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CRISPR-Cas9-mediated protein tagging in human cells for RESOLFT nanoscopy and the analysis of mitochondrial prohibitinsRatz, Michael 17 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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A Comparison of the Editorial Practices of Religious Magazines with Editorial Practices Described in Magazine TextbooksHensley, Jeff Lane 08 1900 (has links)
This study sought to determine the demographics of the managing editors of the 111 religious magazines listed in the 1981 edition of Writer's Market and the similarity of those magazines' editorial practices to editorial practices described in magazine textbooks. The sixty-four managing editors who answered the questionnaire tended to be college-educated, to say their chief motivation for working on a religious magazine was serving God and man and to be satisfied with their work. Twenty-five per cent of the managing editors in the study had undergraduate majors or master's degrees in journalism. The magazines' self-reported editorial practices in such areas as copy handling, proofreading, layout and design were similar to those described in magazine textbooks.
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The trypanosomatid protists belonging to Order Kinetoplastida are some of the most successful parasites ever known to mankind. Their extreme physiological diversity and adaptability to different environmental conditions and host systems make them some of the most widespread parasites, causing deadly diseases in humans and other vertebrates.
This project focuses on their unique mitochondrion, called the kinetoplast, and more specifically involves the characterization of a part of their mitochondrial DNA (also called kinetoplast DNA or kDNA), the maxicircles, which are functional homologs of eukaryotic mitochondrial DNA in the kinetoplastid protists. We have sequenced and characterized the maxicircle genomes of 20 new trypanosomatids and compared them with 8 previously published maxicircle genomes of other trypanosomatids. Transcripts of ~13 of the 20 total genes in these maxicircles undergo post-transcriptional modifications involving the insertion and deletion of U residues at precise sites, to yield the final, fully-edited, translatable mRNA. We have deciphered the diverse patterns and extents of RNA editing of each edited gene in the maxicircle of each organism, and inferred the sequences of the putative fully edited mitochondrial transcripts and proteins. Using a binary value - based strategy (1/0), we quantified the RNA editing in all these trypanosomatids and estimated the evolution of RNA editing in the group. Additionally, we conducted phylogenetic analyses using a subset of unedited maxicircle genes to predict the relationships between the various trypanosomatids in this project, and compared them to the previously published nuclear gene-based phylogenies.
For convenience of analysis, the 28 total trypanosomatids in this work were divided into two groups: the first group consisting of the endosymbiont-bearing and related insect trypanosomatids, which constitute the first half of the project, and the second group consisting of trypanosomatids of the Trypanosoma genus, including T. cruzi-related and unrelated parasites, constituting the latter half of the project.
In summary, most of the trypanosomatid maxicircles showed a syntenic panel of 20 protein-coding genes (excluding any guide RNA genes), beginning with the mitochondrial ribosomal genes and ending with the gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase-5. Although some genes were partially or completely absent in the maxcircles of some species, the remaining genes were completely syntenic. The total number of genes edited and their editing patterns varied considerably among the first group of insect trypanosomatids, but were remarkably similar in the second group of the Trypanosoma genus. On a broad scale, the mitochondrial phylogeny reflects the nuclear phylogeny for these trypanosomatids, except within the T. cruzi population. Similarly, RNA editing appears to have evolved in parallel with the nuclear genes, although subtle differences are again noticeable within the T. cruzi family.
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Functional Significance of mtDNA Cytosine Modification Tested by Genome EditingRobinson, Jason M 01 January 2016 (has links)
The field of epigenetics is gaining popularity and speed, due in part to its capability to answer lingering questions about the root cause of certain diseases. Epigenetics plays a crucial role in regulation of the cell and cell survival, particularly by cytosine methylation. It remains controversial if DNMT’s which facilitate methylation are present in mammalian mitochondria and what the functional significance they may have on modification of mitochondrial DNA. CRISPR-Cas9 technology enabled genome editing to remove the MTS (mitochondrial targeting sequence) from DNMT1 of HCT116 cells, purposefully minimizing effects on nuclear cytosine methylation, while exclusively impacting mitochondrial modification. Removal of the DNMT1 MTS did not completely prevent the localization of this enzyme to the mitochondria according to immunoblot analysis. As well, deletion of the MTS in DNMT1 revealed only a small decline in transcription; not until removal of DNMT3B did we see a two-fold decrease in transcription from mitochondrial protein coding genes. No significant decline in transcription occurred when a DNMT3B knockout also lost the MTS of DNMT1; this study is evidencing that DNMT3B is possibly the more significant methyltransferase in the mitochondria. Our aim from this study and future research is to clearly characterize which enzymes in the mitochondria are controlling cytosine modifications and to understand the mechanistic complexities that accompany cause and consequence of epigenetic modifications.
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Automatic post-editing of phrase-based machine translation outputs / Automatic post-editing of phrase-based machine translation outputsRosa, Rudolf January 2013 (has links)
We present Depfix, a system for automatic post-editing of phrase-based English-to-Czech machine trans- lation outputs, based on linguistic knowledge. First, we analyzed the types of errors that a typical machine translation system makes. Then, we created a set of rules and a statistical component that correct errors that are common or serious and can have a potential to be corrected by our approach. We use a range of natural language processing tools to provide us with analyses of the input sentences. Moreover, we reimple- mented the dependency parser and adapted it in several ways to parsing of statistical machine translation outputs. We performed both automatic and manual evaluations which confirmed that our system improves the quality of the translations.
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Good Morning, Grade One : language ideologies and multilingualism within primary education in rural ZambiaCole, Alastair Charles January 2015 (has links)
This practice based PhD project investigates the language ideologies which surround the specific multilingual context of rural primary education in Zambia. The project comprises of a creative documentary film and a complementary written submission. The fieldwork and filming of the project took place over 12 months between September 2011 and August 2012 in the community of Lwimba, in Chongwe District, Zambia. The project focuses on the experiences of a single grade one class, their teacher, and the surrounding community of Lwimba. The majority of the school children speak the community language of Soli. The regional lingua franca, and language of the teacher, however, is Nyanja, and the students must also learn Zambia’s only official language, English. At the centre of the project is a research inquiry focusing on the language ideologies which surround each of these languages, both within the classroom and the wider rural community. The project also simultaneously aims to investigate and reflect on the capacity of creative documentary film to engage with linguistic anthropological research. The film at the centre of the project presents a portrait of Annie, a young, urban teacher of the community’s grade one class, as well as three students and their families. Through the narrativised experiences of the teacher and children, it aims to highlight the linguistic ideologies present within the language events and practices in and around the classroom, as well as calling attention to their intersection with themes of linguistic modernity, multilingualism, and language capital. The project’s written submission is separated into three major chapters separated into the themes of narrative, value and text respectively. Each chapter will focus on subjects related to both the research inquiry and the project’s documentary film methodology. Chapter one outlines the intersection of political-historical narratives of nationhood and language that surround the project, and reflects on the practice of internal narrative construction within documentary film. Chapter two firstly focuses on the language valuations within the institutional setting of the classroom and the wider community, and secondly proposes a two-phase perspective of evaluation and value creation as a means to examine the practice of editing within documentary film making. Chapter three addresses the theme of text through discussing the role of literacy acquisition and use in the classroom and community, as well as analysing and reflecting on the practice of translation and subtitle creation within the project.
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AM800Roe, James Madison 20 December 2013 (has links)
In this paper, I will detail the film making techniques that my crew and I employed while making AM800, my thesis film at the University of New Orleans. I will detail the creative and technical steps we took, from the earliest stages of idea conceptualization to the final phases of post-production and screening. During my recounting of this process, I will discuss our creative goals, the challenges that we faced while achieving these goals, and the resulting product's effectiveness as a narrative short film. The quality of the final product will be gauged through the results of test screenings and direct audience feedback.
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Raccords e faux raccords e a construção do discurso na montagem cinematográfica / Raccords and faux raccord and the discourse construction in the film editingOliveira, Mayara Fior 08 December 2017 (has links)
A montagem cinematográfica foi um advento que mudou os rumos da história do audiovisual. O processo de edição e montagem possui uma importância ímpar na constituição da linguagem audiovisual. Modificada desde Méliès e aperfeiçoada ao longo do tempo, a montagem cinematográfica se tornou um dos pilares sobre os quais se sustentam os estudos de diversos autores dentro da história do Audiovisual, especificamente na história e teoria do cinema. Através da leitura de inúmeras dessas obras, em conjunto com a análise fílmica, podemos constatar que a manipulação do tempo e do espaço durante o processo de montagem de uma obra audiovisual permite a construção de múltiplos sentidos discursivos. Considerando essa relevância da montagem na construção da narrativa fílmica, esse projeto visa refletir sua importância discursiva por meio da análise de um recurso empregado constantemente na montagem: o faux raccord. A evidência do aparato e a adição de sentidos na etapa da pós-produção através da utilização do faux raccord faz com que esse elemento seja fulcral na análise da importância da montagem discursiva. Assim, essa pesquisa busca postular uma precisa definição para o termo, bem como situá-lo na produção teórica e audiovisual ao longo da história. Compreendendo seus usos e aplicações e averiguando de que modo esse elemento gesta nos filmes sentidos discursivos e propicia ao espectador a percepção dessa construção de sentido através da evidência do corte. / Film editing was a invention that changed the course of audiovisual\'s history. The process of editing has a unique importance in the creation of audiovisual language. Modified since Méliès and improved over time, film editing became one of the pillars in film studies, specifically in history and film theory. By reading many theoretical works, combined with film analysis, we note that the manipulation of time and space during the film editing process of an audiovisual work allows the construction of multiple discursive meanings. Considering the importance of editing in the construction of film narrative, this project is a reflection of discursive importance through the analysis of a resource constantly used in film editing: faux raccord. Therefore, this research seeks to postulate a precise definition for the term, and place it in the theoretical and audiovisual production throughout history. Understanding its uses and applications, and reflecting how this element generates discursive meanings in films and provides the spectator the perception of meaning construction through the evidence of the cut.
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Ruggero Jacobbi crítico-tradutor de poesia brasileira: da Litania dos Pobres à Invenzione di Orfeo / Ruggero Jacobbi critic-translator of Brazilian poetry: from the Litania dos Pobres to the Invenzione di OrfeoSilva, Daniel Souza da 07 December 2018 (has links)
Tendo atuado no meio artístico e intelectual brasileiro do segundo pós-guerra até o fim da década seguinte, o veneziano Ruggero Jacobbi (1920-1981) foi um destacado crítico, tradutor e difusor da literatura brasileira, especialmente do drama e da lírica. A pesquisa procura, na perspectiva dos Estudos Descritivos da Tradução, recorrer ao instrumental da crítica genética aplicado à grandiosa tradução Invenzione di Orfeo, trabalho que lhe teria tomado décadas de dedicação, a partir da obra maior do poeta nordestino Jorge de Lima. O levantamento de documentos em acervos na Itália permitiu a consolidação de um dossiê genético a partir do qual se discute o processo tradutório no bojo da atuação brasilianista de Jacobbi. Os nomes do poeta Murilo Mendes e da filóloga Luciana Stegagno Picchio surgem no estudo como frequentes coadjuvantes deste que talvez tenha sido o empreendimento mais ambicioso do amigo. Antes da reconstituição crítico-genética, no entanto, apresenta-se a fulgurante presença da obra lírica do poeta alagoano no distante país peninsular, desde a primeira figuração por obra de Giuseppe Ungaretti até as investidas exegéticas fundamentais de Stegagno Picchio. Para tanto, por sua vez, apresenta-se e se discute a trajetória geral, brasileira e, depois, brasilianista de Ruggero Jacobbi, com atenção ao legado relativo à lírica nacional, que culmina no objeto maior desta dissertação. Entre a teatralização engajada da Litania dos Pobres de Cruz e Sousa para uma montagem brechtiana apresentada no Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia (TBC) em 1950 e a publicação póstuma do grande exemplo de transcriação, guia-nos o espírito crítico marxista-gramsciano e impuro de um intelectual marcado pelo ecletismo e pela contundência inconformista, formado em meio aos herméticos florentinos da era fascista e movido a refratar sua expressão insone em poesia, em teatro, no cinema, no diário, no ensaio, na crítica, na historiografia literária, na antologia e na tradução. / Since the Venetian Ruggero Jacobbi (1920-1981) acted in the Brazilian artistic and intellectual world from the second postwar until the end of the next decade, he was an important literary critic, translator and diffuser of the Brazilian literature, especially of the drama and lyric poetry. This research aims, in the Descriptive Translation Studies perspective, to use tools from the genetic editing (critique génétique) and apply them to the magnificent translation Invenzione di Orfeo, which work supposedly took some decades of dedication, of the most important work of the Brazilian northeastern poet Jorge de Lima. The process of gathering documents in documentary archives in Italy allowed the make of a genetic dossier, with which it was possible to discuss the translation process, in the Brazilianist works of Jacobbi. The names of the poet Murilo Mendes and of the philologist Luciana Stegagno Picchio appeared in this research because they have shared with Jacobbi the experience of carrying out the most ambitious project of his professional life. Before of the critical-genetic reconstitution, however, there was the brightening glow: the reception of the poetic work of the Alagoan poet in the peninsular country, which includes since the first manifestation made by Giuseppe Ungaretti until the fundamental exegetical attempts of Stegagno Picchio. Before this phase, there was the presentation of the Brazilian and Brazilianist trajectory of Ruggero Jacobbi, and then the discussion on this subject, with special attention to his legacy to the national lyric poetry, which culminated on what, is the main object of this work. In the journey from the political dramatization of Litania dos Pobres (from the poem by Cruz e Sousa) into a Brechtian play presented in the Brazilian Comedy Theater (Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia TBC) in 1950, to the posthumous publication of the great example of transcreation, the guide to us is this impure and marxist-gramscian critic spirit of an intellectual marked by the eclecticism and by the nonconformist force, shaped between the hermetic Florentines of the fascist era, a spirit which was moved to reflect his insomniac expression in the poetry, in the drama, in the filmmaking, in the diaries, in the essays, in the literary criticism, in the literary historiography, in the anthology and in the translation.
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Préservation des intentions et maintien de la cohérence des données répliquées en temps réel / Intentions Preservation and Consistency Maintenance for Real Time Replicated DataAndré, Luc 13 May 2016 (has links)
L'édition collaborative en temps réel permet à plusieurs utilisateurs d'éditer un même document simultanément grâce à des outils informatiques. Les applications d'édition collaborative en temps réel répliquent les données éditées chez chaque utilisateur, pour garantir une édition des données réactive et possible à chaque instant. Les conflits d'édition sont fréquents, et doivent être gérés automatiquement par l'application. L'application doit faire converger toutes les répliques vers un document commun, qui contient toutes les modifications exprimées par tous les utilisateurs. Les algorithmes actuels fonctionnent de manière satisfaisante pour des types de données simples et des possibilités d'édition minimes. Lorsque le document est plus complexe (document XML, texte structuré), ou qu'il peut être édité avec un ensemble élargi d'opérations (déplacement de texte, styliser du texte), lors de la résolution de conflits d'édition, les algorithmes échouent à proposer un contenu qui convienne aux utilisateurs. Les intentions des utilisateurs ne sont pas respectées. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des algorithmes d'édition collaborative en temps réel qui respectent mieux les intentions des utilisateurs que les algorithmes actuels.Pour cela, nous étudions deux approches de la littérature nommées transformées opérationnelles et modèles de données répliquées commutatives, et montrons comment il est possible d'attribuer plus de sémantique aux opérations de base des algorithmes d'édition collaborative, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs d'exprimer avec plus de moyens leurs intentions, et aux algorithmes de résoudre plus efficacement les conflits d'édition / Real-time collaborative editors, like GoogleDocs or Etherpad, allow the simultaneous edition of a document by several users. These applications need to replicate the edited document, for the so called real-time purpose of permitting a fast and reactive editing by any user at any time. Editing conflicts frequently occur, and must be automatically handled by the application, in order to provide every users with the same copy of the document, containing every modifications issued. Most of current real-time collaborative editing algorithms were designed for simple data structures, like linear text, and simple editing ways, like inserting or removing a character only. These algorithms fail to offer an appropriate editing conflict resolution when used with a complex data structure, like XML, or with complex operations, like moving some text or adding some style. Copies are the sames but users' intentions are not preserved. The goal of this thesis is to design new real-time collaborative editing algorithms that ensure a better preservation of users' intentions. The first contribution of this thesis is an algorithm based on the Operational Transformation approach (OT). Our contribution is designed to handle rich text document (with stylized text and paragraphs) and to preserve the intentions of a set of high editing level operations (add style, merge paragraphs...). The second contribution uses the Commutative Replicated Data Types approach (CRDT), and offers an algorithm which preserves the update intention, while improving global performance of the approach when dealing with large blocs of data
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