Spelling suggestions: "subject:"economies off scope"" "subject:"economies oof scope""
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Die Bündelung von Payments for Environmental Services als Möglichkeit eines effizienten Schutzes von Biodiversität : eine transaktionskostenökonomische Analyse / Bundling of payments for environmental services for a more efficient conservation of biodiversity : a transaction cost analysisCzempas, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation erfolgt eine Analyse des Schutzes von Biodiversität durch Payments for Environmental Services (PES) und, insbesondere im empirischen Teil, innerhalb des Ansatzes Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDDplus). Die Anwendung von PES-Programmen zum Schutz von Biodiversität gewinnt im umweltpolitischen Bereich immer mehr an Bedeutung.
Gleichzeitig ist die Umsetzung solcher Schutzprogramme jedoch mit erheblichen Transaktionskosten und damit der Gefahr von Ineffizienzen verbunden. Die Möglichkeit der Bündelung von Biodiversität mit einer weiteren Ökosystemleistung, hier der Speicherung von Kohlenstoffdioxid, wird hinsichtlich der Wirkungen auf die Schutzniveaus beider Ökosystemleistungen und der Veränderung der Produktionsweise des landwirtschaftlichen Sektors in einem monopsonistischen Modelansatz analysiert. Durch die formale Analyse zeigt sich, dass für einen effizienteren Schutz der beiden Ökosystemleistungen economies of scope bei den Transaktionskosten mit der Bündelung von PES-Programmen realisiert werden müssen.
Ein Beispiel für die praktische Umsetzung von Payments for Environmental Services ist der REDDplus-Ansatz. Das Ziel ist die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen durch den Erhalt und die nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von tropischen Wäldern, aber auch der Schutz von Biodiversität. Innerhalb des empirischen Teiles der Dissertation wird untersucht, inwiefern es durch die Verfolgung beider Ziele zur Realisierung von economies of scope bei den Transaktionskosten kommt. In die Analyse werden sechs Länder (Costa-Rica, Indonesien, Mexiko, Kambodscha, Peru und Vietnam) einbezogen. Die Analyse erfolgt auf der Grundlage von Szenarien, welche mit Hilfe der Readiness Proposals der Länder für den Zeitraum von 2008 bis 2030 erstellt wurden.
Anhand der Ergebnisse kann gezeigt werden, dass es nicht automatisch durch die Zusammenlegung von PES-Programmen zu einer Realisierung von economies of scope kommt. Eine Bündelung solcher Programme ist daher nicht in allen Phasen ihrer Umsetzung ratsam. / This thesis conducts an analysis of conservation of biodiversity through Payments for Environmental Services (PES) and, particularly in the empirical part, within the approach of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDDplus). In the field of environmental policy the use of PES programs to conserve biodiversity becomes increasingly important. At the same time the implementation of such programs is associated with significant transaction costs and the risk of inefficiency. The possibility of pooling biodiversity with other ecosystem services, here carbon sequestration, is analyzed in a monopsonistic model with regard to the effects on the level of conservation of both ecosystem services and the change in the production process of the agricultural sector. The results of the formal analysis
pointed out that economies of scope must be realized in transaction costs for
an efficient conservation of both ecosystem services.
The REDDplus approach is an example of the practical implementation of Payments
for Environmental Services. The target of this approach is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through preservation and sustainable management of tropical forests, but also the conservation of biodiversity. The empirical part of the thesis examines the possibility of realizing economies of scope in transaction costs if both targets are pursued. The analysis includes six REDDplus countries (Costa Rica, Indonesia, Mexico, Cambodia, Peru and Vietnam). The analysis is performed on the basis of scenarios that have been created using the Readiness Proposals of countries for the period from 2008 to 2030.The results show that merging PES programs does not automatically ensure a realization of economies of scope. A bundling of such programs is not advisable at all stages of implementation.
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A study for the development of a bank - The case of Bank of Kaohsiung.Huang, Chao-Yeh 30 August 2007 (has links)
This study is to explore the future development of Bank of Kaohsiung (BOK), the only Kaohsiung based medium-size banking institute. Due to the close relationship between banking and economic development, banking institutes with headquarter at Kaohsiung serving the local enterprises in this region play a significant role. While¡Amost of the local banking institutions in Kaohsiung area moved their headquarters to Taipei or have been merged by Finance holding companies owing to their poor performance. BOK is the only one left. Nevertheless, BOK should not be satisfied with the advantage of being the only medium-size local bank, but has to seek the way to withhold the advantage from the market and survive even better when facing the severe competition from giant Finance holding companies.
This research adopts the questionnaire research method of case study and carries on the research by exploring:
1.the viewpoint of the middle-ranked clerks of BOK for the value of the Bank¡¦s operation core resources.
2.the viewpoint of the bank clerks of BOK for their intention and cooperative willingness in the bank development, including bank organizational change and economies of scope.
The conclusions of this study are presented as follows:
1.Most of the middle-ranked clerks of BOK agree to the view points of resource-based view that ability is more important than resources , intangible resources is more important than physical resources and finance resources.
2.42.5% of bank clerks agree that it is a major defect of BOK with most of their branch office located at the southern part of Taiwan. Over 70% of bank clerks agree to move of the poor performance branch office to other volatile city. However, 84.5% of the questionnaires insist that any assignment to serve in other area shall be volunteered.
3.Developing the wealth management business is mild positive to bank clerks of BOK, and young, new coming, high educated bank clerks are more optimism. Over 80% of bank clerks recognize that solid customer support is the great asset of their Bank.
4.Expanding the loaning business among the medium and small enterprises is mild positive to bank clerks of BOK, especially high educated young bank clerks.
5.Nearly half of bank clerks believe that there is a little chance that BOK will not become a financial holding company. Also, 42% of the employee reject or highly reject the Bank to carry out actively to merge with other financial holding company.
This research attempts to make some contributions on this subject. We start from the viewpoint of the middle-ranked clerks and bank clerks of BOK, through the empirical questionnaire research. We hope this can provides an objective discussion platform for people who concern the future development of BOK in the relevant issues.
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Ganhos econômicos da Integração Lavoura-Pecuária em relação a sistemas de monocultivo / Economic gains of integrated crop-livestock systems in relation to monoculture systemsGabriela Geraldi Mendonça 10 July 2018 (has links)
O monocultivo, delineamento da produção agropecuária mais tradicional, desde a Revolução Verde, têm sido relacionado ao desequilíbrio ambiental de ecossistemas, e escassez de recursos naturais. Neste contexto, sistemas integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) tem se mostrado promissores em relação à benefícios ambientais e produtivos, quando comparada a sistemas de monocultivo. Existe, todavia, poucos trabalhos que abordam os benefícios econômicos potenciais dos sistemas ILP. O objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver análise econômica e financeira da produção de milho grão e bovinos de corte em sistemas de monocultivo e ILP. A primeira etapa para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi a coleta de dados do projeto intitulado Impacto ambiental, produtividade e viabilidade econômica de sistemas de monocultivo e integrado de lavoura pecuária, financiado pela Fapesp (Processo Nº 2014/24514-6) delineado a partir de seis tratamentos experimentais: T1) Monocultivo de milho grão; T2) Monocultivo Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu; T3) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente; T4) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente, com aplicação de herbicida; T5) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, tendo sido o capim semeado na adubação de cobertura do milho; T6) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente, na linha e entrelinha do milho, com aplicação de herbicida. A segunda etapa foi a cálculo dos custos variáveis dos tratamentos experimentais. A terceira etapa consistiu no cálculo do custo total de produção de sistemas de produção representativos comerciais, que replicassem os manejos e tecnologias utilizados nos tratamentos experimentais. A quarta etapa consistiu na análise financeira, tendo sido o valor presente líquido (VPL), a taxa interna de retorno (TIR) e o PayBack os indicadores de tomada de decisão. O software Microsoft Excel® foi utilizado para o cálculo dos custos de produção, construção do fluxos de caixa e estimativa dos indicadores de viabilidade. Os resultados indicaram ganhos econômicos da ILP, em relação ao monocultivo, explicados pela teoria da economia de escopo. As fontes da economia de escopo identificadas nessa pesquisa foram: diluição de custos fixos e complementariedades técnicas compartilhadas. Os custos de produção unitários da lavoura e da pecuária foram menores na ILP do que nos sistemas de monocultivo. Os sistemas ILP e o monocultivo de milho grão foram considerados economicamente viáveis, com base no VPL, TIR e PayBack. O VPL do sistema ILP foi maior do que do sistema de monocultivo de milho, o que demonstrou outro benefício econômico dos sistemas integrados, se comparados ao monocultivo. A pecuária monocultivo foi economicamente inviável, baseado nos mesmos indicadores de viabilidade econômica. / Monoculture farming, the traditional agriculture approach since the Green Revolution, has been associated with the environmental imbalance of ecosystems and with the scarcity of natural resources. Within this context, integrated crop-livestock (ICL) systems have shown to be promising in terms of environmental and productive benefits when compared to monoculture systems. However, few studies have addressed the potential economic benefits of ICL systems. The objective of this dissertation was to perform an economic and financial analysis of corn grain and beef cattle production in monoculture and ICL systems. The first phase of the study consisted of the collection of data from the project entitled Environmental impact, productivity and economic viability of monoculture and integrated crop-livestock systems, financed by Fapesp (2014/24514-6) and designed in six experimental treatments: T1) corn monoculture; T2) Palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) monoculture; T3) corn plus Palisade Grass sown simultaneously; T4) corn plus Palisade Grass sown simultaneously plus herbicide; T5) Palisade grass sown at topdressing corn; T6) Palisade Grass sown at the line and inter-line of corn. In the second phase, the variable costs of the experimental treatments were calculated. The third phase consisted of calculating the total production cost of representative commercial production systems that replicate the managements and technologies used in the experimental treatments. The fourth phase consisted of financial analysis using the net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback as indicators for decision making. The Microsoft Office Excel software was used for the calculation of production costs, cash flow definition, and estimation of viability indicators. The results indicated economic gains of the ICL system compared to monoculture, explained by the theory of economies of scope. The sources of economies of scope identified in this study were the dilution of fixed costs and shared technical complementarities (fertilizers for example). The unit production costs of livestock and crop were lower in the ICL than in the monoculture system. The ICL systems and corn grain monoculture were considered economically viable based on NPV, IRR, and PayBack. The NPV of ICL systems was bigger than the NPV of corn grain monoculture, which has shown another economic benefit of the integrated systems compared to monoculture. The livestock monoculture system proved to be economically unviable because of the negative NPV and IRR below the minimum attractive rate considered.
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Ganhos econômicos da Integração Lavoura-Pecuária em relação a sistemas de monocultivo / Economic gains of integrated crop-livestock systems in relation to monoculture systemsMendonça, Gabriela Geraldi 10 July 2018 (has links)
O monocultivo, delineamento da produção agropecuária mais tradicional, desde a Revolução Verde, têm sido relacionado ao desequilíbrio ambiental de ecossistemas, e escassez de recursos naturais. Neste contexto, sistemas integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) tem se mostrado promissores em relação à benefícios ambientais e produtivos, quando comparada a sistemas de monocultivo. Existe, todavia, poucos trabalhos que abordam os benefícios econômicos potenciais dos sistemas ILP. O objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver análise econômica e financeira da produção de milho grão e bovinos de corte em sistemas de monocultivo e ILP. A primeira etapa para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi a coleta de dados do projeto intitulado Impacto ambiental, produtividade e viabilidade econômica de sistemas de monocultivo e integrado de lavoura pecuária, financiado pela Fapesp (Processo Nº 2014/24514-6) delineado a partir de seis tratamentos experimentais: T1) Monocultivo de milho grão; T2) Monocultivo Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu; T3) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente; T4) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente, com aplicação de herbicida; T5) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, tendo sido o capim semeado na adubação de cobertura do milho; T6) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente, na linha e entrelinha do milho, com aplicação de herbicida. A segunda etapa foi a cálculo dos custos variáveis dos tratamentos experimentais. A terceira etapa consistiu no cálculo do custo total de produção de sistemas de produção representativos comerciais, que replicassem os manejos e tecnologias utilizados nos tratamentos experimentais. A quarta etapa consistiu na análise financeira, tendo sido o valor presente líquido (VPL), a taxa interna de retorno (TIR) e o PayBack os indicadores de tomada de decisão. O software Microsoft Excel® foi utilizado para o cálculo dos custos de produção, construção do fluxos de caixa e estimativa dos indicadores de viabilidade. Os resultados indicaram ganhos econômicos da ILP, em relação ao monocultivo, explicados pela teoria da economia de escopo. As fontes da economia de escopo identificadas nessa pesquisa foram: diluição de custos fixos e complementariedades técnicas compartilhadas. Os custos de produção unitários da lavoura e da pecuária foram menores na ILP do que nos sistemas de monocultivo. Os sistemas ILP e o monocultivo de milho grão foram considerados economicamente viáveis, com base no VPL, TIR e PayBack. O VPL do sistema ILP foi maior do que do sistema de monocultivo de milho, o que demonstrou outro benefício econômico dos sistemas integrados, se comparados ao monocultivo. A pecuária monocultivo foi economicamente inviável, baseado nos mesmos indicadores de viabilidade econômica. / Monoculture farming, the traditional agriculture approach since the Green Revolution, has been associated with the environmental imbalance of ecosystems and with the scarcity of natural resources. Within this context, integrated crop-livestock (ICL) systems have shown to be promising in terms of environmental and productive benefits when compared to monoculture systems. However, few studies have addressed the potential economic benefits of ICL systems. The objective of this dissertation was to perform an economic and financial analysis of corn grain and beef cattle production in monoculture and ICL systems. The first phase of the study consisted of the collection of data from the project entitled Environmental impact, productivity and economic viability of monoculture and integrated crop-livestock systems, financed by Fapesp (2014/24514-6) and designed in six experimental treatments: T1) corn monoculture; T2) Palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) monoculture; T3) corn plus Palisade Grass sown simultaneously; T4) corn plus Palisade Grass sown simultaneously plus herbicide; T5) Palisade grass sown at topdressing corn; T6) Palisade Grass sown at the line and inter-line of corn. In the second phase, the variable costs of the experimental treatments were calculated. The third phase consisted of calculating the total production cost of representative commercial production systems that replicate the managements and technologies used in the experimental treatments. The fourth phase consisted of financial analysis using the net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback as indicators for decision making. The Microsoft Office Excel software was used for the calculation of production costs, cash flow definition, and estimation of viability indicators. The results indicated economic gains of the ICL system compared to monoculture, explained by the theory of economies of scope. The sources of economies of scope identified in this study were the dilution of fixed costs and shared technical complementarities (fertilizers for example). The unit production costs of livestock and crop were lower in the ICL than in the monoculture system. The ICL systems and corn grain monoculture were considered economically viable based on NPV, IRR, and PayBack. The NPV of ICL systems was bigger than the NPV of corn grain monoculture, which has shown another economic benefit of the integrated systems compared to monoculture. The livestock monoculture system proved to be economically unviable because of the negative NPV and IRR below the minimum attractive rate considered.
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Vertical Disintegration in the European Electricity Sector: Empirical Evidence on Lost SynergiesGugler, Klaus, Liebensteiner, Mario, Schmitt, Stephan 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The EU has been promoting unbundling of the transmission grid from other stages
of the electricity supply chain with the aim of fostering competition in the upstream stage of
electricity generation. At presence, ownership unbundling is the predominant form of
unbundling in Europe. However, the benefits of increased competition from ownership
unbundling of the transmission grid may come at the cost of lost vertical synergies between the
formerly integrated stages of electricity supply. The policy debate generally neglects such
potential costs of unbundling, yet concentrates on its benefits. Therefore European crosscountry
evidence may shed some light on this issue. This study helps fill this void by
empirically estimating the magnitude of economies of vertical integration (EVI) between
electricity generation and transmission based on a quadratic cost function. For this purpose
we employ novel firm-level panel data of major European electricity utilities. Our results
confirm the presence of substantial EVI, which put the policy measure of transmission
ownership unbundling into question. (authors' abstract) / Series: Working Papers / Research Institute for Regulatory Economics
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台灣專營期貨商規模與多樣化經濟之探討 / A Study of Scale and Scope Economies of Futures Commission Merchants in Taiwan許春元, HSU , CHUN-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
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Conceptual design and simulated operation of economies of scope and scale manufacturing enterprisesCui, Zihua January 2011 (has links)
Much of industry is seeking scope economies, but this requires more complex and flexible product realisation. Modelling technologies have potential to support the life cycle engineering of both Economies of Scope and Scale (EoSS) manufacturing systems. However when companies operate in dynamic environments it is not sufficient to model manufacturing systems in isolation. Rather a holistic modelling methodology is needed which can create structural and behavioural models of dependencies between the manufacturing systems, and the business and engineering environments in which they operate; so that a suitable balance between economies of scope and scale can be achieved. This thesis describes the conception and development of a step wised Extended Modelling Methodology (EMM) which facilitates reasoning, and related decision making, about EoSS manufacturing systems. The EMM was conceived from exploratory research in two SMEs, following which it was applied and case tested in a large manufacturing company. Little academic attention to date has been paid to theorising about the link between ‘Economies of Scope and Scale (EoSS) phenomenon' and ‘manufacturing systems design'. Hence many questions about EoSS manufacturing remain unanswered, such as: (1) academic communities need to know what EoSS actually means and how state-of-the-art modelling can support qualitative and quantitative analysis of EoSS system phenomenon; and (2) industry needs to know how they can benefit from EoSS, what attended costs they might incur, and what best balance between scope and scale economies can be achieved. With these general requirements in mind the thesis reports on the conception and industrial application of the EMM. This has: (A) developed new ideas about EoSS, which can be used to characterise EoSS phenomenon; (B) introduced a new way of visualising architectural aspects of EoSS at multiple-levels of abstraction; and (C) with reference to case studies has illustrated the use of multi-level modelling to enable predictions to be made about EoSS benefits and costs.
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多產品產業規模經濟與多樣化經濟之探討─以台灣旅行業為例 / Economies of Scale and Scope in the Travel Agencies Industry in Taiwan翁志強, Weng, Chih Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本文將設定一 Translog 多產品成本函數模型,以估計台灣旅行業之規模
經濟 (Economies of Scale) 及多樣化經濟 (Economies of Scope)程度
。在 Translog 多產品成本函數模型中,係以廠商所經營之四項業務,包
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Vertical Disintegration in the European Electricity Sector: Empirical Evidence on Lost SynergiesGugler, Klaus, Liebensteiner, Mario, Schmitt , Stephan 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The EU has been promoting unbundling of the transmission grid from other stages of the electricity supply chain with the aim of fostering competition in the upstream stage of electricity generation. At presence, ownership unbundling is the predominant form of unbundling in Europe. However, the benefits of increased competition from ownership unbundling of the transmission grid may come at the cost of lost vertical synergies between the formerly integrated stages of electricity supply. The policy debate generally neglects such potential costs of unbundling, yet concentrates on its benefits. Therefore European cross-country evidence may shed some light on this issue. This study helps fill this void by empirically estimating the magnitude of economies of vertical integration (EVI) between electricity generation and transmission based on a quadratic cost function. For this purpose we employ novel firm-level panel data of major European electricity utilities. Our results confirm the presence of substantial EVI, which put the policy measure of transmission ownership unbundling into question. (authors' abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Bilateral shipping and trade : Swedish-Finnish experiences in the post-war period / Bilateral handel och sjöfart : Svensk-finska erfarenheter under efterkrigstidenAndersson, Lars Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
This thesis explores the bilateral shipping and trade between Finland and Sweden during the post-war period. It comprises five articles and one introductory chapter for which the common point of departure is the growth and transformation of bilateral trade and shipping. The first two articles analyse the structural change of bilateral trade from a national and regional perspective. The three following articles provide an overview and analysis of the ferry shipping. By integrating the perspective in these articles in the introductory chapter and by providing a long historical record, the change of economic relations between Finland and Sweden in the post-war period is discerned. This thesis applies an economic historical approach and is founded on various fields of social science. The issue of trade is analysed within the framework of conventional and new trade theory, and the analysis of ferry shipping is governed by economic and geographic theories. The studies on trade shows that the transformation of production seen in Finland and Sweden meant that the trade increasingly became dependent on an exchange of products arising from matching industries. In turn the foreign trade arising from the Northern part of Finland and Sweden was still dominated by so called inter-industry trade. In addition to these results, the studies of ferry services shows that the growth of vehicles and passengers conveyance, together with the expanded onboard services, also intensified the commercial exchange. Due of the multi-output structure, the ferry service efficiently met the growing demand of travel and trade. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the convergence of incomes and economic structure had a significant impact on bilateral trade and ferry shipping. In addition the process of economic integration, technological advances together with specific policies issued on shipping also contributed to strengthen the economic ties between Finland and Sweden.
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