en fait -- ce qui induit des modifications substantielles du modèle standard de production des RC galactiques. Plus précisément nous avons commencé à explorer les effets de chocs multiples, par une étude du rôle de RC pré-existants en amont d'une onde de choc. Pour finir nous passons en revue l'émission haute énergie des superbulles dans l'optique d'une production efficace de RC.
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Theoretical and numerical calculations for the dynamics of colloidal suspensions of molecular particles in flowing solution inside mesopores / Modélisation théorique et numérique de la dynamique de particules macromoléculaires en écoulement dans des systèmes méso-poreuxAtwi, Ali 02 May 2012 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse visent le développement d’un traitement inédit dans un repère spatiale tridimensionnel, pour le problème de la dynamique de collisions diffusives d’objets macromoléculaires en solution en écoulement hydrodynamique à l'intérieur des pores de largeur variable, soumis aux forces hydrodynamiques, du mouvement brownien et des collisions diffusifs aux parois des pores, en utilisant la modélisation théorique et les simulations numériques. L’approche par simulation numérique est nécessaire car il est extrêmement complexe d’utiliser des outils analytiques à présent pour traiter le problème de ces collisions diffusives aux parois solides. Les algorithmes que nous avons développés et les simulations correspondantes sont suffisamment généraux et avancés pour être directement appliquée à l'étude de la dynamique d'une grande variété de polymère et des particules biologiques dans des solutions diluées sous diverses conditions physiques et hydrodynamiques à l'intérieur des pores. Par ailleurs, les mécanismes conduisant à l'adhésion de nano particules et de particules macromoléculaires sous conditions de non-équilibre, en raison de l'influence contradictoire des collisions mécaniques diffusifs et les forces attractives de Hamaker aux parois solides, sont d'un intérêt majeur. Nous avons donc développé un modèle théorique pour calculer le coefficient de restitution. L'objectif est de quantifier le bilan énergétique pendant le processus de collision diffusive de ces particules aux parois, sous l'influence des forces de répulsion d'une part et les forces attractives de Hamaker. Cela se fait par l'élaboration d'un modèle, basé sur le JKR et les théories d’Hertz, pour tenir compte des pertes d'énergie lors des collisions et des gains d'énergie en raison des interactions Hamaker. L’adhésion arrive si le bilan énergétique le permet. Notre modèle théorique est développé en proposant une approche particulière basée sur le potentiel Hamaker. Nous démontrons ce bilan par le biais d'une équation caractéristique non linéaire pour le coefficient de restitution, et analysons ses propriétés qui déterminent l'adhésion ou non pour diverses conditions physiques initiales. / The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive model analysis in a three-dimensional spatial frame for the dynamics of molecular particles in dilute colloidal suspensions in solutions flowing inside pores of variable width, subject to hydrodynamic forces, Brownian motion and diffusive collisions at the rough pore boundaries, by using numerical simulations. The approach by simulations is necessary because it is extremely complex to use analytical tools at present to deal with the problem of diffusive collisions of the particles at the solid pore boundaries. The algorithms which we have developed and the corresponding simulations are sufficiently general and refined to be directly applied to the study of the dynamics of a wide variety of polymer and biological particles in dilute solutions under diverse physical and applicable hydrodynamic conditions inside pores. Moreover, the mechanisms leading to the adhesion of particles of nano sizes under what would be non-equilibrium conditions, due to the conflicting influence of the mechanical diffusive collisions and the attractive Hamaker forces at the boundaries, are of major interest. We have hence investigated a theoretical model to calculate the restitution coefficient from basic physical principles. The objective is to quantify the energy balance during the process of a diffusive collision of a nano particle under the influence of the repulsive forces on one hand, and the attractive Hamaker forces acting on the nano particle on the other. This is done by developing a model, based on the JKR and Hertz theories, to account for the energy losses during collisions, and for the energy gains due to the Hamaker interactions. Adhesion becomes an outcome if the energy balance permits this. Our theoretical model is developed by proposing a special analytic approach based on the Hamaker potential. We derive from the theoretical analysis a characteristic nonlinear equation for the restitution coefficient, and analyze its properties which determine under given physical conditions the outcome for adhesion or not.
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Théorie de Boltzmann chirale pour le transport dans les multicouches, électrons et photons, balistique et diffusif / Chiral Boltzmann equation for transport in multilayer systems, electrons and photons, ballistic and diffusiveCharpentier, Nicolas 25 January 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde le problème du transport diffusif dans les matériaux multicouches lorsque l'épaisseur des couches est comparable voire plus petit que le libre parcours moyen. Nous présentons un formalisme qui à la fois effectue une synthèse et permet d'aller au delà des divers modèles existants, dérive-diffusion, le modèle Valet-Fert, la méthode des flux ou encore le modèle de Fuchs-Sondheimer. Ce formalisme est applicable à deux types de structures: (i) la géométrie dite CPP (Current Perpendicular to Plane) où le courant moyen est perpendiculaire aux interfaces séparant les couches, et (ii) la géométrie dite CIP (Current In Plane) où le courant moyen est parallèle aux interfaces. Ce nouveau modèle de transport est bâti à partir d'une équation de Boltzmann où les collisions dans les couches et aux interfaces sont représentées par des intégrales de collision linéaires pouvant décrire aussi bien des réflexions spéculaires que des collisions aléatoires non nécessairement isotropes. La résolution de cette équation de Boltzmann pour déterminer les quantités macroscopiques locales d'intérêt se fait en trois étapes : pour chacune des couches, (1) la distribution locale des particules est séparée en deux « chiralités » caractérisés par le signe de la projection du vecteur vitesse de chaque particule le long de l'axe perpendiculaire aux interfaces ; (2) la description locale complète de la distribution angulaire des vitesses pour chaque chiralité est obtenue en développant sur une nouvelle base polynômes orthogonaux adaptée à l'existence de deux chiralités ; (3) pour effectuer la moyenne chirale sur la distribution angulaire des vitesses on définit une troncature minimale de ce développement adaptée aux quantités macroscopiques locales d'intérêt.L’étape (1) est nécessaire afin de pouvoir décrire correctement les collisions d'interfaces, l'étape (3) est usuelle mais l'ingrédient clef de ce formalisme est le point (2) qui seul permet de rendre cohérent les étapes (1) et (3) en présence d'interfaces. Pour la géométrie CPP, ce formalisme « Boltzmann chiral » permet d'unir les systèmes balistique et diffusif sous une même approche macroscopique. En présence de polarisation en spin, ce nouveau formalisme permet d'obtenir entre autre les résistances d'interfaces du modèle Valet-Fert en fonction des coefficients de transmission généralisés associés aux collisions d'interface. Pour les structures CIP, ce modèle permet d'obtenir des expressions analytiques pour les conductivités locales par couche (avec ou sans polarisation en spin) et de plus il rend le lien avec le transport CPP plus transparent. Ce formalisme n'étant pas propre au transport électrique, nous montrons sa versatilité sur une application au transport lumineux en revisitant le problème de Milne pour lequel nous retrouvons un résultat exact de façon beaucoup plus simple. Nous présentons pour terminer une méthode variationnelle fournissant une interprétation intéressante du modèle de Fuchs-Sondheimer. / This thesis addresses the problem of diffusive transport in multilayer systems when the layers thickness is of the order of or even smaller than the mean free path. We present a formalism which enables to synthetize and to go beyond various the standard models (drift-diffusion, Valet-Fert model, flux method or Fuchs-Sondheimer model). This formalism applies to two kinds of structures: (i) the so called CPP geometry (Current Perpendicular to Plane) where the mean transport current is perpendicular to the interfaces separating the layers, and (ii) the so called CIP (Current in Plane) geometry in which the mean transport current is parallel to interfaces. This new model of transport is build on the Boltzmann transport equation in which the scattering in the layer or at interfaces is represented by linear collision integrals that can describe specular and random scattering not necessarily isotropic. The resolution of this Boltzmann equation to obtain macroscopic quantities of interest is done in three steps for each layer: (1) the particle distribution is splitted into two “chiralities” characterized by the sign of the projection of the velocity vector of each particle along the axis perpendicular to interfaces; (2) the local description of the complete angular velocity distribution for each chirality is obtained by an expansion over a new orthogonal polynomial basis adapted to the existence of two chiralities; (3) to compute the chiral mean of the angular velocity distribution we define a minimal troncated expansion adapted to the local physical quantities of interest. Step (1) is necessary to describe correctly the interface scattering, step (3) is usual but the key ingredient of our formalism is step (2) which solely allows a coherent description of step (1) and (3) in the presence of interfaces. For spin polarized systems this novel formalism allows, among other things, to express the boundaries resistances of the Valet-Fert model in terms of generalized transmission coefficients associated to scattering at interfaces. For CIP structures, with this new approach we obtain explicit analytical expressions for the local conductivity of each layer (with or without spin polarisation) and we make the link with CPP transport more transparent. This novel formalism is not specific to electrical transport, to show its versatility we present an application to transport of light by revisiting the Milne problem for which we can recover certain exact result in a much simpler way. At last, we present a variational method which gives some interesting interpretation of the Fuchs-Sondheimer model.
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