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Estudio de factibilidad de distribución de boxes con insumos para cocinar / Feasibility study of distribution of boxes with supplies for cookingGuzman Pariona, Ram Isaias, Martinez Suarez, Franco Alonso, Ordaya Villanueva, Katherine Eliana, Su Fung, Fernando, Trigoso Tàvara, Frank Lenin 29 June 2019 (has links)
El ritmo de vida de las personas en la actualidad se ha acelerado a tal punto que no cuentan con el tiempo necesario para realizar actividades esenciales. Destacando principalmente la función de cocinar, la cual resulta extenuante debido al engorroso proceso que implica llevarla a cabo. El proceso comprende el traslado al lugar de compra, la búsqueda de los insumos, la selección de los insumos, las largas colas para pagar, el lavado de los insumos así como el picado de los mismos, entre otras. Por ende, se propone una solución alternativa a este problema, la cual consiste en el delivery a través de la venta online de boxes con insumos frescos sin cocinar picados y en las cantidades exactas de diversos platillos criollos. / The rhythm of life of the persons at present has hastened to such a point that they do not count with the necessary time to realize essential activities. Emphasizing principally the function to cook, which turns out to be exhausting due to the bothersome process that implies carrying out it. The process comprises the transfer to the place of buy, the search of the inputs, the selection of the inputs, the long tails to pay, the wash of the inputs as well as stung of the same ones, between others. Therefore, an alternative solution to this problem is proposed, which consists of the delivery through the online sale of boxes with fresh uncooked inputs chopped and the exact quantities of various Creole dishes. This paper seeks to determine the financial viability of the project in question in order to validate the possibility of implementing it in a real-world scenario. / Trabajo de investigación
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Subject To ChangeWashington, Christina Price 02 May 2012 (has links)
Subject to Change is the culmination of a two-year investigation of the idea of home. This thesis discusses the journey of creating a home for my family and the work it spawned. Various cultural and artistic influences that shape the work include Grimm’s fairytales, my upbringing in Germany, Sigmund Freud, Bernd and Hilla Becher, and Josef Beuys. This work reflects a situation and transforms material that takes on symbolic meaning.
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Subject To ChangeWashington, Christina Price 02 May 2012 (has links)
Subject to Change is the culmination of a two-year investigation of the idea of home. This thesis discusses the journey of creating a home for my family and the work it spawned. Various cultural and artistic influences that shape the work include Grimm’s fairytales, my upbringing in Germany, Sigmund Freud, Bernd and Hilla Becher, and Josef Beuys. This work reflects a situation and transforms material that takes on symbolic meaning.
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Специфика перевода наименований китайских блюд на русский язык : магистерская диссертация / The peculiarity of translation of Chinese dishes' nominations into RussianЛи, С., Lee, S. January 2019 (has links)
Актуальность работы связана с необходимостью повышения качества перевода наименований китайских блюд и развитием российско-китайских культурных связей. Цель работы—обобщить исследования, посвященные переводу и локализации наименований китайских блюд и предложить лучшие методики. Задачи исследования: 1) изучить и систематизировать исследования, посвященные переводу и локализации наименований китайских блюд; 2) разработать методику анализа сайтов российских ресторанов китайской кухни и сбора лексического материала для исследования; 3) проанализировать сайты российских китайских ресторанов и сформировать перечень наименований китайских блюд для исследования; 4) проанализировать переводы наименований китайских блюд, включенных в меню российских китайских ресторанов; 5) выявить типичные ошибки, которые допускают переводчики наименований китайских блюд на русский язык, и систематизировать их; 6) составить рекомендации по улучшению качества перевода наименований китайских блюд на русский язык. Объект исследования—наименования китайских блюд. Предмет исследования—специфика интерпретации наименований китайских блюд на русском языке. Теоретическая значимость работы заключается в обобщении критериев переводческой эквивалентности переводов наименования китайских блюд на русский язык. Основные положения, выносимые на защиту диссертации. 1. В ходе исследования обоснована необходимость повышения качества интерпретации наименований китайских блюд на русском языке. 2. Основной причиной ошибок в переводах наименований китайских блюд на русский язык является недостаточная осведомленность переводчиков о специфике образования наименований блюд в китайском языке и роли данных лексических единиц в китайской культуре. 3. Для повышения качества интерпретации наименований китайских на русском языке блюд необходимо учитывать специфику данной группы лексики, а также применять стратегии перевода и локализации. В данном исследовании используются следующие методы: 1) метод сплошной выборки, нацеленный на выделение наиболее лингвокультурологически ценных единиц; 2) метод компонентного анализа лексики; 3) сопоставительный метод, способствующий выявлению общего и специфичного в языковых картинах мира. / The relevance of the work is connected with the need to improve the quality of the translation of the names of Chinese dishes and the development of Russian-Chinese cultural ties. The purpose of the work is to summarize the research on the translation and localization of the names of Chinese dishes and to offer the best techniques. Objectives of the study: to study and systematize research on the translation and localization of the names of Chinese dishes; develop a methodology for analyzing the sites of Russian restaurants of Chinese cuisine and collecting lexical material for research; analyze the sites of Russian Chinese restaurants and form a list of names of Chinese dishes for research; analyze the translations of the names of Chinese dishes included in the menu of Russian Chinese restaurants; identify typical mistakes made by translators of the names of Chinese dishes into Russian, and systematize them; to make recommendations for improving the quality of the translation of the names of Chinese dishes in Russian. The object of study - the names of Chinese dishes. The subject of the research is the specificity of the interpretation of the names of Chinese dishes in Russian. The theoretical significance of the work is to summarize the criteria for translation equivalence of translations of the name of Chinese dishes into Russian. The main provisions for the defense of the thesis. 1) The study substantiates the need to improve the quality of interpretation of the names of Chinese dishes in Russian. 2. The main reason for errors in the translation of the names of Chinese dishes into Russian is the lack of awareness of translators about the specifics of the formation of food names in Chinese and the role of these lexical units in Chinese culture. 3. To improve the quality of interpretation of the names of Chinese dishes in Russian, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of this group of vocabulary, as well as to apply translation and localization strategies. In this study, the following methods are used: the method of continuous sampling, aimed at identifying the most linguistic and culturologically valuable units; the method of component analysis of vocabulary; a comparative method that helps to identify the general and the specific in the linguistic pictures of the world.
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La céramique antique de l’agglomération secondaire de Grand (Vosges) / The ceramic of the ancient agglomeration of Grand (Vosges)Dub, Samantha 12 November 2018 (has links)
L’agglomération antique de Grand a fait l’objet d’une recherche accrue depuis plus d’un demi-siècle. Les archéologues ont tour à tour investi de nouveaux secteurs de fouille dans l’objectif de percer la nature et le statut de ce site, célèbre pour ses découvertes extraordinaires. Au fil des opérations de terrain, le mobilier céramique dûment récolté a rempli les réserves et les vitrines de musées. Si la vaisselle en terre cuite a donné lieu a minima à une notice descriptive, aucune étude générale n’a présenté son évolution au cours du temps et à l’échelle du site. Ce travail de thèse se propose de répondre à cette lacune en livrant un outil typologique indispensable pour toutes opérations archéologiques futures. Le faciès céramique de Grand établi pour les quatre premiers siècles de notre ère vient quant à lui enrichir de nombreux axes de recherche tant à l’échelle du site qu’à celui du territoire des Leuques auquel il appartient / The ancient agglomeration of Grand has been the subject of increased research for more than half a century. Archaeologists have alternately invested new excavation areas with the objective of revealing the nature and status of this site, famous for its extraordinary discoveries. During the field operations, the duly collected ceramic pots and potsherds filled the reserves, the warehouses and the museum display case. Although ceramic has given rise to a description, no general study has presented on its evolution over time and on the scale of the site. This thesis wants to answer to theses questions by providing an indispensable typological tool for all future archaeological operations. The Grand ceramic facies established for the first four centuries of our era enrichies many research axes both on the scale of the site and that of the territory of the Leuci to which it belongs
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Funkčnost a efektivita systému HACCP a nutriční jakost stravy v zařízení společného stravování / The functionality and effectiveness of the HACCP system and the nutritional quality of meals in public catering facilitiesOŠMEROVÁ, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Objectives: The first aim of this diploma thesis was to analyze the functionality and effectiveness of the HACCP system in selected catering facilities. Other goals were to find out how to make a meal and find out the satisfaction of meals with a meal composition. Research Questions: 1. How is the temperature controlled at the expedition of the dishes in vessels and their direct dispatch? 2. How is the schedule plan of food delivery fulfilled? 3. How is the concrete diet created? 4. How are the borders satisfied with the composition of the diet? Methodology: A qualitative research survey was used in the practical part. There is the secondary analysis of HACCP data, a field survey by measuring temperature and participating in food distribution. In addition, a personal interview was conducted with the leader on nutritional recommendations and diet. Personal interviews with fifteen boarders were conducted. Results: The results of the survey point out the fact that, although shortcomings in the HACCP legislation and production chart have been identified, the critical control point of food temperature measurement is effective. The lunch distribution plan was respected. An increase in the critical limit at this critical control point has been proposed. It was recommended to introduce a critical control point when receiving raw materials. It was also found that the diet was prepared according to the preferences of the boarders. The supervisor has insufficient knowledge of nutritional recommendations. A leaflet and a recipe for a healthy alternative to traditional dishes were created. Desserts prefer traditional Czech cuisine. They prefer meat dishes, frying and baking. They are not interested in adding vegetarian dishes and legumes. The gained information can also contribute to selected catering meals to other catering companies, public health workers and students in the field.
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Investigação microbiológica e análise qualitativa de achados bacteriológicos e micológicos em placas de cultivo de embriões em laboratório de reprodução humana / Microbiological investigation and analysis of qualitative findings bacteriological and mycological culture plates from embryos in the laboratory of human reproductionRIBEIRO, Barbara Rosa Foizer 25 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-25 / Introduction: Laboratories in Human Reproduction, quality control is crucial to the success of procedures. The correct implementation of procedures directly influence the results, especially because the vagina, the follicular fluid and semen can not be sterilized. A high degree of hygiene,
cleanliness and disposal of the material must be observed to avoid contamination in the culture media and equipment. The main causes of this contamination has been associated with infection in male and female genital tract and subsequent contamination of oocytes and embryos of patients. Can
also come from contamination of air, machinery and materials such as culture dishes. Objectives: of this study were the presence of market info bacteriological contamination and mycological culture dishes of human embryos and to identify the genus level. Methodology: 125 samples were collected from culture dishes human embryos after transfer to the uterus, in three laboratories of human reproduction in the city of Goiania-GO, in the period 2009 to first half of 2010. The culture media were inoculated in BHI broth and incubated in the greenhouse. Samples that clouded (positivist) were isolated and identified. Results: showed a prevalence of 4.8% of contamination and micro-organisms found were Escherichia coli (50%), Klebsiella sp (16.6%), Pseudomonas sp (16.6%), yeast (16.6%). The E. coli bacteria were of the highest incidence was found in three samples. Although the culture media provide the antibiotics penicillin G (IVF) or gentamicin
(HTF), resistant Gram-negative rods were found. Conclusion: Results with a prevalence of 4.8% of contamination, and the microorganisms isolated and their amount per sample: Escherichia coli (3), Klebsiella sp (1), Pseudomonas sp (1), yeast (1). / Introdução: Em laboratórios de Reprodução Humana, o controle de qualidade é de fundamental importância para o sucesso dos procedimentos. A realização correta dos procedimentos influem diretamente nos resultados, principalmente porque a vagina, o líquido folicular e o sêmen não podem ser esterilizados. Um alto grau de higiene, limpeza e o descarte do material devem ser observados para se evitar contaminação nos meios de cultura e equipamentos. As principais causas desta contaminação vem sendo associadas à microbiota e infecção oportunista no trato genital masculino e feminino e consequente contaminação dos ovócitos e embriões dos pacientes. Também pode vir da contaminação do ar, de maquinários e materiais utilizados, como as placas de cultivo. Objetivos: Investigar a prevalência de microrganismos, bactérias e fungos, em placas de cultivo de
embriões e identificar os organismos microbiológicos contaminantes, no nível de gênero e espécie, encontrados nas placas de cultivo de embriões, em laboratórios de reprodução humana. Metodologia: Coleta de 125 amostras de placas de cultivo de embriões humanos, após a transferência
para o útero materno, em três laboratórios de reprodução humana na cidade de Goiânia-GO, no período de 2009 a 1º semestre de 2010. Os meios de cultivo foram inoculados em caldo BHI e incubados na estufa. As amostras que turvaram (positivaram) foram isoladas e identificadas. Resultados: Na
amostragem de 125 placas de cultivo encontrou-se 6 contaminadas, e os microrganismos encontrados foram Escherichia coli (50%), Klebsiella sp (16,6%), Pseudomonas sp (16,6%), Levedura (16,6%). A Escherichia coli foi a bactéria de maior incidência, encontrada em 3 amostras. Embora os meios de cultura apresentem os antibióticos Penicilina G (IVF) ou Gentamicina (HTF), bastonetes gram negativos resistentes foram encontrados. Conclusão: Resultados com uma revalência de 4,8% de contaminação, sendo os microrganismos encontrados e seu quantitativo por amostra:
Escherichia coli (3), Klebsiella sp (1), Pseudomonas sp (1), Levedura (1).
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Öka uppskattningen av fårkött : Kunskapsbristen kan påverka fårköttets popularitet / Increase the appreciation of mutton : The lack of knowledge might impact muttons popularityJohansson, Linnéa, Rundgren, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Auslegung von Parabolrinnen für Solarkraftwerke im OriginalmaßstabForman, Patrick, Stallmann, Tobias, Mark, Peter, Schnell, Jürgen 21 July 2022 (has links)
Das Erkenntnistransferprojekt baut auf die im SPP-Projekt „Leichte Verformungsoptimierte Schalentragwerke aus mikrobewehrtem UHPC am Beispiel von Parabolrinnen solarthermischer Kraftwerke“ (s. S. 536 ff .) erzielten Ergebnisse der ersten Förderperiode auf. Der Fokus liegt auf der Entwicklung von linienartig verstärkten, vollwandigen Parabolschalen mit zur bestehenden Kraftwerkstechnik passenden EuroTrough-Rinnenabmessungen. Es sollten die bisherigen Erkenntnisse zusammen mit professionellen
Anwendungspartnern vorwettbewerblich ausgebaut werden, so dass sie Grundlage für eine Serienfertigung bilden können. Dementsprechend setzten sich die Kooperationspartner aus dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR (Systemführer für linienfokussierende Solarkraftwerke), der Fa. Solarlite CSP (Hersteller von Solaranlagen in Parabolrinnentechnik), der INNOGRATION GmbH (Hersteller von Stahlbetonfertigteilen) und der Fa. Dyckerhoff Zement (Hersteller von Ausgangsstoffen
für Hochleistungsbetone) zusammen.
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Проблемы перевода названий китайских блюд на русский язык : магистерская диссертация / Problems of translating the names of Chinese dishes into RussianЧжао, Д., Zhao, D. January 2021 (has links)
Важность исследования принципов, методов и стратегий перевода названий блюд китайской кухни на русский язык в последние годы привлекает внимание всё большего числа учёных и специализированных академических учреждений в связи с глобализацией мировой экономики. Этот вид культурной коммуникативной деятельности предполагает не только преобразование языковых символов, но и интеграцию культур. В то время как язык является частью культуры, зарубежное развитие и рост индустрии общественного питания в Китае является важной частью мировой экономической деятельности. Русский перевод названий китайских блюд больше не является чисто литературным переводом текста. В известном смысле это должна быть некоторая внешняя коммуникационная деятельность или даже полноценная внешнеэкономическая деятельность. Качество русского перевода названий китайских блюд во многом напрямую влияет на масштабы и эффективность развития китайской индустрии общественного питания в России. Однако в силу культурных различий и других причин существует множество трудностей с переводом названий китайских блюд на русский язык. Это требует использования необходимых приёмов перевода названий китайских блюд на русский язык, чтобы переведённые названия полностью отражали региональные и национальные особенности китайской кухни. На основе исследования китайского переводчика Бао Хуэйнаня и британского переводчика Taylor по переводу названий блюд в данной статье обобщаются проблемы перевода названий китайских блюд на русский язык. Автор статьи пытается теоретически решить проблемы, возникающие при переводе китайских названий блюд на русский язык. По словам переводчиков Carl и Taylor, поиск подходящего метода перевода для различных ситуаций перевода – лучшая стратегия. Что касается культурных различий, встречающихся при переводе названий китайских блюд на русский язык, рекомендуется, чтобы переводчики рассмотрели и изучили эти две стратегии диалектически, исторически, а не статически и абсолютно. Согласно изложенным выше принципам, мы предлагаем решить проблему перевода названий китайских блюд на русский язык и способы перевода названий блюд. / The relevance of the work. The importance of researching the principles, methods, and strategies for translating the names of Chinese dishes into Russian in recent years has attracted the attention of an increasing number of scientists and specialized academic institutions in connection with the globalization of the world economy. This type of cultural communication activity involves not only the transformation of linguistic symbols but also the integration of cultures. While language is part of the culture, the overseas development, and growth of China's foodservice industry is an important part of global economic activity. The Russian translation of the names of Chinese dishes is no longer a purely literary translation of the text. In a sense, this should be external communication activity or even a full-fledged foreign economic activity. The quality of the Russian translation of the names of Chinese dishes in many ways directly affects the scale and effectiveness of the development of the Chinese catering industry in Russia. However, due to cultural differences and other reasons, there are many difficulties in translating the names of Chinese dishes into Russian. This requires the use of the necessary techniques for translating the names of Chinese dishes into Russian so that the translated names fully reflect the regional and national characteristics of Chinese cuisine. Based on the research of Chinese translator Bao Huinan and British translator Taylor on the translation of dish names, this article summarizes the problems of the translation of Chinese dish names into Russian. The author of this article attempts to find a solution to the problems encountered in translating Chinese dish names into Russian on a theoretical basis. According to translators Carl and Taylor, finding a suitable translation method according to different translation situations is the best strategy. Regarding the cultural differences encountered in translating Chinese dish names into Russian, it is recommended that translators consider and study these two strategies dialectically, historically rather than statically and absolutely. According to the above-mentioned principles, we propose to solve the problem of translation of Chinese dish names into Russian and methods to translate dish names.
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