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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace řídicích parametrů EDM stroje / Optimization of EDM process control parameters

Prokeš, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is focused on the optimization of control parameters of an EDM machine; the subject of optimization is cutting speed and surface topography. The first part of the thesis contains a research study on the technology of electrical discharge machining with the attention paid to the optimization methods use for control parameters of this process. The second part of the thesis is focused on real application of knowledge gained from studied sources. Here, a design of experiment aim at optimizing the parameters of the EDM machine is designed and carried on to maximize the cutting speed with the highest possible surface quallity. The result of the work is to build adequate regression models and find the optimal setting of machine control parameters.

Elektroerozivní hloubení technické keramiky / Electroerosive sinking of technical ceramics

Kudrna, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the topic of electrical discharge machining. The first part of the thesis contains a study of the die-sinking EDM. The die-sinking EDM of the silicon carbide ceramic is realized in the experimental part of the thesis. The result of this work was to explore the influence of the EDM sinking parameters, specifically pulse current, open-voltage and pulse on-time, on the machined surface. Furthermore, the analysis of the tool electrode was made. This analysis was focused on the wear in the corners, which has key influence on accuracy of the machining. The machining time was also examined.

Trendy vývoje obráběcích strojů / Trend development of machine tools

Šenkýř, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with trends of the development of machine tools, and focuses on technologies and machine tools for manufacturing of pressing dies and on manufacturing of cavity of moulds. First, the existing state in the field of these technologies is described and defined, and subsequently, the dissertation concentrates on modern conceptions of this manufacturing.

Výroba vstřikovací formy. / Production of an Injection Mold.

Jílek, Bohumil January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a production of injection molds. It contains some analyses of the various parts of the injection molds, a description of their functions and the possibility of structural design. A summary of existing technologies for the production of these molds, their advantages and disadvantages is included. This thesis deals with design of the component parts for injection of plastics, strategy of machining and a simulation of machining.

Nekonvenční technologie elektroerozivního drátového řezání. / Unconventional Technology of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining.

Svoboda, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with technology of electric discharge machining with emphasis on application of the principle of material removal on wire cut electric discharge machine. The main part is concentrated on wire cut electric discharge machining in terms of a small tool making shop. The goal of the thesis is to create a wire cut electric discharge machining workplace in the company with a focus on the production of cutting tools. The thesis defines requirements for each component of cutting tools and strategies for their machining. Machining of model part and subsequent technical - economic evaluation is included in the final part.

Návrh technologie výroby tvarového víka / Design of production technology of shaped cover

Doležal, Václav January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a design technology of forming a shaped lid focused on cutting, bending, drawing, as well as trimming and making the required holes. There is described several basic variants of sheet metal forming based on the literature. Production of holes of specified cover, for an annual production of 100 pieces of shaped lid, is solved by unconventional technologies. From subsequent economic evaluation of selected technologies is chosen an appropriate technology to minimize production costs.

Optimizacija procesa elektroerozivne obrade savremenih inženjerskih materijala / Optimization of electrical discharge machining of advanced engineering materials

Rodić Dragan 12 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije predstavlja unapređenje, modelovanje i optimizacija procesa elektroerozivne obrade (EDM) savremenih inženjerskih materijala. Prvo su predstavljene dve inovativne metode: EDM u dielektrikumu sa pome&scaron;anim prahom i EDM sa pomoćnom elektrodom, a zatim i njihova kombinacija. Za generisanje matematičkih modela primenjene su metodologija odzivne povr&scaron;ine i alati ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije. U nastavku su postavljeni optimizacioni procesi određivanja ulaznih parametara sa jednom i vi&scaron;e funkcija cilja koji su re&scaron;eni primenom klasičnih metoda optimizacije. U zavr&scaron;nom osvrtu sprovedena je verifikacija dobijenih modela i optimalnih ulaznih parametara elektroerozivne obrade.</p> / <p>The subject of the research of this dissertation is the improvement, modeling and optimization of the electrical discharge machining (EDM) of advanced engineering materials. First, two innovation methods are presented: EDM in powder mixed dielectric fluid and EDM with assisted electrode and that their combination. The method of response surface and artificial intelligence tools were applied to generate mathematical models. The optimization problems of determining the input parameters with single and multiple target functions are solved by the application of classical optimization methods. Finally, verification of the obtained models and optimal input parameters of electrical discharge machining was carried out.</p>

Développement d’un procédé d’usinage par micro-électroérosion / Development of a machining processby EDM

Girardin, Guillaume 20 December 2012 (has links)
L’électroérosion (EE) est une technique d’usinage sans contact de matériaux conducteursd’électricité ; elle particulièrement bien adaptée à l’usinage de matériaux durs. Le principe consiste àcréer des décharges électriques érodantes entre un outil et une pièce à usiner, toutes deuximmergées dans un diélectrique. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié la miniaturisation de ceprocédé, la microélectroérosion (μEE), qui se présente comme un procédé complémentaire destechniques de micro-usinage mécanique, laser, ou encore des techniques issues de lamicrotechnologie du silicium (RIE, DRIE, LIGA). Toutefois, la résolution de la μEE est limitée.Dans ce travail, nous avons tout d’abord développé un procédé original d’élaboration de microoutilscylindriques en tungstène par gravure électrochimique. Celui-ci permet d’obtenir de manièrereproductible des micro-outils de diamètre 15 μm et de rapport hauteur sur diamètre supérieur à 50.Des micro-outils plus fins ont aussi été obtenus (jusqu’à 700 nm) mais avec des problèmes dereproductibilité. Par ailleurs, un prototype de machine de fraisage par μEE a été développé avec uneélectronique entièrement caractérisée. Des micro-canaux de 40 μm de largeur ont été obtenus dansl’acier d’inoxydable et 25 μm dans le titane ; une rugosité Ra de 86 nm a été atteinte dans des cavitésde 600 x 600 x 30 μm. Les limitations du dispositif expérimental ont aussi été mises en évidence.Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons procédé à l’étude des microdécharges et du microplasmas’établissant entre micro-outil et pièce à l’aide de caractérisations électriques. La résistanceet l’inductance des décharges ont été déterminées expérimentalement puis intégrées dans unmodèle permettant de prévoir la durée des impulsions de courant et leur intensité. Des pistes pourl’amélioration de la résolution d’usinage sont proposées en conclusion de ce travail. / Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non-contact technique allowing machining of electricallyconductive materials; it is well adapted for the machining of hard materials. The principle is based onthe creation of eroding electrical discharges between a tool and a piece, both immersed in adielectric. In this thesis, we have the studied miniaturization of the process, called micro electrodischarge machining (μ-EDM), which is considered as a complementary technique of mechanical orlaser micro-machining techniques and silicon micro technology processes (RIE, DRIE, LIGA)..However, the resolution of μEDM is limited.In this work, we have firstly developed an original method for making tungsten micro-tools withcylindrical profile by electrochemical etching. This method allows the reproducible fabrication ofmicro-tool with 15-μm diameter. Thinner micro-tools were also obtained (down to 700 nm) withreproducibility problems. Furthermore, a prototype machine for milling μ-EDM was developed with afully characterized electronics. Micro channels were obtained respectively in stainless steel with awidth of 40μm and in titanium with a width of 25μm; a surface roughness Ra of 86 nm was achievedin 600 x 600 x 30 μm cavities. Besides, the limitations of the apparatus were highlighted. In the lastpart of this work, we have studied the micro-discharge and the micro-plasma between the micro-tooland the part with electrical characterization. The resistivity and the inductance of the sparks weremeasured and integrated in a numerical model in order to explain the duration of the microdischarges and their intensity. Solutions for improving the machining resolution are also discussed atthe end of this work.

Rozvoj technologie frézování forem povlakovanými tvarovými frézami / Progress in technology of mold milling with coated profile tools

Doležel, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is involved in possible development of different types of milling molds coated with modern plows. The first part is devoted to an analysis of contemporary trends in forms production technology. The analysis includes the different types of machines and tools for making various kinds of molds and dies. Another part deals with design of dies for sheet metal shears. The thesis continues by design of the production procedure after heat treatment and finishing die by miling. For milling of die are designed miling tools, the NC program and the possible development of manufacturing the die using a new machining center and the possibility of production optimization. The penultimate point of the thesis is technical and economical evaluation of the direction of development and comparison of positives and negatoves of each method. At the final evaluation is all summed up.

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