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“Do conglomerates in emerging economies suffer a diversification discount? An application on South African listed companies”Subbramoney, Praven 16 July 2011 (has links)
Corporate strategy forms the platform to consider fundamental strategic alternatives for an organisation. The recent financial crisis has been a sobering reality check for most companies. Diversification or specialisation are two of the more common configurations that corporate strategy theory would propose to grow and sustain financial performance, particularly during though times. Research conducted in developed markets since the 1950’s have tried to establish if diversification creates or destroys value. Conglomerates, defined as unrelated diversification, are often believed to translate into diversification discounts in developed economies. The application of this theory has been questioned with respect to emerging markets and the empirical results in these markets have been mixed. A conceptual approach using different approaches, institutional, resourcebased, adaptive and learning theories was used to try and explain the deviation in results attained by conglomerates within emerging markets and those in developed markets. Specific arguments and propositions were developed based on these different theoretical lenses for South Africa. These propositions were tested by statistical analysis of organisations listed on the Industrial sector of the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE). The organisations were categorised into conglomerates or focused groups. The two groups were compared in terms of financial measures from the period 2001 to 2009 to determine which group performed better. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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Plan de negocio para ingresar al mercado corporativo en el servicio de mantenimiento y acondicionamiento de inmueblesBenites Antonio, Miny Maritza, Tuesta Segura, Olga Delicia 31 October 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad explorar la viabilidad del Plan de Negocio para crear la línea de negocio que brinde el servicio de mantenimiento y acondicionamiento de inmuebles en el sector corporativo, a través de la Empresa MB REPRESENTACIONES. La empresa busca diversificarse en el mercado corporativo para diversificar su riesgo y no depender de un solo cliente.
La incorporación de la línea de negocio surge como una oportunidad dada en el mercado privado donde las empresas privadas han incrementado dentro de sus actividades la tercerización de algunas operaciones o procesos, en nuestro caso los servicios generales. Esta estrategia, permite que puedan concentrar sus esfuerzos en actividades principales y en el core de sus negocios. Esto fue validado con información secundaria con el último estudio realizado por Global Research Marketing en el año 2018, donde revela que el 90% de las empresas privadas tercerizan sus operaciones; así también, se prevé que en los próximos años los principales retailers del país usarán servicios de tercerización para diversas actividades, esto debido a los cambios en el comportamiento de los consumidores, impulsados por la búsqueda constante de menores precios, mayor calidad e inmediatez. Por otro lado, de acuerdo a la ley 29783, el gobierno promueve la cultura de riesgos laborales. Según un estudio realizado por Marsh Perú, el 63% de las empresas participantes manifestaron este punto como prioritario en mejorar las condiciones de trabajo y garantizar la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores. Por lo tanto, para las mejoras utilizaran la tercerización de estos servicios.
El segmento al cual se va a dirigir esta nueva línea de negocios son clientes del sector corporativo pertenecientes a la ciudad de Lima y Callao. De acuerdo a los datos obtenidos
por la Cámara de Comercio de Lima, existen 7,048 empresas corporativas, siendo nuestro mercado meta el 1%.
Para definir la propuesta de valor, la empresa ha realizado un sondeo a diversas empresas, donde el 10% de empresas entrevistadas asignan un presupuesto para el mantenimiento y acondicionamiento de sus instalaciones. Por otro lado, señalaron que la calidad de servicio que debe tener un proveedor es una respuesta rápida a la atención de sus necesidades soportada por su experiencia en el rubro. La validación permite a la empresa MB REPRESENTACIONES direccionar su estrategia de diferenciación de tiempo de respuesta rápida.
La empresa MB REPRESENTACIONES cuenta con fortalezas para ofrecer sus productos e introducirse en nuevos mercados, esto como una estrategia de crecimiento y expansión.
La evaluación financiera realizada, dio como resultado una tasa de retorno del 33%, lo cual hace rentable al proyecto respaldando su creación y puesta en marcha. / The present research work aims to explain the viability of the Business Plan to create the business line, as well as the service of maintenance and conditioning of the real estate in the corporate sector, through the Company MB REPRESENTACIONES.
The incorporation of the business line emerges as a given opportunity in the private market where private companies have increased their activities in the outsourcing of some operations or processes, in our case the general services.
This allows you to concentrate on your core activities and the core of your business. This was validated with secondary information such as the last study conducted by Global Research Marketing for 2018, which reveals that 90% of private companies outsource their operations; additional the context that favors the creation of the line of business as the growth of the retail sector. Currently, companies have recognized that safety conditions are vital for employees and also because the law requires it.
The segment in which a value proposal is going to be addressed are customers from the city of Lima and Callao, with a total of 7,048 corporate companies, 10% allocating a budget for the maintenance and refurbishment of their facilities.
The validation is based on the survey carried out by the company REPRESENTACIONES, where customers value the quality of service that a supplier must have at a fast response speed to meet their needs.
The validation allows the company. MB REPRESENTATIONS directing its fast response time differentiation strategy, followed by the evaluation of the experience.
The company MB REPRESENTACIONES has demonstrated the strengths to be able to create the new line of business, through the financial evaluation.
The financial evaluation carried out resulted in a return rate of 33%, which makes the project profitable by supporting its creation and start-up. / Trabajo de investigación
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Sector Diversification: Implications for InvestorsRamsey, Isaiah 01 April 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines if the correlations between equity sectors have increased over time, mitigating sector diversification. Investors and other financial enthusiasts have started to believe that sector diversification is not a useful investment strategy. To investigate whether correlations among the sectors are rising, this study analyzes numerous aspects regarding sector diversification. Twenty years of monthly sector returns are used to determine whether correlations among the sectors are increasing. Also, the analyzation of sector movement during up and down periods of the market is addressed within the thesis. This study finds that the majority of the sectors move together in times of a financial crisis, like the 2007-2008 market crash. Thus, when sector diversification is most needed, it often fails during times of strife. Furthermore, the study analyzes how the majority of the sectors tend to not move with the market over the twenty-year period. Results suggest the correlations between the sectors have not become closer contrary to popular belief. The importance and usefulness of sector diversification when investing is validated by this study’s results.
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Within Real Estate Diversification and Investment strategiesLind, Anna-Viktoria January 2012 (has links)
The efficient portfolios for the period 1993 – 2010 based on IPD data have a major portfolio weight in residential properties in the three largest regions Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo. The portfolio with the highest risk adjusted return (measured as the highest Sharpe-ratio) combines a large portfolio weight in residential properties with a small weight in industrial properties. During the time period of 2005 – 2010 a majority of the listed real estate companies held a real estate portfolio far below the efficient frontier based on the corresponding IPD data. These companies can increase their total return without taking on any more risk by using the concept of diversification. When including all available diversification categories two out of seven companies can be said to have an efficient real estate portfolio. When we excluded the outperforming residential asset class, however, none of the companies’ portfolios were in fact efficient. The real estate market is inefficient and thus results in the IPD data being less useful as it is based on transactions occurring in this inefficient market. Investors can, in this market, easily find properties with another risk and return profile than what IPD indicates is the market risk and return for a particular property type in a certain region. The inefficiency of the market, together with the IPD data being less useful, thus makes it difficult for the companies to focus on diversification in their investment strategy. Moreover, there are several reasons that explain the discrepancy between the actually held listed real estate portfolios and the optimal portfolio based on IPD data. Since each property is heterogeneous and possesses unique risks, investors are not able to accurately quantify the risk of each investment and thus rely more on their gut feeling. This also results in investors focusing on single investment opportunities rather than looking at all investments from a portfolio perspective.
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Three Essays On Investments: An Examination Of The Effects Of Diversification And TaxesHurst, Matthew 01 January 2012 (has links)
Chapter 1 examines the effect of property-type diversification in equity real estate investment trusts (REITs) from 1995 to 2006. A strong positive relationship is documented between property-type diversification and return on assets, return on equity, and Tobin’s Q. The diversification benefit comes from both the ability to select better performing property types in “hot” markets and the limited exposure to poorly performing property types in “cold” markets. Diversified REITs produce higher cash flows relative to equity as a result of a broader opportunity set; moreover, return on assets increases with the degree of diversification, which suggests significant shielding to property-type specific risk. Additionally, results indicate that diversified REITs operate and trade above their contemporaneous predicted values, which are calculated using imputed multipliers from specialized REITs. The evidence shows that the market is operating efficiently and has incorporated this information; diversified REITs Q ratios are significantly greater than specialized REITs. Chapter 2 uses a large sample of municipal bond closed-end funds to examine how tax liability affects seasonal trading. Optimal tax trading dictates that net tax liability be calculated after all trades. Investors’ net tax liability is held in a holding account of his or her choosing. This study investigates what happens when there is tax liability in excess of Safe Harbor, and tax holding accounts are liquidated to cover the payments. We find that there exists a pattern of negative returns and increased volume in the month of March that is unexplained by changes in yield. iii Chapter 3 examines the ex-dividend day effect for municipal bond closed-end. The proposed explanations for this phenomenon are tax effects, short-term trading and/or market microstructure effects. In this study I use a unique set of dividend distributions to provide additional evidence that ex-dividend behavior is related to taxation as well as short-term trading. The sample I use is comprised of dividends in nontaxable closed-end funds, which ordinarily are not subject to Federal Income Tax. However, there is an occasional distribution that is subject to capital gains or ordinary income tax. This provides a unique environment in which to study the ex-dividend price behavior of a fund while eliminating the need for comparisons across funds.
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Procédure de diversification pour la résolution des problèmes stochastiques de tournées de véhicules par l'algorithme tabouPelleu-Tchétagni, Joséphine-Muriel January 2000 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Why do the poor stay poor? Three essays on asset dynamics and poverty trapsMalevolti, Giulia 22 June 2023 (has links)
World poverty is a persistent phenomenon despite international efforts and the improvements achieved in the last few decades. For many people it can be a chronic condition. This thesis aims at testing that the main reason some people are poor is due to a poverty trap, i.e., to some contextual mechanisms which limit their ability to escape poverty, reproducing it over time. To investigate this hypothesis, this thesis is guided by three different questions. First, does a poverty trap emerge in the aftermath of an extreme weather shock? Second, do communities in a humanitarian context have the same wealth dynamics? Third, what is the role of income diversification for agricultural households for asset accumulation, and does it depend on their wealth? The analysis focuses (a) on the case of Nigeria and a devastating flood, (b) on refugees and host communities in Uganda and (c) on agricultural households in Tanzania, respectively. Results show that Nigerian flooded households have poverty traps dynamics, condemning the poorest in a destitute state over time. Refugees and host communities in Uganda have similar wealth dynamics but both converge to a low-wealth equilibrium, suggesting a structural poverty trap that worse for refugees. Income diversification in Tanzania shows important nonlinearities according to households’ wealth: it fosters the accumulation of durable assets for better-off households only, while helping the poorest to accumulate livestock. These findings shed light on the interaction of low-income conditions and contextual challenges and opportunities, suggesting policy actions able to lift poor people above a wealth threshold, improve their living conditions and favouring their profitability.
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No description available.
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Host location and host-associated divergence in parasitoids of the gall midge, Asteromyia carboniferaHowell, Jeffrey L. 24 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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A Framework Gene Regulatory Network Controlling Neural Crest Cell DiversificationBosse, Kevin M. 14 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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