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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brand building activities in Small Service Firms: A Qualitative Study on Swedish Real Estate Firms

Hägg, Gustav, Jonsson, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>Brand building is a highly researched phenomenon when it comes to large enterprises in product oriented industries. However, when it comes to small firms and especially the service industry branding is a relatively new topic. This article explores the field of small service firms and their efforts in building their brand. The starting point rests on the creation of an organizational identity which is the values and beliefs that concurrently creates the foundation for the firm´s internal procedures. The purpose of this study is to get an understanding on how small service firms build their brand. Therefore, this article uses a qualitative approach with multiple cases with responding firms ranging from 2 to 12 employees. This was done in the effort of finding patterns on how brand building is conducted in small service firms. The findings shows that brand building is an important aspect that small service firms place great efforts on and that despite shortages in resources they build their brand by using alternative methods that are less resource intensive. The respondents argue that they have the organization as a base when creating their marketing activities. Important characteristics are consistency, honesty, creativity, integrity and heritage. Together they build a foundation for a unification of the firm that is presented through the brand. A unified organization is then used as a way of branding themselves towards new customers with the help of both reputation gained and word-of-mouth.</em></p>

Brand building activities in Small Service Firms: A Qualitative Study on Swedish Real Estate Firms

Hägg, Gustav, Jonsson, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
Brand building is a highly researched phenomenon when it comes to large enterprises in product oriented industries. However, when it comes to small firms and especially the service industry branding is a relatively new topic. This article explores the field of small service firms and their efforts in building their brand. The starting point rests on the creation of an organizational identity which is the values and beliefs that concurrently creates the foundation for the firm´s internal procedures. The purpose of this study is to get an understanding on how small service firms build their brand. Therefore, this article uses a qualitative approach with multiple cases with responding firms ranging from 2 to 12 employees. This was done in the effort of finding patterns on how brand building is conducted in small service firms. The findings shows that brand building is an important aspect that small service firms place great efforts on and that despite shortages in resources they build their brand by using alternative methods that are less resource intensive. The respondents argue that they have the organization as a base when creating their marketing activities. Important characteristics are consistency, honesty, creativity, integrity and heritage. Together they build a foundation for a unification of the firm that is presented through the brand. A unified organization is then used as a way of branding themselves towards new customers with the help of both reputation gained and word-of-mouth.

The Store - The Physical Place of Branding

Karanikas, Lina, Öhman, Torun January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The market of consumer goods has become saturated and in the superfluous range of goods it is necessary to be able to differentiate your products from the competitors’. To facilitate this, many products and services are attributed with additional qualities, such as feelings, status and personality traits. These attributes are included in the abstract concept of a brand. A brand is an essential medium of communication to the customers, transmitting the special characteristics which will differentiate the product or the service from others. The stores are the actual spot where the brand can be perceived and experienced in real life. The store will by its concrete and non-concrete means transmit feelings the customers will relate to the brand, and the store personnel are important as well as active messengers of the brand. Some of the most well-known companies today are multinational companies which sell retail products and have succeeded to create a world known brand, one of them is Apple. Apple has a renowned brand intended to represent quality, design and innovative thinking. They value and are conscious about their brand and thus care to maintain its good reputation. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how Apple’s brand concept is transferred to their premium reseller stores, namely Macoteket, and also to discuss whether and how the brand is seen in the stores. The study has been conducted through studying material and theories relevant to brand transfer, and then visiting Apple’s office and three Macoteket stores and carrying out several interviews with people involved in the transfer of the brand. The results show that when transferring a brand to a store, the transfer strategy needs to be adjusted to fit the different kinds of knowledge that the brand consists of. The processes Apple use to transfer their brand to Macoteket indicate an excessively codified strategy, partly due to the fact that the deeper understanding of what needs to be said and done should be taught personally, and consequently not by instructions in texts and e-mails.

Branding Strategy Among The Swedish Banks - The Micro Company Perspective

Hägg, Gustav, Jonsson, Niklas January 2009 (has links)
Question: What different factors affect the SMEs to choose a specific bank? Purpose: The purpose with this research is to find out how SMEs perceive the value and brand of the bank they are using for the financial services of their business. We will strive to find out how they perceive their banks and what underlying factors that affected their choice of bank the most. Method:We have used a quantitative method and a deductive approach for this thesis. Hypotheses were created with theory as a base and tested on a sample population containing micro companies in the community of Halmstad, Sweden. The data were compared with mean, standard deviation and variance using SPSS. Cronbach’s alpha and Pearson’s correlation were used to improve reliability and test the correlation between statements used in the study. Theoretical framework: The theory is based on Aaker (1991) and Keller (1993) and their research and theories about branding, surrounded by findings done by other researchers within the subject. The factors circling the brand phenomenon are explained; awareness, association, attitude, loyalty and activity. The bank industry and SMEs will be introduced to the reader, why branding becomes so important when dealing with services and the bank sector. Empirical framework: The empirical findings contain the data collected from the survey handed out to the sample population. The findings are explained in tables and diagrams and are further used to compare with previous research and come up with a conclusion. Conclusion: The most significant finding in the study is the importance of a personal contact at the bank, the micro company’s personal relation with one or more employees on the bank. Banks are not at all seen as unique in their supply of services, so the personal connection is an important factor which leads to loyalty. The respondents are satisfied with the performance of their banks, the supply of services covers their need. The micro companies do want the best possible solution to their specific situation, however, they do not seek for that optimal solution actively.

Employer Branding : Ett första steg i att identifiera värdeerbjudandet utifrån tjänstemän och medarbetares föreställningar i ett service- och logistik företag

Vanhanen, Emeli, Karlsson, Malin January 2012 (has links)
Employer branding är en strategi som allt fler organisationer börjar använda sig av för att nå konkurrensfördelar genom att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Medarbetare beskrivs vilja ha en långvarig och lojal relation till organisationen då de upplever fördelar i organisationens värdeerbjudande och genom det identifierar sig med organisationen. Strategin har vuxit sig starkare i takt med att medarbetarna allt mer ses som organisationens viktigaste resurs och medarbetarna ses som länken till organisationens prestation. Denna studie har som syfte att skapa en förståelse för vad som kännetecknar medarbetare och tjänstemäns föreställningar om deras arbetsgivare och hur dessa kan påverka arbestgivarens employer brand för att kunna utveckla och stärka det. Vi har i studien inspirerats av den kritiska realismen och antagit en kvalitativ ansats. Studien är genomförd på ett familjeägt service- och logistikföretag som säljer service- och logistiktjänster. Studiens resultat baseras på intervjuer gjorda med HR-chef, verksamhetschef, två driftchefer och verksamhetsplanerare. Medarbetarna har intervjuats genom tre fokusgrupper där totalt sexton medarbetare deltagit. Fokusgrupperna har sedan följts upp med två uppföljningsintervjuer med deltagare från fokusgrupperna. I studien benämns kollektivavtalsanställda som medarbetare och tjänstemänanställda som tjänstemän. Resultatet visar att tjänstemännen och medarbetarna har både gemensamma och olika föreställningar om sin arbetsgivare. De beskrev båda att deras arbete är varierat och att det ses som övervägande positivt för värdeerbjudandet. Det kunde dock leda till brister i kvalitén på utfört arbete. Medarbetare beskrev även att deras arbete var fysiskt krävande och för några av medarbetarna var det så fysiskt krävande att arbetet inte var hållbart i längden. Användningen och anställningsvillkoren för timanställda diskuterades av både medarbetare och tjänstemän. Medarbetare ansåg att timanställda inte behandlades rättvist vilket påverkade deras föreställningar om arbetsgivaren negativt. Relationen till kollegorna beskrevs vara väldigt bra och relationen mellan tjänstemännen och medarbetarna beskrevs övervägande bra. De interna relationerna beskrevs vara de största motivationsfaktorerna och den största fördelen i företagets värdeerbjudande. Familjeföretagskontexten beskrevs av tjänstemän och medarbetare bidra till ett driv i företaget och toppstyrning med långt avstånd mellan ledning och medarbetare. Företaget använder sig av en medarbetarpolicy och lönetrappa för att främja önskvärda värderingar och prestationer. Dessa två har dock visat sig vara oklara och inte alltid arbeta tillsammans vilket påverkar medarbetarnas föreställningar om sin arbetsgivare. Därför anses det viktigt att de klargörs och utvecklas för att de tillsammans ska kunna bidra till fördelar för företagets värdeerbjudande.

Employer branding. : - En fallstudie vid Sandvik AB om uppfattningar av begreppet employer branding och hur detta tillämpas idag och i framtiden.

Eriksson, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Employer branding är ett begrepp som är aktuellt bland företagen just nu och allt fler väljer att satsa på employer branding som marknadsföringsstrategi. Den här studien handlar om employer branding på Sandvik och begreppet employer branding.Syftet med denna fallstudie av en global koncern är att förklara och beskriva begreppet employerbranding, samt hur man arbetar med detta och vilka framtidsvisioner man har på Sandvik.Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med ett antal nyckelpersoner på Sandvik som arbetar med employer branding. Resultatet presenteras utifrån de frågeställningar jag valt att besvara:Hur förklaras begreppet employer branding av ett antal nyckelpersoner på Sandvik? Hur ser dessa på arbetet med employer branding på Sandvik idag? Vilka satsningar inom employer branding anser nyckelpersonerna kommer att behöva prioriteras på Sandvik i framtiden? Studien visar att Sandvik har inlett ett omfattande employer branding arbete i samband med en ny strategi som gäller för företaget från och med första januari 2012. Studien visar också att informanterna har en tydlig bild av begreppet employer branding och vilka aktiviteter som kan sammankopplas med begreppet. Informanterna delger också vilka satsningar man ser att Sandvik behöver göra inom området employer branding.

Who are we? : A quantitative study on the employer brand of Lycksele municipality

Storsten, Helena, Ampuero, Denise January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the impact of the factors of attractiveness, organization and reputation on corporate brand identity of Lycksele municipality from the viewpoint of current employees. To achieve this, a conceptual framework and hypotheses were constructed that would allow us to test positive significant effects between factors. In our model, we have examined predicted factors consisting of attractiveness, organization and reputation. We believed that these would have an impact on the employees’ perception of the corporate brand identity, which in turn would influence the predicted outcomes, pride and affective commitment. We discovered knowledge gaps within the field of employer branding, which formed our conceptual model. The reason why we chose to include the stated factors and outcomes in our conceptual framework is because we believed the predicted factors reflect the employees’ personal opinion on their own situation as employees of Lycksele municipality. The outcomes, pride and affective commitment, were chosen because they portray the employees’ personal judgment of the entire workplace. The conceptual model and the hypotheses aided us in answering the research question, which goes as follows: - What kind of effects do the factors of attractiveness, organization and reputation have on the perception of the corporate brand identity within the teaching profession? This thesis was written on commission for Lycksele municipality and used a quantitative approach to conduct a probability sample from the employees in the teaching sector. From the statistical software SPSS, we have performed Cronbach’s alpha test, Pearson Correlation and three regressions that facilitated the testing of our conceptual model. The findings demonstrated that the model was partially supported. Social values of attractiveness, organizational culture and perceived corporate reputation were the factors with direct impact on corporate brand identity. Furthermore, corporate brand identity had a positive significant effect on pride and affective commitment. These results provided empirical evidence that our conceptual framework was valid, as each of the constructs showing significant effects were derived from the three different categories of affecting factors. Besides our theoretical contribution in the research of employer branding, we have detected areas that are in need for improvement and matters that are relevant for Lycksele municipality to modify in order to attract the best candidates.

Branding Södertälje : en studie av förutsättningarna för samarbete mellan de interna intressenterna

Mineur, Patrik, Pirttikoski, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka förutsättningarna för ett samarbete mellan de interna intressenterna i en stads varumärkningsprocess. Utifrån uppsatsens syfte har en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts i form av sju intervjuer med intressenter inom den varumärkesbyggande processen i Södertälje. Vetenskapliga teorier med inriktning på främst varumärkning av städer och samarbeten har används vid analys av den inhämtade informationen. De slutsatser vi har dragit i denna uppsats är att samarbete som strategi är möjlig men att denna kan inneha sina begränsningar när en stad skall varumärkas. Genom att undersöka den varumärkesbyggande processen i Södertälje har vi uppmärksammat den komplexitet som föreligger hos varumärkning av en plats med flera intressenter. Förutsättningarna för ett samarbete mellan de interna intressenterna inom turism- och besöksnäringen i Södertälje anser vi vara möjligt genom engagemang, delat ansvar och kommunikation. Vi anser dock att det ur ett större perspektiv, då en hel stad skall inkluderas, kan uppstå motsättningar om näringar som inte kände en naturlig roll att deltaga skall inkluderas i den varumärkesbyggande processen. / The purpose of this thesis is to examine the possibilities for cooperation between the internal stakeholders of a city's branding process. Based on the purpose for this thesis a qualitative study was conducted in the form of seven interviews with stakeholders in the branding process of Södertälje. Scientific theories, focusing primarily on the branding of cities and cooperation, have been used in the analysis of the collected information. The conclusions we have drawn in this thesis is that cooperation as a strategy is possible but can be limited when applied on a city. By examining the branding process in Södertälje, we have noted the complexity that exists in the branding of a city with several different stakeholders. We believe that the prospects for cooperation between the internal stakeholders in the tourism and hospitality industry in Södertälje to be possible through commitment, shared responsibility and communication. We do however believe that disagreements may occur when a broader spectrum of the city’s stakeholders, whom do not feel a natural role to participate, are included in the branding process.

Marketing’s Evolution as an Economic Development Strategy : a Washington County, Utah Case Study

Lindgren, Nikki, Lindgren, Claes January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT       Authors:                                 Nikki Lindgren and Claes Lindgren   Professor:                               Stig Sörling   Title:                                       Marketing’s Evolution as an Economic Development Strategy: A Washington County, Utah Case Study   Background:                          Economic development has been a priority of areas for some time. In the mid-1980s, economic policies and marketing practices joined forces. During this time, cities, regions, states and countries began a clear shift from narrow economic development views to a broader set of strategies to attract new and maintain old businesses, boost tourism, attract investors and expand overseas trade. Today, places have increased their use of highly sophisticated marketing strategies aimed at building competitive markets while targeting specific buyers and positioning the community’s resources to respond to specialized buyer needs and desires.   Aim and Purpose:                 The purpose of the study is twofold: first, to explore how place marketing fits into general marketing efforts and secondly, to provide insights into what factors influence the success of places. Three questions were developed to assist in the direction of the research and to assist in gaining practical and tactical insights obtainable through a case study analysis.   Methodology:                         Theoretical and empirical data is provided and analyzed using the actor’s approach. Primary data is collected via direct observations, email, phone interviews and open dialogues. Secondary data is collected via Internet, magazines and newspapers and meeting notes to provide further depth and to elaborate upon the theoretical findings.   Results:                                   We expect the study to highlight important phenomena that occur when viewing place marketing as a general marketing effort. We also expect to uncover practical “success factor” insights into place marketing from which civic and private entities can learn.

Marketing a brand in social media : A case study with Hide-a-lite

Gårlin, Pehr, Johansson, Max, Rehnström, Rickard January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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