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Vliv vybrané investice spolufinancované ze SF EU na rozvoj vybraného venkovského mikroregionu / Impact of an investments co-financed from EU Structural Funds for the development of th rural microregionKOTOUN, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
The main target of this diploma thesis is to confirm the hypothesis that the project "Ski resort Lipno regional winter sport centre" has an unquestionable and a region wide impact on social and economical development of the municipality Lipno nad Vltavou as well as on the whole micro region Lipensko. Within the assessment of social and economical costs and benefits and based on a set of methods used to evaluate projects of ROP NUTS II Southwest which was also a financial source of this project, it was possible to prove the existence of significant and positive impacts on social and economical development of both municipality Lipno nad Vltavou and the whole micro region Lipensko (new jobs, increase revenue of other tourism subjects in this area etc.). Total social and economic effect of the investment is financially positive. It was confirmed by means of the cost- benefit analysis. Present value (PV) is 330 million CZK, net present value (NPV) of the project is about 133 million CZK. Economic rate of return (ERR) reached 11.47 %, profitability index (NPV/I) reached 0.67 CZK net discounted profit per 1 CZK invested in 8 year payback. All these values are positive and it is possible to state that this project has a great value added and it brings good societal benefits.
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Finanční analýza jako nástroj řízení majetku a kapitálu podniku / Financial analysis as a tool for asset and capital managementBLAŽKOVÁ, Andrea January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with general characteristics of financial analysis, the importance of financial analysis for financial management, an expression of financial ratios, including their systems, economic value added, and some bankruptcy and creditworthy models. The analytical section of the thesis applies selected financial indicators to interpret the financial situation of the constructional company Hochtief CZ.
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Capital humano e crescimento econômico: o caso da economia paranaense no início do século XXI / Human capital and economic growth: the case of the Parana state economics in the beginning of the century XXIViana, Giomar 11 December 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-12-11 / The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of human capital in regional concentration of Parana s State economical growth, at the beginning of the 21st century. To do so, the panel method has been used, from Least Squares Dummy Variables Estimator (LSDV) method, with 399 Parana s State municipalities as a sample between 1999 and 2006. Hence, the data used was the Gross National Product (GNP) as a dependent variable, as well as Human capital (HC), Physical capital (PC), Social Capital (SC), Natural Capital (NC) and municipal socio-human investment (SHC I), segmented by region, as explanatory variables. In order to determine these variables, the following proxies have been used: the GNP that represents economical growth (dependence variable); the average number of years of study for the 25 year-old-population and above for HC; the level of electrical energy consumption in industry, for PC, the number of cooperatives, syndical entities and other kinds of non-profit organizations for every 1000 inhabitants, for SC; the added value in agriculture, for NC; and public municipal investments in health, sanitation, education and culture, for SHC-I. The reported results stress a high level of explanation of the proposed variables to justify economical growth and, except social-human investment, all of them have an impact on the level of economical growth of the regions. Even so, it has been proved that the human capital is one of the main factors to determine economical growth, working as a catalyzing mechanism of regional development. However, its full performance occurs from its interaction with the other factors, especially the physical and the social capital. Before that, the study innovates because it is one of the first studies regarding analysis of regional disparities, as of the set of municipalities of the whole State in panel data. On the other hand, this study moves forward in the understanding of the interaction among natural, human and social capital, allowing a new analysis to determine the economical growth. Therefore, the development of human capital is one of the alternatives to stimulate economical growth of Parana s regions, working as a tool to reduce regional economical disparities of the State. / O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a influência do capital humano na concentração regional do crescimento econômico paranaense, no início do século XXI. Para tanto, optou-se pela metodologia de dados de painel, a partir da utilização do método Least Squares Dummy Variables (LSDV), tendo como amostra os 399 municípios paranaenses, entre 1999 e 2006. Desse modo, os dados utilizados foram o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB-municipal), como variável dependente, além do capital humano (CH), capital físico (CF), capital social (CS), capital natural (CN) e investimento social-humano (I-CSH) municipais, segmentados por mesorregião, como variáveis explicativas. Para a determinação dessas variáveis, foram utilizadas as seguintes proxies: O PIB representando o crescimento econômico (variável dependente); o número médio de anos de estudo para a população de 25 anos e acima, para CH; o nível de consumo de energia elétrica na indústria, para CF; o número de cooperativas, entidades sindicais e demais tipos de organização sem fins lucrativos para cada mil habitantes, para CS; o valor adicionado na agricultura, para CN; e os investimentos públicos municipais em saúde, saneamento, educação e cultura, para I-CSH. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam um alto nível de explicação das variáveis propostas para justificar o crescimento econômico, sendo que, com exceção do investimento humano-social, todas impactam no nível de crescimento econômico das mesorregiões. Mesmo assim, constatou-se que o capital humano é um dos principais fatores na determinação do crescimento econômico, servindo como um mecanismo catalisador do desenvolvimento regional. Contudo, seu pleno desempenho se dá a partir de sua interação com os demais fatores, principalmente o capital físico e social. Diante disso, o estudo inova por ser um dos pioneiros quanto à análise das disparidades regionais, a partir do conjunto de municípios de todo o Estado em dados de painel. Por outro lado, o estudo avança na compreensão da interação entre o capital natural, humano e social, permitindo uma nova forma de análise para a determinação do crescimento econômico. Assim, o incremento do capital humano apresentou-se como uma das alternativas para que se dinamize o crescimento econômico das regiões paranaenses, servindo como uma ferramenta para reduzir as disparidades econômicas regionais do Estado.
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Exploateringsavtal, LOU och upphandlingstvång : Vad säger lagen och hur resonerar branschen / Development agreement, public procurement and its constraintLundin, Johan, Olofsson, Peter January 2017 (has links)
Det pågår en diskussion i branschen om huruvida upphandlingsplikt för kommunala anläggningar som regleras i exploateringsavtal föreligger. Plan och bygglagen möjliggör för kommuner att antingen ålägga exploatören ”att vidta” eller ”finansiera” de kommunala anläggningarna, dock utan att förtydliga förenligheten med upphandlingslagstiftningen. Studien når slutsatsen att kommunala anläggningar som regleras i exploateringsavtal är upphandlingspliktiga. De fyra kriterier som konstituerar ett kontrakt i LOU:s mening: skriftlighet, ekonomiska villkor, upphandlande myndighet och utförande av byggentreprenad, är alla uppfyllda. Att tillämpa LOU kan i sig inbegripa en samling problem. Kommunen och exploatören, som avser bebygga kvartersmarken i planområdet, har ett avtalsförhållande genom exploateringsavtalet som kan reglera finansiella åtaganden för exploatören. Detta kan i sin tur ge exploatören ett teoretiskt incitament att lämna lågt anbud i upphandlingen; exploatören ska genom exploateringsavtalet ändå stå för kostnaderna. Exploatören är också verksam inom avtalsområdet av den orsaken att exploatören redan äger marken. Utredningar kan ske löpande som en förberedelse inför exploateringen av marken. I lagen om offentlig upphandling regleras om en anbudssökande deltagit i förberedelserna, så kallat konsultjäv, som möjligen kan aktualiseras. Studien visar att de kommuner som medverkar i en enkätundersökning inte har ett enhetligt arbetssätt. Minst 28 procent av de totalt 120 kommunerna som deltar i enkätundersökningen, sedan 2015-01-01 har låtit exploatören utföra kommunala anläggningar i minst ett exploateringsavtal. Det framkommer i samband med en intervjuundersökning att en av tre intervjuade kommuner använder sig av ”frivillig” tillämpning av LOU, utan hänsyn till uppfattningen att upphandlingslagstiftningen inte behöver tillämpas. Att LOU tillämpas, uppfyller istället syftet med att säkerställa bland annat vägar och gators kvalitet. De exploatörer som deltar i studien anger flera fördelar med att sköta utbyggnaden av allmän plats samordnat med utbyggnaden av kvartersmarken. Studiens enkät- och intervjuundersökning med kommuner vittnar om motsatsen, att exploatören som ålagts att finansiera kommunala anläggningar i exploateringsavtalet sällan inkommer med anbud i upphandlingen. De kommuner som deltar i studien upplever inte att konsultjäv eller regleringen av de finansiella frågorna redan i exploateringsavtalet, som föregår upphandlingen, vållar praktiska problem. De konstaterar förvisso att de fortfarande kan vara teoretiska problem. Studien visar vidare att det finns en skillnad i synsätt kring LOU beroende av yrkeskategori. Juristerna bedöms vara mer teoretiska i sitt synsätt och menar i huvudsak att LOU bör tillämpas. Exploateringsingenjörerna förefaller däremot vara mer praktiska i sitt synsätt, och vill låta exploatörerna bygga ut de kommunala anläggningarna som efter färdigställandet lämnas över till kommunen. / There is an ongoing discussion within the industry whether public procurement should be applied or not regarding municipality facilities that are regulated in development agreements. The law render for the municipality to either enjoin the developer “to institute” or “to finance”, however it is without clarification regarding the compatibility with the public procurement legislation. The study reaches the conclusion that public facilities that are regulated in the development agreements are subject to public procurement. The four criteria’s that constitutes a contract within the Swedish Act on Public Contracts (LOU) are all fulfilled. The municipals does not see consultant disqualification or regulation of the financial questions, that already is in the development agreement that proceed the procurement, causes any practical problems. It’s established that it could still be a theoretical issue. Applying the law of public procurement may come with complex problems. The municipality or the developer that has intention to build on the development area, have in an agreement through the development agreement that can regulate financial obligations for the developer. This will in theory give the developer incentive to come with an offer in the procurement that is not dependent on the actual costs; the developer should either way pay through the development agreement. The developer whom also is operative within the development agreements area who per say already is the land owner. Investigations, such as for example geotechnical investigations can continuously be done as a preparation for the development to come on the land. The law of public procurement regulates prior involvement of candidates or tenderers, so called consultant disqualification, which might be actualized. The study shows that the municipals that have partaken in the study do not have a unified way of working. Since 2015-01-01 at least 28 % of the 120 responding municipals let the developer execute the development of the municipal facilities in at least one development agreement. Another result that emerged is that in one of the three interviewed municipals there is a “voluntary” enforcement of the Swedish Act on Public Contracts (LOU), in spite of the opinion that the law of procurement should not be used. The use of LOU instead fulfills the purpose of securing the quality of roads and pavements. The developers that has partaken in the study state that there are several advantages with being the developer of the public areas coordinated with expansion of the land. The study’s survey and interviews with municipals show the opposite, that the developer whom has been enjoined to finance public facilities in the development agreement rarely participates as a tender in the procurement.The municipals does not see consultant disqualification or regulation of the financial questions, that already is in the development agreement that proceed the procurement, causes any practical problems. It’s established that it could still be a theoretical issue.It has also come to light that there is a different approach depending on work categories. Legal experts are described as the theorists and think that LOU should be used. The development engineers are on the other hand seen as the practitioners and they want the developer to have the opportunity to build the municipals facilities and then after they are finished is handed over to the municipal.
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Jak se žije rodičům na rodičovské dovolené v ČR? / How is the parents' life on parental leave in the Czech republic?Keprová, Lydie January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis named "How is the parents' life on parental leave in the Czech republic?" identifies and analyzes the conditions of Czech parents, who are taking the leave to take care of their children, i.e. the parental leave, and the coherent allowance. Their situation is reviewed from three angles. From the economical point of view, the thesis identifies worsened financial situation of parents on parental leave, compensated only with the parental allowance. The comparison of the leave and the allowance in various European countries indicates different configurations due to their sociocultural context and historical background. In the research in childcare services is pointed out that the offer is insufficient and that the parents, who use them temporarily, are at disadvantage. In the other hand, the diploma thesis introduces new and more suitable services being provided. In the prevention of social isolation of parents with small children, numerous services provided by non-governmental organizations (in contrast with the governmental and commercial sectors) are described, considering also the disproportional geographical configuration of these subjects. The stakeholder analysis refers about interest, influence and attitude of people, communities and organizations involved. The conclusion of...
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Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti a rizik projektů silnic na území Jihomoravského kraje / Evaluation of Economic Efficiency and Risks of Projects of Roads in South-Moravian RegionKovář, Jakub Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of Evaluation of Economic Efficiency and Risks of Projects of Roads in South-Moravian Region. The first part of the thesis is theoretical. In the introduction defines the life cycle of an investment project. The studies and documentation of project are described. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the methodological evaluation of the effectiveness of public projects. The practical part of the thesis is aimed on the processing of economic and risk analysis. The evaluated project is the reconstruction of road and the construction of a new bridge structure on the road II/374 between the village Bílovice nad Svitavou and the town Adamov. The eCBA application was used to evaluate efficiency. A qualitative risk analysis of the project is carried out at the end of this thesis.
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Stanovení výše ekonomického nájemného rodinného domu v Brně / Determining the amount of economic rent for single-family house in BrnoKubásek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to determine the economic rent amount for a family house located in Brno. The concept “economic rent” refers to the amount of payment that brings adequate profit to the landlord. First, all the factors are identified that compose cost rent, i.e. the rent of mere providing and maintaining a property. The main variable is represented by the reproduction value of a dwelling. For the purposes of this thesis, the reproduction value is determined using the cost method (in agreement with the evaluation regulation). Second, the capitalization rate is determined so that an adequate profit could be calculated. The following two methods are employed: the surcharge method and the method of comparison with the financial market. The thesis presents seven alternatives of an economic rent, depending on the interest rates. Lastly, the calculation of the rate of return is performed, along with a correctness test of the calculation of the economic rent amount.
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Proměny mlynářského řemesla na Sedlčansku mezi lety 1848 a 1938 / Transformation of the mill trade in Sedlčany region between 1848 and 1938Janotová, Šárka January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the doctoral thesis is to describe the development trends of the transformation of miller's trade into modern miller's industry on the example of the judicial district Sedlčany in years 1848-1938. Miller's trade has been influenced by many technological changes, which were already described in the past. The legislative changes based on the economic and political climate, which have yet been ignored, are also essential. These changes had a crucial influence not only on the status of mills, but also on the status of millers. The thesis is divided in three time periods, in which the frame of the state formation and also the Sedlčany district itself were taken into account.
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La décroissance appliquée à la musique des jeux vidéoViricel, Josselin 07 1900 (has links)
Mon mémoire portera sur la musique des jeux vidéo dans le cadre d’un effondrement systémique ou d’une autre forme de décroissance de l’économie. C’est dans ce cadre que j’exposerai mes idées quant aux différentes formes que pourraient prendre l’industrie vidéo-ludique et sa musique dans un contexte qui semble difficile à envisager. Quelles sont les sources de créativité dans un monde où les indicateurs liés aux sociétés modernes auront vraisemblablement changé du tout au tout ? Comment envisager que le jeu vidéo puisse rester attrayant, intéressant et passionnant dans un modèle économique décroissant ? Ce sont les problématiques auxquelles je vais tenter d’apporter des réponses ici. / My thesis consists on confronting video-game music with a case of systemic collapse or economical degrowth. Regarding these environmental and societal problematics, I’ll suggest ideas concerning the way we could look at the future of video-games, by thinking on the form the medium and its music could take in a context that we often fail to contemplate. How can creativity still emerge in a world where common society’s indicators will most likely be totally different from what they are today? Could we find ways for video-games and video-game music to be as interesting and inspiring as it is today in a context of economical degrowth? Those are problematics that I’ll specifically address in my thesis, by trying to find an approach and potential answers that suits a realistic future state of the world.
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Krananlagen in HolzbauweisePenno, Eric, Eichhorn, Sven, Kupey, Benjamin, Kluge, Patrick, Golder, Markus 28 June 2023 (has links)
Ziel der Forschungsarbeiten ist ein neues Forschungsfeld zur Anwendung von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen im Kranbau zu eröffnen und zu gestalten. Damit sollen die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen gelegt werden, um Krananlagen und deren Komponenten in Holzbauweise technisch sinnvoll und sicher zu gestalten sowie Krane wirtschaftlich, ökologisch und technisch vorteilhaft im Vergleich zu aktuell bestehenden Bauweisen auszuführen. Das Projekt wird als Machbarkeitsstudie durchgeführt. Die wissenschaftliche und technische Bedeutung des Vorhabens ist durch die Eröffnung eines neuen Forschungsfeldes mit stark technischem, praxisorientiertem Fokus gekennzeichnet. Es resultieren dadurch vielfältige sowohl grundlegende als auch anwendungsbezogene Fragestellung die einer wissenschaftlichen Klärung bedürfen. Krane sind Hightech Anlagen und Schnittstelle vieler technischer Wirkungsketten. Einzelne, konkurrenzfähige Anwendungsfälle mit Pilotstatus haben Strahlkraft innerhalb der Branche und darüber hinaus. In Summe müssen aktuell marktfähige, technische Lösungen und Holzbauweisen entwickelt werden, die bisher nicht existieren. Für den Kranbau und seine Marktakteure bietet sich die Möglichkeit Krane aus natürlichen, ökologischen Faserverbunden einzusetzen und sich damit als innovative, zukunftsorientierte Schlüsselbranche zu präsentieren.
Es wurde eine Recherche zu normbasierten Kranarten und möglichen Ausführungen durchgeführt. Bei der Suche nach aktuellen Umsetzungen von Kranen jeglicher Art unter Einbindung von Holzwerkstoffen wurde die Ausführung der Kranbahn sowie einer Kranbrücke aus Vollholzwerkstoff aufgedeckt. Die Kranbrücke wurde aufgrund unzureichender Informationen aus Veröffentlichungen intensiver anhand der Informationen und Abbildungen untersucht, sowie ein bestehendes Gebrauchsmuster analysiert. In der Schnittstellenanalyse wurden relevante Normen für spezifische Anwendungsfälle zusammengetragen. Aus den Ergebnissen der Grundlagen und Recherche wurden die notwendigen Nachweise sowohl aus dem Kran- wie auch aus dem Holzbau verglichen und zusammengeführt. So ergeben sich die notwendige Auslegung auf Lebensdauer, sowie die Auslegung für einfache und dauerhafte Beanspruchungen unter der Belastungsart der Biegung. Für die Kranarten wurden Bewertungskriterien und eine Bewertungsmatrix erstellt, mit deren Ergebnis das Substitutionspotential der Kranarten ermittelt werden konnte. Das höchste Substitutionspotential wiesen Brücken- und Portalkrane auf, sodass mit diesen detailliertere Berechnungen und Auslegungen durchgeführt wurden. Durch das Aufstellen von Aspektverhältnissen (Höhe-Breitenverhältnis bei gleicher Spannweite und Durchbiegung) konnten sowohl der notwendige Bauraum, wie auch das Gewicht der einzelnen Variationen theoretisch ermittelt und untereinander verglichen werden. Auf Grundlage der erarbeiteten Erkenntnisse wurde ein Pflichtenheft erarbeitet. Auf dessen Basis wurde eine vorteilhafte Bauweise auf der Grundlage eines Kastenprofils erarbeitet. Dieses vereint den Leichtbau bei geringer Durchbiegung. Der monetäre Vergleich zeigt, dass Holz- und Metallbauweise etwa auf dem gleichen Niveau liegen. Eine Ausführung von Kranen in Holzbauweise wäre somit aus Sicht der Belastung des Gewichtes und aus finanziellen Aspekten vielversprechend.:Projektdaten/ Projekt data
Project objective
Project results
1 Kurzbericht
1.1 Aufgabenstellung
1.2 Planung und Ablauf des Vorhabens
1.3 Resümee der wesentlichen Ergebnisse
1.3.1 Arbeitspakete und Meilensteine
1.3.2 Zusammenfassung
1.3.3 Ausblick
2 Ausführliche Darstellung der Ergebnisse
2.1 Erzielte Ergebnisse
2.1.1 Arbeitspaket 1: Grundlagen
2.1.2 Arbeitspaket 1.1: Recherche Brückenkran Portalkran Kabelkrane Drehkran Fahrzeugkran Stand der Technik
2.1.3 Abgrenzung zur aktuellen Lösung in Holzbauweise, kritische Würdigung
2.1.4 Arbeitspaket 1.2: Schnittstellenanalyse
2.1.5 Arbeitspaket 1.3: Bewertungskriterien
2.1.6 Arbeitspaket 1.4: Konstruktive Analyse
2.1.7 Arbeitspaket 1.5: Substitutionspotentialanalyse
2.1.8 Arbeitspaket 1.6: Wesentliche Offene Fragen für das Forschungsfeld (Auswahl)
2.1.9 Meilenstein I: Pflichtenheft
2.1.10 Arbeitspaket 2: Synthese
2.1.11 Arbeitspaket 2.1: Berechnung Normkonformität CE-Konformität Evaluation einer holzspezifischen Leichtbauausführung
2.1.12 Arbeitspaket 2.2: Material Materialkennwerte Versagensmechanismen
2.1.13 Arbeitspaket 2.3: Target Costing (Variantenvergleich) Konstruktionsvarianten Untersuchung vorteilhafter Profilbauweisen
2.1.14 Baukastensystem
2.1.15 Projektergebnisse bezogen auf die Kernfragen der Machbarkeitsstudie
2.1.16 Frage 1: Wie ist Holz grundsätzlich technisch und wirtschaftlich vorteilhaft im Kranbau einsetzbar?
2.1.17 Frage 2: Welche Kranarten sind prinzipiell realisierbar?
2.1.18 Frage 3: Welche konkreten Schritte sind für die Umsetzung der Holzbauweisen nötig?
2.2 Erfindungen/Schutzrechtsanmeldungen
2.3 Wirtschaftliche Erfolgsaussichten nach Projektende
2.4 Wissenschaftliche und/oder technische Erfolgsaussichten nach Projektende
2.5 Wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit
3 Erkenntnisse von Dritten
4 Veröffentlichungen
5 Quellen / Project objective:
The aim of the research work is to open up and design a new research field for the use of wood and wood-based materials in crane construction. This is intended to lay the scientific foundations for designing crane systems and their components in timber construction in a technically sensible and safe manner, for making cranes economical, ecological and technically advantageous in comparison to current construction methods. The project is carried out as a feasibility study. The scientific and technical importance of the project is characterized by the opening of a new research field with a strong technical, practice oriented focus. This results in a variety of both fundamental and application related questions that require scientific clarification. Cranes are high-tech systems and interfaces to many technical functional chains. Individual, competitive use cases with pilot status have an impact within the industry and beyond. All in all, currently marketable, technical solutions and timber construction methods have to be developed which do not exist so far. Crane construction and its market players have the opportunity to use cranes made from natural, ecological fiber composites and thus present themselves as an innovative, future-oriented key industry.
Project results:
Research was carried out on standard based crane types and possible designs. In search for current implementations of cranes of all kinds using wood materials, the design of the crane runway and a crane bridge made of solid wood material was discovered. Because of insufficient information from publications, the crane bridge was examined more intensively using the information and illustrations and an existing utility model was analyzed. Relevant standards for specific applications were compiled in the interface analysis. From the results of the fundamentals and research, the necessary proofs from both the crane and the wood construction were compared and brought together. This results in the necessary design for service life, as well as the design for simple and permanent stresses under the type of stress caused by bending. Evaluation criteria and an evaluation matrix were created for the crane types, with the result of which the substitution potential of the crane types could be determined. Bridge and gantry cranes had the highest substitution potential, so more intensive calculations and designs were carried out with them. By setting up aspect ratios (height-width ratio with the same span and deflection), both the necessary installation space and the weight of the individual variations could be determined theoretically and compared with each other. On the basis of the knowledge gained, a specification was drawn up. According to this, an advantageous construction based on a box profile was developed. This combines lightweight construction with low deflection. A monetary comparison shows that the bridge made of wood-based materials is roughly on the same level as the steel bridge. A design of cranes in timber construction would therefore be promising from the point of view of the weight load and from financial aspects.:Projektdaten/ Projekt data
Project objective
Project results
1 Kurzbericht
1.1 Aufgabenstellung
1.2 Planung und Ablauf des Vorhabens
1.3 Resümee der wesentlichen Ergebnisse
1.3.1 Arbeitspakete und Meilensteine
1.3.2 Zusammenfassung
1.3.3 Ausblick
2 Ausführliche Darstellung der Ergebnisse
2.1 Erzielte Ergebnisse
2.1.1 Arbeitspaket 1: Grundlagen
2.1.2 Arbeitspaket 1.1: Recherche Brückenkran Portalkran Kabelkrane Drehkran Fahrzeugkran Stand der Technik
2.1.3 Abgrenzung zur aktuellen Lösung in Holzbauweise, kritische Würdigung
2.1.4 Arbeitspaket 1.2: Schnittstellenanalyse
2.1.5 Arbeitspaket 1.3: Bewertungskriterien
2.1.6 Arbeitspaket 1.4: Konstruktive Analyse
2.1.7 Arbeitspaket 1.5: Substitutionspotentialanalyse
2.1.8 Arbeitspaket 1.6: Wesentliche Offene Fragen für das Forschungsfeld (Auswahl)
2.1.9 Meilenstein I: Pflichtenheft
2.1.10 Arbeitspaket 2: Synthese
2.1.11 Arbeitspaket 2.1: Berechnung Normkonformität CE-Konformität Evaluation einer holzspezifischen Leichtbauausführung
2.1.12 Arbeitspaket 2.2: Material Materialkennwerte Versagensmechanismen
2.1.13 Arbeitspaket 2.3: Target Costing (Variantenvergleich) Konstruktionsvarianten Untersuchung vorteilhafter Profilbauweisen
2.1.14 Baukastensystem
2.1.15 Projektergebnisse bezogen auf die Kernfragen der Machbarkeitsstudie
2.1.16 Frage 1: Wie ist Holz grundsätzlich technisch und wirtschaftlich vorteilhaft im Kranbau einsetzbar?
2.1.17 Frage 2: Welche Kranarten sind prinzipiell realisierbar?
2.1.18 Frage 3: Welche konkreten Schritte sind für die Umsetzung der Holzbauweisen nötig?
2.2 Erfindungen/Schutzrechtsanmeldungen
2.3 Wirtschaftliche Erfolgsaussichten nach Projektende
2.4 Wissenschaftliche und/oder technische Erfolgsaussichten nach Projektende
2.5 Wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit
3 Erkenntnisse von Dritten
4 Veröffentlichungen
5 Quellen
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