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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise econômica de sistemas de produção de bovinos de corte na região do Pampa do Rio Grande do Sul / Economic analysis of beef cattle production systems in Pampa region of Rio Grande do Sul

Sessim, Amir Gil January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho contextualiza a importância da determinação da viabilidade técnico-financeira em sistemas de produção de bovinos de corte, através da aplicação de uma análise técnica e econômica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma análise produtiva e econômica de sistemas de produção de bovinos de corte na região do Pampa do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram analisadas quatro propriedades rurais pertencentes a uma empresa agropecuária, localizadas no município de Dom Pedrito, e denominadas como Sistema de Cria em Campo Nativo (SCN), Sistema de Cria com Agricultura (SCA), Sistema de Recria-Terminação (SRT) e o Sistema de Terminação (ST). Para avaliar o efeito da escala de produção sobre a eficiência da atividade, foi simulado um quinto sistema, denominado SIA (Sistema de Integração de Atividades), integrando todas as propriedades da empresa, por meio do somatório dos parâmetros físicos e econômicos dos quatro sistemas independentes. Posteriormente, foram gerados índices técnicos e financeiros para realizar a análise do SIA. A maior produtividade foi alcançada pela unidade SRT, seguida da unidade ST, com 296 e 98 kg.ha-1, respectivamente. Os sistemas SIA, SCN e SCA foram os menos produtivos dos cinco avaliados, com 88, 86 e 83 kg.ha-1, respectivamente. Entretanto, o SCN foi mais eficiente em termos econômicos que os demais sistemas. O custo de oportunidade e a mão de obra foram os itens que mais oneraram os sistemas de SCN, SCA e SIA, com 38,8 e 23,6%, 42,9 e 27,3% e 40,7 e 26,6%, respectivamente, enquanto que nos SRT e ST foi a aquisição de animais com 61,7 e 71,5%, respectivamente. Os resultados positivos de margem líquida dos sistemas SCN (0,96 R$.kg-1) e SRT (0,93 R$.kg-1) foram responsáveis pela viabilidade econômica do sistema simulado, que apresentou margem líquida de 0,04 R$.kg-1. O efeito na escala de produção demonstrou ser positivo entre os sistemas, pois houve diluição nos custos fixos de produção no sistema simulado. / This study contextualizes the importance of determining the technical and financial viability of beef cattle production systems through the application of technical and economic analysis. The aim of study was to evaluate the productive and economic analysis of a beef cattle production in the Pampa region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected from four properties from the same farming company, located in Dom Pedrito, RS. Production systems were defined as Cow-Calf System in Nature Pasture (CCNP), Cow- Calf in System and Agriculture (CCA), Rearing-Fattening System (RFS) and Fattening System (FS). We also simulated an additional system to evaluate the effect of production scale in the activity efficiency defined as Integration Activities System (IAS) that integrates all company farms. The IAS comprises the physical and economic parameters from four independent properties. The RFS farm had the highest productivity, with 296 kg.ha-1, followed by FS, IAS, CCNP and CCA. The RFS farm had the highest productivity, with 296 kg.ha-1, followed by FS, IAS, CCNP and CSA, with 98, 88, 86 e 83 kg.ha-1, respectively. The RFS showed highest productive and the CCNP demonstrated the highest economic results. The costs of opportunity and labour were higher for CCNP, CSA and IAS compared to RFS and FS, which have the animal’s acquisition as their main costs of production. The positives economic results of CCNP (0.96 R$.kg) and RFS (0.93 R$.kg-1) farms showed where responsible to economic viability of simulated system, that presented positive net margin (0.04 R$.kg-1). The effect on production scale was positive between systems by the attenuated on production fixed costs in the simulated system.

Volumes de tanques-rede na produção da tilápia-do-nilo: estudo de caso

Novaes, Alex Frederico de [UNESP] 06 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-08-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:48:58Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 novaes_af_me_jabo.pdf: 1108978 bytes, checksum: 6edc74fb32aa05ccc7e72ae5d3614ab1 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Nos últimos anos, a demanda pelo pescado tem aumentado significativamente. Atualmente, a pesca, que contribui com a maior parte deste produto, vem apresentando estagnação, ou ligeira queda na oferta em alguns anos como foi o caso de 2006. Em contrapartida, a aquicultura moderna, que passa por grandes avanços científicos e tecnológicos, vem suprindo esta deficiência no mercado. O Brasil, detentor de 12% de toda água doce mundial, deverá se tornar brevemente um grande produtor no cenário mundial. Um dos grandes diferenciais do país, além de possuir clima favorável, é a disponibilidade de grandes reservatórios, que tem sido aproveitado para o cultivo de peixes em tanques-rede. O presente estudo, desenvolvido em piscicultura comercial, no Reservatório de Furnas, curso médio do rio Grande, município de São José da Barra MG teve como objetivo comparar os principais indicadores zootécnicos e econômicos da tilapicultura em sistema super-intensivo (tanques-rede) em duas diferentes dimensões 6 e 18 m3. Foram utilizados 12.960 juvenis machos revertidos da tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Durante todo o período experimental, os peixes receberam ração extrusada especial para tilápias em cultivos super-intensivo e a oferta variou de acordo com a biomassa e temperatura da água, iniciando com 8% e decrescendo até 1%. Foram avaliados os seguintes índices zootécnicos: sobrevivência (%), peso médio (g), biomassa (kg), ganho de biomassa (kg), ganho em peso diário (g), conversão alimentar aparente e densidade (kg/m3). A análise econômica foi elaborada a partir da determinação do custo total de produção e do lucro de cada tratamento. Os dados deste estudo permitem concluir que, embora não diferindo nos principais indicadores zootécnicos, a produção de tilápias em tanques-rede de maior dimensão proporcionou menor custo total médio e maior rentabilidade / In the past few years, demand for fish has increased significantly. At present, fishing, which contributes with the largest part of this product, has shown stagnation or slight falling in the offer in some years, as in the case of 2006. On the other hand, modern aquiculture, with technological and scientific improvement, has been supplying this deficit on the market. Brazil, with 12% of the world's fresh water, will probably become one of the greatest consumers soon. Besides the favorable weather, there is also the availability of large reservoirs, which has been used for the growing of fish in net cage. The present study, developed at Furnas reservoir, medium course of Grande river, in São José da Barra/MG, had as its aim compare the economic and zootechnic indicators of tilapiculture in super intensive system net cages in two different dimensions 6 and 18 m3. 12,960 reversed male juvenils from Nile tilapia were used (Oreochromis niloticus). During the experiment the fish received (extrusada) special ration for tilapia in super intensive culture and the offer varied according to the biomass and water temperature, beginning with 8% and decreasing until 1%. The following zootechnic indexes were evaluated: survival (%), average weight (g), biomass (kg), gain of biomass (kg), gain of daily weight (g), apparent nutritional conversion and density (kg/m3). The economic analysis was made after the determination of the total cost of the production and the profit of each treatment. The data in this study allows the conclusion that the production of tilapia in (net cages) of bigger dimension offered bigger rentability

Investigating the criterion validity of contingent valuation-willingness to pay methods

Kanya, Gladys Lucy Wanjiru January 2018 (has links)
With theoretical foundations in welfare theory, the cost benefit analysis (CBA) technique is a powerful tool for assessing benefits particularly where markets do not exist or would fail (for example due to the existence of public goods) or have become potentially politically excluded (such as the health sector). Unlike other economic evaluation techniques, costs and benefits are measured in monetary terms allowing for comparisons within and between different sectors of the economy for resource allocation decisions. Using contingent valuation (CV) techniques, people's preferences for goods are determined by finding out what they would be willing to pay (WTP) for specified benefits or improvements; or accept (WTA), as compensation for withdrawal or loss of benefit. While the use of WTP methods has grown in other sectors, the uptake in health has been limited. A long-standing criticism is that stated WTP estimates may be poor indicators of actual WTP, calling into question their validity and the use of such estimates for welfare valuation. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the criterion validity of CV-WTP studies. A four-pronged approach including critical appraisals of the available literature and evidence on criterion validity and empirical analyses was adopted. The thesis established the scarcity in criterion validity assessments, particularly in the health sector and that evidence on the criterion validity of CV-WTP is more varied than authors are presenting. The variety in the methods used to assess and report criterion validity assessments is demonstrated. Further, the impact of the analysis of hypothetical WTP on criterion validity assessments and conclusions thereof is demonstrated. The empirical analyses further demonstrate the differences in predictions and predictors of WTP analyses, discussing the effect of these on criterion validity assessments and conclusions. Finally, the thesis offers suggestions for the reporting of criterion validity assessments, in efforts to improve the method.

Caracterização do cromo presente no lodo de galvanoplastia: avaliação técnica e econômica de processos de remoção / Characteristics of chromium from electroplating sludge: technical and economic evaluation of removal processes

Lucas Campaner Alves 05 February 2016 (has links)
O lodo gerado em processos de galvanoplastia é classificado pela ABNT NBR 10.004/04 como perigoso (classe I). Na literatura encontram-se poucos estudos referentes à recuperação do cromo presente no lodo gerado em sistemas de tratamento de efluentes de indústrias de galvanoplastia. Neste sentido, o presente estudo avaliou a remoção do cromo presente no lodo de galvanoplastia por meio de dois processos, visando avaliar à eficiência técnica e a viabilidade econômica de ambos. O Processo 1 consistiu na remoção do cálcio utilizando o ácido cítrico, seguida de lixiviação ácida. Na etapa de oxidação, variou-se a temperatura em 40ºC, 60ºC e 80ºC e no tempo de 30, 60 e 90 minutos, tendo em vista que a eficiência do processo de oxidação depende da temperatura e tempo. Nesta etapa do processo as concentrações de peroxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) utilizadas foram de 1,50, 3,00 e 4,50 mol.L-1. O Processo 2 realizou a oxidação do cromo sem efetuar as etapas de extração do cálcio e a lixiviação ácida. A oxidação do cromo ocorreu pelo mesmo método apresentado no Processo 1. A caracterização elementar da amostra determinou que o principal elemento constituinte do lodo é o cálcio (20,05% em massa), e que dentre os metais pesados destacam-se o cromo e o níquel (6,52% e 4,33% em massa, respectivamente). A maior eficiência de remoção do cálcio foi obtida na razão mássica de 8,00 (ácido cítrico/hidróxido de cálcio), com 51,76% em massa, seguida pela razão mássica de 5,50 com 36,75% em massa e 2,50 com 24,83% em massa. O melhor resultado de oxidação do cromo no Processo 1 foi obtido com tempo de 30 minutos, temperatura de 60ºC e concentração de peroxido de hidrogênio de 3,00 mol.L-1, com eficiência de 41,09% em massa. No Processo 2, obteve-se a remoção de 37,96% em massa de cromo a temperatura de 80ºC, por uma hora e 3,00 mol.L-1 de peróxido de hidrogênio. Avaliando os custos para remoção do cromo dos dois processos, determinou-se que o Processo 1 foi mais oneroso que o 2, porém ambos não apresentaram viabilidade econômica para aplicação em escala industrial. Nos dois processos efetuou-se a oxidação do cromo presente no lodo de galvanoplastia, permitindo a sua remoção parcial neste resíduo. Com isso obtiveram-se ganhos ambientais, pela diminuição deste elemento no resíduo de galvanoplastia, que na maioria das vezes é disposto em aterros classe I, gerando um passivo ambiental. / The sludge generated in electroplating processes is classified by NBR 10.004/04 as a hazardous material (class I). In the literature, few studies report the recovery of chromium present in the electroplating sludge generated in the industries. In this sense, the present study conducted the removal of chromium in the electroplating sludge through two different processes, aiming to evaluate their efficiency and economic viability. The first process removed calcium through the use of citric acid being performed by varying the ratio of citric acid/calcium hydroxide (2.5, 5.5 and 8.0). Then, were performed the leaching of the samples. According to the literature, the efficiency of the oxidation process varies depending on the reaction temperature, time and concentration of hydrogen peroxide. For this reason, samples were heated to a temperature ranging from 40°C, 60°C and 80°C. Also, were conducted variations in the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 mol.L-1) and reaction time (30, 60 and 90 minutes). The second Process consisted in the chrome recovery by using the galvanic sludge without removal of the calcium and acid leaching. The chrome oxidation occurred by the same method shown in Process 1. Elemental characterization of the samples determined that the primary sludge constituent was calcium (20.05% by weight), and in terms of heavy metals, the chromium and the nickel (6.52% and 4.33% by mass, respectively). Most of calcium removal efficiency was obtained at a rate of 8 with 51.76% by mass, then the ratio of 5.50 to 36.75% by mass and 2.50 to 24.83% by mass. The best oxidation result of chromium in Process 1 was obtained using a time of 30 minutes, 60°C and hydrogen peroxide concentration of 3 mol.l-1, with 41.09 wt% efficiency. In Process 2 was obtained the removal of 37.96% by mass of chromium temperature of 80°C, for one hour and 3,00 mol.l-1 of hydrogen peroxide. Evaluating the costs for chrome removal of the two processes was determined that the Process 1 was more costly than 2, but both showed no economic feasibility for implementation on an industrial scale. However, in both cases occurred the oxidation of chromium present in the electroplating sludge, allowing its removal from the residue. Thus, environmental gains have been achieved by the reduction of this element in electroplating waste, which mostly is intended for landfill class I, generating an environmental liability.

The macro economic evaluation model (MEEM) : an approach to priority setting in the health sector

Carter, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1950- January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available

Probabilistic performance model for evaluation of a smart work zone deployment

Bushman, Robert James 19 March 2007
A safe and efficient highway infrastructure is a critical component and a valuable asset in terms of its monetary value, as well as supporting the way of life and economic activities of the people it serves. In North America, performing maintenance, repair, and expansion of an aging highway infrastructure to a target level of performance while dealing with ever-increasing traffic demands creates a significant challenge in terms of road user safety and mobility. Much of the current highway infrastructure was built several decades ago and it is therefore requiring increasing levels of maintenance and rehabilitation. <p>The cost of delays resulting from traffic congestion induced by work zones is estimated to be more than $6 billion per year. Work zone related traffic fatalities exceed more than 1000 lost lives per year in North America. Work zone related fatalities account for approximately 2.8 percent of highway fatalities in United States and 1.3 percent in Canada. While overall fatal crash rates have been steadily decreasing in both Canada and United States, work zone related fatalities have not been decreasing. <p>Smart Work Zones are an emerging technology designed to improve the safety and mobility within work zones on highways. Smart Work Zones employ various technologies to monitor current traffic conditions and provide relevant information to road managers and road users on current traffic flow conditions and automatically provide guidance to motorists for safer and more efficient navigation of the work zone. <p>This research examined the effects of a Smart Work Zone deployment by modeling traffic flow with and without a Smart Work Zone at the case study site in North Carolina to provide inputs into a performance analysis framework. The quantification of benefits and costs related to the deployment of a Smart Work Zone was developed in a probabilistic analysis framework model. The performance was quantified in economic terms of expected benefit cost ratio and net value realized from the deployment of a Smart Work Zone. The model considers the cost of deployment and potential savings in terms of motorist safety (fatal and injury crash reduction) as well as improvements in traveler mobility including reductions in user delays, vehicle operating costs, and emissions.<p>The model output is a risk profile that provides a range of expected values and associated probabilities of occurrence to quantify the expected benefits while also taking into consideration the uncertainty of the most sensitive input variables. The uncertainty of input variables determined to be the most sensitive were those associated with the amount of user delay and the valuation of user delay. The next most sensitive inputs are those associated with the cost of deploying and operating the Smart Work Zone system. <p>The model developed in this research concurs with the approach and analysis used in other models for the analysis of transportation projects. The model developed in this research provides a tool that can be used for decision making regarding the deployment of a Smart Work Zone and comparison with other transportation project alternatives. The model employs a user definable approach that enables it to be adapted to the specific conditions of a diverse range of field state conditions and has the ability to interface with several traffic flow models. <p>When applied to a case study project on Interstate 95 in North Carolina, the model was found to be capable of providing useful and relevant results that correlated to observed performance. The case study represented one of many operating scenarios on the project, and is not necessarily representative of all the field state conditions occurring over the period of the entire deployment. <p>The model results included a sensitivity analysis that identified the sensitivity of the outcome to uncertainty in the input values and a risk analysis that quantified the uncertainty of the predictions. The findings indicated that, at a 95 percent confidence level, the expected benefit / cost ratio of deploying a Smart Work Zone system was between 1.2 and 11.9 and the net value was between $10,000 and $225,000 per month of operation. Approximately 94 percent of the expected benefits were from savings in user delay and the remainder from savings due to improved safety, reduced emissions, and reduced vehicle operating costs. The results indicate that when applied under appropriate conditions, Smart Work Zones have the potential to provide significant benefits to road users. Under heavily congested conditions, the diversion of even a small amount of traffic to a more efficient route can provide sizable travel time improvements for all traffic.<p>In summary, the model developed in this research was specifically developed to apply to Smart Work Zones, but in its general form could also be applied to other work zone traffic management applications. In the case study the model was applied to a single rural work zone, but the framework could be extended for an integrated analysis of multiple work zones and network analysis in an urban setting. The research provides a fundamental framework and model for the analysis of Smart Work Zones and a method to determine the sensitivity of the uncertainty of input values. The research also identifies areas for continued examination of the effects of Smart Work Zone deployment and the prediction of expected benefits.

Supporting Public Health Policy Decision-making through Economic Evaluation: Applications and Methods

Sander, Beate 11 January 2012 (has links)
The extent to which economic evaluations of public health programs in Ontario are conducted and used by decision makers is currently very limited. This thesis supports public health decision-making through applied and methodological work. The applied work demonstrates different methods to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of public health interventions using the examples of seasonal and pandemic influenza immunization programs. The methodological component explores whether time horizon choice, one methodological consideration in economic evaluations, introduces bias. The economic evaluation of Ontario’s universal influenza immunization program (UIIP) uses primarily provincial health administrative databases to assess the impact of UIIP on health outcomes (quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), mortality), health care resource use (physician office visits, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations), and costs due to seasonal influenza. Ontario’s UIIP was found to be cost-effective compared to a targeted program. The economic evaluation of Ontario’s H1N1 (2009) mass immunization program uses a mathematical modeling approach to describe the pandemic as observed in Ontario. By removing immunization from the simulation, the impact of the program was evaluated. Outcome measures include health outcomes (attack rate, deaths, QALYs), resource use, and cost (physician office visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations). The analysis found Ontario’s mass immunization program to be highly cost-effective despite high program cost. The methodological component investigates whether time horizon choice, a major methodological choice, introduces bias to economic evaluations. The existence, magnitude and direction of time horizon bias are demonstrated using a formal model. This work supports current guidelines in recommending a lifetime time horizon and provides a framework to discuss bias in economic evaluations. This thesis demonstrates different approaches to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of public health interventions, informs decision-making, and establishes the groundwork to guide future economic evaluations of public health interventions.

Supporting Public Health Policy Decision-making through Economic Evaluation: Applications and Methods

Sander, Beate 11 January 2012 (has links)
The extent to which economic evaluations of public health programs in Ontario are conducted and used by decision makers is currently very limited. This thesis supports public health decision-making through applied and methodological work. The applied work demonstrates different methods to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of public health interventions using the examples of seasonal and pandemic influenza immunization programs. The methodological component explores whether time horizon choice, one methodological consideration in economic evaluations, introduces bias. The economic evaluation of Ontario’s universal influenza immunization program (UIIP) uses primarily provincial health administrative databases to assess the impact of UIIP on health outcomes (quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), mortality), health care resource use (physician office visits, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations), and costs due to seasonal influenza. Ontario’s UIIP was found to be cost-effective compared to a targeted program. The economic evaluation of Ontario’s H1N1 (2009) mass immunization program uses a mathematical modeling approach to describe the pandemic as observed in Ontario. By removing immunization from the simulation, the impact of the program was evaluated. Outcome measures include health outcomes (attack rate, deaths, QALYs), resource use, and cost (physician office visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations). The analysis found Ontario’s mass immunization program to be highly cost-effective despite high program cost. The methodological component investigates whether time horizon choice, a major methodological choice, introduces bias to economic evaluations. The existence, magnitude and direction of time horizon bias are demonstrated using a formal model. This work supports current guidelines in recommending a lifetime time horizon and provides a framework to discuss bias in economic evaluations. This thesis demonstrates different approaches to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of public health interventions, informs decision-making, and establishes the groundwork to guide future economic evaluations of public health interventions.

Probabilistic performance model for evaluation of a smart work zone deployment

Bushman, Robert James 19 March 2007 (has links)
A safe and efficient highway infrastructure is a critical component and a valuable asset in terms of its monetary value, as well as supporting the way of life and economic activities of the people it serves. In North America, performing maintenance, repair, and expansion of an aging highway infrastructure to a target level of performance while dealing with ever-increasing traffic demands creates a significant challenge in terms of road user safety and mobility. Much of the current highway infrastructure was built several decades ago and it is therefore requiring increasing levels of maintenance and rehabilitation. <p>The cost of delays resulting from traffic congestion induced by work zones is estimated to be more than $6 billion per year. Work zone related traffic fatalities exceed more than 1000 lost lives per year in North America. Work zone related fatalities account for approximately 2.8 percent of highway fatalities in United States and 1.3 percent in Canada. While overall fatal crash rates have been steadily decreasing in both Canada and United States, work zone related fatalities have not been decreasing. <p>Smart Work Zones are an emerging technology designed to improve the safety and mobility within work zones on highways. Smart Work Zones employ various technologies to monitor current traffic conditions and provide relevant information to road managers and road users on current traffic flow conditions and automatically provide guidance to motorists for safer and more efficient navigation of the work zone. <p>This research examined the effects of a Smart Work Zone deployment by modeling traffic flow with and without a Smart Work Zone at the case study site in North Carolina to provide inputs into a performance analysis framework. The quantification of benefits and costs related to the deployment of a Smart Work Zone was developed in a probabilistic analysis framework model. The performance was quantified in economic terms of expected benefit cost ratio and net value realized from the deployment of a Smart Work Zone. The model considers the cost of deployment and potential savings in terms of motorist safety (fatal and injury crash reduction) as well as improvements in traveler mobility including reductions in user delays, vehicle operating costs, and emissions.<p>The model output is a risk profile that provides a range of expected values and associated probabilities of occurrence to quantify the expected benefits while also taking into consideration the uncertainty of the most sensitive input variables. The uncertainty of input variables determined to be the most sensitive were those associated with the amount of user delay and the valuation of user delay. The next most sensitive inputs are those associated with the cost of deploying and operating the Smart Work Zone system. <p>The model developed in this research concurs with the approach and analysis used in other models for the analysis of transportation projects. The model developed in this research provides a tool that can be used for decision making regarding the deployment of a Smart Work Zone and comparison with other transportation project alternatives. The model employs a user definable approach that enables it to be adapted to the specific conditions of a diverse range of field state conditions and has the ability to interface with several traffic flow models. <p>When applied to a case study project on Interstate 95 in North Carolina, the model was found to be capable of providing useful and relevant results that correlated to observed performance. The case study represented one of many operating scenarios on the project, and is not necessarily representative of all the field state conditions occurring over the period of the entire deployment. <p>The model results included a sensitivity analysis that identified the sensitivity of the outcome to uncertainty in the input values and a risk analysis that quantified the uncertainty of the predictions. The findings indicated that, at a 95 percent confidence level, the expected benefit / cost ratio of deploying a Smart Work Zone system was between 1.2 and 11.9 and the net value was between $10,000 and $225,000 per month of operation. Approximately 94 percent of the expected benefits were from savings in user delay and the remainder from savings due to improved safety, reduced emissions, and reduced vehicle operating costs. The results indicate that when applied under appropriate conditions, Smart Work Zones have the potential to provide significant benefits to road users. Under heavily congested conditions, the diversion of even a small amount of traffic to a more efficient route can provide sizable travel time improvements for all traffic.<p>In summary, the model developed in this research was specifically developed to apply to Smart Work Zones, but in its general form could also be applied to other work zone traffic management applications. In the case study the model was applied to a single rural work zone, but the framework could be extended for an integrated analysis of multiple work zones and network analysis in an urban setting. The research provides a fundamental framework and model for the analysis of Smart Work Zones and a method to determine the sensitivity of the uncertainty of input values. The research also identifies areas for continued examination of the effects of Smart Work Zone deployment and the prediction of expected benefits.

A Study of Economic Evaluation and Voting Behavior among Constituency: 1996-2004

Huang, Yu-Chen 17 August 2004 (has links)
ABSTRACT The definition of economic voting by Lewis-Beck indicates constituency can cast a ballot for the benefit of the ruling party while they definitely confirm economic performance by past; vice versa. The study also expresses Western democratic countries periodically hold the Election of Central Administration Leading Cadre and the Legislative Election; furthermore, it shows in response to economic voting during constituency go into deciding by ballot at the meantime. Seeing that documents of the research in Taiwan of voting behavior among constituency much focus on national identification, political party and candidate characteristics; the other way round, less focus on economic performance or economic governance ability. It is unworthy truth for Taiwan Economy to be no longer wonderingly splendid manifestation. Therefore, this study longs for by way of observing materials and data in poll centers behind the President Election in 1996, 2000 as well as the Legislative Election in 1998, 2001. Consequently, it searches out whether economic voting manifestation for Taiwan constituency; it awaits to comprehend if the Economy is one of main variable while voting by constituency in Taiwan? Moreover, it attempts to observing constituency to be part of which social background characteristics. On the basis of the above-mentioned analysis, this study comes at something: I. Economic evaluation is indeed an influential factor; due to unique historical culture background, the crucial point in voting still inferiors to identification of political party and unity-independence position. Nevertheless, candidates among latterly national elections propose unexceptionable policy to lure constituency; newspapers and mass media describe prosperity fluctuation by a wide margin. The effect of economic issues is more and more significant in future election. It may observe continually. II. The study detects low-education-level constituency easily possess economic voting behavior than high-education-level constituency, but it is not fit in with foreign relevant economic voting theory - it is worthy of probing into variations between Taiwan and foreign countries. Over and above, owning-occupation constituency easily possesses economic voting behavior than non-owning-occupation constituency. It hopes adding the gender and age factors in future research. Key Words: Economic Evaluation, Voting Behavior, the Legislative Election, the President Election, Multinomial Logit Model

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