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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Large Eddy Simulations Of Compressible Mixing Layers

Bodi, Kowsik V R 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Nitrous oxide emissions by agricultural soils : effect of temperature dynamics ; up-scaling measurements from the plot to the landscape / Emissions de protoxyde d’azote par les sols agricoles : effet des dynamiques de température ; mesures à l’échelle de la parcelle et du paysage

Bureau, Jordan 07 April 2017 (has links)
Les sols agricoles sont la principale source du gaz à effet de serre N₂O. Ces émissions sont caractérisées par une variabilité spatiale et temporelle considérable, ce qui rend très difficile leur quantification. L’UR SOLS étudie depuis 2008 les émissions de N₂O dans une zone agricole du Centre de la France. Spécifiquement, nous avons étudié au laboratoire l’effet de la température sur ces émissions et développé une méthode permettant l’estimation des émissions de N₂O à l’échelle du paysage. De façon surprenante, nous avons observé que les émissions de N₂O n’augmentent pas systématiquement avec la température. L’indicateur Q₁₀ est apparu, pour les émissions de N₂O, variable avec le temps. L’utilisation de l’acétylène, inhibiteur de la réduction de N2O, a révélé que les processus biologiques de production et de consommation de N₂O répondent différemment à la température. Les émissions de N₂O mesurées au champ à l’aide de différentes techniques ont permis d’obtenir des résultats cohérents, avec des moyennes de 43 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ pour la méthode par eddy covariance, 37 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ pour la méthode de fast-box et 71 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ pour la méthode des chambres automatiques sur un blé fertilisé. Des méthodes d’attribution des flux ont été développées pour déterminer de façon exhaustive les variations spatiales et temporelles des émissions de N₂O avec élaboration de cartes originales d’émissions à l’échelle du paysage. L’ensemble de ces résultats pourra être utilisé pour le développement de modèles de fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Ils vont contribuer à quantifier les émissions de N₂O aux échelles adaptées pour les inventaires et les stratégies d’atténuation. / The greenhouse gas N₂O is mainly emitted by soils. Soil emissions are characterized by considerable spatial and temporal variabilities that make their quantification very difficult. While soil N₂O emissions are studied on an agricultural area in the Central France by the UR SOLS since 2008, we specifically studied in the laboratory the effect of temperature on these emissions and also developed a method for upscaling N₂O emissions from the plot to the landscape scales. Surprisingly, N₂O emissions were observed not to increase with temperature. Q₁₀ values, describing N₂O emission sensitivity to temperature, were observed to change over time. The use of acetylene for inhibiting N₂O reduction has revealed that the biological processes involved in the N₂O production and its consumption respond differently to temperature variations. N2O fluxes measured in the field using several methods covering different scales of the landscape gave consistent results. The mean measured N₂O fluxes were 43 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ for the eddy covariance mast, 37 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ for the fast-box over a similar area, while it was 71 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ by the automatic chambers over a fertilized wheat field. Flux attribution methods were developed to determine both the spatial and temporal variability of the N₂O flux over a 1-km landscape, resulting in original maps of N₂O emissions at the landscape scale. All these results could be further used for developing ecosystem models. Both these ecosystems models and the methodologies hereby proposed for upscaling N₂O emissions will help in soil N₂O emission quantification at large scales, relevant to the inventories and mitigation strategies.

Analysis of diagnostic climate model cloud parameterisations using large-eddy simulations: Analysis of diagnostic climate model cloud parameterisations usinglarge-eddy simulations

Rosch, Jan, Heus, Thijs, Salzmann, Marc, Mülmenstädt, Johannes, Schlemmer, Linda, Quaas, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Current climate models often predict fractional cloud cover on the basis of a diagnostic probability density function (PDF) describing the subgrid-scale variability of the total water specific humidity, qt, favouring schemes with limited complexity. Standard shapes are uniform or triangular PDFs the width of which is assumed to scale with the gridbox mean qt or the grid-box mean saturation specific humidity, qs. In this study, the qt variability is analysed from large-eddy simulations for two stratocumulus, two shallow cumulus, and one deep convective cases. We find that in most cases, triangles are a better approximation to the simulated PDFs than uniform distributions. In two of the 24 slices examined, the actual distributions were so strongly skewed that the simple symmetric shapes could not capture the PDF at all. The distribution width for either shape scales acceptably well with both the mean value of qt and qs, the former being a slightly better choice. The qt variance is underestimated by the fitted PDFs, but overestimated by the existing parameterisations. While the cloud fraction is in general relatively well diagnosed from fitted or parameterised uniform or triangular PDFs, it fails to capture cases with small partial cloudiness, and in 10 – 30% of the cases misdiagnoses clouds in clear skies or vice-versa. The results suggest choosing a parameterisation with a triangular shape, where the distribution width would scale with the grid-box mean qt using a scaling factor of 0.076. This, however, is subject to the caveat that the reference simulations examined here were partly for rather small domains and driven by idealised boundary conditions.

Site Water Budget: Influences of Measurement Uncertainties on Measurement Results and Model Results

Spank, Uwe 22 October 2010 (has links)
The exact quantification of site water budget is a necessary precondition for successful and sustainable management of forests, agriculture and water resources. In this study the water balance was investigated at the spatial scale of canopies and at different temporal scales with focus on the monthly time scale. The estimation of the individual water balance components was primarily based on micrometeorological measurement methods. Evapotranspiration was assessed by the eddy-covariance (EC) method, while sap flow measurements were used to estimate transpiration. Interception was assessed by a combination of canopy drip, stem flow and precipitation (gross rainfall) measurements and soil moisture measurements were used to estimate the soil water storage. The combination of different measurement methods and the derivation of water balance components that are not directly measurable e.g. seepage and soil evaporation is a very complex task due to different scales of measurement, measurement uncertainties and the superposition of these effects. The quantification of uncertainties is a core point of the present study. The uncertainties were quantified for water balance component as well as for meteorological variables (e.g. wind speed, temperature, global radiation, net radiation and precipitation) that served as input data in water balance models. Furthermore, the influences of uncertainties were investigated in relation to numerical water balance simulations. Here, both the effects of uncertainties in input data and in reference data were analysed and evaluated. The study addresses three main topics. The first topic was the providing of reference data of evapotranspiration by EC measurements. Here, the processing of EC raw-data was of main concern with focus on the correction of the spectral attenuation. Four different methods of spectral correction were tested and compared. The estimated correction coefficients were significantly different between all methods. However, the effects were small to absolute values on half-hourly time scale. In contrast to half-hour data sets, the method had significant influence to estimated monthly totals of evapotranspiration. The second main topic dealt with the comparison of water balances between a spruce (Picea abies) and a beech (Fagus sylvatica) site. Both sites are located in the Tharandter Wald (Germany). Abiotic conditions are very similar at both sites. Thus, the comparison of both sites offered the opportunity to reveal differences in the water balance due to different dominant tree species. The aim was to estimate and to compare all individual components of the water balance by a combination of the above mentioned measurement methods. A major challenge was to overcome problems due different scales of measurements. Significant differences of the water balances between both sites occurred under untypical weather conditions. However, under typical condition the sites showed a similar behaviour. Here, the importance of involved uncertainties deserved special attention. Results showed that differences in the water balance between sites were blurred by uncertainties. The third main topic dealt with the effects of uncertainties on simulations of water balances with numerical models. These analyses were based on data of three sites (Spruce, Grass and Agricultural site). A kind of Monte-Carlo-Simulation (uncertainty model) was used to simulate effects of measurement uncertainties. Furthermore, the effects of model complexity and the effect of uncertainties in reference data on the evaluation of simulation results were investigated. Results showed that complex water balance models like BROOK90 have the ability to describe the general behaviour and tendencies of a water balance. However, satisfying quantitative results were only reached under typical weather conditions. Under untypical weather e.g. droughts or extreme precipitation, the results significantly differed from actual (measured) values. In contrast to complex models, it was demonstrated that simple Black Box Models (e.g. HPTFs) are not suited for water balance simulations for the three sites tested here. / Die genaue Quantifizierung des Standortswasserhaushalts ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Wäldern, Äckern und Wasserressourcen. In dieser Studie wurde auf der Raumskala des Bestandes und auf verschieden Zeitskalen, jedoch vorrangig auf Monatsebene, die Wasserbilanz untersucht. Die Bestimmung der einzelnen Wasserbilanzkomponenten erfolgte hauptsächlich mit mikrometeorologischen Messmethoden. Die Eddy- Kovarianz- Methode (EC- Methode) wurde benutzt zur Messung der Evapotranspiration, während Xylem- Flussmessungen angewendet wurden, um die Transpiration zu bestimmen. Die Interzeption wurde aus Messungen des Bestandesniederschlags, des Stammablaufs und des Freilandniederschlags abgeleitet. Messungen der Bodenfeuchte dienten zur Abschätzung des Bodenwasservorrats. Die Kombination verschiedener Messmethoden und die Ableitung von nicht direkt messbaren Wasserhaushaltkomponenten (z.B. Versickerung und Bodenverdunstung) ist eine äußerst komplexe Aufgabe durch verschiedenen Messskalen, Messfehler und die Überlagerung dieser Effekte. Die Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten ist ein Kernpunkt in dieser Studie. Dabei werden sowohl Unsicherheiten in Wasserhaushaltskomponenten als auch in meteorologischen Größen, welche als Eingangsdaten in Wasserbilanzmodellen dienen (z.B. Windgeschwindigkeit, Temperatur, Globalstrahlung, Nettostrahlung und Niederschlag) quantifiziert. Weiterführend wird der Einfluss von Unsicherheiten im Zusammenhang mit numerischen Wasserbilanzsimulationen untersucht. Dabei wird sowohl die Wirkung von Unsicherheiten in Eingangsdaten als auch in Referenzdaten analysiert und bewertet. Die Studie beinhaltet drei Hauptthemen. Das erste Thema widmet sich der Bereitstellung von Referenzdaten der Evapotranspiration mittels EC- Messungen. Dabei waren die Aufbereitung von EC- Rohdaten und insbesondere die Dämpfungskorrektur (Spektralkorrektur) der Schwerpunkt. Vier verschiedene Methoden zur Dämpfungskorrektur wurden getestet und verglichen. Die bestimmten Korrekturkoeffizienten unterschieden sich deutlich zwischen den einzelnen Methoden. Jedoch war der Einfluss auf die Absolutwerte halbstündlicher Datensätze gering. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte die Methode deutlichen Einfluss auf die ermittelten Monatssummen der Evapotranspiration. Das zweite Hauptthema beinhaltet einen Vergleich der Wasserbilanz eines Fichten- (Picea abies) mit der eines Buchenbestands (Fagus sylvatica). Beide Bestände befinden sich im Tharandter Wald (Deutschland). Die abiotischen Faktoren sind an beiden Standorten sehr ähnlich. Somit bietet der Vergleich die Möglichkeit Unterschiede in der Wasserbilanz, die durch unterschiedliche Hauptbaumarten verursacht wurden, zu analysieren. Das Ziel was es, die einzelnen Wasserbilanzkomponenten durch eine Kombination der eingangs genanten Messmethoden zu bestimmen und zu vergleichen. Ein Hauptproblem dabei war die Umgehung der unterschiedlichen Messskalen. Deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Standorten traten nur unter untypischen Wetterbedingungen auf. Unter typischen Bedingungen zeigten die Bestände jedoch ein ähnliches Verhalten. An dieser Stelle erlangten Messunsicherheiten besondere Bedeutung. So demonstrierten die Ergebnisse, dass Unterschiede in der Wasserbilanz beider Standorte durch Messunsicherheiten verwischt wurden. Das dritte Hauptthema behandelt die Wirkung von Unsicherheiten auf Wasserbilanzsimulationen mittels numerischer Modelle. Die Analysen basierten auf Daten von drei Messstationen (Fichten-, Grasland- und Agrarstandort). Es wurde eine Art Monte-Carlo-Simulation eingesetzt, um die Wirkung von Messunsicherheiten zu simulieren. Ferner wurden auch der Einfluss der Modellkomplexität und die Effekte von Unsicherheiten in Referenzdaten auf die Bewertung von Modellergebnissen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass komplexe Wasserhaushaltsmodelle wie BROOK90 in der Lage sind, das Verhalten und Tendenzen der Wasserbilanz abzubilden. Jedoch wurden zufriedenstellende quantitative Ergebnisse nur unter üblichen Wetterbedingungen erzielt. Unter untypischen Wetterbedingungen (Dürreperioden, Extremniederschläge) wichen die Ergebnisse deutlich vom tatsächlichen (gemessenen) Wert ab. Im Gegensatz zu komplexen Modellen zeigte sich, dass Black Box Modelle (HPTFs) nicht für Wasserhaushaltssimulation an den drei genannten Messstandorten geeignet sind.

Process monitoring of turbine blades : Monitoring of blade tip clearance using eddy current sensors

Andersson, Hampus January 2022 (has links)
This thesis has been a collaboration between the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Siemens Energy which invest in the research facility at KTH. The objective was to investigate the use of eddy current sensors in real-time monitoring of turbine blades. The main focus has been on finding a use for blade tip clearance and a correlation for the insufficient sampling that eddy current sensors suffer from. At the same time, it was desirable to also investigate the use of the same sampled data for blade tip vibration. The research on eddy current sensors is important for their relative low price compared to other instruments and how resistance it is to contamination found in turbines, enabling real-time monitoring.  The testing has been conducted at the Energy Technology department which utilizes a scaled version of a full-sized turbine to investigate performance measurements. It is scaled to have the same stage loading for both blisks investigated. Two different blisks have been used for this project, one with thicher but fewer blades and one with thinner but more blades. On each blisk different types of sampling have been done in order to capture suitable data for both tip timing and tip vibration. This resulted in sampling with static RPM and sweeps over certain regions as well as full sweeps from design RPM to standstill.  A computer model was developed to evaluate the sampled data. In the model, the sample points were interpolated to compensate for the insufficient sampling, enabling tip gap measurements. Measurements and calibration were done on the blisks for the possibility of using a compensation curve in order to be able to compensate for the signal error. The results show that eddy current sensors and setup used here have a good capability of capturing the tip clearance with precision in the range of hundreds of millimeter on the blisk with thicker blades and up to a certain rotational speed on the blisk with thinner blades. In regards to the tip vibration, eddy current system had problems capturing the time of arrival with sufficient precision correctly. / Den här uppsatsen har varit ett sammarbete mellan Kunglig Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) och Simens Energy vilka investerar i forskningen som bedrivs på KTH. Målet var att undersöka användningen av eddy current sensors för övervakning av turbinbliskar. Huvudfokus har varit att hitta användning av sensorerna för topspelsmätningar och ta fram en korregering av den otillräckliga insamlingen av data som eddy current sensorer lider av. Samtidigt var det önskvärt att samtidigt undersöka samma insamlade data för att utvärdera bladvibrationer. Forskning på eddy current sensorer är viktig för dess relativt låga pris jämfört med andra alternativ samt att de dess höga motståndskraft mot smuts som ofta finns i miljöer där turbiner används. Testerna har gjorts på instutitionen för Energiteknik vilka använder en nedskalad versioner av den verkliga storleken på turbinen för att utföra mätningar på. Två olika bliskar har använts för detta projekt, en med grövre men färre blad samt en med tunnare och fler blad. Stegbelastningen är dock samma för båda. På båda bladen har olika typer mätningar gjorts för att kunna fånga passade data för båda topspelsmätningar och bladvibrationer. Detta gav data med statiskt varvtal, långsamma svepningar över specialla regioner och svepningar över från designvarvtal ner till stillastående. En datormodell har utvecklats för utvärdera insamlade data. I modellen sker en interpolering som kompenserar för de låga antalet samplade punkter på bladet. Mätnigar och kalibreringar är gjorda på bliskarna för att skapa en kompenseringskurva åt signalfel i utdatan. Resultatet visar att eddy current systemet har goda möjligheter att visa rätt toppspel med god precition för blisken med tjocka blad och upp till ett visst varvtal på den med tunnare blad. När det kommer till bladvibrationer hade sensorerna och datormodellen svårt att fånga rätt ankomst tid för bladet med tillräckligt hög precision.

Reduced-Order Modeling of Complex Engineering and Geophysical Flows: Analysis and Computations

Wang, Zhu 14 May 2012 (has links)
Reduced-order models are frequently used in the simulation of complex flows to overcome the high computational cost of direct numerical simulations, especially for three-dimensional nonlinear problems. Proper orthogonal decomposition, as one of the most commonly used tools to generate reduced-order models, has been utilized in many engineering and scientific applications. Its original promise of computationally efficient, yet accurate approximation of coherent structures in high Reynolds number turbulent flows, however, still remains to be fulfilled. To balance the low computational cost required by reduced-order modeling and the complexity of the targeted flows, appropriate closure modeling strategies need to be employed. In this dissertation, we put forth two new closure models for the proper orthogonal decomposition reduced-order modeling of structurally dominated turbulent flows: the dynamic subgrid-scale model and the variational multiscale model. These models, which are considered state-of-the-art in large eddy simulation, are carefully derived and numerically investigated. Since modern closure models for turbulent flows generally have non-polynomial nonlinearities, their efficient numerical discretization within a proper orthogonal decomposition framework is challenging. This dissertation proposes a two-level method for an efficient and accurate numerical discretization of general nonlinear proper orthogonal decomposition closure models. This method computes the nonlinear terms of the reduced-order model on a coarse mesh. Compared with a brute force computational approach in which the nonlinear terms are evaluated on the fine mesh at each time step, the two-level method attains the same level of accuracy while dramatically reducing the computational cost. We numerically illustrate these improvements in the two-level method by using it in three settings: the one-dimensional Burgers equation with a small diffusion parameter, a two-dimensional flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number Re = 200, and a three-dimensional flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number Re = 1000. With the help of the two-level algorithm, the new nonlinear proper orthogonal decomposition closure models (i.e., the dynamic subgrid-scale model and the variational multiscale model), together with the mixing length and the Smagorinsky closure models, are tested in the numerical simulation of a three-dimensional turbulent flow past a cylinder at Re = 1000. Five criteria are used to judge the performance of the proper orthogonal decomposition reduced-order models: the kinetic energy spectrum, the mean velocity, the Reynolds stresses, the root mean square values of the velocity fluctuations, and the time evolution of the proper orthogonal decomposition basis coefficients. All the numerical results are benchmarked against a direct numerical simulation. Based on these numerical results, we conclude that the dynamic subgrid-scale and the variational multiscale models are the most accurate. We present a rigorous numerical analysis for the discretization of the new models. As a first step, we derive an error estimate for the time discretization of the Smagorinsky proper orthogonal decomposition reduced-order model for the Burgers equation with a small diffusion parameter. The theoretical analysis is numerically verified by two tests on problems displaying shock-like phenomena. We then present a thorough numerical analysis for the finite element discretization of the variational multiscale proper orthogonal decomposition reduced-order model for convection-dominated convection-diffusion-reaction equations. Numerical tests show the increased numerical accuracy over the standard reduced-order model and illustrate the theoretical convergence rates. We also discuss the use of the new reduced-order models in realistic applications such as airflow simulation in energy efficient building design and control problems as well as numerical simulation of large-scale ocean motions in climate modeling. Several research directions that we plan to pursue in the future are outlined. / Ph. D.

Drallbehaftete Beladung von schlanken Heißwasserspeicher – Detaillierte Simulation der Strömung im Diffusor und Speicher

Oestreich, Felix, Urbaneck, Thorsten 20 June 2024 (has links)
Thermische Energiespeicher tragen u. a. zur Erhöhung der Versorgungsicherheit in der Fernwärmeversorgung und zur Effizienzsteigerung des Fernwärmesystems (z. B. Flexibilisierung der Erzeuger, Speicherung überschüssiger Wärme, besserer hydraulischer Betrieb) bei. Dafür eignen sich Druckbehälter, sog. schlanke Heißwasserspeicher (Speichertyp b1). Die oben genannten Vorteile setzen einen effizienten Speicherbetrieb (niedrige interne und externe Speicherverluste) voraus. Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Minimierung der internen Verluste durch die Verbesserung des thermischen Schichtungsverhaltens. Eine thermische Schichtung mit einem möglichst schmalen Übergangsbereich zwischen heißer und kalter Zone ist ein Indikator für geringe Mischvorgänge während der Beladung. Die Minimierung dieser Mischungsvorgänge bei der Beladung nimmt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Minimierung der internen Speicherverluste ein. Lohse und Brähmer untersuchten die Beladung mit herkömmlichen radialen Diffusor in schlanken Heißwasserspeicher mit numerischer Strömungssimulation. Die Arbeiten identifizieren aufgrund der schlanken Speicherform nachteilige Strömungseffekte wie z. B. einen ausgeprägten Wandstrahl. Dieser Wandstrahl regt Mischvorgänge an und damit steigen die internen Speicherverluste. Zur Überwindung dieser Strömungsproblematik schlägt die Beladung mit Drall vor. Die Untersuchungen von Oestreich zeigten das Strömungsverhalten im Diffusor und im Speicher, die Auswirkungen auf die thermische Schichtung sowie die Vorteilhaftigkeit. Dieser Beitrag soll eine detailliertere Beschreibung der Strömungsvorgänge liefern. Dieses Wissen ist unbedingt notwendig, um die Ursachen und Wirkungen bei der Beladung mit Drall und beim Aufbau der thermischen Schichtung besser zu verstehen. Die Modellierung und Simulation des Diffusors bzw. des Speichers erfolgen mit ANSYS CFX. Zur Auflösung turbulenter Strukturen findet die Large Eddy Simulation Anwendung. Dieser Artikel präsentiert erstmalig die Wirbelstrukturen im Diffusor mit Leitelementen zur Drallerzeugung. Die Speicherströmung weist ein ähnliches Verhalten zu bekannten Dichteströmungen (z. B. Lappen-Kluft-Struktur, Instabilitäten in den freien Scherschichten) auf, was bisher nicht bekannt war. Hohe Peclet-Zahlen (hohe Advektionsströme) im Speichermodell führen zu numerischer Instabilität der Simulation und erfordern deshalb erhöhten Diskretisierungsaufwand. / Thermal energy storage systems contribute, among other things, to increasing the security of supply in the district heating system and to improving the efficiency of the district heating system (e.g., making the generators more flexible, storing waste heat, better hydraulic operation). Pressure vessels, so-called slim hot water storage tanks (storage type b1) are suitable for this purpose. The above mentioned advantages require efficient storage operation (low internal and external storage losses). This paper deals with the minimization of internal losses by improving the thermal stratification behavior. Thermal stratification with a thermocline between hot and cold zone as narrow as possible is an indicator of low mixing processes during loading. Minimizing these mixing processes during loading takes a key role in minimizing internal storage losses. Lohse and Brähmer investigated loading with conventional radial diffuser in slim hot water storage tanks with numerical flow simulation. The work identifies adverse flow effects due to the slim tank shape, such as a wall jet. This wall jet stimulates mixing processes and thus increases the internal storage losses. To overcome this flow problem, Findeisen et al. proposes swirl loading. The investigations of Oestreich et al. showed the flow behavior in the diffuser and in the storage, the effects on the thermal stratification as well as the advantageousness. This paper aims to provide a more detailed description of the flow processes. This knowledge is essential to better understanding the causes and effects of swirl loading and the structure of thermal stratification. Modeling and simulation of the diffuser and storage, respectively, are performed using Ansys CFX. Large eddy simulation (LES) is applied to resolve turbulent structures. This paper presents for the first time the vortex structures in the diffuser with internal elements for swirl generation. The storage flow exhibits similar behavior to known density flows (e.g., head and nose formation, instabilities in the free shear layers), which was previously unknown. High Peclet numbers (high advection currents) in the storage model lead to numerical instability of the simulation and therefore require increased discretization efforts.

Sub-grid Scale Modelling of Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Derivation and A Priori Analysis

Vlaykov, Dimitar Georgiev 22 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Methods to quantify and reduce rotor losses in a solid rotor yoke permanent magnet machine

Wills, Dominic 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Certain types of electric machines are particularly susceptible to the proliferation of eddy currents flowing within the solid conducting regions in the rotor. Single-layer, non-overlapping windings within uneven open slots are some stator properties that can produce damaging, asynchronous magnetic field harmonics which manifest in the rotor as eddy currents. The ohmic losses caused by these eddy currents are a source of inefficiency and can cause a marked increase in the temperature of the rotor. This temperature rise can be dangerous for the magnets, which have to be kept within temperature limits to avoid partial or full demagnetization. The research work presented here is concerned with reducing the effect of eddy currents in the rotor magnets and solid rotor yoke of an electric machine. The work presents analytical methods to calculate the magnetic fields, eddy currents and solid loss in an electric machine due to current in the winding and due to the interaction of the permeance variation in the stator with the magnets in the rotor. A method is also suggested where the analytical theory can be used with a magnetostatic finite element solution to produce a transient solid loss result. The research work also investigates a method for optimal segmentation in both level and penetration, and provides some design suggestions. The work presents the method of partial magnet segmentation, which is a technique whereby thin incisions are made into the magnet material from one or both sides. Another method of partial rotor segmentation is also presented where the incisions are made into a portion of the magnet-facing solid yoke. These methods attempt to interrupt the flow of eddy currents and increase the resistance ‘seen’ by the eddy currents, while also keeping construction difficulty and cost to a minimum. The methods are verified using finite element calculations which are compared to measured results. The result is that partial magnet segmentation is a very useful, effective and practical method of segmenting magnets. The loss reduction profile can be similar to that of traditional full segmentation. The method of partial rotor segmentation also shows a large reduction in rotor power loss. With implementation of these methods on a test machine, one can expect an efficiency increase of more than 4 % / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sekere tipes van elektriese masjiene is veral sensitief vir die vloei van werwelstrome in solied geleidende gebiede in die rotor. Enkellaag, nie-oorvleuelende wikkelings in oneweredige oop gleuwe is enkele stator eienskappe wat skadelike, asinchrone magneetveld harmonieke tot gevolg kan hê, wat as werwelstrome in die rotor manifesteer. Die ohmiese verliese wat deur hierdie werwelstrome teweeg gebring word is 'n bron van ondoeltreffendheid en kan lei tot 'n merkbare toename in die temperatuur van die rotor. Hierdie temperatuur styging hou gevaar in vir die magnete en moet binne temperatuur limiete gehou word om gedeeltlike of self volle demagnetisering te vermy. Die navorsing vervat in hierdie document is gemoeid met die vermindering van die effek van werwelstrome in die rotor magnete en in die soliede rotor juk van 'n elektriese masjien. Die werk bied analitiese metodes aan vir die berekening van die magneetvelde, werwelstrome en soliede verliese in ’n elektriese masjien as gevolg van strome in die wikkelings en die interaksie van die permeansie variasie van die stator met die magnete in die rotor. ’n Metode word ook voorgestel waar die analitiese teorie saam met ’n magnetostatiese eindige element oplossing gebruik word om ’n resultaat vir die oorgang soliede verliese te verkry. Die navorsingswerk ondersoek ook ’n metode vir die optimale segmentering in beide vlak sowel as penetrasie, en verskaf sekere ontwerp voorstelle. Die werk bied die metode aan van gedeeltelike magneet segmentering, wat 'n tegniek is waarvolgens dun insnydings gemaak word aan een of beide kante van die magneet materiaal. Nog ’n metode van gedeeltelike rotor segmentering word beskou waar die insnydings in in ’n gedeelte aan die magneetkant van die soliede rotor juk gemaak word. Hierdie metodes poog om die vloei van werwelstrome te onderbreek en die weerstand soos "gesien" deur die werwelstrome te verhoog, terwyl konstruksie kompleksiteit en koste tot ’n minimum beperk word. Die metodes word bevestig deur eindige element berekeninge wat met gemete resultate vergelyk word. Die gevolg is dat gedeeltelike magneet segmentering 'n baie nuttige, doeltreffende en praktiese metode van die segmentering van magnete is. Die verliesverminderingsprofiel van gedeeltelike segmentering kan soortgelyk wees aan dit van tradisionele volle segmentering. Die metode van gedeeltelike rotor segmentering toon ook 'n groot afname in rotor drywingsverlies. Met die implementering van hierdie metodes op ’n toetsmasjien, kan ’n mens ’n verhoging in benuttingsgraad verwag van meer as 4 %

Large eddy simulation for automotive vortical flows in ground effect

Schembri-Puglisevich, Lara January 2013 (has links)
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is carried out using the Rolls-Royce Hydra CFD code in order to investigate and give further insight into highly turbulent, unsteady flow structures for automotive applications. LES resolves time dependent eddies that are modelled in the steady-state by Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models. A standard Smagorinsky subgrid scale model is used to model the energy transfer between large and subgrid scales. Since Hydra is an unstructured algorithm, a variety of unstructured hexahedral, tetrahedral and hybrid grids are used for the different cases investigated. Due to the computational requirements of LES, the cases in this study replicate and analyse generic flow problems through simplified geometry, rather than modelling accurate race car geometry which would lead to infeasible calculations. The first case investigates the flow around a diffuser-equipped bluff body at an experimental Reynolds number of 1.01 times 10 to the power 6 based on model height and inlet velocity. LES is carried out on unstructured hexahedral grids of 10 million and 20 million nodes, with the latter showing improved surface pressure when compared to the experiments. Comparisons of velocity and vorticity between the LES and experiments at the diffuser exit plane show a good level of agreement. Flow visualisation of the vortices in the diffuser region and behind the model from the mean and instantaneous flow attempts to explain the relation or otherwise between the two. The main weakness of the simulation was the late laminar to turbulent transition in the underbody region. The size of the domain and high experimental Reynolds number make this case very challenging. After the challenges faced by the diffuser-equipped bluff body, the underbody region is isolated so that increased grid refinement can be achieved in this region and the calculation is run at a Reynolds number of 220, 000, reducing the computational requirement from the previous case. A vortex generator mounted onto a flat underbody at an onset angle to the flow is modelled to generate vortices that extend along the length of the underbody and its interaction with the ground is analysed. Since the vortex generator resembles a slender wing with an incidence to the flow, a delta wing study is presented as a preliminary step since literature on automotive vortex generators in ground effect is scarce. Results from the delta wing study which is run at an experimental Reynolds number of 1.56 times 10 to the power 6 are in very good agreement with previous experiments and Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) studies, giving improved detail and understanding. Axial velocity and vorticity contours at several chordwise stations show that the leading edge vortices are predicted very well by a 20 million node tetrahedral grid. Sub-structures that originate from the leading edge of the wing and form around the core of the leading edge vortex are also captured. Large Eddy Simulation for the flow around an underbody vortex generator over a smooth ground and a rough ground is presented. A hexahedral grid of 40 million nodes is used for the smooth ground case, whilst a 48 million node hybrid grid was generated for the rough ground case so that the detailed geometry near the ground could be captured by tetrahedral cells. The geometry for the rough surface is modelled by scanning a tarmac surface to capture the cavities and protrusions in the ground. This is the first time that a rough surface representing a tarmac road has been computed in a CFD simulation, so that its effect on vortex decay can be studied. Flow visualisation of the instantaneous flow has shown strong interaction with the ground and the results from this study have given an initial understanding in this area.

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