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Microwave Devices and Antennas Based on Negative-refractive-index Transmission-line MetamaterialsAntoniades, Marc A. 23 September 2009 (has links)
Several microwave devices and antennas that are based on negative-refractive-index transmission-line (NRI-TL) metamaterials are presented in this thesis, which exhibit superior performance features compared to their conventional counterparts. These are a Wilkinson balun, a 1:4 series power divider, a four-element printed dipole array, a leaky-wave antenna, and an electrically small folded-monopole antenna. The Wilkinson balun employs +90° and −90° NRI-TL metamaterial lines at the output branches of a Wilkinson divider, to achieve a six-fold increase in the measured differential output phase bandwidth compared to that of an analogous balun employing transmission lines, while occupying only 55% of the area. The 1:4 series power divider comprises four non-radiating 0° NRI-TL metamaterial lines, each with a compact length of λ0/8, to provide equal power split to all four output ports. Compared to a conventional series power divider employing one-wavelength long transmission lines, the metamaterial divider provides a 154% increase in the measured through-power bandwidth, while occupying only 54% of the area. The metamaterial series power dividing concept is also applied to a four-element fully-printed dipole array that is designed to radiate at broadside, in order to demonstrate that the array exhibits reduced beam squinting characteristics. It is shown that the metamaterial-fed array has a measured scan-angle bandwidth that is 173% greater than an array that is fed using a conventional low-pass loaded line. The reduced-beam squinting property that NRI-TL metamaterial lines offer is subsequently exploited to create a leaky-wave antenna that radiates a near-fixed beam in the forward +45° direction, with an average measured beam squint of only 0.031°/MHz. This is achieved by operating the antenna in the upper right-handed band where the phase and group velocities are the closest to the speed of light. Finally, an electrically small antenna comprising four 0° NRI-TL metamaterial unit cells is presented which supports a predominantly even-mode current, thus enabling it to be modeled as a multi-arm folded monopole. This significantly increases its radiation resistance, which allows it to be matched to 50 Ω, while maintaining a high measured efficiency of 70%.
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Full scale low-cost ultra wide band antenna for SKA low frequency arraySchoeman, Dewald Hermanus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is about the design, simulation and measuring of ultra wide band antennas
for use in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
The SKA is a radio astronomy project with one of the aims of detecting hydrogen particles
in deep space. Several thousand antennas over a wide band of frequencies are needed
to receive the radiation from these particles. This motivates the need for a low-cost ultra
wide band antenna with the focus on the low frequency part of the SKA.
In this thesis we present two design strategies:
The first design strategy is for a printed LPDA on a substrate and design curves are
generated. A scale model was built and measurements did not correlate with simulation
results. This is due to manufacturing tolerances and assembly of the pyramidal structure.
The second design strategy is for a full scale zig-zag antenna and design curves were also
generated. The aim here is to produce a low-cost prototype by using brazing rods for
the wire structure and mount it on a wooden frame. A full scale model was built and
measurements on the roof produced much interference for the radiation pattern, but the
reflection coefficient was good. We suggest doing measurements in an interference free
environment in order to achieve the needed results.
To conclude we suggest using the zig-zag antenna for the SKA. Some issues do however
need more attention as the transformer has some losses, the cross polarisation is probably
not good enough and the beamwidth does not reach the specification. We demonstrated
a low cost prototype and there is the possibility of low-cost large scale manufacturing but this needs to be addressed. This has however not been analysed as many factors for large
scale manufacturing are very difficult to predict beforehand and lies outside the scope of
this thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis gaan oor die ontwerp, simulasie en opmeting van ultrawyebandantennas
vir gebruik in die SKA ("Square Kilometre Array").
Die SKA is ’n radioastronomie projek met die doel om waterstof partikels op te spoor
in die ruimte. Duisende antennas wat oor ’n wye band van frekwensies strek is nodig
om die energie van die partikels op te vang. Hieruit is daar ’n aanvraag vir lae-koste
ultrawyebandantennas met die fokus op die lae frekwensie deel van die SKA.
In hierdie tesis word twee ontwerpstrategieë voorgestel:
Die eerste ontwerpstrategie is vir ’n gedrukte logaritmies periodiese dipool reeks (LPDR)
op ’n substraat tesame met ontwerpskurwes wat gegenereer word. ’n Skaal model is gebou
en die gemete resultate stem nie ooreen met die simulasie nie. Dit kan toegeskryf
word aan vervaardigingstoleransies en die aanmekaar sit van die piramide struktuur.
Die tweede ontwerpstrategie is vir ’n vol skaal sigsag ("zig-zag") antenna met ontwerpskurwes
wat ook gegenereer word. Die doel is om ’n lae-koste prototipe te bou deur
sweissoldeerdraad te gebruik vir die draadstruktuur en dan op ’n hout raam te plaas. ’n
Vol skaal model is gebou en metings op die dak het baie interferensie veroorsaak vir die
stralingsveld, maar tog was die weerkaatskoëffisient goed. Ons stel voor om die metings
te herhaal in ’n steuringvrye omgewing om sodoende die korrekte resultate te verkry.
Om af te sluit stel ons voor om die sigsag antenna vir die SKA te gebruik. Sekere kwessies
soos die transformator wat verlieserig is, die kruispolarisasie wat moontlik nie goed genoeg is nie en die bundelwydte wat nie die spesifikasie haal nie moet nog aandag geniet.
Ons het ’n lae-koste prototipe gedemonstreer en daar is die moontlikheid om dit op
grootskaalse vervaardiging ook goedkoop te doen, maar dit moet nog uigesorteer word.
Dit was wel nie geanaliseer nie, siende dat vele faktore ’n rol speel by grootskaalse vervaardiging
wat uiters moeilik is om voor die tyd te voorspel en buite die omvang van
die tesis lê.
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Next Generation Wideband Antenna Arrays for Communications and Radio AstrophysicsKolitsidas, Christos January 2017 (has links)
Wideband, wide-scan antenna arrays are a promising candidate for the future wireless networks and as well as an essential part of experimental radio astrophysics. Understanding the underline physics of the element performance in the array environment is paramount to develop and improve the performance of array systems. The focus of this thesis is to develop novel wideband antenna array technologies and develop new theoretical insights of the fundamental limits of antenna arrays. The developed methodologies have also been extended to include a radio astrophysics application for the global 21cm experiment. Investigating the fundamental antenna array limits and extracting general performance measures can provide a priori estimates for any application of arrays. In this thesis, a general measure for antenna arrays, the array figure of merit is proposed. This measure couples bandwidth, height from the ground plane and reflection coefficient in a bounded quantity. An extension of the array figure of merit that is able to provide matching, bandwidth and directivity/gain limits is also introduced. The soft Vivaldi array is introduced as a novel wideband, wide-scan angle array technology. Periodic structure loading has been utilized to improve the array's performance and mold the electromagnetic wave behavior to our benefit. The soft condition has been utilized in the same manner as the conventional soft-horn antenna at the Vivaldi element. An integrated matching layer in the form of periodic strip loading is introduced. A single polarized soft Vivaldi array prototype has been developed fabricated and measured. The developed finite array has been loaded with a soft condition in the periphery to mitigate edge effects. The results indicated improved cross-polarization and side-lobe levels. A new class of wideband antenna arrays, the Strongly Coupled Asymmetric Dipole Array (SCADA) was also proposed in this thesis. Exploiting asymmetry in the array element introduces an additional degree of freedom that improves bandwidth and scanning performance. A novel methodology for terminating finite arrays is also proposed. The theory and an experimental antenna array is presented with good agreement between measured and simulated results. An effort to integrate a vertical wide angle matching layer was also addressed and a prototype array with this concept is presented. In the last part of this thesis, a methodology for the detection of the global cosmological 21cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) is developed. The main sources of errors in this experiment, the foregrounds and the antenna chromaticity are evaluated. A new algorithmic methodology for extracting the global EoR signal is proposed. The method is based on piecewise polynomial fitting and has successfully been applied and evaluated. An antenna array that is based on the methodologies described in this thesis has been developed and evaluated with the proposed algorithm. / Bredbandiga gruppantenner med stor utstyrningsvinkel är en av de lovande kandidaterna för nästa generations trådlösa kommunikationsnätverk samt en väsentlig del av experimentell radioastrofysik. Att förstå de bakomliggande fysikaliska principerna hos gruppantennens element är avgörande för att kunna utveckla och förbättra prestandan hos ett gruppantennsystem. Denna avhandling är fokuserad på att utveckla nya bredbandstekniker samt nya teoretiska insikter om de grundläggande gränserna för gruppantenner. De här utvecklade metoderna har förutom kommunikationstillämpningar också tillämpats på en radioastrofysik tillämpning i det globala 21cm experimentet. Att undersöka de fundamentala gränserna för gruppantenner och att utröna allmängiltiga mått på deras prestandaegenskaper kan möjliggöra a priori uppskattningar om gruppantenns tillämpbarhet för dess planerade användning. I den här avhandlingen föreslås ett allmänt kvalitetsmått på gruppantenner: gruppantennkvaliten. Detta mått kopplar samman främst bandbredd, reflektionskoefficienten med antennens tjocklek över ett jordplanet. En utvidgning av begreppet gruppantennkvaliten, presenters också i avhandlingen det kopplar samman bandbredd, matchning med antennens direktivitet/förstärkningsfaktor. En Vivaldi-gruppantenn med mjuka ytor introduceras här som en ny sorts bredbandig gruppantenn med stor utstyrningsvinkel. I antennen har en periodisk belastning inkluderats för att förbättra dess egenskaper, och för att forma antennens elektromagnetiska utstrålning till vår fördel. Den mjuka ytan på elementet har används på ett liknande sätt som det välkända korrigerade Vivaldihornets design, och har integrerats direkt i elementets design. Den här utvecklade ändliga gruppantennen har också en mjuk yta på dess yttre delar för att minska kanteffekternas påverkan av antennprestandan. Resultaten indikerade både förbättrad korspolarisations och lägre sidlobsnivåer hos antennen. En ny klass av bredbandiga gruppantenner har utvecklas i denna avhandling, den kallas en Starkt Kopplad Asymmetrisk Dipol-gruppAntennen - SCADA. Genom att utnyttja geometrisk asymmetri i antennelementet introduceras ytterligare en frihetsgrad som möjliggör förbättrad bandbredd och utstyrning. Vidare presenteras här en ny metod för impedansterminering av ändliga gruppantenner. Både SCADA-teorin samt dess verifiering i forma av en experimentell gruppantenn presenteras här. Teori, simulering och experiment visar god överenskommelse, vilket validerar idéerna. En prototyp av ett matchande skikt som stöder stor utstyrbarhet har integrerats med gruppantennprototypen och presenteras i avhandlingen. I den sista delen av avhandling utvecklas också en metod för detektering av den globala kosmologiska 21 cm-signalen från universums rejoniseringsepok - EoR. Huvudkällorna för mätfel i detta experiment utvärderas, de är antennens kromaticiteten och förgrundsstrålningen. En ny algoritmbaserad metod för att extrahera den globala EoR-signalen föreslås. Metoden är baserad på anpassning med multipla polynom och har med framgång tillämpats och utvärderats. En gruppantenn som baseras på de metoder som beskrivs i avhandling har också föreslagits och dess prestanda har utvärderats med den föreslagna metoden. / <p>QC 20171121</p>
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Controlled Interfacial Adsorption of AuNW Along 1-Nm Wide Dipole Arrays on Layered Materials and The Catalysis of Sulfide OxygenationAshlin G Porter (6580085) 12 October 2021 (has links)
<p>Controlling the
surface chemistry of 2D materials is critical for the development of next
generation applications including nanoelectronics and organic photovoltaics
(OPVs). Further, next generation nanoelectronics devices require very specific
2D patterns of conductors and insulators with prescribed connectivity and
repeating patterns less than 10 nm. However, both top-down and bottom-up
approaches currently used lack the ability to pattern materials with sub 10-nm
precision over large scales. Nevertheless, a class of monolayer chemistry
offers a way to solve this problem through controlled long-range ordering with
superior sub-10 nm patterning resolution. Graphene is most often functionalized
noncovalently, which preserves most of its intrinsic properties (<i>i.e.,</i> electronic conductivity) and
allows spatial modulation of the surface. Phospholipids such as
(diyne PE) form lying down lamellar phases on graphene where both the
hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail are exposed to the interface and resemble
a repeating cross section of the cell membrane. Phospholipid is made up of a complex
headgroup structure and strong headgroup dipole which allows for a diverse
range of chemistry and docking of objects to occur at the nonpolar membrane,
these principals are equally as important at the nonpolar interface of 2D
materials. A key component in the development of nanoelectronics is the
integration of inorganic nanocrystals such as nanowires into materials at the
wafer scale. Nanocrystals can be integrated into materials through templated
growth on to surface of interest as well as through assembly processes (i.e.
interfacial adsorption). </p>
<p>In this work, I
have demonstrated that gold nanowires (AuNWs) can be templated on striped
phospholipid monolayers, which have an orientable headgroup dipoles that can
order and straighten flexible 2-nm diameter AuNWs with wire lengths of ~1 µm. While AuNWs in
solution experience bundling effects due to depletion attraction interactions,
wires adsorb to the surface in a well separated fashion with wire-wire
distances (e.g. 14 or 21 nm) matching multiples of the PE template pitch. This
suggests repulsive interactions between wires upon interaction with dipole
arrays on the surface. Although the reaction and templating of AuNWs is
completed in a nonpolar environment (cyclohexane), the ordering of wires varies
based on the hydration of the PE template in the presence of excess oleylamine,
which forms hemicylindrical micelles around the hydrated headgroups protecting
the polar environment. Results suggest that PE template experience
membrane-mimetic dipole orientation behaviors, which in turn influences the
orientation and ordering of objects in a nonpolar environment.</p>
promising material for bottom-up device applications is MoS<sub>2 </sub>substrates
due to their useful electronic properties. However, being able to control the
surface chemistry of different materials, like MoS<sub>2</sub>, is relatively
understudied, resulting in very limited examples of MoS<sub>2 </sub>substrates
used in bottom-up approaches for nanoelectronics devices. Diyne PE templates adsorb
on to MoS<sub>2 </sub>in an edge-on conformation in which the alkyl tails
stack on top of each other increasing the overall stability of the monolayer. A
decrease in lateral spacing results in high local concentrations of orientable
headgroups dipoles along with stacked tails which could affect the interactions
and adsorption of inorganic materials (i.e. AuNW) at the interface. </p>
<p>Here, I show
that both diyne PE/HOPG and diyne PE/MoS<sub>2</sub> substrates can template
AuNW of various lengths with long range ordering over areas up to 100 µm<sup>2</sup>. Wires on
both substrates experience repulsive interactions upon contact with the
headgroup dipole arrays resulting in wire-wire distances greater than the
template pitch (7 nm). As the wire length is shortened the measured distance
between wires become smaller eventually resulting in tight packed ribbon
phases. Wires within these ribbon phases have wire-wire distances equal to the
template. Ribbon phases occur on diyne
PE/HOPG substrates when the wire length is ~50 nm, whereas wire below ~600 nm
produce ribbon phases on diyne PE/MoS<sub>2 </sub>substrates. </p>
important aspect to future scientific development is the catalysis of organic
reactions, specifically oxygenation of organic sulfides. Sulfide oxygenation is
important for applications such as medicinal chemistry, petroleum
desulfurization, and nerve agent detoxification. Both reaction rates and the
use of inexpensive oxidants and catalysts are important for practical
applications. Hydrogen peroxide and <i>tert</i>-butyl
hydroperoxide are ideal oxidants due to being cost efficient and
environmentally friendly. Hydrogen peroxide can be activated through transition
metal base homogeneous catalysts. Some of the most common catalysts are homo-
and hetero-polyoxometalates (POMs) due their chemical robustness. Heptamolybdate
[Mo<sub>7</sub>O<sub>24</sub>]<sup>6-</sup><sub> </sub>is a member of the
isopolymolybdate family and its ammonium salt is commercially available and low
in cost.<sup>22</sup> Heteropolyoxometalates have
been widely studied as a catalyst for oxygenation reactions whereas heptamolybdate
has been rarely studied in oxygenation reactions. </p>
<p> Here
I report sulfide oxygenation activity of both heptamolybdate and its peroxo
derivate [Mo<sub>7</sub>O<sub>22</sub>(O<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>6-</sup>.
Sulfide oxygenation of methyl phenyl sulfide (MPS) by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>to
sulfoxide and sulfone occurs rapidly with 100 % utility of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>
in the presence of [Mo<sub>7</sub>O<sub>22</sub>(O<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>6-</sup>,
suggesting the peroxo adduct is an efficient catalyst. However, heptamolybdate
is a faster catalyst compared to [Mo<sub>7</sub>O<sub>22</sub>(O<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>6-</sup>
for MPS oxygenation and all other sulfides tested under identical conditions.
Pseudo-first order <i>k</i><sub>cat</sub>
constants from initial rate kinetics show that [Mo<sub>7</sub>O<sub>24</sub>]<sup>6-</sup><sub>
</sub>catalyzes sulfide oxygenation faster. The significant difference in the <i>k</i><sub>cat</sub> suggests differences in
the active catalytic species, which was characterized by both UV-Vis and
electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. ESI-MS suggest that the active
intermediate of [Mo<sub>7</sub>O<sub>24</sub>]<sup>6-</sup><sub> </sub>under
catalytic reaction conditions for sulfide oxygenation by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>
is [Mo<sub>2</sub>O<sub>11</sub>]<sup>2-</sup>. These results show that
heptamolybdate is a highly efficient catalyst for H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>oxygenation
of organic sulfides.</p>
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