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Defenzivní jízda / Defensive driveZapletalová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of driver education and practice safe, dangerous and aggressive driving. The aim is to map the issue of safe and defensive driving and define the principles of defensive driving. The first part deals with the theory of defensive driving, which analyzes psychologically and legally sides of that problem. Another part deals with road safety, which is described in the context of direct and indirect indicators of road safety. The research then analyzes in detail the specific situation on the road that leads to accidents. This analysis is performed on based data of real accidents. Of particular situations accidents are then defined the principles of defensive driving.
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Úprava nanomanipulátoru používaného v elektronovém mikroskopu / Modification of nanomanipulator used in electron microscopeHabarka, Ondrej January 2016 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je zlepšit chování nanomanipulátoru, používaného v elektronovém mikroskopu, při vykonávaní nejmenších kroků pohybu. První částí je analýza mechanismu za účelem nalezení možných řešení problému. Dále se práce zabývá testováním řešení jako je optimalizace tuhosti předepínacích pružin mechanismu anebo změna mazání šnekového převodu mechanismu. Výsledkem práce je výběr nejvhodnějšího řešení problému na základě výsledků testů a následná modifikace nanomanipulátoru.
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Modélisation des émissions conduites de mode commun d'une chaîne électromécanique : Optimisation paramétrique de l'ensemble convertisseur filtres sous contraintes CEM / Conducted electromagnetic emissions modeling in adjustable speed motor drive systems : Parametric studies and optimization of an inverter and filters under EMC constraintsDos Santos, Victor 07 March 2019 (has links)
Au cours de ces dernières décennies, les avionneurs n’ont cessé d’augmenter la puissance électrique embarquée à bord des avions. Cette intensification de l’usage de l’électricité, dans le but de rationaliser les énergies secondaires de l’avion (pneumatique, hydraulique, mécanique) constitue le fondement du concept de l’avion plus électrique. Une des contreparties de l’augmentation du nombre de charges électriques réside dans le fait qu’elles doivent fonctionner dans le même environnement électromagnétique, ce qui engendre des problèmes de compatibilité. Cette discipline a été traitée jusqu’à présent en fin de développement d’un système, avant l’étape de la certification et de l’intégration sur avion. La prise en compte de ces contraintes dès la phase de conception, via l’estimation des perturbations électromagnétiques conduites et rayonnées par simulation, peut permettre d’importants gains de temps et de coûts en réduisant les phases d’essais. La première étape de ce projet de recherche est la mise en place d’une approche de modélisation compatible avec les processus d’optimisation. Il est alors indispensable de prendre en compte l’ensemble des sous-systèmes qui composent la chaîne électromécanique, à savoir les RSILs, les câbles, le convertisseur et le moteur. L’approche de modélisation choisie est de type directe ; elle consiste à représenter la chaîne électromécanique dans la base de mode commun par des quadripôles. Ce modèle générique permet d’estimer les courants de mode commun directement dans le domaine fréquentiel en différents points du système. Par ailleurs, afin d’être compétitif vis-à-vis des autres vecteurs d’énergie présents sur avion, la densité de puissance des systèmes électriques doit être drastiquement augmentée. L’introduction des semi conducteurs grands gaps à base de Carbure de Silicium (SiC) permet de contribuer à l’augmentation de la densité de puissance des électroniques de puissance. Cependant, dans ces travaux de thèse, nous veillons à la non régression des performances au niveau système et notamment vis-à-vis de l’impact des émissions électromagnétiques conduites de mode commun. Une fois les modèles en émission établis, diverses solutions de filtrage sont étudiées : filtrage passif externe et interne. Une démarche d’optimisation multi-objectifs (masse, pertes) et multi contraintes (qualité réseau, stabilité, CEM, thermique, etc.) est proposée. Des études de sensibilité mettent en évidence les variables de conception ayant le plus d’impact sur les émissions conduites. Cette approche permet le dimensionnement optimal des composants de l’onduleur (module de puissance, dissipateur, filtres de mode commun et de mode différentiel, paramètres de la commande rapprochée). Les résultats obtenus grâce à l’algorithme génétique employé permettent de construire des courbes de tendance utiles pour l’aide au dimensionnement. / Over the last decades, aircraft manufacturers have not ceased to increase the electrical power on board aircrafts. This intensification of the use of electricity, in order to rationalize the secondary energies of the aircraft, lays the foundation for the concept of the More Electric Aircraft (MEA). One of the counterparts to increasing the number of the electrical loads is that they must operate in the same electromagnetic environment, which creates compatibility issues. This discipline has been treated so far at the end of the development of a system, before the stage of certification and aircraft integration. Taking into account these constraints from the design phase, via the estimationof conducted and radiated electromagnetic disturbances by simulation, significant time and costs savings could be achieved by reducing the test phases. The first step of this research project is the implementation of a modeling approach suitable with optimization processes. It is then essential to take into account all subsystems that form the electromechanical drive, namely the LISNs, the cables, the power converter and the electric motor. The modeling approach chosen is of the direct type; it consists of representing the electromechanical chain in the common mode base by two ports networks. This generic model allows us to estimate common mode currents directly in the frequency domain at different locations. Besides, one of the main challenges associated to MEA is thus to drastically increase the power density of electrical power systems, without compromising on reliability. The development of new Wide Bandgap (WBG) semiconductor technologies made of Silicon Carbide, can significantly increase efficiency, performance and power density of adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Nevertheless, due to their higher switching speed and voltage overshoot, WBG semiconductors used in power converters of an electromechanical chain may have some drawbacks when it comes to ElectroMagnetic Interference. Understanding the switching behavior of WBG components is necessary in order to keep switching speed and overvoltage at a reasonable level. In this PhD thesis, we ensure that the introduction of this emerging technology does not lead to a regression of performance at system level. Once we establish the conducted emissions models, different filtering solutions have been used: external and internal passive filters. An optimization dedicated to the resolution of a multi-objectives problem (mass, losses) and multi-constraints (quality, stability, EMC, thermal, etc.) in order to minimize the mass of the converter is accomplished. Sensitivity studies led to the identification of the design variables which have the biggest impacts on conducted emissions. This tool allows the optimal sizing of the inverter’s components (power module, heat sink, common mode and differential mode filters, close control parameters). The results obtained thanks to the use of a genetic algorithm make it possible to develop trend curvesfor an inverter sizing.
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Bestimmung der Übertragungsgüte von RiementriebenLanger, Peter January 2015 (has links)
Der zentrale Antrieb von Maschinen erfolgt häufig über einen Riementrieb, da eine Drehzahlanpassung einfach und kostengünstig zu realisieren ist. Für Maschinen mit hohen verarbeitungstechnischen Forderungen hinsichtlich der Qualität, z.B. zerspanende Werkzeugmaschinen oder Druckmaschinen, ist oftmals die Übertragungsgüte des Riementriebes der begrenzende Faktor für Leistungssteigerungen oder Qualitätsverbesserungen. Aus der Übertragungsgüte des Riementriebes resultieren dynamische Kräfte/ Momente, die als dynamischer Erreger in der Maschine wirken. Um den Einfluss der Übertragungsgüte eines Riementriebes zu verstehen, ist das dynamische Verhalten der gesamten Maschine notwendig zu betrachten. Dies wird kurz am Beispiel einer Druckmaschine erläutert. Grundvoraussetzung zur Verbesserung der Übertragungsgüte eines Riementriebes ist eine wiederholbare messtechnische Bestimmung der Übertragungsgüte. Die in der KBA genutzte und dazu entwickelte Methodik wird vorgestellt.
Aus der messtechnischen Untersuchung zur Übertragungsgüte werden Frequenzbereichssowie Zeitbereichsergebnisse für die untersuchten Poly-V-Riemen präsentiert und interpretiert. Die ermittelten Abhängigkeiten, die vom Riemen selbst resultieren, sowie aus dem Zusammenwirken aller Bauteile eines Riementriebes beruhen, werden diskutiert. Die vorgestellte Methodik zur Bestimmung der Riemengüte ist nicht auf die Untersuchung von Poly-V-Riemen oder Riementrieben beschränkt und kann für alle gleichförmig übersetzenden Getriebe genutzt werden. Die Methodik ermöglicht nachfolgend eine extrem präzise Bestimmung der Übertragungsgüte. / The main drive of a machine is usually transferred through a belt drive as adjustments to speed can be carried out easily and cost effectively. The transmission quality of a belt drive is often a limiting factor when improving performance or quality for machines with technologically high finishing demands regarding quality, e.g. drilling and milling machines or printing presses. Dynamic forces/moments, which work as dynamic exciters in a machine, result from the transmission quality. In order to understand the influence of a belt drive’s transmission quality it is necessary to look at the dynamic behavior of an entire machine. This will be briefly explained using a printing press as an example. A repeatable metrological determination of the transmission quality is key to improving a belt drive’s transmission quality. The method developed and used at KBA will be presented in this article. The frequency range and time range results for the tested poly-V-belts from this metrological study on transmission quality will be presented and interpreted. Identified dependencies which result from the belts as well as the collective effect of all the components in a belt drive will be discussed in this article. The frequency range and time range results for the tested poly-V-belts from this metrological study on transmission quality will be presented and interpreted. Identified dependencies which result from the belts as well as the collective effect of all the components in a belt drive will be discussed in this article. The method presented for determining belt quality is not just limited to inspecting poly-V-belts or belt drives, it can be used for all uniform transmission gears. It allows transmission quality to be determined extremely precisely.
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Automatisierte Konfiguration des Antriebsstrangs bei der Projektierung dieselelektrischer SchienenfahrzeugeSiegel, Ronny 10 July 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt als Ziel Algorithmen zur anwendungsbezogenen Komponen-tenauswahl und Antriebskonfiguration dieselelektrischer Schienenfahrzeuge zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Aus modellierten Einzelkomponenten werden automatisiert virtuelle Antriebsstränge generiert, anhand einer vorgebbaren Transportaufgabe simulationstechnisch bewertet und miteinander verglichen. Aus den Berechnungsergebnissen kann die für die vorgegebenen Randbedingungen am besten geeignete Antriebskonfiguration ermittelt werden. Zum Verifizieren der Ergebnisse wurden messtechnische Untersuchungen durch-geführt.
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High-response hydraulic linear drive with integrated motion sensor and digital valve controlŠimic, Marko, Herakovič, Niko January 2016 (has links)
Main purpose of the paper is to present high-response hydraulic linear drive, which is controlled with new digital piezo valve and where the new position transducer is integrated as a part of hydraulic cylinder. Hydraulic digital piezo valve with main static and dynamic characteristics as well as its functionality is presented in detail. The main static and dynamic characteristics of dygital piezo valve which influence directly on the linear drive performance are high resolution of the volume flow rate and high resposne of the valve. Beside valve characteristics the new integrated position transducer, the digital controller and control method, presented in the paper, have major impact on linear drive preformance. At the end of the paper the step response and position
resolution of the hydraulic linear drive controlled with the new digital valve is compared with the results of reference hydraulic drive controlled with high response proportional valve.
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Prediction of the thermo-energetic behaviour of an electrohydraulic compact driveMichel, Sebastian, Weber, Jürgen January 2016 (has links)
Due to good energy-efficiency of electrohydraulic compact drives a cooling aggregate often is not installed. The operating temperature is governed by the complex interaction between dissipative heat input and passive heat output. This paper targets the simulation of the thermo-energetic behaviour of an electrohydraulic compact drive by means of a lumped parameter model in order to predict the operating temperature. The developed thermo-hydraulic model is validated against measurements utilising thermocouples and a thermographic camera to capture temperatures. The results show, that the presented methodology enables a satisfying accurate prediction of the thermo-energetic behaviour of electrohydraulic compact drives. A further analysis of simulation results is given, highlighting the power losses and heat rejection capabilities of different components. Finally, measures for the improvement of the heat rejection capabilities are studied.
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On the Compensation of Dynamic Reaction Forces in Stationary MachineryRadermacher, Tobias, Lübbert, Jan, Weber, Jürgen January 2016 (has links)
This paper studies a method for active electrohydraulic force compensation in industrial scale high power applications. A valve controlled cylinder moves a mass using the force of inertia to compensate for the reaction forces of an industrial process. Two strategies for force compensation are developed and investigated in a 160 ton clamping unit of an injection moulding machine to significantly reduce the excitation. Results of the different strategies are shown and evaluated. Advantages and drawbacks of the developed electrohydraulic force compensation are discussed.
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Modeling and Design of the Electric Drivetrain for the 2013 Research Concept VehicleCamacho Silva, Leandro January 2013 (has links)
The research for electric vehicles has been growing during last years and the development of electric drive trains can be considered a main challenge. This thesis presents the electric drive train of the research concept vehicle (RCV) 2013, with particular focus on electric machines, motor controllers, and the communication system. In the first part of this thesis, the electric drive train configuration and components are described. In-wheel motors are proposed which is a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM). This technology allows the use of autonomous corner modules (ACM) increasing the quality and safety of the system. Each of the four in-wheel motors has a controller enabling the use of torque or speed control mode. Furthermore, a dSPACE unit provides the total control of the system by CAN bus. Additionally, the dSPACE ControlDesk interface used to control the drive system is presented. In the second part, the heat sink of the AC Drive is investigated by measurements and analytical calculations. Furthermore, the motor temperature at different loads is also presented and discussed. Finally, the efficiency of an in-wheel motor (PRA 230) is studied. Also the efficiency of the motor controller is estimated and discussed.
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Evaluation of genetic engineering and genome editing tools to develop multifactorial reproductive sterility or killing sperm systems for the improvement of the Sterile Insect TechniqueEckermann, Kolja Neil 19 October 2021 (has links)
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