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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characteristics and service needs of the pregnant substance abusing population

Jones-Castillo, Jennifer Lynn 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Drug court: Using diversion to supervise and treat an escalating drug offender population

Davis, Laura 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Sexo, drogas e... histórias em quadrinhos!!!: política de consciência e economia do prazer nos quadrinhos alternativos brasileiros pós-ditadura (1985-1995) / Sex, drugs and comics: politics of conscience and economy of pleasure in alternative comics in postdictatorial Brazil (1985-1995)

Thomé, Luciano 11 March 2019 (has links)
A presente tese visa compreender os significados históricos de uma faceta da produção de histórias em quadrinhos alternativas brasileiras do período pós-ditadura civil-militar no Brasil, de 1985 a 1995. A partir da constatação de que as temáticas da sexualidade e do uso de drogas ilícitas assumem importância ímpar no âmago dessa produção, inclusive inaugurando ou aprofundando discursos e representações sobre tais matérias na indústria cultural brasileira do período, buscamos analisá-las detidamente nesse recorte para compor um quadro abrangente de suas motivações e racionalidades. Foram observadas relações de tais matérias com problemáticas da segunda metade do século XX dos movimentos da Contracultura internacional, de divergências políticas no âmbito das esquerdas, das dinâmicas das subculturas urbanas, bem como de conexões com fórmulas emotivas na longa duração de tradições iconográficas. Verificamos que as iniciativas discursivas dos quadrinhos alternativos inserem-se em um movimento de reorientação das ações políticas no âmbito cultural que contribuíram para a incorporação de pautas políticas relacionadas a questões ligadas à autogestão do corpo, à pluralidade identitária e, mais pragmática e incisivamente, à liberdade de expressão durante a reconstrução social de um regime democrático. / This thesis aims to further understand the historical meanings of the alternative comics production in Brazil during a postdictatorial time interval that goes from 1985 to 1995. The starting point is that in the examined artistic output the themes of sexuality and illicit drug use acquire unique and central significance, which results in these matters being introduced or unforeseenly developed in terms of discourse and representation in the context of that period\'s brazilian culture industry. We then proceed to meticulously analyze this scope in order to arrive at a comprehensive depiction of its underlying motivations and rationalities. In doing so, we observe relations to the problematics of international Counterculture movements of the second half of the twentieth century, to internal disputes of groups to the left of the political spectrum, to the dynamics of urban subcultures, as well as to the Pathosformeln in long enduring iconographical traditions. We find that the discursive initiatives of brazilian alternative graphic novels participate in a movement towards reorientation of political action regarding culture which assisted in bringing about a greater incorporation of topics relating to self-governance of the body, plurality of identity, and, in a more pragmatic and incisive way, the role and importance of freedom of speech in the midst of social reconstruction of a democratic regimen.


Svensson, Emma, Nora, Thörner January 2019 (has links)
Socialt arbete tar sig många gånger uttryck genom mellanmänskliga möten och relationer. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva socialsekreterares syn på relationens betydelse mellan socialsekreterare och klienter med beroendeproblematik. Sex socialsekreterare från olika stadsområdesförvaltningar i Malmö stad som arbetar med klienter med beroendeproblematik intervjuades för att få en bild av deras syn på bemötandets och alliansens betydelse i mötet med klienten samt hur de ser på maktobalansen i mötet med klienter. Studien konstaterar att det råder en maktobalans i mötet mellan socialsekreterare och klient.För att få klienten att känna sig trygg i mötet med socialsekreteraren kan relationen användas som ett verktyg. Informanterna menar att relationen i de flesta fall har en stor betydelse för att få tillträde till klientens berättelse och vad hen vill med sin förändringsprocess. Faktorer som klientens tidigare erfarenheter av myndigheter, tidspress och maktobalansen mellan dem kan försvåra för socialsekreteraren att skapa en god relation med sin klient och således tillsammans bygga en allians. Det finns en motstridighet i att samtliga informanter upplever att många av deras klienter har blivit dåligt bemötta av andra myndighetspersoner, medan de själva uttrycker att de alltid försöker bemöta sina klienter väl. / Social work, generally consists interpersonal treatment and relations. The aim of this study was to describe the point of view among social welfare secretaries concerning the significance of the relation between social welfare secretaries and clients with drug abuse. Six social welfare secretaries from different social services in Malmö, working with clients with abuse participated in interviews. Data was gathered by means of interviews, focusing the relative importance of alliance and power in their daily work with clients. The study states that there is imbalance of power when social welfare secretaries and clients meet. The social welfare secretary can use the relation as a tool to make the client feel comfortable and secure in the encounter with the social welfare secretary. The informants implies that the relation is significant in most cases to get access to the client's story and also to investigate the clients understanding and desires. Elements such as the clients earlier experiences of authorities, time pressure, and the imbalance of power between the social welfare secretary and the client can aggravate for the social welfare secretary to build a good relation with the client and eventually a strong alliance. There is a contradiction in the way our informants describes how they treat their clients well and states that they are trying to build a good relationship with them, when on the other hand, all of our informants claims that most of their clients have bad experiences when it comes to meeting authorities.

Arbete med föräldraskap och relationen föräldrar-barn - inom öppenvårdsbehandling för missbruk

Cimmerbeck, Elsa, Axelsson, Sara January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how social workers in outpatient programs fordrug and alcohol abuse explain the process of working with parenthood and theparental ability amongst clients with children. The study was conducted throughqualitative interviews with five different social workers, who worked within anoutpatient programs. The analysis was done through two different perspectives; onewith focus on the clients engagement in different social systems and one regarding theclients relationships and interaction with others. The main findings of this study arethat the outpatient programs work with parenthood is initiated through the client'sown wishes to work on certain aspects of the parent-child relationship, and indialogue with social workers and other members of the outpatient program. It wasalso discovered that children were involved in the therapeutic work to some extent,but that working with parenthood also revolved around the client being able toexpress feelings of shame and guilt, and how to overcome these feelings with the helpof the social workers and fellow outpatients.

Harm Reduction Panel

Brooks, Billy 17 August 2018 (has links)
Objectives are (1) Describe HIV/HCV prevalence in TN and Central Appalachia; (2) Understand syringe access in pharmacy settings. Identify and refer clients to local syringe service programs.

A Local Prescription for Success

Pack, Robert P., Loyd, S., Hagaman, Angela M., McCaffrey, A., Livesay, S. 01 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Prescribing a Healthier Tennessee

Drevzehner, John, Monkeboe, Lori, Hagaman, Angela M., Farmer, Tommy 18 March 2015 (has links)
Tennessee is ranked second in the nation for pain relievers also known as "opioid" prescriptions and it's affecting individuals, families and communities. Please join us as Tennessee Commissioner of Health Dr. John Dreyzehner kicks off this session with a plenary presentation of our health status as a state, an overview of the main challenges we are facing in this multifaceted issue, and ways we can work together to shape our environment for a healthier future. In conjunction with Governor Haslam's Prescription for Success initiative for Tennessee, partners across the state are supporting the efforts of the lead agency, the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service, to improve the health and safety of our residents. The panel participants will discuss current and future efforts to secure additional drug disposal options, revise and improve state and local legislation, develop proactive workforce programs, and more.

National Prevention Week: A Focus on Prescription Drug Misuse

Mathis, Stephanie M. 01 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Appalachian Environmental Cancer Communication Workshop

Brooks, Billy, Blackley, David, Quinn, Megan 29 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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