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Pomocná jeřábová kočka licího jeřábu / Auxiliary crab for overhead foundry craneAdam, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with issue design of crab trolley. Concretely is acted about auxiliary crab trolley with required capacity 65 000 kg. This crab is on overhead crane, which is situated at hall of foundry. In particular chapters is processed design of lifting mechanism and travelling mechanism, which is amended to strength control of frame. This whole leads to output solutions, which is drawing documentation.
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Návrh kotveného stojanu vřetenového lisu s přímým pohonem / Design of multiple-part frame of screw press with direct driveSobotka, Radek January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this term project is the design of cast multiple-part frame of screw press with direct drive with stated parameters for heavypressing. The first part consists of a research in the field of screw presses focused on the construction of the frame and current manufacturers of the screw presses. The second part is aimed at the design of the frame according to specified parameters. The thesis includes press layout drawing, frame assembly drawing, selected detail drawings and 3D model of the frame.
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Zvedací plošina / Vehicle hoistDítě, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with searches different types of lift tables. Create design of several lift tables with different drive of platform for load capacity 800 kg and stroke 700 mm. Compare this solution. Selection suitable alternatives of Kwapil & Co GmbH company. Drafting assembly drawings of several alternatives.
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Návrh koncepce zakladače SMC se symetricky umístěným hnacím členem / Design of an SMC Storage Machine with a Symmetrically Placed Driving ElementPlesník, Dalibor January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents design solution of SMC storage machine (Schäfer Miniload Crane) with symmetrically placed driving element towards blocks of idle pulleys. Solution of SMC storage machine with symmetrically placed driving element could reduce excessive abrasion of idle pulleys and contribute to more stable ride on the rail.
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Řídicí modul BLDC motoru / BLDC Motor Control ModuleMorávek, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes design and realization of hardware and software for controlling and regulation of the high-speed drive with BLDC motor, which will serve as a spindle for CNC milling machine. The thesis described in detail the schematic design and the design of printed circuit board of the power part, control part and power supply part of the three-phase transistor inverter controlled by DSP processor. It is also described in detail program of DSP processor for controlling and regulation of the BLDC motors, which the function is verified by the final measurements. The result of Diploma thesis is functional high-speed drive with BLDC motor.
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Dynamický model harmonické převodovky / Dynamic Model of Harmonic GearboxGarami, Boris January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of a dynamic model of a harmonic drive. It includes a theoretical study aimed at the analysis of the harmonic drive gearing principle and its nonlinear properties. The first part of the practical section deals with the analytical calculation of the nondeformed geometry of the Flexspline. Based on these results, several simulations in ANSYS are created to identify torsional characteristics of a harmonic drive. These simulation models are further enhanced by the analysis of clearance, backlash and inaccuracies and their impact on torsional properties. By using MATLAB /Simulink, several dynamic submodels are created representing the individual characteristics of nonlinearities in harmonic drives. Furthermore, a comprehensive dynamic model is created of the mechatronic system which is describing all nonlinearities and kinematic error of the transmission. The dynamic model is also experimentally verified based on its damping properties.
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Řízení servopohonu tříosého rotačního stolku / Control of a servo-drive for a 3-axial rotary tableTrizna, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis Control of one servo-drive of three-axis rotary table is to develop a real-time motion control solution for the commercially available servo drives on the base of perspective solution available in the industry and the implementation of the chosen solution. The project includes the description of the current solution for the rotary table control, the description of suitable on the market available controllers, the rotary table control design for two selected controllers, the designed model on the base of identificated parameters of DC engine, the design of current, velocity and position regulators for the servo drive control, the servo drive control implementation by two selected controllers ESCON and EPOS2, the servo drive control function verification and the evaluation of achieved results.
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Oprava metadat souborov©ho syst©mu FAT32 / Repairing FAT32 file systemKoneÄn, Tom January 2017 (has links)
This work relates to problematics of FAT32 file system metadata recovery from damaged flash drive or memory card and design of program capable of such recovery and comparision with existing solution for this task.
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Hochempfindliche resonante Gassensoren auf der Basis von einkristallinen Silizium-PlattenschwingernGrahmann, Jan 08 May 2008 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Modellerstellung und
Technologie eines gravimetrischen Gassensors für organische Gase. Die
Besonderheit liegt in dem verwendeten Resonatortyp. Es handelt sich um einen
lateral elektrostatisch angeregten quadratischen Plattenresonator, der mit
einer Rezeptorschicht versehen wird. Mit Hilfe von FEM-Berechnungen werden die
Eigenfrequenzen und Eigenformen berechnet. Für die untersuchte Lamé- und
Square-Mode wird die Sensorgüte unter Berücksichtigung des
"Squeeze-Film-Damping" sowie der viskoelastischen Rezeptorschichteigenschaften
bestimmt. Die Sensormoden werden durch ein Feder-Masse-Modell mit einem
Freiheitsgrad modelliert und durch ein elektrisches Ersatzschaltbild
repräsentiert. Die berechneten Nachweisgrenzen für Oktan und Toluol bei
6-facher Rauschgrenze liegen im zweistelligen ppb-Bereich. Für die
technologische Umsetzung werden SOI-Wafer verwendet. Die ≤ 100 nm betragenden
Spaltbreiten zwischen Elektroden und Resonator werden durch das RIE-Ätzen von
Siliziumgräben mit senkrechten Seitenwänden, der Abscheidung von SiO2 als
Opferschicht und dem Füllen der Gräben mit hochdotiertem Polysilizium
hergestellt. Die Kontaktierung der Resonatoren erfolgt über einen leitenden
Stamm, der aufgrund von selbstjustierenden Prozessen die Resonatorplatte
zentriert einspannt. / The following work is concerned with the modelling and fabrication technology of a gravimetric sensor for volatile organic compounds (VOC). Novelty is the combination of a lateral electrostatic driven square plate resonator with a gas sensitive detection layer. The eigenfrequencies and -modes are calculated with FEM simulations. Especially suited for gas sensors are the Lamé- and Square eigenmodes which are studied more closely. The quality factor is determined considering "squeeze film damping" and the viscoelastic properties of the gas sensitive detection layer. To present the sensor oscillation modes a spring mass model with one degree of freedom is determined and extended by an equivalent circuit diagram. The calculated limits of detections for octane and toluene are in the binary ppb-range, working with six times the limit of frequency noise. SOI-wafers are the base material for the sensor process flow. Electrode gaps ≤100 nm, essential for the electrostatic drive, are fabricated by RIE-etching vertical trenches into the device layer down to the buried oxide and by depositing a silicon dioxide as sacrifical layer and by refilling the trenches with highly doped polysilicon. The electrical contact of the resonator plate is ensured through an electrical conducting polysilicon stem. The developed process flow enables a self alignment ot the stem, clamping the plate centered.
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9. Kolloquium Getriebetechnik: TagungsbandBerger, Maik 29 September 2011 (has links)
Das Kolloquium Getriebetechnik findet seit 1995 im zweijährigen Turnus statt. Im aktuellen Tagungsband zum 9. Kolloquium in Chemnitz werden in 22 Fachbeiträgen aktuelle Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte aus den Gebieten der Bewegungs-, Getriebe,- und Antriebstechnik, Berechnung und Simulation bis hin zu internetbasierten Wissensportalen vorgestellt. Besondere Themenschwerpunkte sind einerseits die aktuellen und zukünftigen Ausbildungsstrategien im Themengebiet der ungleichmäßig übersetzenden Getriebe an den Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. Andererseits werden die aktuellen F&E-Aktivitäten der einzelnen Professuren und Institute sowie Applikationen von Firmen präsentiert. Dabei stehen heute neben den mechatronischen Antriebssystemen auch verstärkt werkstofftechnisch bzw. bionisch geprägte Konzeptideen im Focus. Neben neuen und effizienten CAD-Lösungsstrategien zeigen die Beiträge ganzheitliche Lösungsansätze sowie den Einsatz der Mehrkörpersimulation und FEM im Umfeld der Getriebeentwicklung.
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