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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emil L. Fackenheim, from philosophy to prophetic theology

McRobert, Laurie January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

An analysis of the doctrine of grace in Calvin's sermons /

Thomson, Walter Nelson. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

La structure du catéchuménat et son évolution historique

Lafontaine, Pierre 07 January 2022 (has links)
Le catéchuménat est l'institution au sein de laquelle l'Église fait l'initiation chrétienne des adultes qui se préparent au baptême après avoir adhéré au Christ. Par le biais d'une étude de textes représentatifs, ce mémoire dresse un survol historique de l'évolution de la structure du catéchuménat au cours des différentes périodes de son histoire: les assises de la pastorale du catéchuménat dans le Nouveau Testament, l'élaboration de cette institution au cours des lie et Ille siècles, ses transformations au cours des IVe et Ve siècles, son déclin et sa disparition entre les VIe et IXe siècles, sa résurgence en contexte missionnaire à partir du XVIe siècle et sa restauration récente par le Concile Vatican Il. L'étude des mutations de la structure du catéchuménat permet de dégager les éléments fondamentaux de l'initiation chrétienne, les modalités de leur mise en œuvre dans divers contextes historiques et la signification de ces modifications.

The concept of deification in Eastern Orthodox theology with detailed reference to Dumitru Staniloae

Bartos, Emil January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Angelology in situ : recovering higher-order beings as emblems of transcendence, immanence and imagination

Potter, Dylan D. January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is twofold: to identify the theological purpose underlying the depiction of angels at certain key points in the history of their use, and to explore how far that deeper theological rationale can be re-appropriated for our own day. This study first traces the progression of the angelic motif in the Hebrew Scriptures. By examining numerous pericopes in the Pentateuch, major prophets and Daniel, I demonstrate that the metamorphosis of higher-order beings like the angel of the Lord, cherubim and seraphim, is directly related to the writers' desire to enhance God's transcendence. Next, I evaluate pseudo-Denys' hierarchical angelology, which prominent theologians like Luther and Calvin condemned as little more than a Neoplatonic scheme for accessing God through angels. I propose that not only has pseudo-Denys' Neoplatonism been overstated, but that his angelology is particularly noteworthy for the way it accentuates Christ's eucharistic immanence to the Church. Then I maintain that because assessments of Aquinas' angelology are often based upon the Summa Theologiae, his views are wrongly portrayed as overtly philosophical, rather than biblical and exegetical. In his lesser-known biblical commentaries, however, Aquinas pushes the semantic range of the word ‘angel' to include aspects of the physical world, which unveils an imaginative, Christocentric, and scriptural dimension of his angelology that is rarely acknowledged. The conclusion considers how contemporary figures and movements relate to these three angelologies. Barth emphasises the transcendent God but unlike Hebrew Scripture, weakens connections between God and angels. New Ageism affirms the immanent angel but unlike pseudo-Denys, does so at the expense of Christology and ecclesiology. Contemporary ecological discourse generally lacks Aquinas' appreciation for an imaginative, supernatural approach to the world. Finally, I ground the angels' relationship to transcendence, immanence and imagination in an experiential, eucharistic context.

Taktikreglementen i Marinen : Hur har införandet av TRM 1(A) påverkat Marinens syn på uppdragstaktik och manöverkrigföring?

Mohlin, Ulrika, Svantesson, Max January 2019 (has links)
I Försvarsmaktens doktriner uttrycks manöverkrigföring och uppdragstaktik som teori och lednings­filosofi. I de taktiska reglementena beskrivs hur uppdragstaktik och manöverkrigföring tillämpas som metod i händelse av fred, kris eller krig. Vidare syftar taktikreglementena till att vara en utgångspunkt för hur våra marina krigsförband utbildas, organiseras och utrustas.   Syftet med undersökningen är att utreda inverkan av införandet av Taktikreglemente för Marinen TRM 1(A) avseende uppdragstaktik och manöverkrigföring. hur uppdragstaktik och manöverkrigföring som metod, inom den svenska Marinen, kan ha påverkats vid införandet av Taktikreglemente för Marinen, TRM 1(A). Undersökningen gjordes genomfördes som en kvalitativ jäm­förande fallstudie där Taktikreglemete för Flottan, TRFL, och Taktikreglemente för Kustartilleriet, TRKA jämfördes med TRM 1(A). Vid textanalysen nyttjades en analysmodell som påvisar uppdrags­taktik och resultaten analyserades därefter mot militär­teoretiker så som Clausewitz, Corbett och Mahan utifrån perspektivet uppdragstaktik och manöver­krig­föring.   Resultatet av undersökningen visar att TRFL och TRKA är att se mer som läroböcker vilka, utan att i detalj beskriva taktiska lösningar, beskriver hur officerare ska tänka i fråga om taktik. Nuvarande regle­mente, TRM 1(A), presenterar i första hand vad Marinen är och upplevs därför mer som en handbok över Marinen snarare än ett taktiskt reglemente. Detta med anledning av att kapitel som om­fattar militär­teori, sjökrigets natur, syfte och metoder utelämnats, vilket gör att den svenska taktiska särarten saknas i TRM 1(A). Övriga slutsatser är att TRM 1(A) exkluderat hur amfibiestridskrafterna taktiskt ska nyttjas samt att reglementet inte harmonierar med Försvarsmaktens doktriner avseende uppdragstaktik och man­överkrigföring. / Manoeuvre warfare and mission-type orders are expressed as theory and philosophy in the Swedish military doctrine. The tactical doctrines describe how manoeuvre warfare and mission-type orders is implemented in case of peace, crisis’s or war. Furthermore, tactical doc­trines provide a starting point in the development of new units and equipment. They are also used in the education of officers and they constitute a foundation in planning and imple­men­tation of operations both at home and abroad.   The aim of the thesis project is to analyse if the implementation of Taktikreglemente för Marinen, TRM 1(A) has affected the way the Swedish Navy and Marines approach manoeuvre war­fare and mission-type orders. The project is a qualitative comparative case study where Taktikreglemete för Flottan, TRFL, and Taktikreglemente för Kustartilleriet, TRKA are com­pared to TRM 1(A). During the project we used a theory on mission-type orders and then com­pared with military theorists such as Clausewitz, Corbett and Mahan from the perceptive of man­oeuvre warfare and mission-type orders. The result of the study shows that TRFL and TRKA are textbooks explaining how a commander should think without in detail describing tactical solutions. TRM 1(A) presents a blueprint of what the Swedish Navy and Marines are, rather than to be considered as a guiding tactical doctrine. Hence, it lacks the founding principles of military theory of land and sea warfare trans­lated to Swedish circumstances.  Other conclusions of the study show that the tactical use of marine units is excluded, and the tactical doctrine do not harmonise with the view on man­oeuvre warfare and mission-type orders with in Swedish military doctrine.   Apart from the abstract, the study is written in Swedish.

Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499-1562) and the outward instruments of divine grace

Zuidema, Jason Nathanael. January 2006 (has links)
The Reformed exegete and theologian Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499--1562) was an unoriginal, but consistent thinker. Theological insights were not packaged separately from each other, but consistently linked together. In all his thought he sought to steer the middle course between theological extremes in taking what was good and rejecting what was bad from each. Typical of this tendency to steer the middle course are his insights into the outward instruments of divine grace. According to Vermigli such instruments---the human nature of Christ, the audible words of Scripture and the visible words of the Sacraments---should not be over-carnalized, nor over-spiritualized. Although God could work immediately (i.e. without instruments), he has chosen to work through these instruments for salvation. Hence, the inward spiritual power and the outward instrument must not be divorced from each other. The Spirit of God does not normally work without the outward instrument, nor can the outward instrument effect grace without the Spirit's power. / Modern scholarship has done much to define the sources of Vermigli's thought, but more needs to be said. The more Vermigli is studied, the more it is necessary to qualify characterizations of him. He is not a thinker who is easily pigeon-holed into a certain theological school or movement. As a well-educated biblical and humanistic scholar, Vermigli took independent and well-reasoned positions on the whole variety of theological questions current in his day. As such, this study attempts to view the inter-connected nature of Vermigli's thought so as to gain a better view of the whole of his thought.

God, saint, and priest : a comparison of mediatory modes in Roman Catholicism and Śrīvaiṣṇavism with special reference to the council of Trent and the Yatīndramatadīpikā

O'Rourke, James Colin Daly January 2002 (has links)
Roman Catholicism and Srivaiṣṇavism are two religious traditions in which mediation, primarily through the use of images, plays a central role in soteriology. A comparison of various modes of mediation between these two traditions will highlight a dialectic of presence and absence, inherent in mediation, and will examine the various ways of interpreting and dealing with this dialectic in their respective theologies. Three general categories of mediation are identified through which this comparison will take place: God, saint, and priest. / Images of the full presence of God, namely the eucharistic host in Roman Catholicism and the arcavatara in Srivaiṣṇavism, mediate this full presence either through the transformation of substance (as in Roman Catholicism) or through the appearance of materiality and limited form (in Srivaiṣṇavism). Saints and alvars can also be regarded as images or mediatory modes; the saint embodies and mediates Christ's presence, becoming "as if" Christ. This presence is manifested not only in the saint's life but in his or her relics as well. The alvar is regarded as an aṁsa or partial incarnation, thus manifesting a part of God, most notably His ornaments, weapons and companions. / A specific comparison of Mary and Aṇṭaḷ/Sri will further highlight the dialectic of presence and absence in addition to pointing out their unique status within their respective traditions. A comparison of priests and acaryas will show mediation in living images. Priests become "as if" Christ through their ordination, and are seen to embody him particularly in specific ritual acts. The acarya functions in much the same way as Aṇṭaḷ/Sri, mediating between God and the believer as an aṁsa or partial incarnation. / Different theological conceptions of God and incarnation result in the different understandings of mediation and the different ways that the two traditions deal with the dialectic of presence and absence. Images in both traditions also bring to light an "as if" conception in the mind of the believer; saints and priests function "as if" Christ and the various images in Srivaiṣṇaavism appear "as if" material or "as if" human, thus allowing them to mediate the divine presence to the community.

Bishopspresbyters : an investigation into the writings of St. Ignatius of Antioch and St. John Chrysostom

Morgan, Boyd. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Aristotle, Aquinas, and the history of quickening

Austin, Kathleen J. January 2003 (has links)
This thesis examines a primary question raised by both Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas: What constitutes the beginning of a human being? Aristotle and Aquinas raise this question for very different reasons. Modern critical commentators revisit it for their own reasons, namely for the purposes of ethical debates surrounding conception and abortion. They frequently attribute the notions of delayed ensoulment and quickening to Aristotle. Through examination of the primary texts, I demonstrate that this attribution is erroneous. Aristotle contends that ensoulment is substantially complete at conception, though subject to gradual actualization throughout the lifespan of a human being; while Thomas suggests that conception is a process, requiring several substantial changes before a human soul is infused. I argue that Aquinas adapts Aristotle in accordance with his Christian theological commitments, and modern commentators follow him to develop their own notions of delayed ensoulment and quickening.

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