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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moeda, poder e rivalidade interestatal : o novo banco de desenvolvimento dos BRICS

Gaiotto, Felipe Camargo January 2017 (has links)
A crise financeira de 2007-2008 proporcionou perdas de legitimidade política e econômica aos EUA no sistema interestatal. Até então, o modelo de organização socioeconômica estadunidense era hegemônico na economia-mundo capitalista. Mas, mais do que um modelo de capitalismo, as desregulações financeiras e a defesa excessiva da austeridade orçamentária para os demais Estados foram adotadas pelos EUA com o objetivo de assegurar a emissão exclusiva da moeda internacional dos sistemas financeiro e monetário internacional. A possível substituição do dólar como fundamento do padrão monetário desses sistemas diminuiria a autonomia relativa dos EUA. Assim, eles mantiveram as vantagens políticas e econômicas propiciadas pelo poder monetário e pelo estadismo monetário e asseguraram a manutenção da configuração hierárquica favorável desse sistema interestatal. Por outro lado, essa crise estimulou a formação de novas alianças geopolíticas e novas relações de cooperação entre Estados localizados na semiperiferia e na periferia da economia-mundo. Esses Estados propõem, em maior ou menor grau, outros modelos de desenvolvimento e procuram mudar a configuração hierárquica interestatal, com uma aposta no multilateralismo. O Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NBD) criado pelos BRICS é uma das alternativas que surgiram como possibilidades de reordenamento hierárquico nesse sistema, começando o elo conflito em torno da moeda e das finanças. Desse modo, o objetivo geral desta tese doutoral é avaliar qual a viabilidade de possíveis mudanças nas relações de poder monetário e de estadismo monetário no sistema interestatal capitalista a partir do NBD dos BRICS. Para tanto, analisa-se de que maneira, em geral, a relação entre moeda e poder influencia na hierarquia de Estados e moedas no sistema interestatal da economia-mundo capitalista. Da mesma forma, examina-se especificamente o processo de construção do poder monetário e do estadismo monetário dos Estados Unidos a partir da construção do regime Dólar-Wall Street e de que forma essa estratégia contribuiu, de forma não intencional, para enfraquecer a própria hegemonia estadunidense no pós-crise. E, por fim, avalia-se a capacidade da influência do NBD para a reforma monetária e financeira internacional no sentido de maior multilateralismo. Nesse processo, o NBD representa uma alternativa de acesso a financiamento para a acumulação autônoma de capital e de defesa contra a manipulação monetária e financeira por parte dos Estados do núcleo orgânico desse sistema, em particular os EUA. Da mesma forma, o NBD reforça as demandas para reformar o sistema financeiro e monetário internacional, o que pode alterar a capacidade de exercício do poder monetário estadunidense e suas consequentes vantagens políticas e econômicas. Assim, haveria uma mudança qualitativa na hierarquia desse núcleo orgânico. A possível substituição, ou perda de importância, do dólar diminuiria a autonomia relativa dos EUA e contribuiria para mudanças na configuração hegemônica da economia-mundo capitalista. / The financial crisis of 2007-2008 has resulted in loss of political and economic legitimacy to the United States in the inter-state system. Until then, the model of US socioeconomic organization was hegemonic in the capitalist world-economy. Yet, more than a model of capitalism, financial deregulation and excessive apologizing of budgetary austerity for other states were adopted by the United States to ensure the exclusive issuance of the international currency in the international financial and monetary systems. The possible substitution of the dollar as the basis for the monetary standard of these systems would diminish the relative autonomy of the United States. Thus, they keep the political and economic advantages granted by monetary power and monetary statecraft, and ensured the maintenance of the favorable hierarchical configuration of that interstate system. On the other hand, this crisis stimulated the formation of new geopolitical alliances and new relations of cooperation between states located in the semiperiphery and in the periphery of the world-economy. These states propose, to a greater or lesser extent, other models of development, and seek to change the inter-state hierarchical configuration, with a focus on multilateralism. The New Development Bank (NDB) created by the BRICS is one of the alternatives that emerged as a possibility of hierarchical rearrangement in this system, starting with the monetary and financial conflicts. Thus, the general objective of this Ph.D. dissertation is to evaluate the viability of possible changes in the relations of monetary power and monetary statecraft in the capitalist interstate system by the creation of the BRICS’ NDB. In order to do so, it is analyzed how, in general, the relation between money and power influences the hierarchy of states and currencies in the interstate system of the capitalist world-economy. Likewise, the process of constructing monetary power and monetary statescraft in the United States starting with the construction of the Dollar-Wall Street regime, and in which way this strategy has unintentionally contributed to weaken the hegemony itself in the post-crisis period, is equally dealt with. And last, but not least, the capacity of the NDB's influence on the international monetary and financial reform towards greater multilateralism is evaluated. In this process, the NDB represents an alternative to access financing for the autonomous accumulation of capital and defense against monetary and financial manipulation by the States of the organic core of this interstate system, in particular the US. Along the same lines, the NDB reinforces the demands to reform the international financial and monetary systems, which may alter the capacity of the US to exert monetary power and receive its consequent political and economic advantages. Thus, there would be a qualitative change in the hierarchy of this organic core. The possible substitution or loss of importance of the dollar would diminish the relative autonomy of the US and contribute to changes in the hegemonic configuration of the capitalist world-economy.

Vývoj nominálního kursu dolaru a jeho důsledky / Development of the Nominal Exchange of the Dollar and its Consequences

Černík, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Development and description of the nominal exchange rate of the dollar since 1945. Specification of determinants, which affected dollar exchange rate in the period. Consequences for United states economy and stability of the world fiscal system. Relation between dollar exchange rate and price of gold, relation between dollar exchange rate and price of crude oil. Relation betweén dollar exchange rate and significant financial crisis. Deskripce vývoje nominálního kursu dolaru v období od r. 1945 do současnosti. Určení faktorů, které tento vývoj ovlivňovaly. Důsledky pro ekonomiku USA a stabilitu světového finančního systému. Souvislost vývoje kursu dolaru se změnami cen zlata a ropy. Souvislost s významnějšími finančními krizemi.

Globální nerovnováhy v kontextu vývoje kurzu amerického dolaru / Global Imbalances in the Context of the U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate Development

Doležal, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the development and status of global imbalances in contemporary global economy in connection with changes in the U.S. dollar exchange rate. From this point of view, the paper firstly focuses on the current diversification of the world economy to clarify the position of the U.S. monetary system in the sphere of global imbalances. Secondly, it concentrates on the long-term trends in the U.S. dollar exchange rate as the world's main currency. Finally, the thesis focuses on potential changes in the economic policy of the main actors of global imbalances and presents possible solution to these imbalances in the world economy.


BORELLO, GIULIANA 15 March 2010 (has links)
Questa tesi è composta da 3 differenti lavori che ci confermano la prevedibilità degli extra rendimenti rispetto al mercato usando semplici strategie di portafoglio azionario utilizzabili sia dal semplice risparmiatore sia dall'investitore istituzionale. Nel primo capitolo è stata analizzata la profittabilità della contrarian strategy nel mercato azionario Italiano. In letteratura é stato già abbondantemente dimostrato che i rendimenti azionari sono caratterizzati da un’autocorrelazione negativa nel breve periodo e da un effetto di ritorno alla media nel lungo periodo. La contrarian strategy é utilizzata per trarre profitto dalla correlazione seriale negativa dei rendimenti azionari, infatti, vendendo i titoli che si sono rivelati vincenti nel passato (in termini di rendimento) e acquistando quelli "perdenti" si ottengono profitti inaspettati. Nel secondo paper, l'analisi si focalizza sulla strategia di portafoglio definita Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA). La Dollar Cost Averaging si riferisce a una semplice metodologia di portafoglio che prevede di investire una somma fissa di denaro in un'attività rischiosa a uguali intervalli di tempo, per tutto l'orizzonte temporale prefissato. Il lavoro si propone di confrontare i vantaggi, in termini di riduzione sostanziale del rischio, di questa strategia dal punto di vista di un semplice risparmiatore. Nell'ultimo capitolo, ipotizzando di essere un investitore istituzionale che possiede ogni giorno numerose informazioni e previsioni, ho cercato di capire come egli può usare tutte le informazioni in suo possesso per decidere prontamente come allocare al meglio il patrimonio del fondo. L’investitore normalmente cerca di identificare la migliore previsione possibile, ma quasi sempre non riesce ad identificare l’esatto processo dei prezzi sottostanti. Quest’osservazione ha condotto molti ricercatori ad utilizzare numerosi fattori esplicativi per ottenere un buona previsione. Il paper supporta l’esistente letteratura che utilizza un nuovo approccio per trasformare previsioni di rendimenti in scelte di gestione di portafoglio che possano offrire una maggiore performance del portafoglio.Partendo dal modello d’incertezza di Pesaran e Timmerman(1996), considero un cospicuo numero di fattori macroeconomici per identificare un modello predittivo che mi permetta di prevedere i movimenti del mercato tenendo presente i maggiori indicatori economici e finanziari e considerato che il loro rispettivo potere predittivo cambia nel tempo. / This thesis is composed by three different papers that confirm us the predictability of expected returns using different simple portfolio strategy and under different point of view (i.e. a generic saver and institutional investor). In the first chapter, I investigate the profitability of contrarian strategy in the Italian Stock Market. However empirical research has shown that asset returns tend to exhibit some form of negative autocorrelation in the short term and mean-reversion over long horizons. Contrarian strategy is used to take advantage of serial correlation in stock price returns, such that selling winners and buying losers generates abnormal profits. On the second chapter, the analyse is focused in another classic portfolio strategy called Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA). Dollar Cost Averaging refers to an investment methodology in which a set dollar amount is invested in a risky asset at equal intervals over a holding period. The paper compares the advantages and risk of this strategy from the point of view of a saver. Lastly, supposing to be an institutional investor who has a large number of information and forecasts, I tried to understand how using all them he decide with dispatch how to allocate the portfolio fund. When a wide set of forecasts of some future economic events are available, decision makers usually attempt to discover which is the best forecast, but in almost all cases a decision maker cannot identify ex ante the true process. This observation has led researchers to introduce several sources of uncertainty in forecasting exercises. The paper supporting the existent literature employs a novel approaches to transform predicted returns into portfolio asset allocations, and their relative performances. First of all dealing with model uncertainty, as Pesaran and Timmerman (1996), I consider a richer parameterization for the forecasting model to find that the predictive power of various economic and financial factors over excess returns change through time.

An Analysis of the Effects of Exchange Fluctuations on Employment, Output and Productivity in Canada

Ghasemi, Sima 11 January 2013 (has links)
Since the adoption of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Canadian dollar has come to be regarded as a petro-currency. Consequently, rising prices of oil and gas (as well as other natural resources) would increase capital inflows that would lead to a higher exchange rate and contribute to the decimation of the export-oriented Canadian manufacturing sector by making Canadian products less competitive internationally. Some have argued that the Canadian economy has started to show symptoms related to the Dutch Disease. One important symptom is the slow rate of productivity growth, which consequently leads to the theory that Canada’s productivity performance depends significantly on the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency. This dissertation attempts to address these issues and seeks to solve the question of whether the Canadian economy is suffering from the Dutch Disease, as well as whether or not movements of the Canadian dollar are responsible for the low Canadian productivity growth since the 1990s.

新台幣與均一定價理論背離: 台幣實質與名目匯率差異的成因 / The New Taiwan Dollar against The Law of One Price - On the Causes of Taiwan’s Real/Nominal Exchange Rate Spread

施安德, Springer, Andreas Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的國內生產毛額及薪資在過去十幾年來相當的穩定,但是生活水準卻仍然一直提升。這種矛盾現象來自於新台幣的名目跟實質匯率背離,在先進國家裡面是相當罕見的。本論文研究了台灣與國際經濟的整合、貨幣政策、政治局勢以及收支平衡帳等因素,並了解他們跟此矛盾之間的潛在因果關係。由於台灣未能充分參與最近一波的全球化浪潮,使得它的價格體系跟國際水準脫勾。而對外投資、外匯累積,以及傳統商業跟文化結構等因素,共同創造了現有獨特的低物價水準環境。為了防止這種長期的價格扭曲影響,台灣的國際政治情勢必須改善,或至少跟經濟行為能力分離。唯有如此,台灣的經濟情況才能恢復正常,讓實質跟名目匯率的差距縮小,(以美金計價的)名目國內生產總值和工資也才能成長。 / Taiwan’s GDP and wages have remained steady for more than a decade, though the living standard continued to rise. This paradox is induced by the New Taiwan Dollar’s nominal and real exchange rates diverging, an anomaly amongst advanced economies. Investigating ongoing international economic integration, Taiwan’s monetary policy, political situation, and balance of payments unveils the underlying causality. Taiwan could not participate in the most recent wave of globalisation, insulating its price level. In combination with outgoing investments, reserves accumulation, and its traditional business culture and structure, this has created an area of inimitable low prices. In order to prevent distortionary long-term effects, Taiwan’s political situation needs to either be resolved, or separated from its economic capacity to act. Only then can Taiwan’s economic situation normalise and the real/nominal exchange rate spread fade, which implies an increase in nominal GDP and wages (measured in USD).

An evaluation of the linked exchange rate system

Ho, Siu-yin., 何少燕. January 1991 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Economics / Master / Master of Social Sciences

Monetary policy in Hong Kong under the linked exchange rate system

Poon, Ching-man, Betty., 潘靜敏. January 1991 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Economics / Master / Master of Social Sciences

The US Dollar, Oil Prices and the US Current Account

Abdel Razek, Noha Unknown Date
No description available.

An Analysis of the Effects of Exchange Fluctuations on Employment, Output and Productivity in Canada

Ghasemi, Sima 11 January 2013 (has links)
Since the adoption of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Canadian dollar has come to be regarded as a petro-currency. Consequently, rising prices of oil and gas (as well as other natural resources) would increase capital inflows that would lead to a higher exchange rate and contribute to the decimation of the export-oriented Canadian manufacturing sector by making Canadian products less competitive internationally. Some have argued that the Canadian economy has started to show symptoms related to the Dutch Disease. One important symptom is the slow rate of productivity growth, which consequently leads to the theory that Canada’s productivity performance depends significantly on the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency. This dissertation attempts to address these issues and seeks to solve the question of whether the Canadian economy is suffering from the Dutch Disease, as well as whether or not movements of the Canadian dollar are responsible for the low Canadian productivity growth since the 1990s.

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