Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dochází"" "subject:"otázky""
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Rozhodovací proces rodičů o odkladu povinné školní docházky / Decision - making process of parents in the field of postponing the compulsory school attendanceSvobodová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation describes the decision-making process of parents in the field of postponing the compulsory school attendance or starting it on schedule. The qualitative research is based on an aggregate of 41 semi-structured interviews with parents and two focus groups, completed by subsequent observations and interviews with parents and teachers. The research goal consisted in illuminating the background of the high number of postponements in the Czech Republic, where every year about 20 % of children start in the first class a year later. The dissertation also provides insight on this topic in a comparative perspective and analyzes the initiation of compulsory education in selected European countries. The research results presented in the form of an established theory document that parents' decisions are based primarily on the needs of the family and especially of the need to be a good parent. The decision making is influenced also by the parents' attitude to the delay which has also impact on the weight being attached to other factors of the decision-making process, such as school maturity and individual areas of school readiness as well as the month of birth. During the decision-making process the experience of parents with enrolment in the first grade plays an important role as well. The...
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Spolupráce školy a OSPOD při řešení zanedbávání školní docházky na prvním stupni základní školy / The cooperation between school and OSPOD in adressing school abstenteesim at primary schoolPilerová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
This Master's thesis focuses on the cooperation between school and the Authority for Social and Legal Protection of Children (OSPOD) with the emphasis on neglecting school attendance in primary school. Cooperation of OSPOD with other authorities is a significant part of OSPOD employee's job description. At school, especially primary school, the undesirable effects of dysfunctional family environment or other socially pathological effects can be manifested on a child. Teachers also play a very important role because they can bring attention to potentially undesirable display of children's behaviour, such as neglecting school attendance. The quality of the cooperation between school teachers when dealing with the neglect of school attendance may have a significantly positive effect on a child's life. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical parts. The first part consists of the theoretical conceptualization of the problem. In the empirical part, qualitative data were collected through a case study which was focused on the cooperation between OSPOD and a selected primary school. Key words: OSPOD, school, absenteeism school attendance, primary school, cooperation, dysfunctional family environment, socio-pathological effects, teacher, social worker
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Školní zralost a připravenost u žáků v přípravné třídě / School maturity and school readiness of pupils in preparatory classRejmanová, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of school maturity and readiness of pupils in the preparatory class. In the theoretical part the basic terminology from the field of pre-school education and problems of entering the elementary school is defined. There are also the principles of the preliminary test of school maturity described in detail. They are subsequently applied in practical research. The research part focuses on the comparison of the level of school maturity and readiness of pupils in the preparatory class and children in kindergarten. The survey was mainly conducted using qualitative methods, specifically through interviews, questionnaires and anamnesis. However, one quantitative method was also included - the standardized preliminary test of school maturity. This test focuses on fine motor skills and visuo-motor coordination ability. The research was carried out in preparatory classes and kindergartens in Mladá Boleslav and its surroundings. The goal of this diploma thesis was to find out whether education in a certain kind of preschool facility can affect children's readiness for school. Research results showed, that preparatory classes have better conditions for the development of a preschool pupil with postponement of school attendance than kindergartens. KEY WORDS Preschool...
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Rozvoj počáteční čtenářské gramotnosti časných čtenářů na počátku školní docházky / Early reading literacy development of early readers at the beginning of the school attendanceZemanová, Lenka January 2021 (has links)
Early reading literacy development of early readers at the beginning of the school attendance Abstract The aim of the dissertation is to monitor the development of the initial reading literacy of early readers, i.e., children who have learned to read with the comprehension before beginning of their school attendance. The aim of the research was to find answers to the questions how and when these children learned to read and how their initial reading literacy and motivation to read developed during the first year of primary school. Subsequently, the subject of the research was the verification of the connection between early reading and intellectual giftedness and family background. The theoretical part is devoted to current trends in primary school, the basic principles of primary education are described with emphasis on personal and constructivist conception of teaching, focusing on the topics of pupil assessment and inclusive education, including the education of gifted and exceptionally gifted students. The term reading literacy is defined, the stages of its development are distinguished and questions concerning reading are discussed, including the results of research on early reading in the Czech and foreign contexts. The chapter devoted to giftedness defines the term of giftedness and its...
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Ověření efektivity intervenčního programu na podporu školní připravenosti / The effectivity verification of the interventionist program for the school readinessVeverková, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
The content of the research part was the creation of an intervention program that was realized with a group of ten children who are about to enroll to the first grade in April. This program had focused on the development in individual areas, in particular: fine motor skills, graphomotor skills, visual perception, mathematical pre-literacy, auditory perception and spatial orientation. The intervention program included 12 lessons that took place in the in kindergarten in the morning. We tought each lesson for about half an hour. Each lesson included five activities aimed at development of fine motor skills or graphomotor skills, visual perception, mathematical pre-literacy, auditory perception and spatial orientation. The whole program was motivated by the Squirrel Týnka and Krysík, who were represented by a puppet made out of a sock. All the individual activities were set to forest environment, home of the Squirrel Týnka. Thanks to the intervention program, children were able to improve in individual areas. The test of fifteen small tasks was run before the start of the intervention program. There was an input diagnostic program used to verify the effectiveness of the intervention program. The test of fifteen small tasks was run before the start of the intervention program The tasks focused on...
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Prevence specifických poruch učení u dětí v předškolním věku v návaznosti na začátek školní docházky / Learning disorder prevention of pre-school children following the start of school attendanceTýmalová, Eva January 2021 (has links)
This thesis concerns with the prevention of specific learning disabillities of children during their start of schooling, using the predictive test battery. The paper's goal is to focus on prediction signals of specific learning disorders and their timely prevention. Conclusion of our thesis is an up-to-date knowledge about preschool phase, school maturity and preparedness of children, knowledge about sub-function deficits, specific learning disabillities, its manifestation and posibilities of timely prevention. Research part's focus point is practical testing and evaluation of sub-functions with the help of diagnostic material named:"learning and writing disability hazards test for preschoolers." Test is undertaken by a group of six children in their mandatory preschool education year and is followed by intervention targeted at discovered areas with defecits. This group is filled in with case studies. After 6 months of intervention, during which the students started attending primary school, a post-test is performed to evaluate achieved results and compare them with a control group consisting of randomly chosen pupils attending first year of primary school as well. By combining theoretical and practical knowledge, we can define risk factors that allow us to predict specific learning disabilities...
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Diagnostika školní zralosti / School adulthood diagnosticsFuchsová, Romana January 2014 (has links)
School adulthood diagnostics Abstract: This thesis is devoted to the topic school adulthood and its diagnostics by the children in the pre-school age. In the theoretic part there are included basic information about the ontogeny of a child in the pre-school age and contemporary conception of pre-school aducation. There are explained the expressions school adulthood, school preparedness, postponement of obligatory shool attandance, partial functions and shortages of these functions here as well. There are also described the possibilities how to diagnose the functions that are neccessary for the sucessfull acquirement of school skills. You can find the information about the enrolment of a child to the basic school too. The aim for the empiric part is to find out if it is possible to contribute to the improvement of the choosen partial functions by the aid of their regular stimulation by the pre-school children and in this way to increase a change for the successful acquirement of school skills. I had made my exploration through four diagnostic tests focused on the choosen partial functions in two kindergartens in Prague.
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Metody RWCT na počátku školní docházky / RWCT methods at the start of the school attendanceHálová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study RWCT methods used at the beginning of a school attendance and to study appropriate conditions for applying RWCT methods. The thesis deals with searching for the best method of the very initial pupils reading and also appropriate teaching materials with regard to RWCT. There is described a three-phase model of E-U-R education and selected method of critical thinking. The practical part of the thesis contains preparation for lessons processed using RWCT methods and summarizes results of pedagogical action research. The outcomes of the thesis confirm that if pupils have suitable conditions at the beginning of a school attendance, they are able to use RWCT methods in practise.
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Odborná péče o děti s odkladem školní docházky / Proffesional care of children with school delayOpekarová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Thesis "A professional care of children with school delay" is focused on the analysis of intervention for children with the recommended postponement of school attendance. in pre-school and preparatory classes in primary schools. The thesis also includes a scheme of a Special Education reeducational aids, which can be used for possible developmental disorders which limit children entrance into the compulsory school attendance in the prescribed age.
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Možnosti rozvoje dílčích funkcí v předškolním věku / Options of development of partial funcions of pre-school childrenKopecká, Vlastimila January 2014 (has links)
Options of development of partial functions of pre-school children Abstract This thesis is focused on issue of the development of partial functions in preschool age and mapping of the course of development of partial functions in kindergartens in Karlovy Vary Region and Prague. The task of the theoretical part is to define the notions of partial functions and partial functions deficits and to explain their relationship to specific learning disabilities. It describes the characteristics of preschool age and options of development of partial functions in its course. It includes basic information about school maturity, pedagogical- psychological diagnostics of children in kindergartens. It mentions also the child's enrollment in the first grade of primary school and school attendance delay. The aim of practical part is to map the access of kindergarten teachers to options of development of partial functions in Karlovy Vary Region and Prague, comparing the survey results obtained in these two regions and supplement obtained data with the information gathered from the interview. Key words: Partial functions, deficits of partial functions, specific learning disabilities, preschool age, options of development of partial functions, school maturity, pedagogical- psychological diagnostics, compulsory education,...
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