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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation vibro-acoustique de structures sandwich munies de matériaux visco-élastiques. / Vibro-acoustic modelling of sandwich structures with viscoelastic materials

Rouleau, Lucie 18 October 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la discrétion acoustique des navires militaires, cette thèse contribue à la modélisation de structures amorties par des matériaux viscoélastiques, sous forme de couches contraintes. Afin de pouvoir optimiser et dimensionner la structure et le matériau amortissant, il est souhaitable de disposer d'un outil numérique prédictif et efficace. Dans un premier temps, une stratégie de caractérisation et de modélisation du comportement de matériaux viscoélastiques est proposée. Elle inclue une méthode de recalage de résultats de mesures par DMA basée sur le respect des relations de Kramers-Kronig, permettant ainsi de construire des courbes maîtresses du matériau en accord avec le principe de causalité. Dans un deuxième temps, un code de calcul par éléments finis est développé, puis des essais de vibration sur structures sandwich sont réalisés afin de valider la modélisation par éléments finis de structures munies de matériaux viscoélastiques. Dans le cas d'une fine couche viscoélastique insérée dans une structure maillée par des éléments volumiques, deux éléments d'interface sont développés : ils permettent de tester simplement plusieurs configurations. Enfin, dans un troisième temps, deux catégories de méthodes de réduction adaptées au calcul de la réponse fréquentielle de structures fortement amorties par des matériaux viscoélastiques sont étudiées : les méthodes de projection sur bases modales et la méthode de reconstruction par approximants de Padé. Dans le cadre d'études paramétriques pour l'optimisation des performances acoustiques des traitements viscoélastiques contraints, les avantages des méthodes développées sont mis avant à travers deux cas d'application. / In the context of acoustic discretion of naval ships, this thesis contributes to the modelling of viscoelastically damped structures by means of thin constrained layers. In order to optimize and design the structure and the damping material, a predictive and efficient numerical tool is desirable. Firstly, a characterization and modelling strategy of the behaviour of viscoelastic materials is proposed. A shifting procedure of DMA measurements based on the fulfillment of the Kramers-Kronig relations is developed in order to build master curves of the material which are consistent with the causality principle. Secondly, a finite element code is developed, and vibration experiments are realized in order to validate the finite element modelling of structures with viscoelastic materials. In the case of thin constrained viscoelastic layers applied to a structure meshed using brick elements, two interface finite elements are developed, which facilitate parametric studies. Finally, two families of reduction methods adapted to the calculation of the frequency response of structures highly damped by viscoelastic materials are studied: modal projection methods and Padé approximants reconstruction method. The advantages of the proposed methods, in the frame of parametric studies for the optimization of the acoustic performances of constrained viscoelastic layers, are highlighted through two applications.

Comportement mécanique de films minces de chalcogénures sous irradiation de photons / Mechanical behaviour of chalcogenide thin films under photon irradiation

Specht, Marion 01 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail est dédié à la compréhension de phénomènes photoinduits dansles verres de chalcogénure. Ces phénomènes, bien que connus depuis des années,ne sont pas encore bien compris. Travailler sur des couches minces, fabriquées icipar co-pulvérisation cathodique, ajoute une diffculté supplémentaire : il y a peude matière qui interagit avec la lumière et il faut composer avec la présence dusubstrat. Afin d'étudier les phénomènes photoinduits, il a été nécessaire d'adapterdes techniques expérimentales déjà existantes telles que la spectroscopie pompe-sonde, qui permet d'étudier la dynamique électronique ultra-rapide (inférieure à lananoseconde) et les capteurs au quartz piezoélectrique qui permettent de mesurerla masse volumique et les modules mécaniques du matériau déposé à leurs surface.Des essais préliminaires de résonance en transmission ont été également réalisés etsont prometteurs. Une machine de DMA (Dynamical Mechanical Analysis) a étéspécialement conçue au laboratoire afin de réaliser une étude dynamique des verres de chalcogénures sous formes de fibres et de films minces. Toutes ces techniquesexpérimentales permettent d'étudier les effets photoinduits à différentes échelles detemps et de mieux les expliquer. / This work aims to understand photoinduced phenomena in chalcogenide glasses. These phenomena are known for years but yet not fully understood. Studying thin films, deposited by co-sputtering here, adds an other difficulty : the light-matter interaction takes place in a small amount of matter and it is inevitable to deal with the substrate. To study these photoinduced effects, it was necessary to adapt some already existing methods such as pump-probe spectroscopy which measures ultrafast electronic dynamics (less than a nanosecond), piezoelectric quartz sensors which gives density and mechanical modulus of the materials deposited on. Preliminary tests were run to investigate optical transmission resonance and are promising. A DMA machine (Dynamical Mechanical Analysis) was especially designed in the laboratory to study the behaviour of fibers and films. All these experimental setups allow to study photoinduced phenomena at various timescale and to better understand them.

Kapselung von Standard-Betriebssystemen

Mehnert, Frank 14 July 2005 (has links)
Populaere Betriebssysteme (Windows XP, UNIX) sind in heutiger Zeit meist monolithisch aufgebaut. Durch immer neue nachgewiesene Sicherheitslücken in Kern und Anwendungen wird eindrucksvoll belegt, dass monolithische Architekturen den heutigen Sicherheitsanforderungen nicht mehr gewachsen sind. Dennoch kann man auf die reichhaltige Basis an Anwendungen heutiger Betriebssysteme nicht verzichten. Als Ausweg werden herkoemmliche Betriebssysteme isoliert in einer vertrauenswuerdigen Umgebung ausgeführt. Eine in letzter Zeit immer populaerere Methode zur Kapselung besteht in der Virtualisierung mit verschiedenen Auspraegungen. Mit L4Linux wurde 1997 erstmals nachgewiesen, dass die Ausfuehrung eines Standard-Betriebssystems auf einem Mikrokern (manchmal auch Para-Virtualisierung genannt) nicht zwangslaeufig zu inakzeptablen Mehrkosten an Laufzeit fuehren muss. Bei Einsatz von gebraeuchlicher Standardhardware muessen allerdings eine Reihe von Problemen geloest werden, unter anderem der uneingeschraenkte Zugriff von Geraeten auf den physischen Adressraum mittels DMA. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird ein allgemeines Modell von IO-Adressraeumen als Erweiterung der virtuellen Adressraeume der CPU eingefuehrt und gezeigt, wie mittels Teil-Virtualisierung von Geraeten IO-Adressraeume in Software emuliert werden koennen. Weiterhin werden anhand von L4Linux Moeglichkeiten eroertert und implementiert, wie Betriebssystem-Kerne vollstaendig gezaehmt und insbesondere ohne IO-Privilegien ausgefuehrt werden koennen. Im Kapitel "Leistungsbewertung" erfolgt eine umfangreiche Evaluation der Implementierung anhand von L4Linux 2.2.

Framework pro hardwarovou akceleraci 400Gb sítí / Framework for Hardware Acceleration of 400Gb Networks

Hummel, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The NetCOPE framework has proven itself as a viable framework for rapid development of hardware accelerated wire-speed network applications using Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). To meet the current and future requirements of such applications the NetCOPE platform has to catch up with upcoming 400 Gigabit Ethernet. Otherwise, it may become deprecated in following years. Catching up with 400 Gigabit Ethernet brings many challenges bringing necessity of completely different way of thinking. Multiple network packets have to be processed each clock cycle requiring a new concept of processing. Advanced memory management is used to ensure constant memory complexity with respect to the number of DMA channels without any impact on performance. Thanks to that, even more than 256 completely independent DMA channels are feasible with current technology. A lot of effort was made to create the framework as generic as possible allowing deployment of 400 Gigabit Ethernet and beyond. Emphasis is put on communication between the framework and host computer via PCI Express technology. Multiple Ethernet ports are also considered. The proposed system is prepared to be deployed on the family of COMBO cards, used as a reference platform.

Development of novel bio-derived polymer composites reinforced with natural fibres and mineral fillers

Shakoor, Abdul January 2013 (has links)
Biocomposites exhibit properties like many petrochemical-based polymers composites. They have the potentials be used in the automotive and decking industries and as biodegradable packaging. However, the high cost as well as, poor mechanical and thermal properties have restricted their widespread use. There are a number of technical issues that need to be addressed before bio-composites can be widely used. In this research Polylactic acid (PLA) composites, reinforced with natural fibres (wood, flax) and mineral fillers (talc) were investigated. The thermal and mechanical properties of the composites were studied by means of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Tensile Testing and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), while morphology and crystallization processes of the composites were studied by hot stage optical microscopy. The experimental results are also compared with different theoretical models of the response of the composites. PLA / wood composites were developed by mixing PLA with wood in different ratios using a melt compounding process. PLA/wood (90/10. 80/20, 60/40), PLA/wood/copolymers (85/10/05, 80/10/10, 75/20/05, 70/20/10, 55/40/05, 50/40/10) and PLA/wood/coupling agent (80/20/silane coating) were the three different composite systems that were developed. Adding increasing amount of wood into the PLA, the thermal properties remain unchanged but the mechanical properties increased significantly, bringing a stiffening effect to the composites. Tensile modulus increased from 4.1± 0.6 to 9.8 ± 1.2 (GPa) as the wood content increased from 0 to 40 (wt %), but the tensile strength at break reduced from 43.8 ± 3.1 to 31.8 ± 2.8 MPa. The experimental results of the PLA-wood composites were modelled according to the Halpin-Tsai equation. The addition of copolymer affected the thermal properties considerably by decreasing the glass transition temperature of the composite. The glass transition temperature dropped from 54 ± 0.7 (0C) to 48 ± 0.36 (0C) when the content of copolymer was increased from 0 to 10 (wt %). The cold crystallization temperature also decreased from 127 ± 1.41 (0C) to 103 ± 2.58 (0C) when the copolymer was incorporated into the PLA/wood composites. The significant aspect was the occurrence of a double peak in the melting endotherm. The degree of crystallinity also increased from 2 ± 0.83 (%) to 11 ± 1.23 (%) when the amount of copolymer was increased to 10 (wt %). PLA, flax and expoidizied natural rubber (ENR) composites were also developed using a melt compounding process. The mechanical properties were affected significantly when the flax fibres were mixed with PLA in the ratios of 10, 20 and 30 (wt %). Addition of flax fibres increased the elastic modulus significantly but reduced the tensile strength and strain at break. To improve the toughness of the PLA- Flax composites, ENR was incorporated into the PLA- Flax composites. In order to balance the modulus of the reinforcement and the matrix, the PLA- Flax and ENR composites were annealed above the glass transition temperature and the degree of crystallinity increased from 2 to 35 (%). The integral blending of PLA, Flax and ENR did not affect the brittle fracture but introducing a masterbatch of flax fibres and ENR into the PLA matrix during melt processing had a considerable effect on the fracture behaviour of the composites. The elastic modulus of the composites decreased due to the elastomeric content in the composites and there was an increase in elongation-to-break. The effect of talc on the crystallinity and mechanical properties of a series of polylactic acid (PLA) / talc composites was investigated. PLA talc composites were developed by incorporating different types of the talc into the PLA in the ratios of 10, 20 and 30 (wt %). The composites were prepared by melt blending followed by compression moulding. It was found that talc acted as a nucleating agent and increased the crystallinity of the PLA from 2% to 25%. There was significant improvement in Young s modulus of the composites with increasing talc addition and these results were found to fit the Halpin Tsai model. Thermo-mechanical tests confirmed that the combination of increased crystallinity and storage modulus leads to improvement in the heat distortion properties.

No Hypervisor Is an Island : System-wide Isolation Guarantees for Low Level Code

Schwarz, Oliver January 2016 (has links)
The times when malware was mostly written by curious teenagers are long gone. Nowadays, threats come from criminals, competitors, and government agencies. Some of them are very skilled and very targeted in their attacks. At the same time, our devices – for instance mobile phones and TVs – have become more complex, connected, and open for the execution of third-party software. Operating systems should separate untrusted software from confidential data and critical services. But their vulnerabilities often allow malware to break the separation and isolation they are designed to provide. To strengthen protection of select assets, security research has started to create complementary machinery such as security hypervisors and separation kernels, whose sole task is separation and isolation. The reduced size of these solutions allows for thorough inspection, both manual and automated. In some cases, formal methods are applied to create mathematical proofs on the security of these systems. The actual isolation solutions themselves are carefully analyzed and included software is often even verified on binary level. The role of other software and hardware for the overall system security has received less attention so far. The subject of this thesis is to shed light on these aspects, mainly on (i) unprivileged third-party code and its ability to influence security, (ii) peripheral devices with direct access to memory, and (iii) boot code and how we can selectively enable and disable isolation services without compromising security. The papers included in this thesis are both design and verification oriented, however, with an emphasis on the analysis of instruction set architectures. With the help of a theorem prover, we implemented various types of machinery for the automated information flow analysis of several processor architectures. The analysis is guaranteed to be both sound and accurate. / Förr skrevs skadlig mjukvara mest av nyfikna tonåringar. Idag är våra datorer under ständig hot från statliga organisationer, kriminella grupper, och kanske till och med våra affärskonkurrenter. Vissa besitter stor kompetens och kan utföra fokuserade attacker. Samtidigt har tekniken runtomkring oss (såsom mobiltelefoner och tv-apparater) blivit mer komplex, uppkopplad och öppen för att exekvera mjukvara från tredje part. Operativsystem borde egentligen isolera känslig data och kritiska tjänster från mjukvara som inte är trovärdig. Men deras sårbarheter gör det oftast möjligt för skadlig mjukvara att ta sig förbi operativsystemens säkerhetsmekanismer. Detta har lett till utveckling av kompletterande verktyg vars enda funktion är att förbättra isolering av utvalda känsliga resurser. Speciella virtualiseringsmjukvaror och separationskärnor är exempel på sådana verktyg. Eftersom sådana lösningar kan utvecklas med relativt liten källkod, är det möjligt att analysera dem noggrant, både manuellt och automatiskt. I några fall används formella metoder för att generera matematiska bevis på att systemet är säkert. Själva isoleringsmjukvaran är oftast utförligt verifierad, ibland till och med på assemblernivå. Dock så har andra komponenters påverkan på systemets säkerhet hittills fått mindre uppmärksamhet, både när det gäller hårdvara och annan mjukvara. Den här avhandlingen försöker belysa dessa aspekter, huvudsakligen (i) oprivilegierad kod från tredje part och hur den kan påverka säkerheten, (ii) periferienheter med direkt tillgång till minnet och (iii) startkoden, samt hur man kan aktivera och deaktivera isolationstjänster på ett säkert sätt utan att starta om systemet. Avhandlingen är baserad på sex tidigare publikationer som handlar om både design- och verifikationsaspekter, men mest om säkerhetsanalys av instruktionsuppsättningar. Baserat på en teorembevisare har vi utvecklat olika verktyg för den automatiska informationsflödesanalysen av processorer. Vi har använt dessa verktyg för att tydliggöra vilka register oprivilegierad mjukvara har tillgång till på ARM- och MIPS-maskiner. Denna analys är garanterad att vara både korrekt och precis. Så vitt vi vet är vi de första som har publicerat en lösning för automatisk analys och bevis av informationsflödesegenskaper i standardinstruktionsuppsättningar. / <p>QC 20160919</p> / PROSPER / HASPOC

DMA Klinisk Pilates vid långvarig lumbal smärtproblematik : -en litteraturstudie / DMA Clinical Pilates and chronic low back pain : -a literature review

Moandin, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion: Under 2017 sökte 63 912 personer i Sverige öppenvård och blev diagnostiserade med ryggvärk. Prevalensen av allvarlig kronisk smärta uppskattas till cirka 20% hos Sveriges befolkning. Idag rekommenderas patientgruppen multimodal behandling (MMR). Då MMR inte innehåller några specifika riktlinjer avseende behandlingsmetod för CLBP(chronic low back pain) och heller inte kunnat fastställa vilka komponenter som kan läggas till eller varieras för optimal effekt blir det intressant att titta på en fysioterapeutisk behandlingsmetod med stort utrymme för individualisering och gynnsamma komponenter för känd problematik vid CLBP. DMA Klinisk Pilates är resultatet sammanlänkandet av fysioterapeutisk klinisk expertis, pilatesträningens grundprinciper, samt modern forskning om spinal stabilitet. Syfte: Syftet med  studien var att kartlägga vilket vetenskapligt stöd DMA klinisk Pilates har som fysioterapeutisk metod vid CLBP med hjälp av frågeställningarna om metoden är valid och reliabel samt vilket vetenskapligt stöd DMA klinisk Pilates har som fysioterapeutisk behandlingsmetod vid CLBP. Metod: En litteratursökning gjordes i databaserna PubMed, Scopus, Web of science, PEDro, Cinahl, AMED och Medline. Sökord definierades utifrån syftet och dess frågeställningar med hjälp av svenska MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) samt fritextord. Utvalda artiklar kvalitetsgranskades enligt PEDro. Resultat: Två studier presenterade positiva resultat för reliabilitet gällande DMA klinisk Pilates som undersökningsmetod. En studie presenterade signifikanta förbättrande resultat avseende smärta och funktion efter behandling enligt DMA klinisk Pilates vid CLBP, om än likvärdiga jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Konklusion: Denna litteraturöversikt indikerar att DMA klinisk Pilates skulle kunna minska smärta samt öka självskattad funktion, samt användas som fysioterapeutisk behandlingsmetod vid CLBP. Mer forskning behövs på området.

Participation à la conception et la réalisation en LSI de la partie opérative d'une machine intégrée

Duret, Alain 06 December 1979 (has links) (PDF)

Polydimethylsiloxane Mechanical Properties Measured by Macroscopic Compression and Nanoindentation Techniques

Wang, Zhixin 01 January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, the relationship between the elastic modulus of PDMS and the base/agent ratio (the amount of crosslinking) is studied. Reliable macroscopic compression test instrument was developed. Preload method was applied for the nanoindentation flat punch test to develop full contact. In chapter 2, an easy instrument setup for macroscopic compression test is described. A series of PDMS samples with different base/agent ratios were tested using the macroscopic compression method. The relationship between PDMS elastic modulus and its base/agent ratio was established. In chapter 3, PDMS nanoindentation DMA tests provide stable data with different test control models. The storage modulus collected using nanoindenting DMA tests is comparable with elastic modulus collected in PDMS compression test in chapter 2. Nanoindentation experiments with flat punch were also done to test the elastic modulus of PDMS network 5:1. The adhesion force tests with different nanoindentation tips, which are Berkovich tip, conical tip and cube corner tip, show that PDMS's adhesion force is related to the sample's base/agent ratio, the nanoindentating depth and the tip's geometrical shape.

Exploitation from malicious PCI express peripherals

Rothwell, Colin Lewis January 2018 (has links)
The thesis of this dissertation is that, despite widespread belief in the security community, systems are still vulnerable to attacks from malicious peripherals delivered over the PCI Express (PCIe) protocol. Malicious peripherals can be plugged directly into internal PCIe slots, or connected via an external Thunderbolt connection. To prove this thesis, we designed and built a new PCIe attack platform. We discovered that a simple platform was insufficient to carry out complex attacks, so created the first PCIe attack platform that runs a full, conventional OS. To allows us to conduct attacks against higher-level OS functionality built on PCIe, we made the attack platform emulate in detail the behaviour of an Intel 82574L Network Interface Controller (NIC), by using a device model extracted from the QEMU emulator. We discovered a number of vulnerabilities in the PCIe protocol itself, and with the way that the defence mechanisms it provides are used by modern OSs. The principal defence mechanism provided is the Input/Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU). The remaps the address space used by peripherals in 4KiB chunks, and can prevent access to areas of address space that a peripheral should not be able to access. We found that, contrary to belief in the security community, the IOMMUs in modern systems were not designed to protect against attacks from malicious peripherals, but to allow virtual machines direct access to real hardware. We discovered that use of the IOMMU is patchy even in modern operating systems. Windows effectively does not use the IOMMU at all; macOS opens windows that are shared by all devices; Linux and FreeBSD map windows into host memory separately for each device, but only if poorly documented boot flags are used. These OSs make no effort to ensure that only data that should be visible to the devices is in the mapped windows. We created novel attacks that subverted control flow and read private data against systems running macOS, Linux and FreeBSD with the highest level of relevant protection enabled. These represent the first use of the relevant exploits in each case. In the final part of this thesis, we evaluate the suitability of a number of proposed general purpose and specific mitigations against DMA attacks, and make a number of recommendations about future directions in IOMMU software and hardware.

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