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The external validity of South African substance use contextual risk instrument: predictive validityBester, Kyle John January 2017 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / The purpose of the present study was to gather further external validity evidence towards the
validity argument for an instrument designed to measure individual and contextual factors
associated with adolescent substance use in low socio-economic status communities in the Western
Cape, South Africa. The South African Substance Use Contextual Risk Instrument (SASUCRI)
measures adolescents’ subjective experiences of their own psycho-social and their communities’
functioning. The present study uses secondary data analysis in order to further evaluate its external
validity. Both content and structural evidence for the instrument has been gathered in the larger
study in which the present study is located. Validity theory was used as the theoretical framework
for the gathering of the different types of evidence in support of the validity argument for this
instrument. The study employed non-probability purposive sampling to select schools from three
education districts from which twenty-six schools were selected where the sample total was
N=1959. English and Afrikaans versions of the instrument were administered to English- and
Afrikaans home language, school-going adolescents, aged 12 to 21 years. All ethical standards were
maintained throughout the research process. External evidence procedures were conducted using
Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) to evaluate the extent to which the instrument could
discriminate between substance using and non-using adolescents. The DFA revealed that nine
SASUCRI sub-scales totals can act as significant predictors to substance use among adolescents
based on the predictive validity of sub-scales.
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Effects of age and schooling on 22 ability and achievement testsGambrell, James Lamar 01 May 2013 (has links)
Although much educational research has investigated the relative effectiveness of different educational interventions and policies, little is known about the absolute net benefits of K-12 schooling independent of growth due to chronological age and out-of-school experience. The nearly universal policy of age tracking in schools makes this a difficult topic to investigate. However, a quasi-experimental regression discontinuity design can be used to separate observed test score differences between grades into independent age and schooling components, yielding an estimate of the net effects of school exposure at each grade level. In this study, a multilevel version of this design was applied to scores on 22 common ability and achievement tests from two major standardized test batteries. The ability battery contained 9 measures of Verbal, Quantitative, and Figural reasoning. The achievement battery contained 13 measures in the areas of Language, Mathematics, Reading, Social Studies, Science, and Sources of Information. The analysis was based on sample of over 20,000 students selected from a longitudinal database collected by a large U.S. parochial school system.
The theory of fluid (Gf) and crystallized (Gc) intelligence predicts that these tests will show systematically different levels of sensitivity to schooling. Indeed, the achievement (Gc) tests were found to be three times more sensitive to schooling than they were to aging (one-year effect sizes of .41 versus .15), whereas the ability (Gf) tests were equally influenced by age (.18) and schooling (.19). Nonetheless, the schooling effect on most Gf tests was substantial, especially when the compounding over a typical school career is considered. This replicates the results of previous investigations of age and schooling using regression discontinuity methods and once again contradicts common interpretations of fluid ability.
Different measures of a construct often exhibited varying levels of school sensitivity. Those tests that were less sensitive to schooling generally required reading, reasoning, transfer, synthesis, or translation; posed a wider range of questions; and/or presented problems in an unfamiliar format. Quantitative reasoning tests showed more sensitivity to schooling than figural reasoning tests, while verbal reasoning tests occupied a middle ground between the two. Schooling had the most impact on basic arithmetic skills and mathematical concepts, and a significantly weaker impact on the solution of math word problems. School-related gains on isolated language skills were much larger than gains on solving grammar problems in context. The weakest schooling impact overall was on reading comprehension where effects were no larger than those on verbal ability measures.
An interesting dichotomy was found between spelling and paper folding (a measure of figural and spatial reasoning). Spelling skills showed robust schooling effects but a consistently negative age slope, a puzzling result which indicates that younger students in each group outperformed older students. Paper folding showed the opposite pattern, a large age effect and a small but consistently negative schooling effect.
Results serve to rebut skepticism about both the impact of schooling on test scores and the validity of distinctions between ability and achievement. It is argued that the regression discontinuity design has great potential in the measurement of school effectiveness, while also offering a source of validity evidence for test developers and test users. Implications for theories of cognitive ability and future research on schooling effects are discussed.
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Investigating the construct validity of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 Interpersonal scalesMaccarone, Keefe James 01 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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An investigation of the discriminant validity of four scales of the Personality Assessment Inventory to distinguish between offenders and non-offendersBrownell, Robert C. 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In the course of a forensic evaluation, psychologists often rely on personality inventories to provide information that is useful in making recommendations regarding case disposition (parole, treatment, etc.). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of four scales from the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) to distinguish between youthful criminal offenders and non-offenders. The scales focused on in this study were Paranoia (PAR), Traumatic Stress (ARD-T), Alcohol Problems (ALC) and Drug Problems (DRG). Twenty-five youthful offenders incarcerated in the California Youth Authority comprised the offender group and 25 students at a California Community College comprised the non-offender group. The subjects were matched for age (male) and gender. The offender group was administered the Personality Assessment Inventory on an individual basis while incarcerated at the California Youth Authority. Permission was obtained to use selected protocols as archival data for this investigation. The non-offender group was administered the Personality Assessment Inventory in a group setting while attending a mathematics class at a community college. Independent samples t-tests demonstrated that the Drug Problems scale was the only one of the four scales which indicated a significant difference between the two groups (p < 0.05). Discriminant analysis yielded a significant discriminant function accounting for 22.5% of the variability in the scores. The primary contributors to that function were Drug Problems and Alcohol Problems. The finding that the Alcohol Problems and Drug Problems scales did not both significantly distinguish the offender and non-offender group is discussed in light of other personality inventories' use of a single scale to evaluate alcohol and other drugs. Further implications for theory and practice and suggestions for further research are discussed.
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Symptom Dimensions and Neurocognitive Functioning in Adult ADHDButcher, Andrew Timothy 06 September 2001 (has links)
Ongoing controversies regarding the clinical and nosological status of ADHD in adults emphasize the need for studies examining whether <i>DSM-IV</i> ADHD symptom dimensions and subtypes identified in research with children are valid for adults. Firm symptom criteria validated by data from adult samples have not been developed. Moreover, many clinic-referred adults present with attentional complaints and exhibit symptoms, neurocognitive weaknesses, and secondary problems similar to those seen in ADHD. However, data are mixed regarding the profile of neurocognitive deficits involved in adult expressions of ADHD, and it is unknown whether patterns of weakness in neurocognitive performance can be identified that reliably discriminate adults with ADHD from those with other neurobehavioral disorders (e.g., learning disabilities, LD). The purpose of this study was to further (a) evaluate the discriminant validity of <i>DSM-IV</i> ADHD in adults, (b) examine the nature and severity of neurocognitive deficits in adult ADHD, and (c) clarify the diagnostic utility of executive functioning measures among clinic-referred adults.
Overall, results supported the discriminant validity of adult ADHD, but little support emerged for the existence of separate <i>DSM-IV</i> subtypes. Importantly, symptom ratings supported the existence of two broad symptom domains consistent with those delineated in <i>DSM-IV</i>. Moreover, principal components analysis of neuropsychological data identified three dimensions of neurocognitive executive functioning (EF; verbal working memory; sustained intention; and effortful learning) in which ADHD adults (n=35) performed significantly less well than those who received an LD diagnosis (n=24) or no diagnosis (n=21). Furthermore, composite scores in these EF domains generated correct classifications that were significantly better than chance when classifying adults that (a) did and did not meet criteria for ADHD, (b) met criteria for ADHD or LD, and (c) met criteria for ADHD or no clinical diagnosis. Classification results were robust when submitted to a jackknife (leave-one-out) validation procedure. Finally, results provided general support for the developmental lag hypothesis of frontal-subcortical functioning in ADHD when considered vis-à-vis child ADHD data, but findings also supported the notion that ADHD in adults is associated with continuing dysfunction in specific neuroanatomical pathways believed to subserve executive attentional functions (e.g., dorsolateral prefrontal-subcortical; anterior cingulate-subcortical; orbitofrontal-subcortical). / Ph. D.
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Side effects of being tired : burnout among Swedish sport coaches / Sidoeffekter av trötthet : utbrändhet hos svenska idrottstränareLundkvist, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Burnout is a psychological concept that have got much attention since it was first defined in the middle of the 1970s. Although the definition of burnout differ there is consensus about exhaustion as the most important part of the concept. Burnout have also been in focus in sport psychology research. Mostly athletes have been studied but interest the coach profession have also been of interest. Research on coach burnout have mostly been directed towards demographic variables, organizational issues, behaviors and emotions and more holistic perspectives covering larger models or theories. The aims with this thesis was to try to fill some of the knowledge gaps from earlier coach burnout research with three studies. Study 1 aimed to study subjective experiences associated with perceived causes and symptoms of burnout and the subsequent recovery process. Eight elite soccer coaches who previously had been troubled with high scores of the exhaustion was interviewed. We found two burnout profiles that matched the coaches’ perceived causes of burnout. The first was associatedwith problems in handling the performance culture itself and the second had to do with the overall situation, including workload, family and health. Our findings describe coach burnout as stemming from a combination of issues, related to both home and work. When combined with work overload, coaches who have problems handling the performance culture in elite sports, and who lack the tools to enhance recovery, are particularly vulnerable to burnout. Study 2 focused on evaluating three self-report burnout measures that are available for researchers to use. Our analysis included Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) and Coach Burnout Questionnaire (CBQ). The main findings were that there are psychometric problems with all three measures and that MBI and OLBI cover similar definitions of burnout and CBQ cover somewhat different dimensions. Of the three methods that were tested CBQ seem to be most suitable for the coaching context. However, CBQ also have several problems and other burnout measures need to be evaluated in the coach context. Study 3 focused on the associations between workaholic tendencies and combining coaching job with having a family or a spouse, which can be a stressor since the work situation and family situation can be hard to combine. The main findings were that work seem to interfere more with family life than family life interfere with working live. Further workaholic tendencies and exhaustion was not associated. When interpreting the aggregated results from the thesis there are two main findings. First, the way coach burnout has been measured until now is unsatisfying. Although the development of a coach specific measure (CBQ) is promising, further development is needed, both when it comes to the theoretical aspects of the burnout construct and psychometric issues. Second, the symptoms and perceived causes in coach burnout is highly individual and makes burnout a very personal experience. Future research should focus on both the origins as well as the measurement of thisdetrimental concept. / Utbrändhet är ett psykologiskt begrepp som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet sedan den först introducerades i mitten av 1970-talet. Även om synen på vad utbrändhet är skiljer sig åt finns en enighet om att utmattning är huvudsymptomet. Utbrändhet har studerats inom idrottspsykologisk forskning sedan början av 1980-talet. Mestadels har intresset legat på idrottare men intresse har också riktats mot tränaryrket. Forskning om tränares utbrändhet har främst intresserat sig för demografiska variabler, organisationens påverkan, beteenden och känslor samt mer övergripande modeller eller teorier som täcker flera områden. Syftet med denna avhandling var att försöka fylla en del av de kunskapsluckor som funnits i tidigare forskning med tre studier. Studie 1 syftade till att studera tränares subjektiva upplevelser av utmattning kopplat till upplevda orsaker och symptom av utbrändhet samt vägen tillbaka från utbrändhet. Åtta elitfotbollstränare som tidigare hade haft problem med utmattning intervjuades. Huvudresultatet i studien var att det fanns två sätt att uppfatta utbrändhetsprocessen. Antingen såg man miljön runt elitfotbollen som den stora orsaken eller så upplevdes hela livssituationen med små stressande händelser kopplade till arbetsbelastning, familj och hälsa som problematiska. Studie 2 fokuserade på att utvärdera tre frågeformulär som är lämpliga i en tränarkontext. I analysen ingår Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), som oftast använts, Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) och Coach Burnout Questionnaire (CBQ). De viktigaste resultaten var att det dels finns problem med alla tre samt att MBI och OLBI täcker liknande definitioner av utbrändhet medan CBQ mäter lite andra aspekter. Slutsatsen från studien är att CBQ verkar passa bäst för den kontext där idrottstränare arbetar även om CBQ också har en del problematiska inslag. Studie 3 fokuserade på arbetsnarkomani och att kombinera tränarjobb med familjeliv har ett samband med utmattning. Huvudresultaten i studie 3 var att det framförallt verkar vara arbetet som störa familjelivet än familjelivet som stör arbetslivet. Ytterligare fanns inget statistiskt stöd att arbetsnarkomani skulle ha ett samband med utmattning. När det sammanlagda resultatet från hela avhandlingen tolkas utifrån vilken ny kunskap denna avhandling tillför finns två huvudbidrag. Det första är att problemen med de frågeformulär som hittills använts för att mäta utbrändhet har lyfts upp. Även om det är lovande att det utvecklats ett idrottsspecifikt formulär finns tillgängligt så finns det både teoretiska och mättekniska aspekter som behöver utvecklas. Det andra bidraget är att de symptom som ingår i upplevelsen av utbrändhet verkar vara olika för olika individer. Framtida forskning bör fokusera både på hur teoretiska och mättekninska aspekter av utbrändhetsbegreppet.
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A novel measure to assess self-discrimination in binge eating disorder and obesityRudolph, Almut, Hilbert, Anja 24 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Stigmatized obese individuals tend to internalize the pervasive weight stigma which might lead to self-discrimination and increased psychopathology. While explicit and implicit weight stigma can be measured using self-report questionnaires and Implicit Association Tests (IAT), respectively, the assessment of self-discrimination relied solely on self-report. The present study sought to develop an IAT measuring implicit self-discrimination (SD-IAT) in samples of obese individuals with and without binge-eating disorder (BED). Seventy-eight individuals were recruited from the community and individually matched in three groups. Obese participants with BED, obese participants without BED (OB), and a normal weight control group without eating disorder psychopathology (HC) were assessed with the SD-IAT and other measures relevant for convergent and discriminant validation. Results revealed significantly higher implicit self-discrimination in the BED group when compared to both OB and HC. Furthermore, significant correlations were found between the SD-IAT with body mass index, experiences of weight stigma, depressive symptoms, and implicit self-esteem. Finally, implicit self-discrimination predicted eating disorder psychopathology over and above group membership, and experiences of weight stigma. This study provides first evidence of the validity of the SD-IAT. Assessing implicit self-discrimination might further increase understanding of weight stigma and its significance for psychosocial functioning among vulnerable obese individuals.
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A novel measure to assess self-discrimination in binge eating disorder and obesityRudolph, Almut, Hilbert, Anja January 2014 (has links)
Stigmatized obese individuals tend to internalize the pervasive weight stigma which might lead to self-discrimination and increased psychopathology. While explicit and implicit weight stigma can be measured using self-report questionnaires and Implicit Association Tests (IAT), respectively, the assessment of self-discrimination relied solely on self-report. The present study sought to develop an IAT measuring implicit self-discrimination (SD-IAT) in samples of obese individuals with and without binge-eating disorder (BED). Seventy-eight individuals were recruited from the community and individually matched in three groups. Obese participants with BED, obese participants without BED (OB), and a normal weight control group without eating disorder psychopathology (HC) were assessed with the SD-IAT and other measures relevant for convergent and discriminant validation. Results revealed significantly higher implicit self-discrimination in the BED group when compared to both OB and HC. Furthermore, significant correlations were found between the SD-IAT with body mass index, experiences of weight stigma, depressive symptoms, and implicit self-esteem. Finally, implicit self-discrimination predicted eating disorder psychopathology over and above group membership, and experiences of weight stigma. This study provides first evidence of the validity of the SD-IAT. Assessing implicit self-discrimination might further increase understanding of weight stigma and its significance for psychosocial functioning among vulnerable obese individuals.
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Construct validity of a managerial assessment centreNako, Zovuyo Chulekazi 12 1900 (has links)
This was a correlation study exploring the relationships between scores on
various dimensions within and across different exercises in the leadership
assessment and development centre (LADC) of an auditing firm in
Johannesburg. The study specifically aimed at investigating the discriminant
and convergent validity of the LADC. LADC ratings collected from a sample of
138 were analysed using a Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r) and
principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to discover the main
dimensions or constructs.
Twenty one dimensions were measured using six different exercises in the
LADC. The large correlations found in the study showed lack of discriminant
validity amongst the majority of different dimensions measured in same
exercises whilst, the PCA showed some convergent validity among various
dimensions measured across exercises for the LADC. Lastly, the findings of
the principal component analysis (PCA) supported a two-factor structure,
indicating that assessors are able to differentiate between interpersonal and
performance-related dimensions. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Construct validity of a managerial assessment centreNako, Zovuyo Chulekazi 12 1900 (has links)
This was a correlation study exploring the relationships between scores on
various dimensions within and across different exercises in the leadership
assessment and development centre (LADC) of an auditing firm in
Johannesburg. The study specifically aimed at investigating the discriminant
and convergent validity of the LADC. LADC ratings collected from a sample of
138 were analysed using a Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r) and
principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to discover the main
dimensions or constructs.
Twenty one dimensions were measured using six different exercises in the
LADC. The large correlations found in the study showed lack of discriminant
validity amongst the majority of different dimensions measured in same
exercises whilst, the PCA showed some convergent validity among various
dimensions measured across exercises for the LADC. Lastly, the findings of
the principal component analysis (PCA) supported a two-factor structure,
indicating that assessors are able to differentiate between interpersonal and
performance-related dimensions. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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