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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermoporoelastic Effects of Drilling Fluid Temperature on Rock Drillability at Bit/Formation Interface

Thepchatri, Kritatee 1984- 14 March 2013 (has links)
A drilling operation leads to thermal disturbances in the near-wellbore stress, which is an important cause of many undesired incidents in well drilling. A major cause of this thermal disturbance is the temperature difference between the drilling fluid and the downhole formation. It is critical for drilling engineers to understand this thermal impact to optimize their drilling plans. This thesis develops a numerical model using partially coupled thermoporoelasticity to study the effects of the temperature difference between the drilling fluid and formation in a drilling operation. This study focuses on the thermal impacts at the bit/formation interface. The model applies the finite-difference method for the pore pressure and temperature solutions, and the finite-element method for the deformation and stress solutions. However, the model also provides the thermoporoelastic effects at the wellbore wall, which involves wellbore fractures and wellbore instability. The simulation results show pronounced effects of the drilling fluid temperature on near-wellbore stresses. At the bottomhole area, a cool drilling fluid reduces the radial and tangential effective stresses in formation, whereas the vertical effective stress increases. The outcome is a possible enhancement in the drilling rate of the drill bit. At the wellbore wall, the cool drilling fluid reduces the vertical and tangential effective stresses but raises the radial effective stress. The result is a lower wellbore fracture gradient; however, it benefits formation stability and prevents wellbore collapse. Conversely, the simulation gives opposite induced stress results to the cooling cases when the drilling fluid is hotter than the formation.

Étude expérimentale et théorique de l’effet de la vitesse de coupe sur la forabilité des roches sous pression de boue / Experimental and theoretical study of rate effect on rocks drillability at bottom-hole pressure

Amri, Mohamed 08 July 2016 (has links)
L'optimisation des systèmes de forage nécessite une meilleure compréhension des vibrations indésirables comme le stick-slip. Ce phénomène vibratoire, qui affecte principalement les outils PDC (Polycristalline Diamond Compact), met en péril l'intégrité des équipements de forage et réduit considérablement la vitesse de pénétration de l'outil. Plusieurs travaux ont été menés ces dernières années pour déterminer ses origines. Les observations réalisées en fond de puits montrent que ces oscillations s'accompagnent systématiquement d'une baisse du couple à l'outil en fonction de sa vitesse de rotation. De nombreux groupes de recherche attribuent cette baisse de performance à l'occurrence du stick-slip.L'objectif de ce travail est de développer un modèle élémentaire de coupe qui permet d'analyser l'effet de la vitesse de coupe sur la forabilité des roches dans des conditions opératoires réalistes. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons réalisé une série d'essais de coupe en utilisant des taillants et des outils à échelle réelle dans trois roches de propriétés hydromécaniques différentes, et ceci à pression atmosphérique et sous pression de fluide. Les essais réalisés à pression atmosphérique montrent que les efforts élémentaires de forage augmentent avec la vitesse de coupe. Sous pression de boue, cet effet dépend largement de la perméabilité de la roche. En effet, nous avons observé que l'effet de la vitesse est relativement faible dans les formations de faible et de moyenne perméabilité sous pression de boue de 20 MPa. En revanche, cet effet augmente d'un ordre de grandeur dans les roches très perméables.Afin de comprendre ces observations, nous avons développé un modèle hydromécanique d'interaction taillant-roche construit à partir de la théorie de la poroélastoplasticité. D'abord, le problème est résolu analytiquement en s'inspirant des travaux existants. Par la suite, nous avons apporté une résolution numérique aux éléments finis des équations de la promécanique appliquées à la coupe des roches sous pression de boue. Les deux modèles montrent que le phénomène de dilatance génère une baisse de la pression de pore qui augmente la résistance de la roche au forage. Cette chute de pression dépend de la vitesse de coupe ainsi que des caractéristiques hydrodynamiques de la roche. Les résultats théoriques ont été comparés aux nombreux résultats expérimentaux obtenus dans le cadre de ce travail. / The optimization of the drilling practice requires a better understanding of drillstring harmful vibrations such as stick-slip. This form of torsional vibrations is a typical problem of PDC (Polycristalline Diamond Compact) drillbits. It can reduce the rate of penetration drastically and can raise fatigue of the drilling devices. Many attempts were carried out in the last years in order to determine the causes of stick-slip phenomenon. Field observations show that torque on bit decreases as a function of bit velocity during stick-slip oscillations. Hence, it is widely believed that this decreasing relationship is the root cause of stick-slip.The purpose of this work is to examine cutting speed influence on rock drillability as a function of operating conditions and hydromechanical properties of the drilled formation. For this, a set of drilling tests was performed in three sedimentary rocks of different permeability using a full scale PDC drillbit and a single PDC cutter. In the first step, dry tests were carried out at atmospheric pressure. As previously observed in literature, single-cutter tests showed that drilling forces increase with cutting velocity. In a second step, we performed the same experiments at 20 MPa bottom-hole pressure. It appears that rate effect on cutting forces in the medium and low-permeability rocks is relatively low. By contrast, rate effect in the highly permeable rock increases by one order of magnitude in comparison with dry experiments.In order to understand this phenomenon, a steady state solution of the cutting model is derived in the framework of the theory of poroelastoplasticity. The problem is firstly solved analytically using some assumptions derived from previous works. Then, a numerical resolution based on finite element method is presented to solve the fully coupled problem ensuring the satisfaction of poro-material physics basic equations. Using these two different approaches, we show that pore pressure in shear-dilatant rocks decreases as a function of cutting velocity depending on rock permeability and interstitial fluid properties. This change has a hardening effect resulting in an increase of rock drilling resistance. Comparison between theory and experience shows good agreements.

Effects of high temperatures in the physical, mechanical, and drilling features of Prada limestone.

Martínez Ibáñez, Víctor 18 June 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta investigación se centra en la caliza de Prada, una formación del Cretácico inferior ubicada en la zona sur pirenaica de Cataluña (España). Se tomaron muestras de roca de sondeos perforados durante la etapa de diseño del túnel de Tres Ponts. El trabajo aquí presentado explora diferentes aspectos relacionados con el comportamiento térmi-co de la caliza de Prada y las consecuencias derivadas en el túnel de Tres Ponts. En primer lugar, este trabajo describe la variación en las propiedades texturales, físicas y mecánicas de la caliza de Prada después de ser sometida a temperaturas de entre 105 y 600 ºC, y luego enfriada a un ritmo lento o mediante templado, y determina las tem-peraturas clave y los métodos de enfriamiento que afectan más la estabilidad en caso de incendio en el túnel de Tres Ponts. En segundo lugar, esta investigación se centra en las causas y mecanismos implicados en el comportamiento explosivo y la liberación de gas sulfuroso observado en una fracción gris oscuro de muestras de caliza de Prada. Las implicaciones de tales muestras de color gris oscuro son críticas en infraestructuras subterráneas y en minería, ya que el potencial explosivo de esas muestras conlleva el riesgo de fracturación masiva y de disminución brusca en la resistencia. Además, el gas sulfuroso liberado tiene efectos nocivos sobre la salud de las personas y el poten-cial de formar compuestos ácidos que corroen los materiales, acortando su durabilidad y aumentando los costes de mantenimiento. Posteriormente, este trabajo determina si el tratamiento térmico sobre la caliza de Prada tiene un efecto significativo en facilitar su perforabilidad. Comprender la variación en el rendimiento de perforación de la caliza de Prada tratada térmicamente ayudaría a mejorar la eficiencia de los medios mecánicos de excavación. Finalmente, se proponen algunas correlaciones para deter-minar indirectamente las características de resistencia, deformación y perforabilidad de la caliza de Prada tras ser tratada térmicamente, a partir de pruebas simples, rápidas y no destructivas. / [CA] Aquesta investigació es centra en la calcària de Prada, una formació del Cretaci inferior situada a la zona sud pirinenca de Catalunya (Espanya). Es van prendre mostres de roca de sondejos perforats durant l'etapa de disseny del túnel de Tres Ponts. El treball aquí presentat explora diferents aspectes relacionats amb el comportament tèrmic de la calcària de Prada i les conseqüències derivades al túnel de Tres Ponts. En primer lloc, aquest treball descriu la variació en les propietats texturals, físiques i mecàniques de la calcària de Prada després de ser tractada a temperatures d'entre 105 i 600 ºC, i després refredada a un ritme lent o ràpid, i determina les temperatures clau i els mètodes de refredament que afecten més l'estabilitat en cas d'incendi al túnel de Tres Ponts. En segon lloc, aquesta investigació es centra en les causes i mecanismes implicats en el comportament explosiu i l'alliberament de gas sulfurós observat en una fracció gris fosc de mostres de calcària de Prada. Les implicacions de tals mostres de color gris fosc són crítiques en infraestructures subterrànies i en mineria, ja que el potencial explosiu d'aquestes mostres comporta el risc de fracturació massiva i de disminució brusca en la resistència. A més, el gas sulfurós alliberat té efectes nocius sobre la salut de les persones i el potencial de formar compostos àcids que corroeixen els materials, retallant la seua durabilitat i augmentant els costos de manteniment. Posteriorment, aquest treball determina si el tractament tèrmic sobre la calcària de Prada té un efecte significatiu en facilitar la seua perforabilitat. Comprendre la variació en el rendiment de perforació de la calcària de Prada tractada tèrmicament ajudaria a millorar l'eficièn-cia dels mitjans mecànics d'excavació. Finalment, es proposen algunes correlacions per determinar indirectament les característiques de resistència, deformació i perforabilitat de la calcària de Prada després de ser tractada tèrmicament, a partir de proves simples, ràpides i no destructives. / [EN] This research is focused on Prada limestone, a lower Cretaceous formation located in the Catalan south Pyrenean zone (Spain). Rock samples were taken from boreholes drilled during the design stage of the Tres Ponts Tunnel. The work presented here explores different aspects related to the thermal behaviour of Prada limestone and the derived consequences on the Tres Ponts Tunnel. Firstly, this work reports the variation in the textural, physical, and mechanical properties of Prada limestone after being heated at temperatures of between 105 and 600 ºC and then cooled at a slow rate or by quenching and determines key temperatures and cooling methods that would most affect stability in case of a fire in the Tres Ponts Tunnel. Secondly, this research fo-cuses on the causes and mechanisms involved in the explosive behaviour and release of sulphurous gas observed on a dark grey fraction of samples from Prada limestone. Implications of such dark grey samples are critical in underground infrastructure and mining engineering works, as the explosive potential of that sample represents risk of mass fracturing and dramatic strength decay. Moreover, the sulphurous gas released has harmful health effects and may form acid compounds that corrode materials, shorten their durability, and increase maintenance costs. Later, this work determines if thermal treatment on Prada limestone has a significant effect on improving its drilla-bility. Understanding the variation in the drilling performance of the thermally treated Prada limestone would help improve the efficiency of mechanical excavation means. Finally, some correlations are proposed to indirectly determine the strength, deformational, and drillability features of Prada limestone after being thermally treated from simple, quick and non-destructive tests. / This research was partially supported by the Spanish Government [grant number RTI2018-099052-B-I00], also the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Alicante through projects UAUSTI19-25 and UAUSTI20-20, and by the Departamento de Ingeniería del Terreno at the Universitat Politècnica de València. / Martínez Ibáñez, V. (2021). Effects of high temperatures in the physical, mechanical, and drilling features of Prada limestone [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171023 / Compendio

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