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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuição ao desenvolvimento de técnicas de monitoramento remoto para blocos de fundação de edifícios em concreto armado com vistas à durabilidade. / Contribution to the development of techniques to remote monitoring for foundation building blocks in concrete with a view to durability.

Gilberto Nery de Araújo Neto 30 November 2011 (has links)
Durante muito tempo as estruturas de concreto foram consideradas livres de manutenção, ou seja, estruturas quase eternas a menos que fossem sobrecarregadas ou destruídas intencionalmente ou por acidente. Esse pensamento caiu por terra nas últimas décadas quando várias estruturas de concreto começaram a apresentar problemas degradando-se bem mais rápido que o esperado. O monitoramento estrutural nasceu da necessidade de acessar a condição de segurança de uma estrutura de forma mais rápida, precisa e com o benefício de criar uma base de dados sobre a estrutura monitorada. O monitoramento de edifícios ainda é um assunto pouco abordado nas pesquisas e publicações. O alto custo agregado às pontes, viadutos e outras grandes estruturas atraem o interesse de pesquisadores e fabricantes de equipamentos. O problema escolhido como alvo no monitoramento a ser desenvolvido foi a degradação de blocos de fundações em concreto armado com reação álcali-agregado (RAA) pela dificuldade de acesso em inspeções. Uma simulação da expansão causado por RAA em concreto foi desenvolvida para experimentos com sensores e técnicas de monitoramento de fundações. No experimento foram testadas aplicações de strain gauges na armadura, na superfície através de um long gauge adaptado e LVDTs (linear variable differential transformer) aplicados na superfície. A ancoragem dos long gauges não suportou o esforço, impedindo a correta avaliação do sensor. Os LVDTs têm grande potencial para acompanhar o desenvolvimento de fissuras, mas sofrem depois de alguma expansão, pois se desalinham com a superfície do concreto. Os strain gauges aplicados na armadura mostraram boa relação com a expansão medida e têm grande potencial no monitoramento. O processo de decisão e projeto do monitoramento para os blocos é explicado e definido. Uma proposta de aplicação do conceito de estrutura tolerante a dano aos blocos de fundação com RAA é dada para otimização de planos de manutenção e intervenções. / For a long time, concrete structures were considered \"maintenance-free\", i.e. quasi eternal, unless they were overloaded or destroyed intentionally or by accident. This thought has been reconsidered in recent decades when several concrete structures began to present problems and degraded much faster than expected. Structural monitoring has been originated from the need to access the safety condition of a structure more quickly, accurately and with the benefit of creating a database of the structure monitored. The high cost related to bridges, overpasses and other large structures still attracts the interest of researchers and equipment manufacturers. However, the monitoring of buildings is still a subject rarely addressed in research and publications. The problem chosen to be addressed in this research is the degradation of reinforced concrete foundation blocks by alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) due to difficult access during inspections and unpredictable development of the problem. A review on the sensors available on the market and on monitoring techniques used in other structures with the problem was undertaken. A simulation of the AAR`s expansion in concrete has been developed for an experiment with sensors and monitoring techniques of foundations. In this experiment, strain gauges were applied on the reinforcing bars and adapted on a long gauge on the surface. LVDTs (linear variable differential transformer) were also applied on the surface. The anchoring of the long gauges did not support the applied tension, preventing a correct evaluation of the sensor. LVDTs have great potential to monitor the development of cracks, but after the concrete suffering some expansion, they get misaligned with the surface. The strain gauges used in the armor showed a good relation with the expansion and have great potential in monitoring. The whole decision and design process for the structural health monitoring (SHM) for AAR attacked foundation blocks is explained and the project is defined. A proposal of a damage-tolerant approach for the block is given for optimization of maintenance and interventions.

Avaliação da associação de clorexidina com etanol na durabilidade da adesão à dentina / Evaluation of the adjunctive use of chlorhexidine and ethanol on the durability of resin dentin bonds

Adriana Pigozzo Manso 05 November 2009 (has links)
A degradação do adesivo e colágeno é considerada uma das principais causas de falhas nos processos adesivos à dentina. A completa infiltração de resinas hidrofóbas facilitada pelo etanol, associada à presença de inibidores de metaloproteinases presentes na dentina, poderia construir a união ideal, resistente à hidrólise e atividades enzimáticas. Este estudo examinou os benefícios do uso combinado de clorexidina como inibidor de metaloproteinases e etanol, na durabilidade de uniões resina-dentina. Foram utilizados 48 terceiros molares hígidos para obter superfícies planas de dentina que foram condicionadas com ácido fosfórico a 32% por 15 segundos, lavadas por 30 segundos, e secas com papel absorvente. Imediatamente após, uma das seguintes soluções foi aplicada por 30 segundos: água (A); etanol (E); solução aquosa de clorexidina a 1% (CA); solução alcoólica de clorexidina a 1% (CE). O excesso foi removido com papel absorvente e um dos adesivos, All Bond 3 (AB3) ou Excite (EX), foi aplicado à superfície sob agitação por 15 segundos, seguido por um jato de ar por igual tempo, e fotoativado por 20 segundos. Uma coroa de aproximadamente 4 mm foi construída incrementalmente em resina composta e os dentes foram armazenados por 24 horas em água destilada à 370C. A seguir foram cortados em paralelogramos para o teste de microtração. Um terço dos corpos de prova foi ensaiado imediatamente e os demais permaneceram armazenados por 6 ou 15 meses. Os efeitos dos tratamentos e períodos de armazenagem foram analisados para cada adesivo. Os resultados não demonstraram interação entre os fatores para ambos os adesivos. AB3 foi significantemente afetado pela armazenagem, mas não pelos tratamentos. EX foi significantemente afetado pelo tratamento, mas não pela armazenagem. Concluiu-se que o uso de clorexidina/etanol não melhorou a estabilidade da união após 15 meses. AB3 quando tratado com A ou CA, e EX com todos os tratamentos não foram afetados pela armazenagem. / Both adhesive and collagen degradation have been regarded as major causes of resin-dentin bonds failures over time. Complete infiltration of hydrophobic resins facilitated by ethanol, and the presence of MMPs inhibitors within the hybrid layer would build the ideal interface, resistant to hydrolysis and enzymatic activities. This study examined the benefits of the adjunctive use of chlorhexidine and ethanol on the durability of resin dentin bonds. Forty-eight flat dentin surfaces were etched (32% phosphoric acid), rinsed (30s) and blot-dried with absorbent paper. The surfaces were re-wetted with either water (Water); 1% chlorhexidine diacetate in water (CHX/Water); 100% ethanol (Ethanol); and 1% chlorhexidine diacetate in ethanol (CHX/Ethanol) solutions for 30s. They were then bonded with All Bond 3 (AB3, Bisco) or Excite (EX, Ivoclar- Vivadent) using a smooth, continuous rubbing application (15s), followed by 15s gentle air dry. The adhesives were light-cured (20s) and resin build-ups constructed incrementally for the microtensile method. Bonded beams were obtained and tested after 24-hours, 6-months, and 15- months water storage at 370C. Effects of treatment and testing periods were analyzed (ANOVA, Holm-Sidak, p<0.05) for each adhesive. There were no interactions between factors for both adhesives. AB3 was significantly affected by storage, but not by treatments. Excite was significantly affected by treatments, but not by storage. Adjunctive use of ethanol/chlorhexidine did not improve bond stability after 15 months. AB3 treated either with ethanol or CHX/ethanol resulted in reduced bond strengths after 15 months. AB3 treated with water or CHX/water and all treatments for Excite were not affected by storage.

Durabilité de faisceaux électriques - approche multi-échelle des phénomènes de corrosion associés aux connexions entre câbles en alliage d'aluminium 1370 et éléments de connectique en cuivre / Durability of wiring harnesses - multiscale approach of local corrosion phenomena occurring in an aluminium alloy wire/copper connector assembly

Gravina, Rosanne 12 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans un programme de développement technologique de la Société LEONI. Ce programme de recherche a pour principal objectif de disposer, à l'issue des trois années de l'étude, d'un panel de connaissances scientifiques le plus pertinent possible relatif à la durabilité des faisceaux électriques, et plus particulièrement aux cinétiques de corrosion associées aux assemblages entre des câbles électriques en alliage d'aluminium AA1370 et des pièces de connectique en cuivre pur. La société LEONI souhaite également maîtriser les différentes étapes de fabrication de ces composants. En effet, les propriétés du câble, qui est constitué de fils en alliage d’aluminium AA1370, sont conditionnées par chacune des étapes du procédé de mise en forme de ces fils. Ainsi les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse ont eu pour premier objectif d’analyser et de quantifier l’influence des différentes étapes de ce procédé de mise en forme sur le comportement en corrosion de l’alliage AA1370 sur la base d’une caractérisation précise de la microstructure du matériau aux différentes étapes du procédé. Les résultats mettent en évidence un couplage « résistance à la corrosion / paramètres microstructuraux critiques » à prendre en considération dans chacune des étapes de fabrication d’un câble en alliage AA1370. Ensuite, le comportement en corrosion d’un câble électrique a été étudié : les processus de corrosion mis en jeu au sein d’un câble constitué d’un nombre important de fils ont ainsi été identifiés, avec en particulier la problématique du confinement de l’électrolyte entre les différents fils du câble. Ces résultats montrent que la connaissance des processus électrochimiques se produisant sur un fil en alliage AA1370 ne suffit pas pour comprendre le comportement en corrosion d’un câble constitué de ces mêmes fils. La géométrie du produit final est un paramètre du 1er ordre. Enfin, le comportement en corrosion d’un assemblage entre un câble en alliage AA1370 et une pièce de connectique en cuivre pur a été étudié à l’aide de techniques de microscopie et d’électrochimie locale afin d’identifier les processus de corrosion mis en jeu lors du couplage galvanique Al/Cu en prenant en compte la géométrie particulière de l’assemblage. L’influence de l’agressivité du milieu sur la durabilité de ces assemblages a été étudiée en combinant l’ensemble des résultats avec ceux obtenus lors d’essais de corrosion industriels. L’étude dans son ensemble a permis de générer des avancées significatives dans la compréhension des mécanismes de corrosion à l’échelle de l’alliage AA1370 sélectionné mais également à l’échelle de l’assemblage. / This work was performed in the framework of a technological development program with LEONI. The aim of this research program was to provide technical skills and scientific knowledge on the durability in automotive harness environment of a wiring harness; it was focused on the corrosion behavior of an assembly between a AA1370 wire and pure Cu connector. Automotive wires are constituted of small diameter strands which are manufactured following a multistep forming process. Thus, the first objective of this work was to analyze the influence of each step of the forming process on the corrosion behavior of AA1370 alloy. The results show that a « microstructural parameters – corrosion resistance » relationship can be established and must be taken into account in each step of the forming process of a AA1370 strand arm. Then, the electrochemical processes occurring when the wire was exposed to an aqueous environment were investigated using electrochemical impedance measurements. The results show that the corrosion behavior of the wire was controlled by the formation of a confined electrolyte between the strand arms. Therefore the knowledge of the electrochemical processes occurring for AA1370 alloy strands was not sufficient to explain the corrosion behavior of a wire made of the same strands. The investigation of wire specific corrosion behavior showed the benefits to work with a representative geometry of the final product instead of testing single strand alone. Then, the corrosion behavior of the assembly between a AA1370 wire and pure Cu connector was also investigated coupling electrochemical measurements and microscope observations, to identify the corrosion processes involved during Al/Cu galvanic coupling, considering a representative geometry of the assembly. Finally, the results from laboratory tests were compared to those from industrials validation tests in order to study the influence of the environment aggressiveness on the assembly durability. The study led to significant advances in the understanding of the corrosion mechanisms at the alloy scale and also at the assembly scale.

Fabrication of robust superhydrophobic aluminium alloys and their application in corrosion protection

Esmaeilirad, Ahmad 04 October 2017 (has links)
Superhydrophobic coatings attract significant attention regarding a variety of applications, such as in friction drag reduction, anti-contamination surfaces, and recently metals corrosion protection. Superhydrophobic surfaces are known to protect metals and their alloys from natural degradation by limiting water access and its surface interaction. Non-wetting properties of superhydrophobic surfaces are attributed to their low-surface energy, in combination with their surface microtexture. Several approaches based on tailoring a microtextured surface followed by surface modification with a low-surface-energy material have been employed for developing non-wetting metallic surfaces. However, developing a durable superhydrophobic coating, in terms of mechanical abrasion, thermal and chemical stability, which could serve in harsh environments, is still an outstanding challenge. In this research work two different approaches have been employed to create durable superhydrophobic aluminium alloy surfaces. In the first approach a practical and cost-effective method, which is based on direct surface acid/base etching is used to promote desired rough microstructure on aluminium alloy. Then, a facile surface modification with chlorosilanes as a low-surface-energy compound is utilized to generate surface superhydrophobicity. The superhydrophobic aluminium alloy has a water contact angle of about 165 ± 2˚ and rolling angle of less than 3 ± 0.2˚. The developed superhydrophobic aluminium alloy surfaces shows remarkable thermal stability up to 375 ˚C for 20 min. In the second approach, a controlled hydrothermal deposition process is utilized to develop cerium oxide based coatings with well-defined microtextured surface on aluminium alloy substrates. The superhydrophobicity of the cerium oxide coatings is acquired by further treatment with trichloro(octyl)silane surface. The impacts of various hydrothermal processing conditions on surface microstructure of coatings, wettability, and ultimate corrosion protection have been also investigated. The fabricated cerium oxide based coating exhibit high level of water repellency with a water contact angle of about 170 ± 2˚ and rolling angle of about 2.4 ± 0.2˚. The superhydrophobic coatings show outstanding wear-resistance by maintaining their non-wetting properties after abrasion by #800 abrasive paper for 1.0 m under applied pressures up to 4 kPa pressure. The coatings also show remarkable chemical stability under acidic and alkaline condition and during immersion in corrosive 3.5 wt % NaCl solution for more than 2 days. They also provide excellent corrosion protection for T6-6061 aluminium alloy substrate by decreasing its corrosion rate for about three orders of magnitude. / Graduate

Durability of Novel C-S-H-based Nanocomposites and Secondary Hydrated Cement Phases

Khoshnazar, Rahil January 2015 (has links)
Issues concerning mechanisms of durability of hydrated cement phases in aggressive environments were studied. The possibility of using organic compounds in order to modify the micro- and nanostructure of the calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) phases was also investigated. Pure cement-based hydrated phases were synthesized and characterized by several analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Compacted samples of the synthetic hydrated cement phases were also prepared and used for the assessment of durability and mechanical properties. This doctoral thesis is comprised of several research chapters which can be categorized into two main parts. The first part focuses on the development of novel organically modified C-S-H systems. The second part involves the mechanisms underlying the volume stability of phase pure sulfoaluminate and related phases. A brief description of each part is as follows: - development of novel organically modified C-S-H systems: The mechanisms of interaction of organic compounds with the nanostructure of C-S-H systems were studied. A model for the nanostructure of the resulting composite systems was proposed. In addition, the organically modified systems were tested for length-change, calcium-ion leaching and diffusion of isopropanol. Dynamic mechanical analysis and microindentation techniques were also used to determine the mechanical performance. Evidence of the superior engineering performance of the novel organically modified C S-H systems was provided. - mechanisms of the volume stability of sulfoaluminate and related phases: Volume stability and change in the microstructure of the synthetic ettringite, monosulfate and thaumasite was critically examined in de-ionized water as well as in highly concentrated gypsum- or lime-water. A new dissolution-based mechanism for the expansion of these phases was proposed. The volume stability of multicomponent systems comprised of the C-S-H-based system (prepared in part I) and these sulfate-based hydrated phases was also investigated. It was suggested that the systems containing the modified C-S-H rather than the phase pure C-S-H had better resistance to crack growth and disintegration originating from the presence of ettringite or thaumasite.

Praxis, poiesis, and durable public space in the philosophy of Hannah Arendt

Vivier, Lincky Elme 04 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the potential dependence of praxis upon poiesis. The relation between praxis and poiesis, or action and work, is complicated by the conflicting qualities and principles of each. This tension, however, illuminates the human being as free and worldly. It is therefore concluded that praxis and poiesis form an interdependent tension that is potentially mediated by the faculty of judging and care for the world. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to the framework and significant elements of Arendt's overall project. It begins with an elucidation of the philosophical bias against politics that Arendt critiques. The rest of the chapter explores the unique characteristics and principles that Arendt attributes to each respective activity of the vita activa. This chapter enables the reader to grasp the significance of the differences that Arendt accentuates between activities, as well as the specific characteristics and principles of action and work. Chapter 2 introduces the potential dependence of action upon the capabilities of the work activity. It centres on the relationship between action, the condition of plurality, the public space of appearance, and the durable, fabricated world. The durable world provides both a shared context and shared concern for potential action and the realisation of plurality. But this is problematic considering the extent to which the durable world arises through fabrication. This suggests that action is subordinate to the faculty of work. The problematic implications of such a relationship are further analysed, with a focus on the principles that inform homo faber's view of the world in general, and the relation between this sensibility and public spaces of appearance in particular. The contradictory principles of work and action, and yet the significance of work in building a durable world, will come to light. Chapter 3 explores further the extent of the relationship between action and world. The aim is to provide an exegesis of Arendt's notion of amor mundi, or love for the world, coupled 132 with her emphasis on the frailty of action. Amor mundi illuminates actors' concern with the world as a space for appearance and as a durable world. However, the extent to which political actors may effectively care for the world is brought into question. The faculties of promisemaking, forgiveness, and remembrance are examined as 'solutions' to the frailty of action. But remembrance once again suggests a dependence of action on work. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the relationship between praxis and poiesis in light of the role of remembrance and the tension between freedom and permanence. Chapter 4 builds on the claim that praxis and poiesis must be rethought in terms of an interdependence that reflects the nature of human being as free and worldly. It is argued that it is specifically in the faculty of judgment that this interdependence is mediated. The role of the disinterested spectator is therefore introduced and its relevance in both praxis and poiesis investigated. This faculty emphasises the importance of spectators who judge all appearances on the basis of beauty and meaning, and out of a concern for the world as a durable public space. The relation between judgment, action, and work also illuminates the condition of the human being as free and worldly, and the capacity to care for the world through the activities of both beginning and preserving. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Philosophy / unrestricted

Incidências patológicas no subsistema estrutura de edifícios habitacionais na região de São Carlos/SP / Pathological incidences on structure subsystem of housing buildings in the region of São Carlos/SP

Cilene de Cassia Garcia 18 March 1999 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo quantificar estatisticamente a ocorrência de falhas geradas pelos erros de projeto e execução das construções. Para isso, elaborou-se um checklist que se subdividiu em duas partes: a primeira contendo informações desde a concepção à geração de um edifício e a segunda para verificação da estrutura \"in loco\" em edifícios habitacionais em construção na cidade de São Carlos. Quantificou-se as incidências patológicas observadas por elemento estrutural e finalmente se traçou um panorama da atual realidade dos edifícios sob a ponto de vista das patologias geradas pela falta de controle de qualidade nas construções. Através dos dados obtidos pôde-se verificar a existência de várias patologias, destacando-se a segregação do concreto de pilares e paredes, cobrimento inadequado do concreto em vigas e problemas advindos da falta de estanqueidade de fôrmas em lajes. / The goal of this work is the quantify statistically the occurrance of failure generated by carelessness with the project and execution of the constructions. A check-list was proposed was subdivided in two parts: the first with information since the conception to generation of a building and the second by the verification of the building structure \"in loco\" in São Carlos town. It was quantified the pathological incidences observed by structural element and finally it was designed a panorama of the actual reality of the buildings under the view of the pathologies generated by the lack of control and quality in the constructions. Through the obtained data it could be verified the existence of several patologies, highlighting the segregation of concrete in pillars and walls, inadequate covering of concrete in beams and problems from the lack of stanching of moulds in flagstone.

Durability and Recoverability of Al-doped ZnO Transparent Electrodes Exposed to a Harsh Environment / 過酷な環境におけるAlドープZnO透明電極の耐久性と復元性

Fahmi, Machda 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(エネルギー科学) / 甲第22794号 / エネ博第408号 / 新制||エネ||78(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科エネルギー社会・環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 石原 慶一, 准教授 奥村 英之, 教授 佐川 尚 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Energy Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Portland Limestone Cement with Fly Ash: Freeze-Thaw Durability and Microstructure Studies

Angadi, Prokshit January 2018 (has links)
In this study, the freeze-thaw performance and other engineering properties of different cementitious mixtures containing Type I/II portland cement, Type IL (10) portland Limestone cement (PLC) and Coarse Ground cement (CG-P) with or without partial replacement of fly ash (Class F) were examined. The goal was to develop a concrete mixture with better or similar freeze-thaw durability without adversely affecting other engineering properties of concrete. Crucial engineering properties reviewed include compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, workability, the degree of hydration, setting time, shrinkage and resistivity. The study was divided into two parts, one consisting of mechanical testing of engineering properties including the freeze-thaw test. The second part consisted of microstructure study which involved detection and quantification of micro-cracks/defects using μ-CT and fluorescence microscopy. The results showed that the portland limestone cement in combination with fly ash demonstrated better or similar durability in comparison to the conventional portland cement concrete mixtures.

Použití olověného akumulátoru v režimu hybridních vozidel / Using lead-acid accumulators in hybrid electric vehicle regime

Hejdiš, Roman January 2011 (has links)
The master´s thesis discuss characteristics of hybrid electric vehicles and lead-acid accumulators applied in car industry. It compares classic and alternative drive in cars, descibes classification of hybrid drives and its characteristics. Further work disscus lead-acid accumulators which focuses on VRLA accumulators applied in hybrid electric cars. Practical part contains a construction description of negative electrode and experiment, which studied influence of various amount addition of carbon on attributes of these electrodes.

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