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Optimal Allocation Of Sectionalizing Switches In Rural Distribution SystemsDaldal, Mustafa 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The distribution system which forms the final connection between customers and power source plays a vital role in an electrical network. Different studies show that substantial proportion of the customer interruptions occurs due to the failures on distribution network.
The ongoing privatization process of the electrical distribution services in Turkey raises the importance of reliable and continuous electricity supply significantly. The new regulations come up with this privatization process and the electrical distribution companies are strictly required to comply with these regulations to ensure the reliability of the distribution network. The legal framework and severe punishments applied to the electrical distribution companies exceeding the continuity of supply indices force them to invest on their network in order to increase the reliability of their system.
As the reliability of electricity supplied increases, investment cost also increases. However, low system reliability causes higher outage frequency and duration which will increase the damage of these outages to customers and also increases the cost of the distribution company as a result of the penalty payments. This tradeoff between Outage Cost and Utility Cost requires consideration of an optimization when determining the optimal reliability level.
In rural areas where electrical distribution network consists of long radial overhead lines in arborescent structure, continuity of supply is a major problem due to the high failure rates. The implementation of protection devices having reclosing capability and automated sectionalizing switches enhances the continuity of supply on rural networks substantially. The balance between the cost associated with installation of switches and the reduction on Outage Cost is an important optimization issue for distribution network operators.
In this thesis study an algorithm is developed in order to determine the optimum number and locations of the sectionalizing switches on a rural electrical distribution network in Turkey which gives an optimum investment level with an optimum Outage Cost.
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Efficient city logistics : Can travel patterns of goods and people be intertwined?Merkel, Pontus January 2015 (has links)
Optimizing city logistics is a topic of great importance for big cities today. Even though the environmental- and economical consequences of the increasing goods transportation fleet has been present for quite some time, actions from affected stakeholders has not been taken until just recently. In this brief 9 week project the aim has been to, from a design point-of-view, in this complex topic, give a suggestion and raise a discussion onto how goods transportation in cities can be made in the future. The basic idea is to get the consignments as close to the consignees and their travel patterns as possible. Public transportation networks are an existing grid where people are moving around and can potentially be used for combined transport of goods and people. The outcome of this concept is focusing on light parcel delivery towards private consignees, due to the increasing e-commerce trend. By using small transporter vehicles connected to buses, light parcels can be distributed throughout a city and easily accessible for consignees at the bus stops. The transporter vehicle developed through this project aims to conceptualize connectivity and integration between mobility and parcel delivery services, to ease the every day life of urban citizens as well as decrease the environmental- and economical impacts which the distribution vehicle-fleet of today entails. The design of the transporter vehicle is an interpretation of how a autonomous distribution vehicle can look like in a future city environment where the integration of public-utility-vehicles is of greater importance.
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Characterization of bacterial diversity in three oligotrophic environments using high-throughput sequencing technologyAn, Shu 07 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Oligotrophic ecosystems can be loosely defined as environments that exhibit low ambient nutrient levels. During my thesis, I used 454 DNA pyrosequencing of partial 16S rDNA to explore the bacterial diversity in three different oligotrophic environments, including A. surface desert soil, B. Asian sandstorm dust and C. a section of the city of Paris's drinking water distribution system.A. Arid regions represent nearly 30% of the Earth's terrestrial surface. The living conditions at the surface of deserts are a challenge for microorganisms, as there is little available water and/or carbon, a very large range of temperatures and high exposure to UV irradiation from the Sun. In surface sand samples from two large Asian deserts, unexpectedly large bacterial diversity residing was revealed. Sequences belonging to the Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria phyla were the most abundant. An increase in phylotype numbers with increasing C/N ratio was noted, suggesting a possible role in the bacterial richness of these desert sand environments.B. Desert sandstorms are a meteorological phenomenon which have been postulated affect the Earth's climate and public health. We examined the particle-associated (dust and sand-associated) bacterial populations of atmospheric sand in the absence (as control) and presence of sandstorms in five Asian cities. Greater than 90% of the sequences can be classified as representing bacteria belonging to four phyla: Proteobacteria, Bacteriodetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. Principal component analyses showed that the sandstorm-associated bacterial populations were clustered by sampling year, rather than location. Members belonging to nine bacterial genera (Massilia, Planococcus, Carnobacterium, Planomicrobium, Pontibacter, Pedobacter, Lysobacter, Sanguibacter, Ohtaekwangia) were observed to increase in sand-associated samples from sandstorms, versus the controls. C. We characterized the bacterial communities in three water and three biofilm samples from one part of the Parisian drinking water distribution system. A dramatic change in bacterial population in the water during flow through the distribution system from the water treatment plant to the exit from the reservoir was found. The richness of the bacterial population was reduced from the water treatment plant to the reservoir (from 336 to 165 OTUs for water samples leaving the reservoir and from 947 to 275 for biofilm samples in the network). Several OTUs belonging to pathogenic genera were detected in our samples, mostly in the biofilm samples, thus suggesting that the biofilms may be an important source of bacteria during water distribution to the consumers.
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Evaluering av det lovbaserte legefordelingssystemet i Norge i perioden 1999 til 2013 / Evaluation of the government-regulated physician distribution systemin Norway,1999–2013Østraa, Inger Elisabeth January 2014 (has links)
Formål:Hensikten med studien er å undersøke hvilken effekt det lovbaserte legefordelingssystemet, som var aktivt i Norge fra 1.1.1999 til 30.6.2013, har hatt, og hvordan ordningen har påvirket utviklingen i legestillinger i primærhelsetjenesten og spesialisthelsetjenesten i Norge. Studien kan gi myndighetene et bedre kunnskapsgrunnlag om statlig regulering av legestillinger. Metode: Forskningsspørsmålene er i hovedsak belyst gjennom kvantitative deskriptive analyser av registerdata og tilgjengelig statistikk. Saksdokumenter og vedtak om tildeling av legestillinger er gjennomgått, og det er gjennomført en kvalitativ analyse av bakgrunnsdokumentene ved innføringen av ordningen. Den teoretiske rammen for studien er folkehelsearbeid, organisasjonsteori og resultatkjeden som et styringsverktøy ved gjennomføring av evalueringer. Resultat: Studienviser at nye legestillinger i primærhelsetjenesten har vært prioritert i hele perioden. Dette kan ha bidratt til å redusere sosiale ulikheter i helse. Antall ubesatte legestillinger er i perioden 1.1.1999 til 30.6.2013 redusert til under 1% av alle legestillinger, både i primærhelsetjenesten og spesialisthelsetjenesten. I samme periode økte antall utdanningsstillinger for leger i spesialisering med 36%. I alt 54% av alle nye legestillinger i spesialisthelsetjenesten er gitt innen nasjonale satsningsområder og prioriterte spesialiteter. Av de nordiske landene har Norge hatt høyest økningen i legedekning pr 1000 innbyggere i allmennlegetjenesten. Konklusjon: Studien viser at den statligereguleringenav nye legestillinger har hatt en effekt, og at et målrettet reguleringssystem kan være et godt administrativt virkemiddel for nasjonal legefordeling og geografisk fordeling av leger. God forankring og bred deltaking er suksesskriterier. / Purpose: This study aimedto investigate the effect of the legally based system for allocating new positions for physiciansunder a policy that wasin effectin Norway between 1 January 1999 and 30 June 2013.The study also aimed to increase understanding of a government-regulated physician distribution system. Method: The primary methodology involved using quantitative descriptive analysis to review registry data and available statistics. Case documents and decisions related to theallocation of physician positions, and case and policy documents related to the original justification for the government-regulated physician distribution systemw ere also reviewed. The theoretical thesis and framework for this study is public health, organization theory, and the "result chain" as a management tool for executing evaluations and deliberations. Result: Theresults of the study show that vacant positions for physicians, both primary and specialists, decreased to less than 1% during the study period. During this same time period, 54% of all new hospital positions were assigned a priority specialty. Positions for specialist education increased 36%. Among the Nordic countries, Norway had the highest increase in coverage by primary care physiciansper 1,000 capita during the past 15 years. Conclusion:The government-regulated physician distribution systemin Norway has been effective. Robustness, consensus building, and broad participation are key conditions and ingredients in the recipe for success. / <p>ISBN 978-91-982282-2-9</p>
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Multi Item Integrated Location/inventory ProblemBalcik, Burcu 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the design of a three-level distribution system is considered in which a
single supplier ships a number of items to the retailers via a set of distribution
centers (DC) and stochastic demand is observed at the retailers. The problem is to
specify the number and location of the DCs, and the assignment of the retailers to
the DCs in such a way that total facility, transportation, safety stock, and joint
ordering and average inventory costs are minimized, and customer service
requirements are satisfied. Single source constraints are imposed on the assignment
of the retailers to the DCs. The integrated location/inventory model incorporates the
inventory management decisions into the strategic location/allocation decisions by
considering the benefits of risk pooling and the savings that result in the joint
replenishment of a group of items. We develop two heuristic methods to solve the
non-linear integer-programming model in an integrated way: (1) Improvement type
heuristic, (2) Constructive type heuristic. The heuristic algorithms are tested on a number of problem instances with 81 demand points (retailers) and 4 different types
of items. Both of the heuristics are able to generate solutions in very reasonable
times. The results are compared to the results of the p-median problem and found
that the total cost and the number of DCs can be lowered using our integrated model
instead of the p-median problem. Finally, sensitivity analysis is performed with
respect to the changes in inventory, transportation, and ordering cost parameters, and
variability of the demand.
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Desenvolvimento de abordagem inteligente para controle de tensão na rede de baixa tensão de sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica / Development of intelligent approach to control voltage in low voltage distribution systemsMichele Akemi Haro 19 November 2015 (has links)
Os métodos convencionais para o controle de tensão concentram-se na média tensão. Em alguns casos não são suficientes para a correção da tensão na rede secundária. Este trabalho apresenta os problemas relacionados à regulação de tensão na baixa tensão, os métodos convencionais para correção da tensão e uma estratégia para o controle de tensão na rede secundária de sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica. A solução final proposta é um conjunto de transformador com taps no lado de baixa tensão, hardware e software que promovem a comutação das derivações do transformador de forma automática. Para o desenvolvimento dessa estratégia será abordada a aplicação de sistemas inteligentes, o sistema fuzzy, e a estimação de modelos elétricos dos transformadores de distribuição. O objetivo desse produto é ser uma solução prática, viável técnica e economicamente para a regulação da tensão em cenários onde os métodos convencionais não o são. Os protótipos dessa solução foram montados e testados em laboratório e em campo e os resultados atenderam ao objetivo proposto. / The conventional methods for voltage control concentrated in medium voltage. In some case, they are not enough to correct the voltage on secondary grid of distribuition. This paper presents a strategy to control the voltage on the low voltage of the distribution grid. As proposed for dealing of this problem is made the presentation of an architecture for the intelligent automatic control, that is composed of distribuition transformer with tap on the low side, hardware and software. For the development of this strategy will be approached the application the intelligent systems, Fuzzy Systems, and the estimation of electrical model of distribuition transformers. The goal with this design is to provide grants to set up a system for regulating the voltage on the low side which is technically and economically feasible to be deployed where conventional solutions, with the inclusion of line regulators, are not.
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Fluxo de potência em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica considerando incertezasGallego Pareja, Luis Alfonso [UNESP] 25 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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gallegopareja_la_dr_ilha.pdf: 1184349 bytes, checksum: 67e1f90a3708a0564704972e31ced51c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Nesta tese é proposta e avaliada uma metodologia alternativa para o cálculo do fluxo de potência quando são consideradas incertezas no sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica. Especificamente é considerada incerteza na demanda dos usuários de baixa tensão, assim como também nas fases em que os usuários estão ligados no sistema. A demanda das unidades consumidoras é modelada através das funções de distribuição de probabilidades. A metodologia proposta vale-se das curvas de carga diárias típicas que foram estimadas através das curvas de carga medidas em uma campanha de medição. O fluxo de potência proposto emprega o método de simulação de Monte Carlo para gerar múltiplos cenários de demanda do sistema de distribuição. O método de fluxo de potência determinístico empregado é o denominado algoritmo Backward-Forward Sweep. Neste trabalho também é realizado um estudo estatístico para determinar quais distribuições de probabilidade podem representar os dados das curvas de carga diárias obtidas na campanha de medições. Muitos trabalhos apresentados no âmbito acadêmico empregam a priori a função de distribuição de probabilidade normal para realizar os diversos estudos, isto pode levar a conclusões inadequadas. Também é realizada uma análise comparativa entre os resultados obtidos pelo fluxo de potência probabilístico, quando são utilizadas duas funções de distribuição de probabilidade diferentes para estimar as curvas de carga diárias (a função de distribuição de probabilidade que ficou no primeiro lugar na análise estatística e a função normal). São apresentados resultados comparativos para diferentes distribuições de probabilidade, quando é considerada incerteza somente na demanda e quando é considerada conjuntamente incertezas na demanda e na conexão das fases / In this thesis an alternative methodology to calculate the power flow considering uncertainty in the electrical distribution system is proposed and validated. Specifically, uncertainty is considered in the demand of the low voltage consumers, as well as the phases in which the users are connected to the system. The demand of the consumer units is modeled by means of probability distribution functions. The proposed methodology uses the daily load curves that were estimated by means of the load curves measured in measuring campaign. The proposed power flow uses the Monte Carlo simulation method to generate multiple demand scenarios of the distribution system. The deterministic power flow method implemented is the so called Backward-Forward Sweep algorithm. In this work it is also implemented a statistical study to determine which distribution functions can represent the data of the daily load curves obtained in the measuring campaign. Many research works found in the academic ambit use a priori the normal distribution function to perform diverse studies; this can lead to wrong conclusions. This thesis also presents a comparative analysis between the results obtained by the probabilistic power flow, when two different probability distribution functions are used to estimate the daily load curves (the probability distribution function that was first in the statistical analysis and the normal function). Comparative results are shown for different distribution functions considering uncertainty only in the demand, and considering uncertainty in the demand and the connection of the phases
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Fluxo de potência em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica considerando incertezas /Gallego Pareja, Luis Alfonso. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Padilha Feltrin / Banca: Percival Bueno de Araujo / Banca: Anna Diva Plasencia Lotufo / Banca: José Manuel Arroyo Sanchez / Banca: Paulo Augusto Nepomuceno Garcia / Resumo: Nesta tese é proposta e avaliada uma metodologia alternativa para o cálculo do fluxo de potência quando são consideradas incertezas no sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica. Especificamente é considerada incerteza na demanda dos usuários de baixa tensão, assim como também nas fases em que os usuários estão ligados no sistema. A demanda das unidades consumidoras é modelada através das funções de distribuição de probabilidades. A metodologia proposta vale-se das curvas de carga diárias típicas que foram estimadas através das curvas de carga medidas em uma campanha de medição. O fluxo de potência proposto emprega o método de simulação de Monte Carlo para gerar múltiplos cenários de demanda do sistema de distribuição. O método de fluxo de potência determinístico empregado é o denominado algoritmo Backward-Forward Sweep. Neste trabalho também é realizado um estudo estatístico para determinar quais distribuições de probabilidade podem representar os dados das curvas de carga diárias obtidas na campanha de medições. Muitos trabalhos apresentados no âmbito acadêmico empregam a priori a função de distribuição de probabilidade normal para realizar os diversos estudos, isto pode levar a conclusões inadequadas. Também é realizada uma análise comparativa entre os resultados obtidos pelo fluxo de potência probabilístico, quando são utilizadas duas funções de distribuição de probabilidade diferentes para estimar as curvas de carga diárias (a função de distribuição de probabilidade que ficou no primeiro lugar na análise estatística e a função normal). São apresentados resultados comparativos para diferentes distribuições de probabilidade, quando é considerada incerteza somente na demanda e quando é considerada conjuntamente incertezas na demanda e na conexão das fases / Abstract: In this thesis an alternative methodology to calculate the power flow considering uncertainty in the electrical distribution system is proposed and validated. Specifically, uncertainty is considered in the demand of the low voltage consumers, as well as the phases in which the users are connected to the system. The demand of the consumer units is modeled by means of probability distribution functions. The proposed methodology uses the daily load curves that were estimated by means of the load curves measured in measuring campaign. The proposed power flow uses the Monte Carlo simulation method to generate multiple demand scenarios of the distribution system. The deterministic power flow method implemented is the so called Backward-Forward Sweep algorithm. In this work it is also implemented a statistical study to determine which distribution functions can represent the data of the daily load curves obtained in the measuring campaign. Many research works found in the academic ambit use a priori the normal distribution function to perform diverse studies; this can lead to wrong conclusions. This thesis also presents a comparative analysis between the results obtained by the probabilistic power flow, when two different probability distribution functions are used to estimate the daily load curves (the probability distribution function that was first in the statistical analysis and the normal function). Comparative results are shown for different distribution functions considering uncertainty only in the demand, and considering uncertainty in the demand and the connection of the phases / Doutor
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Pilotage de la production décentralisée et des charges non conventionnelles dans le contexte Smart Grid et simulation hybride temps réel / Study of massive insertion of decentralized energy and unconventional load in Smart Grid context and hybrid real-time simulationMercier, Aurélien 28 September 2015 (has links)
Dans le domaine des réseaux de distribution d'électricité, l'ouverture du marché de l'énergie à la concurrence et l'insertion massive des génératrices décentralisées d'énergie de ces dernières années conduisent à une profonde modification du fonctionnement et de l'exploitation des réseaux. Dans ce contexte, des solutions de pilotage de la consommation et de la production doivent être apportées, afin de permettre au réseau actuel d'accueillir les nouvelles unités de production et les charges de demain, telles que les panneaux photovoltaïques, les micro-éoliennes, la cogénération, les véhicules électriques, les maisons intelligentes, etc. Ces pilotages permettent d'influencer la consommation et la production instantanées des utilisateurs du réseau. Ainsi, il devient possible d'agir sur la consommation de façon à lisser les pics ou synchroniser la demande aux périodes de forte production des énergies renouvelables. De la même façon, la production peut être pilotée pour participer aux services systèmes. Ces stratégies de pilotage, basées sur l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, ont pour objectifs d'éviter une dégradation de la qualité de l'onde de tension et une reconstruction complète du réseau de distribution, qui serait économiquement très couteuse. Ces travaux, intégrés au projet GreenLys, financé par l'agence française de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'énergie, évaluent l'impact des génératrices décentralisées d'énergie et des véhicules électriques sur le réseau de distribution, puis développent des solutions de pilotage. Deux types de pilotage sont étudiés : le pilotage de la phase de raccordement d'une installation monophasée, puis le pilotage de la puissance réactive des génératrices décentralisées d'énergie. Ces pilotages sont développés en s'appuyant sur les nouveaux composants des réseaux électriques de demain, comme les compteurs intelligents. Dans une dernière partie, les stratégies de pilotage développées sont évaluées sur des équipements réels à partir d'une plateforme de simulation hybride temps réel. / In the electricity distribution network field, because of the electricity market opening and the large-scale insertion of dispersed generators (DJ) in these last years, the network undergoes radical modification in both operation and exploitation. In this context, some new integration solutions are invented in order to be able to connect the DJ, as photo-voltaic panels, micro wind turbines, cogeneration units, etc, and the new loads, as electric vehicles and smart home, without reduce the voltage wave quality or involve a very expensive power systems reinforcement. The objectives of those solutions are to influence the consumer consumption in order to reduce the peak consumption level and shift the consumption on the high renewable production period, and control the DJ output to participate to the service system. The new information and communication technologies (NICT) are strongly used in the development of those control strategies. This PhD work is including in the French project GreenLys supported by the French environment and energy management agency. GreenLys is a 4 years project focus on the development of a real scale Smart Grid in the two French cities Lyon and Grenoble. As a first step, this work evaluating the impact of the DJ and the electric vehicle on the distribution network. From the result of this impact study, two types of decentralized control strategies are investigated. The first one is focus on the phase connection. Since the majority of consumers and DJ connected on the distribution grid are single phases, methods allowing to choose the best phase connection are study. The second one is focus on new DJ reactive power control strategies. In the last part, the strategies are evaluated on a Power Hardware In the Loop simulation and real solar inverter.
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Planning of low voltage distribution system with integration of PV sources and storage means : case of power system of Cambodia / Planification du réseau de distribution basse tension avec intégration de sources photovoltaïques et stockage : cas du réseau du CambodgeVai, Vannak 27 September 2017 (has links)
La consommation d'énergie augmente d'année en année en raison de la croissance de la population et des conditions économiques. Afin de répondre aux besoins de la population et de la société d'utiliser l'électricité, le Gouvernement Cambodgien a mis en place la politique de promotion et d'encouragement du développement de l’électrification ; tous les villages auront de l'électricité d'ici 2020 et au moins 70% des domiciles auront accès à la bonne qualité du réseau électrique d'ici 2030. Pour réussir ces objectifs, l'étude et le développement de la méthodologie du réseau de distribution basse tension (BT) sont étudiés. Cette thèse étudie la planification du réseau de distribution BT avec intégration de Photovoltaïque (PV) et de stockage d’énergie de batterie (BES). La première partie est développée la méthode de planification à long terme pour tacler le défi de l'incertitude sur la charge en zone urbaine ;le nouvel algorithme a été développé pour rechercher l'architecture optimale de minimisation du coût d’investissement (CAPEX) et d’exploitation (OPEX) qui respecte l'ensemble de contraintes topologies et électriques (courant et tension) grâce à la programmation linéaire mixte en nombres entiers à contraintes quadratiques (PLMNECQ), le plus court chemin , first-fit bin-packing, et la méthode de Monte-Carlo. La deuxième partie est traité de l'extension de la zone de couverture de l'électricité avec deux solutions possibles, sont le renforcement du réseau et l'intégration de PV-BES pour le village rural ; l'algorithme génétique (GA) et la technique itérative ont été codés pour rechercher l’emplacement et la capacité. La dernière partie du travail est concentrée sur la planification du réseau de distribution résidentielle BT pour les zones non électrifiées aux rural et urbain grâce à l'architecture optimale et l'intégration de PV-BES sur l'horizon de planification. / The energy consumption is increasing year by year due to the growth of population and the economic conditions. In order to meet the need of population and society to use electricity, the Cambodian government has established the policy to promote and encourage the development of electrification; all the villages will have electricity by the year 2020, and at least 70% of households will have access to grid quality by the year 2030. To achieve these goals, the study and development of methodology on the Low-Voltage (LV) distribution system are investigated. This thesis studies the planning of LV distribution system with integration of Photovoltaic (PV) and Battery Energy Storage (BES). The first part is developed the long-term planning method to tackle the challenge of load demand uncertainty in urban area; the novel algorithm was developed to search for the optimal architecture of minimizing the capital expenditure (CAPEX) and the operation expenditure (OPEX) which respects to the set of topology and electrical (current and voltage) thank to mixed integer quadratically constrained programming (MIQCP), shortest-path, first-fit bin-packing, and Monte-Carlo method. The second part is dealt with the extension of electricity coverage area with two possible solutions which are grid reinforcement and integration of PV-BES for rural village; the Genetic algorithm (GA) and iterative technique were coded to search for location and sizing. The last part is concentrated on the planning of residential low-voltage distribution system in both rural and urban for non-electrified area thanks to the optimal architecture and PV-BES integration over the planning horizon.
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