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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh potrubního řetězového dopravníku / Design of a pipeline chain conveyor

Machala, Petr January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the construction design of two different pipeline drag chain conveyors for transport of wheat and sewage sludge. The first part describes the operation principle and the main parts of this conveyor. The examples of designs from several manufacturers follow. Next part is devoted to determining the resistance to movement in individual sections of the transport route. Thesis continues with design proposals of both variants of conveyors, including suitable technological and strength calculations. The outputs of this work are also assembly drawings of these two conveyors.

Kuultopaperien kartasto:kontekstuaalisia reittejä Anu Kaipaisen kirjalliseen strategiaan

Leppihalme, I. (Ilmari) 04 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract The objective of this doctoral thesis is to examine Anu Kaipainen’s literary strategy and to find out what kind of questions she thematises using the strategy. The articles focus on two novels from the 1960s, seen as routes leading to her production. Perspective is widened towards her other works. This dissertation seeks methodological and contextual routes to the interpretation of the multiple layers and elements present in her novels. The objective is to create a more holistic ‘map’ of her literary strategy and its functions. Mirroring Kaipainen’s allegory of maps, the articles included in this thesis can also be seen as maps drawn at different stages on tracing paper, placed one on top of the other. This ‘atlas’ made of tracing paper depicts the following issues as thematic condensations and clarifying questions connecting the articles: 1) the positioning of a bourgeois female subject in the upheavals of modern life and 2) the heterology of contexts related to these transitions that represent the increasingly complex nature of social reality and challenges in perceiving it. This thesis contextualises and discusses this dialectic tension between post-modern multiplicity and the positioning of feministic identity politics. 3) the third question synthetises the first two: how and in what direction is this tension taken in Kaipainen’s works? This third theme originates from Kaipainen’s allegory of maps, which is a thematic condensation as such and illustrates her literary strategy. The examination of literary strategy carries reflection towards a research result. The literary strategy of Kaipainen’s works from the 1960s and 1970s — the politics of maps drawn on tracing paper — is found to be the answer to the heterology of contexts and the problems in positioning a female subject. The objective of her cartographic strategy is shown to be her political-pedagogic aim to help a (female) subject to position herself in an increasingly complex, fast-changing and globalising world. Ultimately, the objective of her strategy is to awaken or restore the subject’s social awareness and ability to function. This thesis draws a clearer picture of Kaipainen’s literary strategy and the nature of her earlier works. The result is methodological and refers to the routes found relevant in the study of literary strategy: feminist research orientation, Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogism, and Urpo Kovala’s model of heterological contextualism. The latter outlines this study as its metatheoretical framework, but the objective is also to develop the model of heterological contextualism towards practical analysis. In addition to the abovementioned theoretical routes, this thesis makes reference to Fredric Jameson’s cognitive mapping. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimustehtävänä on selvittää, millainen on Anu Kaipaisen kirjallinen strategia ja millaisia kysymyksiä hän sen avulla tematisoi. Tutkimusartikkeleissa keskitytään kahteen Kaipaisen 1960-luvun romaaniin, jotka nähdään reiteiksi hänen tuotantoonsa. Työn johdannossa tarkastelu laajennetaan kohti muuta tuotantoa. Tutkimuksessa etsitään eri suunnista metodisia ja kontekstuaalisia reittejä Kaipaisen romaanien moniaineksisuuden tulkintaan. Tavoitteena on luoda aiempaa kokonaisvaltaisempi ”kartta” hänen kirjallisesta strategiastaan ja sen funktioista. Kaipaisen karttavertausta mukaillen tutkimusartikkelit ovat kuin eri vaiheissa piirrettyjä, päällekkäin aseteltuja kuultokuvakarttoja. Hahmottuvasta ”kuultopaperien kartastosta” erottuvat temaattisina tihentyminä ja tarkentavina tutkimuskysymyksinä 1) keskiluokkaisen naissubjektin paikantuminen modernin elämän murroksessa ja 2) tuohon murrokseen liittyvä kontekstien heterologia, joka representoi yhteiskunnallisen todellisuuden monimutkaistumista ja hahmottamisen haasteita. Johdannossa kontekstualisoidaan ja pohditaan tätä jälkimodernin moninaistumisen ja feministisen identiteettipoliittisen paikantumisen dialektista jännitettä. 3) Kolmas tarkentava tutkimuskysymys tuo syntetisoivasti yhteen kahta edellistä: millaisin keinoin ja mihin suuntaan tuota jännitettä työstetään Kaipaisen teoksissa? Kolmas tutkimuskysymys nousee mainitusta Kaipaisen kuultopaperikarttavertauksesta, joka on itsessään temaattinen tihentymä ja kuvaa hänen kirjallisen strategiansa luonnetta. Kirjallisen strategian avaaminen vie reflektiota kohti tutkimustulosta. Kaipaisen 1960- ja 1970-luvun tuotannon kirjallinen strategia — ”kuultopaperikarttojen politiikka” — paljastuu vastaukseksi kontekstien heterologian ja naissubjektin paikantumisen ongelmiin. Hänen kartografisen strategiansa tavoitteeksi osoitetaan poliittis-pedagoginen pyrkimys auttaa (nais)subjektia paikantumaan monimutkaistuvassa, nopeasti muuttuvassa ja globalisoituvassa maailmassa. Viime kädessä tavoitteena on herättää tai palauttaa (nais)yksilön yhteiskunnallinen tietoisuus ja toimintakyky. Tutkimus piirtää entistä täsmällisemmän kuvan Kaipaisen kirjallisesta strategiasta ja erityisesti varhaisemman tuotannon ominaisluonteesta. Tulos on myös menetelmällinen osoittaen reitteihin, jotka on kirjallisen strategian avaamisessa relevanteiksi todettu: feministiseen tutkimusorientaatioon, Mihail Bahtinin dialogismiin sekä Urpo Kovalan heterologiseen kontekstualismin malliin. Viimeksi mainittu kehystää työtä metateoreettisesti, mutta kehittelen heterologisen kontekstualismin mallia myös käytännön analyysin suuntaan. Mainittujen teoreettisten reittien lisäksi tutkimustulokseen pääsemiseksi johdannossa sovelletaan Fredric Jamesonin käsitystä kognitiivisesta kartoittamisesta.

Drag Queens and Cowboys: Cultivating Queer Country Music through Postmodern Camp

Hussain, Zamirah 29 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Reality show y discurso de género: una mirada a la teoría de la performatividad de género en el reality show Rupaul’s Drag Race

Mendezu Rosas, Jimena Alejandra 22 September 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objeto de estudio al reality show Rupaul’s Drag Race, el cual es analizado a partir de la teoría de la performatividad de género de la filósofa estadounidense Judith Butler, donde la autora toma como ejemplo a la performance drag para mostrar que el género es se performa, es decir, que se construye y da la ilusión de ser una esencia a través de los actos performativos. Para Butler, las drag queens imitan y actúan el género para hacer su performance, por lo que evidencian esta performatividad. Mediante el análisis del discurso, analizaremos bajo una mirada cualitativa-deductiva siete capítulos del reality show para reconocer si se cumple o no la performatividad del género en ellos; además de identificar en qué segmento de la estructura narrativa del programa se muestran más y quiénes son los personajes dentro del reality que más se acercan a este concepto. Finalmente, como conclusión principal hallamos que la teoría de la performatividad se cumple, en su mayoría, en el reality show Rupaul’s Drag Race y que son las drag queens que se acercan más a este concepto a través de lo expresado verbalmente por ellas en la ejecución de los desafíos principales del programa y la presentación de sus personajes en la pasarela. Estos dos segmentos coinciden dentro de la estructura narrativa del programa, con el segundo acto de acuerdo al Paradigma de Syd Field, justo en donde se ubica la confrontación del relato y la toma de decisiones por parte de los personajes, siendo cada uno de ellos el primer y segundo nudo de la trama.

Turbulent flow around bluff bodies at the floodplain edge

Heatlie, Fiona January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the flow around bluff bodies placed at the floodplain edge in a compound, open channel. The floodplain edge location is associated with a strong shear layer between lower velocity floodplain flow and high velocity flow in the main channel. The drag force exerted by a bluff body is dependant on the way in which the flow separates around the body and subsequently recovers but the drag coefficients typically used to represent the effects of bluff bodies are based on experiments on bodies in geometrically simple channels. The differences induced in the wake structures and therefore in the drag coefficients of bluff bodies when they are placed in the shear layer at the floodplain edge are little understood. In this study, experimental data is gathered that allows direct comparison of the wakes of identical bluff bodies, both emergent (surface-piercing) and submerged, in simple and compound open channels. For the compound channel scenarios, for both single and multiple block arrangements, turbulence data is also reported. These results are augmented using a computational model based on the solution of the 3D Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations, using a non-linear turbulence model. The results show that the changes induced in the wake structures due to their location at the floodplain edge of the compound channel can have a significant effect on the drag coefficient. For the emergent bodies, the proximity of the deep main channel flow is shown to impact in a complex manner upon the processes of reattachment and re-separation, changing the formation of vorticity in the wake. For the submerged bodies, this is complicated by asymmetry in the same processes on the block top. For both body types, separation on the main channel side results in the creation of a strong axial circulation at the floodplain edge and the decay of the wake is asymmetrically affected by the differing behaviour of the turbulence on the two sides.

Coulomb drag, mesoscopic physics, and electron-electron interaction

Price, Adam Scott January 2008 (has links)
The first part of this thesis deals with the study of mesoscopic fluctuations of the Coulomb drag resistance in double-layer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures, both in weak magnetic fields and strong magnetic fields. In the second part, measurements are made in a monolayer graphene structure, specifically of the quantum lifetime, and the mesoscopic resistance fluctuations at quantising magnetic fields.

Extension du formalisme Euler/Euler pour la simulation des lits fluidisés de particules du groupe A dans la classification de Geldart / Extension of the Euler/Euler formalism for numerical simulations of fluidized beds of Geldart A particles

Parmentier, Jean-Francois 28 June 2010 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d'améliorer la prédictivité des modèles à deux fluides pour la description des lits fluidisés gaz-solide pour les particules du groupe A dans la classification de Geldart. La première partie traite de l'incorporation de nouveaux phénomènes physiques dans le formalisme statistique utilisé : collisions induites par le cisaillement, phénomènes de lubrification lors des chocs et forces inter-particulaires. La deuxième partie traite de la résolution numérique du modèle. Il est montré que la simulation des lits de particules de type A présente une très forte sensibilité au maillage, conduisant à une surestimation de la hauteur du lit. L'introduction du formalisme filtré permet d'identifier la traînée filtrée comme étant l'origine principale du problème. Deux modèles de sous-maille sont proposés pour la prédiction de celle-ci et sont testés à la fois sur une configuration académique et sur une expérience de laboratoire. / This work aims to increase the predictivity of the two-fluid model in gas-solid fluidized beds of Geldart A particles. The first part deals with the integration of physical phenomena into the two-fluid model: shear-induced collisions, lubrication between particles and inter-particular forces. The second part deals with the practical resolution of the two-fluid model using numerical codes. It is shown that bed expansion for Geldart A particles have a strong dependance on the mesh size used to compute the flow, leading to a major overestimation. The filtered approach is used and points up the filtered drag as the key of the problem. Two subgrid drag models are proposed and tested on both academic and laboratory configurations.

Camping in the Classroom: Ridiculous Theatre as Serious Drama

DeBoer, John Kenneth 01 January 2007 (has links)
My first semester pursuing my MFA in Voice and Speech Pedagogy I vocal-coached an openly gay student playing a straight character who would mask his sexual identity in such a manner that his performance became stiff and uninteresting. Rather than using his personal identity as an asset in the pursuit of a successful performance, his chosen vocal tactics removed any sense of theatricality from his performance. I confronted the student and suggested such extreme vocal suppression diminished the quality of his overall performance. He replied, "So you want me to get the gay out."His use of the phrase, "get the gay out" to describe a fuller adaptation of his sexual identity to suit the character fascinated me and led to me to create a performance seminar course that used open acknowledgment of Camp performance styles as a valuable way to prepare students, gay or straight, for careers on the stage and screen. This thesis is a record of the course taught in the spring of 2007; CAMP: RIDICULOUS THEATRE AS SERIOUS DRAMA.

Étude numérique de la réduction de traînée par injection de bulles en écoulement de Taylor-Couette / Numerical study of bubbly drag reduction in Taylor-Couette flow

Chouippe, Agathe 12 July 2012 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l'étude de la réduction de traînée par injection de bulles. La réduction de traînée présente un intérêt pour les applications navales puisqu'elle est issue d'une modification des structures cohérentes qui contribuent le plus à la résistance à l'avancement. Le but de cette étude est d'analyser les mécanismes à l'origine de cette diminution du frottement pariétal. L'approche utilisée dans le cadre de cette étude est numérique, elle emploie le code JADIM par une approche Euler-Lagrange : la phase continue est simulée par Simulation Numérique Directe et la phase dispersée est simulée en suivant individuellement chaque bulle. La configuration retenue dans le cadre de cette étude est celle de l'écoulement de Taylor-Couette (écoulement compris entre deux cylindres en rotation). La première partie de la thèse vise à adapter l'outil numérique employé, afin de pouvoir prendre en compte le retour de la phase dispersée via des termes de forçage dans les équations bilan de matière et de quantité de mouvement. La deuxième partie de la thèse vise à étudier l'écoulement porteur en configuration monophasique, afin de disposer d'une référence sur l'écoulement non perturbé. La troisième partie de la thèse a pour objectif d'étudier la dispersion passive des bulles dans le système, afin d'analyser les mécanismes de migrations mis en jeu. Enfin la dernière partie de la thèse vise à étudier l'influence des bulles sur l'écoulement porteur en analysant l'effet de certains paramètres, notamment le taux de vide et la flottabilité. / The study deals with drag reduction induced by bubble injection, its application concerns naval transport. The aim of the study is to shed more light on mechanisms that are involved in this wall friction reduction. The study is based on a numerical approach, and use the JADIM code with an Euler-Lagrange approach: the continuous phase is solved by Direct Numerical Simulation, and the disperse phase by a tracking of each bubble. Within the framework of this study we consider the Taylor-Couette flow configuration (flow between two concentric cylinders in rotation). The first part of the study deals with the modification of the numerical tool, in order to take into account the influence of the disperse phase on the continuous one through forcing terms in the mass and momentum balance equations. The aim of the second part is to study de Taylor-Couette flow in its monophasic configuration, for the purpose of providing a reference of the undisturbed flow. The third part deals with the passive dispersion of bubble in Taylor-Couette flow, in order to analyze the migration mechanisms involved. And the aim of the last part is to study the effects of the disperse phase on the continuous one, by analyzing the influence of bubbly phase parameters (like void fraction and buoyancy).

Genetic analysis of interveinal chlorosis and reduced seedling vigor as related to agronomic performance in sorghum resistant to ALS inhibitor herbicides

Weerasooriya, Dilooshi Kumari January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agronomy / Tesfaye T. Tesso / The lack of effective post-emergence weed control options is often highlighted as one of the major factors behind dwindling acreage under sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in the United States. The discovery of herbicide resistance sources in wild sorghum population and subsequent efforts to incorporate them into cultivated sorghum was received with much optimism to change weed management practices in sorghum. As the development of the technology advances, especially of the Acetolactate synthase (ALS) resistance, concerns over the temporary interveinal chlorosis and reduced seedling vigor in some of the resistant families became heightened. This thesis research is designed to shed light on the genetic basis of seedling chlorosis and assess its impacts on yield potential. The study has three parts; the first part is focused on identifying the genetic causes and plant mechanisms associated with the chlorotic phenotype. ALS herbicide resistant sister-lines expressing normal and chlorotic phenotypes were analyzed via RNA sequencing at four time points during seedling growth. The study identified several variants of genes coding chloroplast precursors and those that cause epigenetic modifications. Once confirmed, genetic markers can be developed to track these gene variants in the breeding population and eliminate segregates genetically prone to chlorosis/yellowing. The second part of the study focuses on assessing the effect of ALS resistance associated chlorosis on agronomic and nutritional parameters of sorghum inbred lines. A set of ALS resistant lines expressing different levels of the chlorotic phenotype were evaluated in replicated field trials and laboratory methods. Results showed that interveinal chlorosis delays flowering but does not have negative effect on yield and nutritional parameters with and without herbicide treatment. The last part addresses whether there is any yield drag that may be associated with herbicide resistance traits and foliar interveinal chlorosis. For this, we synthesized a large set (182) of hybrids from ALS resistant, ACCase resistant and regular (susceptible) seed and pollinator parents. The hybrids were then evaluated in three sets at multiple locations during the 2014 and 2015 crop seasons along with commercial checks. The results revealed that resistance to both herbicides do not cause any drag to grain yield. The traits also do not have any negative impact on grain and nutritional quality of resistant hybrids.

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