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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards justice and care : deconstructing stories of personhood and patienthood

Cloete, Lindie Beatrix 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment uses the theory of deconstruction to reflect on some discourses that underlie the practices of psychology and psychiatry. The language of the psychological professions is analysed in terms of its political implications. A number of linguistic power hierarchies that are central to the practice of psychology are deconstructed: the individual and the social, reason and unreason, normality and pathology, form and content, theoretical categories and real life, professional and lay views, and non-psychotic and psychotic language. The concepts of justice (as understood within the Derridian paradigm) and care are analysed, with specific emphasis on their practical implications in the interactions between therapists and patients in real life psychotherapeutic situations. This deconstructive process takes place in the intersection of my own story as an intern clinical psychologist with the stories of some of the patients I ' have worked with during this year. The outcome of this process is a deepening and broadening of the meaning of providing just and respectful mental health .' care to every patient. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk benut die teorie van dekonstruksie om te reflekteer oor sommige van die diskoerse onderliggend in sielkundige en psigiatriese praktyk. Die taal van die sielkundige professies word ontleed in terme van moontlike politieke implikasies. Daar is 'n dekonstruksie van 'n paar magshiërargieë wat sentraal staan tot die taal van die sielkunde: die individu en die samelewing, rasionaliteit en irrasionaliteit, normaliteit en patologie, vorm en inhoud, teoretiese kategorieë en "die regte lewe", professionele en leke-posisies, en die taal van nie-psigotiese en psigotiese pasiënte. Die konsepte van geregtigheid (soos verstaan binne 'n Derridiaanse paradigma) en sorg word ontleed, met spesifieke klem op die praktiese implikasies hiervan in die psigoterapeutiese interaksies tussen sielkundige en pasiënt. Hierdie proses van dekonstruksie vind plaas in die kruising tussen my eie storie as intern kliniese sielkundige en die stories van sommige van die pasiënte saam met wie ek hierdie jaar gewerk het. Die gevolg van hierdie proses is 'n verdieping en verbreding van die betekenis van geregtigheid en respek in die sisteem van geestesgesondheidsorg.

Aborsie en adolessensie : die besluitnemingsproses

Theron, C. G. 03 1900 (has links)
On t.p.: Werkstuk vir die graad van Magister in Lettere en Wysbegeerte (Voorligtingsielkunde) / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adolescence is viewed as the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood. Development during this stage centres on identity, sexuality, cognition and morality. Abortion during adolescence demands a careful decision-making process. Research has shown that the adolescent's reaction to abortion is determined by the decision-making process that was adopted. This paper provides a literature review of developmental issues and the capacity of adolescents to make decisions about reproduction and motherhood. The conclusion is reached that age is not the determinant of the emotional state following abortion, but rather the nature of the decision-making process that was followed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adolessensie word beskou as die oorgangsfase tussen die kinderjare en volwassenheid. Ontwikkeling tydens hierdie fase sentreer rondom identiteit, seksualiteit, kognisie en moraliteit. Aborsie tydens adolessensie vereis 'n indringende besluitnemingsproses. Navorsing het bewys dat die adolessent se reaksie op aborsie deur die besluitnemingsproses bëinvloed word. Hierdie werkstuk verskaf 'n literatuuroorsig van ontwikkelingsaspekte en die kapasiteit van adolessente om besluite oor voortplanting en moederskap te neem. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die emosionele toestand na 'n aborsie nie bepaal word deur ouderdom nie, maar wel deur die aard van die besluitnemingsproses wat gevolg is

An analysis of schema theory and learning theory as explanations for variance in adolescent adjustment to divorce

Watson, Nichola Marianne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to identify factors contributing to the adjustment of adolescents whose parents are divorced. Learning theory and schema theory were evaluated as possible explanations for the variance found in the adjustment of these adolescents. The secondary aim of the study was to research the possibility of attitude to divorce acting as a mediator between the parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent adjustment (a possibility suggested by schema theory). Self-report questionnaires were completed by first year Psychology and Economics students at Stellenbosch University. 293 students completed the questionnaires, but as only 39 of these students came from divorced families, 38 of the data sets from students with married parents were randomly selected for use in the study. Respondents completed Antonovsky's Life Orientation Questionnaire (measuring adjustment); Hudson's CAM and CAF questionnaires (measuring relationships with mother and father, respectively); and a set of questions measuring attitude to divorce; as well as a biographical questionnaire. The results showed only limited evidence for attitude to divorce acting as a mediator between the parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent adjustment. Schema theory is therefore not supported conclusively, although further research is recommended. Results did, however, support learning theory as an adequate explanation for the positive correlations found between parent-adolescent relationships and adolescent adjustment. Knowledge of the importance of learning theory in explaining adolescent adjustment can increase parents' awareness of their influence on their children's adjustment. This knowledge can also be used in the design of therapeutic programmes for families going through divorce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoelstelling van hierdie ondersoek was om faktore te indentifiseer wat bydra tot die aanpassing van adolessente wie se ouers geskei is. Leerteorie en skemateorie is geevalueer as moontlike verkJarings vir die variansie in die aanpassing van die adolessente. 'n Sekondere doel was om die moontlikheid te ondersoek dat die adolessent se houding teenoor egskeiding 'n rol kan speeI in die ouer-adolessent verhouding en die aanpassmg van die adolessent (die moontlikheid voIg uit skemateorie). Selfrapporteringsvraelyste is deur onderskeidelik eerstejaar studente in Sielkunde en Ekonomie aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch voltooi. 293 studente het die vraelyste voltooi, maar omdat net 39 van hierdie studente uit geskeide gesinne gekom het, is 38 studente met getroude ouers in die ondersoek ingesluit. Studente het Antonovsky se Lewensorientasievraelys (wat aanpassing meet); Hudson se CAM en CAF-vraelyste (wat verhoudings met die rna en pa meet); en 'n stel vrae wat houding teenoor egskeiding meet; sowel as 'n biografiese vraelys voltooi. Beperkte bewys is gevind vir die moontlikheid dat houding teenoor egskeiding bemiddelend optree tussen die oueradolessent verhouding en die aanpassing van die adolessent. Skemateorie kon gevolglik nie bewys word nie, alhoewel verdere ondersoeke aanbeveel word. Die resultate ondersteun leerteorie as 'n goeie verduideliking vir die positiewe korrelasie wat bestaan tussen ouer-adolessent verhouding en die adolessent se aanpassing. Kennis van die belangrikheid van leerteorie as verduideliking vir die aanpassing van adolessente beklemtoon die beJangrike invloed wat die ouers se aanpassing op hul k.inders se aanpassing het. Die kennis kan ook gebruik word in die ontwerp van terapeutiese programme vir gesinne wat egskeiding beleef.

Translation of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test into IsiXhosa : its application and comparison to existing norms

Calata, Dorothy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the present study the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is translated into IsiXhosa, applied in either English or IsiXhosa, and results are compared to the norms of Wiens, McMinn and Crossen (1988). The aim is to provide a neuropsychological test to assess an IsiXhosa-speaking population with 15 or more years of education. It is also to determine the feasibility of assessing people in a second language if they have high proficiency in that second language, or to consider new norms for a South African population. Participants were 62 "healthy" male and female IsiXhosa and English home language speaking teachers, aged between 30 and 39 years, selected from schools in the Eastern Cape. The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test and the instructions of the Rey Complex Figure are translated into IsiXhosa, and these are applied onto 3 subgroups: English in their home language; IsiXhosa in their home language; IsiXhosa in a Second Language, English. When the home languages groups are compared, the English home language group faired better on some trials than the IsiXhosa home language group. Between the Home Languages and the Second Language group, the former did better on some trials. However, most trials were compatible between these groups. When results from this study were compared to norms of Wiens et al. (1988), the South African population achieved higher scores on most trials. They seemed to learn more words, make fewer errors and repetitions, while the norm group recalled more words on Trial 1 and the Percentage Recall Trial (with an exception to the Home languages group). The compatibility of groups and the better South African results led to the conclusion that assessments might be done in the second language - English, if the person is proficient, and meets the criteria for the current study population. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die huidige ondersoek is die Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RA VLT) in IsiXhosa vertaal, toegepas in Engels en in IsiXhosa, en die resultate vergelyk met die norms van Wiens, McMinn en Crossen (1988). Die doel was om 'n neurosielkundige toets beskikbaar te stel wat toegepas kan word op isiXhosa-sprekende persone wat minstens 15 jaar skool- en na-skoolse onderrig ontvang het. 'n Verdere doel was om vas te stelof dit wenslik sou wees om die toets toe te pas in gevalle waar Engels die persoon se tweede taal is, en ook om nuwe norms vir 'n Suid Afrikaanse populasie te bereken. Die deelnemers was 62 "gesonde" manlike en vroulike Engels- en IsiXhosa-sprekende onderwysers, tussen die ouderdomme van 30 en 39 jaar, afkomstig uit skole in die Oos-Kaap. Die Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test en die instruksies van die Rey Complex Figure is in IsiXhosa vertaal, en op drie sub-groepe toegepas: Engels in hul moedertaal; isiXhosa in hul moedertaal, en IsiXhosa in 'n tweede taal, Engels. 'n Vergelyking van die moedertaalgroepe het aangetoon dat die Engels- moedertaalgroep beter in sommige toetse ("trials") gepresteer het as die IsiXhosa-moedertaalgroep. 'n Vergelyking van die IsiXhosa moedertaalgroep met die tweede taal-groep het aangetoon dat die moedertaalgroep beter in sommige toetse (trials) gepresteer het as die tweede taal-groep. 'n Vergelyking van die IsiXhosa moedertaalgroep met die Tweede taalgroep het aangetoon dat die moedertaalgroep beter in sommige toetse (trials) gepresteer het as die tweede taal-groep. Die groepe het oor die algemeen baie goed met mekaar vergelyk. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek is ook met die norms van Wiens et al. (1988) vergelyk: die Suid Afrikaanse groep het oor die algemeen hoër tellings behaal. Dit het geblyk dat die deelnemers meer woorde kan aanleer, minder foute gemaak het, en dat minder herhalings nodig was. Die normgroep van Wiens et al. (1988) het op die "Trial]" en die "Percentage Recall Trial" (behalwe die moedertaalgroepe) meer woorde herroep. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek dui daarop dat, indien voldoen aan die kriteria wat in die huidige projek gebruik is, die RAYLT wel in 'n toetsling se tweede taal (Engels) afgeneem kan word indien die persoon se vaardigheid in die taal goed is

Sielkundige aspekte van infertiliteitspasiënte by die aanvang van infertiliteitsintervensies

Van Waart, Lizanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of the present study was to create a profile of the psychological aspects presented by infertility patients of both genders before the commencement of each new phase of clinical intervention. The researched variables were constructed in such a way that negative as well as positive aspects of each patient involved would be reflected. The negative variables, which were classified as risk factors, included depression, anxiety, general mental health and the presence or absence of happiness. The positive variables (protective factors) included variables concerning resilience, namely life-contentment and general psychological well-being. General psychological wellbeing included specific aspects, such as self-acceptance, autonomy, positive relationships with others, purpose in life, environmental mastery and personal growth. The cognitive aspects (thought processes) included variables, such as hope and intrusive thoughts. In the present study intrusive thoughts referred specifically to distraction, social control, worry, punishment, and reappraisal. The secondary purpose was to ascertain whether these variables would be able to indicate to which degree a diagnosis of infertility could have a positive or negative effect on a person, could possibly lead to emotional problems, and how the person should be treated optimally during treatment. The psychological aspects present in men and women were also compared to give the therapist/physician a better understanding of gender differences. A descriptive research design was used. In this cross-sectional study, one-off survey research was executed in order to evaluate the infertility patients before the start of infertility intervention. The measuring instruments were six self-report questionnaires and a demographic questionnaire. The 116 participants, (87 women and 29 men) completed the following self-report questionnaires: “General Health Questionnaire” (GHQ28), “Oxford Happiness Questionnaire” (OHQ), “State of Hope Scale” (SHS), “Thought Control Questionnaire” (TCQ), “Satisfaction With Life Scale” (SWLS), and the “Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale” (Ryff PWB). The study implies that the diagnosis of infertility can be made using the biopsychosocial model and the psychosocial resilience model to account for medical well-being as framework. Due to the complexity of infertility, specific phases of infertility should not be emphasised and risk factors solely attended to. Infertility should be regarded more globally. The present study reflected that before treatment was started, the home-plan/ovulation-induction group (HP/OI) (1) was more at risk concerning depression and anxiety; (2) uncontrolled thoughts of worry and anxiety were present concomitantly, and (3) there was a risk concerning protective factors. The intracytoplasmic sperm-injection/in vitro-fertilisation group (ICSI/IVF) was at risk regarding anxiety and intrusive thoughts. The artificial-insemination group (AI) possibly had unrealistic expectations before the commencement of the first treatment and risk factors (thought-control processes and protective factors) tested disproportionately high. It could thus be said that the specific cause of infertility well may influence psychological aspects before treatment starts. Infertility should be diagnosed in totality, taking into account the biological as well as the psychological aspects of the infertility patient. To be able to present an optimal diagnosis of infertility and to optimise a prognosis, patients have to be psychologically evaluated before treatment is started. This opens the field to further research with larger samples and particular attention paid to thought-control processes, protective factors and causes of infertility. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van die onderhawige ondersoek was om ’n profiel saam te stel van die sielkundige aspekte teenwoordig by beide geslagte infertiliteitspasiënte voor die aanvang van elke nuwe fase van kliniese intervensie. Die veranderlikes wat ondersoek is, is só saamgestel dat ’n profiel van negatiewe sowel as positiewe aspekte van elke betrokke pasiënt weergegee kon word. Die negatiewe veranderlikes wat as risikofaktore geklassifiseer is, sluit in depressie, angs, algemene geestesgesondheid en die teenwoordigheid, al dan nie, van geluk. Die positiewe veranderlikes (beskermende faktore) sluit in veerkragtigheidsveranderlikes, naamlik lewenstevredenheid en algemene sielkundige welstand. Algemene sielkundige welstand het spesifieke aspekte ingesluit, soos selfaanvaarding, selfstandigheid, positiewe verhoudings met ander, lewensdoel, omgewingsvaardigheid en persoonlike groei. Die kognitiewe aspekte (gedagteprosesse) sluit in veranderlikes soos hoop en indringende gedagtes. Indringende gedagtes verwys in die onderhawige ondersoek spesifiek na afleiding, sosiale beheer, bekommernis, straf en herevaluering. Die sekondêre doelstelling was om te bepaal of hierdie veranderlikes ’n aanduiding sou kon gee in watter mate ’n infertiliteitsdiagnose ’n persoon negatief of positief kan beïnvloed, tot moontlike emosionele probleme kan lei en hoe die persoon optimaal tydens behandeling hanteer behoort te word. Die sielkundige aspekte van mans en vroue is ook vergelyk sodat die sielkundige/geneesheer ’n beter begrip van die behandeling ten opsigte van geslagsverskille kan hê. ’n Beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. In hierdie dwarssnitondersoek is van ’n eenmalige opnameondersoek-metode gebruik gemaak om die infertiliteitspasiënte by die aanvang van infertiliteitsintervensie te evalueer. Die meetinstrumente was ses selfbeskrywingsvraelyste en ’n demografiese vraelys. Die 116 deelnemers (87 vroue en 29 mans) het die volgende selfbeskrywingsvraelyste ingevul: General Health Questionnaire (GHQ28), Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ), State of Hope Scale (SHS), Thought Control Questionnaire (TCQ), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) en die Ryff Psychological WellBeing Scale (Ryff PWB). Uit die resultate kan afgelei word dat die diagnose van infertiliteit wel vanuit die raamwerk van die biopsigososiale-model en die psigososiale veerkragtigheidsmodel wat mediese welstand verklaar, gemaak kan word. Weens die kompleksiteit van infertiliteit kan daar egter nie net op sekere infertiliteitsfases klem gelê word en net op risikofaktore gelet word nie. Dit is belangrik dat daar meer globaal/holisties na infertiliteit gekyk word. In die onderhawige ondersoek is bevind dat die tuisplan-/ovulasie-induksie-groep (TP/OI) voor die aanvang van behandeling (1) ’n risiko vir depressie en angs geloop het; (2) daar gepaardgaande ongekontroleerde bekommernis- en strafgedagtes aanwesig was en (3) ’n risiko betreffende beskermende faktore. Die intrasitoplasmiese-sperminspuiting-/in-vitrobevrugtingsgroep (ICSI/IVB) was ’n risikogroep vir angs en indringende gedagtes. Die kunsmatige-inseminasie-groep (KI) het moontlik onrealistiese verwagtings voor die aanvang van die eerste behandeling getoon en risikofaktore (gedagtebeheerprosesse en beskermende faktore) was buite verhouding hoog. Daar kan dus gesê word dat die tipe oorsaak van infertiliteit wel sielkundige aspekte by die aanvang van behandeling beïnvloed. Infertiliteit moet omvattend gediagnoseer word, met inagneming van die infertiliteitspasiënt se biologiese én sielkundige aspekte. Om ’n optimale diagnose te kan maak en ’n prognose te optimeer, behoort infertiliteitspasiënte ook sielkundig geëvalueer word voor die aanvang van behandeling. Verdere ondersoeke word aanbeveel met groter steekproewe en besondere aandag aan gedagtebeheerprosesse, beskermende faktore en infertiliteitsoorsake.

Die vertaling, aanpassing en standaardisering van die Kodus belangstellingsvraelys vir Duitssprekende leerlinge van Namibie

Daiber, Karl Heinrich 03 1900 (has links)
Tesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. / Een kopie mikrofiche. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The lack of scientific psychometric aids for use during the critical stages of developmental phases of German-speaking Namibian pupils, necessitated this investigation. When careerrelated decisions like subject, course and career choices are made, most pupils require scientific information about themselves. Of all these sources of information, those pertaining to the measurement of interests play the most significant role in the making of career decisions. By means of the present study an attempt was made to develop an interest questionnaire for German-speaking pupils. The way in which items of Afrikaans and English interest questionnaires were formulated, as well as the vocabulary that was used in these questionnaires, resulted in uncertainties. Insufficient face validity together with irrelevant norms resulted in distorted pictures of pupils' interests with the subsequent non-optimal decisions or doubts regarding the validity of the instruments. Given the Southern African nature of the items of the KODUS-BelangstellingsvraelysjKODUS Interest Questionnaire as well as the more than satisfactory results that were achieved by the thorough research that went into the original standardisation, it was decided to translate and adapt these questionnaires for use with German speaking Namibian pupils. In translating and adapting the questionnaire various factors had to be taken into consideration ·in order to produce an instrument that would measure the same fields of interest as the original Afrikaans·· and English questionnaires. Following a pilot study, it was found that no alterations to the questionnaire would be required. The subsequent standardisation yielded results indicating that the questionnaire was translated and adapted satisfactorily and that it measures the same interest fields as the Afrikaans and English questionnaires. Separate norms had to be compiled for the various sex and standard groups. The "KODUS-Interessenfragebogen (Deutsch)" in its present form is suitable for scientific use with German-speaking pupils of Namibia. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afwesigheid van wetenskaplik-gefundeerde psigometriese hulpmiddels wat op kritieke oomblikke in die ontwikkelingsfases van Duitssprekende leerlinge van Namibie gebruik kan word, het hierdie ondersoek genoodsaak. Wanneer vak-, studiekursus- en beroepskeuses gemaak word, benodig die meeste leerlinge wetenskaplik-verkree inligting oor hulleself. Van al die tipes hulpmiddels wat sodanige inligting verskaf, speel die wat belangstelling meet die belangrikste rol in die neem van beroepsbesluite. Deur middel van hierdie ondersoek is gevolglik 'n poging aangewend om 'n belangstellingsvraelys vir Duitssprekende leerlinge te ontwikkel. Die items van Afrikaans- en Engelstalige vraelyste is so gestel en die woordeskat wat gebruik is was van so 'n aard, dat dit dikwels tot onduidelikheid by leerlinge aanleiding gegee het. Gebrekkige gesigsgeldigheid wat tesame met nie-toepaslike norms in sommige gevalle 'n verwronge beeld van die leerlinge se belangstellings weerspieel het, het hieruit voortgevloei. In ag genome die Suider-Afrikaanse aard van die KODUS belangstellingsvraelysjKODUS Interest Questionnaire se items sowel as die meer as bevredigende resultate, wat met behulp van deeglike navorsing tydens die oorspronklike standaardisering van hierdie vraelyste verkry is, is besluit om hierdie vraelys vir Duitssprekende leerlinge van Namibie te vertaal, aan te pas en te standaardiseer. Tydens die vertaling en aanpassing moes verskeie faktore in aanmerking geneem word, sodat 'n vraelys daargestel kon word wat dieselfde belangstellings as die oorspronklike Afrikaanse en Engelse vraelyste sou meet. Na afloop van 'n vooraf-ondersoek. kon 'n normberekeningsondersoek sonder enige veranderings uitgevoer word. Uit hierdie normberekeningsondersoek is bevind dat die aanpassings en die vertaling wei bevredigend was en dat die vraelys dieselfde belangstellings as die oorspronklike Afrikaans- en Engelstalige vraelyste meet. Afsonderlike norms moes vir die verskillende geslagte en die onderskeie standerd-groepe opgestel word. Die KODUS-Interessentragebogen (Deutsch) is in sy huidige vorm geskik vir wetenskaplike gebruik deur Duitssprekende leerlinge van Namibie. / pdv201410

The subjective experience of well-being : a comparison of South African individuals in early and late adulthood

Nel, Charne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between age and the following subjective well-being (SWB) variables: global life satisfaction (as measured by the Satisfaction With Life Scale [SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larson, & Griffin, 1985], the temporal (past, present and future) dimensions of life satisfaction (as measured by the Temporal Satisfaction With Life Scale [TSWLS; Pavot, Diener, & Suh, 1998]), gratitude (as measured by the Gratitude Questionnaire-Six Item Form [GQ-6; McCullough, Emmons, & Tsang, 2002]) and health satisfaction (as measured by the Health Satisfaction Question [HSQ; Chatters, 1988; Coyle, Lesnick-Emas, & Kinney, 1994; Gwozdoz & Sousa-Poza, 2009]). The interrelationships between these variables were explored, as well as the relationship between certain sociodemographic variables and global life satisfaction in late adulthood. Two groups of male and female South African participants were used, namely, individuals aged between 24-34 years (early adulthood) and 60-75 years (late adulthood). Differences between the two groups with regard to the SWB variables were investigated by using one-way ANOVAs and t-tests, and the interrelationships between the SWB variables were calculated by means of Pearson correlations, for each group seperately, as well as for the two groups combined. Differences in global life satisfaction between different sociodemographic subgroups within the late adulthood group were analysed using one-way ANOVAs and Bonferroni posthoc comparisons. Results indicated that individuals in late adulthood reported significantly higher levels of life satisfaction than individuals in early adulthood. Similarly, individuals in late adulthood reported significantly higher levels of health satisfaction when compared to their younger counterparts. Regarding the trajectories of life satisfaction based on the subscales of the TSWLS, t-tests revealed that the early adulthood group considered their present and future (expected) life satisfaction to be significantly higher than their past life satisfaction. On the other hand, individuals in late adulthood considered only their present to be significantly higher than their past life satisfaction. Pearson correlations indicated significant relationships between global life satisfaction, the temporal dimensions of life satisfaction, and gratitude for both the early and late adulthood groups, as well as for both groups combined. Additionally, gratitude correlated significantly with health satisfaction and future life satisfaction for the early adulthood, but not for the late adulthood group. Neither gender, length of retirement or length of widowhood were significantly related to global life satisfaction, although married individuals reported significantly higher global life satisfaction than those who were not married. The results of the study suggest that there are significant differences between South African early and late adults with regard to some SWB variables and their interrelationships. The implications of these findings were discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verband tussen ouderdom en die volgende subjektiewe welsyn (SWS) veranderlikes te ondersoek: globale lewensbevrediging (soos gemeet met die Satisfaction With Life Scale [SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larson, & Griffin, 1985], die temporale (verlede, hede en toekoms) dimensies van lewensbevredigings (soos gemeet met die Temporal Satisfaction With Life Scale [TSWLS; Pavot, Diener, & Suh, 1998]), dankbaarheid (soos gemeet met die Gratitude Questionnaire-Six Item Form [GQ-6; McCullough, Emmons, & Tsang, 2002]) en gesondheidsbevrediging (soos gemeet met die Health Satisfaction Question [HSQ; Chatters, 1988; Coyle, Lesnick-Emas, & Kinney, 1994; Gwozdoz & Sousa-Poza, 2009]). The interverbande tussen hierdie verandelikes is ondersoek, sowel as die verband tussen sekere sosiodemografiese veranderlikes en globale lewensbevrediging in laat-volwassenheid. Twee groepe manlike en vroulike Suid-Afrikaanse deelnemers is gebruik, naamlik individue tussen die ouderdomme van 24-34 jaar (vroeë volwassenheid) en 60-75 years (laat volwassenheid). Verskille tussen die twee groepe wat betref die SWS veranderlikes is ondersoek met eenkantige variansie-analises en t-toetse, en die interverbande tussen die SWS veranderlikes is bereken met behulp van Pearson-korrelasies, vir elke groep afsonderlik, sowel as vir die twee groepe gekombineer. Verskille in globale lewensbevrediging tussen sosiodemografies-verskillende subgroepe binne die laat-volwassenheidgroep is ondersoek met behulp van eenkantige variansie-analises en Bonferroni opvolg-vergelykings. Resultate het aangetoon dat individue in laat-volwassenheid beduidend hoër vlakke van lewensbevrediging gerapporteer het as individue in vroeë volwassenheid. Individue in laat-volwassenheid het ook beduidend hoër vlakke van gesondheidsbevrediging in vergelyking met die jonger groep getoon. Wat betref die trajektorieë van lewensbevrediging gebaseer op die subskale van die TSWLS, het t-toetse aangetoon dat die vroeë volwassenheidgroep hul huidige en toekomstige (verwagte) lewensbevrediging as beduidend hoër as hul verlede-lewensbevrediging beoordeel het. Hierteenoor het individue in laat-volwassenheid slegs hul huidige lewensbevrediging as beduidend hoër as hul verlede-lewensbevrediging beoordeel. Pearson-korrelasies het beduidende verbande aangetoon tussen globale lewensbevrediging, die temporale dimensies van lewensbevrediging, en dankbaarheid vir beide die vroeë - en laat volwassenheid-groepe, sowel as vir beide groepe gekombineer. Verder het dankbaarheid beduidend gekorreleer met gesondheidsbevrediging en toekomstige lewensbevrediging vir die vroeë volwassenheidgroep, maar nie vir die laat- volwassenheidgroep nie. Nie geslag, tydperk van aftrede of tydperk van weduweeskap/ wewenaarskap het beduidende verbande met globale lewensbevrediging getoon nie, alhoewel getroude individue beduidend hoër globale lewensbevrediging as dié wat nie getroud was nie, gerapporteer het. Die resultate van die studie suggereer dat daar beduidende verskille tussen Suid-Afrikaanse vroeë en laat volwassenes bestaan wat betref sekere SWS veranderlikes en hul interverbande. Die implikasies van hierdie bevindings is bespreek.

The relationship between depressive symptoms and post-operative subjective pain perception after third molar surgery

Janse van Rensburg, H. W. (Winnie) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Postoperative pain is still the most common and anticipated problem following surgery and inadequate post-operative pain management remains problematic. There is a significant variation in post-operative pain experience of patients following identical surgical procedures and this has been related to a variety of psychological factors. Depression has been considered a predictor of post-operative pain. The overall aim of the study was to determine the relationship between depressive symptoms and subjective pain experienced in dental surgery. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was administrated to a sample of 35 patients presenting with dental impaction to assess general depression severity. Participants were assigned to one of two groups using a cutoff score of 10 on the BDI. Pain was measured by a Visual analog pain scale. The results showed that participants with pre-operative depressive symptoms had a trend to experience more pain pre-operatively but less pain post-operatively than participants without depressive symptoms this difference was however not statistically significant. No significant correlations were found between the presence of depressive symptoms pre-operative and pain perception pre-operatively and post-operatively. However significant relationships were found between the absence of depressive symptoms pre-operative and pain perception pre-operatively and post-operatively. Pre-operative depressive symptoms were also found to be predictive of post-operative depressive symptoms. The study concluded that pain and depression co-occur, but the direction of causality is not clearly understood. The use of psychotherapeutic tools for identifying pre-operative predictors for intense post-operative pain will enhance the quality of pain management and therefore has a positive impact on the quality of life of the patient. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Post-operatiewe pyn is een van die mees algemene en verwagte probleme na afloop van chirurgie en onvoldoende behandeling van die pyn bly problematies. Daar is 'n beduidende verskil in die ervaring van post-operatiewe pyn van pasiënte na identiese chirurgiese prosedures en dit hou verband met 'n verskeidenheid van sielkundige faktore. Depressie word beskou as 'n voorspeller van post-operatiewe pyn. Die hoof doel van die studie was om die verhouding tussen depressiewe simptome en subjektiewe pyn ervaring in tandheelkundige chirurgie te bepaal. Die Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is gebruik om die erns van algemene depressie onder ‘n steekproef van 35 pasiënte wat presenteer met tand impaksie te evalueer. 'n Afsny-telling van 10 is gebruik om die deelnemers toe te wys aan een van twee groepe. Pyn was gemeet deur 'n Visuele analog pynskaal (VAS). Die resultate het getoon dat deelnemers met pre-operatiewe depressiewe simptome 'n neiging het om meer pyn pre-operatief, maar minder pyn post-operatief te ervaar as deelnemers sonder depressiewe simptome. Die verskil was egter nie statisties beduidend nie. Geen beduidende korrelasies is gevind tussen die teenwoordigheid van pre-operatiewe depressiewe simptome en die persepsie van pyn pre-operatief en post-operatief nie. Beduidende verbande is egter gevind tussen die afwesigheid van pre-operatiewe depressiewe simptome en persepsie van pyn pre-operatief en post-operatief. Pre-operatiewe depressiewe simptome het ook post-operatiewe depressiewe simptome voorspel. Die studie het bevind dat pyn en depressie saam voorkom maar die rigting van oorsaak is nie uitgewys. Die gebruik van psigoterapeutiese instrumente vir identifisering van pre-operatiewe voorspellers vir intense post-operatiewe pyn sal die gehalte van pynbehandeling verbeter en sodoende 'n positiewe impak op die kwaliteit van lewe van die pasiënt hê.

Hearing their voices : the lived experience of recovery from first-episode psychosis in schizophrenia

De Wet, Anneliese 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recovery in schizophrenia was regarded, for a very long time, as a somewhat unattainable goal. In addition, the de-emphasis of the subjective experience of the person living with schizophrenia created an environment where studies on the experience of recovery was disregarded. The dawn of the civil rights movement in the 1960s paved the way for the recovery movement in mental health. A new emphasis was placed on the person living with schizophrenia and his or her individual experience. Together with this, the deinstitutionalisation of long-term patients following the introduction of anti-psychotic medication allowed for recovery in schizophrenia to become a more widely accepted concept. Against this background, this study seemed crucial and focused on how seven participants experienced their recovery from first-episode psychosis in schizophrenia. Each participant was interviewed twice, the interviews transcribed and then analysed with the use of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. It was found that support and its natural corollary, having to care for another, are possibly the greatest contributors to the recovery of persons faced with mental illness. Participants highlighted the important role of spirituality in their recovery, despite it being generally regarded as a controversial topic. Since spirituality has the ability to build resilience, it cannot and should not be overlooked. Stigma was found to be ingrained and pervasive, as it so often is for persons faced with mental illness. It can be a barrier to recovery. The retention or rediscovery of the abilities of those challenged by mental illness was seen as a determining factor for recovery, since it (re)introduces a sense of agency. In conclusion, and without fail, all the participants agreed that talking about their experiences aided them. This points to the fact that there can be no question as to the value of the narrative in the process of recovery. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Herstel (recovery) in skisofrenie is vir 'n lang tyd beskou as 'n ietwat onbereikbare doel. Hiermee saam is die subjektiewe belewenis van die persoon wat met skisofrenie saamleef al minder van waarde geag. Dit het 'n omgewing geskep waar die studie van die belewenis van herstel geminag is. Die opkoms van die burgerregtebeweging in die 1960s het die weg gebaan vir die herstelbeweging in geestesgesondheid. 'n Hernude klem is geplaas op die persoon wat met skisofrenie saamleef en sy of haar indiwiduele belewenis. Tesame hiermee, het die ontslag van langtermynpasiënte uit institusionele sorg as gevolg van die bekendstelling van anti-psigotiese medikasie daartoe gelei dat herstel in skisofrenie meer algemeen aanvaar is. Teen hierdie agtergrond is hierdie studie as noodsaaklik beskou en het dit gefokus op hoe sewe deelnemers hul herstel van „n eerste psigotiese episode beleef. Daar is twee onderhoude met elke deelnemer gevoer. Hierdie onderhoude is getranskribeer en daarna geanaliseer met behulp van Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Daar is gevind dat ondersteuning en daarmee saam, om „n ander te versorg, waarskynlik die grootste bydraende faktore is tot die herstel van persone wat deur geestessiektes uitgedaag word. Die deelnemers het die rol van spiritualiteit, wat dikwels as 'n omstrede onderwerp beskou word, beklemtoon. Aangesien dit kan bydra tot veerkragtigheid, kan en moet dit nie oorgesien word nie. Stigma is diepgewortel en deurdringend bevind, soos dit so dikwels is vir dié wat geestessiektes in die gesig staar. Dit kan 'n hindernis tot herstel wees. Die behoud of herontdekking van die vermoëns van dié wat deur geestessiektes uitgedaag word is 'n bepalende faktor, aangesien dit (weer) 'n gevoel van beheer oor die eie aksies (“sense of agency”) inlei, wat so deurslaggewend is tot herstel. Ter afsluiting, en sonder uitsondering, het al die deelnemers saamgestem dat om oor hul belewenisse te praat hulle gehelp het. Derhalwe, kan die waarde van die narratief in die proses van herstel nie betwyfel word nie.

Human occupation in the context of chronic poverty and psychiatric disability

Duncan, Madeleine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ABSTRACT: This study, within the fields of occupational therapy and occupational science, describes the occupations of isiXhosa-speaking individuals with longstanding histories of mental illness living in chronic poverty. Occupation refers to the daily tasks and purposeful activities which, in occupying people’s time, establish the patterns of their lives and give expression to their roles, identity, interests and abilities. The aim of this study was to describe how poor households and persons with psychiatric disability living in those households coped with their circumstances and how they viewed, orchestrated, drew meaning from and attributed purpose to the everyday things they did, in particular the self-identified, primary income generating occupation of the disabled person. The research questions elicited information about the genesis, characteristics, meanings and functions of occupation, in particular those occupations performed by the disabled member that contributed to the survival of the household. Using case study methodology, the research involved prolonged engagement with five households living in a peri-urban, informal settlement on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa. Qualitative data about occupation was derived through demographic screening, multiple interviews with key informants in each household, participant observation and focus group discussion. In addition, discussions were held with mental health professionals familiar with the context and the Xhosa culture. Four forms of data analysis and interpretation (Kavale, 1996; Stake,1995) were applied to develop substantive case studies: condensation (identification of major organising ideas); categorisation (thematic categorical aggregation); patterning (narrative structuring) and generalisation (naturalistic interpretation). In addition, discussions were held with mental health professionals familiar with the context and the Xhosa culture. Four forms of data analysis and interpretation (Kavale, 1996; Stake, 1995) were applied were applied to develop substantive case studies: condensation (identification of major organising ideas); categorisation (thematic categorical aggregation); patterning (narrative structuring) and generalisation (naturalistic interpretation). Thematic descriptions of the basics of occupation are used to illustrate the various ways participants negotiated the challenges of life at the margins of society through the ordinary things they did everyday. Cross case analysis provided insights into the financial and social costs of mental illness as well as the strategies, embedded in occupation, adopted by participants in dealing with their circumstances. The central thesis of this dissertation is that psychiatrically disabled people, as economic actors functioning in complex structural, social and occupational matrices, contribute in paradoxical ways to the survival of their households. While their illness behaviour may increase the vulnerability of the household from time to time, they nevertheless facilitate its functioning either as providers of a disability grant; as contributors of additional labour or as productive income generating agents. The individual, the social and the structural are co-constituted in what poor and disabled people are able to do everyday. The less resources that are available in the occupational form, the more effort is needed to perform occupations and the more reliance is placed on the informal relational economy. Relative mastery of constrained circumstances occurred by optimising the goodness of fit between occupational form and occupational performance through adaptive capacity, an under-recognised form of agency in the context of chronic poverty. Looking beyond the obscuring façade of psychiatric disability at the ordinary things people did everyday revealed their capacity to strategise practically and attitudinally in support of the household’s survival. The study heightens awareness of human experiences that have been overlooked in the occupational science and occupational therapy literature, in particular how the basics of occupation operate in resource constrained environments. This contribution to knowledge about human occupation will inform mental health occupational therapy practice and community based psychiatric services concerned with the inclusion of disabled people in promoting social development. / OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie val binne die gebied van arbeidsterapie en ‘occupational science’. Dit beskryf die ‘occupations’ van Xhosa-sprekende individue met ‘n geskiedenis van geestesongesteldheid wat in kroniese armoede in informele nedersettings aan die buitewyke van Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika woon. ‘Occupation’ verwys na die daaglikse take en doelgerigte aktiwiteite wat mense se tyd in beslag neem; die patrone en ritmes van hul lewens bevestig en wat uitdrukking gee aan hul verskeie rolle, identiteit, belangstellings en vermoëns. Die doel van die studie was om inligting te verkry oor die oorsprong, eienskappe, betekenis en funksies van ’occupation’ in die konteks van armoede en veral met betrekking tot die psigiatries gestremde lid se belewenis en bydrae tot die huishouding se oorlewing deur sy of haar self-geidentifiseerde, primêre winsgewende ‘occupation’. Verlengde verbintenis met vyf huishoudings en sleutel informante as gevalstudies het die verkryging van kwalitatiewe data oor ‘occupation’ deur onderhoude, waarneming en fokusgroepe moontlik gemaak. Onderhoude met geestesgesondheidspesialiste vertroud met die konteks en die Xhosakultuur is ook gevoer. Vier tipes data-analise en interpretasie (Kavale, 1996; Stake, 1995) is toegepas om die ontwikkeling van substantiewe gevallestudies moontlik te maak: kondensasie (identifisering en organisasie van belangrike idees); kategorisering (tematiese sorteering van eenhede van betekenis); motief (narratiewe strukturering) en veralgemening (naturalistiese interpretasie). Kruisgevalanalise is toegepas om inligting oor die finansiële en sosiale kostes van ‘n psigiatriese stoornis in die konteks van armoede te bekom asook die ‘occupational’ strategieë waarvan informante in die hantering van hul omstandighede gebruik gemaak het. Die slotsom van hierdie verhandeling is dat psigiatries gestremde persone wat in die konteks van kroniese armoede ‘n bestaan probeer voer, op paradoksale maniere ‘n bydrae tot die voortbestaan van hul huishoudings lewer. Terwyl hulle siektegedrag die kwesbaarheid van die huishouding van tyd tot tyd laat toeneem, maak hulle nieteenstaande die oorlewing van die huishouding moontlik deur ‘n kombinasie van die volgende bydraes: die verskaffing van bykomende arbeid; die beskikbaarstelling van ‘n ongeskiktheidstoelaag en die produktiewe uitvoering van winsgewende ‘occupations’ in die sogenaamde ‘tweede’ of informele ekonomie. Die individuele, die sosiale en die strukturele is aan mekaar verbonde en beinvloed sodanig wat arm en gestremde mense daagliks in staat is om te doen. Hoe minder materiele komponente en hulpbronne in die ‘occupational form’ beskikbaar is, hoe groter is die inspanning wat benodig word om ‘occupation’ uit te voer en hoe meer afhanklik word die gestremde persoon op die informele sosiale ekonomie. Die teenoorgestelde is ook waar. Die kapasiteit vir aanpasbaarheid, ‘n miskende vorm van agentskap in die konteks van kroniese armoede, maak die bemeestering van beperkte omstandighede moontlik. Die kapasiteit vir aanpasbaarheid is geleë in die vermoë om strategies, prakties en sielkundig te funksioneer. Die studie vergroot die bewustheid van menslike ervarings wat oor die hoof gesien is in die arbeidsterapie en ‘occupational science’ literatuur, veral hoe die basiese beginsels van ‘occupation’ funksioneer in omgewings wat gekenmerk word deur deprivasie en beperkte materiële besittings. Hierdie bydrae tot kennis oor ‘occupation’ sal arbeidsterapiepraktyk en gemeenskaps-gebaseerde psigiatriese dienste toelig asook die insluiting van psigiatries gestremde persone in maatskaplike ontwikkeling bevorder.

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