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New insights into the disease mechanisms of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy through analyses of the Dystrophin, IκBβ, and CASK proteinsGardner, Katherine Lynn 12 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Contribuciones relativas de los receptores de glucocorticoides y mineralocorticoides en la biología cutáneaBigas Corominas, Judit 25 November 2020 (has links)
[ES] Nuestra investigación se centra en comprender los mecanismos moleculares que median las acciones de los glucocorticoides (GCs) en la fisiopatología de la piel mediante el análisis funcional del receptor de GCs (GR) y el receptor de mineralocorticoides (MR), dos proteínas altamente relacionadas estructural y funcionalmente, que actúan como factores de transcripción dependientes de ligando. Nuestros datos previos demuestran que GR juega un papel central en el desarrollo de la piel; en la edad adulta, tanto GR como MR actúan como mediadores anti-inflamatorios en enfermedades cutáneas (Sevilla et al. 2013; Boix et al. 2016). No obstante, desconocíamos si los receptores ejercían funciones cooperativas o antagónicas en la epidermis.
Esta tesis doctoral se ha centrado en la generación y caracterización de ratones con inactivación específica en la epidermis de GR y MR (ratones double knock-out o DKO). Al nacer, los DKO mostraron un fenotipo cutáneo con diferenciación epidérmica defectuosa y un estado inflamatorio único caracterizado por infiltrados inmunes epiteliales y alteraciones en la expresión génica, similar a las lesiones psoriáticas. Este fenotipo fue mucho más severo que el de los KO individuales (ratones GR epidermal KO o GREKO y MR epidermal KO o MREKO), pero se resolvió espontáneamente a partir del día post-natal 3. En la edad adulta, la piel DKO mostró un aumento en el grosor epidérmico, similar al de los KO individuales. Todos los ratones KO mostraron una mayor susceptibilidad a la inflamación aguda respecto a los controles (CO), que no se contrarrestó de forma efectiva por un tratamiento tópico con GCs. Además, los ratones DKO mostraron una mayor susceptibilidad a la psoriasis inducida por imiquimod respecto a los KO individuales. El aumento de la respuesta inflamatoria en los DKO era consistente con un aumento significativo de la actividad de AP-1 y NF-kappaB en queratinocitos DKO respecto a los CO o KO individuales. En conjunto, nuestros datos demuestran que GR y MR epidérmicos actúan de manera cooperativa para contrarrestar la inflamación de la piel, durante el desarrollo y la edad adulta, y que ambos son necesarios para una respuesta transcripcional óptima y una actividad terapéutica de los GCs.
Los tratamientos prolongados con dosis farmacológicas de GCs producen defectos como la atrofia cutánea, similar a la que tiene lugar durante el envejecimiento cronológico, que correlaciona con un aumento de los niveles locales endógenos de GCs. Este trabajo ha abordado las consecuencias fenotípicas de la pérdida epidérmica de MR durante el envejecimiento cronológico y los mecanismos involucrados. Los ratones MREKO de 13 meses de edad fueron resistentes a la atrofia epidérmica pero mostraron un menor grosor dérmico y depósito de colágeno, en parte debido a una disminución de la actividad SMAD2/3 respecto a la piel de ratones CO. Además, el tejido adiposo subcutáneo (dWAT) se engrosó 2.5 veces en MREKO vs CO a los 13 meses, con hiperplasia e hipertrofia de adipocitos. Estos cambios se desencadenaron, al menos en parte, a través de alteraciones en la señalización mediada por GCs, y la activación de WNT/beta-catenina inducida por señales paracrinas epidérmicas que condujeron al aumento de expresión de Pparg. Estos resultados demuestran un papel crucial de MR epidérmico en la regulación del cross-talk entre compartimientos durante el envejecimiento cronológico de la piel. / [CA] La nostra investigació se centra en comprendre els mecanismes moleculars que regulen les accions dels glucocorticoides (GCs) en la fisiopatologia de la pell mitjançant l'anàlisi funcional del receptor de GCs (GR) i el receptor de mineralocorticoides (MR), dues proteïnes altament relacionades estructural i funcionalment, que actuen com a factors de transcripció dependents de lligant. Els nostres resultats previs demostren que GR juga un paper central en el desenvolupament de la pell; en l'edat adulta, tant GR com MR actuen com a mediadors antiinflamatoris en malalties cutànies (Sevilla et al. 2013; Boix et al. 2016). No obstant, desconeixíem si els receptors exercien funcions cooperatives o antagòniques en l'epidermis.
Aquesta tesi doctoral s'ha centrat en la generació i caracterització de ratolins amb inactivació específica en l'epidermis de GR i MR (ratolins double knock-out o DKO). En néixer, els DKO van mostrar un fenotip cutani amb diferenciació epidèrmica defectuosa i un estat inflamatori únic caracteritzat per infiltrats immunes epitelials i alteracions en l'expressió gènica, similar a les lesions psoriàtiques. Aquest fenotip va ser molt més sever que el dels KO individuals (ratolins GR epidermal KO o GREKO i MR epidermal KO o MREKO), però es va resoldre espontàniament a partir del dia post-natal 3. En l'edat adulta, la pell DKO va mostrar un augment en el gruix epidèrmic, similar al dels KO individuals. Tots els ratolins KO van mostrar una major susceptibilitat a la inflamació aguda en comparació als controls (CO), que no va ser contrarestada de manera efectiva per un tractament tòpic amb GCs. A més, els ratolins DKO van mostrar una major susceptibilitat a la psoriasis induïda per imiquimod respecte als KO individuals. L'augment de la resposta inflamatòria en els DKO era consistent amb un augment significatiu de l'activitat d'AP-1 i NF-kappaB en queratinòcits DKO respecte als CO o KO individuals. En conjunt, les nostres dades demostren que GR i MR epidèrmics actuen de manera cooperativa per contrarestar la inflamació de la pell, durant el desenvolupament i l'edat adulta, i que tots dos són necessaris per a una resposta transcripcional òptima i una activitat terapèutica dels GCs.
Els tractaments prolongats amb dosis farmacològiques de GCs produeixen defectes com l'atròfia cutània, similar a la que té lloc durant l'envelliment cronològic, que correlaciona amb un augment dels nivells locals endògens de GCs. Aquest treball ha abordat les conseqüències fenotípiques de la pèrdua epidèrmica de MR durant l'envelliment cronològic i els mecanismes involucrats. Els ratolins MREKO de 13 mesos d'edat van ser resistents a l'atròfia epidèrmica però van mostrar un menor gruix dèrmic i dipòsit de col¿lagen, en part a causa d'una disminució de l'activitat SMAD2/3 respecte a la pell de ratolins CO. A més, el teixit adipós subcutani (dWAT) es va engrossir 2.5 vegades en MREKO vs CO als 13 mesos, amb hiperplàsia i hipertròfia d'adipòcits. Aquests canvis es van desencadenar, almenys en part, a través d'alteracions en la senyalització mediada per GCs, i l'activació de WNT/beta-catenina induïda per senyals paracrines epidèrmiques que van conduir a l'augment d'expressió de Pparg. Aquests resultats demostren un paper crucial de MR epidèrmic en la regulació del cross-talk entre compartiments durant l'envelliment cronològic de la pell. / [EN] Our research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that mediate the actions of glucocorticoids (GCs) in skin pathophysiology through functional analysis of the GC receptor (GR) and the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), two highly related structural and functionally proteins, which act as ligand-dependent transcription factors. Our previous data show that GR plays a central role in skin development; in adulthood, both GR and MR act as anti-inflammatory mediators in skin diseases (Sevilla et al. 2013; Boix et al. 2016). However, we did not know if the receptors exerted cooperative or antagonistic functions in the epidermis.
This doctoral thesis has focused on the generation and characterization of mice with specific inactivation in the epidermis of GR and MR (double knock-out or DKO mice). At birth, DKO show a skin phenotype with defective epidermal differentiation and a unique inflammatory state characterized by epithelial immune infiltrates and alterations in gene expression, similar to psoriatic lesions. This phenotype was much more severe than that of individual KO (GR epidermal KO or GREKO and MR epidermal KO or MREKO mice), but resolved spontaneously from postnatal day 3. In adulthood, DKO skin showed an increase in epidermal thickness, similar to that of individual KO. All KO mice showed greater susceptibility to acute inflammation compared to controls (CO), which was not effectively counteracted by topical treatment with GCs. Furthermore, DKO mice show a greater susceptibility to imiquimod-induced psoriasis relative to individual KO. The increased inflammatory response in DKO was consistent with a significant increase in AP-1 and NF-kappaB activity in DKO keratinocytes relative to CO or individual KO. Taken together, our data show that epidermal GR and MR act cooperatively to counteract skin inflammation, during development and adulthood, and that both are required for optimal transcriptional response and therapeutic activity of GCs.
Prolonged treatments with pharmacological doses of GCs produce defects such as cutaneous atrophy, similar to that which occurs during chronological aging, which correlates with an increase in endogenous local levels of GCs. This work has addressed the phenotypic consequences of epidermal loss of MR during chronological aging and the mechanisms involved. The 13-month-old MREKO mice were resistant to epidermal atrophy but displayed reduced dermal thickness and collagen deposition, in part due to a decrease in SMAD2 3 activity relative to the skin of CO mice. In addition, the subcutaneous adipose tissue (dWAT) thickened 2.5 times in MREKO vs CO at 13 months, with hyperplasia and hypertrophy of adipocytes. These changes were triggered, at least in part, through alterations in GC-mediated signaling, and the activation of WNT/beta-catenin induced by epidermal paracrine signals that led to increased expression of Pparg. These results show a crucial role for epidermal MR in the regulation of the cross-talk between compartments during chronological skin aging. / Este trabajo ha sido realizado con el apoyo económico de los proyectos de investigación que se enumeran a continuación: SAF2014-59474-R, SAF2017-88046-R. Judit Bigas Corominas ha disfrutado de una beca predoctoral FPI (BES2015-072722) otorgada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, asociada al proyecto SAF2014-59474-R. Agradecemos el apoyo de COST ADMIRE BM-1301 y NuRCaMeIn (SAF2015-71878-REDT y SAF2017-90604-REDT). / Bigas Corominas, J. (2020). Contribuciones relativas de los receptores de glucocorticoides y mineralocorticoides en la biología cutánea [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/156214
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Applications and challenges in mass spectrometry-based untargeted metabolomicsJones, Christina Michele 27 May 2016 (has links)
Metabolomics is the methodical scientific study of biochemical processes associated with the metabolome—which comprises the entire collection of metabolites in any biological entity. Metabolome changes occur as a result of modifications in the genome and proteome, and are, therefore, directly related to cellular phenotype. Thus, metabolomic analysis is capable of providing a snapshot of cellular physiology. Untargeted metabolomics is an impartial, all-inclusive approach for detecting as many metabolites as possible without a priori knowledge of their identity. Hence, it is a valuable exploratory tool capable of providing extensive chemical information for discovery and hypothesis-generation regarding biochemical processes. A history of metabolomics and advances in the field corresponding to improved analytical technologies are described in Chapter 1 of this dissertation. Additionally, Chapter 1 introduces the analytical workflows involved in untargeted metabolomics research to provide a foundation for Chapters 2 – 5.
Part I of this dissertation which encompasses Chapters 2 – 3 describes the utilization of mass spectrometry (MS)-based untargeted metabolomic analysis to acquire new insight into cancer detection. There is a knowledge deficit regarding the biochemical processes of the origin and proliferative molecular mechanisms of many types of cancer which has also led to a shortage of sensitive and specific biomarkers. Chapter 2 describes the development of an in vitro diagnostic multivariate index assay (IVDMIA) for prostate cancer (PCa) prediction based on ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) metabolic profiling of blood serum samples from 64 PCa patients and 50 healthy individuals. A panel of 40 metabolic spectral features was found to be differential with 92.1% sensitivity, 94.3% specificity, and 93.0% accuracy. The performance of the IVDMIA was higher than the prevalent prostate-specific antigen blood test, thus, highlighting that a combination of multiple discriminant features yields higher predictive power for PCa detection than the univariate analysis of a single marker. Chapter 3 describes two approaches that were taken to investigate metabolic patterns for early detection of ovarian cancer (OC). First, Dicer-Pten double knockout (DKO) mice that phenocopy many of the features of metastatic high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) observed in women were studied. Using UPLC-MS, serum samples from 14 early-stage tumor DKO mice and 11 controls were analyzed. Iterative multivariate classification selected 18 metabolites that, when considered as a panel, yielded 100% accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for early-stage HGSC detection. In the second approach, serum metabolic phenotypes of an early-stage OC pilot patient cohort were characterized. Serum samples were collected from 24 early-stage OC patients and 40 healthy women, and subsequently analyzed using UPLC-MS. Multivariate statistical analysis employing support vector machine learning methods and recursive feature elimination selected a panel of metabolites that differentiated between age-matched samples with 100% cross-validated accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. This small pilot study demonstrated that metabolic phenotypes may be useful for detecting early-stage OC and, thus, supports conducting larger, more comprehensive studies.
Many challenges exist in the field of untargeted metabolomics.
Part II of this dissertation which encompasses Chapters 4 – 5 focuses on two specific challenges. While metabolomic data may be used to generate hypothesis concerning biological processes, determining causal relationships within metabolic networks with only metabolomic data is impractical. Proteins play major roles in these networks; therefore, pairing metabolomic information with that acquired from proteomics gives a more comprehensive snapshot of perturbations to metabolic pathways. Chapter 4 describes the integration of MS- and NMR-based metabolomics with proteomics analyses to investigate the role of chemically mediated ecological interactions between Karenia brevis and two diatom competitors, Asterionellopsis glacialis and Thalassiosira pseudonana. This integrated systems biology approach showed that K. brevis allelopathy distinctively perturbed the metabolisms of these two competitors. A. glacialis had a more robust metabolic response to K. brevis allelopathy which may be a result of its repeated exposure to K. brevis blooms in the Gulf of Mexico. However, K. brevis allelopathy disrupted energy metabolism and obstructed cellular protection mechanisms including altering cell membrane components, inhibiting osmoregulation, and increasing oxidative stress in T. pseudonana. This work represents the first instance of metabolites and proteins measured simultaneously to understand the effects of allelopathy or in fact any form of competition.
Chromatography is traditionally coupled to MS for untargeted metabolomics studies. While coupling chromatography to MS greatly enhances metabolome analysis due to the orthogonality of the techniques, the lengthy analysis times pose challenges for large metabolomics studies. Consequently, there is still a need for developing higher throughput MS approaches. A rapid metabolic fingerprinting method that utilizes a new transmission mode direct analysis in real time (TM-DART) ambient sampling technique is presented in Chapter 5. The optimization of TM-DART parameters directly affecting metabolite desorption and ionization, such as sample position and ionizing gas desorption temperature, was critical in achieving high sensitivity and detecting a broad mass range of metabolites. In terms of reproducibility, TM-DART compared favorably with traditional probe mode DART analysis, with coefficients of variation as low as 16%. TM-DART MS proved to be a powerful analytical technique for rapid metabolome analysis of human blood sera and was adapted for exhaled breath condensate (EBC) analysis. To determine the feasibility of utilizing TM-DART for metabolomics investigations, TM-DART was interfaced with traveling wave ion mobility spectrometry (TWIMS) time-of-flight (TOF) MS for the analysis of EBC samples from cystic fibrosis patients and healthy controls. TM-DART-TWIMS-TOF MS was able to successfully detect cystic fibrosis in this small sample cohort, thereby, demonstrating it can be employed for probing metabolome changes.
Finally, in Chapter 6, a perspective on the presented work is provided along with goals on which future studies may focus.
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