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A model of genre in document layoutAllen, Patrick T., Bateman, J., Delin, J. January 2003 (has links)
No / We present a framework for the describing the genres of illustrated documents, based on analysis at five levels: content structure, rhetorical structure, layout structure, navigation structure, and linguistic structure. We also include three sources of constraints under which a document might be produced and interpreted: canvas constraints, production constraints, and consumption constraints. Document genres are conceptualised as complex specifications composed of descriptions at each of the five levels that conform in characteristic ways to the three kinds of constraint. We propose that the eight parameters together form a 'space' of possible identities for documents, electronic or paper. The notion of 'genre space' captures the fact that it is possible for new genres to develop at different positions in the space, as well enabling relationships between document types, or even transformations between them, to be examined and described.
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Improving the efficiency and capabilities of document structuringMarshall, Robert January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Natural language generation (NLG), the problem of creating human-readable documents by computer, is one of the major fields of research in computational linguistics The task of creating a document is extremely common in many fields of activity. Accordingly, there are many potential applications for NLG - almost any document creation task could potentially be automated by an NLG system. Advanced forms of NLG could also be used to generate a document in multiple languages, or as an output interface for other programs, which might ordinarily produce a less-manageable collection of data. They may also be able to create documents tailored to the needs of individual users. This thesis deals with document structure, a recent theory which describes those aspects of a document’s layout which affect its meaning. As well as its theoretical interest, it is a useful intermediate representation in the process of NLG. There is a well-defined process for generating a document structure using constraint programming. We show how this process can be made considerably more efficient. This in turn allows us to extend the document structuring task to allow for summarisation and finer control of the document layout. This thesis is organised as follows. Firstly, we review the necessary background material in both natural language processing and constraint programming.
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Mathematical Expression Detection and Segmentation in Document ImagesBruce, Jacob Robert 19 March 2014 (has links)
Various document layout analysis techniques are employed in order to enhance the accuracy of optical character recognition (OCR) in document images. Type-specific document layout analysis involves localizing and segmenting specific zones in an image so that they may be recognized by specialized OCR modules. Zones of interest include titles, headers/footers, paragraphs, images, mathematical expressions, chemical equations, musical notations, tables, circuit diagrams, among others. False positive/negative detections, oversegmentations, and undersegmentations made during the detection and segmentation stage will confuse a specialized OCR system and thus may result in garbled, incoherent output. In this work a mathematical expression detection and segmentation (MEDS) module is implemented and then thoroughly evaluated. The module is fully integrated with the open source OCR software, Tesseract, and is designed to function as a component of it. Evaluation is carried out on freely available public domain images so that future and existing techniques may be objectively compared. / Master of Science
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Analýza rozložení textu v historických dokumentech / Text Layout Analysis in Historical DocumentsPalacková, Bianca January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement algorithm for text layout analysis in historical documents. Neural network was used to solve this problem, specifically architecture Faster-RCNN. Dataset of 6 135 images with historical newspaper was used for training and testing. For purpose of the thesis four models of neural networks were trained: model for detection of words, headings, text regions and model for words detection based on position in line. Outputs from these models were processed in order to determine text layout in input image. A modified F-score metric was used for the evaluation. Based on this metric, the algorithm reached an accuracy almost 80 %.
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Cell Classification for Layout Recognition in SpreadsheetsKoci, Elvis, Thiele, Maik, Romero, Oscar, Lehner, Wolfgang 28 July 2021 (has links)
Spreadsheets compose a notably large and valuable dataset of documents within the enterprise settings and on the Web. Although spreadsheets are intuitive to use and equipped with powerful functionalities, extracting and reusing data from them remains a cumbersome and mostly manual task. Their greatest strength, the large degree of freedom they provide to the user, is at the same time also their greatest weakness, since data can be arbitrarily structured. Therefore, in this paper we propose a supervised learning approach for layout recognition in spreadsheets. We work on the cell level, aiming at predicting their correct layout role, out of five predefined alternatives. For this task we have considered a large number of features not covered before by related work. Moreover, we gather a considerably large dataset of annotated cells, from spreadsheets exhibiting variability in format and content. Our experiments, with five different classification algorithms, show that we can predict cell layout roles with high accuracy. Subsequently, in this paper we focus on revising the classification results, with the aim of repairing misclassifications. We propose a sophisticated approach, composed of three steps, which effectively corrects a reasonable number of inaccurate predictions.
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Layout Analysis on modern Newspapers using the Object Detection model Faster R-CNNFunkquist, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
As society is becoming more and more digitized the amount of digital data is increasing rapidly. Newspapers are one example of this, that many Libraries around the world are storing as digital images. This enables a great opportunity for research on Newspapers, and a particular research area is Document Layout Analysis where one divides the document into different segments and classifies them. In this thesis modern Newspaper pages, provided by KBLab, were used to investigate how well a Deep Learning model developed for General Object Detection performs in this area. In particular the Faster R-CNN Object detection model was trained on manually annotated newspaper pages from two different Swedish publishers, namely Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. All newspaper pages were taken from editions published between 2010 and 2020, meaning only modern newspapers were considered. The methodology in this thesis involved sampling editions from the given publishers and time periods and then manually annotating these by marking out the desired layout elements with bounding boxes. The classes considered were: headlines, subheadlines, decks, charts/infographics, photographs, pull quotes, cartoons, fact boxes, bylines/credits, captions, tableaus and tables. Given the annotated data, a Faster R-CNN with a ResNet-50-FPN backbone was trained on both the Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet train sets and then evaluated on different test set. Results such as a mAP0.5:0.95 of 0.6 were achieved for all classes, while class-wise evaluation indicate precisions around 0.8 for some classes such as tableaus, decks and photographs. / I takt med att samhället blir mer och mer digitaliserat ökar mängden digital data snabbt. Tidningar är ett exempel på detta, som många bibliotek runt om i världen lagrar som digitala bilder. Detta möjliggör en stor möjlighet för forskning på tidningar, och ett särskilt forskningsområde är Dokument Layout Analys där man delar in dokumentet i olika segment och klassificerar dem. I denna avhandling användes moderna tidningssidor, tillhandahållna av KBLab, för att undersöka hur väl en djupinlärnings-modell utvecklad för generell Objektdetektering presterar inom detta område. Mer precist, tränades en Faster R-CNN Objektdetekteringsmodell på manuellt annoterade tidningssidor från två olika svenska förlag, nämligen Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet. Alla tidningssidor togs från utgåvor som publicerats mellan 2010 och 2020, vilket innebär att endast moderna tidningar behandlades. Metodiken i detta examensarbete innebar att först göra ett urval av utgåvor från givna förlag och tidsperioder och sedan manuellt annotera dessa genom att markera ut önskade layoutelement med begränsningsrutor. Klasserna som användes var: rubriker, underrubriker, ingress, diagram/infografik, fotografier, citat, tecknade serier, faktarutor, författares signatur, bildtexter, tablåer och tabeller. Givet den annoterade datan, tränades en Faster R-CNN med en ResNet-50-FPN ryggrad på både Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet träningsdatan och sedan utvärderades dem på olika testset. Resultat som mAP0.5:0.95 på 0.6 uppnåddes för alla klasser, medan klassvis utvärdering indikerar precision kring 0.8 för vissa klasser som tablåer, ingresser och fotografier.
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Advances in Document Layout AnalysisBosch Campos, Vicente 05 March 2020 (has links)
[EN] Handwritten Text Segmentation (HTS) is a task within the Document Layout Analysis field that aims to detect and extract the different page regions of interest found in handwritten documents. HTS remains an active topic, that has gained importance with the years, due to the increasing demand to provide textual access to the myriads of handwritten document collections held by archives and libraries.
This thesis considers HTS as a task that must be tackled in two specialized phases: detection and extraction. We see the detection phase fundamentally as a recognition problem that yields the vertical positions of each region of interest as a by-product. The extraction phase consists in calculating the best contour coordinates of the region using the position information provided by the detection phase.
Our proposed detection approach allows us to attack both higher level regions: paragraphs, diagrams, etc., and lower level regions like text lines. In the case of text line detection we model the problem to ensure that the system's yielded vertical position approximates the fictitious line that connects the lower part of the grapheme bodies in a text line, commonly known as the
One of the main contributions of this thesis, is that the proposed modelling approach allows us to include prior information regarding the layout of the documents being processed. This is performed via a Vertical Layout Model (VLM).
We develop a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based framework to tackle both region detection and classification as an integrated task and study the performance and ease of use of the proposed approach in many corpora. We review the modelling simplicity of our approach to process regions at different levels of information: text lines, paragraphs, titles, etc. We study the impact of adding deterministic and/or probabilistic prior information and restrictions via the VLM that our approach provides.
Having a separate phase that accurately yields the detection position (base- lines in the case of text lines) of each region greatly simplifies the problem that must be tackled during the extraction phase. In this thesis we propose to use a distance map that takes into consideration the grey-scale information in the image. This allows us to yield extraction frontiers which are equidistant to the adjacent text regions. We study how our approach escalates its accuracy proportionally to the quality of the provided detection vertical position. Our extraction approach gives near perfect results when human reviewed baselines are provided. / [ES] La Segmentación de Texto Manuscrito (STM) es una tarea dentro del campo de investigación de Análisis de Estructura de Documentos (AED) que tiene como objetivo detectar y extraer las diferentes regiones de interés de las páginas que se encuentran en documentos manuscritos. La STM es un tema de investigación activo que ha ganado importancia con los años debido a la creciente demanda de proporcionar acceso textual a las miles de colecciones de documentos manuscritos que se conservan en archivos y bibliotecas.
Esta tesis entiende la STM como una tarea que debe ser abordada en dos fases especializadas: detección y extracción. Consideramos que la fase de detección es, fundamentalmente, un problema de clasificación cuyo subproducto son las posiciones verticales de cada región de interés. Por su parte, la fase de extracción consiste en calcular las mejores coordenadas de contorno de la región utilizando la información de posición proporcionada por la fase de detección.
Nuestro enfoque de detección nos permite atacar tanto regiones de alto nivel (párrafos, diagramas¿) como regiones de nivel bajo (líneas de texto principalmente). En el caso de la detección de líneas de texto, modelamos el problema para asegurar que la posición vertical estimada por el sistema se aproxime a la línea ficticia que conecta la parte inferior de los cuerpos de los grafemas en una línea de texto, comúnmente conocida como línea base. Una de las principales aportaciones de esta tesis es que el enfoque de modelización propuesto nos permite incluir información conocida a priori sobre la disposición de los documentos que se están procesando. Esto se realiza mediante un Modelo de Estructura Vertical (MEV).
Desarrollamos un marco de trabajo basado en los Modelos Ocultos de Markov (MOM) para abordar tanto la detección de regiones como su clasificación de forma integrada, así como para estudiar el rendimiento y la facilidad de uso del enfoque propuesto en numerosos corpus. Así mismo, revisamos la simplicidad del modelado de nuestro enfoque para procesar regiones en diferentes niveles de información: líneas de texto, párrafos, títulos, etc. Finalmente, estudiamos el impacto de añadir información y restricciones previas deterministas o probabilistas a través de el MEV propuesto que nuestro enfoque proporciona.
Disponer de un método independiente que obtiene con precisión la posición de cada región detectada (líneas base en el caso de las líneas de texto) simplifica enormemente el problema que debe abordarse durante la fase de extracción. En esta tesis proponemos utilizar un mapa de distancias que tiene en cuenta la información de escala de grises de la imagen. Esto nos permite obtener fronteras de extracción que son equidistantes a las regiones de texto adyacentes. Estudiamos como nuestro enfoque aumenta su precisión de manera proporcional a la calidad de la detección y descubrimos que da resultados casi perfectos cuando se le proporcionan líneas de base revisadas por
humanos. / [CA] La Segmentació de Text Manuscrit (STM) és una tasca dins del camp d'investigació d'Anàlisi d'Estructura de Documents (AED) que té com a objectiu detectar I extraure les diferents regions d'interès de les pàgines que es troben en documents manuscrits. La STM és un tema d'investigació actiu que ha guanyat importància amb els anys a causa de la creixent demanda per proporcionar accés textual als milers de col·leccions de documents manuscrits que es conserven en arxius i biblioteques.
Aquesta tesi entén la STM com una tasca que ha de ser abordada en dues fases especialitzades: detecció i extracció. Considerem que la fase de detecció és, fonamentalment, un problema de classificació el subproducte de la qual són les posicions verticals de cada regió d'interès. Per la seva part, la fase d'extracció consisteix a calcular les millors coordenades de contorn de la regió utilitzant la informació de posició proporcionada per la fase de detecció.
El nostre enfocament de detecció ens permet atacar tant regions d'alt nivell (paràgrafs, diagrames ...) com regions de nivell baix (línies de text principalment). En el cas de la detecció de línies de text, modelem el problema per a assegurar que la posició vertical estimada pel sistema s'aproximi a la línia fictícia que connecta la part inferior dels cossos dels grafemes en una línia de
text, comunament coneguda com a línia base.
Una de les principals aportacions d'aquesta tesi és que l'enfocament de modelització proposat ens permet incloure informació coneguda a priori sobre la disposició dels documents que s'estan processant. Això es realitza mitjançant un Model d'Estructura Vertical (MEV).
Desenvolupem un marc de treball basat en els Models Ocults de Markov (MOM) per a abordar tant la detecció de regions com la seva classificació de forma integrada, així com per a estudiar el rendiment i la facilitat d'ús de l'enfocament proposat en nombrosos corpus. Així mateix, revisem la simplicitat del modelatge del nostre enfocament per a processar regions en diferents nivells d'informació: línies de text, paràgrafs, títols, etc. Finalment, estudiem l'impacte d'afegir informació i restriccions prèvies deterministes o probabilistes a través del MEV que el nostre mètode proporciona.
Disposar d'un mètode independent que obté amb precisió la posició de cada regió detectada (línies base en el cas de les línies de text) simplifica enormement el problema que ha d'abordar-se durant la fase d'extracció. En aquesta tesi proposem utilitzar un mapa de distàncies que té en compte la informació d'escala de grisos de la imatge. Això ens permet obtenir fronteres d'extracció que són equidistants de les regions de text adjacents. Estudiem com el nostre enfocament augmenta la seva precisió de manera proporcional a la qualitat de la detecció i descobrim que dona resultats quasi perfectes quan se li proporcionen línies de base revisades per humans. / Bosch Campos, V. (2020). Advances in Document Layout Analysis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/138397
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[pt] A eficácia dos sistemas de conversação homem-máquina, como chatbots e
assistentes virtuais, está diretamente relacionada à quantidade e qualidade do
conhecimento disponível para eles. Na era digital, a diversidade e a qualidade
dos dados aumentaram significativamente, estando disponíveis em diversos
formatos. Entre esses, o PDF (Portable Document Format) se destaca como um
dos mais conhecidos e amplamente utilizados, adaptando-se a variados setores,
como empresarial, educacional e de pesquisa. Esses arquivos contêm uma
quantidade considerável de dados estruturados, como textos, títulos, listas,
tabelas, imagens, etc.
O conteúdo dos arquivos PDF pode ser extraído utilizando ferramentas
dedicadas, como o OCR (Reconhecimento Ótico de Caracteres), o PdfMiner,
Tabula e outras, que provaram ser adequadas para esta tarefa. No entanto,
estas ferramentas podem deparar-se com dificuldades quando lidam com
a apresentação complexa e variada dos documentos PDF. A exatidão da
extração pode ser comprometida pela diversidade de esquemas, formatos
não normalizados e elementos gráficos incorporados nos documentos, o que
frequentemente leva a um pós-processamento manual.
A visão computacional e, mais especificamente, a detecção de objetos, é
um ramo do aprendizado de máquina que visa localizar e classificar instâncias
em imagens utilizando modelos de detecção dedicados à tarefa, e está provando
ser uma abordagem viável para acelerar o trabalho realizado por algoritmos
como OCR, PdfMiner, Tabula, além de melhorar sua precisão.
Os modelos de detecção de objetos, por serem baseados em aprendizagem
profunda, exigem não apenas uma quantidade substancial de dados para
treinamento, mas, acima de tudo, anotações de alta qualidade pois elas têm um
impacto direto na obtenção de altos níveis de precisão e robustez. A diversidade
de layouts e elementos gráficos em documentos PDF acrescenta uma camada
adicional de complexidade, exigindo dados anotados de forma representativa
para que os modelos possam aprender a lidar com todas as variações possíveis.
Considerando o aspecto volumoso dos dados necessários para o treinamento dos modelos, percebemos rapidamente que o processo de anotação dos
dados se torna uma tarefa tediosa e demorada que requer intervenção humana
para identificar e etiquetar manualmente cada elemento relevante. Essa tarefa
não é apenas demorada, mas também sujeita a erros humanos, o que muitas
vezes exige verificações e correções adicionais.
A fim de encontrar um meio-termo entre a quantidade de dados, a
minimização do tempo de anotação e anotações de alta qualidade, neste
trabalho propusemos um pipeline que, a partir de um número limitado de
documentos PDF anotados com as categorias texto, título, lista, tabela e
imagem recebidas como entrada, é capaz de criar novas layouts de documentos
semelhantes com base no número desejado pelo usuário. Este pipeline vai mais
longe em preenchendo com o conteúdo as novas layouts criadas, a fim de
fornecer imagens de documentos sintéticos e suas respectivas anotações. Com
sua estrutura simples, intuitiva e escalável, este pipeline pode contribuir para
o active learning, permitindo assim aos modelos de detecção serem treinados
continuamente, os tornando mais eficazes e robustos diante de documentos
Em nossas experiências, ao avaliar e comparar três modelos de detecção,
observamos que o RT-DETR (Real-Time DEtection TRansformer) obteve os
melhores resultados, atingindo uma precisão média (mean Average Precision,
mAP) de 96,30 por cento, superando os resultados do Mask R-CNN (Region-based
Convolutional Neural Networks) e Mask DINO (Mask DETR with Improved
Denoising Anchor Boxes). A superioridade do RT-DETR indica seu potencial
para se tornar uma solução de referência na detecção de características em
documentos PDF. Esses resultados promissores abrem caminho para aplicações
mais eficientes e confiáveis no processamento automático de documentos. / [en] The effectiveness of human-machine conversation systems, such as chat-bots and virtual assistants, is directly related to the amount and quality of
knowledge available to them. In the digital age, the diversity and quality of
data have increased significantly, being available in various formats. Among
these, the PDF (Portable Document Format) stands out as one of the most
well-known and widely used, adapting to various sectors, such as business, education, and research. These files contain a considerable amount of structured
data, such as text, headings, lists, tables, images, etc.
The content of PDF files can be extracted using dedicated tools, such as
OCR (Optical Character Recognition), PdfMiner, Tabula and others, which
have proven to be suitable for this task. However, these tools may encounter
difficulties when dealing with the complex and varied presentation of PDF
documents. The accuracy of extraction can be compromised by the diversity
of layouts, non-standardized formats, and embedded graphic elements in the
documents, often leading to manual post-processing.
Computer vision, and more specifically, object detection, is a branch
of machine learning that aims to locate and classify instances in images
using models dedicated to the task. It is proving to be a viable approach
to accelerating the work performed by algorithms like OCR, PdfMiner, Tabula
and improving their accuracy.
Object detection models, being based on deep learning, require not only
a substantial amount of data for training but, above all, high-quality annotations, as they have a direct impact on achieving high levels of accuracy and
robustness. The diversity of layouts and graphic elements in PDF documents
adds an additional layer of complexity, requiring representatively annotated
data so that the models can learn to handle all possible variations.
Considering the voluminous aspect of the data needed for training the
models, we quickly realize that the data annotation process becomes a tedious
and time-consuming task requiring human intervention to manually identify
and label each relevant element. This task is not only time-consuming but also
subject to human error, often requiring additional checks and corrections.
To find a middle ground between the amount of data, minimizing
annotation time, and high-quality annotations, in this work, we proposed a
pipeline that, from a limited number of annotated PDF documents with the
categories text, title, list, table, and image as input, can create new document
layouts similar to the desired number by the user. This pipeline goes further
by filling the new created layouts with content to provide synthetic document
images and their respective annotations. With its simple, intuitive, and scalable
structure, this pipeline can contribute to active learning, allowing detection
models to be continuously trained, making them more effective and robust in
the face of real documents.
In our experiments, when evaluating and comparing three detection
models, we observed that the RT-DETR (Real-Time Detection Transformer)
achieved the best results, reaching a mean Average Precision (mAP) of 96.30 percent,
surpassing the results of Mask R-CNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural
Networks) and Mask DINO (Mask DETR with Improved Denoising Anchor
Boxes). The superiority of RT-DETR indicates its potential to become a reference solution in detecting features in PDF documents. These promising results
pave the way for more efficient and reliable applications in the automatic processing of documents.
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Layout Analysis for Handwritten Documents. A Probabilistic Machine Learning ApproachQuirós Díaz, Lorenzo 21 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] El Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos (Document Layout Analysis), aplicado a documentos manuscritos, tiene como objetivo obtener automáticamente la estructura intrínseca de dichos documentos. Su desarrollo como campo de investigación se extiende desde los sistemas de segmentación de caracteres desarrollados a principios de la década de 1960 hasta los sistemas complejos desarrollados en la actualidad, donde el objetivo es analizar estructuras de alto nivel (líneas de texto, párrafos, tablas, etc.) y la relación que existe entre ellas.
Esta tesis, en primer lugar, define el objetivo del Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos desde una perspectiva probabilística. A continuación, la complejidad del problema se reduce a un conjunto de subproblemas complementarios bien conocidos, de manera que pueda ser gestionado por medio de recursos informáticos modernos. Concretamente se abordan tres de los principales problemas del Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos siguiendo una formulación probabilística. Específicamente se aborda la Detección de Línea Base (Baseline Detection), la Segmentación de Regiones (Region Segmentation) y la Determinación del Orden de Lectura (Reading Order Determination).
Uno de los principales aportes de esta tesis es la formalización de los problemas de Detección de Línea Base y Segmentación de Regiones bajo un marco probabilístico, donde ambos problemas pueden ser abordados por separado o de forma integrada por los modelos propuestos. Este último enfoque ha demostrado ser muy útil para procesar grandes colecciones de documentos con recursos informáticos limitados.
Posteriormente se aborda el subproblema de la Determinación del Orden de Lectura, que es uno de los subproblemas más importantes, aunque subestimados, del Análisis de la Extructura de Documentos, ya que es el nexo que permite convertir los datos extraídos de los sistemas de Reconocimiento Automático de Texto (Automatic Text Recognition Systems) en información útil. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis abordamos y formalizamos la Determinación del Orden de Lectura como un problema de clasificación probabilística por pares. Además, se proponen dos diferentes algoritmos de decodificación que reducen la complejidad computacional del problema.
Por otra parte, se utilizan diferentes modelos estadísticos para representar la distribución de probabilidad sobre la estructura de los documentos. Estos modelos, basados en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (desde un simple Perceptrón Multicapa hasta complejas Redes Convolucionales y Redes de Propuesta de Regiones), se estiman a partir de datos de entrenamiento utilizando algoritmos de aprendizaje automático supervisados.
Finalmente, todas las contribuciones se evalúan experimentalmente, no solo en referencias académicas estándar, sino también en colecciones de miles de imágenes. Se han considerado documentos de texto manuascritos y documentos musicales manuscritos, ya que en conjunto representan la mayoría de los documentos presentes en bibliotecas y archivos. Los resultados muestran que los métodos propuestos son muy precisos y versátiles en una amplia gama de documentos manuscritos. / [CA] L'Anàlisi de l'Estructura de Documents (Document Layout Analysis), aplicada a documents manuscrits, pretén automatitzar l'obtenció de l'estructura intrínseca d'un document. El seu desenvolupament com a camp d'investigació comprén des dels sistemes de segmentació de caràcters creats al principi dels anys 60 fins als complexos sistemes de hui dia que busquen analitzar estructures d'alt nivell (línies de text, paràgrafs, taules, etc) i les relacions entre elles.
Aquesta tesi busca, primer de tot, definir el propòsit de l'anàlisi de l'estructura de documents des d'una perspectiva probabilística. Llavors, una vegada reduïda la complexitat del problema, es processa utilitzant recursos computacionals moderns, per a dividir-ho en un conjunt de subproblemes complementaris més coneguts. Concretament, tres dels principals subproblemes de l'Anàlisi de l'Estructura de Documents s'adrecen seguint una formulació probabilística: Detecció de la Línia Base Baseline Detection), Segmentació de Regions (Region Segmentation) i Determinació de l'Ordre de Lectura (Reading Order Determination).
Una de les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi és la formalització dels problemes de la Detecció de les Línies Base i dels de Segmentació de Regions en un entorn probabilístic, sent els dos problemes tractats per separat o integrats en conjunt pels models proposats. Aquesta última aproximació ha demostrat ser de molta utilitat per a la gestió de grans col·leccions de documents amb uns recursos computacionals limitats.
Posteriorment s'ha adreçat el subproblema de la Determinació de l'Ordre de Lectura, sent un dels subproblemes més importants de l'Anàlisi d'Estructures de Documents, encara així subestimat, perquè és el nexe que permet transformar en informació d'utilitat l'extracció de dades dels sistemes de reconeixement automàtic de text. És per això que el fet de determinar l'ordre de lectura s'adreça i formalitza com un problema d'ordenació probabilística per parells. A més, es proposen dos algoritmes descodificadors diferents que reducix la complexitat computacional del
Per altra banda s'utilitzen diferents models estadístics per representar la distribució probabilística sobre l'estructura dels documents. Aquests models, basats en xarxes neuronals artificials (des d'un simple perceptron multicapa fins a complexes xarxes convolucionals i de propostes de regió), s'estimen a partir de dades d'entrenament mitjançant algoritmes d'aprenentatge automàtic supervisats.
Finalment, totes les contribucions s'avaluen experimentalment, no només en referents acadèmics estàndard, sinó també en col·leccions de milers d'imatges. S'han considerat documents de text manuscrit i documents musicals manuscrits, ja que representen la majoria de documents presents a biblioteques i arxius. Els resultats mostren que els mètodes proposats són molt precisos i versàtils en una àmplia gamma de documents manuscrits. / [EN] Document Layout Analysis, applied to handwritten documents, aims to automatically obtain the intrinsic structure of a document. Its development as a research field spans from the character segmentation systems developed in the early 1960s to the complex systems designed nowadays, where the goal is to analyze high-level structures (lines of text, paragraphs, tables, etc) and the relationship between them.
This thesis first defines the goal of Document Layout Analysis from a probabilistic perspective. Then, the complexity of the problem is reduced, to be handled by modern computing resources, into a set of well-known complementary subproblems. More precisely, three of the main subproblems of Document Layout Analysis are addressed following a probabilistic formulation, namely Baseline Detection, Region Segmentation and Reading Order Determination.
One of the main contributions of this thesis is the formalization of Baseline Detection and Region Segmentation problems under a probabilistic framework, where both problems can be handled separately or in an integrated way by the proposed models. The latter approach is proven to be very useful to handle large document collections under restricted computing resources.
Later, the Reading Order Determination subproblem is addressed. It is one of the most important, yet underestimated, subproblem of Document Layout Analysis, since it is the bridge that allows us to convert the data extracted from Automatic Text Recognition systems into useful information. Therefore, Reading Order Determination is addressed and formalized as a pairwise probabilistic sorting problem. Moreover, we propose two different decoding algorithms that reduce the computational complexity of the problem.
Furthermore, different statistical models are used to represent the probability distribution over the structure of the documents. These models, based on Artificial Neural Networks (from a simple Multilayer Perceptron to complex Convolutional and Region Proposal Networks), are estimated from training data using supervised Machine Learning algorithms.
Finally, all the contributions are experimentally evaluated, not only on standard academic benchmarks but also in collections of thousands of images. We consider handwritten text documents and handwritten musical documents as they represent the majority of documents in libraries and archives. The results show that the proposed methods are very accurate and versatile in a very wide range of handwritten documents. / Quirós Díaz, L. (2022). Layout Analysis for Handwritten Documents. A Probabilistic Machine Learning Approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181483
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