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Modélisation et étude numérique d'écoulements diphasiques : Modélisation d’un écoulement homogène équilibré : Modélisation des collisions entre gouttelettes à l’aide d’un modèle simplifié de type BGK / Modeling and numerical study of two phases flowChampmartin, Aude 28 February 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit la modélisation et la simulation de systèmes à deux phases composées de particules évoluant dans un gaz. Les deux phases interagissent entre elles et le type de modèle à considérer dépend directement du type de simulations envisagées. Dans une première partie, les deux phases sont considérées comme des fluides, elles sont décrites à l’aide d’un modèle de mélange avec une relation de dérive (permettant de suivre une vitesse relative entre les deux phases et de prendre en compte deux vitesses) et sont supposées à l’équilibre en température et pression. Cette partie du manuscrit est composée de la dérivation des équations, de l’écriture d’un schéma numérique associé à ce jeu d’équations, d’une étude d’ordre de ce schéma ainsi que de simulations. Une étude mathématique de ce modèle (hyperbolicité dans un cadre simplifié, stabilité du système linéaire autour d’un état constant) a été réalisée dans un cadre o`u le gaz est supposé barotrope. La seconde partie de ce manuscrit est consacrée à la modélisation de l’effet de collisions inélastiques sur les gouttelettes lorsque l’on se place à un temps de simulation beaucoup plus court, pour lequel les gouttelettes ne peuvent plus être vues comme un fluide. Pour modéliser ces collisions, on construit un modèle simplifié (moins coûteux en temps) de type BGK permettant de reproduire le comportement en temps de certains moments sur les gouttelettes. Ces moments sont choisis pour être représentatifs de l’effet des collisions sur ces gouttelettes, à savoir une thermalisation en vitesse et énergie. Ce modèle est discrétisé avec une méthode particulaire et des résultats numériques sont donnés en comparaison avec ceux obtenus avec un modèle résolvant directement l’équation de Boltzmann homogène. / This thesis describes the modelisation and the simulation of two-phase systems composed of droplets moving in a gas. The two phases interact with each other and the type of model to consider directly depends on the type of simulations targeted. In the first part, the two phases are considered as fluid and are described using a mixture model with a drift relation (to be able to follow the relative velocity between the two phases and take into account two velocities), the two-phase flows are assumed at the equilibrium in temperature and pressure. This part of the manuscript consists of the derivation of the equations, writing a numerical scheme associated with this set of equations, a study of this scheme and simulations. A mathematical study of this model (hyperbolicity in a simplified framework, linear stability analysis of the system around a steady state) was conducted in a frame where the gas is assumed barotropic. The second part is devoted to the modelisation of the effect of inelastic collisions on the particles when the time of the simulation is shorter and the droplets can no longer be seen as a fluid. We introduce a model of inelastic collisions for droplets in a spray, leading to a specific Boltzmann kernel. Then, we build caricatures of this kernel of BGK type, in which the behavior of the first moments of the solution of the Boltzmann equation (that is mass, momentum, directional temperatures, variance of the internal energy) are mimicked. The quality of these caricatures is tested numerically at the end.
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Stability analysis of new paradigms in wireless networksKangas, M. (Maria) 02 June 2017 (has links)
Fading in wireless channels, the limited battery energy available in wireless handsets, the changing user demands and the increasing demand for high data rate and low delay pose serious design challenges in the future generations of mobile communication systems. It is necessary to develop efficient transmission policies that adapt to changes in network conditions and achieve the target delay and rate with minimum power consumption.
In this thesis, a number of new paradigms in wireless networks are presented. Dynamic programming tools are used to provide dynamic network stabilizing resource allocation solutions for virtualized data centers with clouds, cooperative networks and heterogeneous networks. Exact dynamic programming is used to develop optimal resource allocation and topology control policies for these networks with queues and time varying channels. In addition, approximate dynamic programming is also considered to provide new sub-optimal solutions.
Unified system models and unified control problems are also provided for both secondary service provider and primary service provider cognitive networks and for conventional wireless networks. The results show that by adapting to the changes in queue lengths and channel states, the dynamic policy mitigates the effects of primary service provider and secondary service provider cognitive networks on each other.
We investigate the network stability and provide new unified stability regions for primary service provider and secondary service provider cognitive networks as well as for conventional wireless networks. The K-step Lyapunov drift is used to analyse the performance and stability of the proposed dynamic control policies, and new unified stability analysis and queuing bound are provided for both primary service provider and secondary service provider cognitive networks and for conventional wireless networks. By adapting to the changes in network conditions, the dynamic control policies are shown to stabilize the network and to minimize the bound for the average queue length. In addition, we prove that the previously proposed frame based does not minimize the bound for the average delay, when there are shared resources between the terminals with queues. / Tiivistelmä
Langattomien kanavien häipyminen, langattomien laitteiden akkujen rajallinen koko, käyttäjien käyttötarpeiden muutokset sekä lisääntyvän tiedonsiirron ja lyhyemmän viiveen vaatimukset luovat suuria haasteita tulevaisuuden langattomien verkkojen suunnitteluun. On välttämätöntä kehittää tehokkaita resurssien allokointialgoritmeja, jotka sopeutuvat verkkojen muutoksiin ja saavuttavat sekä tavoiteviiveen että tavoitedatanopeuden mahdollisimman pienellä tehon kulutuksella.
Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään uusia paradigmoja langattomille tietoliikenneverkoille. Dynaamisen ohjelmoinnin välineitä käytetään luomaan dynaamisia verkon stabiloivia resurssien allokointiratkaisuja virtuaalisille pilvipalveludatakeskuksille, käyttäjien yhteistyöverkoille ja heterogeenisille verkoille. Tarkkoja dynaamisen ohjelmoinnin välineitä käytetään kehittämään optimaalisia resurssien allokointi ja topologian kontrollointialgoritmeja näille jonojen ja häipyvien kanavien verkoille. Tämän lisäksi, estimoituja dynaamisen ohjelmoinnin välineitä käytetään luomaan uusia alioptimaalisia ratkaisuja.
Yhtenäisiä systeemimalleja ja yhtenäisiä kontrollointiongelmia luodaan sekä toissijaisen ja ensisijaisen palvelun tuottajan kognitiivisille verkoille että tavallisille langattomille verkoille. Tulokset osoittavat että sopeutumalla jonojen pituuksien ja kanavien muutoksiin dynaaminen tekniikka vaimentaa ensisijaisen ja toissijaisen palvelun tuottajien kognitiivisten verkkojen vaikutusta toisiinsa.
Tutkimme myös verkon stabiiliutta ja luomme uusia stabiilisuusalueita sekä ensisijaisen ja toissijaisen palveluntuottajan kognitiivisille verkoille että tavallisille langattomille verkoille. K:n askeleen Lyapunovin driftiä käytetään analysoimaan dynaamisen kontrollointitekniikan suorituskykyä ja stabiiliutta. Lisäksi uusi yhtenäinen stabiiliusanalyysi ja jonon yläraja luodaan ensisijaisen ja toissijaisen palveluntuottajan kognitiivisille verkoille ja tavallisille langattomille verkoille. Dynaamisen algoritmin näytetään stabiloivan verkko ja minimoivan keskimääräisen jonon pituuden yläraja sopeutumalla verkon olosuhteiden muutoksiin. Tämän lisäksi todistamme että aiemmin esitetty frame-algoritmi ei minimoi keskimääräisen viiveen ylärajaa, kun käyttäjät jakavat keskenään resursseja.
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Modèle stratigraphique et processus sédimentaires au Quaternaire sur deux pentes carbonatées des Bahamas (leeward et windward) / Quaternary stratigraphic model and sedimentary processes along two carbonate slopes in the Bahamas (leeward and windward)Chabaud, Ludivine 06 July 2016 (has links)
Cette étude présente une reconstruction du fonctionnement sédimentaire au Quaternaire de deux pentes carbonatées des Bahamas (leeward et windward). Elle est basée sur les analyses stratigraphique et sédimentaire de 34 carottes principalement collectées lors de la mission CARAMBAR (2010). Une étude stratigraphique à haute résolution a été développée à partir de plusieurs outils stratigraphiques, dont l’écostratigraphie basée sur les assemblages de foraminifères planctoniques qui a permis de dater l’ensemble des séquences sédimentaires en s’affranchissant des problèmes liés à la diagenèse précoce. L’analyse sédimentaire des carottages a permis de proposer une nouvelle classification des sédiments carbonatés meubles qui caractérise les fractions dominantes du sédiment au moment du dépôt. Elle permet notamment de discriminer les dépôts fins et d’identifier les processus de transport off-bank, les dépôts contouritiques, gravitaires ou légèrement diagenétisés. Les processus de transport off-bank permettent l’accumulation de boue carbonatée de plate-forme (aiguilles d’aragonite et silts) au niveau des pentes des Bahamas lorsque la plate-forme est ennoyée. Les derniers 4ka cal BP, le MIS 5e et le début du MIS 11 sont les principales périodes d’accumulation sédimentaire au cours des derniers cycles climatiques. L’érosion intra-pente, l’action des courants de fond et les processus de diagenèse précoce ont également été mis en évidence. La pente leeward se caractérise par une sédimentation très importante (wackestone) alors que la pente windward a conservés a morphologie pliocène avec localement des accumulations sédimentaires quaternaires de faible épaisseur (wackestone à packstone). / This study proposes a reconstruction of the quaternary sedimentary history of two Bahamian slopes (leeward and windward). This work is based on the stratigraphicand sedimentary analysis of 34 marine cores recovered mainly from the CARAMBAR oceanographic cruse (2010). A high-resolution stratigraphic study was conducted by coupling several tools including ecostratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera assemblages, which allowed dating all sedimentary sequences despite early diagenesis processes. The sedimentary analysis of the marine cores proposes a new classification for carbonate sediment. It characterizes the dominant particle distributions at the time of deposition and allows for discriminating the fine sediments and for determining the depositional processes such as off-bank transport, contouritic or gravity deposits, and slightly altered sediment. Off-bank transport is the mainprocess responsible for high-accumulation of platform carbonate ooze (aragonite needles and silt) on the Bahamian slopes. It predominates during major flooding of the platform, so during the last 4 ka cal BP, the MIS 5e and at the on set of the MIS11. Intra-slope erosion, bottom currents, and early marine diagenesis processes have also been highlighted. The leeward slope is characterized by a high accumulation of wackestone sediment where as the windward slope preserved its Pliocene morphology with local quaternary sediment accumulation (wackestone to packstone).
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Architecture et dynamique sédimentaire d'une pente carbonatée moderne : exemple de la pente nord de Little Bahama Bank (LBB), Bahamas / Architecture and sedimentary dynamic of a modern carbonate slope : example of the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank (LBB), BahamasTournadour, Elsa 05 November 2015 (has links)
Cette étude présente les architectures et la dynamique sédimentaire de la pente carbonatée au nord de Little Bahama Bank (Bahamas) à partir des données de sondeur multifaisceaux, de sondeur de sédiments (Chirp) et de sismique multitraces Haute Résolution (HR) issues de la mission Carambar 1(2010). Une analyse morpho-sédimentaire de surface permet de définir les grands domaines physiographiques et les éléments architecturaux de la pente et précise la répartition spatiale des sédiments dans le contexte actuel de haut niveau marin relatif. Elle révèle une pente dominée par de la boue de périplate-forme avec différents niveaux d’induration et entaillée par des glissements et des canyons sous marins.La variabilité spatiale du transfert de boue depuis la plate-forme vers la pente, couplée à l’évolution latérale de l’intensité du courant des Antilles est à l’origine de grandes différences morphologiques d’est en ouest. Dans la partie occidentale, la pente est environ deux fois plus étendue que dans la partie orientale,elle s’apparente à un système progradant. La pente orientale, quant à elle, est marquée par des processus de bypass. En effet, cette partie est caractérisée par de nombreux canyons sous-marins se poursuivant par des sillons distributaires alimentant des zones de dépôts distales confinées. Une étude intégrée permet la caractérisation à haute résolution des glissements et des canyons et la proposition d’un modèle déformation. Ces éléments architecturaux sont initiés par des déstabilisations intra-pente et leur évolution est contrôlée par des épisodes d’érosion régressive, la sédimentation pélagique et les écoulements gravitaires boueux. Enfin, une analyse sismo-stratigraphique permet de reconstituer l’évolution tectono-sédimentaire de la pente de l’Albien à l’Actuel en lien avec le contexte géodynamique des Caraïbes, l’eustatisme et la production carbonatée sur la plate-forme. / This study focuses on the architectures and the sedimentary dynamic of a carbonate slope located on the northern part of Little Bahama Bank (Bahamas) using a dataset composed of multibeam echo sounder,subbottom profiler (Chirp) and High-Resolution (HR) multichannel seismic collected during the Carambar 1cruise (2010). A morpho-sedimentary surface analysis defines the physiographic domains and the architectural elements of the slope and investigates the spatial distribution of sediments in the context of the current sea-level highstand. It reveals a slope dominated by periplatform ooze with several levels of induration and incised by numerous slides and submarine canyons. The spatial variability of off-bank transport, combined with the lateral variability of the Antilles Current intensity, are at the origin of a morphological evolution from west to east in the study area. In the western part, the slope is around twice as large as the eastern part and can be considered as a prograding system. The eastern slope is marked by bypass processes. Indeed, numerous submarine canyons are visible on the seafloor and are connected to several shallow distributary furrows feeding confined depositional areas. An integrated study allows a high resolution characterisation of slides and submarines canyons and enables us to propose a model of formation. These architectural elements are initiated by intra-slope destabilisations and their evolution is controlled by phases of retrogressive erosion,pelagic sedimentation and muddy gravity flows. Finally, a seismo-stratigraphic analysis allow to reconstitutethe tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the slope since the Albian to the present-day by establishing a link with the geodynamic context of Caraïbes, relative sea-level changes and the carbonate production on the platform.
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Rychlé číslicové filtry pro signály EKG / Fast Digital filters for ECG SignalsRáček, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
In the thesis there are described the implementations of various types of filters to remove disturbing signals, which often degrade the ECG signal. In particular, it is a zero isoline fluctuations and power network interference. It is used a principle of the Lynn’s linear filters. The individual filters are designed in a recursive and non-recursive implementation. Then there is described a time-varying linear Lynn's filter for removing drift of zero isoline signal. The thesis also includes filters with minimized calculating time of response, by sampling rate conversion method for both interference types. In conclusion there is an experimental study of the filter implementation for ECG signal with false and real interferences.
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High Resolution Optical Tweezers for Biological StudiesMahamdeh, Mohammed 16 December 2011 (has links)
In the past decades, numerous single-molecule techniques have been developed to investigate individual bio-molecules and cellular machines. While a lot is known about the structure, localization, and interaction partners of such molecules, much less is known about their mechanical properties. To investigate the weak, non-covalent interactions that give rise to the mechanics of and between proteins, an instrument capable of resolving sub-nanometer displacements and piconewton forces is necessary. One of the most prominent biophysical tool with such capabilities is an optical tweezers.
Optical tweezers is a non-invasive all-optical technique in which typically a dielectric microsphere is held by a tightly focused laser beam. This microsphere acts like a microscopic, three-dimensional spring and is used as a handle to study the biological molecule of interest. By interferometric detection methods, the resolution of optical tweezers can be in the picometer range on millisecond time scales. However, on a time scale of seconds—at which many biological reactions take place—instrumental noise such as thermal drift often limits the resolution to a few nanometers. Such a resolution is insufficient to resolve, for example, the ångstrom-level, stepwise translocation of DNA-binding enzymes corresponding to distances between single basepairs of their substrate. To reduce drift and noise, differential measurements, feedback-based drift stabilization techniques, and ‘levitated’ experiments have been developed. Such methods have the drawback of complicated and expensive experimental equipment often coupled to a reduced throughput of experiments due to a complex and serial assembly of the molecular components of the experiments.
We developed a high-resolution optical tweezers apparatus capable of resolving distances on the ångstrom-level over a time range of milliseconds to 10s of seconds in surface-coupled assays. Surface-coupled assays allow for a higher throughput because the molecular components are assembled in a parallel fashion on many probes. The high resolution was a collective result of a number of simple, easy-to-implement, and cost-efficient noise reduction solutions. In particular, we reduced thermal drift by implementing a temperature feedback system with millikelvin precision—a convenient solution for biological experiments since it minimizes drift in addition to enabling the control and stabilization of the experiment’s temperature. Furthermore, we found that expanding the laser beam to a size smaller than the objective’s exit pupil optimized the amount of laser power utilized in generating the trapping forces. With lower powers, biological samples are less susceptible to photo-damage or, vice versa, with the same laser power, higher trapping forces can be achieved. With motorized and automated procedures, our instrument is optimized for high-resolution, high-throughput surface-coupled experiments probing the mechanics of individual biomolecules. In the future, the combination of this setup with single-molecule fluorescence, super-resolution microscopy or torque detection will open up new possibilities for investigating the nanomechanics of biomolecules.
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Understanding Organic Electrochemical TransistorsPaudel, Pushpa Raj 21 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Data-driven Dynamic Baseline Calibration Method for Gas Sensors / Datadriven Dynamisk Baslinjekalibreringsmetod för GassensorerYang, Cheng January 2021 (has links)
Automatic Baseline Correction is the state-of-the-art calibration method of non-dispersive infrared CO2 sensing, which is the standard CO2 gas monitoring method. In this thesis, we improve it by introducing the dynamic baseline based on environmental data. The 96 data sets from 48 atmospheric stations verify the characteristics of the annual growth trend and seasonality of the baseline model. In order to improve the accuracy of the calibration, the k-means clustering method is used to identify different types of baselines. Then the localized dynamic baseline model is predicted by using the location information of the stations only, which provides an executable calibration implementation for dynamic baseline calibration without relying on historical CO2 data. / Automatisk baslinjekorrigering är den senaste kalibreringsmetoden för icke-dispersiv infraröd CO2 avkänning, vilket är standard CO2 gasövervakningsmetod. I denna avhandling förbättrar vi den genom att introducera den dynamiska baslinjen baserat på miljödata. De 96 datamängderna från 48 atmosfärstationer bekräftar egenskaperna för den årliga tillväxttrenden och säsongsmässigheten hos basmodellen. För att förbättra kalibreringens noggrannhet används k-medelklusteringsmetoden för att identifiera olika typer av baslinjer. Därefter förutses den lokaliserade dynamiska baslinjemodellen med endast platsinformationen för stationerna, som ger en körbar kalibreringsimplementering för dynamisk baslinjekalibrering utan att förlita sig på historisk CO2 data.
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Stochastic Motion Stimuli Influence Perceptual Choices in Human ParticipantsFard, Pouyan R., Bitzer, Sebastian, Pannasch, Sebastian, Kiebel, Stefan J. 22 March 2024 (has links)
In the study of perceptual decision making, it has been widely assumed that random fluctuations of motion stimuli are irrelevant for a participant’s choice. Recently, evidence was presented that these random fluctuations have a measurable effect on the relationship between neuronal and behavioral variability, the so-called choice probability. Here, we test, in a behavioral experiment, whether stochastic motion stimuli influence the choices of human participants. Our results show that for specific stochastic motion stimuli, participants indeed make biased choices, where the bias is consistent over participants. Using a computational model, we show that this consistent choice bias is caused by subtle motion information contained in the motion noise. We discuss the implications of this finding for future studies of perceptual decision making. Specifically, we suggest that future experiments should be complemented with a stimulus-informed modeling approach to control for the effects of apparent decision evidence in random stimuli.
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Applications of stochastic control and statistical inference in macroeconomics and high-dimensional dataHan, Zhi 07 January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is dedicated to study the modeling of drift control in foreign exchange reserves management and design the fast algorithm of statistical inference with its application in high dimensional data analysis. The thesis has two parts. The first topic involves the modeling of foreign exchange reserve management as an drift control problem. We show that, under certain conditions, the control band policies are optimal for the discounted cost drift control problem and develop an algorithm to calculate the optimal thresholds of the optimal control band policy. The second topic involves the fast computing algorithm of partial distance covariance statistics with its application in feature screening in high dimensional data. We show that an O(n log n) algorithm for a version of the partial distance covariance exists, compared with the O(n^2) algorithm implemented directly accordingly to its definition. We further propose an iterative feature screening procedure in high dimensional data based on the partial distance covariance. This procedure enjoys two advantages over the correlation learning. First, an important predictor that is marginally uncorrelated but jointly correlated with the response can be picked by our procedure and thus entering the estimation model. Second, our procedure is robust to model mis- specification.
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