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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Up-scaling of algae cultivation / Uppskalning av algodling

Axelsson, Emil January 2016 (has links)
Microalgae are one of the oldest types of lifeforms on this planet and dead algae are one source for the oil that we extract from the ground. This oil has a major part in the technology advances of humanity, to levels unimaginable not long ago. Unfortunately, this oil is one of the major reasons for the global warming and other environmental issues caused by humans. Therefore, much effort is made on new technologies to decrease the use of fossil oil and other fossil material in favor for so called renewable sources. In this work focus is on production of biomass that can be used for processing to other bulk materials, mainly chemicals. This is also a highly potential market, the amount of materials derived from fossil sources are at least 422 million metric tons per year. The issue though is that the production costs for algae are still fairly high and can’t compete with the market price of fossil raw materials. Two algae species, Scenedesmus obliquus and Coelastrella sp., were cultivated in 6 pilot size ponds (500 L) and the results were compared to a lab experiment (0.5 L). The lab experiment was earlier performed by the author’s supervisors with the same species. The algae in the ponds were cultivated outdoor with flue gas in semi-closed ponds and the resulting biomass was allowed to sediment spontaneously. Scenedesmus obliquus was successfully cultivated in the pilot, but the system was not suitable for cultivation of Coelastrella sp. The main aim of this work was to evaluate if it is possible to predict the amount of biomass produced in the pilot cultivation based on the results from the previously performed lab cultivation. The conclusion based on the results in this work is that it not possible to predict the biomass production in the pilot based on lab experiments. The properties and behavior of different algae species can be very different in different systems, and the setups in this study differed too much. However, the results indicate that the pilot system has a high efficiency and can maintain a monoculture outdoors for at least 18 days as well as that the supply of flue gas highly affects the growth of the algae Scenedesmus obliquus.

Reservoir Characterization of well A-F1, Block 1, Orange Basin, South Africa

Williams, Adrian January 2018 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc (Earth Science) / The Orange basin is relatively underexplored with 1 well per every 4000km2 with only the Ububhesi gas field discovery. Block 1 is largely underexplored with only 3 wells drilled in the entire block and only well A?F1 inside the 1500km2 3?D seismic data cube, acquired in 2009. This study is a reservoir characterization of well A?F1, utilising the acquired 3?D seismic data and re?analysing and up scaling the well logs to create a static model to display petrophysical properties essential for reservoir characterization. For horizon 14Ht1, four reservoir zones were identified, petro?physically characterized and modelled using the up scaled logs. The overall reservoir displayed average volume of shale at 24%, good porosity values between 9.8% to 15.3% and permeability between 2.3mD to 9.5mD. However, high water saturation overall which exceeds 50% as per the water saturation model, results in water saturated sandstones with minor hydrocarbon shows and an uneconomical reservoir.

Life cycle assessment of industrialized lithium-ion battery recycling : Mechanical and hydrometallurgical treatment from an ex-ante perspective / Livscykelanalys av industrialiserad återvinning av litiumjonbatterier

Balsvik, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
As the use of lithium-ion batteries exponentially increases through demand for electric vehicles and energy storage systems, so will the need for end-of-life treatment subsequently increase. Recycling the valuable materials from batteries in an efficient and extensive fashion could decrease the environmental impacts of batteries. Northvolt AB is a Swedish battery manufacturer currently constructing a Gigafactory in Skellefteå and is furthermore developing a recycling process, focused on hydrometallurgy, with full-scale recycling operations a couple of years away. In order to assess the environmental hotspots of the process, with a focus on greenhouse gas emissions, a life cycle assessment was conducted with data from Northvolt AB. This data was based on learnings from a pilot plant currently under operation but scaled up to industrial level for an ex-ante type of assessment. The industrial operations at Skellefteå represented +95% of the climate change impact, the remainder arising from a European collection point. The most significant impact driver was waste management (56,5% of the climate change impact category), specifically incineration of recovered materials and residuals. The results indicate that harnessing renewable energy in both the direct operations and the supply chain is of high importance. Chemicals (27%) and electricity (7%) had extensively smaller emissions thanks to the harnessing of renewable energy in both direct operations and the supply chain, compared to electricity mixes with large shares of fossil fuels. Furthermore, large variability was found in impacts of recovered materials depending on the chosen allocation method. The benefit of the Revolt process is likely to be affected by ongoing research projects to recycle and upgrade materials that are currently sent to incineration. For an as high environmental efficiency as possible, it is important that the process make as much use of all the recovered materials as possible, find efficient waste treatment processes, and continue to source from production using as electricity mixes with high shares of renewable energy. / Givet att användningen av litium-jon batterier ökar exponentiellt, drivet av efterfrågan på elfordon och energilagringssystem, så kommer behovet av att avfallshantera utgående batterier att öka. Att återvinna värdefulla material från batterier på ett effektivt och omfattande sätt skulle kunna minska batteriernas miljöpåverkan sett över hela dess livscykel. Northvolt AB är en svensk batteritillverkare som bygger en fabrik i Skellefteå och parallellt utvecklar en återvinningsprocess med fokus på hydrometallurgi, med fullskalig återvinning planerad. För att utvärdera vilka aspekter av processen som driver dess miljöpåverkan, med fokus på utsläpp av växthusgaser, gjordes en livscykelanalys med data från Northvolt AB.  Datainventeringen baserades på lärdomar från en pilotanläggning som för närvarande är under drift, men skalades upp till industriell nivå för en förhandsbedömning. Industriverksamheten i Skellefteå stod för +95% av klimatpåverkan, resten härrör från en europeisk insamlingsplats av utgående batterier. Den viktigaste bidragsfaktorn för klimatutsläpp var avfallshantering (56,5 % av utsläppen), särskilt förbränning av återhämtade material och restprodukter. Resultaten visar att det är av stor betydelse att utnyttja förnybar energi i både den direkta verksamheten och leverantörskedjan. Kategorierna kemikalier (27%) och el (7 %) hade betydligt lägre utsläpp tack vare att förnybar energi utnyttjades, i jämförelse med nationella elmixer med större andelar fossila bränslen.  Vidare konstaterades stor variation i resultatet av miljöpåverkan på återvunnet material beroende på vald allokeringsmetod. Fördelarna med Revoltprocessen kommer sannolikt att påverkas av pågående forskningsprojekt för att återvinna och uppgradera material som för närvarande skickas till förbränning. För minskade klimatutsläpp är det viktigt att processen i så stor utsträckning som möjligt materiellt återvinner alla utgående material, hittar effektiva avfallshanteringsprocesser och fortsätter att etablera en leverantörskedja som producerar med stora andelar förnybar energi.  Utöver att utvärderingen gjordes med preliminära data resonerades avfallshanteringen vara den enskilt största källan till osäkerhet. Framtida livscykelanalyser skulle dra nytta av uppmätt data när den industriella anläggningen är operationell, samt vidga analysen med mer utförlig datainhämtning från relevanta avfallsprocesser och återvinningstekniker.

Modélisation du bilan carboné et hydrique d’une forêt méditerranéenne à structure complexe : de l'année au siècle / Carbon and water budget modelling for a highly structured mediterranean forest : from years to century

Marie, Guillaume 19 September 2014 (has links)
Le bilan de carbone des écosystèmes forestiers implique de nombreux processus, rendant difficile la prédiction de leurs réponses aux changements climatiques. A des échelles larges, les processus écologiques ne peuvent être modélisés que de manière simplifiée et doivent donc se focaliser sur les processus importants. Par ailleurs, le développement de forêts mélangées est de plus en plus encouragé. Or ce type de forêt présente des degrés de complexité supplémentaires. D'une part la structuration du couvert en 3D est susceptible d'influencer les flux de carbone, et d'autre part les espèces coexistantes peuvent répondre de manière différentes aux changements climatiques. La forêt de Font-Blanche constitue un cas d'étude original car elle est spatialement hétérogène. De plus, les modèles climatiques prédisent une réduction importante des précipitations au cours du XXIe siècle en région méditerranéenne. Mais l'échelle du siècle peu être exigeante en temps de calcul lorsqu'on veut à prendre en compte la structure de la canopée. Dans cette these j'ai donc modifié le domaine d'utilisation d'un modèle d'écosystème méchaniste, de l'année au siècle, grâce à la technique méta-modélisation. Le méta-modéle a donné de bons résultats qui m'ont permis de réaliser une étude d'impact du changement climatique à l'échelle du siècle, sur la forest de Font-Blanche. Les résultats montrent que la représentation spatiale du couvert et l'effet de rétroiaction du bilan hydrique, jouent un rôle important et ne peuvent pas être simplifiés à long-terme à cause de la dynamique des espèces qui la composent qui représente la plus grande source de variations du bilan de carbone. / The carbon balance of forest ecosystems involves many complex processes. At larger scales, ecological processes can not be modelled in a simplified way, but these have not been clearly identified. Furthermore, the development of mixed forest is increasingly promoted and this type of stand has additional degrees of complexity. On the one hand, complex canopy structure is likely to influence carbon fluxes, and other coexisting species may respond differently to climate change. Font-Blanche forest is an original case study that has not been studied in modelling because of its heterogeneity. In add, climate models predict significant reductions in rainfall during the 21st century for the Mediterranean region; But the century time scale maybe very demanding in computation time if ones want to taking into account the canopy structure. Then in this thesis we are modified a 3D mechanistic forest ecosystem model (noTG) to extend its temporal scale from year to century, thanks to meta-modelling technique. The meta-modelling gives good results and we used the meta-modeled version of noTG (notgmeta) to predict carbon and water balance of Font-blanche forest between 2008-2100 according to differents climate change scenario. According to model simplification, we find that photosynthesis, soil respiration and plant respiration are stimulated until 2100 with a decrease of this stimulation at the end of the simulation. We find that spatial representation of canopy and feedback effect of the water balance plays an important role and can not be simplified in the long-term simulation since the dynamics of species represents the largest source of carbon balance variations.

Une étude numérique des écoulements mono et diphasique inertiels en milieux poreux / Inertial one and two phase flow in porous media, a numerical Investigation

Agnaou, Mehrez 18 December 2015 (has links)
: Ce travail concerne l'écoulement inertiel en milieu poreux rencontré dans diversessituations telles que les écoulements autour des puits pour la récupération pétrolière, lesécoulements dans les réacteurs catalytiques, etc. En régime stationnaire, les différents modèlesmacroscopiques pour décrire ces écoulements inertiels (non-linéaires) demeurent encore sujetsà débat. Ces modèles consistent en une loi de Darcy corrigée de termes dont la dépendancevis à vis de la vitesse de filtration relève du régime d'écoulement. Dans ce travail, une attentionparticulière est portée tout d'abord à l'étude numérique (DNS), sur des structures modèles, de lalimite de stationnarité de l'écoulement monophasique newtonien qui correspond à la premièrebifurcation de Hopf, caractérisée par un nombre de Reynolds critique. La connaissance de cettelimite est cruciale puisqu'elle détermine le domaine de validité des modèles macroscopiquesstationnaires pertinents. Dans un deuxième temps, la dépendance de la déviation (inertielle) àla loi de Darcy par rapport aux propriétés de la structure poreuse (forme des grains, désordre)et à l'orientation de l'écoulement est étudiée dans le cas de structures 2D et 3D. Les propriétéseffectives de la structure à l'échelle macroscopique sont déterminées à partir de la résolutionnumérique des problèmes de fermeture associés au modèle macroscopique obtenu par prisede moyenne des équations de Navier-Stokes. Afin de déceler l'origine de cette déviation et sesdifférentes formes, l'évolution de la structure microscopique de l'écoulement en fonction dunombre de Reynolds est analysée. Plus particulièrement, le rôle des zones de recirculation, etles corrélations avec la courbure des lignes de courant multipliée par l’énergie cinétique localeet la variation de l’énergie cinétique le long de ces lignes sont étudiés. La dernière partie dutravail est consacrée à une étude numérique, toujours dans des situations modèles, de ladéviation à la loi de Darcy généralisée dans le cas de l'écoulement diphasique inertiel. / This work focuses on inertial flow in porous media encountered in differentindustrial situations such as flow around wells in oil recovery, flow in filters and in columns ofreactors for chemical engineering, etc. In stationary flow regime, the different macroscopicmodels describing inertial (non-linear) flow are still discussed. These models consist in theDarcy’s law with correction extra terms whose dependence upon the filtration velocity is afunction of the flow regime. In this work, a particular attention is attributed first to the numericalinvestigation (DNS), on model structures, of the limit of one phase Newtonian stationary flowwhich corresponds to the first Hopf bifurcation, characterized by a critical Reynolds number.The knowledge of this limit is crucial since it establishes the ranges of validity of the relevantmacroscopic stationary models. In a second step, the dependence of the deviation (inertial)from Darcy’s law on the properties of the porous structure (grains shape, disorder) and on theorientation of the flow is analyzed in 2D and 3D situations. The effective properties of thestructure and the flow at the macroscopic scale are obtained from the numerical resolution ofthe closure problems associated to the macroscopic model obtained from an up-scalingprocedure (volume averaging) of the Navier-Stokes equations. In order to identify the origin ofthe deviation and its different forms, the variation of the microscopic flow structure with theReynolds number is analyzed. More specifically, the role of the recirculation zones, and thecorrelations with flow streamlines curvature multiplied by the local kinetic energy and thevariation of the kinetic energy along these lines are studied. The last part of the work isdedicated to a numerical investigation of the deviation from the generalized Darcy’s law in thecase of two phase inertial flow.

Nitrous oxide emissions by agricultural soils : effect of temperature dynamics ; up-scaling measurements from the plot to the landscape / Emissions de protoxyde d’azote par les sols agricoles : effet des dynamiques de température ; mesures à l’échelle de la parcelle et du paysage

Bureau, Jordan 07 April 2017 (has links)
Les sols agricoles sont la principale source du gaz à effet de serre N₂O. Ces émissions sont caractérisées par une variabilité spatiale et temporelle considérable, ce qui rend très difficile leur quantification. L’UR SOLS étudie depuis 2008 les émissions de N₂O dans une zone agricole du Centre de la France. Spécifiquement, nous avons étudié au laboratoire l’effet de la température sur ces émissions et développé une méthode permettant l’estimation des émissions de N₂O à l’échelle du paysage. De façon surprenante, nous avons observé que les émissions de N₂O n’augmentent pas systématiquement avec la température. L’indicateur Q₁₀ est apparu, pour les émissions de N₂O, variable avec le temps. L’utilisation de l’acétylène, inhibiteur de la réduction de N2O, a révélé que les processus biologiques de production et de consommation de N₂O répondent différemment à la température. Les émissions de N₂O mesurées au champ à l’aide de différentes techniques ont permis d’obtenir des résultats cohérents, avec des moyennes de 43 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ pour la méthode par eddy covariance, 37 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ pour la méthode de fast-box et 71 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ pour la méthode des chambres automatiques sur un blé fertilisé. Des méthodes d’attribution des flux ont été développées pour déterminer de façon exhaustive les variations spatiales et temporelles des émissions de N₂O avec élaboration de cartes originales d’émissions à l’échelle du paysage. L’ensemble de ces résultats pourra être utilisé pour le développement de modèles de fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Ils vont contribuer à quantifier les émissions de N₂O aux échelles adaptées pour les inventaires et les stratégies d’atténuation. / The greenhouse gas N₂O is mainly emitted by soils. Soil emissions are characterized by considerable spatial and temporal variabilities that make their quantification very difficult. While soil N₂O emissions are studied on an agricultural area in the Central France by the UR SOLS since 2008, we specifically studied in the laboratory the effect of temperature on these emissions and also developed a method for upscaling N₂O emissions from the plot to the landscape scales. Surprisingly, N₂O emissions were observed not to increase with temperature. Q₁₀ values, describing N₂O emission sensitivity to temperature, were observed to change over time. The use of acetylene for inhibiting N₂O reduction has revealed that the biological processes involved in the N₂O production and its consumption respond differently to temperature variations. N2O fluxes measured in the field using several methods covering different scales of the landscape gave consistent results. The mean measured N₂O fluxes were 43 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ for the eddy covariance mast, 37 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ for the fast-box over a similar area, while it was 71 μg N- N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ by the automatic chambers over a fertilized wheat field. Flux attribution methods were developed to determine both the spatial and temporal variability of the N₂O flux over a 1-km landscape, resulting in original maps of N₂O emissions at the landscape scale. All these results could be further used for developing ecosystem models. Both these ecosystems models and the methodologies hereby proposed for upscaling N₂O emissions will help in soil N₂O emission quantification at large scales, relevant to the inventories and mitigation strategies.

Transferts dans les milieux cellulaires à forte porosité : applications à l'optimisation structurale des échangeurs à ailettes

Hugo, Jean-michel 02 April 2012 (has links)
Cette de thèse comporte deux volets : Le premier, plutôt applicatif, concerne le design d'échangeurs à ailettes et à mousses ; le second, plus académique, traite des relations entre la texture des mousses métalliques et leurs propriétés thermophysiques effectives. Sur la première partie consacrée à l'amélioration des performances des échangeurs de chaleur Mota. Nous avons mis en place une méthode de dimensionnement multi-échelle adaptés aux batteries tubes-ailettes et aux échangeurs à mousse ; Nous avons développé et caractériser une architecture optimisée d'échangeur à mousse et à ailettes. Des gains de 50% ont été obtenus en termes d'efficacité énergétique et les solutions proposées sont actuellement en production.La deuxième partie concerne l'analyse des mécanismes de transferts dans les mousses et de la détermination de leurs propriétés effectives. Nous avons développé une approche basée sur la modélisation des transferts et écoulements à l'échelle du pore -confortée par le développement de bancs expérimentaux- pour déterminer ces propriétés. Nous avons réalisé une base de données de 900 mousses obtenues par élongation et cisaillement d'une cellule périodique de référence. Les propriétés effectives –tensorielles- de ces mousses ont été mesurées et leur dépendance à la morphologie et aux propriétés thermophysiques des phases a été étudiée.En conclusion, le dernier chapitre illustre la démarche naturelle de poursuite des travaux : Optimisation des géométries des échangeurs et des mousses selon les conditions applicatives. / This work is composed of two parts: the first one deals with the design of fins-and-tubes and metal foam heat exchangers; the second one deals with the relationship between foams morphology and their effective thermophysical properties. The first part is dedicated to Mota heat exchanger performance enhancement. We develop a multi-scale method to optimize both local heat transfer surfaces and global architecture of classical and foam units. We develop, using this method, new heat exchanger and we characterize it numerically and experimentally. An increase of 50% of energetic efficiency is obtained and new geometries are nowadays produced and commercialized. The second part deals with the analysis of transport phenomena in metal foams and the determination of their effectives properties. We develop an approach based on pore scale numerical simulation of conjugate heat transfer – validated by experimental results obtained on set-up developed for this study. We have generated 900 virtual samples obtained by deformation a periodic unit cell (Kelvin cell). Full effective properties tensors are determined. The influence of cell shape and classical geometrical parameters on physical properties is then studied. To conclude, in the last chapter, we present natural perspectives involved by this work: Geometrical optimization of heat exchanger architecture and foams morphology depending on the application; The use of a multi-scale approach to design modern –foam- heat exchangers.

Modélisation expérimentale et théorique pour la quantification du débit sanguin par Tomographie à Emission de Positrons / Experimental and theoretical modeling for blood flow quantification by Positron Emission Tomography

Billanou, Ian 04 February 2010 (has links)
La Tomographie à Emission de Positrons (TEP) permet d'obtenir une mesure dynamique et résolue en espace de la concentration d'un traceur radioactif injecté au patient. La quantification du débit sanguin cérébral par TEP repose sur l'utilisation d'un modèle cinétique le reliant à la variation spatio-temporelle de la concentration du traceur dans le cerveau. Différents modèles cinétiques sont proposés dans la littérature. Cependant, la majorité d'entre eux repose sur une modélisation compartimentale de l'organe observé. Dans ce cas, l'organe est subdivisé en un compartiment capillaire échangeant avec un compartiment tissulaire par une cinétique le plus souvent du premier ordre. Les résultats obtenus avec ce type de modèle sous-estiment le débit et ne permettent pas de prédire les premiers instants de la dynamique de répartition du traceur. Ces faiblesses ont été confirmées suite à l'amélioration de la résolution temporelle des tomographes, conduisant à l'élaboration de modèles incorporant plus de réalité physiologique. Cependant, tous ces modèles sont développés pour modéliser les échanges entre la micro-circulation et le tissu environnant à l'échelle d'un capillaire (échelle microscopique). Or la résolution spatiale des tomographes utilisés en clinique ne permet pas de distinguer la micro-circulation et le tissu. L'utilisation de ces modèles cinétiques avec des mesures de concentrations macroscopiques dépasse donc leur cadre théorique de validité et peut introduire des résultats faussés. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons un modèle cinétique basé sur le changement d'échelle (utilisant la méthode de prise de moyenne volumique). Ce changement d'échelle permet de remplacer l'ensemble micro-circulation/tissu par un volume fictif, homogène, dont les propriétés macroscopiques sont calculées à partir des propriétés microscopiques d'un Volume Elémentaire Représentatif (VER) du milieu. Dans un premier temps, afin de pouvoir comparer les résultats de ce modèle avec ceux du modèle compartimental standard, le VER considéré est constitué d'un capillaire unique et de son enveloppe de tissu, puis une complexité géométrique supplémentaire est introduite en considérant un réseau de capillaire isotrope à l'échelle de Darcy. Ces modèles sont utilisés pour identifier le débit à l'aide d'une méthode inverse. Pour cela, l'évolution temporelle du champ de concentration dans notre géométrie de référence, qui ne peut être mesurée par TEP en raison de sa faible résolution spatiale, est déterminée par des simulations numériques ainsi que par des mesures in vitro à l'aide d'un modèle expérimental, également développé au cours de ce travail, permettant de reproduire l'écoulement dans un canal traversant une matrice diffusante (gel d'alginate). / Positron Emission Tomography (PET) provides a dynamic and space-resolved measurement of the concentration field of a radioactive tracer previously injected to the patient. Quantification of cerebral blood flow by PET is based on the use of a kinetic model linking cerebral blood flow to the spatial and temporal variations of tracer concentration in the brain. Various kinetic models have been proposed in the literature. However, most of the mare based on a compartmental approach of the observed organ In this case, the organ is divided in two compartments, the capillary and the tissue, and the exchanges between these two compartments are often described by a first order kinetic model. Results obtained with this kind of model under estimate the flow rate and are notable to predict the first instants of the tracer dynamics distribution. With the continuous improvement of the temporal resolution of PET, these weaknesses have been confirmed, which led to the development of models incorporating more physiological reality. However, all these models have been developed to describe exchanges between micro-circulation and surrounding tissue at the scale of capillary vessels (microscopic scale). Because the spatial resolution of PET inclinical practice is insufficient to allow the distinction between micro-circulation and tissue, using of these models with kinetic measurement of macroscopic concentrations exceeds their theoretical validity and can introduce false results. In this context, we propose a kinetic model based on up-scaling (using the method of volume averaging). This up-scaling technique allows to replace the two previous compartments (tissue and micro-circulation) by an homogeneous fictive volume, whose macroscopic properties are calculated from the microscopic properties of are presentative elementary volume (REV) of the medium. First, in order to compare the results of this model with those of the standard compartmental model, the considered REV consists of a single capillary and its surrounding tissue. Second, additional geometric complexity is introduced by considering an isotropic capillary network at the Darcy scale. These models are used to identify the flow rate using an inverse method. For that purpose, the temporal evolution of concentration field in a geometry of reference, which can't be measured by PET due to its low spatial resolution, is determined by numerical simulations and by in vitro measurements. These measurements are performed using an experimental model developed during this work to reproduce the flow in a channel passing through a diffusive matrix (alginate gel).

Towards Industrial Fabrication of Electronic Devices and Circuits by Inkjet Printing Technology

Mitra, Kalyan Yoti 09 June 2021 (has links)
Printing since many years has been a well-known high throughput technology for producing replications of graphic arts entities (texts, images, aesthetics, gloss and physical impressions) over large varieties of substrates which are dedicated for various needful applications like newspapers, magazines, posters, official documents, packages, braille, textiles, decorative articles and many more. Due to the fact, that printing is a liquid-solution based replication process, where basic ink and substrate are needed, it is now not only limited to printing of graphic arts. Whenever an ink is deposited over a defined substrate and the process can be multiplied, it can be termed as printing and once the final product contains a functionality other than graphic arts application, it can be called as “Printed Functionality”. Some examples for printed functionalities can be found in the following fields: A. Printed electronics (using inks having electronic properties); B. Printed micro-fluidics (using inks having polymeric and elastic properties for directive purposes); C. 3-Dimensional printing (using inks containing binding properties for developing three dimensional structures); D. Printed photonics (using inks having self-assembling properties for building-up symmetric micro-structures); E. Printed pyroelectrics (using inks containing thermally flammable properties); F. Printed ceramics (using inks with ceramic particles) and G. Printed optics and functional surfaces (using inks with transparency, absorbency and reflective properties). All these mentioned applications require functional inks which in turn exhibits some physical-chemical properties e.g. particle size, particle loading, fluid’s rheological properties etc. These properties determine the feasibility of the material’s deposition (in this case the functional inks) with a suitable printing technology. The inkjet printing technology among others has several advantages such as contactless deposition processability, digitalization (batch size one & turn-over time zero), user defined customization and adaptation, industrial relevance, minimal ink demand for R&Ds, freedom of substrate regularity and µm-scale print accuracy etc. Some of the imminent players in the inkjet printing technology market are Canon, Kodak, Hewlett Packard, Fujifilm Dimatix, Konica Minolta and XAAR. They provide print solutions from small to industrial scale printheads, printers, equipments and accessories for the realization of huge variety of application ideas. The inkjet is a versatile, but yet matured technology which finds its use in various application areas e.g. home office documentation, large format posters, variable data printing, security printing, textile printing, wallpapers, household articles, curved surfaces like bottles, printing over edible items, printing of elevated surfaces etc. And, hence there are several literatures published which show the use of the inkjet printing technology in the development of products for printed electronics. Some of the common examples are development of passive and active devices e.g. capacitors, resistors, thin-film-transistors, photovoltaics, sensors, circuits like logic gates for electronic switching, device arrays for detection purposes, point of care health applications, energy harvesting applications etc. But, the exploitation of the inkjet technology has not been intense enough to declare the industrial relevance of the technology to be utilized as a fabrication tool in the market. Meanwhile, all the researchers around the globe aim at a single goal, which is the development of “Proof of Concept” devices and applications. Thus, here in this dissertation the implementation of the inkjet printing technology as a digital fabrication tool is exploited to manufacture and up-scale the printed electronic products, which can show an industrial relevance to the commercial market. The main motivation why printed electronics is in great demand (scientific point of view) and has intensely emerged in the last decades, is because of the primary challenges faced in the fabrication process steps of the µ-electronics society. It is know that the classically fabricated µ-electronic products are in the market since long time due to their high reliability, consistent performance and defined applications in circuitry. But, what cannot be ignored is the involved fabrication steps promote several demerits such as the in-flexibility towards the fabrication process, material wastage, in-ability to up-scale into larger areas and huge quantities, and physical rigidity. Some of these mentioned problems are commonly seen e.g. spin coating, chemical vapor-phase deposition, physical vapor-phase deposition, atomic layer deposition and sputtering fabrication technologies. In this present dissertation, on the contrary, the challenges linked with the manufacturing process of the µ-electronic devices using the inkjet technology are focused and attempts are made to counteract them. Some of the foreseen challenges are: A. process workflow adaptation in device manufacturing; B. validation and evaluation of device performance; C. industrializing the inkjet technology (manufacturing µ-electronics in massive quantities); D. evaluating the fabrication yield of printed devices; D. Generating statistics regarding reliability and scalability; and E. demonstrating tolerances in electronic performances. These are definitely the challenges which must be overcome, and these key research points are addressed in the dissertation.

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